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MSC Nastran for windows

Contents...................................................................................................................................... 1
Program Bugs Discovered up to now......................................................................................... 3
Example (1): Plane Truss ........................................................................................................... 4
Model Description:................................................................................................................. 4
Exercise Procedure: ................................................................................................................ 4
1. Define the model materials. ........................................................................................... 4
2. Define the model properties. .......................................................................................... 5
3. Create the element mesh ................................................................................................ 6
4. Create the constraints ..................................................................................................... 7
5. Create the loads .............................................................................................................. 7
6. Solve the model .............................................................................................................. 8
7. Postprocessing the results............................................................................................... 8
Rod Element ............................................................................................................................. 10
Example (2): Plane Frame ........................................................................................................ 11
Model Description:............................................................................................................... 11
Exercise Procedure: .............................................................................................................. 11
1. Define the model materials. ......................................................................................... 11
2. Define the model properties. ........................................................................................ 11
3. Create the elements mesh ............................................................................................. 13
4. Create the constraints ................................................................................................... 15
5. Create the loads ............................................................................................................ 16
6. Solve the model ............................................................................................................ 17
7. Postprocessing the results............................................................................................. 17
Beam Element .......................................................................................................................... 18
Example (3): Flat plate under pressure .................................................................................... 21
Model Description:............................................................................................................... 21
Exercise Procedure: .............................................................................................................. 21
1. Define the model materials. ......................................................................................... 21
2. Define the model properties. ........................................................................................ 21
3. Create the elements mesh ............................................................................................. 22
4. Create the constraints ................................................................................................... 23
5. Create the loads ............................................................................................................ 24
6. Solve the model ............................................................................................................ 24
7. Post processing the results............................................................................................ 24
Plate Element Description ........................................................................................................ 25
Example (4): Lug with a thermal load ..................................................................................... 33
Model Description:............................................................................................................... 33
Exercise Procedure: .............................................................................................................. 33
1. Define the material. ...................................................................................................... 33
2. Define the model properties. ........................................................................................ 34
3. Create the elements mesh ............................................................................................. 34
4. Create the constraints ................................................................................................... 38
5. Create the loads ............................................................................................................ 38
6. Solve the model ............................................................................................................ 40
7. Post processing the results............................................................................................ 40

Page 1
Solid Element ........................................................................................................................... 41
Example (5): Nonlinear analysis of a Plate with a hole ........................................................... 45
Model Description:............................................................................................................... 47
Exercise Procedure: .............................................................................................................. 47
1. Define material stress strain curves.............................................................................. 47
2. Define the model materials. ......................................................................................... 49
3. Define the model properties. ........................................................................................ 50
4. Create the elements mesh ............................................................................................. 51
5. Create the constraints ................................................................................................... 51
6. Create the loads ............................................................................................................ 51
7. Solve the model ............................................................................................................ 52
8. Post processing the results............................................................................................ 53

Page 2
Program Bugs Discovered up to now
1. When you exit the program, you must wait for approximately 20 sec without trying to
perform any thing with the program window.

Page 3
Example (1): Plane Truss
Example exercise for Linear Static Analysis.

M odel Description:
In this example we analyze a plane truss. The truss is made up of steel pipes shown in the
The model is supported using a hinge and three rollers and loaded as shown in the figure.
The truss is modeled with rod element. Nodal displacements, element stresses and support
reactions are computed.

This example uses SI: meter (m) for length, Newton (N) for force, and seconds (sec) for time.
Follow the steps described below to create the geometry, elements, loads and constraints.

Exercise Procedure:
Start up MSC.Nastran for Windows and begin to create a new model. Start MSC.N4W by
double-clicking on the MSC.N4W icon. When the Open Model File dialog box appears;
choose New Model.

1. Define the model materials.

 Click Material under Model menu, i.e, Model > Material. This brings up the Define
Isotropic Material dialog box.

Page 4
 Click Load then choose Carbon Steel_SI from the built in material library. Press OK
to return to the material dialog box, then press OK to define the material. The Define
Isotropic Material dialog box appears again to define a new material. As this
example contains only one type of material, click Cancel.

For many of the software commands, when a command is completed it is repeat again. So if
you don’t want to use it any more, just cancel it.

2. Define the model properties.

 Model > Property

 Write “Upper & Lower” in the Title text box.

 Choose your material from the Material drop down list.
 Click Elem/Property type then choose Rod from the available elements. Press OK to
return to the property dialog box.
 Write the properties of the upper & lower truss elements which is as follows
A = /4*(0.052 – 0.042 ) = 7.0686e-4 m2
 Leave the other properties empty as they are not required for our example.
 Press OK to accept the property

Page 5
 Repeat the same steps for the diagonal rods where:
 = /4*(0.042 – 0.032 ) = 5.4978e-4 m2

3. Create the element mesh

 Model > Node



 Enter the truss nodes coordinates which are as follows

8 12 9 11 10 10 11 9 12 8 13

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 7

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7

Node X Y Z
1 0 0 0

2Z X
2 0 0
3 4 0 0
4 6 0 0
5 8 0 0
6 10 0 0
7 12 0 0
8 1 1*tan(60) 0
9 3 1*tan(60) 0
10 5 1*tan(60) 0
11 7 1*tan(60) 0
12 9 1*tan(60) 0
13 11 1*tan(60) 0

 Model > Element

Page 6
 Choose the “Upper & lower” property from the Property drop-down list. Then place
the mouse cursor in the Nodes text box, and then click on nodes (1) then (2) to create the
first element. Repeat to crate all the upper and lower elements.
 Repeat the previous step for the diagonal elements.

4. Create the constraints

 Model > Constraints > Set, then write a name of the constraint set.
 Model > Constraints > Nodal

 Click on the node (node 1) then OK, and then check TX & TY check boxes to model
the simple support.

 Click the other roller supported nodes (nodes 3, 5 & 7) by clicking on them and check
TY for them. This can be done for the three nodes together or the operation may be
repeated for every node.

Considering the previously defined constraints, the truss is well supported in x-y plane. But
what about the z direction? Although there are no forces causing the truss it to move in that
direction, but also there is no constraints to support it. As the software is designed for general
3-D structures, this neutrally stable structure is considered as a mechanism and will results in
fatal errors. To overcome this problem, we manually constrain the truss outside the x-y plane.
You should check the reactions at these supports are equal to zero. This is achieved through
the following command.
 Repeat the previous command (it should be repeated automatically) and click Select All
to select all the nodes and then check TZ, RX & RY.

5. Create the loads

 Model > Load > Set, then write a name of the load set.
 Model > Load > Nodal

Page 7

 Click on the upper left node then OK,

then choose the Force/Moment option box, and then type the force component as follows
TX: 4000
TY: -3000
 Repeat this step for all other loaded nodes (nodes 9 to 13).

6. Solve the model

 File > AnalyzeThis minimizes the modeler program and launch the Nastran solver and
gives it the model data. After the solver finishes, the modeler is activated and reads the
analysis results

7. Postprocessing the results

 View > Select, then click Deformed and contour data

Page 8
 Choose 1..Total Translation and 3183..Rod Axial Stress from Deformation and
Contour list boxes respectively then press OK.
 Choose Deform and Criteria options box, then OK. This draws the deformed shape
and displays the stresses in each element.
 To see the reaction supports, choose 51..Total Constraint Force in the Deformation list
box then choose Vector options box.

Page 9
Rod Element
Uniaxial element with tension, compression and torsional stiffness. It does not have any
bending or shear capability.

Rod Element Internal Forces and Moments

Typically used to model truss, or other "pin-ended" members.

Line, connecting two Nodes.

Element Coordinate System

The element X axis goes from the first node to the second.

Area (of cross-section), Torsional Constant, Coefficient for Torsional Stress, Non-structural

1. The Formula used to calculate torsional stress is:

where is the torsional moment

, J is the torsional constant
and C is Coefficient for torsional Stress
2. The related MSC.Nastran bulk data entities are CROD and PROD. For more details
see the MSC.Nastran Quick Reference Guide which can be found on the MSC.Nastran
Encyclopedia CD

Page 10
Example (2): Plane Frame
Example exercise for Linear Static Analysis.

M odel Description:
In this example we analyze a plane frame. The frame is made up of steel I-beams and
supported by a fixed support and a roller one and loaded as shown in the figure.
The frame is modeled with beam elements. Nodal displacements, element stresses and support
reactions are computed.

This example uses SI units: meter (m) for length, Newton (N) for force, and seconds (sec) for
Follow the steps described below to create the geometry, elements, loads and constraints.

Exercise Procedure:
Start up MSC.Nastran for Windows and begin to create a new model. Start MSC.N4W by
double-clicking on the MSC.N4W icon. When the Open Model File dialog box appears;
choose New Model.

1. Define the model materials.

Select the material as carbon steel (SI).

2. Define the model properties.

 Model > Property, this brings the Define Property dialog box discussed before.

Page 11
 Write “Other Members” in the Title text box.
 Choose your material from the Material drop down list.
 Click Elem/Property type then choose Beam from the available elements. Press OK to
return to the property dialog box.

 Click Shapes then choose I-beam or Wide Flange (W) from the available shapes of
the beam crossection. Input the crossection dimensions as shown in the figure below

Page 12
 Press Draw Section to draw the beam crossection and check it is ok. Also note the
direction of the elemental y-z axis, which are used to orient the crossection, and the
positions of the four stress recovery points 1, 2, 3 & 4 for which the bending stress is
 Press OK to return to the property dialog box, MSCVN4W calculates the crossection
properties and substitutes it in the corresponding fields in the Define Property dialog box.
ress OK to accept the property
 Repeat the same steps for the horizontal beam whose dimensions are as shown

3. Create the elements mesh

Create Geomety
 Geometry > Curve - Line > Continuous
 Enter the coordinates of the points which define the frame centerline as follows

Page 13

2 3

1 4


Point X Y Z
1 0 0 0
2 0 5 0
3 4 5 0
4 5.5 0 0
 Choose not to close the continuous line

Meshing the geometry

 Mesh > Mesh Control > Size Along Curve, and click Select All to select the three

 Input 10 in the Mesh Size along Curve dialog box. This leads to the creation of 10
elements on each curve.
 Mesh > Geometry > Curve, and click on the lines 1-2 and 3-4 to select them.

Page 14
 Choose the “Other members” (property no. 1) from the Property drop-down list, and
then click OK.
 A dialog box automatically appears to define the element orientation vector which
determines the orientation of the elements. This vector should be in the direction of the
elemental Y axis “Ye”, see the figures conventions used to define the beam properties).
In our case, the Ye axis is in the direction of the Z axis (structure axes). To do so:
 Click Methods and choose the Global Axis method and then Choose
Positive & Z axis options.

 Repeat the previous three steps for the horizontal member.

 To merge the coincident nodes choose Tools > Check > Coincident Nodes, then select
all the nodes and then check the Merge Coincident Entities option

4. Create the constraints

 Model > Constraints > Set, then choose a name for the constraint set.
 Model > Constraints > Nodal
 Click on the clamped end node then OK, and then click Fixed, this checks all the
degrees for freedom to model the clamped support.

Page 15
 Click on the other roller supported node and check TY, TZ, RX & RY.

5. Create the loads

 Model > Load > Set, then choose a name for the load set.
 Model > Load > Elemental
 Select all the elements along the left member using the Shift key and drag the mouse
pressing the left button. This opens a selection window that includes all selected elements,
then click OK.

 Choose the Distributed Load option box, then type the load end values both as 500
N/m, then choose the load direction in the global X axis.
 Repeat to select the horizontal member elements. When the above dialog box appears,
choose Equation option and input the following equations for the load end values on an
element i:
Load – End A: -(1000+(2000-1000)/4*XND(ELND(1;!i)))
Load – End B: -(1000+(2000-1000)/4*XND(ELND(2;!i)))
then choose the load direction in the global Y axis.

XND(ELND(1;!i)) stands for the x-coordinate of the node that define the first end of a member i, while
XND(ELND(2;!i)) is that of the second end.

Page 16
 Create the 4000 N nodal force as was done in Ex (1)

6. Solve the model

 File > Analyze

7. Postprocessing the results

 View > Select, then click Deformed and contour data
 Choose 1..Total Translation and 3015..Beam EndA Plane2 Moment from Deformation
and Contour list boxes respectively then press OK.
 Choose Deform and Beam Diagram options box, then OK. This draws the deformed
shape and displays the Bending moment in each element (you may need to the diametric
view to see this).
 To see the reaction supports and combined stresses at the stress recovery points, choose
51..Total Constraint Force and 3139..Beam EndA Pt1 Comb Stress in the Deformation
and Contour list boxes respectively then choose Vector and Beam Diagram options box.

Page 17
Beam Element
Uniaxial element with tension, compression, torsion, and bending capabilities. This element
can be tapered. You can specify different properties at each end of the beam.

Beam Element Geometry System

Used to model beam/frame structures.

Line, connecting two nodes. A third node can be specified to orient the element Y axis.

Element Coordinate System

The element X axis goes from the first node to the second. The element Y axis is
perpendicular to the element X axis. It points from the first node toward the orientation (or
third) node. If you use an orientation vector, the Y axis points from the first node in the
direction of the orientation vector. The element Z axis is determined from the cross product of
the element X and Y axes.

Area, Moments of Inertia (I1, I2, I12), Torsional Constant, Shear Areas (Y, Z), Non-structural
Mass/Length, Stress Recovery Locations, Neutral Axis Offsets (Nay, Naz, Nby and Nbz). The
Shear Areas inputed to MSC.vN4W are the effective areas for shearing, not a shear factor. If
you are inputting values directly, and have a shear factor, simply multiply it by the actual area
to obtain the shear area. If the beam is tapered, you can specify different properties at each
end of the element.

Page 18
Beam Element Internal Forces and Moments


Define Property Dialog box

1. You can specify Releases which remove the connection between selected element
degrees of freedom and the nodes.

Page 19
2. Offset vectors defined on the Element move the neutral axis and shear center from the
nodes. Neutral Axis Offsets (Y,Z) defined on the Property card move the neutral axis
away from the shear center. If there are no Neutral Axis Offsets, the neutral axis and
shear center are coincident. If there are no offsets, both the neutral axis and shear
center lie directly between the nodes.
3. Stress Recovery Locations define positions in the elemental YZ plane (element cross-
section) where you want the analysis program to calculate stresses.
4. Specifying moments of inertia for Beam (and Bar) elements can sometimes be
confusing. In MSC.vN4W, I1 is the moment of inertia about the elemental Z axis. It
resists bending in the outer Y fibers of the beam. It is the moment of inertia in plane 1.
Similarly, I2 is the moment of inertia about the elemental Y axis. If you are familiar
with one of the analysis program conventions, the following table may help you
convert to MSC.vN4W's convention.

MSC.vN4W I1 I2

MSC.Pal & CDA/Sprint Iww Ivv

MSC.Nastran Izz Iyy








5. The transverse shear stiffnesses per unit length in planes 1 and 2 are K 1  A G and
K 2  A G respectively, where G is the shear modulus. the default values for K1 and
K2 are 1.0. If a value of 0.0 is used for K1 and K2 , the transverse shear flexibilities are
set equal to zero, and the value of G in the related material definition must be nonzero.
6. The related MSC.Nastran bulk data entities are CBEAM and PBEAM. For more
details see the MSC.Nastran Quick Reference Guide which can be found on the
MSC.Nastran Encyclopedia CD.

Page 20
Example (3): Flat plate under pressure
Example exercise for Linear Static Analysis.

M odel Description:
In this example we analyze a flat plate under a pressure load. The plate is made up of steel
sheet that has a clamped-free opposite edges while other edges are simply supported as shown
in the figure.
The plate structure is modeled with plate elements. Nodal displacements, element stresses and
support reactions are to be computed.

This example uses SI units: meter (m) for length, Newton (N) for force, and seconds (sec) for
Follow the steps described below to create the geometry, elements, loads and constraints.

Exercise Procedure:
Start up MSC. Nastran for Windows and begin to create a new model. Start MSC.N4W by
double-clicking on the MSC.N4W icon. When the Open Model File dialog box appears;
choose New Model.

1. Define the model materials.

Select the material as carbon steel (SI).

2. Define the model properties.

 Model > Property, this brings the Define Property dialog box discussed before.
 Write “plate” in the Title text box.
 Choose your material from the Material drop down list.
 Click Elem/Property type then choose Plate from the available elements. Press OK to
return to the property dialog box.

Page 21
 Write the properties of the plate which is as follows
T1 = t = 0.002 m

3. Create the elements mesh

Our problem is symmetric about the horizontal axis, so we will model half of it only.
Create Geomety
 Geometry > Curve - Line > Continuous
 Enter the coordinates of the points which define the plate corners as follows

4 3 3

4 2

1 1 2


Point X Y Z
1 0 0 0

Page 22
2 2 0 0
3 2 0.5 0
4 0 0.5 0
 Choose to close the continuous line
 Geometry > Surface > Edge Curves
 Choose 1, 2, 3 & 4 as the edge curves respectively.

Meshing the geometry

 Mesh > Mesh Control > Default Size, and input the default element size as 0.1.

 Mesh > Geometry > Surface, and click on the surface to select it.

 Choose the “Plate” (property no. 1) from the Property drop-down list, and then click
OK, this creates the element mesh on the surface.

4. Create the constraints

 Model > Constraints > Set, then choose a name for the constraint set.
 Model > Constraints > Nodal
 Hold down SHIFT key and drag to choose the LHS nodes then click OK, then click the
Fixed button.

 Repeat for the simply supported edge (the upper edge) but check TY, TZ, RY & RZ.

Page 23
 Repeat for the edge of symmetry (the lower edge) but click the Y Symmetric button,
this automatically checks the TY, RX & RZ dof’s. This models the symmetry boundary
condition on the modeled half structure.
 Note to choose to combine constraints when you prompted (this applies to corner

5. Create the loads

 Model > Load > Set, then choose a name for the load set.
 Model > Load > Elemental
 Select all the elements.
 Choose the Pressure option box, then type the pressure value as 1000 Pa.
 Input 2 in the Face text box, this specifies which face to apply the pressure on it.

6. Solve the model

 File > Analyze

7. Post processing the results

 View > Select, then click Deformed and contour data
 Choose 1..Total Translation and 7033..Plate Top VonMises Stress from Deformation
and Contour list boxes respectively then press OK.
 Choose Deform and Contour options box, then OK. This draws the deformed shape
and displays the stress contours in each element (you may need to the diametric view to see
 To see the reaction supports, choose 51..Total Constraint Force in the Deformation list
box then choose Vector options box.

Page 24
Plate Element Description
A combined planar shell element. This element typically resists membrane (in-plane), shear,
and bending forces. Some analysis programs also include transverse (through the thickness of
the element) capabilities.

Any structure which is comprised of thin plates/shells.

Planar, three-noded triangle, four-noded quadrilateral, six-noded triangle, eight-noded

Element Coordinate System

The element coordinate system depends upon the element topology and order. The various
elements available in MSC.Nastran for Windows are discussed below.

Thickness (average, or varying at each corner for membrane only), Non-structural mass/area,
Bending Stiffness parameter, Transverse shear/Membrane thickness, Bending, Shear and
Membrane-Bending Coupling Materials, Fiber distances for stress recovery.

1. A different thickness can be specified for each corner of the plate (membrane
thickness only). You can always specify a single thickness for all corners simply by
entering the average thickness.
2. Plate offsets can be defined to offset the plate a particular distance from its nodes.
Only one offset may be specified, and it will be in the plate's positive or negative
normal direction.
3. The structural mass is calculated from the general material definition which is
responsible for the membrane behavior, i.e. in the case where different materials are
defined for all three other possible effects listed above.
4. The structural damping in dynamic analysis is also calculated from the general
material definition.
5. The CTRIAR and CQUADR elements do not support membrane-bending coupling
6. The related MSC.Nastran bulk data entities are CTRIA3, CQUAD4, CTRIAR,
CQUADR, CTRIA6, CQUAD8, and PSHELL. For more details see the MSC.Nastran
Quick Reference Guide which can be found on the MSC.Nastran Encyclopedia CD.

Page 25
3-Noded Linear Elements (CTRIA3 and CTRIAR)

3-Noded Triangular Element Geometry and Coordinate System

1. CTRIA3: Isoparametric membrane-bending or plane strain triangular plate element.
2. CTRIAR: Isoparametric membrane-bending triangular plate element. The rotational
degrees of freedom normal to the element are active in the element formulation and
must not be constrained unless at a boundary. If they are constrained, then inaccurate
results will be obtained.
3. CTRIA3 or CTRIAR element types are selected in File | Analyze | Advanced menu in
the NASTRAN Bulk Data section.
4. The related MSC.Nastran bulk data entities are CTRIA3, CTRIAR, and PSHELL. For
more details see the MSC.Nastran Quick Reference Guide which can be found on the
MSC.Nastran Encyclopedia CD.

4-Noded Linear Elements (CQUAD4 and CQUADR)

4-Noded Quadrilateral Element Geometry and Coordinate System

Page 26
Forces in Shell Elements

Moments in Shell Elements

Page 27
Stresses in Shell Elements

1. CQUAD4: Isoparametric membrane-bending or plane strain quadrilateral plate
2. CQUADR: Isoparametric membrane-bending quadrilateral plate element. The
rotational degrees of freedom normal to the element are active in the element
formulation and must not be constrained unless at a boundary. If they are constrained,
then inaccurate results will be obtained. For a static analysis, this element provides
better answers for non-rectangular elements than the CQUAD4 element. It has not
been fully implemented for other types of analysis such as nonlinear or buckling.
3. All of the interior angles must be less than 180 degrees.
4. CQUAD4 or CQUADR element types are selected in File | Analyze | Advanced menu
in the NASTRAN Bulk Data section.
5. The related MSC.Nastran bulk data entities are CQUAD4, CQUADR, and PSHELL.
For more details see the MSC.Nastran Quick Reference Guide which can be found on
the MSC.Nastran Encyclopedia CD.

Page 28
6-Noded Parabolic Element (CTRIA6)

6-Noded Triangular Element Geometry and Coordinate System

1. Curved triangular shell or plane strain element.
2. It is recommended that the midside nodes be located within the middle third of the
3. If all midside nodes are deleted, then the element will be excessively stiff and the
transverse shear forces will be incorrect. A user warning message is issued, a CTRIA3
element is recommended in this situation. If the element is hyperelastic then the
element is processed identically to the hyperelastic CTRIA3 element.
4. The related bulk data entities are CTRIA6, and PSHELL. For more details see the
MSC.Nastran Quick Reference Guide which can be found on the MSC.Nastran
Encyclopedia CD.

Page 29
8-Noded Parabolic Element (CQUAD8)

8-Noded Quadrilateral Element Geometry and Coordinate System

Page 30
8-Noded Quadrilateral Element Geometry and Coordinate System

1. Curved quadrilateral shell or plane strain element.
2. It is recommended that the midside nodes be located within the middle third of the
edge. If the edge point is located at the quarter point, the program may fail with a
divide by zero error or the calculated stresses will be meaningless.
3. If all midside node points are deleted, then the element will be excessively stiff and
the transverse shear forces will be incorrect. A User Warning Message is issued, a
CQUAD4 element is recommended in such a situation. If the element is hyperelastic,
then the element is processed identically to the hyperelastic CQUAD4 element.
4. The related bulk data entities are CQUAD8, and PSHELL. For more details see the
MSC.Nastran Quick Reference Guide which can be found on the MSC.Nastran
Encyclopedia CD.

General Remarks for all Planar Elements

1. Offsets for plane elements except for the Shear Panel and the Plot Only types can be
defined with the Modify | Update Elements | Adjust Plate command.
2. Offsets are measured from the nodes of the elements. Positive values mean an offset
of the element reference plane by this value along the positive z-axis of the element
coordinate system.
3. Material matrices and stress fiber locations are given relative to the reference plane.
4. The use of plate offsets will cause incorrect results in a buckling analysis and
differential stiffness.
5. None of the parabolic element types have a nonlinear formulation.

Page 31
Material Coordinate System Definition for Triangular Elements

Material Coordinate System Definition for Quadrilateral Elements

Page 32
Example (4): Lug with a thermal load
Example exercise for Linear Static Analysis.

M odel Description:
We will create an aluminum lug with geometry shown in the figure. The lug is attached at the
base to a larger component that generates heat. The thermal loading will be modeled as a
linear temperature distribution as shown.

This example demonstrates how to create 3D geometry, automeshing solid elements by

extruding planer elements, generating a nodal temperature distribution using built- in
equations, and performing graphical post-processing on solid elements. Nodal displacements,
element stresses and support reactions are to be computed.
This example uses the cgs units: (centimeter (cm) for length, gram (gm) for mass, and
seconds (sec) for time) are used in this example.

Exercise Procedure:
Start up MSC.Nastran for Windows and begin to create a new model. Start MSC.N4W by
double-clicking on the MSC.N4W icon. When the Open Model File dialog box appears;
choose New Model.
One approach to mesh the lug using solid elements is to mesh the surface with dummy plate
elements and then extrude these elements to form the actual solid elements. This is described
through the following steps

1. Define the material.

Select the material as Aluminum_cgs.

Page 33
2. Define the model properties.
We will create two properties, one for a dummy planar element to be used in meshing the
surface and the other for the actual solid elements. For the planar elements:
 Model > Property, this brings the Define Property dialog box discussed before.
 Write “Dummy planar elements” in the Title text box.
 Choose your material from the Material drop down list.
 Click Elem/Property type then choose Plate from the available elements. Press OK to
return to the property dialog box.
 Write the properties of the plate which is as follows
T1 = 0.1 cm (you may input any other value or even leave it zero).
When you press Ok, the command repeats itself. We now define the property of the solid
 Write “Solid elements” in the Title text box.
 Choose your material from the Material drop down list.
 Click Elem/Property type then choose Solid from the available elements. Press OK to
return to the property dialog box.

3. Create the elements mesh

Create Geometry

1 3

Z X 2

 Geometry > Curve-Line > Continuous

 Enter the coordinates of the points which define the plate corners as follows
0 4 0

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0 0 0
4 0 0
4 4 0
 Choose not to close the continuous line
 Geometry > Curve-Arc > Center-Start-End
 Enter the coordinates that defines the upper arc as follows
Centre 2 4 0
Start 4 4 0
End 0 4 0
 Geometry > Surface > Edge Curves
 Choose curves 1, 2, 3 & 4 as the edge curves respectively. This generates a surface
enclosed by these curves.
To cut the circular hole from the surface created above, we first draw a circle and then use it
to cut the surface as shown through the following commands.
 Geometry > Curve-Circle > Center, Input the centre as (2,4,0) and radius as 0.75.
 Geometry > Curve – From Surface > Update surfaces. This causes surfaces to be
updated by the following command.
 Geometry > Curve – From Surface > Project. Select the surface as the surface to
project onto, and then select the circle as the curve to project. This splits the surface
surrounded by the circle from original surface.


We now delete unnecessary geometries.

 Delete > Geometry > Surface. And select the circular surface.
 Delete > Geometry > Curve. And select all curves.

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 Delete > Geometry > point. And select all points.
Thus we have created the upper surface of the lug.

Meshing the geometry

 Mesh > Mesh Control > Size on Surface, and input the Element Size as 0.75and Min
Elements on Edge as 6.

 Mesh > Geometry > Surface, and click on the surface to select it.

 Choose the “Dummy planar elements” property (ID # 1) and input Min Elements
Between Boundaries as 3. This meshes the surface as shown:

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We now extrude the planer elements to solid elements.
 Mesh > Extrude > Element, and select all elements. Then input the following

Property: 2..Solid elements.

Elements along Length: 1
Delete original elements: Check it.
You are then asked for a vector to extrude along. Input (0,0,0) & (0,0,0.75) to define the
extrusion vector.
 View > Rotate, and select Dimetric view.
 Click on View Style toolbar button and select Hidden.

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4. Create the constraints
 Model > Constraints > Set, then choose a name for the constraint set.
 View > Rotate, and select XY Top view.
 Model > Constraints > Nodal
 Hold down SHIFT key and drag to include the lower layer of nodes then click OK,
then click the Fixed button in the create nodal constraint dialog box.
 View > Rotate, and select Dimetric view.

5. Create the loads

We will apply a temperature load on the lug. In most cases, you can define the temperature
distribution through the nodal temperature and/or element temperature. For both cases, you
select a set of nodes or elements and define a temperature value for the set.
To define the nodal temperature distribution, we will use one of the MSC.vN4W built-in
functions, YND. YND will return the Y-coordinate of the selected node.
 Model > Load > Set, then choose a name for the load set.
 Model > Load > Nodal
 Select all the elements.
 Choose the Temperature option

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 Choose Variable option box.
 Input the Temperature value as 150+(60-150)/6*ynd(!i)
The thermal loads are now created. To examine the temperature distribution, do the following
 Model > Output > Set. And choose the title to be “temperature”.
 Model > Output > From Load. Choose the Temperature option box. The nodal
temperatures are now output to output vector 300000 and are ready to be listed or
displayed in contour style as we learned previously.

Page 39
L1 150.
60.001 144.4
62.052 62.052
68.087 69.045 68.087
70.551 70.551 133.1
74.859 75.076 74.859
76.26 76.26 127.5
77.665 78.75 79.148 77.665
80.261 80.261
81.646 81.482 81.483 81.646
84.381 84.011
84.381 121.9
85.034 85.034
90. 90.063
90.276 90.90.208
90.276 90.063 90. 116.3

96.494 95.628
96.494 110.6
98.393 99.745 99.745 98.393
100. 101.03 101.25 101.03 100.
101.52 101.52 105.
107.01107.01 106.97
107.36 107.01107.01 99.38
110. 110.
113.81 112.97
114.16 93.75
118.14 118.14
120. 121. 121.75 121. 120. 88.13

130. 129.61 130.38 130.67 130.38 129.61 130.
140. 139.94 140.13 140.25 140.13 139.94 140. 71.25

Z X 65.63

Output Set: temperature 123456
150. 123456
150. 123456
150. 123456
150. 123456
150. 123456
150. 123456
150. 60.
Contour: Temp Load Set 1

6. Solve the model

 File > Analyze

7. Post processing the results

 View > Select, then click Deformed and contour data
 Choose the output set 1.MSC.Nastran Case 1
 Choose 1..Total Translation and 60031..Solid Von Mises Stress from Deformation and
Contour list boxes respectively then press OK.
 Choose Deform and Contour options box, then OK. This draws the deformed shape
and displays the stress contours in each element.
There are also many different ways to postprocess the results. So, enjoy and explore the
various features of MSC.vN4W.
This example demonstrates how to automesh a model with solid elements and how to use a
built-in equation to specify loads. MSC.vN4W provides many modeling features with
different options. You can specify a denser mesh by using a smaller mesh size or a higher
number of elements along the circle. If you prefer a symmetric mesh, you can use the
Generate Region or Generate On Geometry On Curves options to manually specify the mesh
size. The procedures described here are just one of the many ways to model this part.

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Solid Element

A three-dimensional solid element.

Modeling of any three-dimensional structure.

Four to ten-noded tetrahedron, six to fifteen-noded wedge, eight to twenty-noded brick

Element Coordinate System

Can be aligned based on the node locations or aligned to a coordinate system.

Material axes, integration order.

Additional Notes
If you want to apply pressure loads to Solid elements, you must specify a face number. The
previous and following figures, show the face numbers (F1 through F6, in the circles) for each
element shape. Positive pressure is always directed inward, toward the center of the element.
For nonlinear analysis, only solid elements without mid-edge nodes can be used.

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Tetra Element Geometry
1. A solid element with four faces connected to four to ten nodes.
2. The nodes 5 to 10 are optional. Any or all of them may be deleted. If the ID of any
node is left blank, or set to zero, the equations of the element are adjusted to give
correct results for the reduced number of connections. Corner nodes cannot be deleted.
The element is an isoparametric element in all cases.
3. Components of stress are output in the material coordinate system except for
hyperelastic elements, which are output in the basic coordinate system.
4. It is recommended that the edge nodes be located within the middle third of the edge.
5. By default, all of the six edges of the element are considered straight unless any of G5
through G10 are specified.
6. The related bulk data entities are CTETRA, and PSOLID. For more details see the
MSC.Nastran Quick Reference Guide which can be found on the MSC.Nastran
Encyclopedia CD.

Pentahedral (Wedge) Element Geometry

1. A solid with five faces connected to six to fifteen nodes.
2. The nodes 7 to 15 are optional. Any or all of them may be deleted. If the ID of any
edge node is left blank to set to zero, the equations of the element are adjusted to five
correct results for the reduced number of connections. Corner nodes cannot be deleted.
3. Components of stress are output in the material coordinate system except for
hyperelastic elements, which are output in the basic coordinate system.
4. It is recommended that the edge nodes be located within the middle third of the edge.
5. By default, the edges are considered straight when no mid edge node has been defined.

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6. The related bulk data entities are CTETRA, and PSOLID. For more details see the
MSC.Nastran Quick Reference Guide which can be found on the MSC.Nastran
Encyclopedia CD.

Hexahedral (Brick) Element Geometry

1. A solid with six faces connected to eight to twenty nodes.
2. For non-hyperelastic elements, the element coordinate system for the CHEXA element
is defined in terms of the three vectors R, S, and T, which join the centroids of
opposite faces.
 R vector joins the centroids of faces G4-G1-G5-G8 and G3-G2-G6-G7.
 S vector joins the centroids of faces G1-G2-G6-G5 and G4-G3-G7-G8.
 T vector joins the centroids of faces G1-G2-G3-G4 and G5-G6-G7-G8.
 The origin of the coordinate system is located at the intersection of these
vectors. The x, y, and z axes of the element coordinate system are chosen as
close as possible to the R, S, and T vectors and point in the same general
direction. (Mathematically speaking, the coordinate system is computed in
such a way that if the R, S, and T vectors are described in the element
coordinate system a 3x3 positive-definite symmetric matrix would be

Hexahedral Element R, S, and T Vectors

3. The edge nodes, G9 to G20, are optional. Any of all of them may be deleted. If the ID
of any edge node is left blank or set to zero, the equations of the element are adjusted

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to give the correct results for the reduced number of connections. Corner nodes cannot
be deleted.
4. It is recommended that the edge nodes be located within the middle third of the edge.
5. The element edges are considered straight unless the mid edge (G9 to G20) has been
6. The related bulk data entities are CTETRA, and PSOLID. For more details see the
MSC.Nastran Quick Reference Guide which can be found on the MSC.Nastran
Encyclopedia CD.

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Example (5): Nonlinear analysis of a Plate with a hole
One of the considerations in performing any type of analysis is whether the structure will
experience nonlinear behavior. Depending upon the structure, its behavior, and the material it
is made of, many types of nonlinear behaviors are possible.
Two sources of nonlinearity will be considered in this examble, namely:
1. Nonlinearity due to large displacement which is called geometric nonlinearity. By
considering large displacement, the equilibrium of the deformed configuration
rather than the undeformed one is considered.

2. Material nonlinearity which means that the stress-strain behaviour of the material is
Within MSC.visualNastran for Windows, control of all types of nonlinear analysis is
achieved through the Model > Load >Nonlinear menu.

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A related effect to geometric nonlinear analysis is follower force effects. In a small
displacement analysis, it is assumed that the loading always maintains its initial orientation
while follower a loading changes its orientation as the structure deforms.

Large displacement effects are set with a parameter in MSC.visualNastran for Windows by
selecting the Large Displacement check-box in the Analyze dialog box.

With a nonlinear constitutive relation, the material stiffness can change during the analysis
and the material may yield, perhaps resulting in permanent deformation. MSC.visualNastran
for Windows can represent materials that exhibit nonlinear elastic and plastic behavior.

For information on other types of nonlinearity, you may explore the help topics.

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M odel Description:
In this example we analyze a flat plate with a hole under pressure load. The plate is made up
of steel sheet that has fixed edges as shown in the figure below.

This example will be solved once by neglecting nonlinear effects and once by considering
these effects, and a comparison between the results will be given.
The AISI 1025 Carbon steel properties are:
n = 24 Ftu = 55e3 psi
F0.7 = 32.7e3 psi E = 29e6 psi
Fcy = 36e3 psi  = 0.32
The constitutive relation will be represented by Romberg and Osgood equation as:
E f 3 f 
   
F0.7 F0.7 7  F0.7 
The plate structure is modeled with plate elements. Nodal displacements and element stresses
are to be computed with both linear and nonlinear analyses.
This example uses the British units: inches (in) for length, pounds (lb) for force, and seconds
(sec) for time.
Follow the steps described below to create the geometry, elements, loads and constraints.

Exercise Procedure:
Start up MSC.Nastran for Windows and begin to create a new model. Start MSC.N4W by
double-clicking on the MSC.N4W icon. When the Open Model File dialog box appears;
choose New Model.

1. Define material stress strain curves.

We will define the stress strain curve using a function.
 Model > Function, this brings the shown dialog box.

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 Write “AISI 1025 properties” in the Title text box.
 Choose the function type to be “4..vs. Stress” from the Type drop down list.
 Click Equation option for the Data Entry and input:
Delta X = 1e3
To X = 36e3
Y = 32.7e3/29e6*(!x/32.7e3+3/7*pow(!x/32.7e3;24))
then click More, Then OK. This defines the stress strain curve. To see this curve follow
the steps below
 View > Select, select XY of Function option then Model Data button

 For Function/Select, choose “1.. AISI 1025 properties”

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This displays the strain versus the stress curve shown below.
















0. 3000. 6000. 9000. 12000. 15000. 18000. 21000. 24000. 27000. 30000. 33000. 36000.
AISI 1025 properties

 View > Select, select Draw Model option, this redisplay the model view.

2. Define the model materials.

 Model > Material, Select the material as AISI 1025 Carbon Steel using the Load

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 Click the Nonlinear button and choose the Nonlinear Elastic option.

 Choose the previously defined function “1..AISI 1025 properties” in the Nonlinear
Properties\Function Dependence list box.

3. Define the model properties.

 Model > Property, this brings the Define Property dialog box discussed before.
 Write “plate” in the Title text box.
 Choose your material from the Material drop down list.
 Click Elem/Property type then choose Plate from the available elements. Press OK to
return to the property dialog box.
 Write the properties of the plate as T1 = 0.1“.

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4. Create the elements mesh
The plate is double symmetric w.r.t. both the horizontal and vertical axis, so we will model
only one quarter of it.
 As was explained in example (4), we create a surface resembling the lower left half of
V1 the plate, then mesh it with an element size = 0.2 such that number of elements along any
C1 edge is not less than 6.


5. Create the constraints

 Apply the fixed constraints on the plate outer edge curves using Model > Constraint >
On Curve. Then apply the symmetric boundary conditions on both the vertical and
horizontal cut edges of the plate using nodal constraints.

6. Create the loads

 Create a load set called “100 psi” which includes the 100 psi pressure load using Model
> Load > On Surface.
 Model > Load > Nonlinear Analysis, this brings the following dialog box:

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 Select Static option.
 Click Defaults button
 Enter 10 for the Number of Increments and click OK.
 Repeat the previous steps to create another two load sets for the 200 psi and 300 psi
loading cases.

7. Solve the model

 File > Analyze

 Choose “1..Static” for the Analysis type.
 Click on the Loads button then press Select All to select all the load sets defined. This
performs the analysis on all the defined loading cases and produces three output sets for
the corresponding load sets instead of repeating the command manually for each load case.
 Repeat the above steps but choose “10..Nonlinear Static” for the Analysis type, check
that the Large Disp check box is checked and choose “2.. Displacements and stresses” in

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the Output Types list box. This produces another three output sets corresponding to the
three loading sets.

To examine the effect of the material nonlinearity only, repeat the previous analysis steps but
deselect the Large Disp check box.
To examine the effect of the geometric nonlinearity only, you need to remove the material
nonlinear behaviour as follows:
 Modify > Edit > Material, This brings the Define Isotropic Material dialog box.
 Click the Nonlinear button and choose the None option for the Nonlinearity Type.
 Repeat the previous analysis steps and check that the Large Disp check box is checked.

8. Post processing the results

By studying the results, it is now clear that static analysis results are proportional to loading
while this is not the case for nonlinear analysis. You can notice also that geometric
nonlinearity tends to stiffen the plate while the material nonlinearity tends to make it less
In conclusion, linear solution is not adequate for this case as the applied load is of sufficient
magnitude to cause stresses beyond the linear region of the stress-strain curve.

Page 53

Total Translation

Geometric nonlinearity
Material nonlinearity
Both nonlinearities



100 200 300


Plate Top VonMises Stress

Geometric nonlinearity
Material nonlinearity
Both nonlinearities


100 200 300

Finally, the plate is also symmetric about both diagonals. This means that we could have
considered 1/8 of the plate only to model the whole plate. However, this requires the
definition of a new coordinate system along the diagonal axis to apply the symmetry

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