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Ana Mendigutia-Gómez, PT, PhD, a Carolina Martín-Hernández, PT, a Jaime Salom-Moreno, PT, PhD, b c and
César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, PT, PhD b c

Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of the inclusion of deep dry needling (DDN) in
spastic shoulder muscles into a rehabilitation program on spasticity, pressure pain sensitivity, and shoulder range of
motion in subjects who had experienced a stroke.
Methods: A controlled, repeated-measures, crossover, double-blinded, randomized trial was conducted. Twenty
patients who have had a stroke were randomly assigned to receive rehabilitation alone or rehabilitation combined with
DDN over the upper trapezius, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and pectoralis mayor muscles on the spastic shoulder.
Subjects received both interventions separated at least 15 days apart. Each intervention was applied once per week
over 3 weeks. Spasticity (Modified Ashworth Scale), pressure pain thresholds over the deltoid and infraspinatus
muscles and C5-C6 zygapophyseal joint, and shoulder range of motion were collected 1 week before and 1 week after
each intervention by a blinded assessor.
Results: Reduction in spasticity was similar after both conditions for the upper trapezius, pectoralis major, and
subscapularis muscles. A greater number of individuals receiving DDN exhibited decreased spasticity within the
infraspinatus muscle. The analysis of covariance showed that all pressure pain thresholds, shoulder abduction, and
external rotation of the shoulder increased significantly more after DNN intervention (P b .05). Shoulder flexion
showed similar changes after both conditions.
Conclusions: Our results suggest that inclusion of DDN into a multimodal rehabilitation program was effective for
decreasing localized pressure sensitivity and improving shoulder range of motion in individuals who had experienced
stroke; however, we did not observe significant differences in muscle spasticity. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther
Key Indexing Terms: Stroke; Muscle Spasticity; Pain Threshold; Range of Motion; Shoulder

Stroke is a disabling condition with an estimated annual
incidence ranging from 144 to 148 per 100,000 people 1,2 A
Clinical Researcher, Department of Physical Therapy/Reha- systematic review found that men suffered from stroke
bilitation, Hospital Beata María Ana, Madrid, Spain. more frequently than women; however, large variations
Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Occupational
Therapy, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Universidad between populations were observed. 3 Although stroke has
Rey Juan Carlos, Alcorcón, Spain. dropped from being the third main leading cause of death to
Professor, Cátedra de Investigación y Docencia en Fisioter- the fourth cause, 4 it still remains the main cause of physical
apia: Terapia Manual y Punción Seca, Universidad Rey Juan disability, particularly due to the presence of spasticity
Carlos, Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain. because subjects with spasticity exhibit lower motor
Submit requests for reprints to: César Fernández-de-las-Peñas,
PT, PhD, Professor, Departamento de Fisioterapia, Facultad de activity performance than those without. 5
Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Avenida de Spasticity was defined as “a motor disorder characterized
Atenas s/n, 28922 Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain. by velocity-dependent increase in tonic stretch reflexes
(e-mail: cesar.fernandez@urjc.es8 (muscle tone) with exaggerated tendon jerks, resulting from
Paper submitted September 5, 2015; in revised form March 31, hyper-excitability of stretch reflexes, as a main component
2016; accepted April 17, 2016.
0161-4754 of upper motoneuron syndrome.” 6 The prevalence of
Copyright © 2016 by National University of Health Sciences. spasticity reaches 43% at 6 months after a first-ever stroke 7 and 38% at 1 year after stroke. 8 It seems that the
2 Mendigutia-Gómez et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Dry Needling in Patients With Stroke Month 2016

primary lesion in subjects with spasticity is neural in origin; Hospital Beata María Ana, Spain (URJC-HBMA), and all
however, increasing evidence suggests profound secondary subjects signed an informed consent before participation in
changes in the muscles due to muscle contractures the study.
occurring secondary to spasticity. In fact, some studies
had observed that spastic musculature shows decreased
mitochondrial volume fraction, appearance of intracellular Participants
amorphous material, reduction in muscle fiber length, and Consecutive subjects who had experienced a stroke were
decrease in the number of serial sarcomeres within muscle screened for eligibility criteria from January 2014 to March
fibers. 9,10 2015. To be included, participants must have met the
Several therapeutic approaches can be proposed for the following criteria: (1) first-ever unilateral stroke, (2)
management of spastic muscles. Intramuscular botulinum hemiplegia resulting from stroke, (3) age between 40 and
toxin A (BTX-A) injection is the most popular tool for the 65 years old, (4) presence of hypertonicity in the upper
management of spasticity. 11 A meta-analysis found that extremity, and (5) restricted range of motion of the
application of BTX-A in patients who had experienced a shoulder. They were excluded if they exhibited any of the
stroke was associated with moderate improvements in following: (1) recurrent stroke; (2) previous treatment with
upper extremity performance. 12 Because some subjects nerve blocks and/or motor point injections with neurolytic
exhibit allergic responses to BTX-A, the use of other agents for spasticity; (3) previous treatment with BTX-A
needling therapies, such us acupuncture or dry needling, for within the 6 months before the study; (4) severe cognitive
the management of poststroke spasticity has been proposed. deficits; (5) progressive or severe neurologic diseases, for
A recent meta-analysis showed that acupuncture signifi- example, heart conditions, unstable hypertension, or
cantly decreased wrist, knee, and elbow spasticity in fracture or implants in the lower extremity; (6) fear of
patients who had experienced a stroke. 13 needles; or (70 any contraindication for DDN, e.g.,
On the contrary, evidence for the application of dry anticoagulants, infections, bleeding, or psychotic.
needling in neurological conditions is still lacking. An old
study found that inclusion of dry needling into an early Spasticity: Modified Modified Ashworth Test
rehabilitation program was effective for improving pain Muscle spasticity was evaluated with the Modified
outcomes in hemiparetic shoulder pain. 14 The only Modified Ashworth Scale (MMAS) 18 in the following
randomized clinical trial on dry needling and spasticity muscles: upper trapezius, subescapular, infraspinatus, and
found that dry needling was effective for decreasing pectoralis mayor. The examiner passively moved the upper
spasticity in the leg muscles and pressure pain hypersen- extremity in the stretching direction of each muscle (ie,
sitivity in individuals with poststroke spasticity. 15 Howev- shoulder depression, shoulder external rotation, shoulder
er, evidence on the upper extremity is related to case reports internal rotation, and shoulder abduction at 90° with external
including a patient who had experienced a stroke 16 or a rotation, respectively) back and forth at least 5 times and
4-year-old child suffering from spastic tetraparesia. 17 evaluated the degree of resistance to the movement on a scale
To our knowledge, no previous study has investigated from 0 to 4. The MMAS is a modification of the modified
the effects of deep dry needling (DDN) in patients with Ashworth scale, 19 which is the most commonly scale used for
poststroke spasticity in the upper extremity. Hence, the assessing spasticity, 20 where the grade “1+" is omitted and
purpose of this randomized clinical trial was to determine the grade “2" is redefined.
the effects of the inclusion of DDN in spastic shoulder In the MMAS, spasticity is scored on an ordinal scale
muscles into a rehabilitation program on spasticity, pressure from 0 to 4 as follows: 0, no increase in muscle tone; 1,
pain sensitivity, and shoulder range of motion in individuals slight increase in muscle tone (minimal resistance at the end
who had suffered a stroke. We hypothesized that individ- of the range of motion); 2, marked increase in muscle tone
uals receiving DDN into their rehabilitation program will (resistance throughout the range of motion, but some
exhibit greater improvements in spasticity, pressure pain sections are easily moved); 3, considerable increase in
sensitivity, and range of motion than those patients muscle tone (passive movement difficult throughout the full
receiving only the rehabilitation program. range of motion); or 4, affected part(s) rigid. The MMAS
has exhibited good intraexaminer (kappa = 0.84) 21 and
interexaminer (kappa = 0.74) 22 reliability for assessing
METHODS spasticity in the upper extremity musculature in patients
with a stroke.
A controlled, repeated -measures, cros-over, double-
blinded, randomized study was conducted (registered Shoulder Range of Motion, NCT02377804). The study protocol A universal goniometer was used to determine the
was approved by the human research committee of the participant’s shoulder range of motion. Because patients
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Mendigutia-Gómez et al 3
Volume xx, Number Dry Needling in Patients With Stroke

Fig 1. Manual technique for decreasing tone applied on the pectoralis major muscle.

with stroke can exhibit some difficulties to maintain the trials was calculated, converted to kilopascal (SI unit), and used
upper extremity by themselves, the clinician assisted all for analysis. A 30-second resting period was allowed between
movements. All measures were conducted following the each trial. This algometer has shown high intraexaminer and
international guidelines. 23 The universal goniometer has interexaminer reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient,
exhibited good intrarrater reliability (intraclass correlation 0.80-0.97) for PPT assessment in patients with pain. 27,28 No
coefficient, 0.91-0.99) if consistent anatomical landmarks reliability available data exist for patients with spasticity
are used. 24 In general, it is accepted that a change of 6°-11°
is needed to consider that a change has occurred with
goniometric measurements of the shoulder. 25 Rehabilitation Intervention
Shoulder range of motion was assessed in flexion, Participants received in both intervention assignments 3
abduction, and external rotation. Three measurements of sessions, once per week, of best-evidence rehabilitation
each movement were recorded, and the average was program for spasticity in patients who had experienced a
calculated for data analyses. stroke. A Cochrane review concluded that no single
rehabilitation approach is more effective in promoting
recovery of function and mobility after a stroke. 29 In fact,
Pressure Pain Thresholds several interventions, for example, unilateral arm training,
Pressure pain thresholds (PPTs), defined as the amount of Bobath therapy, strength training, repetitive task training,
pressure applied for the pressure sensation first change to pain muscle stretching, and positioning, may be effective for
sensation, 26 was assessed with a mechanical pressure improving function in these patients. 30 Therefore, all
algometer (Pain Diagnosis and Treatment Inc, New York, participants received unilateral arm training focusing on
NY) unilaterally over affected infraspinatus and deltoid decreased muscle tone (Fig 1), passive positioning of the
muscles, and bilaterally over the C5/C6 zygapophyseal joint. shoulder girdle (Fig 2), and repetitive task training exercises
Participants were instructed to press a switch when the (Fig 3). The session had a duration approximately of
sensation first changed from pressure to pain. The mean of 3 45 minutes.
4 Mendigutia-Gómez et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Dry Needling in Patients With Stroke Month 2016

Fig 2. Modulatory intervention for positioning of the shoulder girdle.

Fig 3. Repetitive task training exercise of the upper extremity.

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Mendigutia-Gómez et al 5
Volume xx, Number Dry Needling in Patients With Stroke

Fig 4. Deep dry needling applied over taut bands within the upper trapezius (A), infraspinatus (B), subscapularis (C), and pectoralis
mayor (D) muscles.

Deep Dry Needling intervention was applied once per week over 3 weeks. The
Patients assigned to the experimental intervention re- approximate length of each session was 45 minutes. At each
ceived DDN with disposable stainless steel needles (0.3 mm intervention program, participants received 1 treatment
× 50 mm, Novasan) that were inserted into the skin over taut condition (experimental or comparative), assigned in a
bands of the upper trapezius (Fig 4A), infraspinatus (Fig 4B), random fashion. An assessor blinded to intervention
subscapularis (Fig 4C), and pectoralis mayor (Fig 4D) allocation took the outcomes 1 week before and 1 week
muscles. In the current study, the fast-in and fast-out after each intervention program.
technique described by Hong 31 was applied. Once the most Participants were randomly assigned to receive rehabil-
painful spot was located within a palpable spastic taut band itation alone (comparative) or rehabilitation combined with
with pincer palpation within the upper trapezius or pectoralis DDN (experimental) intervention as follows. Concealed
mayor, or with flat palpation in the infraspinatus or allocation was performed using a computer-generated
subscapularis muscles, the overlying skin was cleaned with randomized table of numbers created before start of data
alcohol. The needle was inserted, penetrating the skin about collection by an external researcher not involved in the
15-20 mm, until the first local twitch response (LTR) was study. Individual and sequentially numbered index cards
obtained. Once the first LTR was obtained, the needle was with the random assignment were prepared. The index cards
then moved up and down (5 to 10 mm vertical motions with were folded and placed in sealed opaque envelopes. A
no rotation) in the muscle at approximately 1 Hz for 25-30 second therapist, blinded to outcome findings, opened the
seconds. It is suggested that LTRs should be elicited during envelope and proceeded with treatment according to the
DDN for a proper technique; therefore, in our study, we group assignment for the first intervention program.
applied DDN for 45-60 seconds on each muscle.

Statistical Analysis
Study Protocol Data were analyzed with SPSS version 18.0. Mean,
Each subject received both intervention programs standard deviations or 95% confidence intervals (CIs)
separated at least 15 days apart as a washout period. Each were calculated for each variable. The Kolmogorov-
6 Mendigutia-Gómez et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Dry Needling in Patients With Stroke Month 2016

Patients with stroke screened for eligibility

criteria (n = 25)

Excluded (n = 5):
Repetitive stroke (n = 2)
BTX-A treatment previous month (n = 2)
Fear to needles (n = 1)

Baseline Measurements (n = 20)

Pressure pain thresholds
Shoulder range of motion

Cross-Over Randomization (n = 20)

Allocated to the dry needling

intervention (n = 10) Allocated to the comparative
intervention (n = 10)

Post-intervention (n = 10)
Spasticity Post-intervention (n = 10)
Pressure pain thresholds Spasticity
Shoulder range of motion Pressure pain thresholds
Shoulder range of motion

Comparative intervention (n = 10) Dry needling intervention (n = 10)

Post-intervention (n = 10) Post-intervention (n = 10)

Spasticity Spasticity
Pressure pain thresholds Pressure pain thresholds
Shoulder range of motion Shoulder range of motion

Fig 5. Flow diagram of patients throughout the course of the study.

Smirnov test showed normal distribution of data. Indepen- with time and side (homolateral or contralateral) as
dent Student t tests for continuous data and χ 2 tests of within-subjects factors, intervention as the between-
independence for categorical data were used to assess subjects factor, and baseline scores and sex as covariates
differences in the outcomes before each intervention: was used to determine the effects on PPTs over the C5-C6
experimental or comparative. A mixed χ 2 test (McNemar- zygapophyseal joint. The hypothesis of interest was the
Bowker test) was applied to analyze changes in MMAS group * time interaction. A P value b .05 was considered
between both conditions before and after each intervention statistically significant.
A 2 × 2 mixed repeated-measure analysis of covariance
(ANCOVA) with time (before, after) as within-subjects
factor, intervention (experimental, comparative) as
between-subjects factor, and baseline scores and sex as RESULTS
covariates was used to determine the effects of intervention Twenty-five consecutive patients who had experienced a
on PPTs over deltoid and infraspinatus muscles, and stroke were screened for eligibility criteria. Twenty (mean ±
shoulder range of motion. Separate ANCOVAs were done standard deviation age, 58 ± 2 years; 45% female) satisfied
for each dependent variable. A 2 × 2 × 2 mixed ANCOVA all the eligibility criteria, agreed to participate, and were
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Mendigutia-Gómez et al 7
Volume xx, Number Dry Needling in Patients With Stroke

Table 1. Clinical Outcomes for the Entire Sample at Baseline of Both Interventions
Experimental Intervention Comparative Intervention
Upp. Trap Pect. Maj Subscap Infrasp Upp. Trap Pect. Maj Subscap Infrasp
Ashworth scale (n, %)
Grade 0 3 (15%) 0 (0%) 1 (5%) 0 (0%) 5 (25%) 4 (20%) 1 (5%) 4 (20%)
Grade I 6 (30%) 6 (30%) 6 (30%) 8 (40%) 8 (40%) 7 (35%) 7 (35%) 7 (35%)
Grade II 7 (35%) 9 (45%) 5 (25%) 8 (40%) 7 (35%) 6 (30%) 5 (25%) 4 (20%)
Grade III 3 (15%) 4 (20%) 5 (25%) 3 (15%) 0 (0%) 2 (10%) 5 (25%) 5 (25%)
Grade IV 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 2 (10%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (5%) 2 (10%) 0 (0%)
Shoulder range of motion (°)
Flexion affected side 83.7 ± 17.0 81.3 ± 22.6
Abduction affected side 49.7 ± 19.3 57.0 ± 21.4
External rotation affected side 14.5 ± 15.7 15.5 ± 16.5
Pressure pain thresholds (kPa)
PPT deltoid affected side 376.1 ± 128.0 425.6 ± 136.8
PPT infraspinatus affected side 450.1 ± 98.5 465.2 ± 79.2
C5-C6 joint affected side 356.1 ± 96.0 386.1 ± 89.1
C5-C6 joint nonaffected side 376.1 ± 98.2 405.8 ± 99.0
Infrasp, infraspinatus; Pect. Maj., pectoralis major; PPT, pressure pain threshold; Subscap, subscapularis; Upp. Trap., upper trapezius
Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation except for Ashworth Scale.

included in the study. The reasons for ineligibility are found scores and sex as covariates did not influence PPT (all,
in Figure 5 which provides a flow diagram of patient P N .245). Table 3 summarizes preintervention and
recruitment. Eleven patients (55%) had the left side postintervention scores as well as within-groups and
affected, whereas the remaining 9 (45%) had the right between-groups differences with their associated 95% CI
side. The mean time from the stroke event was 6.0 ± 0.7 for PPTs data.
months. Baseline features between both interventions were
similar for all variables (Table 1).
Changes in Shoulder Range of Motion
The 2 × 2 ANCOVA revealed significant group * time
Changes in Spasticity interactions for range of motion in shoulder abduction (F =
The nonparametric McNemar-Bowker test did not reveal 11.057, P = .001) and external rotation (F = 3.365, P =
significant differences in MMAS after both conditions for .045) but not for shoulder flexion (F = 0.600, P = .444):
the upper trapezius (χ 2 = 0.923, P = .630), pectoralis major shoulder abduction and external rotation increased signif-
(χ 2 = 4.342, P = .362), and subscapularis (χ 2 = 2.269, P = icantly more after the experimental condition including
.686) muscles: reduction in spasticity in these muscles was DDN as compared with the comparative condition, but
similar after both treatment conditions. In addition, the shoulder flexion showed similar changes after both
McNemar-Bowker test also observed that a greater number intervention conditions (time effect: F = 7.671, P = .009).
of patients receiving the experimental condition exhibited a Again, the inclusion of baseline scores and sex as covariates
lower degree of spasticity after the intervention for the did not influence shoulder range of motion (all, P N .146).
infraspinatus muscle ((χ 2 = 11.071, P = .01). Table 2 shows Table 4 details preintervention and postintervention scores
changes in spasticity, as expressed by the MMAS, after as well as within-groups and between-groups differences
each treatment condition in all muscles. with their associated 95% CI for shoulder range of motion.

Changes in Pressure Pain Sensitivity

The ANCOVA revealed significant group * time
interactions for PPT at all points: deltoid muscle (F = The current randomized crossover trial found that the
13.884, P b .001), infraspinatus muscle (F = 6.309, P = inclusion of DDN into a multimodal rehabilitation program
0.017), and C5-C6 zygapophyseal joint (F = 19.192, P b was effective for decreasing localized pressure pain
.001). Furthermore, no significant group * time * side sensitivity and improving shoulder range of motion in
interaction for C5-C6 zygapophyseal joint was observed subjects who had experienced a stroke; however, we did not
(F = 1.247, P = .268): PPT increased significantly more observe significant changes in muscle spasticity.
after the experimental condition including DDN compared In the current study, we observed that individuals who
with the comparative condition. The inclusion of baseline had experienced a stroke exhibited significant decrease in
8 Mendigutia-Gómez et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Dry Needling in Patients With Stroke Month 2016

Table 2. Changes in Modified Ashworth Scale Before and After Each Intervention
Modified Ashworth Scale Experimental Intervention Comparative Intervention P Value
Upper trapezius muscle Preintervention (n, %) .630
Grade 0 3 (15%) 5 (25%)
Grade I 6 (30%) 8 (40%)
Grade II 7 (35%) 7 (35%)
Grade III 3 (15%) 0 (0%)
Postintervention (n, %)
Grade 0 6 (30%) 4 (20%)
Grade I 10 (50%) 11 (55%)
Grade II 3 (15%) 5 (25%)
Pectoralis major muscle Preintervention (n, %)
Grade 0 0 (0%) 4 (20%) .362
Grade I 6 (30%) 7 (35%)
Grade II 9 (45%) 6 (30%)
Grade III 4 (20%) 2 (10%)
Grade IV 0 (0%) 1 (5%)
Postintervention (n, %)
Grade 0 3 (15%) 4 (20%)
Grade I 11 (55%) 7 (35%)
Grade II 4 (20%) 8 (40%)
Grade III 1 (5%) 0 (0%)
Grade IV 0 (0%) 1 (5%)
Subscapularis muscle Preintervention (n, %) .686
Grade 0 1 (5%) 1 (5%)
Grade I 6 (30%) 7 (35%)
Grade II 5 (25%) 5 (25%)
Grade III 5 (25%) 5 (25%)
Grade IV 2 (10%) 2 (10%)
Postintervention (n, %)
Grade 0 3 (15%) 3 (15%)
Grade I 6 (30%) 5 (25%)
Grade II 5 (25%) 4 (20%)
Grade III 5 (25%) 6 (30%)
Grade IV 0 (0%) 2 (10%)
Infraspinatus muscle Preintervention (n, %) .01
Grade 0 0 (0%) 4 (20%)
Grade I 8 (40%) 7 (35%)
Grade II 8 (40%) 4 (20%)
Grade III 3 (15%) 5 (25%)
Postintervention (n, %)
Grade 0 8 (40%) 3 (15%)
Grade I 5 (25%) 9 (45%)
Grade II 5 (25%) 6 (30%)
Grade III 1 (5%) 2 (10%)

Table 3. Preintervention, Postintervention, and Change Scores for Pressure Pain Thresholds (kPa)
Intervention Preintervention Postintervention Within-Group Change Scores Between-Group Difference in Change Scores
Deltoid muscle affected side
Experimental 376.1 ± 128.0 494.5 ± 138.1 118.4 (69.2 to 178.0) 108.9 (49.5 to 168.1) ⁎
Comparative 425.6 ± 136.8 435.1 ± 118.7 9.5 (− 9.1 to 29.7)
Infraspinatus muscle affected side
Experimental 450.1 ± 98.5 534.1 ± 101.6 84.0 (39.5 to 138.4) 64.6 (9.5 to 128.6) ⁎
Comparative 465.2 ± 79.2 484.6 ± 105.7 19.4 (− 20.1 to 39.0)
C5-C6 zygapophyseal joint nonaffected side
Experimental 356.1 ± 96.0 464.8 ± 97.2 108.7 (59.3 to 168.1) 99.2 (39.5 to 158.2) ⁎
Comparative 386.1 ± 89.1 395.6 ± 98.5 9.5 (− 29.5 to 39.6)
C5-C6 zygapophyseal joint affected side
Experimental 376.1 ± 98.2 445.0 ± 99.2 68.9 (40.1 to 118.7) 59.3 (10.1 to 99.5) ⁎
Comparative 405.8 ± 99.0 415.4 ± 95.1 9.6 (α19.8 to 29,7)
Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation for preintervention and postintervention means and as mean (95% CI) for within- and between-group
change scores.
⁎ Statistically significant differences (ANCOVA, group * time, P b .01).
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Mendigutia-Gómez et al 9
Volume xx, Number Dry Needling in Patients With Stroke

Table 4. Preintervention, Postintervention, and Change Scores for Shoulder Range of Motion (°)
Intervention Preintervention Postintervention Within-Group Change Scores Between-Group Difference in Change Scores
Shoulder flexion affected side
Experimental 83.7 ± 17.0 90.8 ± 18.5 7.1 (2.3 to 11.8) 3.1 (− 5.0 to 11.2)
Comparative 81.3 ± 22.6 85.3 ± 24.9 4.0 (− 2.5 to 10.5)
Shoulder abduction affected side
Experimental 49.7 ± 19.3 65.5 ± 18.5 15.8 (8.4 to 22.6) 14.0 (5.5 to 22.5) ⁎
Comparative 57.0 ± 21.4 58.8 ± 20.5 1.8 (− 4.0 to 7.5)
Shoulder external rotation affected side
Experimental 14.5 ± 15.7 23.4 ± 15.8 8.9 (3.0 to 14.4) 6.4 (1.6 to 11.3) ⁎
Comparative 15.5 ± 16.5 18.0 ± 16.2 2.5 (− 2.4 to 7.5)
Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation for preintervention and postintervention means and as mean (95% CI) for within- and between-group
change scores
⁎ Statistically significant differences (ANCOVA, group * time, P b .05).

spasticity after both conditions; however, the inclusion of observed; however, these changes were small over C5-C6
DDN did not induce higher decrease in spasticity in the joint. A significant decrease in pressure sensitivity supports a
shoulder musculature. These results disagree with those segmental antinociceptive effect of DDN. 35 In fact, our results
previously observed with acupuncture in the upper confirmed this hypothesis because increases in PPT were
extremity 13 or with DDN in the lower extremity. 15 observed in the shoulder musculature receiving DDN. The
Discrepancies among the studies may be related to the physiological mechanism for the hypoalgesic effect of DDN is
areas receiving intervention, for example, acupuncture was unknown, and both segmental and central processes have been
effective for reducing spasticity in the wrist, elbow, and proposed. 36 Salom-Moreno et al 15 found widespread changes
knee, but no data on the shoulder region were reported, 13 in pressure pain sensitivity after a single application of DDN in
and Salom-Moreno et al 15 found changes in spasticity after patients who had experienced a stroke, suggesting a central
a single session of DDN in spastic leg muscles. The main effect. We cannot determine any central hypoalgesic effect of
difference of our study with previous trials is that we the inclusion of DDN into a rehabilitation program because we
included DDN combined with a multimodal rehabilitation did not assess widespread pressure pain sensitivity. It is
program and not as an isolated intervention. The fact that possible that the inclusion of DDN in the management of
we did not find significant differences between interven- individuals who had experienced a stroke can help to modulate
tions does not mean that DDN is not effective for reducing central sensitization mechanisms observed in these patients 37
spasticity in the shoulder muscles because both interven- and prevent the development of poststroke pain.
tions induced similar decreases in muscle tone. Finally, the inclusion of DDN into rehabilitation induced a
The mechanisms involved in changes in spasticity after the significant increase in shoulder abduction and external
application of DDN are unclear, but some hypotheses will be rotation in individuals who had experienced a stroke. This
discussed in the current article. Because spasticity can result improvement in active shoulder range of motion may be
in structural changes and contractures in the muscle tissues related to decreased muscle tension with DDN, but this needs
and increasing stiffness of spastic muscles, 9,10 it is possible further research. Independently of the mechanism, an
that DDN helps to induce localized stretch of the contractured increase in shoulder range of motion can help the patients
cytoskeletal structures and reduction of the overlap between during daily life activities. In fact, improvements in the arm
muscle actin and myosin filaments. 32,33 This hypothesis function following spasticity reduction or muscle tone would
would support the fact that DDN reduces muscle stiffness 34 be corroborated through a meta-analysis conclusion that
and therefore decreases muscle resistance to passive reducing spasticity can be translated into functional benefit in
movement. Other hypothesis may be that DDN may the spastic arm of patients who had experienced a stroke. 38
modulate motoneuron activity and modify synaptic trans-
mission from muscle afferents to spinal motoneuron by
different reflex mechanisms 32,33 and hence decrease excit- Limitations
ability of spinal reflexes associated to muscle spasticity. Although the results of our randomized crossover trial are
Nevertheless, in the current study, the inclusion of DDN into promising, potential limitations should be recognized. First, we
the rehabilitation program did not significantly decrease collected short-term outcomes. We do not know if the observed
muscle spasticity, although other outcomes improved. changes lasted for longer duration. This is particularly
We found that the inclusion of DDN into rehabilitation important in individuals who had experienced a stroke because
program reduced pressure pain sensitivity in subjects who had these patients have a chronic condition. The fact that significant
experience a stroke because significant increases in PPT were changes have been observed supports future research in this
10 Mendigutia-Gómez et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Dry Needling in Patients With Stroke Month 2016

area. Second, the use of the MMAS for assessing muscle

spasticity is still under debate because it is considered as a
subjective outcome and there are issues concerning validity Practical Applications
and reliability. Nevertheless, the MMAS is the most commonly • Our study suggests that the inclusion of dry
used outcome in clinical practice and research in neurological needling into a rehabilitation program of subjects
conditions. Third, we did not include any scale assessing motor who had experienced a stroke was effective for
performance, for example, Fugl-Meyer Assessment, 39 to decreasing localized pressure pain sensitivity and
determine functional changes after the application of DDN. improving shoulder range of motion.
Fourth, the same clinician applied the DDN to all patients in • The inclusion of dry needling did not induce
our study, which decreases the overall generalizability. Fifth, significant changes in muscle spasticity in the
we applied DDN for 3 sessions. Future trials should include a shoulder musculature.
higher number of treatment sessions with a greater number of • Future studies should continue to compare these
clinicians and longer follow-up periods. Finally, the sample effects at long term.
size may be considered small, and larger sample sizes are now
needed to confirm the current results; however, the fact that
significant results were observed suggests that a greater sample
would not alter the direction of the results.
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