Particle States

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Change of state and the particle model

Imagine a very cold day. On days like this, you
probably sit inside without moving around too much.
Changing state
As the weather gets warmer, you start to move around A change of state involves the heating or cooling of
a little more. On warm, sunny days, you probably matter. As a substance is heated, energy is transferred
have a lot more energy. On these days, you might feel to it. When a substance cools, energy moves away
like moving about more. Much like you, the particles from it to another substance or to the environment.
inside matter also change the way they move when The change in energy causes the particles in the
they are heated or cooled. substance to move at different speeds.

Solid Melting Liquid

When a solid is heated, As more heat is As a liquid
its particles start to transferred to the solid, is heated, its
move more quickly. The its particles vibrate more particles move
increased movement of violently. Eventually and roll over
its particles makes the the particles move so each other faster
solid expand. much that the bonds and faster. The
holding them in their liquid begins to
fixed positions break. expand.
The particles start to roll
over each other. Melting
continues until the entire
solid becomes a liquid.

Gas Boiling
As in solids and liquids, the If the liquid continues to be
particles in gases move faster heated, the particles will
and faster when they are heated. eventually have enough energy
The increased movement of the to break the bonds holding them
particles means that they take together. The particles can break
up more space and the gas away from the liquid and begin
expands. If the gas is heated in a to move around freely. This
closed container, the increased process is called boiling. Boiling
movement of the particles means continues until the entire liquid
that they collide more often with becomes a gas.
the sides of the container and
with each other.

46 Core Science | Stage 4 Complete course

Foggy mirrors
Have you noticed how the mirror in the bathroom ‘fogs up’ after a hot
shower? The ‘fog’ is actually formed when water vapour that evaporates
from the hot water cools down.
Fog in the air
Some of the energy of the particles in
the water vapour is transferred away
from the vapour to the air. The transfer
of energy leaves the water vapour with
less energy — so much less energy that
its particles slow down. The transfer of
energy away from
the water vapour
means it cools
Invisible gas down and turns
Water vapour forms into tiny droplets
when particles in the of water. These
hot water gain enough tiny droplets
energy to escape and form clouds. This
become a gas. You can’t process is called
see water vapour. The condensation.
particles in the water
vapour move around
freely. They have more
energy than the particles
in the liquid water.

Fog on the mirror

The energy from
some of the water
vapour is transferred
to the cold mirror.
This causes the water
vapour to condense on
the mirror.

6 For each of the following changes of state of a
substance, identify whether it involves adding energy
to the particles or transferring energy away from the
Remember particles.
(a) Melting
1 Describe what happens to the movement of particles as a (b) Condensation
substance changes from a solid to a liquid. (c) Boiling
2 Describe what happens to the movement of particles as a (d) Freezing
substance changes from a gas to a liquid. (e) Sublimation
3 Recall why substances often expand when they are (f) Evaporation
eBook plus
4 In movies, you sometimes see a mirror being held up to 7 Simulate heating matter over a Bunsen burner by using
the mouth and nose of someone who is unconscious to the Changes of state interactivity in your eBookPLUS.
check if they are breathing. Explain why this would work. int-0222
5 Recall the relationship between the amount of energy the work
particles in a substance have and the state (phase) of 2.3 Changes of state
the substance.

2  States of matter 47

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