Simon's Statement On Attorney General Underwood

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May 22, 2018 | 718-246-4889 | pasquantonios@nyassembly.


Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon’s Statement on

the Nomination of Barbara Underwood for NYS Attorney General

Albany – Assemblymember Jo Anne Simon released the following statement today, seconding the
nomination of Barbara Underwood to be the Attorney General of the State of New York, during
legislative session:

“It is my honor and privilege to second the nomination of Barbara Underwood to be the Attorney
General of the State of New York, completing the remainder of the term of the former Attorney General.

One needs only a glimpse at Barbara Underwood’s resume to know that she is truly exceptional. She is
exceptional in the law, and in protecting the civil rights and liberties of New Yorkers and all Americans.
She is exceptional in her leadership, as one that places great value in developing and promoting talented
attorneys. Under her leadership, she has given real, substantive opportunities to women and people of

She is exceptional in her profession. Barbara Underwood is one of the finest attorneys in our country,
arguing before the U.S. Supreme Court 20 times, including one of my favorite cases upholding the
Americans with Disabilities Act. The PGA Tour v. Casey Martin case confirmed that talent and ability
does not negate the protections afforded to a person with a disability to achieve at the highest levels of
their ability.

At the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office, Ms. Underwood made the appeals bureau truly outstanding.
She was beloved and inspired the ADAs and staff.

In 2012, the American Inns of Court honored her with its esteemed Professionalism Award for the
Second Circuit. It is important that New Yorkers know what a big deal that is. In honoring her, they said
about this award which honors a quintessential mentor:
‘The honoree is a senior lawyer who for a generation or more has taught, supervised, and
mentored developing practitioners in government, private practice, or public service, by word
and by example. He or she is a “lawyer’s lawyer”—a master of the craft—whose life and work
reflect civility, competence, and ethical behavior and whose recognition by peers in the legal
profession is overdue.’

A long-time Brooklyn resident, I am so honored to represent her in the NYS Assembly.

I believe I speak for all New Yorkers in saying how very fortunate we are to have someone so worthy of
our trust to break this glass ceiling and be the first woman to serve as our Attorney General.”

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