Course Plan and The Evaluation Plan: Signals & Systems

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Course Plan and The Evaluation Plan

1. Course Code: EE256

2. Course Title: Signals & Systems
3. L-T-P: 3-1-3
4. Credits: 6
5. Pre-requisite: Nil
6. Course Instructor: H Girisha Navada
7. Teaching Department: E&E
8. Objectives of the Course: to study the fundamental concepts of Signals & Systems
9. Skill development of the student (expected from the course):
The student is getting exposure to basics of signal operation, system responses,
various representations of signals & Systems.
10. Course Coverage (44 Lecture / Tutorial Schedule):
Unit Syllabus covering or contents Appx. no.
of lctr. hs.
1 Signals & Systems, Classification of Signals, Useful Signal Operations, Size of a 6
signal, Signal models, Classification of Systems, System models.
2 Time Domain Analysis of Continuous time systems, Zero Input Response, Impulse 8
Response, Zero State Response, Classical Solution of Differential Equations,
Intuitive insights into System Behavior, Stability.
3 Time Domain Analysis of Discrete time systems, Useful Discrete time signal 8
models & operations, Zero Input Response, Impulse Response, Zero State
Response, Classical Solution of Difference Equations, Intuitive insights into
System Behavior, Stability.
4 Continuous / Discrete time signal analysis: Fourier Series, Periodic signals, 5
Trigonometric form, Exponential form, Existence.
5 Continuous / Discrete time signal analysis: Fourier Transform, Aperiodic signals, 5
Transforms of some useful signals, Properties. Existence / ROC
6 Continuous time system analysis using the Laplace Transform, Inverse Laplace 5
Transform, Properties of Laplace Transform, Solution to integral-differential eqn.
7 Discrete time system analysis using the z-Transform, Inverse z-Transform, 5
Properties of z-Transform, Solution of Linear Difference Equations
8 Signal conversion from continuous to discrete, sampling, comparison of FT and 2

Reference Books
1) Linear Systems and Signals, B.P. Lathi 1st OR 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press 2005
2) Signals and Systems, Simon Haykin, Barry Van Veen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,
3) A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky , S. H. Nawab, Signals and Systems,2nd. Edition, Prentice-Hall
Signal Processing Series, 1997
11. Course Coverage (10 week Practical Schedule):
Unit Syllabus covering or contents Appx. no.
1 Basics of MATLAB/OCTAVE, Exercises. Calculator operations, Vector 2
operations, Simple plotting, Element by element operation, Matrix
operations/subscriptions, Partial fraction expansion. Building m-script files, m-
function files, for loops.
2 Signals & System Representations : (Both continuous & Discrete) Inline function, 3
Periodic signals, exponential signals, sinusoidal signals, exponentially damped
sinusoidal signals. Basic signal models. Numerical integration, estimating signal
energy & signal power
3 Solution of Differential Equations/Difference equations, Zero Input Response, 3
Impulse Response, Zero State Response, Graphical understanding of convolution
4 Plotting/ calculation of Fourier Series spectra, Sampling, FT and DFT Comparison 2

12. Details of Tutorials if any: Once a particular concept theory is discussed, related exercises are
worked out in the class hours.
13. Evaluation plan (Details of evaluation plan including the weightages for each of the
component conforming to the regulations)
Lecture / Tutorial :
Once in every two weeks, surprise tests / assignments / quizzes will be conducted.
Each of those will be considered for evaluation of the student
Practical :
In Each Units, Tutorial exercises will be demonstrated and practice exercises will be
given along with the lab manuals.
i) Assignments / quizzes / surprise tests – Almost Once in every two weeks, (For Lecture /
Tutorial). And, unit wise lab class performance, (For Practical). 35%
ii) Mid sem exam 25%
iii) End sem exam 40%

Theory and Practical will have a weightage in proportion to their L+T and P distribution of
L-T-P, totaling to 100 marks. This will be appropriately converted to appropriate letter grade
taking into consideration the class average marks.

Signature of the course instructor

Subjected to DUGC approval

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