Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Pamulang 2017: Makalah History and Development of Indonesian Language

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Compiled by :
Muhamad Rivaldi



Thanks to God for helping me and give me chance to finish this timely. And I would like to
say thank you to Mrs. Veta Lidya Delimah Pasaribu. SE,MM as the lecturer that always
teaches us and give much knowledge about how to practice English well.
Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about the history and
development of the Indonesian language. Hopefully for the future we can improve the form
and add the contents of the paper to be better and interesting.
Jakarta, 14 Januari 2018

Language is a means of communication that someone submits to others in order to
know what the purpose and purpose. The importance of language as a human identity, can
not be separated from the existence of human recognition of the use of language in
everyday life of society. To carry out humanitarian tasks, man has only one tool, namely
language. With language, people can express what's on their minds. Something that has
been felt the same and similar to it, not necessarily feels the same, because it has not been
revealed and revealed. Only with language can humans make things feel real and unfold.
The era of globalization today encourages the rapid development of language,
especially language that comes from outside or English. English is an international
language used as an introduction to communication between nations. With the adoption of
English as an international language (Lingua Franca), people will prefer to master English
so they will not lose the competition in the international arena so as not to be blind to the
world's information. No doubt it is important to learn a foreign language, but it would be
much better if we still maintain, preserve and civilize the Indonesian language. Because as
we know, language is the idendity of a nation. To deepen the Indonesian language, we
need to know how it progresses to the present time so that we know about the unifying
language of the various ethnicities and customs that are diverse in Indonesia, which we
include in it. Therefore through this paper the author wants to convey history about the
development of Indonesian language.
B. Formulate of the problem
Based on the above background then the formulation of the problem in the
discussion of this paper is as follows:
1. What is the history of Indonesian development in the pre-independence period?
2. Why is Malay language raised to Indonesian?
3. What is the history of Indonesian development in the post-independence era?
4. Inauguration of Indonesian name
C. Limitation Of Problems.
Based on the formulation of the above problem then the purpose of writing this
paper is as follows:
1. To know the history of Indonesian development in the pre-independence period
2. To know the history of Indonesian development in the post-independence period
3. To know the events affecting the Indonesian language development
4. To know the history of Indonesian spelling (Enhanced Spelling)

A. How History of Indonesian Language Development in Pre-Independence Period
Basically Indonesian language comes from Malay language. At the time of Sriwijaya,
Malay language was used as a language of intercultural ties in the archipelago and as a
language used in trade between traders from within the archipelago and from outside the
The development and growth of Malay language is more clearly visible from various
relics such as:

1.Tulisan yang terdapat pada batu Nisan di Minye Tujoh, Aceh pada tahun 1380
2.Prasasti Kedukan Bukit, di Palembang pada tahun 683.
3.Prasasti Talang Tuo, di Palembang pada Tahun 684.
4.Prasasti Kota Kapur, di Bangka Barat, pada Tahun 686.
5.Prasati Karang Brahi Bangko, Merangi, Jambi, pada Tahun 688

Malay language spread to the archipelago along with the spread of Islam in the
archipelago, as well as growing and growing strong presence because the Malay
language easily accepted by the people of Nusantara as a language of inter-island inter-
island, inter-merchant, between nations and among kingdoms. The development of
Malay language in the archipelago influences and encourages the growth of the sense of
brotherhood and sense of unity of the Indonesian nation, therefore the youth of Indonesia
who are members of the association of consciously promoted the movement of the Malay
language into the Indonesian language into a unity language for the entire nation of
Indonesia. (Youth Pledge, October 28, 1928).
In the fifteenth century developed a form that is considered as the official form of
Malay because it is used by the Malacca Sultanate, later called as Malay High. Its use is
limited among the royal families around Sumatra, Java, and the Malay Peninsula.
At the end of the 19th century the Dutch East Indies colonial government saw that
Malay (High) language could be used to assist the administration of indigenous
employees. In this period began to form "bahasa Indonesia" which gradually separated
from the original form of Riau-Johor Malay language. Malay in Indonesia was later used
as a lingua franca (social language), but at that time not many used it as a mother tongue.
Mother tongues still use regional languages that number up to 360 languages.

In the mid-1800s, Alfred Russel Wallace wrote in his Malay Archipelago that
"the inhabitants of Malacca already possessed a distinct language derived from the most
elegant way of speaking from other countries, so that the Malay language was the most
beautiful, precise and praised all over the East. Their language is the language used
throughout the Dutch East Indies. "
At the beginning of the 20th century, Malay language broke in two. In 1901,
Indonesia under the Dutch adopted the Van Ophuijsen spelling while in 1904 Malaysia
under the British adopted the Wilkinson spelling.

B. Malay language was appointed Indonesian

Initially, the Dutch East Indies colonial government realized that the Malay language
could be used to assist the administration of indigenous employees because Dutch
mastery of indigenous employees was considered weak. By relying on high Malay, a
number of Dutch scholars began to engage in language standardization. Promotion of
Malay language was done in schools and supported by the publication of literary works
in Malay language. As a result of this choice formed "embryo" Indonesian language
which gradually began to separate from the original form of Riau-Johor Malay language.
There are four factors that cause the Malay language to be raised into Indonesian
language, namely:
1. Malay language is already a lingua franca in Indonesia, native language and language
of trade.
2. The Malay language system is simple, easy to learn because in Malay language is not
known language level (harsh language and subtle language).
3. Javanese, Sundanese and other tribes volunteered to accept Malay as Indonesian
language as a national language
4. Malay language has the ability to be used as a cultural language in a broad sense.
C. History of Indonesian Development in the Post-Independence Period
Due to the spread of Malay to the archipelago along with the spread of Islam in the
archipelago. As well as growing and increasingly strong presence, because the Malay
language easily accepted by the archipelago as a language of inter-island inter-island,
inter-tribal, between traders, between nations and between kingdoms.
The development of Malay language in the archipelago influences and encourages the
growth of the sense of brotherhood and sense of unity of the Indonesian nation therefore
Indonesian youth who are members of the movement of consciously promoted the
movement of the Malay language into the Indonesian language into a language of unity
for the entire nation of Indonesia.
Bahasa Indonesia was born on October 28, 1928. At that time, the youth from various
corners of the archipelago gathered at the meeting, the youth pledged:
1. We Putra and Putri Indonesia confess one blood spilled, Indonesia Homeland.

2. Our Son and Princess Indonesia claim to be the one nation, the Indonesian nation.
3. We Putra and Putri Indonesia claim to uphold the language of unity, the Indonesian
The pledge of these youths is known as "Youth Pledge". The third element of the
"Youth Oath" is a statement of determination that the Indonesian language is the
language of national unity Indonesia. In 1928 the Indonesian language strengthened its
position as the national language. Indonesian language was declared its position as a state
language on August 18, 1945, because at that time the 1945 Constitution was approved
as the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. In the 1945 Constitution it is stated that
"The Language of the Country Is Bahasa Indonesia, (art. 36). Proclamation of
Independence of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, has established the
position and function of the Indonesian language constitutionally as the language of the
country. Now the Indonesian language in use by various walks of Indonesian society.
D. Inauguration of Indonesian Name
Bahasa Indonesia is the official language of the Republic of Indonesia and the
language of Indonesian unity. Indonesian was officially inaugurated after the Indonesian
Independence Proclamation exactly the following day, along with the entry into force of
the constitution. In Timor Leste, Bahasa Indonesia is positioned as a working language.
From a linguistic perspective, Indonesian is one of many Malay languages. The basis
used is the Malayo-Riau language of the 19th century.
In his development he experienced a change due to its use as a working language in
the colonial administration and the various processes of standardization since the
beginning of the 20th century. Naming of "Bahasa Indonesia" was begun since the
inauguration of Youth Pledge, October 28, 1928, to avoid the impression of "language
imperialism" if the Malay name is still in use.
This process led to the different Indonesian language today from variants of Malay
language in use in Riau and Malay Peninsula. Until now, the Indonesian language is a
living language, which continues to produce new words either through the creation or
absorption of regional and foreign languages. Although understood and addressed by
over 90% of Indonesians, Indonesian is not the native language of most speakers. Most
Indonesians use one of 748 languages in Indonesia as their mother tongue. Indonesian
speakers often use daily versions (colloquial) or mix up with other Malay dialects or their
mother tongue.
Nevertheless, Indonesian language is widely used in universities, mass media,
literature, software, official correspondence, and various other public forums, so it can be
said that the Indonesian language is used by all citizens of Indonesia. The Malay
language is used everywhere in the archipelago and growing with and increasingly
solidified its existence. The Malay language used in the regions of the archipelago in
growth is influenced by the regional culture. Malay language absorbs vocabulary from
various languages, mainly from sanskrit, Persian, Arabic, and European languages.

Malayu language in its development appears in various variations and
dialect.Perkembangan Malay language in the region of the archipelago influence and
encourage the growth of the sense of brotherhood and unity of the nation
Indonesia.Comination sense of brotherhood and unity of the Indonesian nation.
Communication between the emerging societies at that time using Malay became the
Indonesian language, which became the language of unity for the entire nation of
Indonesia in the oath of youth October 28, 1928. To obtain the national language, the
Indonesian nation must struggle in a long time and full of challenges.
Historically, Indonesian is one of the temporal dialects of Malay whose structures
and treasures are still largely the same or similar to earlier temporal dialects such as
Classical Malay and Old Malay. The use of Malay as the national language is a proposal
of Muhammad Yamin, a politician, writer, and historian. In his address to the second
National Congress in Jakarta, Yamin said that: "If it refers to the future of Indonesian
languages and literature, there are only two languages that can be expected to be a united
language of Javanese and Malay. But from those two languages, Melayu language will
gradually become the language of association or language of unity.
Sociologically we can say that the official Indonesian acknowledged in the Youth
Pledge dated 28 On October 1928. This is also in accordance with the third point of the
pledge of the oath youth namely "We son and daughter of Indonesia uphold the language
of unity, the Indonesian language." But the juridical Indonesian recognized on August
18, 1945 or after Indonesian Independence.
The status and function of Bahasa Indonesia, namely:
1. As a language of unity (interconnection and intercultural means of
2. National language;
3. Official language
4. Language of culture and Language of science
5. As the language of instruction in institutions
6. Education.
Progress of Indonesian Reform Period
The Emergence of Mass Media Languages (Persian):
1. Increasing the number of abbreviated words (acronyms);
2. Many use of foreign terms or foreign languages in newspapers
The press has been instrumental in introducing new terms, new words and phrases,
such as Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism, cronies, conspiracy, proactive, reconciliation,
provocateurs, arrogant, blasphemous, treacherous, and so on.Indonesian has started
shifting into second language after English or slang. In addition, it is also influenced by
advertising media and artists who use the new term which is a deviation from the truth of
the Indonesian way and mix the English and Bahasa Indonesia.

Growth of EYD
Spelling is a way or rule of writing words with letters according to the language
discipline. With the spelling is expected the users to use the Indonesian language well
and correctly according to the rules that exist. So that formed words and sentences that
are easy and pleasant to hear and use in daily communications. In accordance with what
has been known that the refinement of Indonesian language spelling consists of:
1. Spelling van Ophuijsen
This spelling is a Malay spelling with Latin alphabets. Charles Van Ophuijsen
assisted by Nawawi Soetan Ma'moer and Moehammad Taib Soetan Ibrahim compiled
this new spelling in 1896. The grammar guidelines later known as the van Ophuijsen
spelling were officially recognized by the colonial government in 1901. The
characteristics of this spelling that is:
a) Letter ï to distinguish between the letter i as a suffix and hence must be voiced
separately with diphthongs such as mulaï with crowded. Also used to write the letter y as
in Soerabaa.
b) Letter j to write the words jang, pajah, sajang, etc.
c) Letter oe to write the words goeroe, itoe, oemoer, etc.
d) Diacritical marks, such as coma ain and trema marks, to write ma'moer's words,
'intellect, ta', pa ', etc.
2. Soewandi Spelling
The spelling of Soewandi is a spelling provision in Indonesian which is valid
since March 17, 1947. The spelling is then also called by the name of Soewandi edmaan,
the Minister of Education and Culture at the time. This spelling replaces the previous
spelling, the Van Ophuijsen Spell which came into effect since 1901.
a) The letter o is replaced by u on the teacher's words, that, age, etc.
b) The sound of hamzah and the sound of a pound are written with k in no words, sir,
people, etc.
c) The repeat word may be written with the number 2 as in children, on the street, in the
d) The di- prefix in both words is written in combination with the words that accompany
3. Enhanced Spelling
Education and Culture disseminates the usage manual entitled "Spell-
Enhanced Spelling Guidance (EYD) is an Indonesian spelling valid since 1972. It
replaces previous spellings, Republican Spellings or Soewandi Spell. On May 23, 1972,
a joint statement was signed by Malaysian Lesson Minister at the time, Tun Hussien Onn
and Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Mashuri. The joint
statement contains an agreement to implement the principles agreed upon by the experts

of both countries on the New Spelling and Improved Spelling. On August 16, 1972,
based on Presidential Decree no. 57, Year 1972, apply Latin spelling system (Rumi in
Malay term Malaysia) for Malay and Indonesian language. In Malaysia the new spellings
together are referred to as Rumi Bersama Spelling (ERB). Furthermore the Indonesian
Department of Enhanced ".
On October 12, 1972, the Indonesian Language Development Committee, Ministry of
Education and Culture published the book "Improved Indonesian Spelling Guidelines"
with an explanation of the broader use rules. After that, the Minister of Education and
Culture with his decision letter No. 0196/1975 enacts "Enhanced Spell-Keeping General
Guidelines and General Terms of Establishment Guidelines".

A. Knot

Can be summarized from this paper, that the Indonesian language comes from the Malay
language. Malay is chosen as a unifying language (Indonesian) because:

1. Malay language is already a lingua franca in Indonesia, native language and language
of trade.

2. The Malay language system is simple, easy to learn because in Malay language is not
known language level (harsh language and subtle language).

3. Javanese, Sundanese and other tribes volunteered to accept Malay as Indonesian

language as a national language

4. Malay language has the ability to be used as a cultural language in a broad sense.
B. Advice
The Indonesian language we know as which of the preceding explanations has many
obstacles and constraints to manifest as a unifying language, national language, Indonesian
language. So that we as the next generation able to foster, maintain this Indonesian
language, so as not to experience deterioration and good use by outsiders.

Setiyo,Pendi.2016. Sejarah dan Perkembangan Bahasa Indonesia.

PREFACE ...........................................................................................................................2

CHAPTER I (PRELIMINARY) …….................................................................................3

Background .........................................................................................................................3

Formulate of the problem ...................................................................................................3

Limitation Of Problems…………………………………………………………………...3

CHAPTER II (DISCUSSION) ............................................................................................4

How History of Indonesian Language Development in Pre-Independence ………………4

Malay language was appointed Indonesian.........................................................................5

History of Indonesian Development in the Post-Independence Period …………………..5

Inauguration of Indonesian Name…………………………………………………………6

CHAPTER III (CLOSING)………………………………………………………………10



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