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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S.


Axial Deformations


Free body diagram - Revisited

Normal, shear and bearing stress

Stress on inclined planes under axial loading


Mechanical properties of materials

True stress and true strain

Poissons ratio

Elasticity and Plasticity

Creep and fatigue

Deformation in axially loaded members

Statically indeterminate problems

Thermal effect

Design considerations

Strain energy

Impact loading

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.1 Introduction
An important aspect of the analysis and design of structures relates to the deformations

caused by the loads applied to a structure. Clearly it is important to avoid deformations so

large that they may prevent the structure from fulfilling the purpose for which it is intended.

But the analysis of deformations may also help us in the determination of stresses. It is not

always possible to determine the forces in the members of a structure by applying only the

principle of statics. This is because statics is based on the assumption of undeformable,

rigid structures. By considering engineering structures as deformable and analyzing the

deformations in their various members, it will be possible to compute forces which are

statically indeterminate. Also the distribution of stresses in a given member is

indeterminate, even when the force in that member is known. To determine the actual

distribution of stresses within a member, it is necessary to analyze the deformations which

take place in that member. This chapter deals with the deformations of a structural

member such as a rod, bar or a plate under axial loading.


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.2 Free body diagram - Revisited

The first step towards solving an engineering problem is drawing the free body diagram of

the element/structure considered.

Removing an existing force or including a wrong force on the free body will badly affect the

equilibrium conditions, and hence, the analysis.

In view of this, some important points in drawing the free body diagram are discussed


Figure 1.1

At the beginning, a clear decision is to be made by the analyst on the choice of the body to

be considered for free body diagram.

Then that body is detached from all of its surrounding members including ground and only

their forces on the free body are represented.

The weight of the body and other external body forces like centrifugal, inertia, etc., should

also be included in the diagram and they are assumed to act at the centre of gravity of the


When a structure involving many elements is considered for free body diagram, the forces

acting in between the elements should not be brought into the diagram.

The known forces acting on the body should be represented with proper magnitude and


If the direction of unknown forces like reactions can be decided, they should be indicated

clearly in the diagram.

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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

After completing free body diagram, equilibrium equations from statics in terms of forces

and moments are applied and solved for the unknowns.


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.3 Normal, shear and bearing stress

1.3.1 Normal Stress:

Figure 1.2

When a structural member is under load, predicting its ability to withstand that load is not

possible merely from the reaction force in the member.

It depends upon the internal force, cross sectional area of the element and its material


Thus, a quantity that gives the ratio of the internal force to the cross sectional area will

define the ability of the material in with standing the loads in a better way.

That quantity, i.e., the intensity of force distributed over the given area or simply the force

per unit area is called the stress.

σ= 1.1

In SI units, force is expressed in newtons (N) and area in square meters. Consequently,

the stress has units of newtons per square meter (N/m2) or Pascals (Pa).

In figure 1.2, the stresses are acting normal to the section XX that is perpendicular to the

axis of the bar. These stresses are called normal stresses.

The stress defined in equation 1.1 is obtained by dividing the force by the cross sectional

area and hence it represents the average value of the stress over the entire cross section.

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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

Figure 1.3

Consider a small area ∆A on the cross section with the force acting on it ∆F as shown in

figure 1.3. Let the area contain a point C.

Now, the stress at the point C can be defined as,

σ = lim 1.2
∆ A → 0 ∆A

The average stress values obtained using equation 1.1 and the stress value at a point from

equation 1.2 may not be the same for all cross sections and for all loading conditions.

1.3.2 Saint - Venant's Principle:

Figure 1.4

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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

Consider a slender bar with point loads at its ends as shown in figure 1.4.

The normal stress distribution across sections located at distances b/4 and b from one and

of the bar is represented in the figure.

It is found from figure 1.4 that the stress varies appreciably across the cross section in the

immediate vicinity of the application of loads.

The points very near the application of the loads experience a larger stress value whereas,

the points far away from it on the same section has lower stress value.

The variation of stress across the cross section is negligible when the section considered

is far away, about equal to the width of the bar, from the application of point loads.

Thus, except in the immediate vicinity of the points where the load is applied, the stress

distribution may be assumed to be uniform and is independent of the mode of application

of loads. This principle is called Saint-Venant's principle.

1.3.3 Shear Stress:

The stresses acting perpendicular to the surfaces considered are normal stresses and

were discussed in the preceding section.

Now consider a bolted connection in which two plates are connected by a bolt with cross

section A as shown in figure 1.5.

Figure 1.5

The tensile loads applied on the plates will tend to shear the bolt at the section AA.

Hence, it can be easily concluded from the free body diagram of the bolt that the internal

resistance force V must act in the plane of the section AA and it should be equal to the

external load P.

These internal forces are called shear forces and when they are divided by the

corresponding section area, we obtain the shear stress on that section.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

τ= 1.3

Equation 1.3 defines the average value of the shear stress on the cross section and the

distribution of them over the area is not uniform.

In general, the shear stress is found to be maximum at the centre and zero at certain

locations on the edge. This will be dealt in detail in shear stresses in beams (module 6).

In figure 1.5, the bolt experiences shear stresses on a single plane in its body and hence it

is said to be under single shear.

Figure 1.6

In figure 1.6, the bolt experiences shear on two sections AA and BB. Hence, the bolt is

said to be under double shear and the shear stress on each section is

τ= = 1.4
A 2A

Assuming that the same bolt is used in the assembly as shown in figure 1.5 and 1.6 and

the same load P is applied on the plates, we can conclude that the shear stress is reduced

by half in double shear when compared to a single shear.

Shear stresses are generally found in bolts, pins and rivets that are used to connect

various structural members and machine components.

1.3.4 Bearing Stress:

In the bolted connection in figure 1.5, a highly irregular pressure gets developed on the

contact surface between the bolt and the plates.

The average intensity of this pressure can be found out by dividing the load P by the

projected area of the contact surface. This is referred to as the bearing stress.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

Figure 1.7

The projected area of the contact surface is calculated as the product of the diameter of

the bolt and the thickness of the plate.

Bearing stress,

σb = = 1.5
A t×d

Example 1:

Figure 1.8

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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

A rod R is used to hold a sign board with an axial load 50 kN as shown in figure 1.8. The

end of the rod is 50 mm wide and has a circular hole for fixing the pin which is 20 mm

diameter. The load from the rod R is transferred to the base plate C through a bracket B

that is 22mm wide and has a circular hole for the pin. The base plate is 10 mm thick and it

is connected to the bracket by welding. The base plate C is fixed on to a structure by four

bolts of each 12 mm diameter. Find the shear stress and bearing stress in the pin and in

the bolts.


Shear stress in the pin = τ pin

= =
50 × 103 / 2 )= 79.6 MPa
A 2A π ( 0.02 )2 / 4

Force acting on the base plate = Pcosθ= 50 cos300 = 43.3 kN

Shear stress in the bolt, τ bolt =

( )
43.3 × 103 / 4
4A π ( 0.012 )2 / 4

= 95.7 MPa

Bearing stress between pin and rod, σb =

50 × 103 ( )
b × d ( 0.05 ) × ( 0.02 )

= 50 MPa

Bearing stress between pin and bracket = σb =

50 × 103 / 2( )
b × d ( 0.022 ) × ( 0.02 )

= 56.8 MPa

Bearing stress between plate and bolts = σb =

43.3 × 103 / 4 )
t × d ( 0.01) × ( 0.012 )

= 90.2 MPa


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.4 Stress on inclined planes under axial loading:

When a body is under an axial load, the plane normal to the axis contains only the normal

stress as discussed in section 1.3.1.

However, if we consider an oblique plane that forms an angle with normal plane, it

consists shear stress in addition to normal stress.

Consider such an oblique plane in a bar. The resultant force P acting on that plane will

keep the bar in equilibrium against the external load P' as shown in figure 1.9.

Figure 1.9

The resultant force P on the oblique plane can be resolved into two components Fn and Fs

that are acting normal and tangent to that plane, respectively.

If A is the area of cross section of the bar, A/cos is the area of the oblique plane. Normal

and shear stresses acting on that plane can be obtained as follows.

Fn= Pcosθ

Fs = -Psinθ (Assuming shear causing clockwise rotation negative).

P cos θ P
σ= = cos 2 θ 1.6
A / cos θ A
P sin θ P
τ=− = − sin θ cos θ 1.7
A / cos θ A

Equations 1.6 and 1.7 define the normal and shear stress values on an inclined plane that

makes an angle θ with the vertical plane on which the axial load acts.

From above equations, it is understandable that the normal stress reaches its maximum

when θ = 0o and becomes zero when θ = 90o.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

But, the shear stress assumes zero value at θ = 0o and θ = 90o and reaches its maximum

when θ = 45o.

The magnitude of maximum shear stress occurring at θ = 45o plane is half of the maximum

normal stress that occurs at θ = 0o for a material under a uniaxial loading.

P σ
τmax = = max 1.8
2A 2

Now consider a cubic element A in the rod which is represented in two dimension as

shown in figure 1.10 such that one of its sides makes an angle with the vertical plane.

Figure 1.10

To determine the stresses acting on the plane mn, equations 1.6 and 1.7 are used as such

and to knows the stresses on plane om, θ is replaced by θ + 90o.

Maximum shear stress occurs on both om and mn planes with equal magnitude and

opposite signs, when mn forms 45o angle with vertical plane.

Example 2:

A prismatic bar of sides 40 mm x 30 mm is axially loaded with a compressive force of 80

kN. Determine the stresses acting on an element which makes 300 inclination with the

vertical plane. Also find the maximum shear stress value in the bar.

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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

Figure 1.11


Area of the cross section, A = 40 x 30 x 10-6 = 1.2 x 10-3 m2

Normal stress on 300 inclined plane, σ = cos 2 θ

−80 × 103
= × cos 2 30o = −50 MPa
1.2 × 10

−P 80 × 103
Shear stress on 300 plane, τ = sin θ cos θ = × sin 300 × cos 300

A 1.2 × 10 3

= 28.9 MPa [Counter clockwise]

−80 × 103
Normal stress on 1200 plane, σ = cos 2 1200 = −16.67 MPa
1.2 × 10
80 × 103
Shear stress on 1200 plane, τ = × sin1200 × cos1200 = −28.9 MPa [Clock wise]
1.2 × 10

P 80 × 103
Maximum shear stress in the bar, τmax = =
2A 2 × 1.2 × 10−3
= ± 33.3 MPa


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.5 Strain
The structural member and machine components undergo deformation as they are brought

under loads.

To ensure that the deformation is within the permissible limits and do not affect the

performance of the members, a detailed study on the deformation assumes significance.

A quantity called strain defines the deformation of the members and structures in a better

way than the deformation itself and is an indication on the state of the material.

Figure 1.12

Consider a rod of uniform cross section with initial length L0 as shown in figure 1.12.

Application of a tensile load P at one end of the rod results in elongation of the rod by δ .

After elongation, the length of the rod is L. As the cross section of the rod is uniform, it is

appropriate to assume that the elongation is uniform throughout the volume of the rod. If

the tensile load is replaced by a compressive load, then the deformation of the rod will be a

contraction. The deformation per unit length of the rod along its axis is defined as the

normal strain. It is denoted by ε

δ L − L0
ε= = 1.9

Though the strain is a dimensionless quantity, units are often given in mm/mm, µm/m.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

Example 3:
A circular hollow tube made of steel is used to support a compressive load of 500kN. The

inner and outer diameters of the tube are 90mm and 130mm respectively and its length is

1000mm. Due to compressive load, the contraction of the rod is 0.5mm. Determine the

compressive stress and strain in the post.


Force, P = −500 ×103 N (compressive)

Area of the tube, A = ⎡⎢( 0.13) − ( 0.09 ) ⎤⎥ = 6.912 × 10−3 m 2
2 2
4⎣ ⎦

P −500 × 103
Stress, σ = = = −72.3MPa (compressive)
A 6.912 × 10−3

δ −0.5
Strain, ε = = = −5 × 10−4 (compressive)
L0 1000


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.6 Mechanical properties of materials

A tensile test is generally conducted on a standard specimen to obtain the relationship

between the stress and the strain which is an important characteristic of the material.

In the test, the uniaxial load is applied to the specimen and increased gradually. The

corresponding deformations are recorded throughout the loading.

Stress-strain diagrams of materials vary widely depending upon whether the material is

ductile or brittle in nature.

If the material undergoes a large deformation before failure, it is referred to as ductile

material or else brittle material.

Figure 1.13

In figure 1.13, the stress-strain diagram of a structural steel, which is a ductile material, is


Initial part of the loading indicates a linear relationship between stress and strain, and the

deformation is completely recoverable in this region for both ductile and brittle materials.

This linear relationship, i.e., stress is directly proportional to strain, is popularly known as

Hooke's law.

σ = Eε 1.10

The co-efficient E is called the modulus of elasticity or Young's modulus.

Most of the engineering structures are designed to function within their linear elastic region


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

After the stress reaches a critical value, the deformation becomes irrecoverable. The

corresponding stress is called the yield stress or yield strength of the material beyond

which the material is said to start yielding.

In some of the ductile materials like low carbon steels, as the material reaches the yield

strength it starts yielding continuously even though there is no increment in external

load/stress. This flat curve in stress strain diagram is referred as perfectly plastic region.

The load required to yield the material beyond its yield strength increases appreciably and

this is referred to strain hardening of the material.

In other ductile materials like aluminum alloys, the strain hardening occurs immediately

after the linear elastic region without perfectly elastic region.

After the stress in the specimen reaches a maximum value, called ultimate strength, upon

further stretching, the diameter of the specimen starts decreasing fast due to local

instability and this phenomenon is called necking.

The load required for further elongation of the material in the necking region decreases

with decrease in diameter and the stress value at which the material fails is called the

breaking strength.

In case of brittle materials like cast iron and concrete, the material experiences smaller

deformation before rupture and there is no necking.

Figure 1.14


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.7 True stress and true strain

In drawing the stress-strain diagram as shown in figure 1.13, the stress was calculated by

dividing the load P by the initial cross section of the specimen.

But it is clear that as the specimen elongates its diameter decreases and the decrease in

cross section is apparent during necking phase.

Hence, the actual stress which is obtained by dividing the load by the actual cross

sectional area in the deformed specimen is different from that of the engineering stress

that is obtained using undeformed cross sectional area as in equation 1.1

True stress or actual stress,

σact = 1.11
A act

Though the difference between the true stress and the engineering stress is negligible for

smaller loads, the former is always higher than the latter for larger loads.

Similarly, if the initial length of the specimen is used to calculate the strain, it is called

engineering strain as obtained in equation 1.9

But some engineering applications like metal forming process involve large deformations

and they require actual or true strains that are obtained using the successive recorded

lengths to calculate the strain.

dL ⎛ L ⎞
True strain = ∫ L = ln ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L0 ⎠

True strain is also called as actual strain or natural strain and it plays an important role in

theories of viscosity.

The difference in using engineering stress-strain and the true stress-strain is noticeable

after the proportional limit is crossed as shown in figure 1.15.

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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

Figure 1.15


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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.8 Poissons ratio

Figure 1.16

Consider a rod under an axial tensile load P as shown in figure 1.6 such that the material

is within the elastic limit. The normal stress on x plane is σ xx = and the associated

longitudinal strain in the x direction can be found out from ε x = xx . As the material
elongates in the x direction due to the load P, it also contracts in the other two mutually

perpendicular directions, i.e., y and z directions.

Hence, despite the absence of normal stresses in y and z directions, strains do exist in

those directions and they are called lateral strains.

The ratio between the lateral strain and the axial/longitudinal strain for a given material is

always a constant within the elastic limit and this constant is referred to as Poisson's ratio.

It is denoted by ν .

lateral strain
ν=− 1.13
axial strain

Since the axial and lateral strains are opposite in sign, a negative sign is introduced in

equation 1.13 to make ν positive.

Using equation 1.13, the lateral strain in the material can be obtained by

σ xx
ε y = ε z = −νε x = −ν 1.14

Poisson's ratio can be as low as 0.1 for concrete and as high as 0.5 for rubber.

In general, it varies from 0.25 to 0.35 and for steel it is about 0.3.


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.9 Elasticity and Plasticity

If the strain disappears completely after removal of the load, then the material is said to be

in elastic region.

The stress-strain relationship in elastic region need not be linear and can be non-linear as

in rubber like materials.

Figure 1.17

The maximum stress value below which the strain is fully recoverable is called the elastic

limit. It is represented by point A in figure 1.17.

When the stress in the material exceeds the elastic limit, the material enters into plastic

phase where the strain can no longer be completely removed.

To ascertain that the material has reached the plastic region, after each load increment, it

is unloaded and checked for residual strain.

Presence of residual strain is the indication that the material has entered into plastic


If the material has crossed elastic limit, during unloading it follows a path that is parallel to

the initial elastic loading path with the same proportionality constant E.

The strain present in the material after unloading is called the residual strain or plastic

strain and the strain disappears during unloading is termed as recoverable or elastic strain.

They are represented by OC and CD, respectively in figure.1.17.

If the material is reloaded from point C, it will follow the previous unloading path and line

CB becomes its new elastic region with elastic limit defined by point B.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

Though the new elastic region CB resembles that of the initial elastic region OA, the

internal structure of the material in the new state has changed.

The change in the microstructure of the material is clear from the fact that the ductility of

the material has come down due to strain hardening.

When the material is reloaded, it follows the same path as that of a virgin material and fails

on reaching the ultimate strength which remains unaltered due to the intermediate loading

and unloading process.


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.10 Creep and fatigue

In the preceding section, it was discussed that the plastic deformation of a material

increases with increasing load once the stress in the material exceeds the elastic limit.

However, the materials undergo additional plastic deformation with time even though the

load on the material is unaltered.

Consider a bar under a constant axial tensile load as shown in figure 1.18.

Figure 1.18

As soon as the material is loaded beyond its elastic limit, it undergoes an instant plastic

deformation ε 0 at time t = 0.

Though the material is not brought under additional loads, it experiences further plastic

deformation with time as shown in the graph in figure 1.18.

This phenomenon is called creep.

Creep at high temperature is of more concern and it plays an important role in the design

of engines, turbines, furnaces, etc.

However materials like concrete, steel and wood experience creep slightly even at normal

room temperature that is negligible.

Analogous to creep, the load required to keep the material under constant strain

decreases with time and this phenomenon is referred to as stress relaxation.

It was concluded in section 1.9 that the specimen will not fail when the stress in the

material is with in the elastic limit.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

This holds true only for static loading conditions and if the applied load fluctuates or

reverses then the material will fail far below its yield strength.

This phenomenon is known as fatigue.

Designs involving fluctuating loads like traffic in bridges, and reversing loads like

automobile axles require fatigue analysis.

Fatigue failure is initiated by a minute crack that develops at a high stress point which may

be an imperfection in the material or a surface scratch.

The crack enlarges and propagates through the material due to successive loadings until

the material fails as the undamaged portion of the material is insufficient to withstand the


Hence, a polished surface shaft can take more number of cycles than a shaft with rough or

corroded surface.

The number of cycles that can be taken up by a material before it fractures can be found

out by conducting experiments on material specimens.

The obtained results are plotted as σ − n curves as given in figure 1.19, which indicates the

number of cycles that can be safely completed by the material under a given maximum


Figure 1.19

It is learnt from the graph that the number of cycles to failure increases with decrease in

magnitude of stress.

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

For steels, if the magnitude of stress is reduced to a particular value, it can undergo an

infinitely large number of cycles without fatigue failure and the corresponding stress is

known as endurance limit or fatigue limit.

On the other hand, for non-ferrous metals like aluminum alloys there is no endurance limit,

and hence, the maximum stress decreases continuously with increase in number of cycles.

In such cases, the fatigue limit of the material is taken as the stress value that will allow an

arbitrarily taken number of cycles, say 108 cycles.


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.11 Deformation in axially loaded members

Consider the rod of uniform cross section under tensile load P along its axis as shown in

figure 1.12.

Let that the initial length of the rod be L and the deflection due to load be δ . Using

equations 1.9 and 1.10,

δ σ P
=ε= =

Equation 1.15 is obtained under the assumption that the material is homogeneous and has

a uniform cross section.

Now, consider another rod of varying cross section with the same axial load P as shown in

figure 1.20.

Figure 1.20

Let us take an infinitesimal element of length dx in the rod that undergoes a deflection

d δ due to load P. The strain in the element is ε = and dδ = εdx

The deflection of total length of the rod can be obtained by integrating above equation, δ = ∫ εdx

δ= ∫ EA(x) 1.16

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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

As the cross sectional area of the rod keeps varying, it is expressed as a function of its


If the load is also varying along the length like the weight of the material, it should also be

expressed as a function of distance, i.e., P(x) in equation 1.16.

Also, if the structure consists of several components of different materials, then the

deflection of each component is determined and summed up to get the total deflection of

the structure.

When the cross section of the components and the axial loads on them are not varying

along length, the total deflection of the structure can be determined easily by,
Pi Li
δ=∑ 1.17
i =1 A i E i

Example 4:

Figure 1.21

Consider a rod ABC with aluminum part AB and steel part BC having diameters 25mm and

50 mm respectively as shown figure 1.21. Determine the deflections of points A and B.

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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar


PAB L AB 10 × 103 × 400

Deflection of part AB = =−
A AB E AB π × (0.025) 2 / 4 × 70 × 109

= −0.1164 mm

PBC L BC 35 × 103 × 500

Deflection of part BC = =−
A BC E BC π × (0.05) 2 / 4 × 200 × 109

= −0.0446 mm

Deflection point of B = −0.0446 mm

Deflection point of A = (−0.1164) + ( −0.0446 )

= −0.161mm


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.12 Statically indeterminate problems.

Members for which reaction forces and internal forces can be found out from static

equilibrium equations alone are called statically determinate members or structures.

Problems requiring deformation equations in addition to static equilibrium equations to

solve for unknown forces are called statically indeterminate problems.

Figure 1.22

The reaction force at the support for the bar ABC in figure 1.22 can be determined

considering equilibrium equation in the vertical direction.

∑ Fy = 0; R-P=0

Now, consider the right side bar MNO in figure 1.22 which is rigidly fixed at both the ends.

From static equilibrium, we get only one equation with two unknown reaction forces R1 and


- P + R1 + R 2 = 0 1.18

Hence, this equilibrium equation should be supplemented with a deflection equation which

was discussed in the preceding section to solve for unknowns.

If the bar MNO is separated from its supports and applied the forces R1 ,R 2 and P , then

these forces cause the bar to undergo a deflection δMO that must be equal to zero.

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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

δMO = 0 ⇒ δMN + δ NO = 0 1.19

δ MN and δ NO are the deflections of parts MN and NO respectively in the bar MNO.

Individually these deflections are not zero, but their sum must make it to be zero.

Equation 1.19 is called compatibility equation, which insists that the change in length of the

bar must be compatible with the boundary conditions.

Deflection of parts MN and NO due to load P can be obtained by assuming that the

R1l1 R l
material is within the elastic limit, δMN = and δ NO = 2 2 .
A1E A2 E

Substituting these deflections in equation 1.19,

R1l1 R 2 l2
- =0 1.20
A1E A 2 E

Combining equations 1.18 and 1.20, one can get,

R1 =
l1A 2 + l2 A1
PA 2 l1
R2 =
l1A 2 + l2 A1

From these reaction forces, the stresses acting on any section in the bar can be easily


Example 5:

Figure 1.23

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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

A rectangular column of sides 0.4m × 0.35m , made of concrete, is used to support a

compressive load of 1.5MN. Four steel rods of each 24mm diameter are passing through

the concrete as shown in figure 1.23. If the length of the column is 3m, determine the

normal stress in the steel and the concrete. Take Esteel = 200 GPa and E concrete = 29 GPa.


Ps = Load on each steel rod

Pc = Load on concrete

From equilibrium equation,

Pc + 4Ps = P
Pc + 4Ps = 1.5 × 103..........(a)

Deflection in steel rod and concrete are the same.

δconcrete = δsteel

Pc × 3 Ps × 3
( 0.4 ) × (0.35) × 29 × 10 9 π
× (0.024) 2 × 200 × 109
Pc = 44.87Ps ................(b)

Combining equations (a) and (b),

Ps = 30.7kN
Pc = 1378kN

P 1.378 × 106
Normal stress on concrete= c = = 9.84MPa
Ac (0.4)(0.35)

P 30.7 × 103
Normal stress on steel= s = = 67.86MPa
As π 2


Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

1.13 Thermal effect

When a material undergoes a change in temperature, it either elongates or contracts

depending upon whether heat is added to or removed from the material.

If the elongation or contraction is not restricted, then the material does not experience any

stress despite the fact that it undergoes a strain.

The strain due to temperature change is called thermal strain and is expressed as

εT = α(∆T) 1.22

where αis a material property known as coefficient of thermal expansion and ∆T indicates

the change in temperature.

Since strain is a dimensionless quantity and ∆T is expressed in K or 0C, α has a unit that is

reciprocal of K or 0C.

The free expansion or contraction of materials, when restrained induces stress in the

material and it is referred to as thermal stress.

Thermal stress produces the same effect in the material similar to that of mechanical

stress and it can be determined as follows.

Figure 1.24

Consider a rod AB of length L which is fixed at both ends as shown in figure 1.24.

Let the temperature of the rod be raised by ∆T and as the expansion is restricted, the

material develops a compressive stress.

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In this problem, static equilibrium equations alone are not sufficient to solve for unknowns

and hence is called statically indeterminate problem.

To determine the stress due to ∆T, assume that the support at the end B is removed and

the material is allowed to expand freely.

Increase in the length of the rod δT due to free expansion can be found out using equation


δT = εT L = α (∆T)L 1.23

Now, apply a compressive load P at the end B to bring it back to its initial position and the

deflection due to mechanical load from equation 1.15,

δT = 1.24

As the magnitude of δT and δ are equal and their signs differ,

δT = −δ
α(∆T)L = −

Thermal stress, σT = = −α (∆T)E 1.25

Minus sign in the equation indicates a compressive stress in the material and with

decrease in temperature, the stress developed is tensile stress as ∆T becomes negative.

It is to be noted that the equation 1.25 was obtained on the assumption that the material is

homogeneous and the area of the cross section is uniform.

Thermoplastic analysis assumes significance for structures and components that are

experiencing high temperature variations.

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Example 6:

Figure 1.25

A rod consists of two parts that are made of steel and aluminum as shown in figure 1.25.

The elastic modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion for steel are 200GPa and 11.7 x

10-6 per 0C respectively and for aluminum 70GPa and 21.6 x 10-6 per 0C respectively. If the

temperature of the rod is raised by 500C, determine the forces and stresses acting on the



Deflection of the rod under free expansion,

δT = α(∆T)L

( ) (
= 11.7 × 10−6 × 50 × 500 + 21.6 × 10−6 × 50 × 750 )
= 1.1025 mm

Restrained deflection of rod = 1.1025 - 0.4 = 0.7025 mm

Let the force required to make their elongation vanish be R which is the reaction force at

the ends.

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⎛ RL ⎞ ⎛ RL ⎞
−δ = ⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟
⎝ AE ⎠steel ⎝ AE ⎠Al
Area of steel rod = [ 0.05] = 1.9635 × 10−3 m 2
Area of aluminium rod = [ 0.03] = 0.7069 × 10−3 m 2
⎡ 500 750 ⎤
−0.7025 = R ⎢ + ⎥
⎣1.9635 × 10−3 × 200 × 109 0.7069 × 10−3 × 70 × 109 ⎦
Compressive force on the rod, R = − 42.076 kN
P −42.76 × 103
Compressive stress on steel, σ = = = −21.8MPa
A 1.9635 × 10−3
P −42.76 × 103
Compressive stress on steel, σ = = = −60.5MPa
A 0.7069 × 10−3


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1.14. Design considerations:

A good design of a structural element or machine component should ensure that the

developed product will function safely and economically during its estimated life time.

The stress developed in the material should always be less than the maximum stress it

can withstand which is known as ultimate strength as discussed in section 1.6.

During normal operating conditions, the stress experienced by the material is referred to as

working stress or allowable stress or design stress.

The ratio of ultimate strength to allowable stress is defined as factor of safety.

Ultimate stress
Factor of safety = 1.26
Allowable stress

Factor of safety can also be expressed in terms of load as,

Ultimate load
Factor of safety = 1.27
Allowable load

Equations 1.26 and 1.27 are identical when a linear relationship exists between the load

and the stress.

This is not true for many materials and equation 1.26 is widely used in design analysis.

Factor of safety take care of the uncertainties in predicting the exact loadings, variation in

material properties, environmental effects and the accuracy of methods of analysis.

If the factor of safety is less, then the risk of failure is more and on the other hand, when

the factor of safety is very high the structure becomes unacceptable or uncompetitive.

Hence, depending upon the applications the factor of safety varies. It is common to see

that the factor of safety is taken between 2 and 3.

Stresses developed in the material when subjected to loads can be considered to be

uniform at sections located far away from the point of application of loads.

This observation is called Saint Venant’s principle and was discussed in section 1.3.

But, when the element has holes, grooves, notches, key ways, threads and other

abrupt changes in geometry, the stress on those cross-sections will not be uniform.

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These discontinuities in geometry cause high stresses concentrations in small regions of

the material and are called stress raisers.

Experimentally it was found that the stress concentrations are independent of the material

size and its properties, and they depend only on the geometric parameters.

Figure 1.26

Consider a rectangular flat plate with a circular hole as shown in figure 1.26.

The stress distribution on the section passing through the centre of the hole indicates that

the maximum stress occurs at the ends of the holes and it is much higher than the average


Since the designer, in general, is more interested in knowing the maximum stress rather

than the actual stress distribution, a simple relationship between the σmax and σave in

terms of geometric parameters will be of practical importance.

Many experiments were conducted on samples with various discontinuities and the

relationship between the stress concentration factor and the geometrical parameters are

established, where

Stress concentration factor, K = 1.28

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Hence, simply by calculating the average stress, σave = , in the critical section of a

discontinuity, σmax can be easily found and by multiplying σave with K.

The variation of K in terms of r/d for the rectangular plate with a circular hole is given in

figure 1.26.

It is to be noted that the expression in equation 1.28 can be used as long as σmax is within

the proportional limit of the material.

Example 7:

Figure 1.27

A rectangular link AB made of steel is used to support a load W through a rod CD as

shown in figure 1.27. If the link AB is 30mm wide, determine its thickness for a factor of

safety 2.5. The ultimate strength of steel may be assumed to be 450 MPa.

Drawing free body diagram of the link and the rod,

Taking moment about C,

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25 × 550 − FBA sin 600 × 500 = 0

FBA = 31.75 kN
Tension along link AB, FBA = 31.75 kN.
Ultimate stress
F.O.S =
allowable stress
450 × 106
Allowable stress in link AB, σa = = 180 MPa
Tensile force
Stress in link AB, σ =
31.75 × 103
180 ×106 =
0.03 × t
Thickness of link AB, t = 5.88
t ≈ 6 mm


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1.15. Strain energy:

Strain energy is an important concept in mechanics and is used to study the response of

materials and structures under static and dynamic loads.

Within the elastic limit, the work done by the external forces on a material is stored as

deformation or strain that is recoverable.

On removal of load, the deformation or strain disappears and the stored energy is

released. This recoverable energy stored in the material in the form of strain is called

elastic strain energy.

Figure 1.28

Consider a rod of uniform cross section with length L as shown in figure 1.28.

An axial tensile load P is applied on the material gradually from zero to maximum

magnitude and the corresponding maximum deformation is δ.

Area under the load-displacement curve shown in figure 1.28 indicates the work done on

the material by the external load that is stored as strain energy in the material.

Let dW be the work done by the load P due to increment in deflection dδ. The

corresponding increase in strain energy is dU.

When the material is within the elastic limit, the work done due to dδ,

dW = dU = Pdδ

The total work done or total elastic strain energy of the material,

W = U = ∫ Pdδ 1.29

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Equation 1.29 holds for both linear elastic and non-linear elastic materials.

If the material is linear elastic, then the load-displacement diagram will become as shown

in figure 1.29.

Figure 1.29

The elastic strain energy stored in the material is determined from the area of triangle


U= P1δ1 1.30

where δ1 = .

Since the load-displacement curve is a straight line here, the load P1 can be expressed in

terms of stiffness and deflection as P1 = kδ1 . Then equation 1.30 turns out to be,

U= kδ12 1.31

Work done and strain energy are expressed in N-m or joules (J).

Strain energy defined in equation 1.29 depends on the material dimensions.

In order to eliminate the material dimensions from the strain energy equation, strain energy

density is often used.

Strain energy stored per unit volume of the material is referred to as strain energy density.

Dividing equation 1.29 by volume,

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Strain energy density, u = ∫ σdε 1.32

Equation 1.32 indicates the expression of strain energy in terms of stress and strain, which

are more convenient quantities to use rather than load and displacement.

Figure 1.30

Area under the stress strain curve indicates the strain energy density of the material.

For linear elastic materials within proportional limit, equation 1.32 gets simplified as,

Strain energy density, u = σ1ε1 1.33

Using Hook’s law, ε1 = 1 , strain energy density is expressed in terms of stress,

u= 1.34

When the stress in the material reaches the yield stress σy , the strain energy density

attains its maximum value and is called the modulus of resilience.

σ 2
Modulus of resilience, u R = Y 1.35

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Modulus of resilience is a measure of energy that can be absorbed by the material due to

impact loading without undergoing any plastic deformation.

Figure 1.31

If the material exceeds the elastic limit during loading, all the work done is not stored in the

material as strain energy.

This is due to the fact that part of the energy is spent on deforming the material

permanently and that energy is dissipated out as heat.

The area under the entire stress strain diagram is called modulus of toughness, which is a

measure of energy that can be absorbed by the material due to impact loading before it


Hence, materials with higher modulus of toughness are used to make components and

structures that will be exposed to sudden and impact loads.

Example 8:

Figure 1.32

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A 25 kN load is applied gradually on a steel rod ABC as shown in figure 1.32. Taking

E=200 GPa, determine the strain energy stored in the entire rod and the strain energy

density in parts AB and BC. If the yield strength of the material is σy=320MPa, find the

maximum energy that can be absorbed by the rod without undergoing permanent



Strain energy density in part AB, u AB =
⎡ ⎤
1 ⎢ 25 × 103 ⎥
9 ⎢π ⎥
u AB
2 × 200 × 10 ⎢ ( 0.024 )2 ⎥
⎣4 ⎦
= 7.63 kJ/m3
Strain energy density in part BC, u BC =
⎡ ⎤
1 ⎢ 25 × 103 ⎥
9 ⎢π ⎥
u BC
2 × 200 × 10 ⎢ ( 0.016 )2 ⎥
⎣4 ⎦
= 38.65 kJ/m3

Strain energy in the entire rod,

U = u ABVAB + u BC VBC
⎡Π ⎤ ⎡Π ⎤
= 7.63 ×103 × ⎢ ( 0.024 ) ×1⎥ + 38.65 ×103 × ⎢ ( 0.016 ) × 0.8⎥
2 2
⎣4 ⎦ ⎣4 ⎦
U = 9.67J

The load that will produce yield stress in the material,

P = σ y A BC = 320 × 106 × ( 0.016 )2
P = 64.3kN

Maximum energy that can be stored in the rod,

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1 ⎢⎡⎛ P ⎞ ⎤
2 2
⎛ P ⎞
U= ⎜ ⎟ × V +
AB ⎜ ⎟ × VBC

2E ⎢⎝ A AB ⎠ ⎝ A BC ⎠ ⎥
⎣ ⎦
P 2 ⎡ L AB L BC ⎤
= ⎢ + ⎥
2E ⎣ A AB A BC ⎦

( ⎡
) ⎤
64.3 ×103⎢ 1 0.8 ⎥
= ⎢ + ⎥
2 × 200 ×109 ⎢ Π ( 0.024 )2 Π ( 0.016 )2 ⎥
⎣4 4 ⎦
= 63.97J


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1.16 Impact loading

A static loading is applied very slowly so that the external load and the internal force are

always in equilibrium. Hence, the vibrational and dynamic effects are negligible in static


Dynamic loading may take many forms like fluctuating loads where the loads are varying

with time and impact loads where the loads are applied suddenly and may be removed

immediately or later.

Collision of two bodies and objects freely falling onto a structure are some of the examples

of impact loading.

Consider a collar of mass M at a height h from the flange that is rigidly fixed at the end of a

bar as shown in figure 1.33.

As the collar freely falls onto the flange, the bar begins to elongate causing axial stresses

and strain within the bar.

Figure 1.33

After the flange reaching its maximum position during downward motion, it moves up due

to shortening of the bar.

The bar vibrates in the axial direction with the collar and the flange till the vibration dies out

completely due to damping effects.

To simplify the complex impact loading analysis, the following assumptions are made.

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The kinetic energy of the collar at the time of striking is completely transformed into strain

energy and stored in the bar.

But in practice, not all the kinetic energy is stored in the material as some of the energy is

dissipated out as heat and waves.

Hence, this assumption is conservative in the sense that the stress and deflection

predicted by this way are higher than the actual values.

The second assumption is that after striking the flange, the collar and the flange move

downward together without any bouncing.

This assumption is reasonable provided the weight of the collar is much larger than that of

the bar.

The third assumption is that the stresses in the bar remain within linear elastic range and

the stress distribution is uniform within the bar.

But, in reality, the stress distribution is not uniform since the stress waves generated due

to impact loading travel through the bar.

Using the principle of conservation of energy, the kinetic energy of the collar is equated to

the strain energy of the bar.

Assuming the height of fall h is much larger than the deformation of rod, and using

equation 1.34,

1 σ2 V
Mv 2 = max 1.36
2 2E

where v is the velocity of the collar at strike ( v = 2gh ) and V is the volume of the material.

The maximum stress in the bar due to the impact load of mass M,

Mv 2 E 1.37
σmax =

From above equation, it becomes clear that by increasing the volume of material, the effect

of impact loading can be minimized.

Expressing strain energy in terms of deflection in equation 1.36,

1 δ2 EA
Mv 2 = max
2 2L

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Mv 2 L 1.38
δmax =

If the load of the collar is applied gradually on the bar i.e., under static loading, the static

deflection δst will be,

δst =

Substituting this in equation 1.38, relationship between the static deflection δst and the

impact deflection δmax is obtained.

δmax = 2hδst 1.39

To represent the magnification of deflection due to impact load compared to that of static

deflection for the same load, impact factor is used.

δ max
Impact factor = 1.40

Alternately, the impact factor can be obtained from the ratio max .

The relationship between the stress σst developed in the bar due to static loading and the

impact loading stress σmax is determined as follows.

σst = Eεst =
σmax = Eε max =
σmax = 2hδst

σmax = 1.41

Now, the effect of suddenly applied loads on materials or structures that forms a special

case of impact loading is discussed.

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In figure 1.33, if the collar is brought into contact on the top of the flange and released

immediately, it is referred to as suddenly applied load.

The maximum stress produced in the bar due to suddenly applied load can be determined

by replacing h by δmax in equation 1.41

σmax = 2σst 1.42

Hence, the stress developed in a material due to suddenly applied load is twice as large as

that of gradually applied load.

Example 9:

Figure 1.34

A 50 kg collar is sliding on a cable as shown in figure 1.34 from a height h = 1m. Its free

fall is restrained by a stopper at the end of the cable. The effective cross-sectional area

and the elastic modulus of the cable are taken to be 60 mm2 and 150GPa respectively. If

the maximum allowable stress in the cable due to impact load is 450MPa, calculate the

minimum permissible length for the cable and the corresponding maximum deflection. Also

find the impact factor.


Mv 2 E
Maximum stress due to impact load, σmax =

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Velocity, v = 2gh = 2 × 9.81 × 1 = 4.43 m/s

50 × ( 4.43) × 150 × 109

450 × 10 =

( 60 × 10−6 ) × L
Minimum permissible length for the cable, L = 12.1 m

Static deflection, δst =
50 × 9.81 × 12.1
150 × 109 × 60 × 10−6

= 0.656 mm
Maximum deflection, δmax = 2hδst

= 2 × 1000 × 0.656
= 36 mm
δ 36
Impact factor, = max =
δst 0.656

= 55


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Stress at a point

Stress Tensor

Equations of Equilibrium

Different states of stress

Transformation of plane stress

Principal stresses and maximum shear stress

Mohr's circle for plane stress

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2.1 stress at a point

Figure 2.1

Consider a body in equilibrium under point and traction loads as shown in figure 2.1.

After cutting the body along section AA, take an infinitesimal area ∆A lying on the surface

consisting a point C.

The interaction force between the cut sections 1 & 2, through ∆A is ∆F. Stress at the point

C can be defined,

σ = lim 2.1
∆ A → 0 ∆A
∆F is resolved into ∆Fn and ∆Fs that are acting normal and tangent to ∆A.
∆Fn 2.2
Normal stress, σ n = lim
∆A→0 ∆A
Shear Stress, σs = lim 2.3
∆A →0 ∆A


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2.2 stress Tensor

Figure 2.2

Consider the free body diagram of an infinitesimally small cube inside the continuum as

shown in figure 2.2.

Stress on an arbitrary plane can be resolved into two shear stress components parallel to

the plane and one normal stress component perpendicular to the plane.

Thus, stresses acting on the cube can be represented as a second order tensor with nine


⎡σ xx σ xy σ xz ⎤
⎢ ⎥
σ = ⎢ σ yx σ yy σ yz ⎥ 2.4
⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ σzx σzy σ zz ⎦⎥

Is stress tensor symmetric?

Figure 2.3

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Consider a body under equilibrium with simple shear as shown in figure 2.3.

Taking moment about z axis,

( ) ( )
M z = τ yx d x d z d y − τ xy d y d z d x = 0

τ xy = τ yx

Similarly, τxz = τzx and τ yz = τzy .

Hence, the stress tensor is symmetric and it can be represented with six

components, σ xx , σ yy , σzz , τxy , τxz and τ yz , instead of nine components.

⎡σ xx σ xy σ xz ⎤ ⎡ σ xx τ xy τ xz ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
σ = ⎢ σ yx σ yy σ yz ⎥ = ⎢ τ xy σ yy τ yz ⎥ 2.5
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ σzx σ zy σ zz ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ τ xz τ yz σ zz ⎥⎦


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2.3 Equations of Equilibrium

Figure 2.4

Consider an infinitesimal element of a body under equilibrium with sides dx × dy × 1 as

shown in figure 2.4.

Bx, By are the body forces like gravitational, inertia, magnetic, etc., acting on the element

through its centre of gravity.

∑ Fx = 0 ,
⎛ ∂σ xx ⎞ ⎛ ∂τ yx ⎞
⎜ σ xx +
⎝ ∂x ⎠
( )
dx ⎟ d y ×1 − σ xx ( dy × 1) + ⎜ τ yx +
dy ⎟ ( dx × 1) − τ yx ( dx × 1) + Bx ( dx × dy × 1) = 0
⎝ ⎠
Similarly taking ∑ Fy = 0 and simplifying, equilibrium equations of the element in

differential form are obtained as,

∂σ xx ∂τ yx
+ + Bx = 0
∂x ∂y
∂τxy ∂σ yy
+ + By = 0
∂x ∂y

Extending this derivation to a three dimensional case, the differential equations of

equilibrium become,

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∂σ xx ∂τ yx ∂τzx
+ + + Bx = 0
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂τ xy ∂σ yy ∂τzy
+ + + By = 0 2.7
∂x ∂y ∂z
∂τ xz ∂τ yz ∂σzz
+ + + Bz = 0
∂x ∂y ∂z

When the right hand side of above equations is not equal to zero, then, they become

equations of motion.

Equations of equilibrium are valid regardless of the materials nature whether elastic,

plastic, viscoelastic etc.

In equation 2.7, since there are three equations and six unknowns (realizing τxy = τyx and

so on), all problems in stress analysis are statically indeterminate.

Hence, to solve for the unknown stresses, equilibrium equations are supplemented with

kinematic requirements and constitutive equations.


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2.4 Different states of stress

Depending upon the state of stress at a point, we can classify it as uniaxial(1D),

biaxial(2D) and triaxial(3D) stress.

2.4.1 One dimensional stress(Uniaxial)

Figure 2.5

Consider a bar under a tensile load P acting along its axis as shown in figure 2.5.

Take an element A which has its sides parallel to the surfaces of the bar.

It is clear that the element has only normal stress along only one direction, i.e., x axis and

all other stresses are zero. Hence it is said to be under uni-axial stress state.

Now consider another element B in the same bar, which has its slides inclined to the

surfaces of the bar.

Though the element has normal and shear stresses on each face, it can be transformed

into a uni-axial stress state like element A by transformation of stresses (will be discussed

in section 2.5).

Hence, if the stress components at a point can be transformed into a single normal stress

(principal stress as will be discussed later), then, the element is under uni-axial stress


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Is an element under pure shear uni-axial?

Figure 2.6

The given stress components cannot be transformed into a single normal stress along an

axis but along two axes. Hence this element is under biaxial / two dimensional stress state.

2.4.2 Two dimensional stress (Plane stress)

Figure 2.7

When the cubic element is free from any of the stresses on its two parallel surfaces and

the stress components in the element can not be reduced to a uni-axial stress by

transformation, then, the element is said to be in two dimensional stress/plane stress state.

Thin plates under mid plane loads and the free surface of structural elements may

experience plane stresses as shown below.

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Figure 2.8


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2.5 Transformation of plane stress

Though the state of stress at a point in a stressed body remains the same, the normal and

shear stress components vary as the orientation of plane through that point changes.

Under complex loading, a structural member may experience larger stresses on inclined

planes then on the cross section.

The knowledge of maximum normal and shear stresses and their plane's orientation

assumes significance from failure point of view.

Hence, it is important to know how to transform the stress components from one set of

coordinate axes to another set of co-ordinates axes that will contain the stresses of


Figure 2.9

Consider a prismatic element with sides dx, dy and ds with their faces perpendicular to y, x

and x' axes respectively. Thickness of the element is t.

σx 'x ' and τx'y' are the normal and shear stresses acting on a plane inclined at an angle θ

measured counter clockwise from x plane.

Under equilibrium, ∑ Fx ' = 0

σx 'x ' .t.ds − σxx .t.d y .cos θ − σ yy .t.d x .sin θ − τxy .t.d y .sin θ − τ yx .t.d x .cos θ = 0

dy dx
Dividing above equation by t.ds and using = cos θ and = sin θ ,
ds ds

σx 'x ' = σxx cos 2 θ + σ yy sin 2 θ + 2τ xy sin θ cos θ

Similarly, from ∑ Fy' = 0 and simplifying,

x 'y' = ( σyy − σxx ) sin θ cos θ + τxy ( cos2 θ − sin 2 θ )

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Using trigonometric relations and simplifying,

σ xx + σ yy σ xx − σ yy
σ x 'x ' = + cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ
2 2
τ x 'y' =
− σ xx − σ yy ) sin 2θ + τ
xy cos 2θ

Replacing θ by θ + 900, in σ x 'x ' expression of equation 2.8, we get the normal stress along

y' direction.

σ xx + σ yy σ xx − σ yy
σ y'y' = − cos 2θ − τ xy sin 2θ 2.9
2 2

Equations 2.8 and 2.9 are the transformation equations for plane stress using which the

stress components on any plane passing through the point can be determined.

Notice here that,

σ xx + σ yy = σ x 'x ' + σ y'y' 2.10

Invariably, the sum of the normal stresses on any two mutually perpendicular planes at a

point has the same value. This sum is a function of the stress at that point and not on the

orientation of axes. Hence, this quantity is called stress invariant at that a point


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2.6 Principal stresses and maximum shear stress

From transformation equations, it is clear that the normal and shear stresses vary

continuously with the orientation of planes through the point.

Among those varying stresses, finding the maximum and minimum values and the

corresponding planes are important from the design considerations.

By taking the derivative of σ x 'x ' in equation 2.8 with respect to θ and equating it to zero,

dσ x 'x '

( )
= − σ xx − σ yy sin 2θ + 2τ xy cos 2θ = 0

tan 2θp = 2.11
σ xx − σ yy

Here, θp has two values θp1, and θp2 that differ by 900 with one value between 00 and 900

and the other between 900 and 1800.

These two values define the principal planes that contain maximum and minimum


Substituting these two θp values in equation 2.8, the maximum and minimum stresses, also

called as principal stresses, are obtained.

σ xx + σ yy ⎛ σ xx − σ yy ⎞ 2
σ max,min = ± ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy 2.12
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠

The plus and minus signs in the second term of equation 2.12, indicate the algebraically

larger and smaller principal stresses, i.e. maximum and minimum principal stresses.

In the second equation of 2.8, if τx 'y' is taken as zero, then the resulting equation is same

as equation 2.11.

Thus, the following important observation pertained to principal planes is made.

The shear stresses are zero on the principal planes

To get the maximum value of the shear stress, the derivative of τx 'y' in equation 2.8 with

respect to θ is equated to zero.

dτx 'y'

( )
= − σ xx − σ yy cos 2θ − 2τ xy sin 2θ = 0

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tan 2θs =
− σ xx − σ yy ) 2.13
2τ xy

Hence, θs has two values, θs1 and θs2 that differ by 900 with one value between 00 and 900

and the other between 900 and 1800.

Hence, the maximum shear stresses that occur on those two mutually perpendicular

planes are equal in algebraic value and are different only in sign due to its complementary


Comparing equations 2.11 and 2.13,

tan 2θp = − 2.14
tan 2θs

It is understood from equation 2.14 that the tangent of the angles 2θp and 2θs are negative

reciprocals of each other and hence, they are separated by 900.

Hence, we can conclude that θp and θs differ by 450, i.e., the maximum shear stress planes

can be obtained by rotating the principal plane by 450 in either direction.

A typical example of this concept is given in figure 2.10.

Figure 2.10

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The principal planes do not contain any shear stress on them, but the maximum shear

stress planes may or may not contain normal stresses as the case may be.

Maximum shear stress value is found out by substituting θs values in equation 2.8.

⎛ σ xx − σ yy ⎞ 2
τmax = ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy 2.15
⎝ 2 ⎠

Another expression for τmax is obtained from the principal stresses,

σ max − σ min
τmax = 2.16

Example: (Knowledge in torsion and bending is necessary)

Figure 2.11

A gear with a shaft is used to transmit the power as shown in figure 2.11. The load at the

gear tooth is 1kN. The diameter of the gear and the shaft are 40 mm and 20 mm

respectively. Find the principal stresses and the maximum shear stress on an element,

which you feel important on the shaft.


The critical element of design interest lies on the top of the shaft, near to the bearing.

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Transfer the load from the end of the gear to the centre of the shaft as a force-couple

system with 1kN force and 20 N-m couple clockwise.

M ( )
1 × 103 × ( 0.125 )
Bending stress, σmax = y=
I Π ( 0.02 ) / 64
= 159 MPa

T 20 × ( 0.01)
Shearing stress, τxy = r= = 12.7Mpa
J Π ( 0.02 ) / 32

From equation 2.11, the principal plane,

2 × 12.7
tan 2θp =
(159 − 0 )
θp1 = 4.50 ; θp2 = 90 + 4.50 = 94.50

Using equation 2.8, the principal stresses,

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(159 + 0 ) (159 − 0 )
σmax =
( ) (
cos 2 × 4.50 + 12.7 sin 2 × 4.50 )
= 160 MPa
(159 + 0 ) (159 − 0 )
σmin =
( ) (
cos 2 × 94.50 + 12.7 sin 2 × 94.50 )
= -1 MPa

Alternatively, using equation 2.12,

⎛ 159 + 0 ⎞ ⎛ 159 + 0 ⎞ 2
σmax = ⎜ ⎟+ ⎜ ⎟ + (12.7 )
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠
= 160 MPa
σmin = -1 MPa

160 + 1
Maximum Shear Stress, τmax = = 80.5 MPa
The principal planes and the stresses acting on them are shown below.


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2.7 Mohr's circle for plane stress

The transformation equations of plane stress 2.8 can be represented in a graphical form

which is popularly known as Mohr's circle.

Though the transformation equations are sufficient to get the normal and shear stresses on

any plane at a point, with Mohr's circle one can easily visualize their variation with respect

to plane orientation θ.

Besides stress plots, Mohr's circles are used to plot strains, moment of inertia, etc., which

follow the same transformation laws as do stresses.

2.7.1 Equations of Mohr's circle

Recalling transformation equations 2.8 and rearranging the terms

⎛ σ xx + σ yy ⎞ σ xx − σ yy
σ x 'x ' − ⎜ ⎟= cos 2θ + τ xy sin 2θ
⎝ 2 ⎠ 2
⎛ σ xx − σ yy ⎞
τ x 'y' = − ⎜ ⎟ sin 2θ + τ xy cos 2θ
⎝ 2 ⎠

A little consideration will show that the above two equations are the equations of a circle

with σ x 'x ' and τx 'y' as its coordinates and 2θ as its parameter.

If the parameter 2θ is eliminated from the equations, then the significance of them will

become clear.

Squaring and adding equations 2.17 results in,

2 2
⎡ ⎛ σ xx + σ yy ⎞⎤ 2 ⎡ σ xx − σ yy ⎤ 2
⎢ σ x 'x ' − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ + τ x 'y' = ⎢ ⎥ + τ xy 2.18
⎢⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ 2 ⎦

For simple representation of above equation, the following notations are used.

1/ 2
σ xx + σ yy ⎡⎛ σ − σ ⎞ 2 ⎤
⎢ xx yy 2 ⎥
σave = ; r= ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy 2.19
2 ⎢⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎥
⎣ ⎦

Equation 2.18 can thus be simplified as,

( σ x 'x ' − σave )2 + τ2 x 'y ' = r 2 2.20

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Equation 2.20 represents the equation of a circle in a standard form. This circle has σ x 'x '

as its abscissa and τx 'y' as its ordinate with radius r.

The coordinate for the centre of the circle is σ x 'x ' = σave and τx 'y' = 0 .

2.7.2 Construction procedure

Figure 2.12

Sign convention: Tension is positive and compression is negative. Shear stresses causing

clockwise moment about O are positive and counterclockwise negative.

Hence, τxy is negative and τ yx is positive.

Mohr's circle is drawn with the stress coordinates σ xx as its abscissa and τxy as its

ordinate, and this plane is called the stress plane.

The plane on the element in the material with xy coordinates is called the physical plane.

Stresses on the physical plane M is represented by the point M on the stress plane

with σ xx and τxy coordinates.

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Figure 2.13

Stresses on the physical plane N, which is normal to M, is represented by the point N on

the stress plane with σ yy and τ yx .

The intersecting point of line MN with abscissa is taken as O, which turns out to be the

centre of circle with radius OM.

Now, the stresses on a plane which makes θ0 inclination with x axis in physical plane can

be determined as follows. Let that plane be M'.

An important point to be noted here is that a plane which has a θ0 inclination in physical

plane will make 2θ0 inclination in stress plane.

Hence, rotate the line OM in stress plane by 2θ0 counterclockwise to obtain the plane M'.

The coordinates of M' in stress plane define the stresses acting on plane M' in physical

plane and it can be easily verified.

σx 'x ' = PO + r cos 2θp − 2θ )
σx 'x ' = PO + r ⎡⎣cos 2θp cos 2θ + sin 2θp sin 2θ⎤⎦

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σ xx + σ yy
Where PO =
⎛ σ xx − σ yy ⎞ 2
r= ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy
⎝ 2 ⎠
σ xx − σ yy
cos 2θp =
τ xy
sin 2θp =

Rewriting equation 2.21,

σ xx + σ yy σ xx − σ yy
σ x 'x ' = + cos 2θ + τxy sin 2θ 2.22
2 2

Equation 2.22 is same as equation 2.8.

This way it can be proved for shear stress τx 'y' on plane M' (do it yourself).

Extension of line M'O will get the point N' on the circle which coordinate gives the stresses

on physical plane N' that is normal to M'.

This way the normal and shear stresses acting on any plane in the material can be

obtained using Mohr’s circle.

Points A and B on Mohr's circle do not have any shear components and hence, they

represent the principal stresses,

σ xx + σ yy ⎛ σ xx − σ yy ⎞ 2
σmax,min = PO ± r = ± ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠

The principal plane orientations can be obtained in Mohr's circle by rotating the line OM by

2θp and 2θp+1800 clockwise or counterclockwise as the case may be (here it is counter

clock wise) in order to make that line be aligned to axis τxy =0.

These principal planes on the physical plane are obtained by rotating the plane m, which is

normal to x axis, by θp and θp+900 in the same direction as was done in stress plane.

The maximum shear stress is defined by OC in Mohr's circle,

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⎛ σ xx − σ yy ⎞ 2
τmax =±r=± ⎜ ⎟ + τ xy
⎝ 2 ⎠
( or )
⎛σ − σmin ⎞
τmax = ± ⎜ max ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
It is important to note the difference in the sign convention of shear stress between

analytical and graphical methods, i.e., physical plane and stress plane. The shear stresses

that will rotate the element in counterclockwise direction are considered positive in the

analytical method and negative in the graphical method. It is assumed this way in order to

make the rotation of the elements consistent in both the methods.


For the state of plane stress given, determine the principal planes, the principal stresses

and the maximum shear stress. Also find the stress components on the element after it is

rotated by 200 counterclockwise.


Analytical solution:

100 + ( −60 ) ⎡100 − ( −60 ) ⎤ 2
σ max,min = ± ⎢ ⎥ + ( −50 )
2 ⎣ 2 ⎦
= 20 ± 94.34 MPa

Maximum principal stress = 114.34 MPa

Minimum principal stress = -74.4 MPa

2 × ( −50 )
Principal planes, tan 2θp =
100 − ( −60 )

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θP1 = -160

θP2 = -160+900=740

⎡114.34 - ( -74.34 ) ⎤
Maximum shear stress = ± ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 2 ⎦
= ± 94.34 MPa

Normal stresses on the element after rotation by 200 counterclockwise

100 + ( −60 ) 100 − ( −60 )

σ x'x' =
( ) (
cos 2 × 200 + ( −50 ) sin 2 × 200 )
= 49.14 MPa
100 + ( −60 ) 100 − ( −60 )
σ y'y' =
( ) (
cos 2 × 1100 + ( −50 ) sin 2 × 1100 )
= -9.14 MPa
⎡100 − ( −60 ) ⎤
τ x 'y' = - ⎢
⎣ 2
( )
⎥ sin 40 − 50 cos 40

( )
= -89.72 MPa

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II. Graphical Method:

Using the procedure discussed in the previous section, Mohr's circle is constructed as


σmax = PB = 114.34 MPa

σmin = PA = −74.34 MPa
τmax = OC or OD = ± 94.34 MPa

Stresses on the element after rotating by 200 counterclockwise,

σ x'x' = abscissa of PM' = 49.14 MPa

σ y'y' = abscissa of PN' = −9.14 MPa
τ x 'y' = ordinate PM' = 89.72 MPa


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Basic Assumptions
Torsion Formula
Stress Formula
Stresses on Inclined Planes
Angle of twist
Angle of Twist in Torsion
Maximum Stress
Torsion of Circular Elastic Bars: Formulae

Table of Formulae

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Detailed methods of analysis for determining stresses and deformations in axially loaded

bars were presented in the first two chapters. Analogous relations for members subjected

to torque about their longitudinal axes are developed in this chapter. The constitutive

relations for shear discussed in the preceding chapter will be employed for this purpose.

The investigations are confined to the effect of a single type of action, i.e., of a torque

causing a twist or torsion in a member.

The major part of this chapter is devoted to the consideration of members having circular

cross sections, either solid or tubular. Solution of such elastic and inelastic problems can

be obtained using the procedures of engineering mechanics of solids. For the solution of

torsion problems having noncircular cross sections, methods of the mathematical theory of

elasticity (or finite elements) must be employed. This topic is briefly discussed in order to

make the reader aware of the differences in such solutions from that for circular members.

Further, to lend emphasis to the difference in the solutions discussed, this chapter is

subdivided into four distinct parts. It should be noted, however, that in practice, members

for transmitting torque, such as shafts for motors, torque tubes for power equipment, etc.,

are predominantly circular or tubular in cross section. Therefore, numerous applications fall

within the scope of the formulas derived in this chapter.

In this section, discussion is limited to torsion of circular bars only.


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Basic Assumptions

a. Plane sections perpendicular to the axis of a circular member before application

of torque remains plane even after application of torque.
b. Shear strains vary linearly from the central axis reaching a maximum value at the outer
c. For linearly elastic material, Hooke's law is valid. Hence shear stress is proportional to
shear strain.


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Torsion Formula
Since shear strains varies linearly across the section,

γ max
γ= R

where γ is the shear strains at a point of raidus R, C is the radius of the member.

∴ Torque, T = ∫ τR dA

= ∫ GγR dA

where τ = G γ, the shear stress at any point at a distance R (Refer Figure 6.1)

Figure 6.1

Hence writing in terms of shear stresses.

T= ∫ C τmax RdA
C ∫
= R 2 dA

∫R dA = Ip

the Polar moment of Inertia of the circular section.

τmax I p
∴ T=

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τmax =




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Stresses on Inclined Planes

Figure 6.2

The shear stress at a point, on the surface acting on a plane perpendicular to the axis of

the rod can be found out from the preceding analysis.

Using transformation law for, stresses the state of stress at a point on a plane at 450 to the

axis can be found out. These stresses are found out to be

σ1 = τmax
σ2 = −τmax

Ductile materials have lesser shear strength than tensile strength and hence fail through

planes perpendicular to the axis.

Brittle materials have lesser tensile strength than shear strength. Hence they fail through

planes inclined at 450 to the axis.


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Angle of Twist in Torsion

Consider a circular shaft subjected to torque. It is assumed that plane sections

perpendicular to the axis remain plane even after loading. Isolating an element form such a

member, (Refer Figure 6.3).

Figure 6.3

A line segment in the surface of the shaft, AB is initially parallel to the axis of the shaft.

Upon application of torque, it occupies a new position AB'. The segment OB now occupy

the position OB'.

From figure 16,

BB' = C dφ


BB ' = dx γ max

dφ γ max
dx C

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Since τ = G γ

τmax = G γ max
τmax =

∴ γ max =
GI p

dφ T
∴ =
dx GI p

This equation gives the relative angle of twist between any two sections of a shaft distance

dx apart.

To find the total angle of twist φ between any two sections 1 and 2, all rotations of all

elements between 1 and 2 should be summed up

∴ φ = φ2 − φ1 = ∫
Ip G

T = T (x)
Ip = Ip ( x )
G = G (x)

When τ, Ip and G vary along the length of the shaft.


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Torsion of Circular Elastic Bars:


1. For solid circular member

Polar Moment of Inertia,

πC4 πD 4
Ip = =
2 32

where, C is radius of the circular member. D is Diameter of the circular member.

2. For a circular tube:

Figure 6.4

Polar moment of Inertia,

πc4 − πb 4
Ip =

where, c = outer radius of the tube.

b = Inner radius of the tube.

3. For very thin tubes:

where thickness t = c-b is very less. Then IP can be approximated to,

I p = 2πR avg t


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R avg = ,

4. (i) TC
τmax =

where τ max = Maximum shear stress in a circular cross section.

T = Torque in that section.

C = Radius of the section.

IP = Polar Moment of Inertia.

Note: Shear stress linearly with radius.

Figure 6.5

(ii) Shear Stress (τ) at a distance R from the centre.

Figure 6.6

τ = τmax

Note: J is also used to denote the polar moment of Inertia.

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Stress Formula

Angle of twist

Maximum Stress


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Table of Formulae

S.No Quantity Formula Diagram


2. (Max.

3. normal

(angle of

5. (angle of


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Misconception 1
Torsional shear produces shear stresses on the cross section as shown, thus,

the shear stresses should distort the cross section.


No. The cross section is not distorted.

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Misconception 2
If the bar is twisted, its length also changes.


No. The length of the bar is unaffected.

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Misconception 3
If there is a small slit made along the bar shown. Since all the properties remain

almost the same, the bar will twist to the same extent.



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Misconception 4
If a composite rod is subjected to torque T, each of the composite is inturn

subjected to torsional load T.



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Misconception 5
The total angle of the twist of the bar is same as the shear strain.



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Misconception 6
For a bar of varying cross section, the same formula can be used!


Yes, but for a bar with small variation and not for a bar with a steep variation.

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Misconception 7
The bar becomes thinner as you twist it!


No. From assumption2, we see that the cross section remains the same after


Misconception 8
The shear stress is maximum at the skin but it is a free surface. Therefore,

should'nt the shear stress be zero?



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Problem 1 - Internal torque in a Shaft

Problem 2 - Torsion formula (circular elastic bars).

Problem 3 - Hollow cylinder

Problem 4 - Angle of twist for circular members

Problem 5 - Variable c/s and Torque

Problem 6 - Composite bars

Problem 7 - Statically indeterminate problem

Problem 8 - Alternative differential approach to Torsion

Problem 9 - Energy and load impacts

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1. Internal torque in a Shaft

Find the internal torque at any section for the shaft shown in the figure. The forces are

shown in the figure.


Concepts Involved:

Force equilibrium

Solution :

Step 1

The 50N.m torque is balanced by the two torques of 35 and 15 N.m at A and B

respectively. Therefore, the body as a whole is in equilibrium.

Step 2

We obtain the free body diagram of the part of the shaft, by passing a plane perpendicular

to the shaft at any point between A and B. So we have Σ Mx = 0, this implies TAB = 35N-m.

The conclusion reached is that resisting torque developed between shaft A and B is 35N-m

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Step 3

On similar grounds the internal torque resisted between B and C is 50 N-m


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2. Torsion formula (circular elastic bars).

Find the maximum torsional stress in shaft AC (refer the figure). Assume the Diameter of

AC is 15 mm.

Concepts involved:

1) Torsional stress

2) Torsion formula

Formulae used:

Polar moment of inertia

J = ∫ ρ2 dA

Torsion formula

τ max = Tr/J


Step 1:

The maximum internal torque resisted by the shaft is known from the previous problem to

be 50 N-m

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Step 2:

Calculate J for the section using the first formula

J = π d4/32 = 4970 mm4

Step 3:

Substitute in the torsion formula

τ max = Tr/J = (50 X 103 X7.5)/ 4970 = 75.45Mpa

Result variation:

Consider the case when diameter changes. Guess how τ max will change?

For answer: τ max is inversely proportional to d3


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3. Hollow cylinder
Consider a long tube of 25mm outside diameter, do, and of 20mm inside diameter di,

twisted about its longitudinal axis with a torque T of 45 N-m Determine the shear stresses

at the outside and inside of the tube

Concepts involved:

Torsional stress

Torsion formula

Formulae used:

Polar moment of inertia

π ( d o4 - di4 )
J = ∫ ρ dA =

A 32
Torsion formula

τ max = Tr / J

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Step 1:

Calculate J

J = ∫ ρ2 dA =
π ( d 4
o - d 4
i ) =
π ( 20 4
-16 4
A 32 32

Step 2:

Apply torsion formula for the two radii

τ max = Tro /J = (50 X 103 X 12.5 )/ 22641= 27.6 MPa

τ max = Tri /J = (50 X 103 X 10)/ 22641= 22.1 MPa


We see that hollow members are better transmitters of torsion than solid members.


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4. Angle of twist for circular members

Find the relative rotation of section B-B with respect to section A-A of the solid elastic shaft

as shown in the figure when a constant torque T is being transmitted through it. The polar

moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area J is constant.

Concepts involved:

Angle of twist in circular members

Formulae used:

θ= ∫ dx

φ= Angle of twist

Tx = torque at distance x

Jx = polar moment of area at distance x

G = Shear modulus

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Step 1:

Here neither torque nor J changes with x so,

Tx = T and Jx = J
TA dx Tdx T TL
θ= ∫ =∫ = ∫ dx =
A 0 0

i.e , θ=


In applying the above equation, note particularly that the angle φ must be expressed in

radians. Also observe the great similarity of this relation equation Δ =PL/AE, for axially

loaded bars. Here φ ⇔ Δ  T⇔ P, J⇔ Α, and G⇔ E. By the analogy, this equation can be

recast to express the torsional spring constant, or torsional stiffness, kt as

Kt = T/θ = JG /L [N-m/rad]

This constant torque required to cause a rotation of 1 radian, i.e.,φ = 1. It depends only on

the material properties and the size of the member. As for axially loaded bars, one can

visualize torsion members as springs.

The reciprocal of kt defines the torsional flexibility ft. Hence, for a circular solid or hollow


ft = 1/kt = L / JG [ rad/N-m]

This constant defines the rotation resulting from application of a unit torque, i.e., T = 1. On

multiplying by the torque T, one obtains the current equation


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5. Variable c/s and Torque

Consider the stepped shaft shown in figure rigidly attached to a wall at E. Determine the

angle-of-twist of the end A when the torque at B and at D is applied. Assume the shear

modulus G to be 80 GPa, a typical value for steels.

Concepts Involved:

Angle of twist

Formulae used:

θ= ∫ dx

φ = Angle of twist

Tx = torque at distance x

Jx = polar moment of area at distance x

G = Shear modulus

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Step 1:

The torque at E is determined to assure equilibrium.

TE = 1000 + 150 N-m

= 1150 N-m

Step 2:

Find Torques at different c/s by drawing free body diagram

At any c/s between D and E is 1150 N.m

TDE = 1150 N.m

At any c/s between BD,

TBD = 150 N-m

At any c/s between AB

TAB = 0 N-m

Step 3:

The polar moments of inertia for the two kinds of cross sections occurring in this problem

are found using polar moment equation giving

JAB = JBC = = π x254/32 = 38.3x103 mm4

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π ( do4 − di4 )
= π(504 - 254) /32 = 575 x 103 mm4

Step 4:

Angle of twist is found at several c/s as shown

To find the angle-of-twist of the end A, angle-of-twist formula is applied for each segment

and the results summered. The limits of integration for the segments occur at points where

the values of T or J change abruptly.

Here total angle of twist is found out,

Tx dx B TAB dx C TBC dx D TCD dx E TDE dx
φ= ∫ =∫ +∫ +∫ +∫

In the last group of integrals, T’s and J’s are constant between the limits considered, so

each integral reverts to a known solution. Hence,


φ= ∑ = + + +

150 x103 x 200 150 x103 x 200 1150x103 x500

=0+ + +
38.3x103 x80x103 575x103 x80x103 575x103 x80x103

=0+9.8x10-3+1.0x10 -3+12.5x10 -3=23.3x10-3 rad

As can be noted from above, the angle-of- twist for shaft segments starting from the left

end are : 0 rad, 9.8 x 10-3 rad, 1.0 x 10 -3, rad 12.5x10 -3
rad. Summing these quantities

beginning from A, gives the angle-of-twist along the shaft. Since no shaft twist can occur at

the built-in end, this function must be zero at E, as required by the boundary condition.

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Therefore, according to the adopted sign convention the angle-of-twist at A is -23.3x10-3

rad occurring in the direction of applied torques.

No doubt local disturbances in stresses and strains occur at the applied concentrated

torques and the change in the shaft size, as well as at the built-in end. However, these are

local effects having limited influence on the overall behavior of the shaft.


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6. Composite bars
Determine the torsional stiffness kt, for the rubber bushing shown in figure. Assume that

the rubber is bonded to the steel shaft and the outer steel tube, which is attached to

machine housing. The shear modulus for the rubber is G. Neglect deformations in the

metal parts of the assembly.

Concepts involved:

Angle of twist in circular members

Formulae used:

θ= ∫ dx

θ= Angle of twist

Tx = torque at distance x

Jx = polar moment of area at distance x

G = Shear modulus

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Step 1:

Calculate the torque acting at any surface.

Due to the axial symmetry of the problem, on every imaginary cylindrical surface of rubber

of radius r, the applied torque T is resisted by constant shear stresses τ. The area of the

imaginary surface is 2π rL. On this basis, the equilibrium equation for the applied torque T

and the resisting torque developed by the shear stresses τ acting at a radius r is

T = (2π rL)τ r [area*stress*arm]

Step 2:

Get τ from the above relation and hence determine shear strain.

From this relation, τ =T/2πr2L Hence, by using Hooke’s law, the shear strain γ can be

determined for an infinitesimal tube of radius r and thickness dr, figure, from the following


τ T
γ= =
G 2πLGr 2

Step 3:

Get the angle of twist by integrating throughout the surface.

This shear strain in an infinitesimal tube permits the shaft to rotate through an infinitesimal

angle dθ. Since in the limit r + dr is equal to r, the magnitude of this angle is dθ =γ (dr/r)

The total rotation θ of the shaft is an integral, over the rubber bushings, of these

infinitesimal rotations, i.e.

Τ D/2 dr T ⎛1 1 ⎞
θ= ∫ dθ= ∫ = −
2πLG d/2 r3 πLG ⎝ d 2 D2 ⎟⎠

From which,

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kt = =
θ ⎛1 1 ⎞
⎜ 2− 2⎟
⎝d D ⎠


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7. Statically indeterminate problem

Consider the stepped shaft shown in the figure. Determine the end reactions and plot the

torque diagram for the shaft. Apply the force method.

Concepts involved:

Statically indeterminate structures

Force method of analysis

In this method the problems are reduced to statical determinancy by removing one of the

redundant reactions and calculating the rotation θo at the released support. The required

boundary conditions are then restored by twisting the member at the released end through

an angle θ1 such that θo + θ1 = 0.

Formulae used:

θo + θ1 = 0.


θo = rotation at the released support

θ1 = Rotation at the restored support

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⎛ d 4 -d 4 ⎞
J = π ⎜⎜ i ⎟

⎜ 32 ⎟
⎝ ⎠


do = Outer diameter

di = Inner diameter


Step 1:

Remove any of the redundant reaction and analyse the structure.

There are two unknown reactions, TA and TE. One of them can be considered as

redundant, and, arbitrary, reaction TA is removed. This results in the free-body diagram

shown in the above figure. Then the end rotation is calculated as θo =23.3x10-3 rad.

Step 2:

Get the J for all c/s

JAC=38.3x103 mm2 and JCE =575x103 mm2.

Step 3:

Now apply the redundant reaction (TA in this case).

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By applying TA to the unloaded bar, as shown in the above figure, end rotation θ1 at end A

is found.

Ti Li
θ1 = ∑
i Ji G i

⎛ 450 800 ⎞
= TA x103 ⎜ +
575 x 10 x 80 x 10 ⎟⎠
3 3 3 3
⎝ 38.3 x 10 x 80 x 10
= (147 x10-6 + 17 x 10-6 )TA = 164x10-6 TA rad
Where TA has the units of N-m.

Step 4:

Use compatibility condition to find out reactions.

Using compatibility condition and defining rotation in the direction of TA as positive, one

has -23.3x10-3+164x10-6TA=0

Hence TA = 142N-m and TB = 1150 -142 = 1008 N-m.

Step 5:

Now torques at all c/s can be found out using equilibrium.

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The torque diagram for the shaft is shown in the above figure. The direction of the internal

torque vector T on the left part of an isolated shaft segment coincides with that of the

positive x axis, it is taken as positive. Note that most of the applied torque is resisted at the

end E. Since the shaft from A to C is more flexible than from C to E, only a small torque

develops at A.

In this problem is indeterminate only to the first degree, it has three kinematics degrees of

the freedom. Two of these are associated with the applied torques and one with the

change in the shaft size. Therefore, an application of the displacement method would be

more cumbersome, requiring three simultaneous equations.

Tips while solving similar problems:

Identification of the redundant force is one of the key points in this type of problem. The

choice is usually simple.


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8. Alternative differential approach to Torsion

Consider an elastic circular bar having a constant JG subjected to a uniformly varying

torque tx, as shown in the figure. Determine the rotation of the bar along its length and the

reactions at the ends A and B for two cases:

(a) assume that end A is free and the end B is built-in

(b) assume that both ends of the bar are fixed.

Concepts involved:

Differential approach

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Formulae used:

d2φ x
JG = − t x = − t
dx 2 L o
tx = Distributed torque in a small infinitesimal element

T = Torque developed at the ends of the element due to the distributed torque tx


Part 1:

By integrating the above equation twice and determining the constants of integration C1

and C2 from the boundary conditions, the required conditions are determined

d2φ x
JG = − t x = − t
dx 2 L o

dφ t x2
JG = T =− o + C1
dx 2L
Apply boundary condition to get C1 and C2

TA=T(0) = 0 hence, C1=0

TB = T(L) = - to (L / 2)

t o x3
JG φ = T =− + C2
to L
φΒ =φ ( L ) = 0 hence C2 =

t o L2 t o x3
JG φ = −
6 6L
The negative sign for TB means that the torque vector acts in the direction opposite to that

of the positive x-axis.

Part 2:

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Except for the change in the boundary conditions, the solution procedure is the same as in

part (a).

d2φ x
JG = − t x = − t
dx 2 L o

dφ t x2
JG = T = − o + C1
dx 2L
t o x3
JG φ = T = − + C1x + C2

φA = φ (0) = 0 hence C2 =0

φB = φ (L) = 0 hence C1=to (L / 6)

t o L2 t o x3
JG φ = −
6 6L
TA = T(0) = to (L / 6)

TB = T(L) = -to (L / 2) + to (L / 6) = -to (L / 3)


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9. Energy and load impacts

Find the energy absorbed by an elastic circular shaft subjected to a constant torque in

terms of maximum shear stress and the volume of materials (Refer to the figure). Find the

rotation of an elastic circular shaft with respect to the built in end when a torque T is

applied at the free end.

Concepts involved:

Energy methods

Formulae used:

Shear energy formula

Us = ∫ dV
V 2G


Us = Shear energy stored in the body

τ = Shear stress

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Part 1:

The shear stress in an elastic circular shaft subjected to torque varies linearly from the

longitudinal axis. Hence the shear stress acting on an element at a distance ρ from the

center of the cross-section is

( τmax ρ )


Us = ∫ dV
V 2G

τ ρ2
Us = ∫ dV = ∫ ma x 2 2πρ dρ L
V 2G V 2Gr

τma x 2π L c 3 τma x 2π L r 2
2 2

= ρ dρ =
2G r 2 ∫0 2G r 2 4

τ ⎛1

= ma x ⎜ vol ⎟
2G ⎝ 2 ⎠

If there were uniform shears throughout the member, a more efficient arrangement for

absorbing energy would be obtained. Rubber bushings with their small G values provide

an excellent device for absorbing shock torque from a shaft.

Part 2:

If torque T is gradually applied to the shaft, the external work We = (1/2) Tθ , Where θ is

the angular rotation of the free end in radians. The expressions for the internal strain

energy Us, which was found in part (a), may be written in a more convenient form by

noting that τ max = Tr / J, the volume of the rod π r2L, and J = π r4/2. Thus

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τmax 2 ⎛ 1 ⎞
Us = ⎜ vol ⎟
2G ⎝ 2 ⎠

τ2 r 2 1
= 2 πr2L
2J G 2

τ2 L

Then from We = Us

Tθ /2 = T2L/2JG and θ = TL/JG


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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we have to make the assumption that plane sections plane?

How about bars with non-axis symmetric cross section?

The formulae derived look very similar to beam and axial deformation formulae?

Is the derivation for composite axis symmetric bar subjected to torsion similar to

the composite beam derivation?

What if material is non-isotropic?

What if material goes to plastic range?

What about non-linear elastic materials?

Why is the variation of shear strain with radius linear?

What do we do for stepped shafts?

Why do they have a tapering change in c.s. for stepped shafts?

Why deal with torsion of an axis symmetric bar?

How do I solve for stresses in the case of impact torque on an axis symmetric bar?

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Why do we have to make the assumption that plane sections plane?

In order to make calculation of stresses due to torsion easy, we need to make certain

simplifying assumptions on the deformation pattern which is realistic. It is has been found

from the rigorous solution procedure (elasticity solution) and from the experiments that the

circular cross section members subjected to pure torsion in the elastic range satisfy very

closely this condition of plane sections remain plane and rigid. By making this assumption,

the solution procedure becomes simple as shown in the ‘basic concepts’ section in the

derivation for torsional stresses.


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How about bars with non-axis symmetric cross section?

For bars with non-axisymmetric cross section, the assumption of plane section remain

plane is not satisfied. Regions of the cross-section undergo deformations in the axial

direction leading to ‘warping’ of the section. There are again certain simplifying

assumptions which are relaxation of the axisymmetric bar assumption that can be used to

find stresses in a non-axisymmetric bar. (see Advanced Topics for details)


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The formulae derived look very similar to beam and axial deformation formulae?

Yes, that’s true. In all the three derivations pertaining to axial, beam and torsional

deformations, the assumption of plane section remains plane is used and it leads to very

similar formulae for these three types of structural members.


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Is the derivation for composite axisymmetric bar subjected to torsion similar to the

composite beam derivation?

Yes. Since plane sections remain plane assumption holds good for composite bar

subjected to torsion, similar principle as derivation for composite beam can be used to

solve for stresses in a composite bar subjected to torsion. (See 'Worked Examples" on

"composite bars" for details)


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What if material is non-isotropic?

If the material is non-isotropic (i.e. anisotropic), then the elastic modulii will vary and thus

the problem will be completely different with additional stresses appearing since there is a

coupling between shear stresses and normal stresses for an anisotropic material.


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What if material goes to plastic range?

Even, if the material goes to plastic range, plane sections remain plane assumption is

assumed to hold. Therefore, the strains can be found out from which distribution of

stresses can be derived from equilibrium principles. (refer to 'Advanced Topics: Inelastic

Torsional bars' for details of solving for stresses.)


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What about non-linear elastic materials?

For non-linear elastic materials again, the elastic modulii are different and are functions of

the strains. Therefore, while solving for stresses, appropriate constitutive law should be

used before applying the equilibrium conditions.


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Why is the variation of shear strain with radius linear?

This emanates from the fact that the cross-section rotates as a rigid body because of axis

symmetry condition of the cross-sectional geometry and the anti-axis symmetry of the

torque. Since the cross-section rotates as a rigid body, the amount of rotation is linear with

respect to the variation in radius.


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What do we do for stepped shafts?

For stepped shafts, away from the abrupt change in the cross-section, the stresses can be

computed using the same formulae derived taking appropriate diameter of the shaft portion

in to consideration. (See: Worked out Examples: Stepped Shafts). At the region of change

in geometry, stress concentrations can occur due to abrupt change radius. (refer to 'stress

concentration' section of "Advanced Topics")


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Why do they have a tapering change in c.s. for stepped shafts?

Why deal with torsion of an axis symmetric bar?

How do I solve for stresses in the case of impact torque on an axis symmetric bar?

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Failure of torsional bars.

Design of torsional members

Stress concentration


Inelastic torsional bars

Non-circular cross section

Thin walled members

Numerical solutions

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5. Beams


Bending of Beams

Theory of Bending

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Apart from axial and torsional forces there are other types of forces to which members may

be subjected. In many instances in structural and machine design, members must resist

forces applied laterally or transversely to their axes. Such members are called beams. The

main members supporting floors of buildings are beams, just as an axle of a car is a beam.

Many shafts of machinery act simultaneously as torsion members and as beams. With

modern materials, the beam is a dominant member of construction. The determination of

the system of internal forces necessary for equilibrium of any beam segment will be the

main objective of this chapter. For the axially or torsionally loaded members previously

considered, only one internal force was required at an arbitrary section to satisfy the

conditions of equilibrium. However, even for a beam with all forces in the same plane, i.e.,

a planar beam problem, a system of three internal force components can develop at a

section. These are the axial force, the shear, and the bending moment. Determining these

quantities is the focus of this chapter. The chapter largely deals with single beams. Some

discussion of related problems of planar frames resisting axial forces, shears, and bending

moments is also given. Only statically determinate systems will be fully analyzed for these

quantities. Special procedures to be developed in subsequent chapters are required for

determining reactions in statically indeterminate problems for complete solutions.

Extensions to members in three-dimensional systems, where there are six possible

internal force components, will be introduced in later chapters as ceded and will rely on the

reader's knowledge of statics. In such problems at a section of a member there can be: an

axial force, two shear components, two bending moment components, and a torque.


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5.1 Bending of Beams

5.1.1 Introduction:

Bars Subjected to transverse loads.

Planar and slender members.


Identified by the resistance offered to forces.

(a) Rollers/Links:

Resists forces in a direction along the line of action (Figure 5.1(a)).

(b) Pins:

Resists forces in any direction of the plane (Figure 5.1(b)).

(c) Fixed Support:

Resists forces in any direction (Figure 5.1(c)).

Resists moments.

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5.1.2 Classification of Beams

(a) Statically determinate or indeterminate.

Statically determinate - Equilibrium conditions sufficient to compute reactions.

Statically indeterminate - Deflections (Compatibility conditions) along with equilibrium

equations should be used to find out reactions.

(b) Cross sectional Shapes - I,T,C or other cross sections.

(c) Depending on the supports used

1) Simply supported - pinned at one end and roller at the other (Figure 5.1.2(a))

2) Cantilever - fixed at one end and the other end free (Figure 5.1.2(b)).

3) Fixed beam - fixed at both ends (Figure 5.1.2(c)).

Where W – loading acting, L – span.

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5.1.3 Calculation of beam reactions

When all the forces are applied in a single plane, the three equations of static equilibrium

are available for analysis.

∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy = 0 and ∑ M3 = 0
Employing these, the reactions at supports could be found out.

5.1.4 Procedures for Computing forces and moments

For a beam with all forces in one plane, three force components are internally developed.

• Axial force

• Shear

• Bending Moment

Procedures are to be established for finding these quantities.

Direct Method/Method of sections:

This method is illustrated by the following example

Find reactions at supports for the cantilever shown in figure 5.1.3(a) subjected to uniformly

distributed load.

Cut the cantilever along section A-A and obtain free body diagram as given in figure


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The segment of the beam shown in figure 5.1.3(b) is in equilibrium under the action of

external forces and internal forces and moments.

∑ Fy = 0
V = − wx
∑M = 0
wx 2
gives, M- =0
wx 2

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Sign convention: Shear force

Sign convention: Moments

As Shown in Figure 5.1.5(a), sagging (beam retains water) moment is positive, other wise

bending moment is negative (Figure 5.1.5(b)).

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5.1.5 Shear force and Bending Moment Diagrams (SFD & BMD)
Plot of shear and bending moment values on separate diagrams could be obtained.

Magnitude and location of different quantities can be easily visualized.

SFD & BMD are essential for designers to make decisions on the shape and size of a


The worked out examples illustrate the procedure for plotting SFD and BMD by direct


5.1.6 Shear force and BM Diagrams / (Alternate approach)

Beams Element: Differential equations of Equilibrium

Free body diagram of element of length dx is shown Figure 5.17, which is cut from a

loaded beam (Figure 5.1.6).

∑ Fy = 0 gives
V + wdx − ( V + dv ) = 0

ie =w 5.1.1

∑ M p = 0 gives
M + dM − Vdx − M − ( wdx ) . ( dx / 2 ) = 0

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ie =V 5.1.2

Substituting equations 5.1.2 in 5.1.1

d2 M
=V 5.1.3
dx 2

Integrating 5.1.2

V = ∫ wdx + c1

Integrating 2

M = ∫ Vdx + C2 + M e

Me - External moment acting.


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5.2 Theory of Bending

5.2.1 General theory
Plane sections normal to the axis before bending remain plane and normal after bending

also, as shown in Figure 5.2.1.

From Figure 5.2.1, ab, cd efs are sections which remain plane and normal. Beam is

subjected to pure bending (no shear). Longitudinal top fibers are in compression and

bottom fibres in tension.

Layer of fibres in between which is neither in tension or compression, is called the neutral

surface. Neutral axis is the intersection of such a surface with the right section through the


Assumptions of the theory of bending

Deflection of the beam axis is small compared to span of the beam.

Shear strains, along the plane xy are negligible.

( )
Effect of shear stress in the plane xy τ xy on normal stress ( σx ) is neglected.

Note: Even through pure bending is assumed, distribution of normal stresses at any given

cross section does not get significantly changed due to non uniform bending.

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For pure bending of a beam, beam axis deforms into part of a circle of radius ρ ; for an

element defined by an infinitesimal angle d , the fiber length is given by (refer figure


ds = R dθ

dθ 1
= = k , where
ds R

R - Radius of Curvature

k - Axis Curvature

For a fiber located at radius R' = R – y

ds ' = ( R − y ) dθ

ds − ds '
Strain, ε x =

ε x = −ky

5.2.2 Elastic Flexure Formula

By Hooke's Law,
σ x = Eε x = − Eky

∑ Fx = 0 gives

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− Ek ∫ ydA = 0

i.e. neutral axis possess through the centroid of the cross section (Ref Figure 5.2.3.)

∑ M = 0 gives
M z = E k ∫ y 2 .dA

= Ek Iz

This gives

E Iz

−M z y
σx =

Mz C
σmax =

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5.2.3 Beams of Composite Cross section

For beams of composite cross section σ x = −Ei ky for the ith material in the composite.

y = yi - y0

y0 is the location of neutral axis from the bottom of the beam.

yi is the location of neutral axis of the ith material. In the figure yi = yA, from this, we get

∫ Ei yi dA
y0 = A

∫ Ei dA
Where A the area of cross section of the corresponding material. The procedure for

analyzing beams of composite cross section is illustrated in worked out examples.


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Problem 1: Computation of Reactions

Problem 2: Computation of Reactions

Problem 3: Computation of Reactions

Problem 4: Computation of forces and moments

Problem 5: Bending Moment and Shear force

Problem 6: Bending Moment Diagram

Problem 7: Bending Moment and Shear force

Problem 8: Bending Moment and Shear force

Problem 9: Bending Moment and Shear force

Problem 10: Bending Moment and Shear force

Problem 11: Beams of Composite Cross Section

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Problem 1: Computation of Reactions

Find the reactions at the supports for a simple beam as shown in the diagram. Weight of

the beam is negligible.


Concepts involved

• Static Equilibrium equations


Step 1:

Draw the free body diagram for the beam.

Step 2:

Apply equilibrium equations

In X direction

∑ FX = 0

⇒ RAX = 0

In Y Direction

∑ FY = 0

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⇒ RAY+RBY – 100 –160 = 0

⇒ RAY+RBY = 260

Moment about Z axis (Taking moment about axis pasing through A)

∑ MZ = 0

We get,

∑ MA = 0

⇒ 0 + 250 N.m + 100*0.3 N.m + 120*0.4 N.m - RBY *0.5 N.m = 0

⇒ RBY = 656 N (Upward)

Substituting in Eq 5.1 we get

∑ MB = 0

⇒ RAY * 0.5 + 250 - 100 * 0.2 – 120 * 0.1 = 0

⇒ RAY = -436 (downwards)


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Problem 2: Computation of Reactions

Find the reactions for the partially loaded beam with a uniformly varying load shown in

Figure. Neglect the weight of the beam


(a) (b)


The reactions and applied loads are shown in figure (b). A crude outline of the beam is

also shown to indicate that the configuration of the member is not important for finding out

the reactions. The resultant force P acting though the centroid of the distributed forces is

found out. Once a free body diagram is prepared, the solution is found out by applying the

equations of static equilibrium.

∑ Fx = 0

RAx = 0

∑ MA = 0 Anticlockwise

+12 X 2 - RBy X 6 = 0

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RBy = 4 kN downwards

∑ MB = 12 * (6 - 2) - RAy * 6

=> RAy = 8 kN

Check ∑ Fy = 0

8 + 12 − 4 = 0 ok!


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Problem 3: Computation of Reactions

Determine the reactions at A and B for the beam shown due to the applied force.



At A, the reaction components is x and y directions are RAx and RAy. The reaction RB acting

at B and inclined force F can be resolved into two components along x and y directions.

This will simplify the problem.


Fy = 12, Fx = 9; (By resolving the applied force)

∑ MA = 0

12 X 3 – RBy X 9 = 0

RBy = 4 kN = RBx

∑ MB = 0

12 X 6 - RAy X 9 = 0

RAy = 8kN

∑ Fx = 0

RAx – 9–4 = 0

RAx = 13kN

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RA = (82 + 132 ) = 233 kN

RB = ( 42 + 42 ) = 4 2 kN


∑ Fy = 0

+ 8 – 12 + 4= 0 ok!


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Problem 4: Computation of forces and moments

In the earlier Example, determine the internal system of forces at sections a-a and b-b; see





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A free-body diagram for the member, including reactions, is shown in Fig. (a). A free-body

to the left of section a-a in Fig. 5-20(b) shows the maximum ordinate for the isolated part of

the applied load. Using this information,

Va = -8 + 1/2 * 2 * 2/3 * 8 = -2.67 kN


Ma = -8 * 2 + {1/2 * 2 * (2/3 * 8)} * {1/3 * 2} = -14.45 kN

These forces are shown in the figure.

A free-body diagram to the left of section b-b is shown in Figure. This gives

Vb = - 4 kN


Mb = -4 x 2 = - 8 kN-m


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Problem 5: Bending Moment and Shear force

Construct shear and bending-moment diagrams for the beam loaded with the forces

shown in the figure.



Taking an arbitrary section at a distance x from the left support isolates the beam segment

shown in Fig.(b). This section is applicable for any value of x just to the left of the applied

force P. The shear, remains constant and is +P. The bending moment varies linearly from

the support, reaching a maximum of +Pa.

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An arbitrary section applicable anywhere between the two applied forces is shown in

Fig.(c). Shear force is not necessary to maintain equilibrium of a segment in this part of the

beam. Only a constant bending moment of +Pa must be resisted by the beam in this zone.

Such a state of bending or flexure is called pure bending.

Shear and bending-moment diagrams for this loading condition are shown in Figs (d) and

(e). No axial-force diagram is necessary, as there is no axial force at any section of the



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Problem 6: Bending Moment Diagram

Plot shear and bending-moment diagrams for a simply supported beam with a uniformly

distributed load; see Figure.



A section at a distance x from the left support is taken as shown in figure (b). The shear is

found out by subtracting the load to the left of the section from the left upward reaction.

The internal bending moment M resists the moment caused by the re-action on the left

less the moment caused by the forces to the left of the same section. The summation of

moments is performed around an axis at the section.

Similar expressions may be obtained by considering the right-hand segment of the beam,

while taking care of the sign conventions. The plot of the V and M functions is shown in

Figs(c) and (d)

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Problem 7: Bending Moment and Shear force

For the beam as shown in Fig 5, express the shear V and the bending moment M as a

function of x along the horizontal member.


Fig (a)


A load discontinuity occurs at x == 3 m, in this problem. Hence, the solution is determined

in two parts for each of which the functions V and M are continuous.

V(x) =-8 + 1/2 x [(x/3) * 8)] = -8 + (4/3) x2 kN for 0 < x < 3

M(x) = -8x + 1/2x[(x/3) * 8 *(x/3)] = -8x + 4/9x3 kN.m for 0 < x < 3

V(x) = -8 +12 =+4KN For 3<x<6,

M(x) = -8x + 12(x-2) = 4x - 24kN.m For 3<x<6,


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Problem 8: Bending Moment and shear force

A parabolic beam is subjected to a 10kN force as shown above. Find axial force, shear

force and bending moment at a section, as shown above.

Solution :

We first find the equation of the beam and the point where section is cut. With origin at A,

equation of the parabola can be written as

y = kx(4 − x).It remains to findk.

wrt y = 4 when x = 2 ⇒ k = 1
so y = x(4 − x).
dy 1
slope, y ' = = 4 − 2x = tan30 =
dx 3

(4 3 +1 )
2 3

Now, we only have to resolve the force at the section along the normal and tangential

directions. But before that, we first have to find the support reactions.

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∑ Fx = 0 ⇒ R Ax = 0
∑ M A = 0 ⇒ 10 × 2 = R By × 4 R By = 5kN.
By symmetry (since RAX = 0), R Ay = 5kN [or R Ay = 10 − R By ]

We now draw the free body diagram of the cut body

We now resolve the 5kN force

Shear force = 5cos30 = 5 = 4.33 kN.
Axial force = −5cos30 = −2.50 kN(compression)
(4 3 +1 ) = M = 11.44 kNm
∑ Mc = 0 ⇒ 5 × 2 3

The Reader can repeat the exercise for a general angle θ and check where each of

quantities reaches their zeros and maxima.


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Problem 9: Bending Moment and Shear force

A constant load of ω0 per unit length is applied on a simply supported beam as shown

below. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram by

a. Method of sections

b. Integration method


Formulas used:

dv dm
=q = V.
dx dx

We first find the support reactions which are necessary for both the methods.

∑ Fx = 0 ⇒ R Ax = 0
ω0 L
By symmetry, R Ay = R By =

a. Method of section

We cut a section at a distance 'x' from left and of the beam.

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ω0 L
∑ Fy = 0 ⇒ V = 2
− ω0 x

ω L x x
∑ M c = 0 ⇒M = 20 × x − ω0 × x × 2 = ω0 2 ( L − x )
b. Method of Integration

= q.
Here, q = −ω0
⇒ = −ω0
Integrating V = −ω0 x + C1
ω0 L
wkt V at x = 0is . Putting x = 0in above equation,
ω L
We get C1 = 0
V= ( L − 2x )
dm ω
= V = 0 ( L − 2x )
dx 2
M = 0 Lx − x 2 + C2
wkt, for a simply supported beam, bending moment is zero at the two ends.

M = 0 at x = 0 ⇒ C2 = 0

( ) ω x
Lx − x 2 = 0 ( L − x )

We see that the expression for shear force and bending moment is the same using the two

methods. It only remains to plot them.

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Points to ponder:

The relation = V can be construed from two diagrams as below.

As shear force decreases (with increasing x), the slope of the bending moment diagram

also decreases.

Further the bending moment is maximum when its derivative, the shear force is zero.


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Problem 10: Bending Moment and Shear force

A beam with a hinge is loaded as above. Draw the shear force and bending moment



Concept: A hinge can transfer axial force and shear force but not bending moment. So,

bending moment at the hinge location is zero.

Also, without the hinge, the system is statically indeterminate (to a degree 1). The hinge

imposes an extra condition thus rendering the system determinate.

We first find the support reactions.

∑ Fx = 0 ⇒ R Ax = 0.
M B = 0 ⇒ R Ay × 2 = 0 ⇒ R Ay = 0 [ Bending moment at hinge = 0]

∑ M D = 0 ⇒ 10 × 5 + 5 × 4 × 2 = R cy × 4
R cy = 22.5kN
R Dy = 10 + 5 × 4 − 22.5 = 7.5kN

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Shear force Diagram

The shear force remains zero till the 10kN load is reached. It is then constant and equal to

-10 kN till it reaches the point C where it jumps up by the value of Rcy. From C to D it

decreases linearly at 5kN/m. From above considerations, the shear force diagram is as


Bending moment diagram:

Let us draw the bending moment diagram from the shear force diagram, keeping in mind

the fact that the slope of bending moment diagram at any point must be equal to the shear

at that point. Further, we know that the bending moment is zero at end supports.

The bending moment remains zero till the 10kN force, as shear is zero. It then decreases

linearly at 10 kNm/m up to the point C. From the point C, it is parabolic till it finally reaches

zero at the right support D. Further, it reaches a maximum where shear is zero, keeping

these in mind, the BM diagram is as below.

M max = 7.5 × 1.5 − 5 × 1.5 × = 5.625 kNm

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Problem 11: Beams of Composite Cross section

The composite beam shown in figure is made up of two materials. A top wooden portion

and a bottom steel portion. The dimensions are as shown in the figure. Take young’s

modulus of steel as 210 GPa and that wood as 15 GPa. The beam is subjected to a

bending moment of 40 kNm about the horizontal axis. Calculate the maximum stress

experienced by two sections.


The solution procedure involves hiding an equivalent dimension for one of the materials

keeping the other as reference.

Let us take, Reference Material as steel.

Ratio of modulii,

E wood 15
r= = = .00714
Esteel 210
= 7.14 × 10-2

The equivalent section is as shown in following Figure.

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The equivalent thickness of wood sections, h

= 120 × r

= 120 × 7.14 × 10-2

= 8.568 mm

Distance of the neutral axis from the bottom of the beam,

(120 × 10 ) × 5 + ( 200 × 8.568 ) × (100 + 10 )

(120 × 10 ) + ( 200 × 8.568)
= 66.75 mm

bi di3
∑ 12 + Ai yi
Moment of Inertia I =

8.568 × ( 200 ) (120 ) × (10 )3

+ ( 8.568 × 200 ) × ( 43.25 ) + + (120 ) × (10 ) × ( 61.75)
2 2
12 12
= 13.5 × 10 mm 6 4

Stresses in beams

( σsteel )max =
40 × 103 × 66.75 × 10-3
( )
13.5 × 106 × 10-3
= 197.78 MPa
( σwood )max = ( σsteel )max × r
= 14.12 MPa

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Deflection of beams


Deflection of Beams (Solution Method by Direct Integration)

Moment - Area Method for finding Beam Deflections

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The axis of a beam deflects from its initial position under action of applied forces. Accurate

values for these beam deflections are sought in many practical cases: elements of

machines must be sufficiently rigid to prevent misalignment and to maintain dimensional

accuracy under load; in buildings, floor beams cannot deflect excessively to avoid the

undesirable psychological effect of flexible floors on occupants and to minimize or prevent

distress in brittle-finish materials; likewise, information on deformation characteristics of

members is essential in the study of vibrations of machines as well as of stationary and

flight structures.


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Deflection of Beams

(Solution Method by Direct Integration)

From Analytic geometry, Curvature of a line,

d2 y

= dx 2
R ⎧ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎫3 / 2
⎪ d y ⎪
⎨1 + ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ ⎬
⎩⎪ ⎝ dx ⎠ ⎭⎪

where x and y are co-ordinates of a point on the curve.

For small deflections,

d2 y
dx 2

Since, σ x = − My / EI

and k = −ε / y, and ε = σ x / E

k = M / EI

d2 y
∴ M = EI
dx 2

where M = My


d2 y
EI = M(x)
dx 2

Since, V =

d3 y
EI = V(x)
dx 3

Since, w =

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d4 y
EI = w (x)
dx 4

Boundary Conditions
Refer figure 5.2.7(a) – (d)

(a) Clamped Support:

y(x1) = 0; y'(x1)=0;

(b) Roller or Pinned Support:

y(x1) = 0; M (x1)=0;

(c) Free end:

M (x1) = 0; V(x1) = 0;

(d) Guided Support:

y'(x1) = 0; V (x1)=0;

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Question: A Cantilever beam is subjected to a bending moment M at the force end. Take

flexural rigidity to be constant and equal to EI. Find the equation of the elastic curve.

d2 y
EI = Ma
dx 2


EI dy/dx = Max + C1

at x = 0; dy/dx = 0

which gives C1 = 0

Integrating again,

Ma x 2
EIy = + C2

y = 0; at x = 0 gives

C2 = 0

Ma x 2
∴ y=

which is the equation to the elastic curve.


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Moment - Area Method for finding Beam Deflections

This method is used generally to obtain displacement and rotation at a single point on a


This method makes use of the Moment - Area theorems given below.

Moment - Area Theorems

Refer above Figure

M d2 y
EI dx 2

M d ⎛ dy ⎞
= ⎜ ⎟
EI dx ⎝ dx ⎠

Let dy/dx = θ

M dθ
EI dx

∫ dθ = ∫ EI dx
Referring to figure down
∴ θQ/P = θQ − θP = ∫ EI dx
This is the first moment area theorem, Where P and Q are any two sections on the beam.

ie change in angle measured in radians between any two point P and Q on the elastic

curve is equal to the M/EI area bounded by the ordinates through P and Q.

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Referring to Figure, considering an element of the Elastic Curve,

dh = x . dθ
∴ h Q/P = ∫ dh
= ∫ xdθ
= ∫ EI x dx

This is the second moment Area theorem.

If x P is the distance of centroid of the bending moment diagram between P and Q from P,

(Refer Figure)


h P / Q = Ax P
h Q /P = Ax Q

Here h P / Q is called the tangent deviation of the point P from a tangent at Q.

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where A is the area of the BM diagram between P and Q. x p and x Q are as shown in


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Problem 1: Calculating deflection by integration – uniform load

Problem 2: Calculating deflection by integration - triangular load pattern

Problem 3: Deflections - by differential equations, concentrated load

Problem 4: Deflections by Moment area method – Concentrated load

Problem 5: Deflections by Moment area method – Concentrated load

Problem 6: Moment Area Method - udl

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Problem 1: Calculating deflection by integration – uniform load

A simply supported prismatic beam AB carries a uniformly distributed load of intensity w

over its span L as shown in figure. Develop the equation of the elastic line and find the

maximum deflection δ at the middle of the span.


Concepts involved:

Beam defection formula

Formulae used:

d2y/dx2 = M/EI


Taking coordinate axes x and y as shown, we have for the bending moment at any point x.

Mx = wLx/2 - wx2/2

And deflection equation becomes

EI d2y/dx2 = wLx/2 - wx2/2.

Multiplying both sides by dx and integrating, we obtain

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EI dy/dx = wLx2/4 - wx3/6 + C1, ------------------ Equation 1

Where C1 is an integration constant. To evaluate this constant, we note from symmetry

that when x = L/2, dy/dx = 0. From this condition, we find

C1 - wL3/24

And equation 1 becomes

EI dy/dx = -wLx2/4 + wx3/6 - wL3/24 ------------------ Equation 2

Again multiplying both sides by dx and integrating,

EIy = wLx3/12 - wx4/24 - wL3x/24 + C2

The integration constant C2 is found from the condition that y = 0 when x = 0.

Thus C2 = 0 and the required equation for the elastic line becomes

y = -wx / 24EI (L3 -2Lx2 + x3)

To find the maximum deflection at mid- span, we set x = L/2 in the equation and obtain

| δ | = 5wL4/384EI

The maximum slope θ A at the left end of the beam can be found by setting x = 0 in the

equation 2, which gives

⎛ dy ⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎝ dx ⎠ x = 0

=> θ A = wL3/24EI.


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Problem 2 : Calculating deflection by integration - triangular load pattern

A simply supported beam AB carries a triangularly distributed load as shown in the fig.

Find the equation of the deflection curve referred to the coordinate axes x and y as shown.

Also determine the maximum deflection d .



In this case we begin directly with deflection equation. We have,

EI d4y/dx4 = - wx/L

Separating variables and integrating twice, we obtain

EIy d2y/dx2 = -wx3/6L + C1 x + C2 ------------------------1

Again, separating variables and performing two more integrations, we obtain

EIy = -wx5/120L + C1 x3/6 + C2 x2/2 + C3 x + C4 ------------2

To find the four constants of integration, we now note that the bending moment,

represented by equation 1, and the deflection, represented by equation 2, both vanish

when x = 0 and when x =L. From these four boundary conditions, we find

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C1 = wL/6, C2 = 0, C3 = -7wL3/360, C4 = 0

Substituting these values back into eq.2 and rearranging terms, we obtain

Y - (wx/360LEI) (7L4 – 10L2x2 + 3x4)

To find the maximum deflection d, we first set dy/dx = 0 and find x = 0.519l. Then using

this value of x in the expression for y, the maximum deflection becomes

δmax = | d max | = ymax = 0.00652 wL4/EI

Setting x = L in eq.2, we obtain, the deflection,

δ = | d | = PL3/3EI


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Problem 3 : Deflections - by differential equations, concentrated load

A simply supported prismatic beam AB carries a concentrated load P as shown in the

figure. Locate the point of maximum deflection on the elastic line and find the value of this




we have for 0 < x < a,

⎛ Pa ⎞
Mx = ⎜ ⎟
⎝ L ⎠x

While for a < x < L,

Mx = (x - a).

Substituting these expressions for bending moment into deflection equation, we obtain for

the two portions of the deflection curve, the following two differential equations

EI d2y/dx2 = (Pax/ L) for 0 ≤ x ≤ a

EI d2y/dx2 = ( -Pa/L) (L-x) for a ≤ x ≤ L

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Successive integration of these equations gives

EI dy/dx = Pax2/2L + C1 ----------------------------- (l) (for 0 ≤ x ≤ a)

EIy = Pax3/6L + C1x + C2 --------------------------- (m) (for 0 ≤ x ≤ a)

EI dy/dx = Pax - Pax2/2L +D1 ----------------------------- (n) (for a ≤ x ≤ L)

EIy = Pax2/2 - Pax3/6L + D1x +D2------------------------ (o) (for a ≤ x ≤ L)

Where C1, C2, D1, D2, are constants of integration. To find these four constants, we have

the following conditions:

1. At x = 0 , y = 0
2. At x = L , y = 0
⎛ dy ⎞
3. ⎜ ⎟ is the same from equations (l) and (n)
⎝ dx ⎠ x = a
4. ( y )x = a is the same from equations (m) and (o)

Using these we get, C1 = Pb/6L (L2 – b2), C2 = 0, D1 = Pa/6L (2L2 + a2), D2 = Pa3/6EI

Using the constants as determined eqs. (m) and (o) defining the two portions of the elastic

line of the beam become

EIy = - ⎜
⎝ 6L ⎠
⎛ Pbx ⎞ 2 2 2
⎟ L - b - x -------------------------------------(p)

⎛ Pb ⎞ ⎡
⎟ ⎣( L/b ) (x-a) + (L - b ) x - x ⎤⎦ --------------------------(q)
3 2 2 3
EIy = ⎜
⎝ 6L ⎠

For a > b, the maximum deflection will occur in the left portion of the span, to which eq.(p)

applies. Setting the derivative of this expression equal to zero gives

x = a ( a + 2b ) /3 = ( L - b )( L + b ) / 3
= ( L2 - b2 / 3)
Which defines the abscissa of the point having a horizontal tangent and hence the point of

maximum deflection. Substituting this value of x into eq.(p), we find

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( )
3/ 2
Pb L2 - b 2
y max =
9 3EIL


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Problem 4: Deflections by Moment area method – Concentrated load

Determine the deflection δ and the slope θ at the free end A of the cantilever beam AB

loaded as shown in the figure.



The bending moment diagram is shown in figure. Since the tangent to the elastic line at B

coincides with the undeflected axis of the beam, the required deflection d will be the

deflection of A from the tangent at B. Thus using Theorem 2 we have

⎛1 ⎞ ⎛ 2L ⎞
d = ⎜ ∗ PL ∗ L ⎟ ∗ ⎜ ⎟ /EI
⎝2 ⎠ ⎝ 3 ⎠

= PL3/3EI --------------- (1)

Likewise, the slope at A is the angle between tangents at A and at B and from Theorem 1,

we have

⎧1 ⎫
q = ⎨ ∗ PL ∗ L ⎬ / EI
⎩2 ⎭

= PL2/2EI ----------(2)

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Problem 5: Deflections by Moment area method – Concentrated load

A simply supported beam AB carries a concentrated load P at point D as shown in figure.

Find the deflection d of point D from the cord line and the tangent at A.



The bending moment diagram is shown in following figure. The area of this diagram is

Pab/2L and the distance of its centroid C from B is 1/3(L +b) as shown. Taking the statical

moment of this area with respect to point B, we obtain the deflection B'B of B away from

the tangent at A. thus

Pab ⎛ L + b ⎞
B'B = ⎜ ⎟
2EI ⎝ 3 ⎠

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Then noting from the figure that θA = B'B /l, we have

θA = (L + b) ------------------------------------- (1)

We see also from the figure that the required deflection of point D from the cord line AB is

δ = (a * θ A) - d' -------------------------------------(2)

Where d' is the deflection of D away from the tangent at A. This deflection d' can be found

by using theorem 2 for the portion A1D1 of the bending moment diagram. The area of this

is Pa2b/2L and its centroid is at the distance a/3 to the left of D. Thus

d' = (Pa2b/2LEI) *a/3 ------------------------------------(3)

Substitutions of expressions (3) and (1) into eq.(2) gives

Pa 2 b Pa 3 b Pa 2 b 2
δ= (L + b) − = ------------------------------------ (4)


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Strength of Materials Prof. M. S. Sivakumar

Problem 6: Moment Area Method - udl

A prismatic cantilever beam AB carries a uniformly distributed load over the portion b of its

length as shown in the figure. Find the deflection δ of the free end A



The bending moment diagram is shown in the figure. Its area wb3/6 from the position of its

centroid C are found by reference to the figure. Now from the second theorem the

deflection will be obtained by dividing by EI the static moment of this area with respect to

point A1. Thus

wb3 ⎧ 3b ⎫
δ= × ⎨a + ⎬
6EI ⎩ 4⎭


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Shear Stresses in Beams

Shear force is related to change in bending moment between adjacent sections.


As shown in figure, consider a cut-out section from a beam.

At section 1 {Area PADS}

−M1 y −M1 M1Q

F1 = ∫ I
dA =
I ∫ y dA = I
A1 A1

where y is the distance of any fiber from the neutral axis.

Q= ∫ y.dA - First moment of area about the neutral axis F2 =

if M 2 = M1 + dM and F2 = F1 + dF

then dF = Q

dF dM Q
Force per unit length, =
dx dx I

This force per unit length is termed as the shear flow, q

Substituting for = V;

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Here I is the moment of Inertia of the entire cross-sectional area around the neutral axis.

Shear Stress Formula for Beams

The shear stress formula is obtained by modifying the shear flow formula.

dF dM Q
dx dx I

Shear Stress,

1 dF
t dx
= (Refer figure)

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Problem 1: Derivation of Shear stress in rectangular crosssection

Problem 2: Computation of Shear stresses

Problem 3: Computation of Shear stresses

Problem 4: Computation of Shear stresses

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Problem 1: Derivation of Shear stress in rectangular crosssection

Derive an expression for the shear stress distribution in a beam of solid rectangular cross-

section transmitting a vertical shear V.

The cross sectional area of the beam is shown in the figure. A longitudinal cut through the

beam at a distance y1, from the neutral axis, isolates area klmn. (A1).

Shear stress,

It ∫
= y.dA
Ib ∫ by dy
= ⎢

( d / 2 )2 − ( y1 )2 ⎤⎥⎦ ---------------------- (1)

The Shear Stress distribution is as shown below

Max Shear Stress occurs at the neutral axis and this can be found by putting y = 0 in the

equation 1.

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Vd 2
τmax =
3 V
2 bh


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Problem 2: Computation of Shear stresses

A vertical shear force of 1KN acts on the cross section shown below. Find the shear at the

interface (per unit length)


Formula used: q = VQ/I

We first find the distance of the neutral axis from the top fiber.

All dimensions in mm

20 × 100 × 10 + 20 × 100 × 70
y NA = = 40mm
20 × 100 + 20 × 100

Q = ∫ ydA of shaded area about neutral axis.

Q = 20 x 100 x 30 = 6 x 104

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V = 1KN

20 × 1003 2 100 × 20
I= + 20 × 100 × 30 + + 100 × 20 × 302
12 12
= 5.33 × 106
VQ 103 × 6 × 104 × φ(10−3 )3 N
q= = = 1.125 × 104
( )
I 4 m
5.33 × 106 × 10−3
= 11.25


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Problem 3: Computation of Shear stresses

A 6m long beam with a 50 mm × 50 mm cross section is subjected to uniform loading of

5KN/m. Find the max shear stress in the beam


τmax =

We first find the section of maximum shear force. We know this is at the supports and is

equal to

5× 6
= 15KN

We also know that max.shear stress occurs at the centre (for a rectangular cross section)

and is 1.5 times the average stress.

3 × 15 × 103
So, τmax = = 9 Mpa
2 × 50 × 50 × 10−6


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Problem 4: Computation of Shear stresses

The cross section of an I beam is shown below. Find the max.shear stress in the flange if it

transmits a vertical shear of 2KN.


Formula used: τ=

V = 2KN
10 × 1003 ⎛ 100 × 103 ⎞
I= +⎜ + 100 × 10 × 552 ⎟ × 2 = 6.9 × 106 mm 4
12 ⎜ 12 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

Q is maximum at the midpoint as shown below

Q = 50 × 10 × 55

( )
2 × 103 × 50 × 10 × 55 × 10−3
τmax = = 0.79 MPa
( 6.9 × 10 )(10 )
6 −3 4
× 10 × 10 −3

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