Appendix For Data Sex

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Appendix A

Frequency of Table of Course


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Medicine 44 15.7 15.7 15.7

Pharmacy 44 15.7 15.7 31.4

Nursing 11 3.9 3.9 35.4

Psychology 3 1.1 1.1 36.4

RadTech 52 18.6 18.6 55.0

Respiratory Therapy 43 15.4 15.4 70.4

Physical Therapy 51 18.2 18.2 88.6

Occupational Therapy 32 11.4 11.4 100.0

Total 280 100.0 100.0

Appendix B
Frequency Table of Year Level


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid 3rd Year 164 58.6 58.6 58.6

4th Year 116 41.4 41.4 100.0

Total 280 100.0 100.0

Appendix C
Frequency Table of Age


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid 18 18 6.4 6.4 6.4

19 58 20.7 20.7 27.1

20 79 28.2 28.2 55.4

21 50 17.9 17.9 73.2

22 19 6.8 6.8 80.0

23 11 3.9 3.9 83.9

24 14 5.0 5.0 88.9

25 6 2.1 2.1 91.1

26 5 1.8 1.8 92.9

27 10 3.6 3.6 96.4

28 3 1.1 1.1 97.5

29 3 1.1 1.1 98.6

30 3 1.1 1.1 99.6

40 1 .4 .4 100.0

Total 280 100.0 100.0

Appendix D
Frequency Table of Sexes


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Male 96 34.3 34.3 34.3

Female 184 65.7 65.7 100.0

Total 280 100.0 100.0

Appendix E
Frequency Table of Nationalities


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Filipino 262 93.6 93.6 93.6

Indian 2 .7 .7 94.3

Thai 1 .4 .4 94.6

Chinese 2 .7 .7 95.4

Nepali 3 1.1 1.1 96.4

Others 10 3.6 3.6 100.0

Total 280 100.0 100.0

Appendix F
Frequency Table of Civil Status


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Single 271 96.8 96.8 96.8

Married 9 3.2 3.2 100.0

Total 280 100.0 100.0

Appendix G
Mean of Course vs Burnout and Quality of Life


Included Excluded Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Burnout * Course 280 100.0% 0 0.0% 280 100.0%

Quality_of_Life * Course 280 100.0% 0 0.0% 280 100.0%

Course Burnout Quality_of_Life

Medicine Mean 1.9091 89.2273

N 44 44

Std. Deviation 11.40138 13.14298

Pharmacy Mean 5.5227 85.5909
N 44 44
Std. Deviation 10.14428 13.20028
Nursing Mean .4545 90.2727
N 11 11
Std. Deviation 11.38739 9.42434
Psychology Mean -3.3333 90.6667
N 3 3
Std. Deviation 11.01514 15.88500
RadTech Mean 7.1154 86.6154
N 52 52
Std. Deviation 12.06625 15.29597
Respiratory Therapy Mean 3.1163 85.0930
N 43 43
Std. Deviation 12.62124 14.06924
Physical Therapy Mean 11.5686 82.2157
N 51 51
Std. Deviation 9.31935 10.99511
Occupational Therapy Mean 9.1250 81.5938
N 32 32
Std. Deviation 9.02952 11.38437
Total Mean 6.1000 85.4429

N 280 280

Std. Deviation 11.39062 13.20816

Appendix H
One Way Anova



95% Confidence Interval for


N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

Burnout Medicine 44 1.9091 11.40138 1.71882 -1.5572 5.3754 -28.00 25.00

Pharmacy 44 5.5227 10.14428 1.52931 2.4386 8.6069 -21.00 25.00

Nursing 11 .4545 11.38739 3.43343 -7.1956 8.1047 -16.00 21.00

Psychology 3 -3.3333 11.01514 6.35959 -30.6965 24.0298 -14.00 8.00

RadTech 52 7.1154 12.06625 1.67329 3.7561 10.4746 -27.00 31.00

Respiratory Therapy 43 3.1163 12.62124 1.92472 -.7680 7.0005 -25.00 39.00

Physical Therapy 51 11.5686 9.31935 1.30497 8.9475 14.1897 -10.00 31.00

32 9.1250 9.02952 1.59621 5.8695 12.3805 -7.00 32.00

Total 280 6.1000 11.39062 .68072 4.7600 7.4400 -28.00 39.00

Quality_of_Lif Medicine 44 89.2273 13.14298 1.98138 85.2314 93.2231 61.00 113.00
e Pharmacy 44 85.5909 13.20028 1.99002 81.5777 89.6042 62.00 106.00

Nursing 11 90.2727 9.42434 2.84155 83.9414 96.6041 78.00 110.00

Psychology 3 90.6667 15.88500 9.17121 51.2061 130.1272 81.00 109.00

RadTech 52 86.6154 15.29597 2.12117 82.3570 90.8738 59.00 121.00

Respiratory Therapy 43 85.0930 14.06924 2.14554 80.7632 89.4229 49.00 116.00

Physical Therapy 51 82.2157 10.99511 1.53962 79.1233 85.3081 52.00 107.00

32 81.5938 11.38437 2.01249 77.4892 85.6983 57.00 105.00

Total 280 85.4429 13.20816 .78934 83.8890 86.9967 49.00 121.00


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Burnout Between Groups 3659.456 7 522.779 4.370 .000

Within Groups 32539.744 272 119.631

Total 36199.200 279

Quality_of_Life Between Groups 2051.592 7 293.085 1.710 .107
Within Groups 46621.494 272 171.403

Total 48673.086 279

Appendix I

Multiple Comparisons
Tukey HSD - Post Hoc Test

Mean 95% Confidence Interval

Dependent Difference
Variable (I) Course (J) Course (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

Burnout Medicine Pharmacy -3.61364 2.33191 .780 -10.7369 3.5096

Nursing 1.45455 3.68707 1.000 -9.8083 12.7174

Psychology 5.24242 6.52656 .993 -14.6942 25.1790

RadTech -5.20629 2.24042 .285 -12.0501 1.6375

Respiratory Therapy -1.20719 2.34543 1.000 -8.3717 5.9574

Physical Therapy -9.65954* 2.25047 .001 -16.5340 -2.7851

Occupational Therapy -7.21591 2.54114 .090 -14.9783 .5465

Pharmacy Medicine 3.61364 2.33191 .780 -3.5096 10.7369

Nursing 5.06818 3.68707 .868 -6.1947 16.3310

Psychology 8.85606 6.52656 .876 -11.0806 28.7927

RadTech -1.59266 2.24042 .997 -8.4365 5.2511

Respiratory Therapy 2.40645 2.34543 .970 -4.7581 9.5710

Physical Therapy -6.04590 2.25047 .131 -12.9204 .8286

Occupational Therapy -3.60227 2.54114 .849 -11.3647 4.1601

Nursing Medicine -1.45455 3.68707 1.000 -12.7174 9.8083

Pharmacy -5.06818 3.68707 .868 -16.3310 6.1947

Psychology 3.78788 7.12409 .999 -17.9740 25.5498

RadTech -6.66084 3.62990 .597 -17.7491 4.4274

Respiratory Therapy -2.66173 3.69563 .996 -13.9507 8.6273

Physical Therapy -11.11408* 3.63611 .050 -22.2213 -.0069

Occupational Therapy -8.67045 3.82283 .315 -20.3480 3.0071

Psychology Medicine -5.24242 6.52656 .993 -25.1790 14.6942

Pharmacy -8.85606 6.52656 .876 -28.7927 11.0806

Nursing -3.78788 7.12409 .999 -25.5498 17.9740

RadTech -10.44872 6.49444 .745 -30.2872 9.3898

Respiratory Therapy -6.44961 6.53141 .976 -26.4010 13.5018

Physical Therapy -14.90196 6.49791 .301 -34.7511 4.9471

Occupational Therapy -12.45833 6.60421 .561 -32.6322 7.7155

RadTech Medicine 5.20629 2.24042 .285 -1.6375 12.0501

Pharmacy 1.59266 2.24042 .997 -5.2511 8.4365

Nursing 6.66084 3.62990 .597 -4.4274 17.7491

Psychology 10.44872 6.49444 .745 -9.3898 30.2872

Respiratory Therapy 3.99911 2.25449 .638 -2.8877 10.8859

Physical Therapy -4.45324 2.15553 .440 -11.0377 2.1312

Occupational Therapy -2.00962 2.45746 .992 -9.5164 5.4971

Respiratory Medicine 1.20719 2.34543 1.000 -5.9574 8.3717

Therapy Pharmacy -2.40645 2.34543 .970 -9.5710 4.7581

Nursing 2.66173 3.69563 .996 -8.6273 13.9507

Psychology 6.44961 6.53141 .976 -13.5018 26.4010

RadTech -3.99911 2.25449 .638 -10.8859 2.8877

Physical Therapy -8.45235* 2.26447 .006 -15.3696 -1.5351

Occupational Therapy -6.00872 2.55355 .269 -13.8090 1.7916

Physical Therapy Medicine 9.65954* 2.25047 .001 2.7851 16.5340

Pharmacy 6.04590 2.25047 .131 -.8286 12.9204

Nursing 11.11408* 3.63611 .050 .0069 22.2213

Psychology 14.90196 6.49791 .301 -4.9471 34.7511

RadTech 4.45324 2.15553 .440 -2.1312 11.0377

Respiratory Therapy 8.45235* 2.26447 .006 1.5351 15.3696

Occupational Therapy 2.44363 2.46662 .975 -5.0911 9.9784

Occupational Medicine 7.21591 2.54114 .090 -.5465 14.9783

Therapy Pharmacy 3.60227 2.54114 .849 -4.1601 11.3647

Nursing 8.67045 3.82283 .315 -3.0071 20.3480

Psychology 12.45833 6.60421 .561 -7.7155 32.6322

RadTech 2.00962 2.45746 .992 -5.4971 9.5164

Respiratory Therapy 6.00872 2.55355 .269 -1.7916 13.8090

Physical Therapy -2.44363 2.46662 .975 -9.9784 5.0911

Quality_of_Lif Medicine Pharmacy 3.63636 2.79124 .897 -4.8900 12.1627
e Nursing -1.04545 4.41334 1.000 -14.5268 12.4359

Psychology -1.43939 7.81215 1.000 -25.3031 22.4243

RadTech 2.61189 2.68174 .978 -5.5800 10.8038

Respiratory Therapy 4.13425 2.80742 .821 -4.4416 12.7101

Physical Therapy 7.01159 2.69376 .159 -1.2170 15.2402

Occupational Therapy 7.63352 3.04168 .196 -1.6579 16.9249

Pharmacy Medicine -3.63636 2.79124 .897 -12.1627 4.8900

Nursing -4.68182 4.41334 .964 -18.1632 8.7996

Psychology -5.07576 7.81215 .998 -28.9395 18.7879

RadTech -1.02448 2.68174 1.000 -9.2164 7.1674

Respiratory Therapy .49789 2.80742 1.000 -8.0779 9.0737

Physical Therapy 3.37522 2.69376 .915 -4.8534 11.6038

Occupational Therapy 3.99716 3.04168 .893 -5.2942 13.2886

Nursing Medicine 1.04545 4.41334 1.000 -12.4359 14.5268

Pharmacy 4.68182 4.41334 .964 -8.7996 18.1632

Psychology -.39394 8.52738 1.000 -26.4424 25.6546

RadTech 3.65734 4.34491 .991 -9.6150 16.9297

Respiratory Therapy 5.17970 4.42359 .940 -8.3330 18.6924

Physical Therapy 8.05704 4.35234 .586 -5.2380 21.3521

Occupational Therapy 8.67898 4.57585 .554 -5.2988 22.6568

Psychology Medicine 1.43939 7.81215 1.000 -22.4243 25.3031

Pharmacy 5.07576 7.81215 .998 -18.7879 28.9395

Nursing .39394 8.52738 1.000 -25.6546 26.4424

RadTech 4.05128 7.77370 1.000 -19.6950 27.7975

Respiratory Therapy 5.57364 7.81795 .997 -18.3078 29.4550

Physical Therapy 8.45098 7.77785 .959 -15.3079 32.2099

Occupational Therapy 9.07292 7.90509 .945 -15.0747 33.2205

RadTech Medicine -2.61189 2.68174 .978 -10.8038 5.5800

Pharmacy 1.02448 2.68174 1.000 -7.1674 9.2164

Nursing -3.65734 4.34491 .991 -16.9297 9.6150

Psychology -4.05128 7.77370 1.000 -27.7975 19.6950

Respiratory Therapy 1.52236 2.69858 .999 -6.7209 9.7657

Physical Therapy 4.39970 2.58012 .684 -3.4818 12.2812

Occupational Therapy 5.02163 2.94152 .683 -3.9638 14.0071

Respiratory Medicine -4.13425 2.80742 .821 -12.7101 4.4416

Therapy Pharmacy -.49789 2.80742 1.000 -9.0737 8.0779

Nursing -5.17970 4.42359 .940 -18.6924 8.3330

Psychology -5.57364 7.81795 .997 -29.4550 18.3078

RadTech -1.52236 2.69858 .999 -9.7657 6.7209

Physical Therapy 2.87734 2.71052 .964 -5.4025 11.1571

Occupational Therapy 3.49927 3.05654 .946 -5.8375 12.8361

Physical Therapy Medicine -7.01159 2.69376 .159 -15.2402 1.2170

Pharmacy -3.37522 2.69376 .915 -11.6038 4.8534

Nursing -8.05704 4.35234 .586 -21.3521 5.2380

Psychology -8.45098 7.77785 .959 -32.2099 15.3079

RadTech -4.39970 2.58012 .684 -12.2812 3.4818

Respiratory Therapy -2.87734 2.71052 .964 -11.1571 5.4025

Occupational Therapy .62194 2.95248 1.000 -8.3970 9.6409

Occupational Medicine -7.63352 3.04168 .196 -16.9249 1.6579

Therapy Pharmacy -3.99716 3.04168 .893 -13.2886 5.2942

Nursing -8.67898 4.57585 .554 -22.6568 5.2988

Psychology -9.07292 7.90509 .945 -33.2205 15.0747

RadTech -5.02163 2.94152 .683 -14.0071 3.9638

Respiratory Therapy -3.49927 3.05654 .946 -12.8361 5.8375

Physical Therapy -.62194 2.95248 1.000 -9.6409 8.3970

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