DIN-Large Diameter Pile

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DIN 1054:2005-01 Annex B (informative) Design of axially loaded bored piles based on empirical values B.1 Determination of the resistance-settlement (heave) curve Pe resistance > Se Rals) Ra 5g 0,1 Ds} i—_ | oF 01x Del i Figure B.1 — Characteristic resistance settlement curve (1) The elements ofthe characteristic resistance-setloment curve up loa setlement of 5, = 5 are shown in Figure 6.1 where S118 the settlement in the ultimate limit state (GZ 4) (ULS): Sg. the limit setiement or settlement at fare. (2) A distinction shall be made between the settement-lependent pile base resistance Ry (2) and the pile shatt resistance f(s) (2) For fyy (sy = 5) the limting settlement is given by =010%D, or ig 2 040 Dy en) whore is the pile shat diameter: Dy, the ple base diameter. For claphragm walls, the thickness of the wall shal be inserted instead ofthe pile shaft diameter Dy. 99 DIN 1054:2005-01 (4) For Rg (Sag) in MN, te limiting settlement in the ultimate Emit state is given by: Sug 0,50 + Ry (og) +0,50< 3,00.em, (82) (6) The characteristic axial pile resistance can be determined from: Rad = Roxls+ Raxls)= aoa * ty + Dass Aas 3) where: 4y isthe nominal pte base aoa; taj isthe nominal pie shaft area in ayer “nx _isthe characterise ie hase resistance according to Tables 8.1 ond 8 2 {any the characteristic pile shat esistancs in ayer according to Tables 6.3 and Bt Ab) is he setlemontdapendent characteris ile resistance: axl) isthe settementdependent characters ile base resistance: ‘axl! isthe settement dependent characters ple shat resistance: sq 'sthe mit settement forthe setement dependent characteristic ple shaft resistance. (6) Todetermine a characterise axl pte resstance-heave curve the init heave Ssgauy = 1.20% Sag 4) shall be adopted with s. calculated according to equation (B.2), B.2 Base and shaft resistance of piles (1) Tables B.1 to B.4 show the characteristic base and shaft resistance of bored piles embedded at least 2,80 min a loadbearing stratum and with values of 0, oF Dp between 0,30 and 3,00 m as functions ot — the mean cone resistance, q, innon-cohesive soil and — the uncrained shear strongth ci. in cohesive soils. ‘This assumes that the piles are installed with the assistance of a casing o¢ a skiry. This also applies to diaphragm walls. 2) In defining the governing mean cone resistance ya, (CPT), a least the ports of the soil layer = governing the pile base resistance, and — governing the pile shat resistance: 100 e DIN 1054:2005-01 shall be distinguished. I the stratification has a large influence on the cone resistance (CPT), the mean cone resistance governing the pile shaft resistance shall be determined separataly fortwo or more zones (3) For the application ofthe values in Tables 6.1 and 8.2. its assumed that the thickness of the loadbearing layer below the ple base level is not less than three times the pte base ameter and is atleast 1,501m, and 42 TOMNI? ore, 0,10 MB? for hs are. M these geometical conatons are not salsfed, @ verification of safely agains! punching failure shall bo Performed. Moreover, shall be verfied thal the ground Below tis does not negatvely and substaalyatect the setlement behaviour (4) Assuming — minimum embesment dept in rock of 0,50 m for an unconfined compressive strength guy. 2 § MNIn?, — 2 minimum embedment depth in rock of 280m for an unconfined compressive strength tax = 050 MNn2, the characteristic values of gn4 and v4, the base and shaft resistance respectively of bored piles a fature (GZ 18 (GEO-2), are given in Table B.5 as a function of the unconfined compressive strength, 44, of the Fock. Tha intermediate values may be linearly interpolated. Tension piles shall be embedded at feast 00 m in the rock Table B.1 ~ Pile base resistance g,y for non-cohesive solls Base resistance yay, Normalized settlement of Mite? ‘he pile hoad ‘Mean cone resistance , (CPT) 1D, OF ID, a 10 5 20 35 0.02 70 [105 | 140 | 178 803) oso | 1as_ | tao | 225 00) 200 | 300 | 3s0 | 4.00 Intermediate values may be inealy nlerpolated, For underreamed ples, he values shall be rediced to 75 % ——er ee 104 DIN 1054:2008-01 Tabie B.2 — Pile base resistance vp, for cohesive soils Base resistance va, Normalized settlement of Men? the pile head Undrained shear strength «,, 1D, oFsi0y, Nin? 010 020 002 038 0.90 0.08 045 110 2102) 080 1.50 Intermediate values may be linearly interpolated. For underreamed piles, the values shal be reduced to 75%. Table B.3 — Pile shaft resistance g,,, for non-cohesive soils Mean cone resistance y, (CPT) | Ultimate shaft resistance qa, Nim? Nien ° 0 3 7 0.040 70 7 0080 215, 0.120 inlermediate values may be incarly Ml lerpoated, Table 6.4 — Pile shatt resistance, , for cohesive soils Undrained shear strength oy Ullimate shaft resistance 9, MN? Nin? 0.025) 0.025 0.10 0.040 2020 0.060 Intermediate values may be inearly nerpolated Table 8.5 — Pile bas sistance y, and shaft resistance q,, in rock comes | osetncn ny | titan un Nien? wa wns os 7m oe 5,00 7 5.00 0,50, 20,00 mI 10,00 0.50 Intermediate values may be linearly inerpolated, 102 (6) For the application ofthe empirical values given in Table 6.5, itis assumed that — the rock is homogeneous and suiicientl thick; — the spatial orientation of the rock surface and the joint and bedding structures do not foster follure ‘mechanisms — no open joints or bedding are present and no joints or bedding are filed with easily compressible materiel ‘and 2 reduction in strength as a result of driling wil not occur, e.g. due to ingress of water in srgilaceous or ‘marly rock, (6) Ii shall be examined on a case-by-case basis whether the expected pile settlement in rock can mobilize the shaft resistance inthe highar layers, In case of doubt, this shaft resistance shall not be considered in the design of the pile (7) The values in Tables 8.1 to B.S may also be applied to bored pile walls provided that only the effective surface area in contact withthe sol is used forthe determinaion of the base and shaft resistance of the ples {i shall be examined on 2 case-by-case basis whether the expected pile setlement in rock can moblize the shaft resistance in the higher layers. In case of doubt, this shaft resistance shall not be considered in the ‘design of the pie B.3 Investigation of the ground strength using penetration tests (1) ‘The strength of a non-cohesive sol for inclusion in Tables B.1 and 8.3 may generally be defined in terms Of the cone resistance 4, from CPT. Alematively, the correlation between the cone resistance y, (CPT) and the resuits from other types of penetration tests as speciiod in DIN 4094-2 and DIN 4004-3 may also be applied. The undrained shear strength may be determined as speciied in DIN 4094-4. 103

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