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1. Briefly explain the procedure and make-up of the post-implementation review.

one perform maintenance on a system without a post-implementation review? Why?

The post-implementation review is used to evaluate the effectiveness of the system development after the
system has been in production for a period of them (normally 7 month). The objectives are to determine if the
system does what it is designed to do. Does it support the user as required in an effective and efficient
manner? The review should assess how successful the system is in terms of functionality. Performance and
cost versus benefits as well as assess the effectiveness of the life-cycle development activities that produced
the system. The review results can be used to strengthen the system as well as system development

The review is scheduled to follow the release of a system or system revision by an appropriate amount of time
to allow determination of the effectiveness of the system

A representative from the functional development group or other member of the major user organization
participates In the review. The system proponent ensures that all documentation and all personnel needed to
participate in the review are accessible.

The reviewer and an assigned them collect the information needed for the post implementation review by
interviewing end use5rs and their managers system administrators and computer operations personnel. The
report is then prepared and provided to the user organization that requested it and the information systems
organization which may jointly use the finding to initiate other actions.

The post implementation review is free form report and not all sections are relevant or necessary to the final
product. A description of the post implementations review report is attached.

There are three purposes for a post implementations review:

 To ascertain the degree of success from the project in particular the extent to which it met its
objectives delivered planned levels of benefit and addressed the specific requirements as originally

 To examine the efficacy of all elements of the working business solution to see if further
improvements can be made to optimize the benefit delivered

 To learn lesson from this project lessons which can be used by the team members and by the
organizations to improve future project work and solutions

In some cases the first of these objectives can be a contractual issue. Where that is the case it may be safer to run
separate reviews one focused on contractual compliance and the other seeking to derive further benefit from a no
blame review.

Maintenance cannot be done without post implementation review, because in the post implementation user can
get idea what the problem is and in what areas improvement is requirement therefore after post implementation
maintenance is ease to do.

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