PIPA Policy Brief After May 2018 Sesions (MAY 2018 - AFTER UNFCCC SB48 CLIMATE NEGOTIATIONS)

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Local Actions for Poverty Reduction

& Village Development in NDCs
& Paris Agreement WP - Africa & Asia
Authors: SusWatch Kenya, Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development, TaTEDO & INFORSE

POLICY BRIEF Parties (countries) now have a set of informal papers for all
Local Climate Actions that Reduce Poverty are Key to the key issues for the PAWP (i.e. NDC guidelines, finance,
Climate Action Successes and must be supported by the transparency framework, global stocktake, etc) and have the
Paris Agreement Work Programme task of turning these, sometimes lengthy, documents into
In the ongoing negotiations on the development of the Paris formal negotiating texts – with the aim of adopting the final
Agreement Work Program (PAWP) under the UNFCCC, it is PAWP at COP24 in December 2018. The informal nature of
important that the “rules” are set in order for the resulting NDCs these documents, however, means they are open-ended. Most
and climate actions to mitigate climate change, build climate of them have no agreed content and Parties can continue to
resilience, enhance sustainable development, and reduce add, subtract or disagree with any part of the text. In spite of
poverty in developing countries. This will help to solve a major the progress made during then recent negotiations in Bonn.
development problem. It will also increase popular support for It means that negotiators have set themselves up for a busy
the climate actions, and thereby the likelihood of their success. remaining 2018 to meet the deadline at COP24, including at
the agreed extra negotiation session in the start of September
Key Messages in Bangkok..
• The many countries that are committed to climate action and While we urge the countries to work hard for progress in
the Paris Agreement must engage further in constructive negotiations, we also urge for specific improvements that will
negotiations on the main issues, at climate negotiations in make the PAWP a better vehicle for meeting the climate targets
Bangkok in September and elsewhere. Only then can they and combine it with development.
reach the deadline set for COP24, December 2018, on the
Paris Agreement Work Program (PAWP).
• NDC guidelines must help the development of climate RECOMMENDATIONS
plans that are integral parts of national development plans,
that focus on poverty reduction, including the many local NDC Guidelines (APA agenda item 3)
solutions that combine climate mitigation and adaptation I. Sustainable development and poverty reduction should
with poverty reduction and local development. be included as features or context of the NDCs, in the
• The transparency framework and the global stocktake of guidelines for features of NDCs (APA agenda item 3a).
climate actions must recognise the local actions that are It can be included with references to the Paris Agreement
harder to count than large-scale solutions. art. 2.1 and/or art 4.1 (4.1 states that Parties aim for
• Additionally, poverty reduction should be counted as a greenhouse emission peaking and reductions in the context
success criteria for action. of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty).
• And the climate financing must go up, following the pledge In the co-facilitators “navigation tool” (outcome of SB48),
by developed countries of 100 billion $ by 2020. poverty eradication is mentioned in a proposed reference
to Paris Agreement art. 2.1, and as a possible new feature.
SUMMARY OF THE MAIN ISSUES The wording is: “…NDCs to be in line with domestic
development or poverty eradication strategies”. We propose
AROUND THE PARIS RULE BOOK to include this in the text of the guidelines.
The negotiations are taking place primarily in the Ad-hoc
Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) which oversees II. NDCs should be made “in the context of sustainable and
these negotiations on rhe PAWP. Negotiations in the APA low-emission developments”. The reference to sustainable
sessions in the UNFCCC climate negotiations “SB48” in Bonn, development is in Paris Agreement art.2.1. and 4.1. In the co-
April 30 - May 10, 2018 made some progress in developing facilitators “navigation tool” for features of NDC guidelines, there
the PAWP. is reference to 2.1. We propose to keep that and include “…..

and low emission developments” (which could be a compromise Transparency Framework (APA agenda item 5)
text to agree with countries that are concerned that sustainable VII. For the transparency framework of action and support
development is not low emission) (APA Agenda item 5), the above - mentioned issues of poverty
reduction, and sustainable development should be included
III. Civil society involvement and inclusion of local as non-GHG benefits. The above-mentioned proposals for
environmental aspects are important both in the development accounting rules for local solutions, integration of climate actions
of NDCs, which should include stakeholder consultations, and (NDC implementation) in national development priorities, and
when implementing the actions in the NDCs. This should be regular updating of accounting rules, should also be included
reflected in the NDC guidelines under APA agenda item 3a in the transparency framework. Further, the activities guided
(features of NDCs) and under agenda item 3b (information in by the transparency framework should include civil society
NDCs). Most developed countries, as well as Korea and AILAC participation.
countries, want the NDCs to include information on the process
of developing it. Some countries, as EU countries, have directly The Global Stocktake (APA agenda item 6)
stated that NDCs are to specify stakeholder consultations VIII. Non-party stakeholders should be involved in the global
made in the process of developing the NDC. We propose that stocktake, which should be specified in the guidance for global
this is included in features of NDCs together with civil society stocktake (APA agenda item 6)
involvement and inclusion of local environmental aspects.
IX. VIII Global stocktake must also include stocktake of the
IV. Accounting rules for NDCs should specify inclusion of local solutions, including their mitigation and adaptation effects,
small-scale solutions. Small-scale solutions are some of the as well non-climate benefits, such as poverty reduction
most important climate solutions for poverty reduction (some
examples are improved cookstoves, solar light). We propose this X. . There should be clear guidance on the balanced flow of
is included under APA agenda 3b and 3c (accounting for NDCs). climate finance towards adaptation and mitigation actions (SBI
Agenda item 15).
V. Accounting rules for NDCs should be regularly updated
with latest scientific findings, including information from IPCC, Talanoa
allowing best available information on greenhouse gas effects XI. More awareness should be made and support provided,
and substances to be included. This will, for instance, enable the to increase the global south voices in the Talanoa Dialogue
inclusions of black carbon emission reductions with improved process ahead of the October 2018 deadline.
cook stoves. This should be included under guidance for NDCs
under APA agenda 3b and 3c. Some countries agree with the
use of the latest IPCC methodology. We propose that other
countries support this.

VI. Given NDCs are nationally determined; it is important that This Policy brief has been developed by Suswatch Kenya; Uganda
they communicate how each country integrates climate change Coalition for Sustainable Development, and TaTEDO, Tanzania
actions in the national development priorities. This should be in partnership with SustainableEnergy (Denmark) and INFORSE,
included in the guidelines for information in the NDCs (APA implementing a project on ‘Promoting the Implementation of the
agenda item 3b). Some countries, such as EU countries, Paris Agreement in East Africa with a focus on pro-poor low emission
propose that in the NDCs it is specified how they relate to other development (PIPA)’ with an objective to: ‘Contribute and strengthen
development plans or strategies (APA, 3b). We propose that the pro-poor focus and climate change ambitions in the implementation
other countries support this. of the Paris Agreement in East Africa.’


SusWatch Kenya Uganda Coalition TaTEDO International Network SustainableEnergy

for Sustainable for Sustainable Energy
P.O.Box 1207-00100 P. O. Box 32794 Klosterport 4F,1.sal
Development INFORSE
Nairobi, Kenya Dar es Salaam, Tanzania DK-8000 Aarhus C
P.O.Box 27551 Klosterport 4F, 1.fl. Tel: +45 86 76 04 44
T: +254 20 2584757 T: +255 22 2700438
Kampala Uganda DK- 8000 Aarhus C
F: +255 22 2774400 E: ve@ve.dk
E: suswatchkenya@ Denmark
T: +256 414 269461 W: ve.dk
suswatchkenya.org E: energy@tatedo.org
T: +45-86 22 70 00 W: sustainableenergy.dk
W: suswatchkenya.org E: ugandacoalition@ W: tatedo.org
infocom.co.ug E: ove@inforse.org @Vedv_Energi
@Suswatch_Kenya @TaTEDOtz
W: ugandacoalition.or.ug W: inforse.org
W: inforse.org/africa

PIPA Project: www.inforse.org/africa/East_Africa_PIPA.htm

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