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WebPay Payroll

Expense Module
Need And Features of Expense Module

NEED of Module
To allow employees submit their Expense claim/report for specified number of days to the
company administration, so that administration be able to approve/disapprove employee’s

Features in Help desk Module

1. Expense detail submission and status checking.
2. Unique expense submission number generation for each claim so that claims may get filtered.
3. Employee can view the approved amount/comment on their claim submitted.
4. Each claim is of a selected expense type, that is handled by persons/authorities set for the claim
5. Report generation for getting details of the selected/all claims.
6. Attachment of expense details in the form of excel file and viewing/downloading of the expense
details as excel file.
Expense Module Structure (Admin Portal)


Create Expense Types

Allow Employees to submit claims

Authorities in the approval

work-flow approve/disapprove the
claim at their approval level

Generate Report for the expense


Expense Module Structure (Employee Portal)


Submit requests/claims
Attach claim details as excel file

Search through your submitted


View claim status

Expense Type Creation

Objective and Features of the Form :

 Create Expense type for the claim requests.
 Select Authorities for the expense type and number of days up to which employee can
submit expense detail prior to current date.
 To allow employees to submit expense details for the saved expense types, and view
claim status

Expense approval

Objective and Features of the Form :

 View details of the expense request submitted.
 Approve or disapprove expense claim.
 Searching through expense claims
 Export expense details in excel format
Expense Type Creation
How to Create Expense Type

Expense Type Code Expense Type

(Max 3 Chars) (Max 50 Chars)

Number of days for


Select Approval work-flow

List of Expense
Expense Module – Admin portal

Category Code
(Max 3 Chars)
Search Expense
List of expenses View details
Category Name
(Max 50 Chars)

Export Expense
Expense Module – Admin portal
Searching through expense details

Claim search criteria

Expense Request Status

Expense Entry dates

Expenses Between Dates

Searched Claim’s list

Expense Module – Admin portal
View Expense details/ Expense Approval

Selected Claim

Approval amount

Approval Remark

View Uploaded
Expense detail

Expense claim approval

amount and status
Expense Module – ESS portal
for Claim Submission

Select Expense type Approval work-flow

Claimed Amount

Claimed expense period

Attach Expense Details

Remark on claim

List of expense claims

and status
Expense Module – ESS portal
for Claim Approval by TL/TL of TL

List of Expense claims for the TL or View

TL of TL Details
Expense Module – ESS portal
for Viewing/Claim Approval by TL/TL of TL

Selected Claim

Approval amount

Approval Remark

View Uploaded
Expense detail

Expense claim approval

amount and status
Expense Module – Admin portal
Exported Claim details for selected claims
End of Presentation

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