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USN lzM.

Second Semester MBA Degre" n*ffi 20L5
Business, Gove rnm e nt a nd
Time: 3 hrs. Ir4ax. Marks.S
Note: 1.Azsp er any THREE full questions from Q.No.l ta Q.No.6. .-r-Y
2.Q.No.7 and Q.No.8 are compulsory.
I a. What is meant by environmental analysis? ($ ir, ,**,
O. b. Explain significance and importance of corporate govemance. (1 - (07 Marks)

c. List and explain different types of public policy. (10 Marks)
2 a. Define corporate govemanc ()V^$- (03 Marks)

b. Narrate historical forces changing the business environment. fiJ (07 Marks)
(ll= c. Explain issues in corporate govenunce. (10 Morks)
vU ,^.(J-
C(l (J

=\n 3 a. What is liberal and conservative policies? 1-fo,' 7 (03 Marks)

b. Explain the effect of industrial pollution. \rJ;/ (07 Marks)
.= 6l
(dlf, c. Explain seven key environments
rv uuuru'urs of business.
,.1 ousmess. . (} (10 Marks)
o)tr tr!?1
,.c o 4 a. What is meant by ethical convergence. -\J (03 Marks)
oB b. Explain various types of corporate so "ial.rd ibility. (07 Marks)
E2 c. What are different types of negotia@ffiruments. (10 Marks)
cA= /"':"--*
J a. yv ral ls
What is mealrr
meant by industriA poturlDn I
oy rnousural poqrtl;riflt (03 Morks)
b. Explain different classificaffiEf public policy.
Gld c. Explainneeds of businesgrslcs. [[ffi[i
o r\'

E(B 6 a. What is meant by Q$Y (03 Mrrks)

}B b. Explain the imp$filce business ethics. (07 Marks)
c. Explain
tro. fx\ elements of valid contract.
' the. egq5:htfal (10 Mrrks)

;6 7 a. Excel f-4frttvucts fE from it's employees every month but Gs not provide yearly
b'E stateAtffio its employees. What are the grounds on which an employee can charge the
cn iE tlrttEment? (05 Marks)
b.dp'parents of X and Y decided 18 years back that on attaining majority as per law, the 2
>, (lr would enter in to a matrimonial alliance. The parents forced their children on
trb0 6)ftmilies
'o)= r,\ ' normal grounds of contract for marriage, but the children did not asceed to their parents
=9 t'
-q c.
demand. What are the grounds on which the children can abstain from marriage? 1os uar*s;
,(h. Mr. Joseph has been appointed as officer on special duty @ VISL Bhadravth]. He finds that
9 .i(
!- the iron ore brought ooi to ttre factory is *aslied in Bhadra river and pollutants let out. You
f.l are required to suggest measures on environmental concern. (05 Marks)
d. Mr. Rajdeep, a doctor appointed by Govt. of Karnataka do work in Govt. hospital @
z Gajanur Dam-shimoga was involved in unethical practices. As a citizenwhat do you expect
r$ ethical in his service? (05 Marks)
Case study
Maruthi Udyog Ltd

MUL was the largest car manufacturer in India with a market share of over 52Vo. It was a
joint sector corporation setup by the government of India and Suzuki motor copo{atip ,
Japan. MUL was incorporated in 1981 to take over the assets of erstwhile MUL peffi in
June 1971 and wound up by a high court order in 1978. The assets of MUL *ffi"then
acquired by the Government under MUL acquisition and transfer of undertuklqg ffit 1980.
In 1982, the Government signed a joint venture agreement with Suzuki € d". Suzuki
state increased from 267o to 407o in 1987, and to 50.25%o in 1992. ffihfldompany was
significant exporter with exports to over 50 countries. &r**f
As the Indian automobile market moved from monopoly to free cpffitition, market share
comparisons from the old era seemed to have lost relevancp._F[re alarm over MUL's
declining market share somehow did not seem fully justifieQryffits hay day, huge waiting'
list for its products ensured that Maruti's market share waqdi#etly hnked to the supply side
of the equation. In other words, if MUL has an 80Vo sffi-6f the market, that was also its
share of the total industry capacity. But the late 19?k!, tlfings changed radically with over
12 car manufactures having a percentage share in th&hffi industry of the country, with a total
capacity of about 1250000 cars of which Mtffi&qroduced about 400000t337o). Jagadish
Kattar, MD MUL commented that, if we h,pyftmdhtcet share of 50Vo out of capacity that is
337o [of the industry], are we doing badly&#irere as others who has a capacity of SOOO0O
MUL was still the leader in early 200L It still has
plays rightly.

a. What is the effect of free co n on MUL and explain, is it possible for MUL to rule
the market like earlier. (10 Marks)
b. Explain MUL from ttre pffittive of BGS.
(10 Marks)

&.& d\*
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"q! qhP

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do,k.F 2 of 2
-ffii &*-d


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#4. \.
h'&*d S

Second Semester MBA Degree Bxahfr*Sffkfr, June/July 2O1r5
Human Resource Management
Time:3 hrs. Max. Marks:Xb

sECrIoN - A CiY
Note : Answerany FO(JR questionsfrom Q.No.lra O.Na.ZO.\V

(B I-'
2 What you mean by Job Analysis? ^!} (03 tvrarks)

-* ll 3 Define Recruitment.
,^)l/ (o3Marks)
.= c.l
4 Discuss Training need Analysis. .^P- (o3Marks)
-c c)
5 What is 3600 form of performance appraisal? tY
"q (03Marks)
0()2 @
6 What is statutory provisions in Employee welfare?.
$ r
(03 Marks)
7 what you mean by collective bargaining?
SU" (03 Marks)

crl d
Gl Ft
Note : Answer any W{,ffi questions frotn Q.No.I to QNo.7.
-bB Discuss the major functions of H&lY-4*
* (07 Marks)
5s *,*"ir.,,-b
Explain the objectives anO sffi HRM. (07 Marks)
oj *
diO Explain the selection p,Ig;g-e model. (07 Marks)
tr .i-
(€= Which are the off,q ffiY1"U training merhods? (07 Marks)
6.Y ,r't#
>a q<
Discuss the rpffiffi methods of performance appraisals. (07 Marks)
€.) o a+"i1;o;,+

= What grievance procedure? Give suitable examples. (07 Marks)
o< wh'i& are the various approaches to employee discipline measures? (07 Marks)
z Note : Answer any FOaR questions from Q.No.I to Q.No.7.
Discuss the line manager of HR and staff relationship with a chart. (10 Marks)

Describe Human Resource Management planning process with examples. (10 Marks)

What is Management Development and Succession planning practices? (10 Marks)

What are the factors affecting Recruitment? (10 Marks)

What are the challenges of HR Manager? (10 Marks)


Discuss the process of Internal mobility. (10 Marks)

Explain different career stages of employees. (10 Marks)


CASE STUDY - [ Compulsory ]
Sujoy Industries Ltd was about to install a new incentive plan for the operative.$ioiltforce in
all its plants. The new plan was designed to enable high producing workers t6,eam 20 to 25
percent more in weekly earnings. The rationale of the new plan was state .{,.,Q;r the Executive
Director of the company in the following words ' ,,,
We are installing the plan to discourage the workers from socializing-*{$iuch. Their output is
satisfactory now, but if they would give all of their attention to the WoJk trtld stop talking to each
other about other things, tirey could produce a lot more. I know$ffiryork is not too difficult,
anyone can learn one of these jobs in a few days. But we gqetf*more commitment to high
performance' ryy "if
Questions : 4#
a) Analyse the Company's productivity probkrtfrffibm the viewpoint of modern organization
theory and practices. Explain. 'h# (05 Marks)
b) Do you believe the president has t$ten"'modern methods of management of employees,
explain. @#
&. & (05 Marks)
c) Which theory of motivation is qfplietble to this case? (05 Marks)
d) Do you think socialization iqrMssary for the organization? Support your answer with
example #-- (05 Marks)

*"q tt.d




J- $u,t YlbA

USN tzniI.BL22

Second Semester MBA Degree Examination, June/July 2A15

Qua ntitative Methods - Il
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: 7. Answer any THREE fuU questions from Q.No.l to 6.
2. Q.No.7 and 8 are compulsory.
6 1 a. State the characteristics of operation research. (03 Marks)
= b. Briefly describe modeling process in OR. (07 Marks)
a c. Solve the LP problem by using graphical method:
Minimize Z=20x1 * 10x2
ii Subject to xr * 2xz < 40
3e 3x1+x2>30
4x1 + 3xz> 60
7 r, x1, X2 ) Q (10 Marks)
,= a{ 2a. What are the three components of LP model? (03 Marks)
b. An investor is considering three options i) To open a small retail shop; ii) Open a
-CO supermarket or iii) Not to open any shop at all. The market for the product the investor
plans to sell can be good, average or bad. The probabilities of these three possibilities are 0.3
(.,t 2 for good market, 0.5 for an average market and 0.2 for a bad market. The pay offs (net profit
or loss) for the three options are given as below. What do you recommend to the investor?

(07 Marks)
(i0 State of Nature
aoa Decision alternatives Good market Average market Bad market
>- o
1. Small retail shop 60,000 25,000 -40,000
Cl- 2. Superr,narket 90,000 35,000 -50,000
:) 3. No shop 0 0 0
5ts c. Solve the transportation problem given below:
aX Ware Houses
o Plants W1 Wz W3 W+ Supply
il= Pr 6 2 6 t2 120
q"E Pz 4 4 2 4 200
ti C) P: 13 8 7 2 80
>) (F Demand 50 80 90 180 400
ca0 (10 Marks)
a. State the assumptions of job sequencing model. (03 Marks)

U< b. Solve the following assignment problem: (07 Marks)

c) Mr Mz M:
z Jr 9 t2 15
Jz 8 10 t7
o t4
J: 9 11

l of 3
c. Solve the following game using graphical method:
Br Bz
Ar -6 7
A2 4 -5
A3 -1 -2
A4 -2 5
As 7 -6
(10 Marks)

a. What do you mean by simulation? (03 Marks)

b. Briefly explain general structure of queuing system and give two examples of queuing
situation. (07 Marks)
c. The arrivals at an ATM booth are assumed to be exponentially distributed. The arrival rate is
4 per hour and service rate is 12 per hour. Determine:
i) Average number of customers in the system.
ii) Average time a customer spends in the system.
iii) Average queue length.
iv) Average waiting time of a customer before being served. (10 Marks)

a. Define terms:
i) Pure strategy
ii) Optimal strategy
iii) Mixed strategy. (03 Marks)
b. Distinguish between CPM and PERT technique. (07 Marks)
c. Five jobs have to be processed through 3 machines Mr, Mz and M: in the order
Ml + Mz + M:. The time taken to process the jobs are given below. Determine the
minimum total elapsed tirne and total idle time on each machine. (10 Marks)

Jobs M1 Mz M3
Jr 9 6 5
lz 10 7 10
J: 7 4 8
Jq 8 3 7
Js t2 5 6

a. What do you mean by degeneracy? (03 Marks)

b. Draw a network diagram for the given activities below and determine critical path. (07 Nlarks)

Activity A B C D E F G H I J
Immediate predecessor activity A A A B C C E,F D,G H. I
Duration t2 8 4 J t2 18 5 4 9 6

c. HPM Co. maintain a stock of 100 Iitre geysers that it sells to house holds and installs them.
The marketing manager examines the sales of geysers over past 50 weeks and observe the

Geyser sales/week Number of weeks
4 6
5 5
6 9
7 r2
8 8
9 7
10 3
50 weeks

(Random numbers: 10, 24,03,32,23,, 59,,95,34,34, 5l).

If a co. maintains a constant supply of 8 geysers in any given week. How many times it will
be out of stock during 10 weeks simulated period and what is the average number of sales
per week? (10 Marks)

a. "Assignment model is a particular case of transportation model" explain in brief. (05 Marks)
b. Give five applications of operation research in real life situations. (0S Marks)
c. In a factory there are six jobs to perform each of which would go through two m/c A and B.
In the order AB. The processing times (in hours) for the jobs are given below. You are
required to determine the optimal sequence for perfming jobs and minimum total elapsed
(05 Marks)
Job 1 2 J 4 5 6
M/c A 7 4 2 5 9 8
M/c ts J 8 6 6 4 1

d. If A's strategy is (1 12, ll2) and value of game is 512. Find the value of 'q and probability

of B from the following game. [3 ql (05 Nlarks)

l2 6_l

Obtain the dual of the LPP given below:

Maximize Z = 8xr * lZxz* 6x3
Subject to X1 - x: < 5
Xr * Xz*\>2
3x1 + 2xz-xz=7
Xl, X2, X: > 0. (10 Marks)
b. The time estimation (in weeks) for the activities of a PERT network are given below.
Activity tm to tD

l -2 1 I 1
1-3 4 I 7
t-4 2 2 8
2-5 1 1 1

3-5 5 2 t4
4-6 5 2 8
5-6 6 3 15
i) Draw the network and determine critical path.
ii) what is the probability that rhe projecr will be completed at least 4 week earlier than
expectedtime? (For Z--1.33 P= 0.0918). (10 Marks)

3 of

IISN[Mru I4MtsA23

Second Semester MBA Degree Examination, June/July 201 5

Research Methods
';) J'irne: 3 hrs. M ax. M arks: 1 00

sECTrOf- A
It{ote : Answer any FOL.R questions from Q.No.l to Q.No.7.
!,9 I Mention any three objective of research. (03 Marks)

2 Define longitudinal research. (03 NIarks)

3 What is Snow - ball sampling? (03 Marks)

6 ?t'
4 What is a leading question? (03 Marks)
-q ,i)
5 Define editing and coding. (03 Marks)

6 What are the errors in hypothesis testings? (03 Marks),
7. 'a
a.3 7 What is TAT? (03 Nlarks)

5f) C
-i l\ttote : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.I to Q.No.7.

1 Explain the criteria of a good research (07 Marks)


2 Htlw does expioratory research differ from descriptive research? (07 Nltarks)

-_i- o 3 E,xplain the different types of projective techniques used in qualitative research.
i l::
(07 Marks)

i- ,-)
4 Distinguish between cluster and stratified sampling. (07 Marks)

5 Explain the procedure of hypothesis testing. (07 Marks)


6 Explain the 'observation method of collecting primary data. (07 Marks)
:- c'l
7 Discuss the various non probability sampling methods. (07 Marks)
SECTION !b ,l{}

Note : Answer any FouR questions from Q.No.I to e.No.7.
I Describe the steps in research process with the help of a flow chart. (10 Marks)

2 Explain the various experimental designs, with suitable example. (10 Marks)

3 Discuss the non - sampling error that can affect a field research. (10 Marks)

4 Describe the four primary scales of measurement employed in business research. (10 ['Iarks)

I of 2

Discuss the steps in processing survey data for analysis. (10 Marks)

Describe the components of a written research report. (10 Marks)

Explain the circumstances when the following param_etric and non parametric tests are relevant:
a) Z, - test b) T - test c) F - test d) X2 - test. (10 Marks)

CASE STUDY - [ Compulsory ]

A company is engaged in the manufacture of certain leather consunler products. The proclucts
are shoes, ladies leather hand bags, purces and belts. The company accounted for ahout lToh of
the market share in shoes, which is its main product.
Since last year, the coqpany has been facing stiff competition from another finn which has
come up recently in the city. This is reflected in the declining monthly sales. The company is
cotlcemed over this development and w'ould like to regain its hold over the shoe nrarket. At a
recent meeting of the board of directors, a decision was taken in favor of a s.vstematic study by
an outside expert agency.
As a rnarketing consultant for the expert agency, how would you ansrver the fbllorving
questions :

a) Write the research objective for the given problem. (05 Marks)
b) What kind of research approach would you adopt and why? (05 Marks)
c) Which method of data collection would you select any why? (05 N{arks)
d) Briefly explain the sampling designs you would adopt for the study. (05 Marks)

2 of 2

Second Semester MBA Degree Examination, June/July 2015

Marketing Management
Time: 3 hrs. Max' rvrarksirdp
Q6' t
'E N ote: 7. Answer any THREEfutt questionsfrom Ql to .-6
2. v.3En..vr.
Question Q Y t7 ut,u Qs u''
and Yv compulsory.
are ev"I""v'J' ' t
E z-v
{ f- a. Explain 'Hierarchy of effects' model. }{J "s. . (03 Marks)
E b. How societal forces have created new challenges - and opportunit[e$r'organizations and
ri i howtlevfaceit? -)V
g; c. Explain in detail, the steps involved in product develoPment Pqp. (r0 Marks)

E+X 2 a. DifferentiatebetweenPoDandPoP. \t- (03Marks)

:E E b. Enumerate in detail, about tools and techniques of cqSgper sales promotion. (07 Marks)

c. How should organizations integrate channels and mah$ channel conflict. (10 Marks)
EE 3 a. what do you mean by'"Target costing"?
Q;* (03 Mrrks)
E I b. process.
Explain the steps involved in marketing plaan-mg (07 Marks)

EE c. Howtoimproviservicequalityot{€? (loMsrks)
ES 4 a. Differentiate marketingg conce4
.orr.* *Xrring concept. '
dhd'sellurg concept. (03 Marks)

&' E
E' b. Write in detail about steps
teps inffited policy'.
inrplra in 'setting a pricing policy'.
in{i&td (07 Marks)

fE c. segments?
In what *ays ca, u complq$ihvide a market into segments? (10 Morks)
}B ct
E* s
(03 Marks)
(07 Marks)

""d c.
(10 Marks)

Hi tr-
E f o a.
O u. wlq gfitt! various
WnaI qlg{ne t_isks. (p-graeived)
Vanous rlsl(s associated yittr.conryryl d11{o*1
urErusrvEtr, 3Nru -- 1I y"'yl
iE b. Houl$ernment market is different from institutional markets in B2B market? (07 Marks)

c. a company adapt prices to various circumstances and opportunities? (10 Marks)

AE -.{$\louU
EE "-\)
EI 7 . aV Corrpare and contrast the following on brand positioning :

I i .^\\
€\ oLX vs FLIPKART. (osMarks)
tr a. Name 3 conpanies who involved in corporate societal marketing? Do you ever buy or not
E tuy any products or services from that company because of its environmental policies or
programs? Why or whY not? (05 Merks)
oB c. Is facebook just a passing 'Fad' or is it here to stay? Will privacy restrictions limit its ability
to offer personal marketing opportunities? (05 Marks)

d. Name any t}ree brands which is successful because of its product design? Explain
(05 Msrks)


For 18 years, Mc Donald's and KFC have aggressively expanded in India. Both
food giants are localizlrrrg their receipes to cater to a wide cross section of Indian tastes.**?
McDonald's introduced a new product range in the Indian market called the
range. It launched a new advertising campaign range called 'How spicy is Mc ?TO
promote its new product. the aim of the campaign was to project McDonald's.,as hlouthful
brand that met the tastes and preferences of the youth. The prelaunch campgiffirivolving a
viral called 'The great spicy speculation' proved to be a success anf6ffhed 250,000
people. Unlike its previous campaigns, McDonald's used socialturhddia like social
networking sites and messenger services extensively for the nW&,ffirirpaign. The main
campaign was later launched in a variety of media channels like ihfuore, television, radio,
outdoor, and online promotions. Kiosks, LED hoardings aq&Jp,?ah on the internet were
extensively used to reach the target base. * W

Questions : ,eSffr
a. How did McDonald's segment its market? Wd:J (05 Marks)
b. Do you think selecting multiple channels for a1#ryr,ftiring campaign a wise decision?
ffik"***d*" (05 Marks)
c. Do you think social media plays a major imffi%n McDonald's sales? (05 Marks)
d. Explore the ways in which McDona,fol'srcan counter competition from other restaurant
chains like KFC who are also launcffi$rore economical products? (05 Marks)

i 'd J*'




2 of2


Second Semester MBA Degree Examination, June/July 2015

Strategic Management
$o-\{ Time:3 hrs. Max. Marks:ffi
sECrroN-A ^q''
€ o) annffi^
aro te:: Answer any FOaR questions from
Note r,-No-t to o^tvo-z,{Y
fron Q.No.7 Q.No.7.{:"I,iri''*
..,. ,].,

N i.,,*.
tj * r Define Management.
Du4tEBrs rvlallaggmEnl
r,rsrruE Stategic d,*"
dr,\ (03 Marks)
* -^ I 2
a Differentiate between
r-rr.rrvr.vllLrcrLe strategy auru
rrsLyyggr"t DLlalLgEy and tactics.
tllutlus. --(\ "
(03 Marks)
Eo 11.i""",'
5 ?
3 whatisBenchmarting? {',.i'
|H,t *Wo
E;, 4
What is PEST analysis?
(or Mrrks)

E.E 5 ^$f
EE '*--'-sln'
Define Value chain.
(#., (o3Marks)
gE .E
.E 6
u Sfttegic
ru.lregru urr{ragcmctrr
management art science? Discuss.
arr or sclence, .Lrrscuss. (\
Orr (03 Marks)
Eg !i:J'
tE 7
What are different t5pes of retenchment-..
JE-- stategfg 3 -------OJ't (03 Mrrts)

7rl * 'r+

S sffCrto
;ETE Notu:Answerany gW;me.No.I to e.No.7.
't, cB
r )
f.E 1I
rr--.^l-:- - -^L -r -r

2 Explaingenericstrateeiesl(&'atbusinesslevel. (07Marks)
EE 3 ExplainGE-gcellma(P
u€ (0?Marrs)

4 What are differ"qgffi"nrirrlcs of strategic management? (07 Mer*s)

3E , *"r"*ryqi$evelsofstrategy?Exptain. (0?Marks)

O e*nrX11$k-*sions of general environmental assessment. Marrs)


,. group mapping? what benefits u"m such maps? Merrs) (07

:3 #Fil,*,egic Xo-"j.n*u
rtore : Answer *y ro{"aorr7ro- e.No.t to e.No.7.
i ^lN-\
$\t), Why strategic management is ongoing process and not start stop event? (t0 Merks) a -
2 Explain porter's five force model. How can it be assessed whether the collective
strength of the five competive forces promotes profitability? (10 Marks)

3 Bance Score Card (BSC) is an approach to measure company's performance. Explain. (10 Marks)

4 Discuss steps involved in strategy implementation process. (10 Marks)

I of 2

Explain BCG matrix and central idea behind it. (10 Marks)

Explain salient features of VISION and MISSION statement. (10 Markg

Explain the steps involved in designing effective control systems. (10 Mry
sECrroN - p a#.
CASE 51UPY- tCompulsoryl fld}#
Read the following case and answer the questions : \*
Delhi Doordarshan (DD) is the India's premier public service plm& with more than
1000 transmitters covering 90% of the country's population across ffi*cstimated 70 million
homes. It has more than 20,000 employees managing its metro qnffigional channels. Recent
years have seen growing competition from many private chanqglsfurlmbering more than 65 and
the cable and satellite (C & s) operators. The C & S netwoffi#hes nearly 30 million homes
and is growing atavery fast rate.
^ \J
DD;s business model is based on selling half hour @ of commercial time to programme
producers and charging them a minimum gurantee. $qr irstance, the present tarifffor the first 20
episodes of a prograrnme Rs 30 laks plus the cost ion of the prograrnme. In exchange
the producers get 780 seconds of commerci that he can sell to advertisers and can
guarantee revenue. Breakeven point for at the present rates, thus is Rs 75,000 for a l0
second advertising spot. Beyond 20 episffig the minimum guarantee is Rs 65 laktrs for which
procedures has to charge Rs 1,15,000_-ffiffi0 second spof in order to break - even. It is at this
point the advertisers face a problemQfficompetitive rate for l0 second spot is Rs 50,000. The
producers are possessive about b,1;yipg commercial time on DD. As a result the DD's projected
growth of revenue is only 6% NY, as against 50 - 60% for private sector channels. Softrvare
suppliers, advertisers and aq&It$es are deserting DD owing to its unrealistic pricing policy. DD
has options before it, firqt-ff privatise, second it should remain purely public service
broadcaster and third, .a-ftiddle path.
The challenge be exploit DD's immerse potential and emerge as a formidable player
in mass media. \ ''u""''

" {i.";},li
.E. E il :


Questim ik*

_$ffiat is the best option, in your view for DD? (05 Marks)
{ Analyse strength and weakness ofDD. (05 Marks)
o *_h
Y) Identify opportunity and threats for DD. (05 Marks)
"+i,;* d) Why do you think proposed alternative is the best? (05 Marks)


2 of2


Second Semester MBA Degree Examination, June/July 2015

Financial Management
€ Time: 3 hrs. t tu*. tvta*tliio'
E Note: l. Answer any FOUR questionsfrom Q.No. I to Q.No.r. *,*t
,. Question No. 8 is compulsory.
s 1 a. What are lnvestment Decisions? i
ri i '*( \ "
(03 Mrrks)
g; b. Explain briefly the frctors affecting dividend policy. l;' (07 Msrks)

t5 c. Briefly.explain the basic rcasons, why profit maximization fails Qpe-consistent with wealth
maximization. (10 Marks)
'= t
$. 2 a. What are the elements of cash flow stream? t\--
(03 Marl(s)
U B' b. Write a note on secondary market. (02 Marts)
c. Calculate the following : S
€ .E
;; i) Suppose you deposit Rs 1000 today in a bq$;vhich pays 10% p.a. interest compounded
E .E annually, how much will the deposit gr6qt6'after 8 years and 12 years?
-t ii) If you deposit Rs 5000 today at 6Yo gV rate of intercst in how many years will this
I I amountdouble? (- t
E^: iii) Your fither deposits Rs 3,00r@V retirement in a bank which pays l0% p.a. interest.
€' How much can be withdraru(@rtrally for a period of l0 years? (10 Marks)
Y E 3
S a.
a. What
w nat is fnmary Mafl(et7 ,*tr
Primary Market? ,.S\ (03 Marks)

e biriire"iJ-b"il;;;irq(&ilares

and Debentures. (02 Marrrs)

E E c. ){YZ Ltd is conside{l$Ihe purchase of new machine. Two altemative machines (A & B)
H'E are suqgested each dttsdhs Rs 4.00.000 eamines after taxation are exoected to be as follows:
5o 1,60,000
ir 'i: 1,20,000 1,20,000
l-i ll)
s; r-ulA$rr ur saP[4r N lu7o. ruu afg rriqurfgu rrJ uomparts urg proluD rry or ure masnmes
5 E i(ltglate which altemative of the machines you consider financially preferable as per NPV
-Oqi*oo. Finmce?
.41 Qlwnut i. Behavioral (03 Mrrks)
i::' v$
!N I b. wnat are tne
D. What the Cangers working capltal'!
of excess woflflng
dangers oI capital? Mer*s)
(07 Merks)

9.".G\ c. ABC Ltd, is presently operating at 60%o level producing 36000 units p.a. In view of
-- favorable market conditions it has been decided that from 1lll20l3, the company would
F operate at 90% capacity. The following infomration is available.
*g i) Existing cost - price structlue per unit is Raw material Rs 4.00/u, wages Rs 2lu, OH
(r".iable) Rs 2/u, OH's (Fixed) Rs l/u, Profits Rs l/unit.
ii) It is expected that the cost of raw materials wages, expenses and sales per unit will
. remain unchanged for the year2013.
iii) Raw materials remain in stores for 2 months before these are issued to production. These
' units remain in the process for 1 month.
iv) Finished goods remain in godown for 2 months.
I of3

v) Credit allowed to debtors is 2 months, credit allowed by creditors is 3 months.

vi) Lag in wages and overheads payment is I monttr. It may be assumed that wages and
CH's accrrie evenly throughout the proCuction cycle. You are required to estimate the
working capital. (10 Mar$f,

5a. What is CAPM? State its assumptions. (0$44iffi

b. Distinguish between capital market and money market. ,(ffiarrg
c. PQR has the following book value capital structure (Rs Crore) *#-(m rrlarts;
Equity capital (in shares ofRs l0 each) Rs 15 qh*
ti't preference capital (in shares of Rs 100 each) I
Retained earnings 28q\*
ll.5% debentures (ofRs 100 each) ffi#
ll% Term loans m"-*tXS
The next expected dividend on equity shares per share is Rs ffitre dividend per share is
expected to grown at the rate of 7Yo. The market price per gfuatYis Rs 40. Preference stock,
redeemable after 10 years is currently selling at Rs 7i ffi'&lare. Debentures, redeemable
after six years are selling at Rs 80 per debentur.. Wh,rn"ilome tax rate for the company is
40%. You are required to calculate WACC at Book vbffi and at market value weights.
f)* q
6 a. What is Optim al Capital structure? *"h* (03 Marks)
b. The following is the income statement of P &t# for the year 2013.
,,*" " (Rr in lakhs) (07 Marks)
Sales .* U. S 50
.,r$ '*h &adP

Less..;f#able cost t0
. Tb#flI
I4pBS,: Fixed cost 20
.'-"', Less : lnterest 5
+" "..9'"
flF# EBT 15
;, Less Tax 6
q ,&{si EAT 9
n ,i,.; Less : Pref. dividend I
- Earnings available to Eq. sh. 8
Find" oH{"dbgree of (a) Operating leverage (b) Financial leverage (c) Combined leverage.
c. T.hd'"-Hlrdware Co. Ltd has to make a choice between debt issue and equity issue for its

e,{Iranslo n programme. lts culTen t position


is as foll
sluon ls Ioltows : (10 Marks)
5o/o debt Rs 20000 Sales 3,00,000
Eq. capital (Rs 10/share) Rs 50000 Less : Total cost 2,69,000
SuRrlus Rs 30000 EBIT 31,000
Less : Interest 1,000
EBT 30,000
Less : Tax 10,500
Totai capitai Rs 1,00,000 EAT 19,500
The expansion programme is estimated to cost Rs 50,000. If this is financed through debt the
rate of interest on new debt will be 7Yo and the price earnings ratio will be 6. If the
expansion programe is financed through equity, new shares can be sold at Rs 25lshare and
the P/E ratio will be 7. The expansiiln will generate additional sales of Rs 1,50,000 with a
return of 10% on sales before interest and tares. If the company is to follow a policy of
maximizing the market value of its shares which form of financing should it choose?
2 of 3

a. Ketan Fan Ltd., has the plans of expansion of its activity. It is expected to eam a rate of
return of l0% on its investment. The Co. is planning finance its expansion by retaining the
profits which otherwise shall be distributed to shareholders. Shareholders are in 60% tax
bracket. If the share holder reinvest the dividend they will earn 12% on new investme"t$ut
have to incure a2%obrokerage on the purchase of new security. What is your advice?,.l "
b. "Cash flows of different time periods in absolute terms are incomparable". nis9.ffi
it- 'it -'\v-r rvr.lrnD,/,
c. A company wishes to expand production. Two propositions of capital expeudittire are being
considered each of which requires more or less the same outlay y_9,8. as_ the management
accountant of the company are required to furnish profitability estimate to guide the board in
their decision. Describe briefly the 3 methods used commonly for.thjs rpose. (05 Marks)
d. "An investor gains nothing from bonus shares". Examine the stoffiilent critically.
t""' (05 Marks)

ABC Co. is evaluating a project for which the following j4fo;#", are :
a. The total outlay of the project is expected to be 450;dilion. This consists of 450 million of
fixed assets and Rs 200 million of current assets**
b. The proposed scheme of finance is as followsp:,,3#-tOO mittion of equity, Rs 200 million of
term loans, Rs 100 million of working capital advance and Rs 50 million of trade credit.
c. The term loan is repayable in 10 equal senrhfrnual installments of Rs 20 million each. The
first installment will be due after l8 rd.6nfhs. The interest rate is l5%.
d. The levels of working capital uddfiryE'& trade credit will be at Rs 100 million and 50
million respectively till they arffi%ack at the end of 6 years. The rate of interest is 18%
on working capital advance. *p**
e. The expected revenue fot#h"broject will be Rs 500 million/year. The operating costs are
expected to be Rs 320^q(Sdr I year.
f. The depreciation raffi*re fixed assets will be 33% 0,6 aspcr thc WDU method.
g. The net salvagaffi of fixed assets and current assets at the end of year 6 will be Rs 80
million and Bs QSO million respectively.
h. The tax ralq.fqpelicable to the firms is 50%.
rrojectffi'dihflo*r. (2oMarks)

,ffi*- "

q"ffi"\ .$

^& *

3 of3

second semester MBA Degree Ex"*hffiilefiuty 2o:rs

Entrepreneuria I Developme nt
ci Ti me: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
o. sECTroN ' A ,*.;!-;T#"*\

Define the term "Entrepreneur" state any two functions of entrepreneurs d +<;, Marks)
?o ,{,,,'q
what is creative probrem sorving?
9p= .L (03 Marks)
Eo v1 study?
what is Feasibility
,l; ffi
x\o (03 Marks)
b0" ,,,*_
I i+rin.
:E.t 4 What is SIDBI? #ff (03 Marks)
otr 5 whar is Family BUSINESS? #*'f * (03 Marks)
3l 6
What do you mean by International Entrepreneurship? u'.r-'' (03 Marks)

aE 7 What is venture capital? How it is different from v-e.rt*qre vision? (03 Marks)
bU " ).

(g cg
Note : Answer any Fo,,&i&&uestions
€r *% q
from Q.No.l to Q.No.7.

I Explain the function of an enrr"ffii. (07 Marks)

.a when does an idea become bdffifrErs opporrunity? (07 Marks)
O. 6-
9'"^J ^
," ',0, "

Explain marketing aspects ffi Business plan. (07 Marks)

. {: ;;,_
What are the advantAg$l:ff single window system? (07 Marks)
Explain the 3 errfdp Model of a family Business.
>r (r.r
"#:/ (07 Marks)
Discuss*1,,,Sffirent forms of International Business. (07 Marks)
7 U*rprye characteristics of Social enterprise. (07 Marks)
-.: e.i .{;1" SECTION - C
.9 ,,
Z +i;:,,\lu Note : Answer any FOUR questions from Q.No.l to Q.No.7.


S ..'i. ,i1" I
Lr r' -r], '+ .il I Discuss various roles of Entreprenuer for Economic Development. (10 Marks)

ii* 2 Identify the various sources of idea for New Ventures. (10 Marks)

3 What are the different types of Business plan? Why Business plan fail? (10 Marks)

4 Discuss latest industrial policy of gorlernment of India. (10 Marks)

.5 Discuss the strategies for improving the capability of family Business. (10 Marks)

L of 2

What is foreign Direct Investment and what are its advantages? (10 Marks)

What are the problems of rural Entrepreneurship? (10 Marks)

CASESTUDY-[ Compulsory] *uiJt
Read the following case and answer the following questions given in the end. .. '*;
Dick Bardow sat quietly in his car, pondering why he had failed to convinc*g;p& Guinn,
managing partner of Next century venture capital to provide the start up capjtaf,hb needed
to start the business that would launch his new high tech medical inveSion.Bardow had
spent the past three and a half years researching and developing the couqip#; and knew that
he had a product in hand, he was ready to take it to the market. Theffia''for Bardows new
venture had been simmering for many yeffis during his stints. aS flrresearcher for major
medical lab and as a technical advisor for a medical product'€o. Bardow had learned a
great deal about the use of the end product in his technicaljsh$vhich he took after earning
a masters degrees in biomedical engineering. It was dw{ffi his tenure at the medical lab
that Bardow saw the importance of staying on cut{iqg'-@e of technology in the field of
medicine. He also saw the tremendous profit pd$'iftial of successful medical product.
Driving home Bardow replayed his meeting gfrth Giiinn in his mind " How could those
venture capitalists have missed the tremen@$f,ki'bportunity right in front of them? "He
mused. During his 45 - minute meeting wiffiinn and her staff Bardow had spent 30 min.
Explaining how the technology had e-volyefflbver time, how he had developed the product
and why it was technologically suffiiiior to anything currently on the maiket, oo I;ve got
them where I want them, now" h-6;*Hmembered thinking. "They can't help but see the
incredible power of his technofiogy. Throughout his corporate career, Bardow had earned
a reputation for his ability,,,t .,,p*blain abstract ideas and highly technical concept to his
fellow scientists. Over }[b y.*s he had made dozens of presentations at scientific
professional meetings.#f"df which were well received.
Bardow had to admif*ohever that he was really puzzled by all of the questions Guinn had
asked him towar$q..T,ltE-end of their meeting. They weren't at all what he was expecting
never asfr$",& single question about my product, Its design, the technology behind it,
or the pate1ft{ hfve pending. He muttered. He remembered her questioning him about a
"markef,-*r'+thalysis" and how and to whom he planned to market his product. " How
foolisff# thought, "you can't forecast exact sales for a new product orcl this product is
ory,,tffi#market and the medical industry sees what it can do well have all sales we'll need
'' more. Bardow was convinced that Guinn simply didn't understand that new,
--.,li,,,, ovative products. Create their own market I have seen it dozens of times, he said.
fl-?.# Bardow was beginning to believe that venture capital firms were too focused, on revenues,
eeli'' profit and return on investments. " Don't they know
that those things are outcomes he
thought "They come in time".
Questions :
a) Identify the possible problems with Dick Bardow's presentation of his business plan to
Ms. Guinn. (05 Marks)
b) Should potential lender and investors evaluate new ventures that are based on cutting
edge technology differently from other business ventures? (10 Marks)
c) List at least five suggestions you would make to Dick Bardow to improve his business
plan and his presentation of it. (05 Marks)


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