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Weibull distributions
Quiz, 4 questions


Download the le attached below that contains wind velocities at 40m and

Plot the histogram of the wind distributions at these two di erent altitudes.
Using the method of power density method (described in the session
"Weibull Rayleigh distribution") t the wind distribution to a Weibull
distribution. You obtain for the two altitudes of 40m and 140m the shape
parameters k and the scale parameters c .

What is the value in m/s of the scale parameter c for the altitude of 40m ?

Note : at 140 you should obtain the following parameters : k = 2.49,

C = 7.67 m/s.



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point 1/3
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For each altitude, superpose the histogram of the wind distributions and the
Weibull distributions
probability density function of the Weibull distribution t that you have
Quiz, 4 questions computed. Which one of the following propositions is true ?

On average, winds are slower at the altitude of 40m than at the

altitude of 140m.

The width of the wind speed distribution is larger at the altitude of


Comparing graphically the wind distributions and their Weibull t,

the Weibull distribution is a better model for the altitude of 140m.

k140m < k40m .


It is interesting to compare the Weibull t that are obtained with di erent
method. You can use the Maximum likelihood estimator (MLE as described
in the session "Weibull Rayleigh distribution") to compute another t to the
wind distributions. Which one of the following proposition is true ?

Note : The numerical software that you are using may have a built-in
algorithm to compute a Weibull t, see what method it uses to compute the
shape and scale parameters.

The di erence of the scale parameter and shape parameter

obtained by the MLE method and POD method remains less than

In the two cases, the scale parameter estimated with the MLE
method is higher than the one estimated by the POD method.

point 2/3
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We now imagine the situation, described in the previous video, where we
Weibull distributions
only have the wind speed measures at the altitude of 40m and we want to
Quiz, 4 questions extrapolate a Weibull distribution at the altitude of 140m.

With the shape and scale parameters that you have obtained at the altitude
of 40m with the power density method, use the formula of Justus and
Mikhail presented in the video to extrapolate from these values the
parameters k140m and c 140m . (Consider α = 0.31 which corresponds to the
median value of the distribution of α studied in the previous quizz)

Compare this set of parameters obtained by extrapolation to those directly

computed from the wind speed measures at 140m. Keep the two sets of
scale and shape parameters at the altitude of 140m, as they will be useful
for the next quizz.

What is the value of k140m obtained by extrapolation ?

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