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Words I’ll use in college

● Laconic: Use very few words; concise. EX: Kevin in the Office, Newspeak
● Terse: to be abrupt, short or brief. EX: Terse reminds me a verse, which is poetry, which
is short.
● Prosaic (adj): commonplace or dull. EX: The lecture was very prosaic.
● Saccharine (adj): excessively sweet or sentimental, sugary. EX: Baby showers
● Apathetic (adj):showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern EX:
Mopey, “whatever.” “Why bother.”
● Enjambment (n): a continuing sentence of poetry that goes past the line and
onto other lines EX: Blackberry sonnet was 14 lines, but two
● Din(n): a loud, raucous noise. EX: The screaming in the lunchroom made a
horrible din.
● Sable(n): has a color that is dark, black-brown. Fur is sable EX:My cat Debers is
actually a sable color.
● Bellicose (adj): loud, argumentative and prone to fighting EX: freshmen fights
● Synesthesia (n): when you mix the different senses. Ex: It smelled yellow.
● Sordidness (adj): lacking in morals
● Beguile (adj): to influence by trickery or to mislead. Ex:Iago
● Superfluidity (n): oversupply; an excess
● Irrefutable (adj): impossible to deny or disprove
● Sanctimonious(n): making a show to appear holier than people. Ex: Garish
Popes or priests
● Camaraderie (n): togetherness, trust, a group dynamic of trust
● Tenacious (adj): constantly stubborn, persistently stubborn

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