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For the regression project I chose the relationship between females living with HIV and

life expectancy in 2015. I chose this set of data as it relates to my age group right now. Kid’s

careless behavior leads them to make careless mistakes due to the fact that the rational part of

the brain (prefrontal cortex) isn’t fully developed until people reach the age of 25. This can

bloom into a very relevant problem when it comes to the health of our world’s teenagers. These

two variables are related because HIV is an incurable virus that has led to many deaths in the

past and will lead to many in the future. HIV impacts the function of white blood cells which play

a key role in the health of our immune system. Without the protection from white blood cells, we

are prone to any type of bacteria that wants to live and thrive in our bodies. I expect to see a

drop in life expectancy as the number of women living with HIV increases.

I chose the linear parent function which best makes sense due to the few outliers that

would drag the line out further. Using a linear equation, the R2 value is .18. This is so low

because of the few African countries that have exceptionally high percentages of women living

with HIV. There are many different theories on why HIV and AIDS are so problematic in Africa.

Many attribute it to drug users who share needles which would spread the virus if an infected

individual's body fluids were transmitted.

Equation- -1.27x+71.2

On this graph, the x-axis is percentage of women living with HIV in different countries

and the y-axis is life expectancy. After looking at the graph, I can conclude that my conjecture

was accurate. The lower the percentage of infected females is, the higher the lifespan is. This

information could have been figured out through common sense so yes it will help in the future

but it is already known by all.

In conclusion, this is very relevant information in our society. The HIV and AIDS

epidemic is uncontrollably spreading. The most reliable solution is for people to always wear

and provide protection.

“HIV/AIDS in Lesotho”. Help Lesotho.

Epstein, Helen. “Why is AIDS Worse in Africa”.Discover. February 2004.


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