Present Tense

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Focus on
Grammar Tenses
Present Simple

Present Continuous

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Compiled by THAI EANG

OCTOBER 3, 2017
English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
The Three Tenses in English ......................................................................................................................... 2
What is Tense? ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Timeline: .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Present Simple ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Rules use in Present Simple ......................................................................................................................... 3
Forms ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Positive Form: .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Question Form ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Negative Form ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Pronunciation ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Rules for Present Simple: Third-Person Singular (He, She, It) ............................................................... 6
Grammar Presentation ................................................................................................................................. 7
Present Simple ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Exercise 1: Spelling Present Simple ........................................................................................................ 8
Exercise 2: Forms .................................................................................................................................... 9
Exercise 3: Editing ................................................................................................................................. 10
Exercise 4: Your Turn ............................................................................................................................ 11
Present Continuous ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Rules use in Present Simple ....................................................................................................................... 12
Forms ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Grammar Presentation ............................................................................................................................... 14
Present Continuous (Progressive) .......................................................................................................... 14
Exercise 1: Spelling Present Continuous ............................................................................................... 16
Exercise 2: Present Continuous Form .................................................................................................... 17
Exercise 3: Your Turn ............................................................................................................................ 19
Present Perfect ............................................................................................................................................. 21
Rules use in Present perfect ....................................................................................................................... 21
The usage of For/Since Yet/Already.......................................................................................................... 21
For/Since ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Yet/Already ............................................................................................................................................ 21
Forms ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Pronunciation ............................................................................................................................................. 25
Grammar Presentation ............................................................................................................................... 26
Present Perfect ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Exercise 1: Spelling Past Participle ....................................................................................................... 27
Exercise 2: Present Perfect Forms ......................................................................................................... 28
Exercise 3: Your Turn ............................................................................................................................ 28
Present Perfect Continuous ......................................................................................................................... 30
Rules use in Present perfect ....................................................................................................................... 30
Forms ......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Grammar Presentation ............................................................................................................................... 31
Present Perfect Continuous .................................................................................................................... 31
Exercise 1: Spelling Present Participle .................................................................................................. 32
Exercise 2: Present Perfect Continuous Forms ...................................................................................... 33
Exercise 3: Your Turn ............................................................................................................................ 34

Compiled by THAI EANG 1|Page

English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition

The Three Tenses in English


Tense is a form of the verb that may be used to show the time of the action or the state expressed by
the verb. In English, there are three majors of tenses: Present Tense, Past Tense, and Future Tense. In
each tense, it has the same suffix.

Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple

Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous Past perfect Continuous Future Perfect Continuous


Past Present (now) Future

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition

Present Simple

1. Present Simple is used to express an action that is usual, regular, and permanent situation.

Ex: We study here every day.

Ex: She works in an office.
2. A repeated, habitual action in the present. Especially use with adverbs of frequency. [Always
(100%); usually (80%); often (60%); sometimes (40%); rarely (20%); never (0%)]

Ex: He always comes to school late.

Ex: I often go to the market.
Past X X X X X Future

3. Facts which are permanently true or laws of nature.

Ex: The sun sets in the West.

Ex: Water freezes at 0ºc.
4. Timetables or programs (future meaning)
Ex: I go London tomorrow.
Ex: The plane leaves at 06:00.


Positive Form:
There are four spelling rules for the Simple Present: Third-Person Singular (He, She, It)

1. Add s for most verbs.

Base Form Conjugated Verb Example

work works He works in a bank.

ride rides Jones rides a bike to school.
speak speaks She speaks English very fast.
read reads My father reads newspapers every day.

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition

2. Add -es for verb that end in -ch, -s, -sh, -x, or -z

Base Form Conjugated Verb Example

watch watches My son watches TV every night.

pass passes She passes by your house to school every day.
rush rushes He rushes to work every morning.
relax relaxes My mother always relaxes under the apple tree.
buzz buzzes My boss buzzes me to his office.

3. Change the y to i and add -es when the base form ends in a consonant -y.

Base Form Conjugated Verb Example

study studies Jimmy studies Khmer every Monday and Wednesday.

reply replies He always replies my messages.
try tries Liza tries to study hard this year.
hurry hurries He hurries to go home.

**Do not change the y when the base form ends in a vowel + y.

Base Form Conjugated Verb Example

stay stays She stays with her aunt in London.

play plays He plays tennis very well.
buy buys Anna always buys a new shirt every week.
enjoy enjoys Liza enjoys eating Pizza.

4. A few verbs are Irregular.

Base Form Conjugated Verb Example

be is She is a teacher.
do does He does his homework every night.
go goes My mother goes to the market every Saturday.
have has It has long and thick hair.

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Question Form
In question form, we take Do or Does, put at the beginning of the sentence, to auxiliary the verb,
and the conjugated verb will be infinitive.

Conjugation of verb “to work” Present Simple

Positive Form Question Form

I work… Do I work…?
You work… Do you work…?
He works… Does he work…?
She works… Does she work…?
It works… Does it work…?
We work… Do we work…?
You work… Do you work…?
They work… Do they work…?

Negative Form
In negative form, we take do not or does not, put between the subject and verb, to auxiliary the
simple verb, and the conjugated verb will be infinitive.

Conjugation of verb “to love” Present Simple

Positive Form Negative Form

I love…. I do not love….
You love…. You do not love….
He loves…. He does not love….
She loves…. She does not love….
It loves…. It does not love….
We love…. We do not love….
You love…. You do not love….
They love…. They do not love….

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition


Rules for Present Simple: Third-Person Singular (He, She, It)

The third-person singular in the present simple always ends in the letter /-s/. There are three different
pronunciations for the final sound of third-person of singular.

A. The final sound is pronounced /s/ after the voiced sounds /p/, /t/, /k/, and /f/.
1. rob /rɔb/ robs /rɔbs/
2. get /ɡet/ gets /ɡets/
3. take /teik/ takes /teiks/
4. laugh /lɑf/ laughs /lɑfs/
B. The final sound is pronounced /z/ after the voiced sounds /b/, /d/, /ɡ/, /v/, /m/, /n/, /ŋ/, /l/,/r/, and
1. describe /diskrɑɪb/ describes /diskrɑɪbz/
2. spend /spend/ spends /spendz/
3. hug /hʌɡ/ hugs /hʌɡz/
4. live /liv/ lives /livz/
5. bathe /ba:ð/ bathes /ba:ðz/
6. seem /si:m/ seems /si:mz/
7. sing /siŋ/ sings /siŋz/
8. remain /ri’mein/ remains /ri’meinz/
9. tell /tel/ tells /telz/
10. low /lǝu/ lows /lǝuz/
C. The final sound is pronounced /z/ after all vowel sounds.
1. agree /ǝ’ɡri:/ agrees /ǝ’ɡri:z/
2. try /trɑi/ tries /trɑiz/
3. stay /stei/ stays /steiz/
4. know /nǝu/ knows /nǝuz/
5. lie /lai/ lies /laiz/
D. The final sound is pronounced /ɪz/ after the voiced sounds /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, and /ʧ/.
1. relax /rɪ’læks/ relaxes /rɪ’læksiz/
2. freeze /fri:z/ freezes /fri:ziz/
3. rush /rʌʃ/ rushs /rʌʃiz/
4. massage /mæsa:ʒ/ massages /mæsa:ʒiz/
5. watch /wɔʧ/ watches /wɔʧiz/
6. judge /ʤʌʤ/ judges /ʤʌʤiz/
E. Do and say have a change in vowel sound.
1. do /du:/ does /dʌz/
2. say /sei/ says /sez/

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition


Present Simple

Forms Example

She lives in Phnom Penh.

Positive statements
They work in here.

She does not live in Phnom Penh.

Negative Statements
They do not work in here.

Does she live in Phnom Penh?

Yes/No Questions
Do they work in here?

Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.

Short Answer
Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

Where does she live?

Wh-Questions Why do they work so hard?
Who teaches that class?

Time Expression: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never, today, every day, every week, in
the morning, in the afternoon, at night, on Monday …… etc.

Formula Present Simple: Subject + Verb (Base Form) +…………..

 

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Exercise 1: Spelling Present Simple
Write the correct forms of the verb

Present Simple Present Simple

Base form Base form
Third-Person Singular Third-Person Singular
1. be ___________________ 26. tell ___________________
2. become ___________________ 27. swim ___________________
3. teach ___________________ 28. speak ___________________
4. drive ___________________ 29. sing ___________________
5. read ___________________ 30. visit ___________________
6. buy ___________________ 31. have ___________________
7. grow ___________________ 32. add ___________________
8. come ___________________ 33. fish ___________________
9. take ___________________ 34. help ___________________
10. plan ___________________ 35. sleep ___________________
11. carry ___________________ 36. think ___________________
12. get ___________________ 37. shop ___________________
13. eat ___________________ 38. make ___________________
14. study ___________________ 39. dance ___________________
15. smell ___________________ 40. live ___________________
16. save ___________________ 41. play ___________________
17. laugh ___________________ 42. write ___________________
18. smoke ___________________ 43. catch ___________________
19. hope ___________________ 44. break ___________________
20. kiss ___________________ 45. stay ___________________
21. kill ___________________ 46. feed ___________________
22. die ___________________ 47. fight ___________________
23. listen ___________________ 48. give ___________________
24. open ___________________ 49. keep ___________________
25. lock ___________________ 50. wear ___________________

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Exercise 2: Forms
A. Complete all the blanks below with the verb in the brackets
1. I usually___________(go) to school.
2. They ____________ (visit) us often.
3. You ____________ (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom ____________ (work) every day.
5. He always ____________ (tell) us funny stories.
6. She never ____________ (help) me with that!
7. Martha and Kevin ____________ (swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually ____________ (dance) a lot.
9. Linda ____________ (take care) of her sister.
10. John rarely ____________ (leave) the country.
11. We ____________ (live) in the city most of the year.
12. Lorie ____________ (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
13. I ____________ (bake) cookies twice a month.
14. You always ____________ (teach) me new things.
15. She ____________ (help) the kids of the neighborhood.

B. Change the positive form to negative form

1. She writes a letter.

2. Jimmy is a good boy.

3. John comes home late.

4. The baby drinks three glasses of milk.

5. I eat five oranges.

6. George has a lot of money.

7. He speaks English and Khmer.

8. Luis sleeps with his grandmother.

9. Johnny helps his mother at the kitchen.

10. My father watches TV at the living room.

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition

C. Create the question form (the words are given below)

1. When / you / go / home /

2. He / speak / English /

3. Where / you / study / Chinese/

4. He / be / a / good / boy /

5. We / be / already / to go /

6. How much / I / need to / to pay /

7. What / it / mean /

8. She / swim / well /

9. You / have / pencil /

10. Jam / listen / to the teacher explanation /

Exercise 3: Editing
Read the text below then find the mistake in the use of Present Simple. There are ten mistakes in the
text. The first one is done for you.

Getting Ready for School

Today is Monday. Thida look at her watch. It is 6 o’clock in the morning. It time to get

up. She make her bed. She washes her face and brush her teeth. She have breakfast with her

sister and brother. Her mother usually cook porridge for breakfast. It is delicious. Then she get

dressed for school and comb her hair. She always wear her uniform to school. Thida walks to

school with her friends at 6:30. They are in grade seven. They go to school early. They are

good students. They always ready for lesson.

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Exercise 4: Your Turn
A. Create three Wh-questions by using present simple tense.



B. Create three Yes/No questions by using present simple tense. Then answer the Question.



C. Create three Positive forms by using present simple tense.


D. Create three Negative forms by using present simple tense.



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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition

Present Continuous

1. Present Continuous is used to express an action happening now or temporary situation.

Ex: We are staying at the park hotel.

Ex: She is playing tennis at the garden.

Past X Future

2. To express an action happening around but perhaps not at the moment of speaking.

Ex: He is looking for a new job.

Ex: I am reading a book.

3. To express repeated action which always expressing annoyance or criticism.

Ex: She is always interrupting me!

Ex: He is always telling lies

4. To express an action for fixed arrangement in the near future.

Ex: I am visiting my parents tonight.

Ex: I am flying to London tomorrow. (It is all arrange. I have bought the ticket already.)


A. There are three common forms in Present Continuous

Conjugation of Verb “to sleep” Present Continuous

Positive form Question form Negative form

I am sleeping…. Am I sleeping…? I am not sleeping ….
You are sleeping…. Are you sleeping…? You are not sleeping ….
He is sleeping…. Is he sleeping…? He is not sleeping ….
She is sleeping…. Is she sleeping…? She is not sleeping ….
It is sleeping…. Is it sleeping…? It is not sleeping ….
We are sleeping…. Are we sleeping…? We are not sleeping ….
You are sleeping…. Are you sleeping…? You are not sleeping ….
They are sleeping…. Are they sleeping…? They are not sleeping ….

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition

B. Spelling Rules for Base form of [Verb + -ing] (Continuous and Gerund). There are five forms of
(Verb + ing) in Present Continuous:

a. Add –ing to the base form of the verb.

1. walk  walk + ing = walking

2. sleep  sleep + ing = sleeping
3. stand  stand + ing = standing
4. read  read + ing = reading
5. speak  speak + ing = speaking

b. If the verb ends in a silent -e, drop the final -e and add -ing

1. dance  dance + ing = dancing

2. hope  hope + ing = hoping
3. come  come + ing = coming
4. take  take + ing = taking
5. write  write + ing = writing

c. In one Syllable verbs, if the last three letters (1 1 1 Rule) are a consonant-vowel-consonant
combination (CVC), double the last consonant and add –ing.

1 get  get +t + ing = getting ទទួល

2 plan  plan +n + ing = planning មានគំរង

3 sit  sit +t + ing = sitting អងគុយ

4 swim  swim +m + ing = swimming ហែលទឹក

5 run  run +n + ing = running រត់

Exception: When one verb end by letter (w, x, and y) we don’t add another consonant we only add “ing”
1 sew  sew + ing = sewing
2 box  box + ing = boxing
3 fix  fix + ing = fixing
4 play  play + ing = playing

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
d. In verbs of two or more syllables that end in a consonant-vowel-consonant combination, double
the last consonant only if the verb is stressed on the last.

1 forget [ fə’get ]  forget +t + ing = forgetting ភ្លេច

2 expel [ ik’spel ]  expel +l + ing = expelling បភ្តេញភ្ចញ

3 begin [ bi’gin ]  begin +n + ing = beginning ចាប់ភ្្េើម

4 regret [ ri’gret ]  regret +t + ing = regretting ស្តេយភ្រោយ

5 prefer [ pri’fə: ]  prefer +r + ing = preferring ចូលចិតេជាង

6 forbid [ fə’bid ]  forbid +d + ing = forbidding ហាមឃាត់

7 admit [ əd’mid ]  admit +t + ing = admitting ស្តរភាព

8 fulfil [ ful’fil ]  fulfil +l + ing = fulfilling បំភ្ពញ

e. If the verb end in -ie, change the ie to y before adding -ing

1 die  dy + ing = dying

2 lie  ly + ing = lying
3 tie  ty + ing = tying


Present Continuous (Progressive)

Forms Example

She is living in Phnom Penh now.

Positive statements
They are working in here today.

She is not living in Phnom Penh now.

Negative Statements
They are not working in here now.

Is she living in Phnom Penh now?

Yes/No Questions
Are they working in here now?

Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

Short Answer
Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Where is she living now?

Wh-Questions Why are they working so hard?
Who’s teaching that class now?

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Time expression: now, look, at the moment, at present, now a day, today, to night, always, still, etc.

 Some verbs are almost never used in the present or past continuous, although it is possible in
some cases.

know believe hear see smell wish

understand hate love like want sound
have need appear seem taste own

Formula: Subject + to be + [verb + ing]……

 

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Exercise 1: Spelling Present Continuous
Write the correct forms of the verb

Base form Present Participle Base form Present Participle

1. tell ___________________ 26. be ___________________
2. swim ___________________ 27. become ___________________
3. speak ___________________ 28. teach ___________________
4. sing ___________________ 29. drive ___________________
5. visit ___________________ 30. read ___________________
6. have ___________________ 31. buy ___________________
7. add ___________________ 32. grow ___________________
8. fish ___________________ 33. come ___________________
9. help ___________________ 34. take ___________________
10. sleep ___________________ 35. plan ___________________
11. think ___________________ 36. carry ___________________
12. shop ___________________ 37. get ___________________
13. make ___________________ 38. eat ___________________
14. dance ___________________ 39. study ___________________
15. live ___________________ 40. smell ___________________
16. play ___________________ 41. save ___________________
17. write ___________________ 42. laugh ___________________
18. catch ___________________ 43. smoke ___________________
19. break ___________________ 44. hope ___________________
20. stay ___________________ 45. kiss ___________________
21. feed ___________________ 46. kill ___________________
22. fight ___________________ 47. die ___________________
23. give ___________________ 48. listen ___________________
24. keep ___________________ 49. open ___________________
25. wear ___________________ 50. lock ___________________

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Exercise 2: Present Continuous Form
A. Use the words below to make sentences in present Continuous.
1. I / read a book

2. it / rain

3. he / repair his bike

4. they / watch a film

5. the cat / sleep on the chair

6. Jane and Emily / do their homework

7. Bill / wait at the bus stop

8. we / listen to the radio

9. the children / play a game

10. Laura / walk the dog

B. Write questions with the words below.

1. Peter / go / to the cinema __________________________________________________?

2. they / play / a game __________________________________________________?

3. she / listen /to the radio __________________________________________________?

4. I / dream __________________________________________________?

5. they / pack / their bags __________________________________________________?

6. you / do / the washing-up __________________________________________________?

7. we / talk / too fast __________________________________________________?

8. they / clean / the windows __________________________________________________?

9. she / watch / the news __________________________________________________?

10. you / pull / my leg __________________________________________________?

C. Change the sentences below into negative sentences.

1. I am watching TV.

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
2. I am talking.

3. They are drawing

4. He is opening the window.

5. Angela is cleaning the bathroom.

6. We are helping in the garden

7. You are singing.

8. It is raining.

9. She is joking.

10. I am tidying up my room.

D. Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.

1. Ashley is going to a restaurant. Where is Ashley going to?

2. Gareth is reading the paper. __________________________________________________?

3. Stacey is playing in the garden.


4. She is wearing a red dress. __________________________________________________?

5. Britney is doing her homework.


6. Mandy is leaving at nine. __________________________________________________?

7. Joe is repairing his bike. __________________________________________________?

8. Amanda is going out with Dan. __________________________________________________?

9. They are meeting at two o'clock.


10. Sandy is looking for Phil. __________________________________________________?

E. Answer the questions in complete sentences using the words in brackets in the correct form.

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
1. What is he doing? (to play golf) He is playing golf .

2. What is he doing? (to watch TV) ________________________________________________.

3. What is she doing? (to talk on the phone) __________________________________________.

4. What is he doing? (to read a book) ________________________________________________.

5. What are they doing? (to play American football) ____________________________________.

6. What is he doing? (to cry) ________________________________________________.

7. What is she doing? (to run) ________________________________________________.

8. What are they doing? (to sit in a meeting)


9. What is he doing? (to cycle) ________________________________________________.

10. What is she doing? (to climb up a ladder) _________________________________________.

Exercise 3: Your Turn

A. Create three Wh-questions by using present continuous tense.


B. Create three Yes/No questions by using present continuous tense. Then answer the Question.



C. Create three Positive forms by using present continuous tense.



D. Create three Negative forms by using present continuous tense.

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition


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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition

Present Perfect

1. An action that happened at an indefinite time in the past.

Ex: John has traveled around the world. (We don’t know when)

Ex: My father has written a lot of journals.

2. An action that has happened more than once in the past.

Ex: George has seen this movie three times.

Ex: She has read this book. (She has finished the book)

3. An action that began in the past and is still continuing in the present.

Ex: Joe has lived in the same house for sixteen years. (He still lives there)
Joe has lived in the same house since 2000. (He still lives there)

 If it is now 2016:

Since 2000 for 16 years 2016(now)


a. Use For + duration of time: for five hours, for thirty years, for ten years
b. Use Since + beginning time: since 1975, since five o’clock, since January

The adverbs yet and already are used to indicate that something has happened (or hasn’t happened)
at an unspecified time in the past. These adverbs are often used with the present perfect.

Already Positive
Yet negative and question

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Note: Already usually appears between the auxiliary and the man verb; however, it can appear at the
beginning or the end of the sentence.

Yet appears at the end of the sentence.

Subject + has/have + already + V3 +…..

Subject + has/have + not + V3 …..+ yet.

Example: We have already written our reports.

Example: We haven’t written our reports yet.


A. There are three common forms in Present Perfect

Conjugation of Verb “to see” Present Perfect

Positive form Question form Negative form

I have seen… Have I seen…? I have not seen.…
You have seen… Have you seen…? You have not seen.…
He has seen… Has he seen…? He has not seen.…
She has seen… Has she seen…? She has not seen.…
It has seen… Has it seen…? It has not seen.…
We have seen… Have we seen…? We have not seen.…
You have seen… Have you seen…? You have not seen.…
They have seen… Have they seen…? They have not seen.…

B. Spelling Rules for Base form of Verb + -ed (Past Simple and Past Participle of Regular Verbs)

a. If the verb end in a consonant, add –ed

1. Want → wanted
2. Print → printed
3. Help → helped
4. Add → added
5. Sound → sounded

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
b. If the verb ends in -e, add –d
1. save → saved
2. taste → tasted
3. invite → invited
4. live → lived
5. dance → danced

c. In one-syllable verb, if the last three letters are a consonant-vowel-consonant combination

(CVC), double the last consonant before adding –ed

1. Plan → planned
2. Wet → wetted
3. Ban → banned
4. Shop → shopped
5. Stir → stirred

Exception: Do not double the last consonant of one syllable verbs ending in –w, -x, or -y
1. Sew → sewed
2. Box → boxed
3. Mix → mixed
4. Play → played

d. In verbs of two or more syllables that end in a consonant-vowel-consonant combination

(CVC), double the last consonant only if the last syllable is stressed.

1. Expel [ ik’spel ] → expelled បភ្តេញភ្ចញ

2. Regret [ ri’gret ] → regretted ស្តេយភ្រោយ

3. Prefer [ pri’fə: ] → preferred ចូលចិតេជាង

4. Fulfil [ ful’fil ] → fulfilled បំភ្ពញ

5. Admit [ əd’mid ] → admitted ស្តរភាព

e. If the verb ends in consonant + y, change the y to i and add –ed

1. Cry → cried
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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
2. Dry → dried
3. Worry → worried
4. Carry → carried
5. Study → studied
6. Reply → replied
7. Fry → fried

f. If the verb ends in vowel + y, add –ed ( Do not change the y to i)

1. Play → played
2. Stay → stayed
3. Delay → delayed
4. Replay → replayed
5. Pray → prayed

C. Irregular Verb

Here are some Irregular Verbs. You can find a full list of it from your teacher

Nº Base Form (V1) Past Simple (V2) Past Participle (V3) Khmer translate

1. arise [ əraiz ] arose [ ərəuz ] arisen [ ərizn ] ភ្កើតភ្ ើង

2. awake [ əweik ] awoke [ əwəuk ] awoken [ əwəukən ] ដាស់

3. be [ bi: ] was / were [ wəz/wə ] been [ bi:n ] គឺ, ជា, ភ្ៅ, ភ្្វើ

4. bear [ beə ] bore [ bɔ: ] born [ bɔ:n ] ឲ្យ្ល, ភ្កើតកូន

5. become [ bikʌm ] became [ bikeim ] become [ bikʌm ] ោេយជា

6. begin [ bigin ] began [ bigæn ] begun [ bigʌn ] ចាប់ភ្្េើម

7. bet [ bet ] bet [ bet ] bet [ bet ] ភាាល់

8. bite [ bait ] bit [ bit ] bitten [ bitn ] ខំ

9. bleed [ bli:d ] bled [ bled ] bled [ bled ] ភ្ចញឈាម

10. blow [ bləu ] blew [ blu: ] blown [ bləun ] ្េំុ

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition

Rules for the Simple Past and Past Participle of Regular Verbs

A. We pronounce (id) sound when all the verbs end by sound (t, d)

1. want [ wɔnt ] wanted [ wɔntid ]

2. wait [ weit ] waited [ weitid ]
3. add [ æd ] added [ ædid ]
4. decide [ disaid ] decided [ disaidid ]
5. need [ ni:d ] needed [ ni:did ]

B. We pronounce (t) sound when all the verbs end by sound ( s, k, ʃ, p, f, ʧ )

1. box [ bɔks ] boxed [ bɔkst ]

2. fish [ fiʃ ] fished [ fiʃt ]
3. like [ laik ] liked [ laikt ]
4. help [ help ] helped [ helpt ]
5. laugh [ la:f ] laughed [ la:ft ]

C. We pronounce (d) sound when all the verbs end by sound ( b, ʤ, m, v, l, ɡ, n, z, ŋ, ð and Vowel
Sound )

1. rub [ rʌb ] rubbed [ rʌbd ]

2. change [ ʧænʤ ] changed [ ʧænʤd ]
3. dream [ dri:m ] dreamed [ dri:md ]
4. live [ liv ] lived [ livd ]
5. travel [ trævl ] traveled [ trævld ]
6. hug [ hʌɡ ] hugged [ hʌɡd ]

7. return [ ri:tǝn ] returned [ ri:tǝnd ]

8. surprise [ sǝ:priz ] surprised [ sǝ:prizd ]

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition


Present Perfect

Forms Example

I have been to Thailand.

Positive statements
Marie has written a book.

I have not been to Thailand.

Negative Statements
Marie has not written any book yet.

Has he moved to his new house?

Yes/No Questions
Have you finished your writing?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Short Answer
Yes, I have. No. I haven’t.

Where have you been?

Wh-Questions Who has eaten this cake?
How long have you been here?

Time expression: Just, ever, never, already, yet, always, how long, so far, recently, since, for, today, this
week, this month, etc.

Formula: Present Perfect: Sub + have/has + V3 (Past Participle)…….

 

Compiled by THAI EANG 26 | P a g e

English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Exercise 1: Spelling Past Participle
Write the correct form of the verb

Base form Part Participle Base form Part Participle

1. be ___________________ 26. tell ___________________
2. become ___________________ 27. swim ___________________
3. teach ___________________ 28. speak ___________________
4. drive ___________________ 29. sing ___________________
5. read ___________________ 30. visit ___________________
6. buy ___________________ 31. have ___________________
7. grow ___________________ 32. add ___________________
8. come ___________________ 33. fish ___________________
9. take ___________________ 34. help ___________________
10. plan ___________________ 35. sleep ___________________
11. carry ___________________ 36. think ___________________
12. get ___________________ 37. shop ___________________
13. eat ___________________ 38. make ___________________
14. study ___________________ 39. dance ___________________
15. smell ___________________ 40. live ___________________
16. save ___________________ 41. play ___________________
17. laugh ___________________ 42. write ___________________
18. smoke ___________________ 43. catch ___________________
19. hope ___________________ 44. break ___________________
20. kiss ___________________ 45. stay ___________________
21. kill ___________________ 46. feed ___________________
22. die ___________________ 47. fight ___________________
23. listen ___________________ 48. give ___________________
24. open ___________________ 49. keep ___________________
25. lock ___________________ 50. wear ___________________

Compiled by THAI EANG 27 | P a g e

English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Exercise 2: Present Perfect Forms
A. Use the words below to make Positive forms of Present Perfect

1. My parents / travel / to Siem Reap / for many times

2. Jam / play / piano / very well

3. Alice / have / the same English teacher / for two years

4. I / know / Luis / for a long time

5. I / know Luis / since 2010

6. I / be / to Brazil

7. Bopha / study / English / since 2009

8. John / live / in New York since 2000.

9. Lora / stay / in Takhmao / for two months.

10. We / take / many tests / this month.

B. Answer the question using Present Perfect.

1. How long have you studied English?

2. How long have you lived in this city?

3. How many foreign countries have you visited?

4. How many times have you seen your favorite movie?

5. How long have you known your best friend?

Exercise 3: Your Turn

A. Create three Wh-questions by using Present Perfect Tense.


Compiled by THAI EANG 28 | P a g e

English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition

B. Create three Yes/No questions by using Present Perfect Tense. Then answer the Question.



C. Create three Positive forms by using Present Perfect Tense.


D. Create three Negative forms by using Present Perfect Tense.



Compiled by THAI EANG 29 | P a g e

English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition

Present Perfect Continuous


1. An action started in the past and continuing up to present. (Unfinished Action)

Ex: He has been reading book for two hours. (He’s still reading it)

Ex: I have been learning English for six years. (I am still learning it)

2. Past action of certain duration having visible result or effects in the present.

Ex: She has been crying (Her eyes are red)

Ex: They have been working in the rain. (They are wet)

3. An action that expressed anger, irritation, annoyance, explanation, or criticism.

Ex: Who has been using my towel

Ex: Has the dog been chewing my slippers?

4. Emphasis on duration, usually with the word “how long, for or since”.

Ex: How long have you been studying English?

Ex: I’ve been typing my assignment since nine o’clock.

Note: The verbs that are used both with Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous are live, teach,
wear, work, study, and feel.

Ex: I have lived here for two years.

I have been living here for two years.
Ex: I have worked in this office since 2014.
I have been working in this office since 2014.
Ex: I have studied English for ten years.
I have been studying English for ten years.
Ex: She has taught English since 2000.
She has been teaching English since 2000.

Compiled by THAI EANG 30 | P a g e

English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition


A. There are three common forms in Present Perfect

Conjugation of Verb “to work” Present Perfect Continuous

Positive form Question form Negative form

I have been working… Have I been working…? I have not been working…
You have been working… Have you been working…? You have not been working…
He has been working… Has he been working…? He has not been working…
She has been working… Has she been working…? She has not been working…
It has been working… Has it been working…? It has not been working…
We have been working… Have we been working…? We have not been working…
You have been working… Have you been working…? You have not been working…
They have been working… Have they been working…? They have not been working…


Present Perfect Continuous

Forms Example

I have been reading this book for an hour.

Positive statements
Marie has been writing a book this year.

I have not been reading this book yet.

Negative Statements
Marie has not been writing any books yet.

Has he been living in his new house?

Yes/No Questions
Have you been finishing your writing yet?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.

Short Answer
Yes, I have. No. I haven’t.

Where have you been working?

Wh-Questions Who has been eating my cake?
How long have you been living here?

Time expression: How long, for, since, etc.

Formula Present Perfect Continuous: Sub + have/has + been + [verb+ing]….

 

Compiled by THAI EANG 31 | P a g e

English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Exercise 1: Spelling Present Participle

Write the correct form of the verb

Base form Present Participle Base form Present Participle

1. speak ___________________ 26. hit ___________________
2. talk ___________________ 27. go ___________________
3. say ___________________ 28. attend ___________________
4. see ___________________ 29. come ___________________
5. look ___________________ 30. arrive ___________________
6. watch ___________________ 31. reach ___________________
7. hear ___________________ 32. want ___________________
8. listen ___________________ 33. wait ___________________
9. smell ___________________ 34. love ___________________
10. breathe ___________________ 35. hate ___________________
11. eat ___________________ 36. like ___________________
12. chew ___________________ 37. get ___________________
13. drink ___________________ 38. receive ___________________
14. sleep ___________________ 39. read ___________________
15. sit ___________________ 40. cry ___________________
16. stand ___________________ 41. learn ___________________
17. walk ___________________ 42. study ___________________
18. run ___________________ 43. do ___________________
19. jump ___________________ 44. have ___________________
20. think ___________________ 45. need ___________________
21. remember ___________________ 46. use ___________________
22. write ___________________ 47. ride ___________________
23. play ___________________ 48. drive ___________________
24. fight ___________________ 49. open ___________________
25. kick ___________________ 50. close ___________________

Compiled by THAI EANG 32 | P a g e

English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
Exercise 2: Present Perfect Continuous Forms
A. Use the words below to make Positive form of Present Perfect Continuous

1. Jam / live / in USA for three years.

2. Liza and John / work / hard / this week.

3. George / read / the newspaper.

4. She / write / a letter / for an hour.

5. I / study / English / for ten years.

6. John / listen to / the teacher’s explanation / for a half hour.

7. My father / paint / the wall.

8. The baby / wake up.

9. Jimmy / visit / his parents this afternoon.

10. Kola / walk / for an hour.

B. Change the Ten sentences above into Wh-Question or Yes/No Question.

1. __________________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________________

8. __________________________________________________________________

9. __________________________________________________________________

10. __________________________________________________________________

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English Grammar of Tenses Second Edition
C. Write you own sentences using the verb given





Exercise 3: Your Turn

A. Create three Wh-questions by using Present Perfect Continuous Tense.




B. Create three Yes/No questions by using Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Then answer the


C. Create three Positive forms by using Present Perfect Continuous Tense.



D. Create three Negative forms by using Present Perfect Continuous Tense.


Compiled by THAI EANG 34 | P a g e

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