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QUESTION: ​How has becoming successful in the music industry changed over the last 50 years with introduction 

of technology in production and communication that musicians can utilize to forward there careers, and what are 
the costs and benefits of all the specific choices modern day musicians have access to. 
490 Walnut Ave 
Walnut Creek, CA 94598 
January 23, 2017   
Topic Approval Committee 
Northgate High School 
425 Castle Rock Road 
Walnut Creek, CA 94598 
Dear Sir or Madam: 
The experiential project I have chosen is to clinic several trumpet sections and bands for the foothill middle 
school music program in preparation for upcoming concerts, performances, and festivals. I am very interested in 
the benefits provided by sectional tutoring and clinics offered to young musicians. I am curious about the insight 
it will provide for a younger generation of music students. I will contact Michael Miller, a professional music 
director and composer, trumpet player and tutor, to be my mentor. 

In my paper I hope to answer the question: How has becoming successful in the music industry changed over 
the last 50 years with introduction of technology in production and communication that musicians can utilize to 
forward there careers and what are the costs and benefits of all the specific choices modern day musicians have 
access to? Comparing the abilities of professional musicians of the 20th century to the opportunities musicians 
have in the 21st century will be interesting. This topic will involve plenty of research on the career paths of 
musicians today and interviews with specialists in music production, composing, directing, and performing in the 
professional world. 

This project will be challenging for me because although I have been educated extensively on proper musical 
technique both physically and mentally, I have never attempted passing on this knowledge myself. It has also 
been quite a while since I have had to deal with middle-school level musical education which could take some 
serious adjusting. And it should also be added that I already balance the responsibilities of practicing for two 
high level bands, and completing my schoolwork. I will use my knowledge from my 7+ years of music education. 
The mentored project should involve 25 or so hours of clinics with a variety of ensembles, with no perceived 

I hope this meets with your approval. 

Maximillian Aguilera 
English Teacher: Mrs. Kari Reed Period 4 
Question​: Yes _______ No_______ 
Project​: Yes _______ No_______ 
Project-Community​: Yes _______ No_______ 
Academic Relevanc​e: Yes _______ No_______ 
Print Name:____________________ Signature: ________________________ 
Teacher comments/suggestions:______________________________________________________________ 
Parent signature: _______________________________ 
Topic Approval Committee: Approved ______ Not Approved _______ 

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