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Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Title: Exponential Functions Grade: 11

Goals or Objectives: The students will be able to identify exponential functions, create a table of
values, and graph the exponential functions. Students will also be able to evaluate exponential functions
by exponents.

Grade Level Guide: Content Standards

Content Curriculum Focal Points Common Core State Interdisciplinary Connections
(ie: NCTM, IRA,…) Standards
MAFS.912.F-LE.1.2: Scientific experimentation and
NCTM Standards: research projects
Construct linear and
(1) Knowledge of Mathematical exponential functions,
Problem Solving including arithmetic and
1.2 Solve problems that arise in geometric sequences, given a
mathematics and those involving graph, a description of a
mathematics in other contexts relationship, or two input-
1.3 Build new mathematical output pairs (include reading
knowledge through problem these from a table).

(5) Knowledge of Mathematical

5.1 Use representations to
model and interpret physical,
social, and mathematical
5.2 Create and use
representations to organize,
record, and communicate
mathematical ideas

Academic Language: Rational numbers, exponential growth, exponential decay, exponent, base,
variable, one-to-one function, and function.

Students’ Needs: Students need basic knowledge in simplifying equations, exponents, graphing, and
using a graphing calculator.

English Language Learners Special Needs (can be a

group such as “struggling
readers” or individuals)
First I would probably First, I would meet with the
explain the rules to the Instructional Assistant
whole class in a very mild about strategies we could
form of English so he could implement together in order
understand, but also not to help the special needs
feel like he was getting kids focus. Some strategies
singled out by me pulling would be to have them take
him off to the side. Then I a brain break after the
would send a hand out with lecture is over. For
the rules to all my students, example, I’d have them
but I would put translations take a bathroom break, or
on the side of Joao’s so that do a fun activity other than
he could reference them in math so that they don’t feel
his language and English. antsy doing one thing for an
In my lesson I would do a hour. We could also talk to
real life problem the parents to get more
concerning school information on each of the
distractions and grades. The students about how their
more you talk in class, personality works and what
don’t do your homework, keeps them focused. In my
don’t take notes, etc., the lesson I would probably do
lower your grade will be. the same real-world
This relationship will grow problem I did for the
exponentially. ELL’s.

-Student needs: graphing calculator, textbook, spiral, and pencils
-Teacher needs: review on lesson and graphing calculator

Language Function:
Students will analyze and interpret exponential functions in order to evaluate them by graphing, making
a table of values, and simplifying.

Lesson Plan
-We will begin class creating a teacher-generated graph that explains the process of comparing ratio of
time spent studying to test grade.
-I will ask the students about the time they spent studying for a test (x) and their test grade after studying
for that specific amount of time (y)
-I will create t-chart to introduce the topic of exponential functions, and then plot the points the students
presented to me. After plotting the points I will have a student come up and connect the points.

-What is an exponential function?
-The function “f” defined by f(x)=a^x, where “a” is a constant, greater than “0”, and not “1”, and “x”
is a real number, is called the exponential function.
-We will start to look at the components of an exponential function
-example: 2^x
-Ask the students, “Which part of the function is the constant (2)? The exponent (x)?”
-We will then do the first graph together. Explain that we will plug in RATIONAL numbers for “x”
-Ask the students, “What is an example of a rational number?”
-Start your table with the x values on the left and the y values on the right.
-Plug in the x’s that the students suggest
-Once your table is complete, plot the points and have a volunteer come up an connect them
-Ask the students, “What would be the domain and range of this function?”
-If they are confused, explain what domain and range are.
-domain: the interval of x values that are defined in a function
-range: the interval of y values that are defined in a function
-Start explaining how exponential functions are “growth functions”
-exponential decay: if 0<a<1 then as the x values increase, the function gets closer and closer to the x
axis, but never touches
-exponential growth: is a>1 then as the x values decrease and go into the negative values, the function
approaches the x axis, but never touches
-because the exponential function is always either increasing or decreasing constantly throughout its
domain, we can call this function a “one-to-one” function
-One-to-one function: when for every x-input there is exactly one y-output.
-when the function passes the “horizontal line test”
-when a^x=a^y, then x=y
-example: 3^(2x-8)=3^(2), so 2x-8=2
-Do two more examples of one to one functions
-Finish with doing another example of graphing an exponential function: f(x)=4^x

After: -Put another example of graphing an exponential function on the board and have the students do
it themselves
-tell the students to collaborate with each other to work out the problem
-tell them that if they finish early that a challenge problem is on the board for them to start:
-Once everyone is done or at a point where they are confused, have a student that is confident in there
answer come up and do it on the board for the class
-Once the student has finished, explain what they did and open the floor for questions
-If there is time left have the students spend the remainder of the class working on their homework


Type of assessment Description of Modifications to the Evaluation Criteria- What

(formal or informal) assessment assessment so that evidence of student learning
all students could (related to the learning objectives
Informal I will assign a bell demonstrate and central focus) does the
NOT graded work at the learning assessment provide?
beginning of class
that will test the Put the directions on Knowledge of how to properly
student’s knowledge the board in Spanish interpret an exponential function
of what was taught and English so the and graph it using a table of
the previous day. ELL’s can values.
The students will understand the
pass their papers to assignment better.
another classmate to
grade. Depending
on what their grade
is on that problem
will tell them
whether or not they
REALLY have to
study hard for that
I will assign The students will practice how to
Homework problems from the properly interpret a function and
student’s text graph it using a table of values.
pertaining to the The homework will provide a
day’s lesson that repetitiveness that will aid in
they will complete locking in knowledge.
for homework.

Resources: Textbook and my email:

Analyzing Teaching: To be completed after the lesson has been taught

What worked?
What didn’t? For whom?

What instructional changes do you need to make as
you prepare for your next lesson?
Proposed Changes Whole class:
If you could teach this lesson again to this group of
students what changes would you make to your Groups of students:

Individual students:

Why will these changes improve student learning?
What research/theory supports these changes?

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