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Managing behaviour of employee (week 6 lecture note)


BIG 5 Personality Traits

- Openness to experience – intellectual curiosity vs preference

- Conscientious – organised achievement oriented [ best predictor of being best performer]
- Extraversion – sociable vs introverted [best predictor of being offered a job]
- Agreeableness – cooperative/compassionate
- Emotional stability [Neuroticism]– prone to - negative emotions and stress vs secure

Five traits important in organisation

1. Locus of control – belief in control over one’s own fate

2. Self- efficacy – belief in capabilities to successfully perform a task
3. Self-esteem – people like or dislike themselves
4. Self-monitoring – ability to observe own behaviour and adapt to circumstances
5. Emotional intelligence – ability to perceive, appraise and express emotions. [ able to
understand your own emotion and effectively deal with the emotions and something in

Four components of emotional intelligence

1. Self-awareness – understand own emotion

2. Social awareness – understand emotion of others
3. Self- management – ability to regulate emotions
4. Relationship management – ability to make use of emotions


How do hidden aspects of individuals affect their behaviour?

Values – abstract ideals that guide one’s thinking and behaviour across all situations

Attitudes – beliefs and feelings directed towards specific objects, people, events

*values influence attitude influence behaviour and it influence attitude*

Cognitive Dissonance – having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs or attitudes with behaviour

Perception and individual behaviour

Four steps in perceptual process

1. Selective attention
2. Interpretation and evaluation
3. Storing in memory
4. Retrieving from memory to make decision

Distortions in perceptions

1. Stereotyping – tendency to attribute characteristics of a group to an individual

2. Halo effect – forming an impression of individual based on a single trait
3. Recency effect – tendency to remember recent information [ tend to remember first and last
of the thing but the middle in between and things we remember in the last is the most
4. Causal Attribution – inferring causes for behaviour where there are none

Fundamental attribution error – tendency to overemphasize importance of personal characteristic [

self-bias – like if something come up well I praise myself then if not good I attribute to the weather
and so on. Failures are because of other people and attribute it to other factors and not our own.]

Self-fulfilling prophecy – Pygmalion effect - Expectations of self or others result in behaviour that
makes those expectation comes true’

Work-related attitudes and behaviours managers need to deal with

3 important attitudes

1. Employee engagement- emotionally involved in job, dedication towards job

2. Job satisfaction- can be satisfied with the salary n colleague but not the physical
3. Organisational commitment- what u believe in the organisation. U might not like the job but
u r into the organisation

4 important workplace behaviours

1. Performance and productivity

2. Absenteeism and turnover
3. Citizenship behaviours- do extra like stay late and help the employees
4. Counterproductive work behaviours

Understanding stress and individual behaviour

What are the causes and symptoms of workplace stress and how can these be reduced?

Sources of stress

- individual differences
- Job itself
- Role demands
- Group demands
- Organisational demands
- Non-work demands

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