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Topic: How does video game addiction affect the study habits of students?

General Objective: Awareness and PREVENTION

Specific Objectives:
- To determine the extent of playing video games by the students.
- To know the relationship between the extent of playing videogames.
-To assess the study habits of students.

Sub Topics/Outline Content/ Activity Materials/ References

What is Video Game addiction? Video game addiction, also called video
game overuse, is a proposed form of
psychological addiction composed of a
compulsive use of computer and video
games. While game critics may praise a Ohp/ PowerPoint
game as "addictive", this article shall focus
only on the perceived negative
consequences of the phenomenon.
Symptoms: 1. Persistent thoughts of the activity
or performance of the activity.
2. Need for increased time spent on
the activity to achieve satisfaction
or diminished reward for the same
amount of time spent on the
activity. (Tolerance) Ohp/Powerpoint
3. Inability to control, stop or
diminish the behavior. (Loss of
4. Restlessness or irritability when
prevented from partaking in the
activity. (Withdrawal)
5. Lying to friends or family about
extent of involvement with activity.
(Continuance despite adverse
6. Committing illegal acts to sustain
activity. (Continuance despite
adverse consequences)
7. Relying on others to finance
activity. (Continuance despite
adverse consequences)

How does it affect our youth and their The effects of video game addiction to the
studies? youth can be mild or the opposite. It can
cause constant absenteeism and lack of
attention in lectures. It can even numb the
students’ interest in learning itself, causing
a rapid deterioration in his scholastics. The Ohp/powerpoint
problem lies not only in the psychological
effects but also in physical. Insomnia, eye
problems, lack of proper nutrition and
headaches can hamper the student’s
performance in school.

Where does the addiction start? Due to the addictive nature of games, it is
not impossible to get somebody hooked. It
is like substance abuse but lacks the Ohp/powerpoint
physical material for our body to get
addicted. Like any other addiction,
children and teens, even adults, turn to
video games to escape reality, to
compensate for their loss or inadequacy in
certain aspects of life. The virtual world is
much more alluring than reality itself
because of 2 terms: YOU WIN and
RESTART. Which is quite impossible or
doesn’t happen too often in real life.

Advantages of Videogames a. Offer the potential to foster creativity;

b. Provide a fun and social form of
c. Make kids feel comfortable with
d. Increase children' s self-confidence and
self-esteem as they master games; e.
Develop skills in reading, math and
f. Promote pro-social behaviours, such as
helping and caring;
g. Teach eye-hand coordination and visual
spatial ability;
h. An important medium for self-directed
learning, health promotion and disease
i. Facilitate language development in
autistic children and j. Provide play
therapy for inhibited children

a. Playing aggressive games display more

Disadvantages of videogames verbal and physical aggression to
inanimate objects and playmates;
b. Exhibiting more aggressive thoughts
among the youths;
c. More likely to attribute hostile intentions
to others;
d. Correlation between aggressive
delinquency and behaviour;
e. Reduction of empathy for victims,
leading to higher possibility of youths
becoming more violent individuals;
f. Desensitization to violent behaviour;
g. Less trust and increased fearfulness;
h. Fall in academic performance; i.
Induction of additive behaviour resulting
in possible truancy and even stealing to get
their "video game fix " ;
j. Results in greater sedentary lifestyles,
poorer eating habits and increased obesity;
k. Reduction in physical fitness with
possibility of later heart disease;
l. Affects youths' attitudes toward gender
m. Stresses autonomous action rather than
cooperation and thus does not encourage or
promote teamwork and
n. Excessive or addictive use of gaming,
which may be at the expense of active
Appropriate guidelines for video game
play need to be set in place. Parents,
educators and others need to be aware of
Prevention the messages they are sending children
regarding video game playing. More
specifically, parents should be involved.
Parents can play a part in guiding their
children' s use of video games in the
following ways:

Getting involved
Choose video games for your younger
children and look for games that do not
contain violence or stereotyping;
Play the games together with your
children, especially when they have a new
Place the computer in a public area, for
instance, the living room, so that you can Ohp/Powerpoint
monitor what your children are playing

Discuss video content with your children

Talk to your children on why you find
certain video game content
objectionable. Do not ban them outright
but enable them to understand the reasons
behind your objections.

Control the amount of time spent on

playing video game
Establish rules together with your children
on how much time to set aside for playing
video games.
Encourage other activities
Encourage your children to participate in
other activities, for instance, outdoor
activities or hobbies.

And as for the students, one word;

BALANCE. There is nothing wrong with
playing games, as long as YOU’RE the
ONE playing it, not the other way around..

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