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Erythropoietin analogs in the treatment
of anemia in heart failure
Y.-D. Tang, S. D. Katz

Anemia is common in chronic heart failure (CHF) patients and is independently associated
with impaired ventricular function, reduced functional capacity and increased mortality. The
underlying causes of anemia and the mechanisms that link anemia with increased mortality
risk in CHF are not yet well-characterized. Small clinical trials with erythopoietic agents in
anemic patients with CHF have demonstrated improved ventricular function, increased exer-
cise capacity, and improved quality of life. The threshold hemoglobin (Hb) value for initiation
of therapy, optimal Hb target during therapy, optimal dosing regimen for erythropoietic
agents, and role of oral vs intravenous iron supplementation remains to be determined.
Erythropoetic agents also have potential pro-thrombotic effects that have been associated
with increased risk of adverse clinical outcomes in anemic patients with cancer and chronic
kidney disease. Additional clinical trials in larger populations are ongoing to determine the
safety and efficacy of erythropoietic therapy in anemic CHF patients. This chapter will sum-
marize the potential therapeutic implications for treatment of anemia in CHF.
The pathogenesis of anemia in CHF has not been fully characterized, but observational
studies indicate that several clinical factors are associated with greater risk of anemia.
Advanced age, female gender, comorbid chronic kidney disease, inflammation, decreased
body mass index and more advanced symptoms of CHF are associated with lower Hb values
[1–7]. Other factors, such as use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors [8–10], hemodi-
lution [11], and iron deficiency [12] also contribute to increased risk of anemia. Potential
mechanistic pathways relevant to these clinical risk factors for anemia have been recently
reviewed. Regardless of cause, anemia appears to be associated with adverse pathophysio-
logic consequences in CHF patients. Anemia is associated with greater impairment of func-
tional capacity in CHF patients and may promote progression of pathologic left ventricular
remodeling. Anemia has also been consistently linked to increased risk of adverse cardiovas-
cular events in observational studies in patients with CHF. Whether or not the observed asso-
ciation between anemia and survival represents a true causal relationship is unknown. There
are biologically plausible mechanisms by which anemia could directly or indirectly promote
disease progression in CHF. Alternatively, anemia may be a marker of more severe underly-
ing myocardial disease. Nonetheless, these observations provide sufficient reason to deter-
mine the impact of anemia treatment on functional capacity and clinical outcomes in CHF.

Yi-Da Tang, MD, PhD, Associate Research Scientist, Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Cardiovascular
Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Stuart D. Katz, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

© Atlas Medical Publishing Ltd

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152 Therapeutic Strategies in Heart Failure

From a therapeutic standpoint, erythropoietin levels in anemic CHF patients, although

in some cases above the normal range, are well below the physiologic levels expected in
response to anemia [13–15]. Accordingly, exogenous supplementation of erythropoietic
agents has been proposed as a therapeutic strategy to treat anemic CHF patients.
The physiologic and pharmacologic action of erythropoietin is mediated by specific
receptors expressed on bone marrow erythroid precursors coupled to cytoplasmic and
nuclear events via activation of the Janus Kinase-2 (JAK2) signal transducer and activator of
transcription-5 (STAT5) signal transduction pathway [16, 17]. The primary mechanism by
which erythropoietin promotes production of new red blood cells is by inhibition of apop-
tosis in bone marrow erythroid progenitor cells [16, 18].
There are three erythropoietic agents available for clinical use: epoetin ␣, epoetin ␤ (both
of which are forms of recombinant human erythropoietin [rHuEPO]) and darbepoetin ␣
[19]. rHuEPO was first synthesized in 1985, only 2 years after the erythropoietin gene was
cloned, and was approved for clinical use as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of anemia
associated with end-stage chronic kidney disease in 1988 [20]. Initial results from studies in
end-stage chronic kidney disease patients showed that intravenous or subcutaneous doses
of 150–200 IU/kg/week (in 1–3 divided doses per week) increased Hb concentrations to
10–12 g/dl in the large majority of patients [21–24]. Plasma half-life of rHuEPO after intra-
venous dosing is 6–8 h. Approximately 25% of the administered dose is absorbed after sub-
cutaneous dosing, but the plasma half-life is increased to ⬎24 h [25, 26]. The amount of
subcutaneous rHuEPO needed to achieve Hb targets in chronic kidney disease patients is
approximately 25% less than that needed with intravenous dosing [26]. Darbepoetin ␣ is a
long-acting N-linked super-sialylated analog of human erythropoietin that was approved
by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of anemia in patients with
chronic kidney disease in 2001 [27, 28]. Compared to both native and recombinant erythro-
poietin, it has a stronger affinity for erythropoietin receptors and a longer plasma half-life
of approximately 48 h, which in turn increases the time interval between doses to 1–2 weeks
during maintenance therapy [28–30].
Several groups of investigators have published pilot studies on the effects of ery-
thropoietic agents on clinical status in anemic CHF patients. The studies are summarized in
Table 12.1 and are described in greater detail in the following paragraphs.
The clinical effects of rHuEPO treatment in anemic CHF patients were first reported by
Silverberg et al. [31]. In this open-label study, 26 anemic CHF patients (New York Heart
Association [NYHA] class III–IV and Hb ⬍12 g/dl) were treated with subcutaneous
rHuEPO (mean dose 5277 IU/week) and intravenous iron sucrose (mean dose
185 mg/month) with 4–15 months’ follow-up duration (mean 7 months). The mean Hb
increased from 10.2 to 12.1 g/dl. When compared with pre-treatment baseline values,
rHuEPO therapy was associated with improved function class (3.66 ⫾ 0.47 at baseline to
2.66 ⫾ 0.7 post-treatment; P ⬍ 0.05), increased left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)
(27.7 ⫾ 4.8% at baseline to 35.4 ⫾ 7.6% post-treatment; P ⬍ 0.001), and reduced the need for
oral and intravenous furosemide [31]. The same group of investigators subsequently
reported the findings of a randomized open-label trial to compare the effects of partial cor-
rection of anemia with subcutaneous rHuEPO and intravenous iron sucrose therapy vs
usual care with a mean follow-up duration over 8 months in 32 patients with CHF and ane-
mia (NYHA class III–IV and Hb ⬍11.5 g/dl) [32]. When compared with usual care, rHuEPO
therapy (4000 IU one to three times weekly subcutaneously plus iron sucrose 200 mg every 2
weeks intravenously) significantly increased Hb level (rHuEPO 10.3–12.9 g/dl vs usual care
10.9–10.8 g/dl; P ⬍ 0.0001), improved NYHA functional class (rHuEPO 3.8 ⫾ 0.4 to 2.2 ⫾ 0.7
vs usual care 3.5 ⫾ 0.7 to 3.9 ⫾ 0.3; P ⬍ 0.0001), and decreased hospitalization days during
follow-up (rHuEPO 13.8 ⫾ 7.2 to 2.9 ⫾ 6.6 days vs usual care 9.9 ⫾ 4.8 vs 15.5 ⫾ 9.8 days;
P ⬍ 0.0001) [32]. In a subsequent non-randomized clinical series of 179 patients with severe CHF,
mild-to-moderate chronic kidney disease (pre-dialysis with mean serum Cr 2.1–2.4 mg/dl)
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Table 12.1 Clinical trials of erythropoietic agents in anemic CHF patients

Erythropoietin analogs in the treatment of anemia in heart failure

Trial n Design Inclusion criteria Treatment Endpoints Results


Silverberg et al. – 26 Open-label, NYHA III–IV EPO 2000 Hb ⱖ12 g/dl; NYHA class improved
[31] uncontrolled CHF U/week SC clinical status LVEF ↑, decreased
Hb ⬍12 g/dl titrated to hospitalization days

3:06 PM
Hb ⫽ 12 g/dl
Silverberg et al. – 32 Open-label, NYHA III–IV EPO 4000 Hb ⱖ12.5 g/dl; NYHA class improved
[32] randomized CHF U/week SC clinical status LVEF ↑, decreased
Hb ⬍11.5 g/dl titrated to hospitalization days

Page 153
Hb ⫽ 12.5 g/dl
Silverberg et al. – 179 Open-label, NYHA III–IV EPO 4000– Hb ⱖ12.5 g/dl; NYHA class improved
[33] uncontrolled CHF 5000 U /week clinical status and LVEF ↑
Hb ⫽ 9.5–11.5 SC titrated to
Hb ⫽ 12.5 g/dl
Silverberg et al. – 40 Open-label, NYHA III–IV EPO 4000– Hb ⱖ12.5 g/dl; NYHA class improved
[63] uncontrolled CHF 5000 U /week clinical status and LVEF ↑
Hb ⬍12 g/dl titrated to
Age ⱖ80 years Hb ⫽ 12.5 g/dl
Silverberg et al. – 78 Open-label, NYHA II–IV EPO SC titrated Hb ⱖ13.5 g/dl; NYHA class improved
[64] uncontrolled CHF to Hb ⬎13.5 g/dl clinical status LVEF ↑, decreased
Hb ⬍12 g/dl hospitalization days
Mancini et al. [35] – 23 Single-blind, NYHA III–IV EPO 15 000– Peak oxygen Peak oxygen uptake ↑,
randomized, CHF 30 000 U /week uptake exercise duration ↑,
placebo- Hct ⬍35% SC; Hct ⬎45% quality of life ↑
controlled Creatinine
⬍2.5 mg/dl
EPO level ⬍100
Hampl et al. [34] – 202 Open-label, Optimized EPO IV LVH ↓ LVEF ↑ NYHA
uncontrolled treatment of CHF titrated to Hb class improved
ESRD on 14.5 (M) and
hemodialysis 13.5 g/dl (F).

Hb ⬍11 g/dl
TSHF_CH 12.qxd
Table 12.1 (continued)

Trial n Design Inclusion criteria Treatment Endpoints Results

A study of NCT00117247 33 Double-blind, CHF with Darbepoetin Pharmaco- No difference in
repeat dose SC randomized, Hb ⱖ12.5 g/dl 0.75 ␮g/kg IV kinetics pharmacokinetics
darbepoetin ␣ placebo- and healthy and 2–5 ␮g/kg SC between CHF and
in subjects with controlled controls healthy controls

3:06 PM
congestive heart
failure and anemia,
and a single dose in
healthy age- and
sex-matched control

Page 154
Impact of NCT00117234 41 Double-blind, Symptomatic Darbepoetin Peak oxygen Enrollment completed;
darbepoetin ␣ on randomized, CHF ⱖ3 months consumption results presented in
exercise tolerance placebo- Reduced LVEF abstract form; exercise
and left ventricular controlled Peak VO2 performance improved
structure in subjects ⱕ16 ml/kg/min
with symptomatic Hb ⫽ 9–12 g/dl
congestive heart

Therapeutic Strategies in Heart Failure

failure and anemia
A double-blind, NCT00086086 – Double-blind, Symptomatic Darbepoetin ␣ Rate of rise of Enrollment
randomized, randomized, CHF ⱖ3 months Hb completed; results
placebo-controlled, placebo- Reduced LVEF not published
multicenter study to controlled Hb ⫽ 9–12.5 g/dl
evaluate the effects
of treatment with
two regimens of SC
darbepoetin ␣
dosing and fixed
dosing) on Hb
TSHF_CH 12.qxd
response in subjects

Erythropoietin analogs in the treatment of anemia in heart failure

with symptomatic
CHF and anaemia

A double-blind, NCT00049985 300 Double-blind, Symptomatic Darbepoetin ␣ Treadmill Enrollment completed;
randomized, randomized, CHF ⱖ3 months exercise results not reported
placebo-controlled, placebo- Limited exercise duration
multicenter study to controlled tolerance on a

3:06 PM
assess the impact of treadmill
SC darbepoetin ␣ Reduced LVEF
treatment on Hb ⫽ 9.0–12.5 g/dl
exercise tolerance in

Page 155
subjects with
symptomatic heart
failure (CHF) and anemia
Trial to assess the Not assigned Double-blind, Darbepoetin ␣ Mortality Announced on sponsor
efficacy and safety randomized, website
of darbepoetin ␣ placebo-
treatment on controlled
mortality and
morbidity in
subjects with heart
failure and anemia

CHF ⫽ congestive heart failure; EPO ⫽ erythropoietin; Hb ⫽ hemoglobin; LVEF ⫽ left ventricular ejection fraction; LVH ⫽ left ventricular hypertrophy;
NYHA ⫽ New York Heart Association; SC ⫽ subcutaneous

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156 Therapeutic Strategies in Heart Failure

and coexisting anemia (Hb 9.5–11.5 g/dl), rHuEPO therapy for mean 11.8 ⫾ 8.2 months was
associated with clinical improvements in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects as evidenced
by increased functional capacity, improved LVEF, reduced hospitalizations, and evidence of
slowing of progression of renal disease [33]. In an observational study of 183 anemic CHF
patients (Hb ⬍11.0 g/dl and NYHA class II–IV) and hemodialysis-dependent chronic kidney
disease, treatment with rHuEPO to normal Hb target (14.5 g/dl in men, 13.5 g/dl in women)
significantly decreased left ventricular hypertrophy, increased LVEF, and improved NYHA
functional class when compared with pre-treatment values [34].
The lack of placebo control and non-blinded study design limit interpretation of these
early studies. Mancini et al. [35] conducted a single-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
trial of rHuEPO therapy in 26 patients with advanced CHF and anemia (hematocrit [Hct]
⬍35%). Patients received subcutaneous rHuEPO 5000–10 000 IU three times weekly adjusted
to raise Hct to ⬎45% for 3 months or a single subcutaneous injection of saline (2:1 random-
ization ratio). Supplemental oral iron and folate were also given to the patients who
received rHuEPO therapy. Compared with the placebo group, rHuEPO therapy was asso-
ciated with significantly increased Hb (11.0 ⫾ 0.5 vs 14.3 ⫾ 1.0 g/dl; P ⬍ 0.05), peak oxygen
uptake (11.0 ⫾ 1.8 vs 12.7 ⫾ 2.8 ml/min/kg; P ⬍ 0.05), and exercise duration (590 ⫾ 107 vs
657 ⫾ 119s; P ⬍ 0.004). The increases in Hb levels were significantly associated with the
increases in peak oxygen uptake (r ⫽ 0.53; P ⬍ 0.02) [35]. Although the number of subjects
in this study are small, these findings confirm the findings of previous uncontrolled obser-
vational studies in a more rigorous study design.
Darbepoetin ␣, the long-acting erythropoietin analog, can be administered with less fre-
quent dosing, a factor that may be important for clinical application in ambulatory non-
dialysis populations. As discussed above for rHuEPO, the bulk of the clinical pharmacology
data are derived from chronic kidney disease populations. In 122 anemic patients with end-
stage chronic kidney disease not previously treated with erythropoietin, once weekly
administration of darbepoetin ␣ at a dose of 0.45–0.75 ␮g/kg (subcutaneous or intravenous)
raised Hb 1 g/dl in 60–80% of patients within 4 weeks [30]. In an open-label study of
341 end-stage chronic kidney disease patients who were chronically treated with rHuEPO,
darbepoetin ␣ was substituted at a regimen based on the frequency and number of units of
rHuEPO dosing (patients with 2–3 times weekly rHuEPO dosing received darbepoetin ␣
once a week and patients with once-weekly rHuEPO dosing received darbepoetin ␣ once
every 2 weeks; for every 200 IU rHuEPO, patients received 1 ␮g darbepoetin ␣) without
change in the route of administration [29]. The change to intravenous darbepoetin ␣ was
associated with a small but statistically significant increase in Hb of 0.58 g/dl [29].
The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile of darbepoetin ␣ was determined in
33 patients with symptomatic CHF and anemia (Hb ⱕ12.5 g/dl) and 30 healthy control sub-
jects in two sequential studies [36]. In the first study, the pharmacokinetics of intravenous
and subcutaneous darbepoetin ␣ 0.75 ␮g/kg were found to be similar in anemic CHF patients
when compared with healthy control subjects. This dose of darbepoetin did not change Hb
levels [36]. In the second study, the effects of subcutaneous darbepoetin ␣ administered once
monthly at doses of 2, 3, and 5 ␮g/kg were compared with placebo. Two injections of darbe-
poetin therapy over this dose range at a 1-month intervals produced a sustained increase in
Hb concentration ranging 1.4–2.4 g/dl without evidence of a clear dose–response pattern and
without severe, drug-related adverse events [36]. The effects of treatment with darbepoetin ␣
on exercise tolerance in patients with CHF and anemia (Hb 9–12 g/dl) was reported in
abstract form [37]. Forty-one eligible subjects were randomly assigned to active treatment
(darbepoetin ␣ administrated initially 0.7 ␮g/kg subcutaneously every 2 weeks for 26 weeks)
or placebo groups. Darbepoetin therapy was associated with improved exercise tolerance
and quality of life when compared with placebo [37]. There are two ongoing trials in larger
populations that will provide additional information on the safety and efficacy of darbepo-
etin ␣ in cardiovascular disease populations. The Studies of Anemia in Heart Failure Trial
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Erythropoietin analogs in the treatment of anemia in heart failure 157

(STAMINA-HeFT) is a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial designed

to determine whether treatment of anemia with darbepoetin ␣ can improve exercise capacity
and quality of life in patients with CHF and anemia [38]. Approximately 300 anemic CHF
patients (Hb ⬍12 g/dl) were randomized to treatment (subcutaneous injections every
2 weeks for 1 year) with darbepoetin ␣ or placebo. Exercise treadmill tests were performed at
baseline and again after 13 and 27 weeks of study drug. Enrollment has been completed and
it is anticipated that the findings of this study will be presented in late 2006 to early 2007 [38].
The Trial to Reduce Cardiovascular Events with Aranesp (darbepoetin ␣) Therapy (TREAT)
is another ongoing randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial designed to evaluate
whether ameliorating anemia with darbepoetin ␣ to a target Hb of 13 g/dl in patients with
chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus will reduce the risk of death or major
cardiovascular events [39]. Finally, plans to commence a study to determine the effects of
darbepoetin ␣ vs placebo on clinical outcomes in anemic CHF patients (HIPPOCRATES)
have been announced on the sponsor’s website, although further details of the study design
are not yet listed in the clinical trials registry (see
Although rHuEPO treatment has generally been well-tolerated in chronic kidney disease
and other anemic populations, there are well-described side-effects of rHuEPO treatment
that are of potential concern in CHF patients. Erythropoietin may increase risk of thrombosis
through its effects on blood viscosity, platelets, or vascular endothelial cells [40–43]. In
patients with end-stage renal disease and evidence or uremic platelet dysfunction, chronic
rHuEPO therapy has been demonstrated to increase platelet count by 20%, normalize bleed-
ing time, and increase in vitro platelet aggregation [44, 45]. Clinical studies on the incidence
of thrombosis associated with chronic rHuEPO therapy in anemic patients with end-stage
renal disease on dialysis have reported mixed findings [46–49]. Besarab and colleagues con-
ducted a large randomized clinical trial in 1233 patients with hemodialysis-dependent end-
stage chronic kidney disease and comorbid heart disease to compare the effects of treatment
with rHuEPO to a low target Hct of 30% vs a normal range target Hb of 42%. Compared
with patients treated to achieve a target Hct of 30%, the patients treated to achieve a target
Hct of 42% had a non-significantly increased relative risk of death or non-fatal myocardial
infarction (relative risk 1.3; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.9–1.9). In a retrospective study of
anemic patients with cervical cancer, chronic rHuEPO therapy was associated with increased
risk of deep vein thrombosis that was independent of change in Hct [50]. rHuEPO therapy
has also been associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality in two randomized,
placebo-controlled trials of patients with breast cancer, and head and neck cancer. Although
the findings in chronic kidney and cancer populations may not accurately predict risk in
CHF patients, these findings emphasize the need for additional trials to determine the long-
term safety and efficacy of erythropoietic agents in the CHF population. In the small clinical
trials of anemic CHF patients summarized above, treatment with rHuEPO or darbepoetin ␣
was not associated with increased risk of thromboembolic events or other adverse clinical
outcomes [31–33, 35, 37]. Antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications are commonly used in
CHF patients, and may protect against pro-thrombotic effects of erythropoietic agents.
rHuEPO therapy may also be associated with new onset or worsening of pre-existing
hypertension [51]. In chronic kidney disease patients, risk factors for developing de novo
hypertension or worsening of pre-existing hypertension include rapid increase in Hct
during therapy, a low baseline Hct before rHuEPO administration, high doses and intra-
venous route of administration, the presence of native kidneys, and a genetic predisposi-
tion to hypertension [52]. In the study of anemic CHF subjects by Mancini et al. [35],
treatment with rHuEPO did not change blood pressure at rest or during exercise and did
not change forearm vascular resistance (measured with venous occlusion plethysmogra-
phy) at rest or after 5 min of forearm ischemia. Rare serious side-effects reported with
rHuEPO therapy include seizures and pure red cell aplasia due to antibody formation
against erythropoietin.
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158 Therapeutic Strategies in Heart Failure

Erythropoietin resistance, defined as poor responsiveness to the usual therapeutic doses

of rHuEPO, is present in 10% of patients with chronic kidney disease and up to 40–50% of
patients with cancer-associated anemia [27, 53]. Several factors have been recognized as
contributors to erythropoietin resistance, such as absolute and functional iron deficiency,
comorbid inflammatory conditions and infectious diseases, suboptimal dialysis, vitamin
B12 and folate deficiency, and pro-inflammatory cytokine activation [27, 54, 55]. Three of 15
anemic patients with severe CHF in the study by Mancini et al. [35] who were randomized
to the active treatment group did not respond to the initial dose of rHuEPO injection but
did manifest a rise in Hb when the dose was doubled to 10 000 IU three times a week.
Further work is needed to determine if resistance to erythropoietic agents will limit their
clinical utility in anemic CHF patients.
Functional iron deficiency may contribute to erythropoietin resistance. Patients with
functional iron deficiency do not manifest classic laboratory findings of iron deficiency, but
administration of intravenous iron restores the hematopoietic response to erythropoietic
agents. Although current clinical guidelines for chronic kidney disease patients recommend
intravenous iron supplementation to augment the response to erythropoietic agents, possi-
ble side-effects of iron overload, including increased risk of infection and increased risk of
cardiovascular events, raise concerns about the use of intravenous iron in CHF patients
[56–60]. Much additional work is needed to determine whether intravenous or oral iron
supplementation should be used alone or in conjunction with erythropoietic agents in ane-
mic CHF patients with functional iron deficiency.
Current CHF treatment guidelines provide little practical information on anemia man-
agement [61, 62]. Based on available data, it is advisable to routinely measure Hb in CHF
patients in order to identify anemic patients who may benefit from further assessment and
treatment. In anemic patients, further laboratory studies to evaluate the cause of anemia
including iron deficiency, folate or vitamin B12 deficiencies, and chronic kidney disease
should be ordered. Whenever possible, the primary cause of anemia should be corrected.
CHF patients with moderate–severe anemia (Hb ⬍11 g/dl) and concomitant moderate-to-
severe chronic kidney disease (estimated GFR ⱕ60 ml/min) meet the current guidelines
and Medicare criteria for treatment with erythropoietic agents. Either rHuEPO or darbe-
poetin ␣ can be administered at recommended doses with supplemental iron (oral or intra-
venous) to maintain a target Hb of 12 g/dl [57]. For CHF patients with less severe degrees
of anemia and preserved renal function, treatment with erythropoietic agents is not recom-
mended until more data on safety and efficacy are available.


Anemia treatment in heart failure:

䊏 Anemia represents an important comorbidity in heart failure and is associated with
worse outcomes including mortality.
䊏 The actual pathogenesis of anemia in heart failure has not been fully established.
䊏 Preliminary data suggest that correction of anemia with erythropoietin analogs and
possibly aggressive iron supplementation does improve surrogate measures of heart
failure status including exercise capacity and quality of life but, to date, there are no
data to suggest a survival advantage related to the treatment of anemia in heart failure.
䊏 When anemia in heart failure is discovered, a search for the primary cause should
be initiated and if a cause is identified it should be corrected. If current guidelines
are met regarding renal insufficiency, erythropoietin analogs can be administered.
However, the use of erythropoietin analogs as therapy for anemia in heart failure
is not otherwise recommended.
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Erythropoietin analogs in the treatment of anemia in heart failure 159

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TSHF-Prelims.qxd 9/17/07 3:21 PM Page viii

viii Editors and Contributors

JOHN J. FINLEY IV, MD, Chief Medical Resident, Department of Medicine, Tufts-New
England Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

GREGG C. FONAROW, MD, FACC, Eliot Corday Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and
Science, Director, Ahmanson-UCLA Cardiomyopathy Center, UCLA Division of Cardiology,
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA

PAUL J. HAUPTMAN, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine, Saint Louis University School of
Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Saint Louis University Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

OLAF HEDRICH, MD, Cardiology Fellow, Department of Cardiology, Tufts-New England

Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

J. THOMAS HEYWOOD, MD, FACC, Director, Heart Failure Recovery and Research Center,
Scripps Clinic, Department of Cardiology, La Jolla, California, USA

EILEEN HSICH, MD, Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiologist, Department of Cardiology,
Section of Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplant Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland,
Ohio, USA

JILL KALMAN, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, New York University Medical Center,
Director, Cardiomyopathy Program, Chief, Cardiac Service, Tisch Hospital, New York, USA

SANDEEP A. KAMATH, MD, Cardiology Fellow, University of Texas Southwestern Medical

Center, Dallas, Texas, USA

STUART D. KATZ, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine,
New Haven, Connecticut, USA

MARVIN A. KONSTAM, MD, Chief, Division of Cardiology, Professor of Medicine, Division of

Cardiology, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA

DAVID W. MARKHAM, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Internal

Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Heart Failure/Transplant Program, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, USA

PETER C. MIKOLAJCZAK, MD, Cardiology Fellow, Department of Medicine, Saint Louis

University Hospital, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA

SHAWNA D. NESBITT, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Texas
Southwestern, Dallas, Texas, USA

JIGAR D. PATEL, MD, Fellow, Heart Failure Program, Scripps Clinic, Department of
Cardiology, La Jolla, California, USA
TSHF-Prelims.qxd 9/17/07 3:21 PM Page ix

Editors and Contributors ix

RICHARD P. SHANNON, MD, Interim Chairman, Department of Medicine, University of

Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA

FRANCIS G. SPINALE, MD, PhD, Professor of Surgery and Physiology, Department of Surgery,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina, USA

RANDALL C. STARLING, MD, MPH, Medicak Director, Kaufman Center for Heart Failure,
Section Head, Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation, Department of Cardiology,
Section of Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplant Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland,
Ohio, USA

YI-DA TANG, MD, PhD, Associate Research Scientist, Department of Internal Medicine,
Section of Cardiovascular Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
Connecticut, USA

JAMES E. UDELSON, MD, Associate Chief, Division of Cardiology, Tufts-New England

Medical Center, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

CLYDE W. YANCY, MD, FACC, FAHA, FACP, Medical Director and Chief, Cardiothoracic
Transplantation, Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute, Baylor University Medical Center,
Dallas, Texas, USA
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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