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Hello, Students!

Please see a Resume Review Checklist and Resume Template below to

assist with your class assignment. The Resume Checklist will provide you
with tips and suggestions of what to include in your document, so please
read through this page carefully and ensure that all necessary details are

The Resume Template is meant to guide you in terms of formatting and

content structure. Please be sure to fill in your personal information
accordingly, and remove all categories that are not applicable to your

We look forward to seeing your creativity shine through while learning more
about your skills, experiences and accomplishments!


Career Services

If you have any questions or concerns, please email

Resume Tip: Review job descriptions of positions you are interested

in while creating your resume. Doing so will make it much easier to
focus on industry-related keywords you can insert throughout your
Resume Review Checklist

 Employment history should have a list of bullets, no paragraphs

 Use Times New Roman or Arial font and send as PDF to employers (best success with
Applicant Tracking Systems)
 One inch margins all around, font size between 10 and 12
 Little to a few years of experience = limit 1 page
 Several years of experience = can be up to 2 pages, but only if experience is truly
relevant to the position for which you are applying
 CONSISTENCY - same formatting (font, size, spacing, etc.) throughout
 ALIGNMENT - everything should line up cleanly
 No text boxes, tables, pictures, borders, colors
 No periods at the end of bullet points

 Use a professional email address and avoid using the year of your birth in your email
 Must include a Professional Summary (used when applying for a position for which you
currently have professional experience) OR Objective statement (used when applying for
a position within an industry in which you have never previously worked)
 Summary/Objective must be in third person (no I, me, my, etc.)
 School name and graduation date needed for certificates and degrees
 Present tense for current job; past tense for previous jobs
 City and state needed for employer for each job listed
 Bullets should be detailed, quantitative, and use action verbs to outline accomplishments
and responsibilities in that position
 Action verbs could include:
 addressed, arbitrated, arranged, authored, corresponded,
developed, directed
 Make sure the action verb is written in the correct tense (past vs.
 Dates of employment should include the month and year
 Only include volunteer experience if it is relevant to the position to which you are
 Include a Skills/Competency section in bullet format
 Cater your resume to match the job to which you are applying; use keywords and
highlight key industry skills
 Limit professional history to the most recent 10 years; include more only if prior positions
relate directly to the position for which you are applying
 No abbreviations/acronyms - write everything out
Jonathan Hagemeyer
San Diego, California, 92154
Please be sure to include accurate contact information. Career Services will use this
information to get in touch with you with feedback on your resume.


Professional Summary: Hard working Health Professional graduate with proven leadership and
the organizational skills to exude leadership, seeking to apply my abilities to the position of
Healthcare Administration Officer for the US Army

EDUCATION (Current and/or Completed College Education Only)

Program Title: Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness 05/18
Purdue University Global
● GPA: 3.5
● Academic Honors: Deans List Every Semester.
Relevant Coursework (if minimal health care experience, Include up to 6 relevant and
successfully completed courses)
● Models for Health and Wellness
● Health and Wellness Programming- Design and Administration
● Nutritional Planning and Management

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (List most recent job first)

Company-U.S Navy, Naval Medical Center Balboa
Assistant Leading Petty Officer of Patient Administration 02/18 – Present
● In charge of handling Temporary Disability Retirement Cases for Retired USMC and
USN service members.
● Setting up the streamline of process for retiree members to receive their benefit pay
from serious injuries occurred while serving active duty
● Handled over 400 cases in a 3 months span with a 96% compliance rate for patients
able to receive their appointments for their benefits.

Company-U.S Navy, Naval Medical Center Balboa

Command Deployability Coordinator 03/17 – 02/18
● Coordinated the arrival and job placement of over 900 LIMDU and PEB military
personal in the Medical Center
● Reduced the Region LIMDU statistics from 24% to under 5% for the Navy Medical
West Region.
● Streamlined the hospitals use of LIMDU personal for the command watchbill which
improved morale across the deckplate.
U.S Navy, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth
Health and Wellness Leading Petty Officer 01/13-3/17
● Oversaw over 1200 PHA completions for the Medical Center
● Performed over 400 tobacco cessation counselings for active duty and family
members in need of help for quitting tobacco
● Rewrote the hospitals instruction on Health and Wellness programming as well as
rewrote the command instruction regarding Tobacco usage on the Medical Centers


- Shipshape Coordinator
- Tobacco Cessation Coordinator


● Communication and Relationship Management
● Extreme Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment
● Business Skills in relation to the Healthcare Administrative side


● Command Fitness Leader
● Health and Wellness Leading Petty Officer
● NASM Personal Trainer

● Problem Solving Skills
● Technology Skills
● Ability to Work in a Team Environment.

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