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Physical Project Self-Evaluation

Name Ryan Ondler Date 5/7/18

1. Date project started: February 23, 2018

2. Date project ended: May 12, 2018

3. Estimated total hours spent on project: 17.5 hours

4. Look back at your task analysis. Look at your planned steps.

Time Involved in each task:

Step 1 Friend’s Routines and meal plans 3:30

Step 2 Interview and talking to mentor 1:30

Step 3 Getting Navyl’s Measurements 2:00

Step 4 Training Navyl 6:30

Step 5 Research 20+ hours

5. Materials (if any) used: Occasional food for demonstration

6. List the people who helped you. Please put a star ( * ) by all those who could

potentially help future seniors.

Claire Nagel Don Henderson

Navyl Cardenas Ben and Judah Tate

7. Please give a number response of “1” to “10” with 10 meaning “a great deal” and “1” meaning “not at
all” or put NA (not applicable)

A. How much did your mentor help? 7

B. Have others helped you as well? 9

C. Did the task analysis help you plan your project? 5

D. Would you recommend your project area for future seniors? yes

E. Please explain your answer in letter “D.”

This was a fun project and I know that there are others in lower grades with the same passion I do.

8. Would you feel threatened to show your project to an expert for evaluation?

If yes, why?

If no, why not?

No because I am confident in the things I learned and I know there I things I can improve on and it
would be helpful to have a superior observe.

9. List three things you now know after completing this project.

1. The meal plan I made wasn’t that great

2. I know new methods of training for women in particular

3. I learned much more on correct form and new exercises to target particular muscle groups

10. List any personal satisfaction or knowledge you gained from this experience.

1. I learned this might not be that great for me as a primary career

2. I got to see my friends push themselves which was nice

3. I learned how I could better be able to assist them as well

11. What comments about your project have you heard from students, parents, teachers, or community
members? For example: “I never knew you knew so much about motors.”

1. “Oh my gosh that is so you”

2. “oh that’s cool”

12. Describe what risk(s) you took in completing this project. Consider not only a physical risk, but an
emotional or intellectual challenge.

Pushing my friends farther then they think they can could have made them feel less of me or
intimidated but it brought us closer.

13. List or describe any problems you encountered.

Sometimes finding them motivation was difficult and working around their schedules.

How did you handle these problems?

Find the time and learning more about what makes them want to transform in this way.

14. Is your project original or creative in any way? If yes, explain how.
Yeah I believe this is somewhat creative. I took inspiration from a previous senior who changed his own
lifestyle and tracked it. I altered the idea heavily.

15. How do you feel about having your paper, project, and evaluation form on file as a model for next
year’s students? Explain why or why not.

I am happy that mine will be used as an example. I have a few friends that are interested in a similar

16. If given the opportunity, what would you do differently now that you speak from experience?

I would take pictures way more and do more measurements. Find reliable sources to refer to.

17. Beyond the project itself, what did you learn about yourself?

I learned I might not want this as a primary career

18. What grade would you give yourself for your project? Justify your grade in about 25 words.

I would give myself a B+ for my project. I worked hard and didn’t fall behind and believe I found reliable
information that can be applied to anyone becoming fit.

My grade: B+

Justification for my grade:

This portfolio took a lot of effort and I stayed up to date for the most part. The only thing I don’t like
about this portfolio is the front cover.

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