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How to making a transformer like that 12Volt Fuorescent lamp, but this circuit requires a step-

up transformer that are larger and require a lot of coils. This transformer is controlled by a
transistor semiconductor 24D506 in this series. To output issued until 1KV or more but issued is
very low amperage. This circuit can also be used in fluorescent lamps 10W maximum. When
used in fluorescent lamps add another capacitor to the voltage for provoke can turn on the
Part List :

R1____1K5 Ω
R2____4K3 Ω
R3____22M Ω

C2____100n 400V
C3____0.2uF 400V


Q1___ 24D506

L1___#100 turns
L2___#100 turns
L3___#1000 turns

12 volt fluorescent lamp and transformer

Wahyu Eko Fluorescent lamp Saver circuit Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Valid schematic circuit diagrams of fluorescent lamps with a voltage source using 12 volt
battery and the transformer is equipped. This circuit 12 volt fluorescent lamp is very useful if the
power goes out or can be used in a dark place with no electricity, but can use the battery 12V.
This 12V fluorescent lamp circuit i have tried and the results are bright, durable until decades.
You can use 12Volt fluorescent lamps up to 40W. Use quality 12 Volt fluorescent lamp, do not
use the fast heat, because the fast was also damage the transistor at 12Volt fluorescent lamp
circuit . Do not occasionally mistaken in putting up the transistor .

Description for 12 volt fluorescent lamp Circuit Diagrams :

R1 = 220R/0.5W
R2 = 1/0.5W
C1 = 100n/100V
C2 = 220uF/50V
Q1 = D1885/D1710
A/B= To A fluorescent lamp/ and B to B fluorescent Lamp and just use one pin
B = Battery 12 volt with currents above 5A
Roll of copper wire on ferrite rod, with :
L1 = 1.2 mm diameter wire with many loops winding 20 times
L2 = 1.2mm diameter wire with many loops winding 20 times , and connected after the L1
L3 = 0.8mm diameter wire with many loops winding 500 times , connected after L2 and wrapped
over L1 and L2.
F = Ferrite rod diameter of 10 mm
Number 1 - 4 in red will be connected to the winding.

This is transformator for 12 volt fluorescent Lamp

Installation fluorescent lamp with accu 12 V
Related Fluorescent Lamp Circuit : 3V Fluorescent Lamp

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