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Calcium in biology

Calcium ions (Ca2+) play a vital role in the physiology and biochemistry of organisms and the cell. They play an important role in
signal transduction pathways,[1][2] where they act as a second messenger, in neurotransmitter release from neurons, in contraction of
all muscle cell types, and in fertilization. Many enzymes require calcium ions as a cofactor, those of the blood-clotting cascade being
notable examples. Extracellular calcium is also important for maintaining the potential difference across excitable cell membranes, as
well as proper bone formation.

Calcium levels in mammals are tightly regulated,[1][2] with bone acting as the major mineral storage site. Calcium ions, Ca2+, are
released from bone into the bloodstream under controlled conditions. Calcium is transported through the bloodstream as dissolved
ions or bound to proteins such as serum albumin. Parathyroid hormone secreted by the parathyroid gland regulates the resorption of
Ca2+ from bone, reabsorption in the kidney back into circulation, and increases in the activation ofvitamin D3 to calcitriol. Calcitriol,
the active form of vitamin D3, promotes absorption of calcium from the intestines and the mobilization of calcium ions from bone
matrix. Calcitonin secreted from the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland also affects calcium levels by opposing parathyroid
hormone; however, its physiological significance in humans is dubious.

Calcium storages are intracellular organelles, that constantly accumulate Ca2+ ions and release them during certain cellular events.
Intracellular Ca2+ storages include mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum.[3] Characteristic concentrations of calcium in model
organisms are: in E. coli 3mM (bound), 100nM (free), in budding yeast 2mM (bound), in mammalian cell 10-100nM (free) and in
blood plasma 2mM.[4]

Negative effects and pathology
Stomata closing
Cellular division
Structural roles
Cell signaling
Dietary recommendations
Approved health claims (U.S.)
Food sources
Measurement in blood
Corrected calcium

See also
External links

In vertebrates, calcium ions, like many other ions, are of such vital importance to many physiological processes that its concentration
is maintained within specific limits to ensure adequate homeostasis. This is evidenced by human plasma calcium, which is one of the
most closely regulated physiological variables in the human body. Normal plasma levels vary between 1 and 2% over any given time.
Approximately half of all ionized calcium circulates in its unbound form, with the other half being complexed with plasma proteins
such as albumin, as well as anions including bicarbonate, citrate, phosphate, and sulfate.[5]

Different tissues contain calcium in different concentrations. For instance,

Ca2+ (mostly calcium phosphate and some calcium sulfate) is the most
important (and specific) element of bone and calcified cartilage. In humans,
the total body content of calcium is present mostly in the form of bone mineral
(roughly 99%). In this state, it is largely unavailable for
exchange/bioavailability. The way to overcome this is through the process of
bone resorption, in which calcium is liberated into the bloodstream through the
action of bone osteoclasts. The remainder of calcium is present within the
extracellular and intracellular fluids.

Within a typical cell, the intracellular concentration of ionized calcium is

roughly 100 nM, but is subject to increases of 10– to 100-fold during various
cellular functions. The intracellular calcium level is kept relatively low with
respect to the extracellular fluid, by an approximate magnitude of 12,000-fold.
This gradient is maintained through various plasma membrane calcium pumps
Calcium regulation in the human body.[6]
that utilize ATP for energy, as well as a sizable storage within intracellular
compartments. In electrically excitable cells, such as skeletal and cardiac
muscles and neurons, membrane depolarization leads to a Ca2+ transient with cytosolic Ca2+ concentration reaching 400 nM and
above. Mitochondria are capable of sequestering and storing some of that Ca2+. It has been estimated that mitochondrial matrix free
calcium concentration rises to the tens of micromolar levelsin situ during neuronal activity.[7]

The effects of calcium on human cells are specific, meaning that different types of cells respond in different ways. However, in
certain circumstances, its action may be more general. Ca2+ ions are one of the most widespread second messengers used in signal
transduction. They make their entrance into the cytoplasm either from outside the cell through the cell membrane via calcium
channels (such as calcium-binding proteins or voltage-gated calcium channels), or from some internal calcium storages such as the
endoplasmic reticulum[3] and mitochondria. Levels of intracellular calcium are regulated bytransport proteins that remove it from the
cell. For example, the sodium-calcium exchangeruses energy from the electrochemical gradient of sodium by coupling the influx of
sodium into cell (and down its concentration gradient) with the transport of calcium out of the cell. In addition, the plasma membrane
Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) obtains energy to pump calcium out of the cell by hydrolysing adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In neurons,
voltage-dependent, calcium-selective ion channels are important for synaptic transmission through the release of neurotransmitters
into the synaptic cleft by vesicle fusion of synaptic vesicles.

Calcium's function in muscle contraction was found as early as 1882 by Ringer. Subsequent investigations were to reveal its role as a
messenger about a century later. Because its action is interconnected with cAMP, they are called synarchic messengers. Calcium can
bind to several different calcium-modulated proteins such as troponin-C (the first one to be identified) and calmodulin, proteins that
are necessary for promoting contraction in muscle.

In the endothelial cells which line the inside of blood vessels, Ca2+ ions can regulate several signaling pathways which cause the
smooth muscle surrounding blood vessels to relax. Some of these Ca2+-activated pathways include the stimulation of eNOS to
produce nitric oxide, as well as the stimulation of Kca channels to efflux K+ and cause hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. Both
nitric oxide and hyperpolarization cause the smooth muscle to relax in order to regulate the amount of tone in blood vessels.[8]
However, dysfunction within these Ca2+-activated pathways can lead to an increase in tone caused by unregulated smooth muscle
contraction. This type of dysfunction can be seen in cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and diabetes.

Calcium coordination plays an important role in defining the structure and function of proteins. An example a protein with calcium
coordination is von Willebrand factor (vWF) which has an essential role in blood clot formation process. It is discovered -using
single molecule optical tweezers measurement – that calcium-bound vWF acts as a shear force sensor in the blood. Shear force leads
to unfolding of the A2 domain of vWF whose refolding rate is dramatically enhanced in the presence of calcium.

Ca2+ ion flow regulate several secondary messenger systems in neural adaptation for visual, auditory, and the olfactory system. It
may often be bound to calmodulin such as in the olfactory system to either enhance or repress cation channels.[11] Other times the
calcium level change can actually release guanylyl cyclase from inhibition, like in the photoreception system [12] Ca2+ ion can also
determine the speed of adaptation in a neural system depending on the receptors and proteins that have varied affinity for detecting
levels of calcium to open or close channels at high concentration and low concentration of calcium in the cell at that time.

Cell type Effect

endothelial cells ↑vasodilation
secretory cells (mostly) ↑secretion (vesicle fusion)
juxtaglomerular cell ↓secretion[14]
Parathyroid chief cells ↓secretion[14]
Neurons transmission (vesicle fusion), Neural adaptation
T cells Activation in response to antigen presentation to the T cell receptor[15]

myocytes contraction
Activation of protein kinase C
Activation of protein kinase C
Further reading: Function of protein kinase C

Reference ranges for blood tests, showing calcium levels in purple at right.

Negative effects and pathology

Substantial decreases in extracellular Ca2+ ion concentrations may result in a condition known as hypocalcemic tetany, which is
marked by spontaneous motor neuron discharge. In addition, severe hypocalcaemia will begin to affect aspects of blood coagulation
and signal transduction.

Ca2+ ions can damage cells if they enter in excessive numbers (for example, in the case of excitotoxicity, or over-excitation of neural
circuits, which can occur in neurodegenerative diseases, or after insults such as brain trauma or stroke). Excessive entry of calcium
into a cell may damage it or even cause it to undergo apoptosis, or death by necrosis. Calcium also acts as one of the primary
regulators of osmotic stress (Osmotic shock). Chronically elevated plasma calcium (hypercalcemia) is associated with cardiac
arrhythmias and decreased neuromuscular excitability.One cause of hypercalcemia is a condition known ashyperparathyroidism.

Some invertebrates use calcium compounds for building their exoskeleton (shells and carapaces) or endoskeleton (echinoderm plates
and poriferan calcareous spicules).


Stomata closing
When abscisic acid signals the guard cells, free Ca2+ ions enter the cytosol from both outside the cell and internal stores, reversing
the concentration gradient so the K+ ions begin exiting the cell. The loss of solutes makes the cell flaccid and closes the stomatal

Cellular division
Calcium is a necessary ion in the formation of the mitotic spindle. Without the mitotic spindle, cellular division cannot occur.
Although young leaves have a higher need for calcium, older leaves contain higher amounts of calcium because calcium is relatively
immobile through the plant. It is not transported through thephloem because it can bind with other nutrient ions andprecipitate out of
liquid solutions.

Structural roles
Ca2+ ions are an essential component of plant cell walls and cell membranes, and are used as cations to balance organic anions in the
plant vacuole.[16] The Ca2+ concentration of the vacuole may reach millimolar levels. The most striking use of Ca2+ ions as a
structural element in algae occurs in the marine coccolithophores, which use Ca2+ to form the calcium carbonate plates, with which
they are covered.

Calcium is needed to form thepectin in the middle lamella of newly formed cells.

Calcium is needed to stabilize the permeability of cell membranes. Without calcium, the cell walls are unable to stabilize and hold
their contents. This is particularly important in developing fruits. Without calcium, the cell walls are weak and unable to hold the
contents of the fruit.

Some plants accumulate Ca in their tissues, thus making them more firm. Calcium is stored as Ca-
oxalate crystals in plastids.

Cell signaling
Ca2+ ions are usually kept at nanomolar levels in the cytosol of plant cells, and act in a number of signal transduction pathways as
second messengers.


Dietary recommendations
The U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) established Recommended Dietary Allowances(RDAs) for calcium in 1997 and updated those
values in 2011.[17] See table. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) uses the term Population Reference Intake (PRIs) instead
of RDAs and sets slightly different numbers: ages 4–10 800 mg, ages 11–17 1150 mg, ages 18–24 1000 mg, and >25 years
950 mg.[18]

Because of concerns of long-term adverse side effects such as calcification of arteries and kidney stones, the IOM and EFSA both set
Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs) for the combination of dietary and supplemental calcium. From the IOM, people ages 9–18
years are not supposed to exceed 3,000 mg/day; for ages 19–50 not to exceed 2,500 mg/day; for ages 51 and older, not to exceed

2,000 mg/day.[19] The EFSA set UL at 2,500 mg/day for adults but decided the
ficient to determine ULs.[20]
information for children and adolescents was not suf Age-adjusted daily calcium
recommendations (from U.S.
Institute of Medicine RDAs)[17]
For U.S. food and dietary supplement labeling purposes the amount in a serving is
expressed as a percent of Daily Value (%DV). For calcium labeling purposes 100% of Age Calcium (mg/day)
the Daily Value was 1000 mg, but as of May 27, 2016 it was revised to 1300 mg to bring 1–3 years 700
it into agreement with the RDA.[21] A table of the old and new adult Daily Values is
4–8 years 1000
provided at Reference Daily Intake. The original deadline to be in compliance was July
9–18 years 1300
28, 2018, but on September 29, 2017 the FDA released a proposed rule that extended the
deadline to January 1, 2020 for large companies and January 1, 2021 for small 19–50 years 1000
companies.[22] >51 years 1000
Pregnancy 1000

Approved health claims (U.S.) Lactation 1000

Although as a general rule, dietary supplement labeling and marketing are not allowed to
make disease prevention or treatment claims, the FDA has for some foods and dietary supplements reviewed the science, concluded
that there is significant scientific agreement, and published specifically worded allowed health claims. An initial ruling allowing a
health claim for calcium dietary supplements and osteoporosis was later amended to include calcium and vitamin D supplements,
effective January 1, 2010. Examples of allowed wording are shown below. In order to qualify for the calcium health claim, a dietary
supplement much contain at least 20% of the Reference Dietary Intake, which for calcium means at least 260 mg/serving.

"Adequate calcium throughout life, as part of a well-balanced diet, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis."
"Adequate calcium as part of a healthful diet, along with physical activity
, may reduce the risk of osteoporosis in later
"Adequate calcium and vitamin D throughout life, as part of a well-balanced diet, may reduce the risk of
"Adequate calcium and vitamin D as part of a healthful diet, along with physical activity
, may reduce the risk of
osteoporosis in later life."

Food sources
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) web site has a very complete searchable table of calcium content (in
milligrams) in foods, per common measures such as per 100 grams or per a normal serving.

Calcium amount in foods, per 100 grams:

parmesan (cheese) = 1140 mg

milk powder = 909 mg
goat hard cheese = 895 mg
Cheddar cheese = 720 mg
tahini paste = 427 mg
molasses = 273 mg
almonds = 234 mg
collard greens = 232 mg
kale = 150 mg
goat milk = 134 mg
sesame seeds (unhulled) = 125 mg
nonfat cow milk = 122 mg
plain whole-milk yogurt = 121 mg
hazelnuts = 114 mg
spinach = 99 mg
ricotta (skimmed milk cheese) = 90 mg
brown sugar = 85 mg
lentils = 79 mg
wheat germs = 72 mg
pigeon peas = 62.7 mg
chickpeas = 53.1 mg
eggs, boiled = 50 mg
flour = 41 mg
orange = 40 mg
human milk = 33 mg
rice, white, long-grain, parboiled, enriched, cooked = 19 mg
trout = 19 mg
beef = 12 mg
cod = 11 mg

Measurement in blood
The amount of calcium in blood (more specifically, in blood plasma) can be measured as total calcium, which includes both protein-
bound and free calcium. In contrast, ionized calcium is a measure of free calcium. An abnormally high level of calcium in plasma is
termed hypercalcemia and an abnormally low level is termed hypocalcemia, with "abnormal" generally referring to levels outside the
reference range.

Reference ranges for blood testsfor calcium

Target Lower limit Upper limit Unit

1.03,[25] 1.10[26] 1.23,[25] 1.30[26] mmol/L

Ionized calcium
4.1,[27] 4.4[27] 4.9,[27] 5.2[27] mg/dL

2.1,[28][29] 2.2[26] 2.5,[26][29] 2.6,[29] 2.8[28] mmol/L

Total calcium
8.4,[28] 8.5[30] 10.2,[28] 10.5[30] mg/dL

The main methods to measure serum calcium are:[31]

O-Cresolphalein Complexone Method; A disadvantage of this method is that the volatile nature of the 2-Amino-2-
Methyl-1-Propanol used in this method makes it necessary to calibrate the method every few hours in a clinical
laboratory setup.
Arsenazo III Method; This method is more robust, but thearsenic in the reagent is a health hazard.
The total amount of Ca2+ present in a tissue may be measured usingAtomic absorption spectroscopy, in which the tissue is vaporized
and combusted. To measure Ca2+ concentration or spatial distribution within the cell cytoplasm in vivo, a range of fluorescent
reporters may be used. These include cell permeable, calcium-binding fluorescent dyes such as Fura-2 or genetically engineered
variant of green fluorescent protein(GFP) named Cameleon.

Corrected calcium
As access to an ionized calcium is not always available a corrected calcium may be used instead. To calculate a corrected calcium in
albumin in g/L) multiplied by 0.2).[32]
mmo/l one takes the total calcium in mmol/L and adds it to ((40 minus the serum

See also
Bone seeker

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External links
USDA national nutritional database, Calcium content of selected foods
Calcium and vitamin D.

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