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Kofax Analytics for Capture

Phong Chu
Principal Enablement Manager
Kofax Analytics for Capture

 Is an extension of Kofax Capture and Kofax Transformation Modules

that tracks data as it progress through the workflow and produces
Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards from the collected data.
 Provides rapid, no-coding development of near real time reporting and
dashboard applications through the use of a data integration and
analytics engine utilizing in-memory techniques.
 Is available for both traditional on-premise deployments and as a
hosted SaaS subscription offering featuring multi-tenant capabilities.

Smart Process Applications

Smart Process Applications support

business processes that are:
 People intensive

 Information intensive

 Highly variable & unpredictable

 Loosely structured & subject to change

 Collaborative

With the recent acquisition of Altosoft, Kofax meets

Source: Forrester – August 2012 all five criteria to be the leading SPA provider.

Kofax Offers An Enterprise Ready Capture Platform

Business Insight, Process Intelligence Kofax Analytics for

Enterprise Ready

and Analytics Capture

KC Advanced
Operational Insight, Data Staging and Reports, Kofax
Static Reporting Reporting, Kofax

System Insight, High Availability Kofax Monitor

Capture Platform (KC, KTM)

Kofax Analytics for Capture – Staff Assignment

Business Insight, Process Intelligence Kofax Analytics for

and Analytics Capture

 Process owner wants to have real-time information about number of

batches and documents currently in the system
 And wants to be able to filter number of batches/documents by batch
class with a single click.
Today: With Kofax Analytics for Capture:
- Static historical reports only. + Interactive web-based dashboards to
drill down into details.
- No possiblitiy to drill-down with a
single click into more details. + Real-Time data and trends in
dashboards, dynamic filters.
- Requires report changes or special
views pre-built. + Ability to quickly resolve bottlenecks
and assign staff accordingly.
- Filter capabilities only available at
design time.

Kofax Analytics for Capture – Use Cases: Staff Assignment

Kofax Analytics for Capture – Staff Productivity

Business Insight, Process Intelligence Kofax Analytics for

and Analytics Capture

 Business owner wants to evaluate productivity statistics of his staff.

 Number of batches/documents/pages processed per hour, per day,

per month, per year is required per employee.

Today: With Kofax Analytics for Capture:

- Based on historical data, trends have + Interactive dashboards showing
to be calculated manually or by using overall performance and easily drill-
third-party tools. down to employee level.
- Sharing productivity information with + Dashboards can be used as objective
employees is a manual task (extract metrics for employee performance
individual statistics) often resulting in evaluations.
sending non-versioned sheets /
+ Ability to provide every employee
reports around.
insights to their productivity.
Kofax Analytics for Capture – Staff Productivity

Kofax Analytics for Capture – Classification & Extraction

Business Insight, Process Intelligence Kofax Analytics for
and Analytics Capture

 Process owner wants to view accuracy metrics between extraction

and validation to identify possible improvements.
 Process owner can drill-down to field level to identify impacted fields.

Today: With Kofax Analytics for Capture:

- This information is often not available + Interactive dashboards help to identify
at all. gaps in recognition.
- Identifying and calculating this + See trends e.g. if extraction quality
information is not intuitive and reduces validation effort.
requires some expertise.
+ Identify documents and fields which
Customization would be required.
cause high effort.

Kofax Analytics for Capture – Classification & Extraction

Challenges Today

 Business users and analysts ...

 ... are often using reporting or BI tools to get process insights,

but high costs of developing custom scripts limits usage and
usability. No capabilities to explore data“ and to get better
process insights.
 ... are not able to adjust dashboards or reports whenever
needed on their own or can‘t easily share dashboards with
others. Always requires time consuming IT involvement.
 ... require access to dashboards or reports anytime and
anywhere on their preferred device.
 ... want to be able to get real-time information of their processes.

Kofax Analytics for Capture

Business Business xyzxyzxy
Business xyzxyzxy
Business xyzxyzxy

 Turns static data from reports into interactive dashboards that can be
used to display, slice & dice and explore the data
 Delivers a library of pre-built, best practice dashboards and reports

 Rich end-user data discovery features to facilitate operational

performance improvement
 Allows customers to customize pre-built dashboards and reports


 Business Users and Business Analysts:

 Uncover real-time trends to make timely decisions

 Empower users with self-service interactive web-based

dashboards to provide process and business insight without the
need to involve IT to build new reports or adjust database queries
 Adjust dashboards on the fly and share with anyone

 IT Professionals:

 Easily access and consolidate data from multiple Kofax Capture

installations and apply security roles to protect data based on roles
 Easily manage and adjust access to Kofax Capture databases
without any coding


Metadata Dashboard
Database Viewer

Data Dashboard
Kofax Database Designer

Database Administration

Dashboard Viewer

 Displays data in a variety of pages.

 Available in both Silverlight and HTML 5 versions.

Dashboard Designer

 Design Views and Reports


 Configure authentication and authorization for Kofax Analytics for

Capture dashboards.

Thank you

For further information, please contact:
Phong Chu
Principal Enablement Manager
Phone: 949 783 1296
Kofax Analytics for Capture Bundle

Includes all required components

 Altosoft (limited to KC & KTM data sources!)
 Altosoft add-on (prepared KC and KTM reports & dashboards)
 Kofax Capture Advanced Reports
 End user training
 Maintenance & Support
 Licensed - Kofax Capture volume

Price Description Comments

Up to KC volume of 1M, tied to one
39 K Kofax Analytics for Capture – 1M PPY
Kofax Capture license system.
Up to KC volume of 10M, tied to one
69 K Kofax Analytics for Capture – 10M PPY
Kofax Capture license system.
Up to KC volume of 120M, tied to one
129 K Kofax Analytics for Capture – 120M PPY
Kofax Capture license system.
Multiple Kofax Capture license
Call us Kofax Analytics for Capture – enterprise
Insight Studio

 Define Data Sources, Records, Metrics

 Design Dashboards


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