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A General Regulations
1. Validity – Incorporation

 These Ship’s Rules and Regulations are considered to be incorporated into and to form part of the
employment contract signed between River Catering Ltd. (“RC”) and the employees to be
employed on RC vessels.

 RC may revise the Rules and Regulations from time to time. Rules and Regulations as so varied
shall form part of the employment contract with effect from the date of the variation in place of
the Rules and Regulations current immediately preceding the variation.

2. Violations

 Violations against the Rules and Regulations given herein below will result in disciplinary measures,
which may be any one, or all of the following combined:
 Verbal warning
 Written warning
 Suspension / Dismissal

3. Ship’s Crew, Staff and Officers

Ship’s Staff/Officers/Head of Departments/Management

Hotel Manager
Executive Chef
Officers and Engineers
1st Receptionist, Maître D’

On board Management outside above mentioned company

Cruise Director

Any remaining positions not mentioned above.

4. Principles of Safety

 Safety and order are the most important principles on all vessels.

 All employees are responsible for a maximum level of safety on the vessel at all times, in all
situations of navigation or docking. All legal regulations and standard procedures must be followed
diligently. On each vessel, a printed version of the HR manual is placed in the Crew Mess.

 Furthermore, all supplementary rules, regulations and instructions from the owners and/or their
representatives concerning accident avoidance or otherwise, as well as any specific safety
regulations for ships must be observed and followed accordingly. On each vessel, a printed version
of the HR manual is placed in the Crew Mess.

5. Personal Requirements

 Pre-employment physical examination:

Prior to joining the first assigned vessel of the season, all employees must be in possession of a
valid medical certificate signed and stamped by a Doctor (only original copy issued). The employees
will cover the medical expenses for the examination on his/her own.

 At the commencement of the employment contract, the employees must be in good health and
not in need of medical attendance.

 Employees who are suffering from any notifiable disease, or a disease which can affect or endanger
the health of any passenger and/or fellow crew member (diarrhea, etc.) in any way, must report
to their superior immediately. In such cases, the ship’s management is entitled to require a
doctor’s approval for the crewmember to continue working.

 Employees who are suffering from any disease or affliction that could cause dangerous situations
for them or others in the context of their occupational activities must inform their superior

 Should an employee realize that he or she cannot safely fulfill their appointed tasks, or parts
thereof, they must notify their superior directly and on their own initiative.

 Any illness or injury must be treated appropriately immediately.

 All crew members joining a RC vessel must produce evidence of no relevant criminal convictions
and provide a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC).

6. Behavior in Extraordinary Circumstances

 All instructions given by the ship’s Captain concerning the safety of people or the ship, or the
preservation of order on board, must be obeyed without fail.

 In order to meet emergencies well prepared, every employee on board is obliged to participate in
a serious and conscientious manner in all safety drills. Only the ship’s management determines

 Should any person on board fall ill or have an accident, first aid must be provided and, if necessary,
medical help must be sought as soon as possible. Help must also be given if a person has fallen
overboard or is in any kind of danger on the river.

7. Obligation to Report

 Every employee has the obligation to report anything that might endanger the safety of the ship,
her passengers and crew during sailing or docking procedures.

 Every employee also has an obligation to report breaches of the Rules & Regulations. If the breach
involves any risk to the safety or security of a passenger or other crew members, it must be
reported immediately to enable preventative action to be taken.

 All reports must be given immediately to the immediate superior or the Hotel Manager,

B Life on Board
1. General Rules

Hygiene and appearance

 In accordance with the detailed specifications in the company’s HR manual, RC expects all
members of crew, staff, officers and management team to display a friendly, pleasant and
accommodating attitude towards all passengers. This includes maintaining a clean, tidy and well-
groomed appearance (clothing/body hygiene/haircut/jewelry) while on duty, as well as during
leisure time on board.

 Flashy jewelry, visible tattoos and/or piercings are not allowed on board during working time.
Woman may wear one earring per ear and one ring per hand. Men may only wear one ring per
hand and no other jewelry.


 All employees are obliged to wear the official uniforms.

 The uniform required by RC has to be worn in accordance with the specifications in the HR manual.
The uniform must always be kept clean, ironed and in good condition at all times.

2. Code of Conduct

All of the following are strictly prohibited:

 Drugs and alcohol

 It is strictly prohibited to use intoxicants of any kind, at any time and in any area of any of the

 Possession, consumption, trade and/or smuggling of drugs is strictly forbidden on board.

 The consumption of alcoholic beverages during and/or shortly before duty is not permitted, except
during guest relating occasions for the Management team, the Officers and/or Head of
Departments only (in moderation).

 Smoking

 Smoking while on duty or in the galley, storage rooms, the cabin, the elevator and/or any other
passenger areas is not allowed.

 Smoking in the cabins and the corridors is strictly forbidden. Smoking in the crew mess (cigarettes
only) is only allowed at times set by the ship’s management, during and shortly before meal times
it is prohibited. Ash and leftovers from tobacco products may only be emptied into designated
containers (risk of fire).

 On open decks, smoking is only permitted in the restricted Sky Deck Aft area.

 Guest and Crew Interaction

 Crew members are prohibited from engaging in physical relationships with guests and/or
fraternization of any kind with passengers.

 Any act and/or comments and/or behavior that may be considered to promote or encourage
sexual harassment is strictly forbidden.

 Having and/or attempting to have any kind of inappropriate physical contact with any passenger
and/or any crew member will not be permitted.

 Inappropriate or abusive behavior

 Careless handling of company’s property is forbidden.

 Staying in passenger cabins for reasons other of duty (entire crew); as well as passengers staying
in crew cabins (unless in official matters) is not allowed.

 Crew members must not spend more time in the ship’s public areas than is necessary for the
performance of their duties.

 The use of passengers’ toilets by the crew is not authorized.

 Leaving work without obtaining permission from the superior will not be tolerated.

 The presence of non-authorized people in the kitchen area, in walk-in fridges/freezers is not

 Crew members are not permitted to bring Guests in any restricted area of any RC vessel, including
staterooms and corridors.

 Carrying or using mobile phones is not permitted while on duty or in passenger areas (officers are
exempt from this).

 Throwing anything overboard is strictly forbidden.

 Any action that may be considered to promote or encourage criminal offences will not be

 Possession of weapons of all kinds is not authorized.

 The use of any kinds of open fires (candles etc.) are strictly prohibited on board.

 Verbally abusive and/or offensive language

 The discussion of internal and business matters in public or in the presence of a third party (e.g.
passengers) is not permitted.

 Bringing fellow crew members, the company and/or officers into disrepute with guests or any third
party is not allowed.

 Verbally abusive or offensive language directed towards guests and/or crew members is not

 Social Media

 Employees do not use social media to post or disseminate anything negative, offensive,
defamatory, discriminatory, harassing, hostile or abusive about clients, colleagues, suppliers and
contractors, competitors or RC.

 Privacy is respected at all times. No confidential, private or personally identifiable information

about colleagues, clients or RC will be shared, such as names, contact details, photographs or

 Each employee will be security conscious and will make sure to protect own data from identity
theft when using any social networking sites by checking own privacy settings.

 Employees are always careful about what they communicate on Social Media channels. Posts can
go public easily and beyond the control of the initiator.

 RC and its clients have extensive procedures in place once an incident takes place. In no
circumstances may an unauthorized member of staff or contractor post any information such as
photographs, videos or comments about any incident. Neglecting this policy will result in
disciplinary or contractual action.

 Electric devices

 On board it is strictly prohibited to use electric devices with electrical power of more than 500
Watt unless the appropriate technical department of the shipping company issues a written

 Regardless of their power, the use of heat-producing electric devices, for example radiant
heaters, immersion heaters, irons, etc., is strictly forbidden.
Violation of any of the above rules and regulation entitles RC and/or the management of the
vessel/ship to terminate the employment immediately.
Crew members must report any violation of this Code of Conduct to a senior member of the Staff
and/or Management.

3. Crew Cabins

 Every crew member is responsible to clean and keep organized and tidy his or her cabin. No
permanent changes may be made in the cabin (e.g. drilling of holes). Detergents and cleaning
material are provided. The management of the ship is obligated to perform regular checks of crew
cabins to enforce the regulations. If the crew members are not present, at least two employees
designated by the ship’s management can only do a cabin check jointly.

 Bed linen is provided and is washed regularly. The ship’s management arranges times for the
handing out and changing of bed linen.

 Perishable food must not be stored in cabins. No meals may be eaten in the cabins. Every employee
is responsible for the disposal of his or her waste in accordance with the proper separation of
waste on board.

 We advise against storing large amounts of money or valuables in the cabin. In the case of loss, RC
will not accept any liability. Money and other valuables can be deposited in the Hotel Manager’s

4. Leisure / Free Time on Board

Leisure time on board requires a maximum of discipline, and compliance with the following rules:

a) The crew mess room is available to all employees. The crew mess must be kept in a proper and
tidy condition at all times. Every employee must clear away their dishes, cutlery, food, bottles
and glasses before leaving the mess room.
b) Should there be any parties on board on birthdays or other events, the crew mess may only
be used with permission of the ship’s management.
c) Respect your colleagues! Fellow employees, who are working or resting, are not to be
disturbed by any noise.
d) When chatting in the corridors or cabins, listening to music or watching TV a moderate volume
must be maintained.
e) It is prohibited to stay in passenger areas (such as the reception, cabins, restaurant, fitness
area, lounge, etc.) during leisure / free time.

f) On open decks, Crew is only permitted to be in the restricted Sky Deck Aft area.
g) Inappropriate fraternization with passengers during leisure/free time is prohibited.

5. Visitors on Board

 External visitors, who are not with the company (except for passengers), are granted access on
board only with permission of the company, shipping company or ship’s management.

 All visitors who come on board must be announced to Reception and must be issued with a
Visitor’s pass.

6. Meals for Crew

The meal times are scheduled by the Hotel Manager according to the passengers' daily program.
During meals free water, coffee and tea are provided. The crew menu cycle is generally based on
the ingredients of the passengers’ menu cycle. Meals are cooked to general taste; not every
individual taste can be catered for. All further information concerning crew meals can be found in
the RC manual.

7. Crew Laundry
The ship's management will provide a laundry schedule for the crew. Within this schedule, private
clothes as well as certain uniform items will be laundered, but not ironed. There are ironing
facilities on board, which may be used by the employees. An external company will clean uniform
items that need to be dry-cleaned. All Officers are entitled to full laundry service (washing and
ironing) for uniform shirts.

8. Garbage
Environmentally friendly principles must be strictly observed. This means categorical waste
separation (glass, paper, food, other, etc.) and disposal at appropriate sites.

9. Passenger Areas / Public Areas

Only the Management Team (Captain, Hotel Manager and/or Executive Chef) is entitled to stay in
the restaurant or the bar. This regulation excludes employees who are working in the respective

C Additional Regulations
1. Discretion

 It is strictly prohibited to make any remarks concerning causes and consequences of emergencies,
accidents on board or other internal incidents to an external third party, especially people who
have been involved or harmed.

 Any comments on questions concerning facts or circumstances of culpability or compensation are

prohibited and strictly reserved to the management.

2. Behavior in Legal Matters

 Every employee has to inform RC immediately about any judicial decrees, penalty notices,
summons or ruling of a court, the police or other authorities, which concern professional matters
of the employee. If applicable, the relevant documents must be shown.

 Any demand for penalty due to incidents during the duty of crew or staff members can only be
made or withdrawn with permission of RC.

3. Questions of Interpretation

 Should there be any doubts about the interpretation of regulations, decrees, instructions or orders
by RC; the employee is obliged to liaise with the appropriate superior for further information
and/or clarification.

4. Supplements

 All written instructions provided in addition to or as modifications of this directive have to be

observed and kept together with these documents.

Date: ___________________________________

Employee’s name: ___________________________________

Employee’s signature: ___________________________________

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