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Don Bosco Technical College

College of Engineering

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

(12 Solved Problems)

Submitted by:
Janray S. Rabaya

Submitted to:
Engr. King Howard A. Maneclang
CHAPTER 1 Stress
Sample Problems
1.) The homogeneous bar
AB weighing 1800 lb. is
supported at either end
by a steel cable.
Calculate the smallest
safe area of each cable
if the working stress is
18 000 psi for steel.


2.) The homogeneous

6000-lb bar ABC is
supported by a pin at C
and a cable that runs
from A to B around the
frictionless pulley at
D. Find the stress in
the cable if its
diameter is 0.6 in.

3.) The uniform 300-lb bar AB

carries a 500-lb vertical force
at A. The bar is supported by a
pin at B and the 0:5-in.
diameter cable CD. Find the
stress in the cable.

CHAPTER 2 Strain
Sample Problems
1.) The rigid bar AB
is supported by two
rods made of the same
material. If the bar
is horizontal before
the load P is
applied, find the distance x that locates the
position where P must act if the bar is to remain
horizontal. Neglect the weight of bar AB.


2.) The rigid bars ABC

and CD are supported
by pins at A and D and
by a steel rod at B.
There is a roller
connection between the
bars at C. Compute the
vertical displacement
of point C caused by the 50-kN load.

3.) A uniform bar of length L, cross-sectional area

A, and mass density r is suspended vertically from
one end. (a) Show that the elongation of the bar is
d ¼ rgL2=ð2EÞ, where g is the gravitational
acceleration and E is the modulus of elasticity.
(b) If the mass of the bar is M, show that d ¼

CHAPTER 3 Torsion
Sample Problems
1.) The steel shaft, 3 ft
long and 4 in. in diameter,
carries the end torque of
15 kip _ ft. Determine (a)
the maximum shear stress in
the shaft; and (b) the
angle of twist of the
shaft. Use G ¼ 12 _ 106 psi
for steel.


2.) The 16-ft solid steel shaft is

twisted through 4_. If the maximum
shear stress is 8000 psi, determine
the diameter d of the shaft. Use G ¼
12 _ 106 psi for steel.

3.) The compound shaft
consists of bronze and
steel segments, both having
120-mm diameters. If the
torque T causes a maximum
shear stress of 100 MPa in
the bronze segment,
determine the angle of
rotation of the free end.
Use G ¼ 83 GPa for steel
and G ¼ 35 GPa for bronze.

CHAPTER 4 Shear and Moment in Beams
Sample Problems
1.) For the beam
shown, derive the
expressions for V and
M, and draw the shear
force and bending
moment diagrams.
Neglect the weight of
the beam.

2.) For the beam shown,
derive the expressions
for V and M, and draw
the shear force and
bending moment
diagrams. Neglect the
weight of the beam.

3.) Construct the shear force and bending moment
diagrams for the beam shown by the area method.
Neglect the weight of the beam.


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