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Makassar 6-01-2014

ENT Emergency & Traumatology

DR.dr. Abdul Qadar Punagi, SP.THT-KL(K)

1. Appropriate tracheal stoma position for elective tracheostomy, is :

A. 1st - 2nd tracheal rings

B. 2nd – 3rd tracheal rings
C. 3rd – 4th tracheal rings
D. 4th – 5th tracheal rings
E. 5th – 6th tracheal rings

2. Strong indication for elective tracheostomy, according to the Jackson’s dyspnoe

grading, is;

A. Dyspnoe grade I
B. Dyspnoe grade II
C. Dyspnoe grade III
D. Dyspnoe grade IV
E. Dyspnoe grade V

3. The disease of foreign bodies in nasal cavity from flies maggots, is:

A. Nasal mitosis
B. Nasal meiosis
C. Nasal maggots
D. Nasal myasis
E. Nasal worms

4. The urgent manuevre for acute total obstruction of upper respiratory tract, are:

1. Endo tracheal tube intubation.

2. Cricothyroidotomy
3. Nasopharynx oxygenation
4. Heimlich manuevre

5. The appropriate solution for rapid killing life foreign bodies in external auditory
canal, without get irritation and laceration of skin’s canal are , EXCEPT :

A. Paraffin solution
B. Glycerine solution
C. Coconut oil
D. Kayu putih oil
E. Fried oil
6. Arteri Etmoidalis anterior et posterior berasal dari :
A. Arteri Karotis eksterna
B. Arteri Maksilla
C. Arteri Ophtalmica
D. Arteri Sphenopalatina
E. Arteri Supra orbita

7. Arteri labialis superior yang memperdarahi rongga hidung berasal dari :

A. Arteri Fasialis
B. Arteri Karotis Interna
C. Arteri Maksila eksterna
D. Arteri Palatina ascendens
E. Arteri Angularis

8. Rangsangan nyeri pada rongga hidung yang menyebabkan keluarnya air mata
berhubungan dengan :
A. Nervus IX
B. Nervus VI
C. Nervus III
D. Nervus V
E. Nervus VII

9. Benda asing hidung jenis apa yang memerlukan penanganan segera (dalam 24 jam),
untuk menghindari komplikasi deformitas,

A. Manik-manik
B. Biji jagung
C. Kacang tanah
D. Baterei cakram
E. Flies Maggot

10. Pleksus Kiesselbach pada epistaksis anterior dibentuk oleh cabang-cabang arteri,
A. Arteri labialis superior
B. Arteri Ethmoid anterior
C. Arteri Palatina Mayus
D. Arteri infra orbital
E. Arteri Sfenopalatina

Kunci: 1.B , 2. B, 3. D, 4. C, 5. D, 6. C, 7. C, 8. E. 9. D, 10. D

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