Make Up Your Mind, Rack Your Brains, Take For Granted, Think The World Of, Get To The Point

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I. WORD FORMATION. Change the words at the end to match the meaning of the sentence.

1. There was such a strong ………………………………….between the mother and her child. ATTACH
2. It has become …………………………………… wear smart clothes at meetings. FASHION
3. Have you come up with a …………………………………yet? SOLVE
4. He had to pay …………………………………..more money than at the beginning. CONSIDER
5. You have to fill in this ………………………………………..form before you leave. APPLY
6. ……………………………………of what has been decided, we’ll go on with the plan. RESPECT
7. In these cases it is …………………………………………….to speak your mind. ADVISE
8. Children’s ………………………………………..changes according to a series of factors. BEHAVE
9. How many active ………………………………………..does this company number? EMPLOY
10. Losing all the time becomes ………………………………… the end. FRUSTRATE

II. REPHRASE. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning or the word in capitals.

1. They say that the children have been sleeping for two hours.
The children …………………………………………………………………..for two hours. TO

2. It is highly likely that left early in the morning.

They …………………………………………………………………………..morning. HAVE

3. I’m certain that that your sister is lying to you.

Your sister ……………………………………………………………….you. BE

4. I’m sure that the pupils haven’t been working hard.

The pupils ……………………………………………………………………………..hard. BEEN

5. She doesn’t know too much about what actually happened.

Little …………………………………………………………………………………..happened. ACTUALLY

6. It’s 4 o’clock now and I started work at one.

I …………………………………………………………………………………..hours. FOR

7. They are having they house painted this week.

Their ………………………………………………………………………………………..week. PAINTED

8. She told me and shortly after I started crying.

No ……………………………………………………………………………………crying. HAD

9. “I know it was you who took my money! Give it back!”

She ……………………………………………………………………………………money. HER

10. “Did the two of you meet a long time ago?”

He wanted to ………………………………………………………………………………………MET

III. SENTENCE WRITING. Write sentences using the following expressions:

make up your mind, rack your brains, take for granted, think the world of, get to the point.
IV. TRANSLATION. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Ei nu vazusera niciodata o alta tara.

2. Se face tarziu, mai bine am pleca.

3. Cand ai vazut-o ultima data ?

4. Cerul se intuneca asa ca am intrat in casa.

5. Bunicii mei locuiesc aici de foarte mult timp.

6. Unde sunt copii ? Se joaca in camera lor.

7. Ce vrea ?

8. Pana maine dupa amiaza voi fi ajuns in Italia.

9. Pe vremea asta saptamana viitoare ea va scrie al zecelea capitol din carte.

10. Mama gatea de dimineata si inca nu terminase.

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