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COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering (Islamabad


Topic: -
Rectangular Patch Antenna Array Design at 13 GHz Frequency Using HFSS

Submitted to: -

Ibtisam Aslam

Submitted by: -

Komal Arif FA15-BET-037

Abdul Basit FA15-BET-016



COMSATS Institute of Information

Technology, Islamabad

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I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support
and help of many individuals and University. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to my lab instructor Ibtisam Aslam for their guidance and constant supervision as
well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in completing
the project.
I would like to express my gratitude towards my parents & friends for their kind co-operation and
encouragement which help me in completion of this project.
I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving me such attention
and time.
My thanks and appreciations also go to my classmates in developing the project and people who have
willingly helped me out with their abilities.

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This project presents a new element antenna array of rectangular topology microstrip patches is introduced
to operate at Ku band. The antenna has been designed as an arrays of patches, where number of elements,
spacing’s and feeding currents has been optimized to fulfil the requirements of low side lobe level and
good cross polarization. The operating frequency range of antenna array is from 12 to 18 GHz. The
antenna has been designed and simulated on FR4 Substrate with dielectric constant of 4.4. This paper also
presents that, the detail steps of designing and simulating the rectangular patch antenna and rectangular
patch antenna Array, in Ku-band. The design is analysed by Finite Element Method (FEM) based HFSS
Simulator Software by which return loss, Impedance, 3D polar plot, Directivity and Gain of the antenna
are computed. The simulated results are shows that the proposed antenna provides good performance in
terms of return loss and radiation pattern for dual frequency applications.

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Acknowledgements 2
Abstract 3
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures iv

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What is Patch Antenna 6
1.2 . Probe Feed Patch Antenna 6
1.3 What is Ku band 6
1.4 What is Array Antenna 6

1.5 Array Antenna Types 6

Chapter 2 Rectangular Patch Antenna Array Design Using HFSS

2.1 Overview 7
2.2 Design Flow 7
2.3 Technical Details and Methodology 8
2.4 Project Tasks 8

Chapter 3 Conclusion
3.1 Features 11
3.2 Recommendation for Future Work 11
3.2.1 Accuracy 11

Design Screen Shots (Step By step)………………………………. 12


Figure 1.substrate 12

Figure 2.patch 12
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Figure 3.ground 13

Figure 4.cylinder1 13

Figure 5.cylinder2 14

Figure 14

Figure 7.rectangular patch antenna array 15

Graph 1. Return Loss for rectangular patch antenna 15

Graph 2. Return Loss for rectangular patch array antenna 16

Figure 8.3d polar plot for rectangular patch antenna 16

Figure 10.3d polar plot for rectangular patch array antenna 17

Figure 9.rqadiation pattern for rectangular patch array antenna 17

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Chapter 1
1.1 Patch Anteena:
A patch antenna (also known as a rectangular Microstrip antenna) is a type of radio antenna with
a low profile, which can be mounted on a flat surface. It consists of a flat rectangular sheet or
"patch" of metal, mounted over a larger sheet of metal called a ground plane. The radiation at
the edges causes the antenna to act slightly larger electrically than its physical dimensions, so
in order for the antenna to be resonant, a length of Microstrip transmission line slightly shorter
than one-half a wavelength at the frequency is used.

1.2 Probe feed Patch Anteena:

Probe Feed Patch Antenna (Coaxial-line patch Antenna) is another type of patch
antenna. In Coaxial-line feeds, the inner conductor of the coax is attached to the
to the radiation patch while the outer conductor is connected to the ground plane. The coaxial
probe feed is:
 It has low spurious radiation
 It is easy to fabricate and match

1.3 Ku band:
The design of microstrip patch antenna, operating in Ku band is a very difficult task. Ku band is primarily used in the
satellite communication. Mostly for, fixed and broadcast services and for specific applications for NASA. Ku-band is also
used for satellite from Remote Location (RL) back to a television network studio for editing and broadcasting. Ku-band
provides reliable high-speed connectivity
between the personal organizers and other wireless digital appliances.

1.4 Array Antenna

An antenna array (often called a 'phased array') is a set of 2 or more antennas. The signals from the
antennas are combined or processed in order to achieve improved performance over that of a single
antenna. The antenna array can be used to:
 increase the overall gain
 provide diversity reception
 cancel out interference from a particular set of directions
 "steer" the array so that it is most sensitive in a particular direction
 determine the direction of arrival of the incoming signals
 to maximize the Signal to Interference Plus Noise Ratio (SINR)

1.5 Types of Array Antenna

 Linear array- antenna elements arranged along a straight line
 Circular array- antenna elements arranged around a circular ring
 Planar array- antenna elements arranged over some planar surface (example -
rectangular array).
 Conformal array- antenna elements arranged to conform to some non-planar surface
(such as an aircraft skin).

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Chapter 2
Rectangular Patch Antenna Array Design Using HFSS
2.1 Overview:
In Modern Communication Systems the Antennas are the most important components to create a communication link.
Microstrip Patch antennas are widely used in wireless communication systems because of, they are low profile, of light weight,
low cost, conformal design, low power handling capacity and easy to integrate and fabricate. They can be designed in a variety
of shapes in order to obtain enhanced
gain and bandwidth. Microstrip Patch Antenna implementation is a mile stone in
wireless communication systems.
2.2 Flowchart:


Design patch anteena

Apply lump port

Excitation of surfaces

Design array of anteena

splot,polar plot)

2.3 Technical Details and Methodology:

Method used to analyze antenna: FEM (Finite Element Method)

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Excitation Technique Probe Feeding
The spacing between antenna λ/4

2.4 Project Tasks:

1. Create Substrate
• Draw a box with
Name: sub
Box position Opposite Corner
X: 1.642 dX: 1.642*2
Y: 1.416 dY: 1.416*2
Z: 0.0 dZ: 0.147
 Assign Any Color to sub

2. Create Patch
 Draw a rectangle with
Name: patch

Rectangle position Opposite Corner

X: 1.04/2 dX:1.04
Y: 1.17/2 dY: 1.17
Z: 0.147 dZ: 0
 Assign Perfect E Boundary to patch
o To Assign the Perfect E Boundary  HFSS  Boundaries  Assign  PerfectE
o Name: PerftE_patch
o Click OK

3. Create Ground
 Draw a rectangle with
Name: Ground
Rectangle position Opposite Corner
X: 1.642 dX: 1.642*2
Y: 1.416 dY: 1.416*2
Z: 0.0 dZ: 01`

 Assign Perfect E Boundary to Ground

Name: PerftE_Ground

4. Create Circle 1
 Draw a Circle with
Circle position Radius of Circle
X: 0 dX: 0
Y: 1.17/2 dY: 0
Z: 0.0 dZ: 1

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 SelectGroundandcircle_1and perform Subtract operation.

5. Create Cylinder 1
Material: Vacuum
Name: Cylinder_1

Cylinder position Radius Height

X: 0 dX: 0 dX: 0.0
Y: 1.17/2 dY: 1 dY:0.0
Z: 0.0 dZ: 0 dZ0.14

6. Create Cylinder 2
Material: pec
Name: Cylinder_2

Cylinder position Radius Height

X: 0 dX: 0 dX: 0.0
Y: 0.575 dY:00.4 dY:0
Z: 0.0 dZ: 0 dZ: -0.147

7. Create Cylinder 3
Name: Cylinder_3

Cylinder position Radius Height

X: 0 dX: 0 dX: 0.0
Y: 0.575 dY:00.4 dY:0
Z: 0.0 dZ: 0 dZ: 0.147

8. Create Circle 2
 Draw a Circle with

Circle position Radius of Circle

X: 0 dX: 0
Y: 0.575
Z: -0.147 dZ: 0

9. Create Wave Port Excitation

 Select wave_port  assign wave port and Excite it.

10. Create Air

 Create the Air of shape Box. Also create the Radiation Boundary and Radiation Setup.
 Set Material: air
 Draw a Box with

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 Name: Air

Box position Opposite Corner

X: 50 dX: -100
Y: -45 dY: 90
Z: 0.0 dZ: 40

 Radiation Boundary:
Graphically select all the faces of the air object except the face at Z= 0.0

11. Create a Radiation Setup

a) To define the radiation setup
 Select the menu item HFSS  Radiation  Insert Far Field Setup  Infinite Sphere
 Far Field Radiation Sphere Setup dialog

12. Creating an Analysis Setup

 Define Solution Setup and Frequency Sweep and analyze the model you have
 Solution Frequency: 13 GHz
 Maximum Number of Passes: 20
 Maximum Delta S per Pass: 0.02

o Sweep Type: Fast.

o Frequency Setup Type: Linear Step.

Start: 11 GHz
Stop: 14 GHz
Step Size: 0.01 GHz

13.Creating array anteena:

 Using same above parameters design three more antennas with equally distance at

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Chapter 3
To improve the better gain of different antennas and also to nullify the side lobes we
can go for Phase array antennas. This project explains about a Rectangular patch
antenna and also Rectangular Patch Antenna by Phased Arrays using HFSS 14.0.
For rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Design, this paper got a gain of 6.844 db,
for rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Array Design got a gain of 8.5548
db. By using arrays this paper gets better gain. And also return loss, Impedance, 3D
polar plot, Directivity and Gain of the antenna are computed and corresponding
results are shown. The proposed antenna provides good performance in terms of
return loss and radiation pattern and gain

3.2 Recommendation for Future Work

3.2.1 Accuracy
In this project accuracy is the most predictable parameter. We do our
best to attain this task. As future work, it can be increased up to work
requirement in future.

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Figure 10.substrate

Figure 11.patch

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Figure 12.ground

Figure 13.cylinder1

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Figure 14.cylinder2


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For array Design:

Figure 16.rectangular patch antenna array

Simulation Results Using HFSS:

The design is analyzed by Finite Element Method. The return loss, Impedance, 3D
polar plot, Directivity and peak gain is obtained by using HFSS 14.0. The results
are shows below:
Return Loss:
The graph 1 can represents the Return Loss of patch antenna Array Design. At -10 db we
can get a Band Width -1.25Ghz. And have a gain of 8.44 db.
The graph 2 can represents the Return Loss of Single patch antenna At
-10 db we can get a Band Width -1.25 Ghz. And have a gain of 8.92db.
Return loss:

Graph 2. Return Loss for rectangular patch antenna

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Graph 2. Return Loss for rectangular patch array antenna

3D polar plot:

Figure 17.3d polar plot for rectangular patch antenna

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Figure 10.3d polar plot for rectangular patch array antenna

Radiation Pattern:

Figure 18.rqadiation pattern for rectangular patch array antenna

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