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The Lawton Constitution

Lawton girl will reach

for stars at NASA camp
BY GARY REDDIN was influenced by living
STAFF WRITER in the country under the
blanket of stars. She is ex-
Ramona Cox often cited about the opportuni-
Page spends nighttime car ty to join the program,
D001 rides looking up at the and is looking forward to
sky. indulging her love of
Clip “I’m that person that is space.
resized trying to figure out where “I’m going mostly for
51% I am based on the stars at the experience,” Cox
night,” Cox said. said. “I think it’s going to
Cox is a sophmore at be a lot of fun going out to
the EPIC Charter School, NASA to see what they
and a senior Girl Scout in are doing out there. I
Troop 499. At the age of can’t keep up with every-
13, Cox already has col- thing they do, so I think it
lege planned out. Bright, will be really cool to go
personable and eager to COURTESY PHOTO out there and experience
learn, Cox seeks out any Ramona Cox holds up the it myself.”
opportunity to better her- activity booklet she created as One of the intended
self. This desire for en- part of her silver award from benefits of the program is
richment led her to apply Girl Scouts. Cox will travel to to prepare the scout at-
to NASA’s Reaching for NASA’s Goddard Space Flight tending to return to their
the Stars program for Center in June as part of a spe- troops and found an as-
Girl Scouts, after a cial program designed to get tronomy club. In fact, one
lengthy interview girls into STEM fields. of the requirements for
process, Cox recieved an selection was forming a
email letting her know Cox explained that she plan to get the club found-
that she had been accept- spend the majority of her ed and running. It’s a big
ed into the program. summers at STEM resi- task, but Cox believes she
The program, launched dency camps learning is up to the challenge.
in 2017, provides Girl about cell multiplication “I’m looking forward to
Scouts with the opportu- and forensics, skills that it,” Cox said.
nity to spend a week at went a long way in con- While she is at the God-
NASA’s Goddard Space vincing the board to dard Center, Cox will par-
Flight Center in Green- choose her for the pro- ticipate in hands-on activ-
belt, Maryland. The Girl gram. ities, robotic telescope
Scouts of Western Okla- Cox’s mother, observations, lab tours,
homa was one of 10 Girl Lakawthra Cox, has al- outdoor experiences and
Scouts’ councils selected ways seen the spark of presentations by NASA
to participate in the genius in her daughter. scientists.The program is
NASA program. “Definitely with sci-
designed to prepare the
Each council will send ence. She’s 2 years ahead
girls with everything
two scouts from 9th in school and has an A+ in
they need to get their as-
through 12th grade, an Pre-AP Science. We lived
tronomy clubs off the
amateur astronomer out in Indiahoma, out in
ground. Additionally, the
from the Night Sky Net- the country, where you
could actually see the girls will have the oppor-
work and one staff mem-
stars and the constella- tunity to earn special
ber or volunteer. The
tions. I think, perhaps, Space Science badges.
scouts were selected
she had an early start be- The program runs June
based off of their knowl-
cause of that. Living out 24-29, and Cox had a few
edge of training require-
ments and their leader- there you kind of experi- words of encouragement
ship skills, among other ence life differently. for any other girl that
qualities. There is no light, there’s might find themselves in-
“The interview wasn’t nothing out there but the terested in pursuing simi-
anything too difficult,” stars. We lived on ten lar programs in the
Cox said. “They asked us acres and you could ride STEM field.
questions about why we around at night, look up at “Try it, and definitely
thought we should get to the stars and see every- don’t knock it before you
go. I tried to mention a lot thing. I think that’s kind try it, because I know a
of the STEM related of where that began for lot of people think its bor-
things I do in my free her.” ing but I say try it first
time to show them that I Cox agrees with her before you decide you
have a lot of experience mother that her love of hate it, because it is a lot
with those things.” space began early, and of fun.”

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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