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A Discussion of the Manifestation of Beauty in Physics

Liam Foster
Senior Project Advisor: Steve Smith
Animas High School Senior Humanities
(Dated: May 22, 2018)
Physics was humanity’s first foray into the sciences and the study of the cosmos in an objective,
reductionist manner. Throughout the progression of physics, cycles of beauty and chaos present
themselves. Before a paradigm shift, physical understanding complicates itself to explain unexpected
results before breaking into a deeper level of understanding. These breakthroughs often unify
seemingly disjointed subfields and lead to a more elegant model of physics. Narratives of physics
history show this cycle of beauty and complexity manifesting itself from the beginning of physics to
quantum field theory. While there is no reason the universe must operate in a beautiful way, most
physicists hope that it can be modeled in a graceful manner.

I. INTRODUCTION truths about the universe we inhabit. Physics uses a

combination of simplicity, elegance, and productiv-
Physics has always been obsessed with beauty. ity to define beauty.
Embodying reductionism and objectivism, the field
seeks to invent elegant mathematical frameworks
that predict the position, motion, and evolution of II. BACKGROUND
systems over time on the most fundamental lev-
els. Often thought of as the first science, physics Calculus was invented for physics and represents
has helped humanity understand its environment for rates of change in mathematical frameworks. While
thousands of years. it has an intimidating aura, calculus only introduces
The philosophers of ancient Greece theorized that two new major tools: the derivative and the integral.
celestial bodies were embedded within spheres of The derivative takes a function and returns the rate
an extraterrestrial aether, and these celestial bodies of change. The integral finds the area underneath
were thought of as perfect and unblemished. The a function. The integral is also an antiderivative,
motion of these nested spheres around the Earth ex- much like division is anti-multiplication. Applying
plained the motion of celestial bodies. These the- these tools to position, velocity, and acceleration are
ories of the cosmos seemed to be complete based the basis of classical mechanics, which will be dis-
on the observations of the time, but people realized cussed later. Equation 1 represents how the deriva-
that the planets seemed to move backwards in the tive of some function f (x) with respect to x is writ-
sky, showing that reality did not match the simple ten.
model of celestial spheres. Modifications were made
df (x)
to the model to try to explain this retrograde mo- (1)
tion, positing that the planets orbited fixed points dx
on the spheres where the planets had been located Equation 2 represents how the integral of some
in previous models. This explained how the plan- function f (x) from x = a to x = b with respect to x
ets could travel backwards while still seeming to or- is written.
bit Earth. The model of geocentric celestial spheres Z b
became essentially unusable as various observations
continued to disagree with this geocentric model of f (x)dx (2)
the universe. Then a simpler framework was in-
troduced, positing that everything revolved around
the sun, not the Earth. While less anthropocentric, A. Framework
this model explained the measurements in a simpler
and more elegant way. The usefulness of the theory Physics goes through cycles of perceived complete-
increased as well, paving the way for gravitational ness as the field progresses. Albert Einstein is often
models that would replace the celestial spheres en- attributed to have said that ”as our circle of knowl-
tirely. edge expands, so does the circumference of dark-
Physicists were able to determine that the plan- ness surrounding it. This illustrates the fact that
ets orbit the sun without having access to a refer- the more that we know, the more we begin to com-
ence point outside the solar system by seeking deeper prehend our lack of knowledge. Progress in physics

is often obstructed until revolutions occur. Exam-

ples include the reorganization of the solar system,
the ultraviolet catastrophe, and the resulting revolu-
tions in quantum mechanics. As a result, the nature
of progress in physics is cyclical, and physics can ap-
pear virtually complete until theories are broken by

III. RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS Figure 1. Fields of Modern Physics [6]

A possible explanation for the cyclical nature of

progress is based upon the definition of beauty in Newton’s additions to the field of physics set a
the context of physics and how it clashes with the paradigm that lasted 200 years. Progress during this
paradigm of the time. In order to investigate this, time was widespread, comprehensive, and built what
beauty is parameterized into three variables: sim- we now call classical physics.
plicity, elegance, and productivity. [8] Classical physics provides remarkably good pre-
Simplicity is that a theory predicts the correct re- dictions of medium sized, slow moving objects and
sults with the smallest amount of unnecessary ac- is often split into mechanics, electrodynamics, and
commodations. Epicycles are an excellent exam- thermodynamics. For the purposes of this analysis,
ple of an unnecessarily complex theory to explain thermodynamics will be ignored.
the retrograde motion of planets and other celestial
bodies. With three comparatively simple laws, Ke-
A. Classical Mechanics
pler was able to predict the motion of the planets
with unprecedented accuracy without the epicycles
needed to force geocentrism to work, making Ke- Classical mechanics describes the motion of
pler’s laws a much simpler model. medium sized, slow moving objects. Nearly every
Elegance is evident where unification occurs. For classical mechanics problem can be solved with New-
instance, when Newton developed his universal law ton’s second law and kinematics. Although calculus
of gravitation, the falling of an apple was explained is needed to use these equations, they explain the
by the same equation that predicts the motion of everyday world with remarkable accuracy and in a
celestial bodies. simple way. The beginning of classical mechanics is
Productivity is how much a theory can predict often attributed to Newton and nearly all of it can be
and the degree to which it leads to new ideas. Ke- built upon his second law of motion and kinematics:
pler’s laws not only predicted the motion of celestial
bodies more accurately, but inspired Newton to re- d(mv)
alize that a unified theory of gravity could explain F = (3)
nearly all types of motion, leading to the develop-
ment of his law of universal gravitation. From epicy- Equation 3 simplifies in most cases to Equation 4.
cles through Kepler’s laws to universal gravitation,
theoretical physics took massive leaps in its ability
to explain new phenomena as well as answer previ- F = ma (4)
ously unasked questions.
The advancements in physics that brought us F is force, m is mass, v is velocity, t is time, and a
from epicycles, geocentrism, and celestial spheres is acceleration. Kinematics is the simple application
to universal gravitation and Newton’s laws are one of derivatives to motion.
of several revolutions in physics that will be used
to show how simplicity, elegance, and productiv- ds
ity have evolved. This overview of the history of v= (5)
physics through the lens of beauty will greatly sim-
plify the progress of physics into a number of defin-
ing moments for the sake of brevity. These will be
dv d2 s
split into the stories of the 4 main regimes of mod- a= = 2 (6)
ern physics: classical mechanics, relativistic mechan- dt dt
ics, quantum mechanics, and quantum field theory, Where s is position and the rest of the variables
which are shown in Figure 1. are consistent with the definitions given for Newton’s

second law in Equations 3 and 4. These equations means that a moving charge generates a magnetic
describe how force, momentum, mass, acceleration, field.
velocity, and position are related. They elegantly In 1831, Faraday discovered electromagnetic in-
unify an enormous section of the classical everyday duction, which is how electricity is generated by a
world into a single framework and are productive changing magnetic field. Over the course of the fol-
because they predict nearly everything we see in our lowing years, he developed Equation 9.
everyday lives.
E =− (9)
B. Classical Electrodynamics dt
Equation 9 shows that an electromotive force E
Electrodynamics details the interaction of elec- can be induced on a wire by a changing magnetic
tric charges, magnetism, and light. A summary field related to ΦB . The ΦB is the magnetic flux.
of the history of this field will be shown by in- It is the same concept of electric flux, but with a
vestigating the works and discoveries of Charles- magnetic field instead of an electric one. Essentially,
Augustin de Coulomb, Hans Christian Oersted, a changing magnetic field gives an electric field.
Andre-Marie Ampere, Michael Faraday, and James Most of the scientific community rejected Faraday
Clerk Maxwell. and his findings as they were discovered purely by
One of the first quantitative models of the force experiment and not through mathematical theory.
between electric charges was published by Coulomb There was a notable exception however. Maxwell’s
in 1784. It is an inverse square law that is essen- equations form the underpinning of all of classical
tially analogous to Newton’s universal gravitation electromagnetism, which are Equations 10 through
and shown in Equation 7. 13.

q1 q2 Z
F12 =
4π0 r2
(7) ~ = qencl
~ · dA
E (10)
Equation 7 essentially states that the electrical
force between the two charges q1 and q2 is propor- Z
tional to the product of the charges and is inversely ~ · dA
B ~=0 (11)
proportional to the square of the distance r between
them. This means that the higher the charges, the
larger the force, and the higher the distance, the Z
lower the force. This is one of the first laws in the ~ · d~l = µ0 I + µ0 0 dΦE
B (12)
development of classical electrodynamics. dt
In 1820, Oersted noticed that a magnetic needle
was deflected by a current carrying wire, providing
the first indications that magnetism and electrostat- dΦB
E =− (13)
ics could be the product of a single underlying force. dt
He published his results soon after, which inspired Equations 12 and 13 should look familiar, as they
Ampere to conduct further work in the unification of are elaborated on above. Equation 10 (Gauss’s law)
electromagnetism, leading to the derivation of Am- can be derived from Coulomb’s law, which is shown
pere’s law, which is shown in Equation 8. Ampere’s in Equation 7. Coulomb’s law is presented above
law relates the integral of magnetic field in a loop, instead of Gauss’s law because it is simpler and
enclosed electric current, and the time derivative of more intuitive. Equation 11 has no widely accepted
electric flux. name, but it states that there cannot be magnetic
One fascinating result of these equations is that
~ · d~l = µ0 I + µ0 0 dΦE
B (8)
dt they show that magnetic field is related to the rate of
change of electric flux while electric fields are related
Equation 8 shows that the sum of all of the mag- to the rate of change of magnetic flux. Essentially, a
netic force B along some loop l is equal to some changing electric field generates a magnetic field and
constant µ0 times the current I enclosed in the loop a changing magnetic field generates an electric field.
l plus more constants times the rate of change of These equations set the groundwork for electromag-
electric flux. Electric flux is a measure of the flow netic waves, which are self propagating electric fields
of an electric field through an area. This essentially generating magnetic fields generating electric fields

etc, which is the the classical definition of light. tionship between the electric constant 0 and the
It is amazing how unifying electrostatics and mag- magnetic constant µ0 . This relationship is shown in
netostatics yields a set of equations describing light, Equation 14.
which is a seemingly unrelated phenomena. This
framework for describing light also predicts that its
speed must be constant. Since physics is frame inde- c= √ (14)
pendent (it doesn’t matter what frame of reference 0 µ0
you are in as long as that frame is not accelerating),
Equation 14 implies that light always travels at
light must move at a constant speed in all reference
some constant velocity c, independent of reference
frames, a topic explored in more detail later in the
frame. This is not intuitive, as the following will
illustrate. If someone threw a ball out of a moving
The development of classical electrodynamics is a
car, the ball’s velocity with respect to an observer
wonderful example of the cycles in physics progress
on the ground would be the sum of the car’s velocity
alluded to above with beauty’s parametrization into
and the velocity of the ball as seen from the thrower.
simplicity, elegance, and productivity. Electrostat-
If the same person turned on a flashlight, however,
ics used to be divided into several different fields of
the frame of reference is irrelevant and the speed of
study. As these fields progressed, numerous equa-
light from the flashlight is the same to both the car
tions were generated to predict various phenomena.
and the person on the ground.
The simplicity of the fields decreased, but produc-
This sets classical electromagnetism and classical
tivity increased as more and more extraneous equa-
mechanics at odds. Numerous teams of physicists
tions were generated. Completing a trend of unifica-
set out to build experiments to find problems in ei-
tion, Maxwell finished classical electrodynamics with
ther framework that could explain this discrepancy.
his 4 revolutionary equations and showed an un-
One of these was the Michelson Morley experiment.
deniable connection between electromagnetism and
The Michelson-Morley experiment was conducted in
light. This simplified electrodynamics enormously
order to find the difference in the speed of light pre-
while increasing productivity even more.
dicted by the luminiferous ether. This experiment
By unifying electrostatics and magnetostatics into
used an interferometer, which takes a beam from a
electromagnetism and by developing the laws of
coherent light source, splits the beam into two or-
motion and how force yields acceleration, classical
thogonal legs, reflects these beams back, and recom-
physics was explained by a simple set of elegant and
bines them in order to find interference patterns that
productive equations.
can be used to determine the time it takes light to
travel back and forth incredibly accurately. They
C. Relativistic Mechanics found no difference in timing at different times of
year, disproving ether theory. In fact, they found no
difference in the speed of light outside of experimen-
After Maxwell’s equations solidified, physics was tal error. Maxwell’s equations prevailed.[4]
thought to be complete with only a few little quirks The implications of a constant speed of light is
to work out. One of these is what was seen as a the impetus of Einstein’s special relativity. The two
minor disagreement in predicted speeds of light be- postulates that the entire framework is built upon
tween classical mechanics and classical electromag- are that the laws of physics are the same in any
netism. inertial (non-accelerating) reference frame and that
Classical mechanics predicts a substance called the speed of light is constant in all reference frames.
the luminiferous ether since all classical waves need This broke a 200 year old paradigm that there must
a medium through which to transit: sound travels be one universal time. Because the speed of light
through air and ripples travel through water. As that must stay constant to all observers, the rate
such, it was postulated that there must be a medium at which time passes in comparison between two
through which light travels. This luminiferous ether different frames must differ. Einstein’s new frame-
was thought to permeate all of space and some mod- work extended classical mechanics into the realms of
els predicted it as a stationary, almost absolute ref- the very fast and eventually the extremely massive
erence, meaning that light would have an observed through general relativity. The theories stay simple,
speed determined by the speed of the observer with as relativistic mechanics is only mildly more diffi-
respect to the emitter. The ether implies that one cult to work with. This new framework is incred-
could measure different speeds of light as their mo- ibly elegant, as it unifies classical mechanics with
tion changed. classical electromagnetism in a sense by giving them
Maxwell’s equations, predict a constant speed of both constant speeds of light. Relativity is also enor-
light in all reference frames through a simple rela- mously more productive as it predicts the motion of

incredibly fast and heavy objects. Classical physics trable barriers, teleport from place to place, and be-
is what is called a limiting case of relativistic me- come entangled so that observing one entangled par-
chanics, as the equations of relativistic mechanics ticle determines the state of its partner. An entire
are the same as the equations for classical mechan- thesis paper could be done on only the counterintu-
ics at low speeds with relatively light bodies. itive nature of the quantum world. The classic adage
”If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand
it” loses its meaning in the quantum world. Richard
D. Quantum Mechanics Feynman, a Nobel laureate in physics and arguably
the best explainer of the quantum world of all time
Along with his paper on special relativity, Einstein once said, ”If you think you understand quantum
also published a paper on the photoelectric effect. mechanics, you don’t understand quantum mechan-
The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon where ir- ics.” It is much easier to do quantum mechanics than
radiating a substance with light can eject electrons. to understand quantum mechanics.
It is the wavelength of the light, not the intensity or Everything that can be known about a particle is
duration that the light is shown, which determines contained in its wave function, Ψ. To access this in-
whether electrons are ejected. This completely dis- formation, one must solve for Ψ from the equation
agrees with classical physics since classical physics above and complete a simple series of mathemati-
does not care how energy is delivered to the electron, cal steps to find anything there is to know. This
only that it is. In order to predict this result, light yields great productivity and incredible simplicity.
must be split up into discrete particles or quanta After years of work, the leading physicists of the
called photons with energy hν, where h is a constant 20th century unified the various quantum theorems
and ν is the frequency of the light. Quantizing en- and formed an elegant, comparatively simple model
ergy means that it has to be split up into a very large in relation to the utterly counterintuitive phenom-
number of discrete steps as opposed to a continuum ena it explains.
that had been assumed ever since the advent of the
concept of energy. A light particle didn’t make much
sense, as Maxwell’s equations and the past several E. Quantum Field Theory
hundred years of solid measurement and experiment
showed that light was a wave, not a particle. Light, Particle physics is the study of how fundamen-
somehow, was both at once. Quantum mechanics tal particles and forces interact on subatomic scales.
was born. The way we study physics is inherently reductionist
As time progressed and more and more research and particle physics takes that to its furthest ex-
was done in the infant field, things only became tent. Ideally, if the smallest building blocks of the
stranger. The deterministic qualities of classical universe and their interactions can be predicted, all
physics faded away into the probabilistic nature of other physical science could be explained as emer-
quantum mechanics, making people very uncomfort- gent phenomena. The first known examples of this
able. Einstein, once said, ”God doesn’t play dice, re- idea originated in ancient Greece. In fact, the word
ferring to quantum mechanics. Neils Bohr has been atom comes from the Greek atomos, meaning in-
rumored to have replied, ”Einstein, don’t tell God divisible. The first forays into this field showed
what to do with his dice.” that atoms were not indivisible, splitting them into
Quantum mechanics’ governing equation is the protons, neutrons, and electrons. Modern particle
Schrodinger Wave Equation, which is shown in physics and the Standard Model describes three cat-
Equation 15. egories of elementary particles: quarks, leptons, and
∂Ψ ~2 ∂ 2 Ψ
i~ =− + V (x)Ψ (15)
∂t 2m ∂x2 F. Quarks
Equation 15 is a simplified version that only ap-
plies to 1 dimension. Ψ is a function of x and t. This As the structure of the atom became better de-
equation is the equivalent of Newton’s second law for fined, it became clear that any atom’s nucleus with
quantum mechanics. Instead of a simple equality, an atomic number greater than one should fly apart
the Schrodinger equation is an intimidating second due to electrostatic repulsion. To account for this,
order differential equation. It is also, as far as we can Hideki Yukawa theorized a particle called a meson,
tell, correct. This equation governs the entirety of from the Greek µ´ σoς for intermediate, that would
the quantum world, which is a completely counter- hold the nucleus together and published his the-
intuitive place where particles pass through impene- ory in 1934. The hunt was on for Yukawa’s me-

son. After numerous candidates were proven to be cles that had been found. The up, charm, and top
other particles, the pi meson was discovered and fit quarks have a charge of 23 while the down, strange,
the theory perfectly. However, there was another and bottom quarks have a charge of − 31 . Antiquarks
problem. New particles were being discovered ex- have inverse charges.
tremely frequently until there was a veritable zoo Strangeness is defined in Equation 16.
of hundreds of particles, hardly the simple and el-
egant subatomic world that physicists had hoped S = −(ns + n̄s ) (16)
for. Willis Lamb once said, ”...the finder of a new
particle used to be rewarded by a Nobel prize, but ns is the number of strange quarks and n̄s is the
such a discovery ought to be punished by a $10000 number of antistrange quarks. With this, we can
fine.” It only seemed that the deeper we looked, build the particles of the Eightfold Way out of com-
the messier it became. Physics went from having ponent quarks, as shown in Figure 3
a handful of subatomic particles (neutron, proton,
electron) to a completely ungainly mess of them. A
new framework for the organization of these particles
was needed. As such, Murray Gell-Mann developed
the Eightfold Way [1], which is shown in Figure 2.
This same structure can be built into larger struc-
tures to include the huge number of the particles
that were found.

Figure 3. Meson Octet [2]

Figure 3 shows that quark theory can explain the

Eightfold Way’s organization of these mesons. In
higher order structures, quark theory also holds true.
Quark theory simplified hundreds of mesons and
baryons into 6 quarks and antiquarks, an enormously
simplified model. The advent of quark theory simpli-
Figure 2. Meson Octet [10]
fied this realm of particle physics immensely while
increasing productivity by opening doors into the
The particles on the same horizontals share the strong force, one of the fundamental forces. With
same strangeness while the particles on the diago- the completion of quark theory, one of the three cat-
nals share the same charge. Particles are placed op- egories of particles in the Standard Model is com-
posite from their antiparticles. The neutral pi me- plete.
son and the eta meson are their own antiparticles.
The octuplet shown in Figure 2 does not have the
hundreds of particles discussed above because it is G. Leptons
a simplified model that only depicts mesons; higher
order structures can be built to include nearly all As the particle zoo expanded, a small number of
of the particles found. The organization of the octet particles were found that were decidedly not quarks
above implies that there is an underlying mechanism or quark composites. This new class of particles,
in the construction of mesons. This is the origin of called leptons, are indivisible-as far as we can tell-
quark theory, which theorizes that this new massive and are not made of component particles. Electrons
collection of particles are actually composites of a are leptons, as are two heavy electrons, called muons
small number of component particles called quarks. and tau particles. There is a decay process through
This enormously simplified theory posits that there which a neutron can decay into a proton and an elec-
are six different flavors of quarks: up, charm, top, tron, which is one of the main ways that radioactive
down, strange, and bottom, that can be put together elements decay. As more precise measurements were
in various combinations to yield the mess of parti- made, it became apparent that this process did not

appear to conserve energy or momentum. In order to because of how it puts all of these particles on the
fix these violations of the basic postulates of physics, same footing and unifies quark and lepton theories.
Pauli proposed a new light and hard to detect parti-
cle called a neutrino. [3] These particles are classified
as leptons and have a flavor similar to quark flavor. I. Bosons and the Standard Model
The leptons were complete.
This section will focus on the force carrying bosons
and ignore the Higgs boson. As of yet, we have
H. Unification of Quarks and Leptons discovered four fundamental forces of the universe:
gravity, electromagnetism, the strong force, and the
As quark theory and lepton theory became com- weak force. All other known forces are derivatives
plete, it became apparent that the two could be com- of these. The Standard Model provides a framework
bined into one elegant, unified model. Now called on which particles interact via the strong, weak, and
the Standard Model, this new theoretical framework electromagnetic forces. Quantum field theory is the
is considered to be the most successful model in the framework upon which the Standard Model is built,
history of physics. Unifying quarks and leptons into meaning that all particles and forces are represented
one framework is only one piece of the Standard as excitations of their respective fields. For example,
Model and the bosons that complete it will be ex- a top quark is an excitation in the top quark field
plained below. One particularly beautiful part of and an electron is an excitation in the electron field.
the Standard Model is the introduction of a kind of Representing particles as field excitations gives us
Periodic Table for the fundamental particles, which a new way of representing the fundamental forces:
is shown in Figure 4. The bosons are omitted and force carrying bosons.
will be introduced later. Bosons are the non fermionic particles. They have
integer spin and can occupy the same space as one
another, unlike fermions. A certain class of bosons
are the fundamental force carrying bosons: the pho-
ton (γ), the weak bosons (W + ,W − , and Z 0 ), and
the gluon (g). These convey the electromagnetic,
weak, and strong forces, respectively. When these
bosons convey force, it is via a virtual particle. This
simply means that the force carrier is emitted and
absorbed with no possibility of observation, making
them impossible to detect directly. These virtual
particles can be seen as just a calculational tool,
but the methods that incorporate them, such as the
Standard Model, predict particle interactions incred-
ibly well. These virtual particles allow us to repre-
sent three of the four fundamental forces as particles,
which is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 4. The Standard Model without Bosons [5]

Figure 4 shows that if the particles are organized

into rows by charge and into columns of increasing
mass, some patterns emerge. It shows that there are
3 generations of matter. Generations correlate with
the lepton flavors and the quark flavors discussed
above. These flavors can act as the charge for the
weak force, one of the fundamental forces of nature.
Every matter particle we have yet found can be built
from the particles in this simple table, which makes
it incredibly productive and simple. It is also elegant Figure 5. The Standard Model with Bosons [5]

The Standard Model predicts particle interactions community is worried that the resources devoted to
on quantum scales nearly perfectly. However, It supersymmetry could be put to better use elsewhere.
omits several important observations. It does not While this concern is valid, physics should be able
predict neutrino masses, dark matter, dark energy, to move on from invalid models autonomously. It
matter-antimatter asymmetry, or gravity. On the is my hope that, if supersymmetry is disproven, it
other hand, it does predict particle interactions in- will be replaced with elegant and beautiful models.
credibly well in a region that represents nearly 43 Henri Poincare once said that ”The scientist does
of all matter physics. The Standard Model is ex- not study nature because it is useful; he studies
tremely productive, as it explains nearly all of what nature because it is beautiful. If nature were not
we can see, and is comparatively simple, as it does beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and it
so with a very small number of particles and forces. nature were not worth knowing, life would not be
From a particle zoo of hundreds of particles to just worth living. [7] This sentiment strikes a chord with
17, the Standard Model simplified particle physics many physicists, as the majority of us chose to study
immensely in an elegant fashion while becoming ar- physics because we found the way that it elegantly
guably the most productive model in history. explained the universe fascinating and wanted to see
how it applied to the most fundamental levels of the
IV. CONCLUSION However, the universe may be inherently inele-
gant; the universe works the way it works and does
The advent of particle physics as a whole repre- not care about us. Physics is remarkably good at
sents a turning point in physics away from build- accepting this and moving forward. The model of
ing theories to match current observation to build- epicycles and celestial spheres is elegant and physics
ing theories that predict new observations. There moved past it because it is not correct. It will be
are multitudes of models that can explain various interesting to see whether the concept of beauty hin-
phenomena and certain models are researched be- ders or accelerates the course of physics in the com-
cause they are beautiful. Projects get funding if ing years. It is the hope of the physics community
they investigate theories that postulate beautiful that it pushes us forward, but we are but mere mor-
new physics. The physics community is divided on tals who cannot change how the universe operates,
whether or not this approach is appropriate. [9] only the framework we build to comprehend it.
One group of physicists believes that the universe
should be able to be explained simply and elegantly
while the other group believes that this quest for
beauty could be blinding us from a deeper, less beau-
tiful, but more useful reality. An example of where
this debate comes to a head is supersymmetry. Su-
persymmetry speculates a new class of superpartners
of the existing particles of the Standard Model which
would unify the fermions and the bosons to an even
further extent. A dark matter candidate falls out
of this theory and various pathways towards includ-
ing gravity in the framework exist. In short, it is
the most beautiful way forward we have, which re-
sults in supersymmetry receiving a huge portion of
available funding.
The problem is that we have found no superpart-
ners where we should have. This has left the most
favorable supersymmetric models dead. There are
various workarounds such as long lived particles that
could allow these superpartners to escape detectors
before decaying into detectable particles, but if the-
ories like long lived particles don’t pan out, there
could be little hope for an elegant supersymmetric
model. Every day, supersymmetry looks less and
less likely. However, there are enough parameters in
supersymmetry that, even if it is incorrect, it may
never be completely disproven. Part of the physics


[1] Gell-Mann, Murray. ”Beauty, Truth and ... Physics?” TED: Ideas Worth Spreading, TED
[2] Hogan, Sydnee. Modified Meson Octet.
[3] Lucibella, Michael. ”Looking at Physics History.” Edited by Alan Chodos, American Physical Society,
[4] Michelson, Albert, and Edward Morley. On the Relative Motion of the Earth and the Luminiferous Ether,
American Journal of Science. American Journal of Science, Nov. 1887, pp. 332345.
[5] MissMJ. ”Standard Model of Elementary Particles.” Standard Model, Wikipedia.
[6] Mrabet, Yassine. ”Modern Physics Fields.” Branches of Physics, Wikipedia.
[7] Part I. Ch. 1 : The Selection of Facts, p. 22
[8] Paulson, Steve. ”Beauty Is Physics’ Secret Weapon - Issue 32: Space.” Nautilus, 14 Jan. 2016,
[9] Scoles, Sarah. ”What Does Beauty Have To Do with Physics?” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 31 May 2016,
[10] Scudder, Laura. ”Meson Octet.” Eightfold Way (Physics). Wikipedia.

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