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Although not black he

was the First African.
Although Adam was the first human created in the
image of God, there is much evidence, both biblical and
scientific, that races of beings and species existed on
this planet thousands of years before God created this
“first man.” (1 Cor. 15:45) It was on the sixth day of
the earth's renovation that God created man, both male
and female, and issued this first couple a most telling

“be fruitful and multiply and replenish

the earth.” (Gen. 1:28)

The definition of “replenish” means to repopulate which

in this instance refers to the earth. The Genesis account
begins with the words, “In the beginning God created
the heavens and the earth.” Then without any
explanation we learn that “the earth was without form
and void….” Although the Scriptures state “God is
not the author of confusion,” the earth was obviously in
a confused state. Therefore, one concludes that a
traumatic judgment from God had taken place earlier,
making the earth a formless watery grave of darkness. (1
Cor. 14:33, Gen. 1:2) After a passage of time, God
began renovating the earth, and then on the “sixth day”
Father God used Mother Earth to form his mud man's
lifeless body.

“And the LORD God formed man of

the dust of the
ground, and breathed into his nostrils
the breath of
life; and man became a living soul.”

Although this first man was the color of the ground, his
color was neither brown nor black as many
presume. God named his man Adam and incorporated
into Adam's name the color he made him. The name
Adam means “Red Man.” Adam was not created out of
the chalk-parched earth, nor was he created out of black
topsoil. Adam was formed from “the dust of the earth”
that may have resembled Oklahoma's rich red
clay. This first man was indeed a colored man and his
color was red. The image of God was introduced in the
form of a red man, the color of Native Americans. Just
prior to the introduction of Adam, in the book of
Genesis, the Scripture indicates Eden's location was
west of Ethiopia, voiding a popular notion of Eden
being in Iraq, northeast of Ethiopia. (See Fig. 2) Since
Eden lay west of Ethiopia this would place its garden on
the African continent, making Adam the first
African. From what we know about the habitat of
Africa, the Genesis account coincides with Eden being
in Africa. For Genesis 2:19-20 states:
“And out of the ground the LORD God
formed every beast
of the field, and every fowl of the air;
and brought them
unto Adam to see what he would call

This subtle Scripture informs us that God “brought

every beast of the field” and “every fowl of the air” to
the location where his red man resided to have him
name “every living creature.” What better place to
bring every living creature than to Africa, the
motherland of so many species? Throughout the world,
zoos continuously tap the African Continent as their
foremost supplier of “beasts of the field and fowl of the
air.” From the dawn of creation, when God brought all
species to his garden, Africa then landlocked in
Pangaea, has had the earth's largest wildlife
population. This is just one highlight order this cassette
series today call 1-866-GET-AMEN its cost is 14.99 or
the book for $19.99. Its your Christian heritage
regardless of your color call 1-866-GET-AMEN to
increase your knowledge in Character Profiles of Blacks
in the Bible and its Prophecy Concerning the Races.

Skin is the largest organ the human body
possesses. In regards to Eve's skin color, the
results of extensive gene research have repeatedly
acknowledged in magazines and journals, such as Time
and Newsweek that the first woman was a woman of
color.15 For all the genes of every race whether
Negroid, Mongoloid, or Caucasoid can be found in the
black woman. When it comes to skin color blacks
possess the dominant genes.16 For example, black
women can produce black babies as well as white babies
(called albinos) with a black man. The rest is
invaluable information, but for you it is only
$14.99. This web site will not be here forever. Order
now: Call toll-free 1-866-GET-AMEN and we will
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receipt. The book is furnished with
geneological charts that verify the authenicity of the
character's lineage according to Scripture Call now

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