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(First and Second Year)


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Section - A (3 x 5 = 15)

Answer any Three of the following

1) a) Nature of management

b) Strategy

c) Game theory

d) Plural executive

e) Demotion

f) Uses of PERT

Section - B (3 x 15 = 45)

Answer any Three of the following

2) Examine different approaches to management.

3) What are the strengths of MBO?

4) Enumerate the executive development programmes followed by Indian industry.

5) What are the uses of linear programming in management.

6) Compare and contrast Maslow’s theory of motivation with two factor theory.

7) Examine the role of manager in the social responsibilities of management.

Section - C (15)


8) The Walt Disney Company is heralded as the world’s largest entertainment company. It has
earned this astounding reputation through tight control over the entire operation:control over
the open-ended brain-storming that takes place 24 hours a day; control over the engineers
who construct the fabulous theme-park rides; control over the animators who create and
design beloved characters and adventurous scenarios; and control over the talent that brings
the many concepts and characters to life. Although control pervades the company, it is not too
strong a grip. Employees in each department are well aware of their objectives and the
parameters established to meet those objectives. But in conjunction with the pre-determined
responsibilities, managers at Disney encourage independent and innovative thinking.

People at the company have adopted the phrase ‘‘Dream as a Team’’ as a reminder that
whimsical thoughts, adventurous ideas, and all-out dreaming are at the core of the company
philosophy. The over-all control over each department is tempered by this concept. Disney
managers strive to empower their employees by leaving room for their creative juices to flow.
In fact, managers at Disney do more than encourage innovation. They demand it. Projects
assigned to the staff ‘‘imagineers’’ seem impossible at first glance. At Disney, doing the
seemingly impossible is part of what innovation means. Teams of imagineers gather together
in a brainstorming session known as the ‘‘Blue Sky’’ phase. Under the ‘Blue Sky’’, an
uninhibited exchange of wild, ludicrous, outrageous ideas, both ‘‘good’’ and ‘‘bad,’’
continues until solutions are found and the impossible is done. By demanding so much of
their employees, Disney managers effectively drive their employees to be creative.
Current Disney leader Michael Eisner has established the ‘Dream as a Team’’ concept. Eisner
realized that managers at Disney needed to let their employees brainstorm and create with
support. As Disney president Frank Wells says, ‘‘If a good idea is there, you know it, you feel
it, you do it, no matter where it comes from.’’

Questions :

i) What environmental factors influenced management style at Disney?

ii) What kind(s) of organizational structure seem to be consistent with ‘‘Dream as a

Team’’? and

iii) How and where might the informal organization be a real asset at Disney?

(First and Second Year)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Section - A
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 5 = 15)

1) a) Disinvestment.

b) Rehabilitation of sick units.

c) FOI

d) Navaratnas.

e) Mixed economy.

f) Globalisation.
Section - B
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 15 = 45)

2) Explain the recent trend in socio-cultural environment.

3) Give an account of major sectors of Indian economy.

4) Is Indias foreign trade resulted in favourable balance of payments.

5) Examine the role of small scale sector in the LPG.

6) Give an account of economic reforms introduced in the country.

7) Review the exIM policy of India.

Section - C
Compulsory (15)

8) Nicholas Piramal India, a giant in the pharmaceutical market, achieved a sale growth of 26%
in 2003-04 at about Rs. 1,435 crore, its net profit rose by 60% from Rs. 118 crore in 2002-03
to Rs. 188 crore in 2003-04.

Nicholas Piramal had a different growth strategy as it started as a small player with big
dreams. The strategy was organic growth coupled with acquisitions. Piramal acquired nine
entities and integrated them quickly into a parent company to deliver higher growth from the
acquired portfolio.

Nicholas Piramal is also focusing on exports market. It has decided to partner with innovator
companies in global markets, rather than compete or patent litigate against them. Building on
this base, the company has built an export model that delivers the ‘India advantage’ to the
global firms. It plans to provide end-to-end outsourcing solutions across the pharmaceutical
life cycle, from custom-made synthesis and bulk intermediates to formulations. It has
established four process development groups at multiple locations in India and has also set up
a 100% subsidiary in the US for closer customer reach. Nicholas Piramal believes that the
future growth driver will be exports, ably supported by a strong domestic market.

a) What are the growth strategies formulated by Nicholas Piramal to explore the
opportunities? and ;
b) What are the risk factors that the company may face in international market?

(First and Second Year)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Section - A
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 5 = 15)

1) a) Derived demand

b) Marginal cost

c) Implicit cost

d) Profit forecasting

e) Perfect competition

f) Normative economics
Section - B

Answer any three of the following (3 × 15 = 45)

2) Identify the tools of decision making in managerial economics.

3) Explain the law of variable proportions.

4) State the pricing strategies used in the introductory stage.

5) What are the techniques employed in capital budgeting?

6) How is price determined in monopolistic competition?

7) Discuss the tools employed to forecast demand for existing products.

Section - C
Compulsory (15)

8) Following data relate to the amount of tuna that could be caught with different crew sizes.

No. of Fishermen 3 4 5 6 7 8 0

Daily Tuna catch (kg.) 300 450 590 665 700 725 710

a) Determine the point at which diminishing returns occur.

b) Indicate the points that delineate the three stages of production.

c) If the market price of tuna is Rs. 13.5 per kg. Determine how many fisherman should
the company use if the daily wage rate in Rs. 100.

(First and Second Year)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Section - A
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 5 = 15)

1) a) Accounting concept

b) Profit & loss account

c) Debenture concept

d) Audit report

e) Accounting disclosure

f) Variance analysis uses

Section - B
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 15 = 45)

2) Examine the role of accounting concepts in the preparation of financial statements.

3) What is a Balance sheet and what information it conveys to outsider?

4) X limited was formed with an authorized capital of 20,000, equity shares of Rs 10 each. It
issued 10,000 equity shares at par, payable as follows :
a) On application Rs 2
b) On allotment Rs 3
c) On first call Rs 2
d) On final call Rs 3
All the calls were dully made and the money was realized. Show the journal entries.

5) What do you mean by marginal costing? How does it differ from absorption.

6) Enumerate the accounting procedure for forteiture of shares.

7) What are the different types costs? State their features.

Section - C
Compulsory (15)

8) Essles Ltd. Manufacture a product using two grades of material X and Y mixed in the ratio of
60% and 40%. The standard loss of production is 20%. The standard price of X and Y is Rs
15 per unit and that of Y Rs 10 per unit respectively. The actual mixture and yield were as
follows :

Material X 3000 units @ Rs 12

Material Y 3200 units @ Rs 12

Actual yield was 500 units. Calculate material cost variance.

(DEMB 5)
(First and Second Years)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80

Section - A
Answer any Three of the following. (3 × 5 = 15)

1) a) Bar chart.

b) Properties of matrix multiplication.

c) Applications chi-square test.

d) Quartile.

e) Coefficient of determination.

f) Conditional Probability.

Section - B
Answer any Three of the following. (3 × 15 = 45)

2) State important methods of sampling.

3) Find out the missing frequencies for the following data relating to the daily income of 60

Daily Income (Rs.) 0 - 10 10 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 60 - 70

No. of workers 3 7 ? ? ? 12 8

The median and mode of the above distribution are 37.33 and 34 respectively.
4) Insert a) 3 geometric means between 5 and 1280.
b) 4 geometric means between 3 and 729
c) 5 geometric means between 1 and 15625
d) 2 geometric means between 1st term and the nth term

Also find the product of geometric means in each of the above cases.

5) Compute the ratio of variation between the two variables X and Y from the following
observations :

X : 10 15 35 40 50

Y : 100 90 110 80 120

Also, find the ratio of regression.

6) A book seller has the following schedule of weekly demands for the book “Elementary
Quantitative Methods”.

No. of copies on demand : 0 100 200 300 400 500

Probability : .02 .05 .09 .12 .20 .15

Find the expected number of copies demanded per week.

7) How do you test the validity of hypothesis?

Section - C
Compulsory. (15)

8) Find out the co-efficient of concurrent deviation from the following observations.
X : 109 122 96 142 151 124 125 102 109 156 122
Y : 14.9 6.3 5.8 12.2 33.2 13.3 14.6 8.8 4.9 39.8 6.3

(First and Second Years)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Section - A
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 5 = 15)

1) a) Secondary memory device.

b) Cyber crimes

c) Management needs

d) Management ethos

e) System design

f) SQL
Section - B
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 15 = 45)

2) Discuss the role of computers in management.

3) Enumerate the role of MIS in financial management of an organization.

4) Explain the socio and legal aspects involved in computerisation.

5) Elucidate the process of control system.

6) What is role of computer science in management?

7) What are the different types of computer languages?

Section - C
Compulsory (15)

8) The shopping centre branch of a well known marketing company housed in a modern,
airconditioned building situated in a prime location in the city. It has its full complements of
staff, who are well trained, but contrary to the expectation, it seems to have been losing
business to other competitions and failing to meet targets. When it was reported to the
business to other competitions and failing to meet targets. When it was reported to the
regional manager that two staff had asked for transfers, he called in on the manager.

(DEMB 7)
(First and Second Year)


Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80

Section - A
Answer any Three of the following. (3 × 5 = 15)

1) a) Finance function.

b) Concept of capital market.

c) BE point.

d) Optimum capital structure.

e) Marginal cost of capital.

f) Stable dividend policy.

Section - B
Answer any Three of the following. (3 × 15 = 45)

2) A company has to select one of the following two projects :-

Project A (Rs.) Project B (Rs.)
Cost 2,20,000 2,00,000
Cash inflows :
Year 1 1,20,000 20,000
Year 2 40,000 20,000
Year 3 20,000 40,000
Year 4 1,00,000 2,00,000
Using the Internal Rate of Return Method, suggest which project is preferable.
3) What are the determinants of working capital.

4) Bring out the role of financial manager in inventory management.

5) Disucss the concepts used in the valuation of firm.

6) Examine the goals of financial management.

7) How do you calculate weighted average cost of capital?

Section - C
Compulsory. (15)

8) The following figures are related to two companies.

Particulars Akash Ltd. Ashok Ltd.
(Rs. in ’000) (Rs. in ’000)
Sales 500 1,000
Variable costs 200 300
Contribution 300 700
Fixed costs 150 400
150 300
Interest 50 100
Profit before tax (PBT) 100 200
You are required to calculate (a) operating leverage (b) finance leverage (c) combined
leverage of two companies.

(First and Second Year)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Section - A
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 5 = 15)

1) a) Process selection

b) Capacity Planning

c) Batch Production

d) Value Engineering

e) Variety reduction

f) Codefication
Section - B
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 15 = 45)

2) Explain the planning and control of maintanance management in projects.

3) Enumerate the procedure involved in purchase routine.

4) Bring out the influence of location on the success of a manufacturing company

5) Elucidate steps involved in quality assurance.

6) Review the nature and significance of operations management

7) How can product design influence the production process of a company?
Section - C
Compulsory (15)
8) Sheena had worked for the same Fortune 500 Company for most 15 Years. Although the
company had gone through some tough times, things were starting to turn around. Customer
orders were up, and quality and productivity had improved dramatically from what they had
been only a few years earlier due company wide quality improvement program. So, it comes
as a real shock to Sheena and about 400 of her co-workers when they were suddenly
terminated following the new CEO’s decision to downsize the company. After recovering
from the initial shock, Sheena tried to find employment elsewhere. Despite her efforts, after
eight months of searching she was no closer to finding a job than the day she started. Her
funds were being depleted and she was getting more discouraged. There was one bright spot,
though: She was able to bring in a little money by mowing lawns for her neighbors. She got
involved quite by chance when she heard one neighbor remark that now that his children
were on their own, Nobody was around to cut the grass. Almost jokingly, Sheena asked him
how much he’d be willing to pay. Soon Sheena was mowing the lawns of five neighbors.
Other neighbors wanted her to work on their lawns but she did’t feel that she could spare any
more time from her job search.

However, as the rejection letters began to pile up, Sheena knew she had to make an important
decision in her life. On a rainy Tuesday morning, she decided to go into business for herself
taking care of neighborhood lawns. She was relived to give up the stress of job hunting, and
she was excited about the prospects of being her own boss. But she was also fearful of being
completely on her own. Nevertheless, Sheena was determined to make a go of it. At first,
business was a little slow, but once people realized Sheena was available, many asked her to
take care of their lawns. Some people were simply glad to turn - the work over to her; others
switched from professional lawn care services. By the end of her first year in business,
Sheena knew she could earn a living this way. She also performed other services such as
fertilizing lawns, weeding gardens, and trimming shrubbery. Business became so good that
Sheena hired two part-time workers to assist her and, even then, she believed she could
expand further if she wanted to.

a) In what ways are Sheena’s customers most likely to judge the quality of her lawn care
services? and
b) Sheena is the operations manager of her business. Discuss her responsibilities in daily
business aspects.

(First and Second Year)

Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

Section - A
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 5 = 15)

1) a) Social responsibility of marketing.

b) Marketing organisation.

c) PIMS analysis.

d) Challenger.

e) Post-purchase behaviour.

f) Product modification.

Section - B
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 15 = 45)

2) Explain the significance of packaging.

3) Enumerate the pricing methods followed by Indian industry.

4) Bring out services rendered by retailers and whole salers.

5) What are the considerations in the preparation of marketing budget?

6) Elucidate the steps involved in marketing research.

7) Describe the role of marketing in service sector.

Section - C
Compulsory (15)

8) Read the following case and answer the questions at the end. It carries thirteen marks. It is
Using multi-positioning to establish market niche.
Ikea is a good example of a company that successfully uses a combination of positioning
strategies that satisfies the needs of a particular segment to find a distinctive international
position in a competitive market. Ikea is a Swedish company that retails furniture around the
world. It uses demographic and family-based segmentation to target primarily young people
who cannot afford to buy expensive furniture, but have aspirations for a nice, fashionable and
comfortable home. Ikea uses consistent brand visuals both outside and inside its stores, and
carefully considers the needs nˆ its market segment by keeping its costs low yet providing
good service.

For example, it limits sales staff, but provides enough well-trained staff who can answer all
questions about the sections to which they are attached It is supported by an effective
computerized system that informs customers of stock and delivery times. Smaller items can
be purchased immediately while larger ones take 6-8 weeks to deliver. Customers pay at a
final-pay station, and order or select goods as they move through the well sign-posted store.
So it appears like a grant supermarket with staff in attendance. Customers can assemble all
items themselves as Ikea designs its furniture for self assembly, or has delivery staff to do it
for a small additional fee. Furniture is displayed in a room format so that customers can see
how various combinations would appear together in their own rooms. Finally, there is a
children’s play area and a cafeteria catering to those extra needs of young families, and
opening hours cater to working customers. In terms of combining positioning strategies, the
targeted segment gets value for money, aspirational satisfaction, complete access to varieties
and combinations of product features and attributes rooms that solve choice problems and
emotional satisfaction through thoughtful layout and services.

Questions :

a) Analyse the positioning strategy of IKEA.

b) Do you suggest any other strategy to target young population?

c) What kind of training need to be imparted to sales force of IKEA? and

d) What else need to be done to retain the customers?

(First and Second Years)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 75
Section - A
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 5 = 15)

1) a) Multiplicity of unions.
b) Concept of HRD
c) Group coaching
d) Placement
e) Sources of recruitment
f) Separations

Section - B
Answer any Three of the following (3 × 15 = 45)

2) What are the objectives and principles of HRM?

3) Explain the techniques employed in organising job analysis.

4) Describe the stages involved in HRP.

5) Discuss the HRD practices of Indian industry.

6) What are the causes and consequences of employee absenteeism?

7) Critically analyse maslow’s theory of motivation.

Section - C
Compulsory (15)

8) Joan Johns applied for a job of clerk-typist in a small manufacturing firm. She did not
complete several parts of the application blank, and demanded to speak to the personnel
manager. In talking with him, she particularly protested answer the following :

a) Do you rent or own your own home?

b) Have you ever changed your name? If so, for what?

c) Are you married?

d) What are the ages of your children, if any?

e) Height? Weight?

Joan protested that the above items were none of the company’s business. The personnel
manager said that it was company policy that all blanks on the application must be filled if
the person is to be considered for employment.

Questions :

i) For each of the items, provide a rationale for the company to justify asking the
question; and

ii) Are any of these questions illegal? Why or why not?


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