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The preoccupation causes clinically

significant distress or impairment in
These are closely related to anxiety social, occupational, or other important
disorders and person tends to suffer areas of functioning.
from poor insight - does not recognize
that concerns are excessive or 5. The duration of the disturbance is at
unreasonable and reassurance from least 6 months.
others, including Drs. is not helpful.
6. The preoccupation is not better
HYPOCHONDRIASIS accounted for by Generalised Anxiety
Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,
A disorder of cognition or perception with Panic Disorder, a Major Depressive
strong emotional contributions. Episode, Separation Anxiety, or another
Somatoform Disorder
Linked to antisocial, or psychopathic,
personality disorder and might have a CLINICAL DESCRIPTION:
heritable component.
PAIN DISORDER develops severe anxiety focused on
possibility of having a serious disease.
Could be psychologically or medically
related. 2. Possibility is so real that even medical
reassurance will not help.
3. Key feature: concern or preoccupation
"Imagined Ugliness" with physical symptoms.

DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR 4. Core feature: disease conviction.

5. Prevalence in Population: 4% to 9%
l. Preoccupation with fears of having, or higher in elderly. Ration men to
ideas that one has, a serious women 50/50.
disease based on the person's
misinterpretations of bodily symptoms. 6. Reinforcers/Contributors:
a. Society - is socially approved
2. The preoccupation persists despite and at times even rewarded.
appropriate medical evaluation and b. Fear of having illness increases
reassurance. anxiety, which increases symptom
perception, etc. - vicious cycle.
3. The belief (Criterion 1) is not of c. Enhanced perceptual sensitivity
delusional intensity and is not to illness cues, causing them to
restricted to a circumscribed concern interpret as dangerous and threatening
about body appearance. any stimuli, no matter how minor or

d. Past background of trauma or
disproportionate incidences of l. History of many physical complaints
illness when a child. beginning before age 30 that occur
over a period of several years and result
7. Symptom variety dependent on cultural in treatment being sought or
believes. significant impairment in social,
occupational, or other important areas of
8. Assessment must look at: functioning.
a. Rule out physical cause for
complaint. 2. Each of the following criteria must
b. Its association with a specific have been met, with individual
somatoform disorder or part of symptoms occurring at any time during
some other psychopathological disorder the course of the disturbance:
or syndrome.
c. Cultural and subcultural a. Four pain symptoms: A history
awareness. of pair related to at least four
different sites or functions (such as
HYPOCHONDRASIS head, abdomen, back, joints,
extremities, chest, rectum, during sexual
TREATMENT intercourse, during menstruation,
or during urination.
l. Focus on illness preoccupaiton.
b. Two gastrointestinal symptoms:
2. Focus directly on the anxiety. A history of at least two
gastrointestinal symptoms other than pain
3. Cognitive Behavioural approaches. (such as nausea, diarrhoea,
bloating, vomiting other than during
4. Psychopharmacological treatments. pregnancy, or intolerance of several
different foods).
5. Direct reassurance.
c. One sexual symptom: A history
5. REM of at least one sexual or
reproductive symptom other than pain
6. Relaxation and guided imagery (such as sexual indifference, erectile
techniques. or ejaculatory dysfunction, irregular
menses, excessive menstrual bleeding,
7. Hypnosis/self hypnosis. vomiting throughout pregnancy.

8. Group therapy. d. One pseudoneurologic symptom:

A history of at least one symptom or
9. Support Groups. deficit suggesting a neurological disorder
not limited to pain (conversion
SOMATIZATION DISORDER symptoms such as blindness, double vision,
deafness, loss of touch or pain
CRITERIA FOR SOMATIZATION sensation, hallucinations, aphonia,
DISORDER impaired coordination or balance,

paralysis or localised weakness, difficulty anxiety or guilt over their aggression or
swallowing, difficulty breathing, criminal behaviour.
urinary retention, seizures; dissociative
symptoms such as amnesia; or loss d. Neurobiologically based
of consciousness other than fainting) disinhibition syndrome, as found in
antisocial personality disorders that is
SOMATIZATION DISORDER incapable of exerting sufficient
control over the behavioural activation

1. Long list of somatic complaints with no SOMATIZATION DISORDER

medical basis.
2. Preoccupation persists despite
appropriate medical evaluation and l. Provide reassurance
reassurance. Clients return with some
variations to initial complaint. 2. Focus on the stress associated with
the disorder.
3. Focus on symptom itself and not what
the symptom means. Life itself may 3. Focus on reducing the help-seeking
revolve around the symptom, as well as behaviour
4. Reducing any reinforcing or supporting
4. Prevalence in Population: 0 to 0.7% - on consequences of relating to
a continuum of impairment significant others on the basis of physical
because of disorder. Tendency for symptoms alone.
somewhat higher incidence in females.
5. Group Therapy
6. Reinforcers/Contributors:
6. Cognitive Behavioural approaches
a. society - is socially approved
and at times even rewarded. 7. REM

b. past background of 8. Hypnosis/self hypnosis

disproportionate incidence of illness or
while growing up.
c. linked to heredity and to DISORDER
antisocial behaviour characteristics;
including vandalism, persistent lying, l. One or more symptoms or deficits
theft, irresponsibility with finances affecting voluntary motor or sensory
and at work, and outright physical function that suggest a neurological or
aggression. Insensitivity to punishment or general medical condition.
negative consequences of behaviour is also
a characteristic, as is little

2. Psychological factors are judged to be 3. Key features :
associated with the symptom or
deficit because the initiation or a. at times perceived to be
exacerbation of the symptom or deficit is indifferent to the symptom.
preceded by conflicts or other stressors.
b. precipitated by some marked
3. The symptom or deficit is not stress.
intentionally produced or feigned (as in
factitious disorder or malingering). c. people usually function
normally, but are unaware of this ability
4. The symptom or deficit cannot, after or of the sensory input.
appropriate investigation, be fully
explained by a general medical condition, d. usually not trying "to get out of
or by the direct effects of a something" like malingerers.
substance, or as a culturally sanctioned e. not like "factitious disorder"
behaviour or experience. (e.g. Munchausen or Munchausen by
roxy), who feign illness but who have no
5. The symptom or deficit causes obvious good reason to be sick.
clinically significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or 4. Prevalence in Population : 1% to 30%;
other important areas of functioning primarily found in women, in
or warrants medical evaluation. adolescence and thereafter, tough
frequently seen in men enduring great
6. The symptom or deficit is not limited stress and trauma, such as combat
to pain or sexual dysfunction, does soldiers. Tends to occur in less educated,
not occur exclusively during the course of lower socioeconomic groups where
somatization disorder, and is not knowledge about disease and medical
better accounted for by another mental illness
disorder. is not as well developed. Other member's
experience with illness may
CONVERSION DISORDER influence disorder chose (patients tend to
"pick-up" symptoms).
5. Reinforcers/Contributors:
1. Generally refers to physical
malfunctioning, such as a paralysis, a. First, The experience of a
blindness, or difficulty speaking (aphonia), traumatic event (Freud believed it to
without any physical or organic be some unacceptable, unconscious
pathology what would account for the conflict)that must be avoided at all cost.
malfunction. Second, conflict repressed or
made unconscious because conflict
2. Anxiety resulting from an unconscious is unacceptable and creates anxiety
conflict and needing to express Third, as anxiety increases,
itself "convert" itself into physical threatening to emerge into
symptoms. consciousness, person "converts" it into
physical symptoms, thus relieving

pressure to deal with it directly (the
primary gain or primary reinforcers PAIN DISORDER
maintaining disorder).
Fourth, individual receives DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA
increased attention and sympathy
from loved ones and may even avoid or 1. Pain in one or more anatomical sites is
escape dealing with some difficult the predominant focus of the
situations (the secondary gain or clinical presentation and is of sufficient
secondary reinforcer of disorder). severity to warrant clinical
b. is a substitute for "running
away" which is not acceptable 2. The pain causes clinically significant
socially and illness is distress or impairment i social,
detached/dissociated because getting occupational, or other important areas of
sick on purpose functioning.
is also unacceptable.
3. Psychological factors are judged to
c. success of "conversion" have an important role in the onset,
maintains condition until the underlying severity, exacerbation, or maintenance of
problem or set of maintaining factors is the pain.
4. The symptom or deficit is not
d. Seem to be part of a larger intentionally produced or feigned (as in
constellation of psychopathology and factitious disorder or malingering).
vulnerability under stress.
5. The pain is not better accounted for
CONVERSION DISORDER by a mood, anxiety, or psychotic
disorder and does not meet criteria for
TREATMENT dyspareunia.

l. Attention to traumatic or stressful life ACUTE: less 6 mo. CHRONIC: 6 mo. or

event, if present, by "reliving" more
the event first, (catharsis) and removing
source of secondary gains. PAIN DISORDER

2. Reduction of any reinforcing or CLINICAL DESCRIPTIONS

supportive consequences of the symptom
(the primary gains). This needs strong l. Very difficult to assess if pain is
collaboration for family and primarily psychological or if causes
social structure of the client. are primarily physical.

3. REM 2. Important feature: pain is real

whether psychological or physical.
4. Hypnosis/self-hypnosis
5. Cognitive Behaviour therapies

l. Better treated in a multidisciplinary
clinic. 4. Association to somatoform disorder.

2. Cognitive Behaviour therapies. 5. Related to anxiety.

3. Pharmacology 6. Frequently co-occurs obsessive-

compulsive disorders. This is also found
4. Biofeedback in family members of BDD sufferers.

5. Group and Individual therapy 7. "Ideas of Reference" - everything that

goes on in the world related to
BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER their imagined defect.

CRITERIA FOR BODY DYSMORPHIC 8. Prevalence in population: Greater than

thought . Up to 70% of college
l. Preoccupation with an imagined defect students had some degree of
in appearance. If a slight dissatisfaction with their bodies. About
physical anomaly is present, the person's equal
concern is markedly excessive. male to female ration, with slightly more
females in Western World (62% males
2. The preoccupation causes significant noted in Japan). Starts around
distress or impairment in social, adolescence, peaking at l9 y.o. Very few
occupational, or other important areas of sufferers get married.
9. Reinforcers/Contributors:
3. The preoccupation is not better a. societal beauty values
accounted for by another mental disorder b. cultural standards/desirability
(e.g. dissatisfaction with body shape and factor
size in anorexia nervosa). c. family/partners values



1. "Imagined ugliness" and "mirror l. Only one treatment so far found

fixation" either phobic avoidance or successful: drugs that block the reuptake
frequent checks to see if changes have of serotonin, such as clomipramine and
occurred. fluoxide. This same drug has effect
on obsessive-compulsive disorders.
2. Usually accompanied by suicidal
ideation, and suicide attempts. Plastic Surgery usually used by these
sufferers, but they are never satisfied
3. Possible association to defensive and keep returning for more surgery or
mechanism of displacement - underlying file malpractice law suits. Studies
unconscious conflict is too anxiety have also shown preoccupation with
provoking - "displaced" to a body part. imagined ugliness increases in many cases.

impairment in social, occupational, or
DISSOCIATIVE DISORDER other important areas of functioning.

Description: Individual feels detached of 4. The depersonalisation experience does

surrounding and/or themselves - as not occur exclusively during the
if in a dream or living life in slow motion. course of another mental disorder, such
Any body can feel this at times as schizophrenia, panic disorder,
of great stress/trauma/accident or when acute stress disorder, or another
very tired or extremely stressed dissociative disorder, and is not due to
mentally or physically. the direct physiological effects of a
substance (e.g., a drug abuse, a
CLINICAL PRESENTATIONS medication) or a general medical condition
(e.g. temporal lobe epilepsy).
Feelings created by experience of

- depersonalisation - temporary loss of CLINICAL DESCRIPTION

sense of owns reality due to
alteration in perception. l. Feelings of being unreal or detached are
so severe and frightening that
- derealization - loss of sense of they dominate the individual's life and
"realness" of external world. prevents normal functioning.

Symptoms of unreality are prevalent: 2. Is not associated, or is not, the major

problem of another disorder.
dissociation from reality. It can be part
of a more serious set of -DISSOCIATIVE AMNESIA
conditions where reality, experience, and
even one's identity disintegrate. CLINICAL DESCRIPTION

-DEPERSONALISATION DISORDER l. Generalised amnesia : unable to

remember anything, including who they
(from l y. prior to onset to forever).
l. Persistent or recurrent experiences of
feeling detached from, and as if 2. Localised amnesia (more common) :
one is an outside observer of, one's failure to recall specific events that
mental processes or body (e.g., feeling occur during a specific period of time.
like one is in a dream).
2. During the depersonalisation
experience, reality testing remains intact. DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA

3. The depersonalisation causes clinically l. The predominant disturbance is one or

significant distress or more episodes of inability to

recall important personal information, 3. Disorder goes beyond memory loss. It
usually of a traumatic or stressful involves some disintegration of
nature, that is too extensive to be identity to the adoption of a completely
explained by ordinary forgetfulness. new one.

2. The disturbance does not occur DISSOCIATIVE FUGUE

exclusively during the course of
dissociative identity disorder, dissociative CRITERIA FOR DISSOCIATIVE FUGUE
fugue, posttraumatic stress
disorder, acute stress disorder, or l. The predominant disturbance is sudden,
somatization disorder and is not due to unexpected travel away from home
the direct physiological effects of a or one's customary place of work, with
substance (e.g. , a drug abuse, a inability to recall one's past.
medication) or a neurological or other
general medical condition (e.g., 2. Confusion about personal identity or
amnestic disorder due to head trauma). assumption of new identity (partial
or complete).
3. The symptoms cause clinically
significant distress or impairment in 3. The disturbance does not occur
social, occupational, or other important exclusively during the course of
areas of functioning. dissociative identity disorder and is not
due to the direct physiological
-DISSOCIATIVE FUGUE effects of a substance (e.g., drug abuse,
a medication) or a general medical
Description: "Flight" - not only is there condition (e.g., temporal lobe epilepsy).
memory loss but it revolves around
a very specific incident, where the 4. The symptoms cause clinically
individual "takes off" and later finds significant distress or impairment in
her/himself in some new place, usually social, occupational, or other important
leaving behind some very difficult areas of functioning.
situation they find intolerable. During
these "flights" the individual -DISSOCIATIVE TRANCE DISORDER
sometimes takes on a new identity or
becomes confused about the old one. Characteristics: culturally determined

l. Usually do not appear until adolescence; Symptoms: dissociative symptoms such as

more commonly in adults. Rare sudden changes in personality.
after age 50. Changes attributed to possession by a
spirit, which is culturally defined.
2. Usually end rather abruptly and the
individual returns home recalling Prevalence in Population: More common in
most of what happened. women, except for "amok".

Contributor: Associated with some life b. full or partial amnesia of the
stress or trauma. event.
Stress or trauma is
current. B. The trance or possession state is not
Cultural or traditional accepted as a normal part of a
practice (then, not considered an collective cultural or religious practice.
abnormality, unless seen as undesirable or
pathological by C. The trance or possession state causes
culture/tradition). clinically significant distress or
impairment in social, occupational, or
DISSOCIATIVE TRANCE DISORDER other important areas of functioning.

CRITERIA FOR TRANCE AND D. The trance or possession trance state

POSSESSION does not occur exclusively during
the course of a Psychotic Disorder
A. Either (1) or (2): (including Mood Disorder With Psychotic
Features and Brief Reactive Psychosis) or
l. Trance, i.e., temporary marked Dissociative Identity Disorder and
alteration in the state of is not due to the direct physiological
consciousness or loss of customary sense effects of a substance or a general
of personal identity without medical condition.
replacement by an alternate identity,
associated with at least one of DISSOCIATIVE TRANCE DISORDER
the following:
a. narrowing of awareness of CLINICAL DESCRIPTION
immediate surroundings, or
unusually narrow and selective focusing on 1. Differ greatly across cultures (trance
environmental stimuli. or possession).
b. stereotyped behaviours or
movements that are experienced as 2. Symptoms: dissociative symptoms
being beyond one's control. such as sudden changes in personality
but attributed to possession by a spirit
2. Possession trance, a single or known by the culture of the person.
episodic alteration in the state if part of some traditional religious or
of consciousness characterised by the cultural practice it is then
replacement of customary sense of considered normal. If undesirable and
personal identity by a new identity. This considered pathological by culture,
is attributed to the influence of then it is considered a disorder.
a spirit, power, deity, or other person, as
evidenced by one (or more) of 3. Prevalence in population: more common
the following: in women.
a. stereotyped and culturally
determined behaviours or movements 4. Reinforces/Contributors: associated to
that are experienced as being controlled a present stress or trauma.
by the possessing agent.

voice, gestures, behaviours, believes,
-DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY postures, physical disabilities, even
DISORDER pattern of facial, number of changes in
MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER optical functioning wrinkles and
handedness, or be partially dependent of
CRITERIA FOR DISSOCIATIVE each other and to be cross

1. The presence of two or more distinct c. Personalities score different in

identities or personality stated personality and other tests.
(each with its own relatively enduring
pattern of perceiving, relating to, d. There is usually a "host"
and thinking about the environment and identity (the client, which is seldom
self). the first one to seek treatment), which
tends to develop later.
2. At least two of the above recurrently e. Each personality has a
take control of the person's different role. One is usually impulsive
behaviour. and another one has knowledge of all
3. Inability to recall important personal
information that is too extensive f. Switch - transition from one
to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. personality to another, can be
instantaneous and physical
4. The disturbance is not due to the transformations can take place during
direct physiological effects of a these
substance (e.g., blackouts on chaotic switches.
behaviour during alcohol intoxication)
or a general medical condition (e.g., g. Number of personalities in an
complex partial seizures). individual is l5 on the average.

Note: In children, the symptoms are not h. Onset: around 7 yo, but as
attributable to imaginary playmates young as 4 yo.
or other fantasy play.
i. Duration - usually a lifetime if
DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER not treated. Form of disorder
remains the same throughout life but
CLINICAL DESCRIPTION switching decreases with age.
Different personalities appear over years
1. Characteristics: in reaction to new life situations.

a. Person may adopt from one to j. Additional accompanying

l00 or more identities (alters) that disorders: substance abuse,
coexist within mind and body. depression,
somatization disorder, borderline
b. Each personality may be personality disorder, panic attacks and
completely different to the other in eating disorders.

d. failure to attain substantive
2. Symptoms: fragmented identity (parts information from relatives and
of person's identity become friends.
detached or dissociated), dissociative
amnesia and dissociative fugue. e. failure to create more
personalities under suggestion (escalation
3. Symptoms shared with other when under investigation).
disorders, such as with borderline,:
self-destructive, sometimes suicidal f. lack of test response
behaviours and emotional instability, differentiation amongst personalities.
are due to severity of reaction to usually
horrible childhood abuse. DID g. assessment indicates no gains
also has much similarity with PTSD - received from having disorder.
severe and strong emotional reactions to
experiencing severe trauma, to point that h. "faking tests" with symptoms
there is a believe DID is an shown by some of the personalities.
extreme case of PTSD, with emphasis on
process of dissociation rather than 7. Reinforcers/ Contributors:
symptoms of anxiety.
a. horrible child abuse, bizarre
4. Prevalence in Population: Not known in and sadistic.
population at large, but more
common than thought previously. There b. satanic or ritual abuse.
are about 9 females to 1 male.
c. witnessing a traumatic event,
5. Suggestibility is great in these such as the murder of loved ones.
individuals. Because of this, at times
it is difficult to assess if DID is real, d. being forced to commit a crime
fake, or suggested by therapist's or sacrifice loved one,(eg satanic
leading questions. sacrifice).

6. Veracity Tests can include: e. DID is rooted in a natural,

normal tendency to escape or
a. optical changes such as in "dissociated" from the unremitting
measures of visual acuity, manifest negative affect associated with severe
refraction, and eye muscle balance, which abuse.
are difficult to fake.
f. lack of social support during or
b. different physiological after abuse.
responses to emotionally laden words
(GRS g. suggestibility and
and EEG)). hypnotisability traits which makes them
able to
c. developmental history that use dissociation as a defence against
suggests early onset. extreme trauma.

SYMPTOMS Dissociative Identity Disorder:

Description: A biological vulnerability to Treatment for Dissociative Disorders

reacting with a seizure to
trauma. Long-term psychotherapy to
reintegrate identities (successful only in
A Possible Explanation for this disorder 5 of 20).
could be based on an abnormal
electrical activity of the brain. Goal is to confront and relive early
Neurological seizure sufferers experience trauma in a way that the
a lot of dissociative symptoms (6% of individual gains control over the horrible
temporal lobe report "out of body events, as they continue to occur
experiences"; 50% of temporal lobe in patient's mind in the present and to
display some kind of dissociative make the trauma simply a
symptoms, such as alternate identities or terrible memory of a particular past
identity fragments. Yet, there are period.
differences between dissociative disorder
patients who have seizures and Hypnosis, particularly for
those who do not. Also, in seizure "unconscious" memories and to bring forth
patients. Dissociative symptoms develop "alters"
in adulthood and are not associated with
trauma. Same treatment procedures as
used in PTSD.
DISORDERS strategies to gradually
confront feared situations and do
Episodes of dissociative amnesia or fugue reality testing
state: gradual exposures paired
with relaxation exercises
Individual usually gets better on
their own and go back to their panic control treatment
homes or "remember". techniques - the recreation of
feelings felt during past, traumatic and
If memories do not return, feared experiences, during treatment
therapy focus on uncovering forgotten paired with CBT techniques
information and to confront it, integrating
it into their experience. relaxation and breathing exercises to help
cope with stress of
Therapeutic resolution of memories
stressful situation.
Increasing strength of coping
mechanisms. Note:


l. reemerging memories of the trauma personality state's creation,
may trigger further dissociation. where
Therapist must be vigilant each personality state fits in the
power structure, and where each
2. very important in therapy are
therapeutic relationship and sense of personality state fits into the
trust system
of the client's personality
3. Medication, not yet proven to be the function of each personality
helpful there are indications that state
antidepressant drugs help. and how he or she aids the system
as a whole
b. Making a Contract (or
a. Setting treatment plan that will hospitalise):
define: - Type and regularity of
safety area treatment
which personality would like to - No set time for duration of
meet sessions
therapist first or of treatment
assessment of past treatment(s) - Use of specific procedures (e.g.,
and what
helped/did not help hypnosis)
assessment of developmental/past No self hurt, suicide or homicide
history: " I will not hurt myself or kill
- when aware of dissociations
- memories held myself, nor anyone else external
- gaps in memories or
- affects in daily life and job internal, either accidentally or on
getting names of each personality
or purpose at any time."
identity and their roles
genesis of each personality state c. taping sessions and taking good
and notes -
duration of time it has executive clients tend to not remember
control of the body great parts
why did each personality state of the session because of shifts
appear, and
in terms of precipitatives and defence mechanisms.
perpetuating events associated
with its development and why it d. giving client copy of notes to
is present at this time in life remember
session and when ready, with
where was client at time of each therapist

present, go over tapes (helpful to manufacturing company, Jenny was as a
get to diligent employee, but one who hadn't
know other personalities). developed many friends at work.
Nevertheless, she seemed to find all the
e. therapist must have great companionship she needed in her
sensitivity to relationship with her live-in boyfriend.
client's reactions during therapy Week in and week out, her world seemed
and never to change, and yet she seemed
must ensure client leaves in a well satisfied. Then one day everything,
state. suddenly and quietly, fell apart.

f. therapist must be very aware of Jenny's boyfriend announced he was

leaving her: he had fallen in love with
him/herself and reactions to another woman and was moving out.
horrific Horrified and adrift, with no one to call
revelations and be able to deal on for comfort, Jenny chose a remarkable
with way out of her loneliness. She mobilized
these, without showing an instant support network by showing up
disturbance or at work one day and announcing, "I've just
fear as personalities will realise been diagnosed with breast cancer. And
it's too late. It's terminal."
therapist's inability to deal with
issues It was also a lie. Jenny had found a
and stop making themselves remarkable and desperate way to mobilize
available to an instant support network of
therapy and stop memory sympathetic co-workers. Eventually she
recovery enrolled in a breast cancer support group,
process. shaved her head to mimic the effects of
chemotherapy, and dieted to lose 50
g. therapist must be available 24 pounds all to keep the illusion alive.
hrs. a day
for emergencies as clients, once Jenny was suffering not only from a
memory broken heart, but from an emotional
starts to reemerge, will have ailment called "factitious disorder."
flashbacks People with factitious disorder feign or
during sleep and waking - at any actually induce illness in themselves,
time typically to garner the nurturance of
and will not be able to deal with others. In bizarre cases called
these "Munchausen syndrome by proxy," they
without help. even falsify illness in another person
(such as their own children) in order to
Factitious disorders: garner attention and sympathy for
themselves as the heroic caregiver.
Jenny (a pseudonym) was one of those
"invisible" people we all know and overlook Desperate? Of course. Yet more common
each day. A secretary for a than you might think. Experts estimate

that one percent of hospitalized patients alone. Though this is a hurdle they
are faking their ailments. The medical inevitably find intimidating, they simply
bills in one case alone amounted to $6 must reach out to a therapist. The
million. Clearly factitious disorders are therapist can help them realize why the
sapping an already-burdened health care feigned illnesses began in the first
system. place: why had the need for sympathy
become so intense? The therapist can
They also defy the imagination. Patients also discover underlying emotional
have bled themselves into anemia and problems--as in Jenny's case--that
then showed up at a doctor's office must be treated at once, and also
stating they haven't a clue about how provide the very caring these patients
they became so ill. Others have secretly had previously had to go to extremes to
taken laxatives to induce diarrhea, or elicit. Finally, the therapist can help
mimicked seizures so convincingly that teach the patient ways to get needs
neurologists hospitalized them on the met without resorting to self-
spot. defeating, and even literally self-
destructive, actions.
The good news: this phenomenon is
finally coming out of the closet. In Families who suspect that a loved one
recent months, newspapers, magazines, has factitious disorder are invariably
and TV news programs have all hungry for education about it.
described cases of factitious disorder, Consulting with a knowledgeable
helping both health professionals and professional or reading about the
the general public to become aware. At disorder are important steps to take
the same time, factitious disorder before they actually confront the
patients are recognizing that, twisted patient. Heavy-handed, punitive
as their behavior may seem even to confrontation doesn't work. Instead,
themselves, help is available. we now know that factitious disorder is
among the trickiest of psychological
In Jenny's case, the ruse of cancer ailments to address, and intervention
came crashing down when the leaders must be informed, carefully planned,
of the breast cancer support group and, above all, humane.
discovered that she had lied about her
medical care. Referred for psychiatric Notes:
care, Jenny revealed feelings of
overwhelming depression, and this deep "Factitious" literally means,
depression had fueled her factitious "contrived," and the meaning could
behavior. Treated with antidepressant hardly be more apt. People with
medication and psychotherapy, Jenny factitious disorder are great con men
ended her illness portrayals and moved or con women, although what they
on--decisively--with her life. She has obtain through their conning most
never resorted to factitious illness people would far rather not have. They
again. fake either mental disorders or
physical disorders - two specific types
The first step for factitious disorder of factitious disorder - or a mixture of
patients is to realize they cannot go it the two, which qualifies them for the

third classification, Facititious prevented them from being repeatedly
Disorder With Combined Psychological admitted to hospitals for treatment.
and Physical Signs and Symptoms.
Finally, there is the usual "Not Patients with FD vehemently deny that
Otherwise Specified" category, which they are faking symptoms, and they do
includes people who concoct symptoms not seek, or willingly accept, treatment
in others, typically children, so that the from mental health professionals.
concocter can assume the sick role by Nevertheless, Maxmen and Ward1 warn
proxy. examiners not to assume that there are
no physical problems co-occurring with
People with Factitious Disorder (FD) the FD. Also, they suggest that the
are not pretending to be sick in order patients be kept in the hospital and
to gain benefits external to the placed in long-term treatment with a
disorder, for example, to get insurance mental health professional, despite the
money. Thus they differ from small likelihood that the FD will be
malingerers, who are dishonest but do cured. If a child is being victimized by
not have a mental disorder. People with a parent who concocts symptoms for
FD are such expert liars that the the child, the child should be protected
syndrome has been called "Munchausen through admission to the hospital. In
syndrome" in honor of a German baron these cases, the diagnosis given to the
who was a famous liar. In this respect parent is Munchausen Syndrome by
FD patients share characteristics with Proxy, a type of child abuse.
people who have Antisocial Personality

People with FD are willing and eager to (Also called Munchausen Syndrome by
pay for their symptoms by having Proxy, Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome,
unnecessary tests, treatments, and and Factitious Disorder by Proxy) is a
operations. They may become expert in label for a pattern of behavior in which
producing the symptoms of disorders, caretakers deliberately exaggerate
expert enough in many cases to con and/or fabricate and/or induce physical
physicians and surgeons into treating and/or psychological-behavioral-mental
them or operating on them for health problems in others.
nonexistent maladies, or mental health
professionals into treating them for This pattern of behavior constitutes a
imaginary disorders. The person with separate kind of maltreatment
FD thus appears to the outsider to (abuse/neglect) that manifests as
share characteristics with masochists, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional
in that they arrange to cause pain to abuse, neglect, or a combination. The
themselves. Maxmen and Ward1 report primary purpose of this behavior is to gain
that one person with FD had over 420 some form of internal gratification, such
documented hospitalizations. Further, as attention, for the perpetrator.
they note that the state of Washington
saved $100,000 per patient per year by
installing a tracking system that
identified patients with FD and


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