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1800 Buhach Road & P. O. Box 753

Atwater, CA 95301

(209) 357-6600 Office

(209) 357-6602 Fax


December 21, 2017

To Whom It May Concern:

I have had the pleasure of having Edgar Mercado in my AP Computer Science Principles and AP
“Teaching and Computer Science A class his junior and senior year in high school and found him to be dedicated
Reaching and focused in regards to his academic goals. He has demonstrated that he can solve, interpret
All Students” and create complex algorithms needed for his computer science projects. His ability to quickly
understand difficult programming concepts have made Edgar a great addition to a class that re-
quires planning, team work and dedication. Some words that easily come to mind when thinking
Steve Hobbs of him are motivated, respectful, and intelligent.

Edgar has kept a busy academic schedule having taken classes that will help him in the pursuit of
Associate Principals
Marcus Knott a career in Engineering. This is seen by his quick progress through classes such as AP Chemis-
Belinda Mountjoy try, AP English Language Composition, and AP Calculus. He has also extended beyond his aca-
Rita Schroeder demic goals to participate as vice president of our Engineering Club, a member of our Debate
Butch Seifert
team, and our Model United Nations club. His involvement in these clubs while still maintain a 4.5
g.p.a. highlight his ability to balance rigorous courses with extracurricular activities . Community
School Psychologist
Donna Hoffart service as part of our local middle schools as a camp counselor also demonstrate the work ethic
that is needed to succeed in pursuit of a college level education.

School Resource
Many students posses all of these qualities I have just mentioned. Edgar stands apart from many
Matt Haywood of the ones I have had because of his approachableness and mildness when interacting with other
students less proficient in our class. His ability to enage and guide his peers through some chal-
Athletic Director lenging concepts is something that I rarely see in students that posses the kind of drive Edgar has.
Scott Wine His willingness to take his time to assist them and explain the steps is something I wish I saw more
of. He will be a fantastic team member which is one of the greatest qualities in engineering pro-
Activities Director jects. I highly recommend Edgar to any program that values hard work, great time management,
Katie Koehn and determination.

Home of the Sincerely,

Jorge Sanchez Alejandre

Mathematics/Computer Science Teacher

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