Women Entreprenueship in Sri Lanka

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Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 2

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3

1.0 Task One – Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka ................................................................... 4

2.0 Task Two – Challenges ............................................................................................................... 6

3.0 Task Three – Nature of the involvement..................................................................................... 9

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Executive Summary
The report talks about Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka. Women Entrepreneurship in
Sri Lanka constitute around half of the aggregate total populace. They are along these lines
viewed as the better 50% of the general public in Sri Lanka. In customary social orders, they
were kept to the four dividers of houses performing family exercises. In present day social
orders they have left the four dividers to take part in a wide range of exercises as a
entrepreneur. Most of the confirmations proved that Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka
have been performing exceedingly well in various circles of exercises like scholastics,
governmental issues, organization, social work et cetera. Presently they have begun diving
into industry additionally and running their ventures effectively. Accordingly while talking
about on entrepreneurial advancement of Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka business
people in the nation. Al through independent ventures possessed by Women Entrepreneurship
in Sri Lanka have generally centred around form, affectionate and different administrations
part, however as of late Women Entrepreneurship visionaries have been moving quickly into
assembling, development and other modern documented in Sri Lanka. Women
Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka claimed business is daintily expanding in the financial matters
of all districts in the islan. The shrouded entrepreneurial capability of Women
Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka has steadily been changing with the developing senility to the
part and monetary status in the general public. It implies Women Entrepreneurship in Sri
Lanka have the possibilities, aptitude, information and versatility to maintain a business
The term Entrepreneur covers people who have vision and aptitude and are equipped for
changing over vision in to activity for the benefit of the general public. Because of changes
popular in the Market, there is a degree for a class of individuals on substantial scale who can
change over the accessible assets into great of society, called Entrepreneurs. Thus, men who
have expertise, activity and imaginative thoughts for high accomplishments in business, and
vital characteristics of an Entrepreneurship is going out on a limb and making the
fundamental speculations under the states of vulnerability. Enterprise is a procedure of
understanding open doors in nature, as for one`s claim capacities, with a view to make riches
for oneself through a legitimate substance. A relationship exists amongst circumstance and
individual needs. To be an Entrepreneurial opportunity, a prospect must meet two tests: it
must speak to an attractive future state, including development or if nothing else change and
the individual must trust it is conceivable to achieve that state. Along these lines,
Entrepreneurship is comprehended by, being inventive, hazard taking, dynamic, adaptable,
development situated, imaginative, beginning and working new pursuits.

This is the ideal opportunity for Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka to wander into the
Entrepreneurial world. Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka claimed organizations are
profoundly expanding in the economies of all districts. The concealed entrepreneurial
possibilities of Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka have step by step been changing with
the developing affectability to the part and financial status in the general public. Ability,
Knowledge and flexibility in business are the fundamental purposes behind Women
Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka to develop into business wanders. Women Entrepreneurship
can be considered as testing part to meet the own needs and turn out to be monetarily
autonomous. A powerful urge to accomplish something positive is an inbuilt nature of
entrepreneurial Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka, who is fit for contributing qualities in
both family and social life. With the coming of media, Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka
know about their own particular qualities, enjoyed each line of business to control links.
1.0 Task One – Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka
Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka has traditionally been defined as the process of
designing, launching and running a new business, which typically begins as a own business,
such as a start-up company, offering a product, process or service for sale or hire. It has been
defined as the "...capacity and willingness to develop, organize, and manage a business
venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit." While definitions of Women
Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka typically focus on the launching and running of businesses,
due to the high risks involved in launching a start-up, a significant proportion of businesses
have to close, due to a lack of funding, bad business decisions, an economic crisis or a
combination of all of these or due to lack of market demand. In the 2000s, the definition of
"Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka" has been expanded to explain how and why some
individuals (or teams) identify opportunities, evaluate them as viable, and then decide to
exploit them, whereas others do not, and, in turn, how entrepreneurs use these opportunities
to develop new products or services, launch new firms or even new industries and create

Traditionally, an entrepreneur has been defined as a “women who organizes and manages any
enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk". Rather than
working as an employee, an entrepreneur runs a business and assumes all the risk and reward
of a given business venture, idea, or good or service offered for sale. The entrepreneur is
commonly seen as a business leader and innovator of new ideas and business processes.
Entrepreneurs tend to be good at perceiving new business opportunities and they often exhibit
positive biases in their perception (a bias towards finding new possibilities and seeing unmet
market needs) and a pro-risk-taking attitude that makes them more likely to exploit the
opportunity. Entrepreneurial spirit is characterized by innovation and risk-taking. While
Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka is often associated with new, small, for-profit start-
ups, entrepreneurial behaviour can be seen in small-, medium- and large-sized firms, new and
established firms and in for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, including voluntary sector
groups, charitable organizations and government. For example, in the 2000s, the field of
social Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka has been identified; in which entrepreneurs
combine business activities with humanitarian, environmental or community goals.

An entrepreneur is typically in control of a commercial undertaking, directing the factors of

production–the human, financial and material resources–that are required to exploit a
business opportunity. They act as the manager and oversee the launch and growth of an
enterprise. Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka is the process by which an individual (or
team) identifies a business opportunity and acquires and deploys the necessary resources
required for its exploitation. The exploitation of entrepreneurial opportunities may include
actions such as developing a business plan, hiring the human resources, acquiring financial
and material resources, providing leadership, and being responsible for the venture's success
or failure. Economist Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950) stated that the role of the entrepreneur
in the economy is "creative destruction"–launching innovations that simultaneously destroy
old industries while ushering in new industries and approaches. For Schumpeter, the changes
and "dynamic disequilibrium brought on by the innovating entrepreneurs the ‘norm’ of a
healthy economy.

Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka typically operates within an ecosystem which often
includes government programs and services that promote and support entrepreneurs and start-
ups; non-governmental organizations such as small business associations and organizations
that offer advice and mentoring to entrepreneurs; business advocacy organizations that lobby
the government for increased support for Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka programs
and more small business-friendly laws and regulations; Women Entrepreneurship in Sri
Lanka resources and facilities (business incubators and seed accelerators); Women
Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka education and training programs offered by schools, colleges
and universities; and financing (bank loans, venture capital financing, angel investing, and
government and private foundation grants). Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka can be
studied in college or university as part of the disciplines of management or business
2.0 Task Two – Challenges
The challenges are listed below

 Owning Them: regardless of every one of their achievements, Women

Entrepreneurship for most circumstances need to fit in with the male thought of what
a pioneer should resemble. Meeting room gatherings, even those directed by Women
Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka will regularly witness Women Entrepreneurship in Sri
Lanka that is suited. It is relatively similar to they want to resemble their male
partners with a specific end goal to enlist their reality in that space. It is fundamental
that Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka claim their identity paying little mind to
how the contrary sex sees them. Push to seem to be comparative does not do equity to
their ability. Ability is the thing that does equity to their persona.
 Building an encouraging group of people: regardless of demonstrating their validity,
constancy and worth, Women regularly vacillate at building an emotionally
supportive network for themselves. This generally occurs because of their showering
additional attention on their work, yet during a time when online networking has
made the world a genuine little place, organizing is a thumb rule. In any sort of
entrepreneurial undertaking, a key supporter of progress is access to associations and
value with individuals who can help them to get past the entryway. Without mincing
words, Women need to fabricate a value with influencers and distinct advantages.
 Access to subsidizing: Women Entrepreneurs confront more prominent obstructions
than men when beginning organizations, particularly with regards to accepting
blessed messenger and funding. In spite of the fact that it may be inadvertent, men
support individuals who look and sound simply like them.
 Appointment: This stems from the prior test of building an emotionally supportive
network. Women Entrepreneurs frequently fears disappointment. Women
Entrepreneurs need to comprehend that they have to chip away at their business, not
in it. It is an unquestionable requirement to assign perseveringly, and rouse
individuals to need to carry out an occupation that you need. Claim the business and
the scale, so you are comprehended as proprietors and not pinions in the bigger
apparatus. They are to be the main impetus and not the driver!
 Generally safe Bearing Ability: Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka has a secured
existence. They are less instructed and not generally monetarily self-subordinate.
Every one of these variables decrease their capacity to endure hazard engaged with
running an undertaking. Hazard bearing is a basic imperative of an effective business
visionary independent of sex. The sooner Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka
disguises this and proceed onward with awesome steps, the better. Also, once that is
refined, Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka should quit sitting tight for consent or
acknowledgment from others with a specific end goal to feel qualified for your
 Adjusting work and family life: The positioning of this point at the base end in the
rundown isn't by possibility however a consider thought. There has been adequate
prattle around this, both justified and baseless. It has turned into a sexually unbiased
objective. Work-life adjust is an objective of numerous business people paying little
respect to their gender, however women Entrepreneurs who begin organizations
encounter more noteworthy weight of desires as their part is multifaceted in their
expert circle as well as their own life also.

Unequal dispersion of family unit work is still particularly a piece of the real world. In any
case, Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka have progressed significantly in overseeing
desires, it is time that the world comprehends sex uniformity in more courses than one.
Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka don't need to demonstrate so much today. The sooner
they demonstrate their determination in adjusting all, there will be a more up to date set of
desire and difficulties. It is critical to never dismiss goals, give a valiant effort, and chance
will settle the rest.

The twentieth century has been a time of fast change for some ladies, yet life for ladies in a
few sections of the world still stays cruel. Be that as it may, ladies are getting a fundamental
part in the worldwide market as business visionaries, they play a substantial and developing
part in the US, Canada and UK. It ascribed their prosperity to access to more noteworthy help
from ladies guides and good examples and simpler access to formal preparing in the
standards of business arranging and association. While, ladies in creating nations confront
snags, for example, absence of access to instruction and preparing, access to back and also
segregation and absence of regard or not being considered important. All inclusive, it is
assessed that ladies represent 25-33% of all organizations (National Foundation of Women
Business Owners, 1998).

While in the UK and the USA, they represent 26 and 33% of business new companies
separately, shockingly, in the Sub-Saharan Africa it is 80%. Despite the high commitment in
Africa, their necessities appear to be neglected and to a great extent covered up inside the
casual part contrasted with their male partners.

The subject of ladies' vocation advancement has turned out to be progressively vital as the
level of the Sri Lankan work drive that is female has expanded from 11.2% two decades back
to 40.4% today (Federal office of measurements) and the extent is relied upon to increment
further. Despite the fact that there have been a few ladies in administrative positions amid the
most recent decade, the number has been horrendously few in the light of the way that more
than 40% of the work compels are ladies.
3.0 Task Three – Nature of the involvement
Although Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka have made awesome walks in instruction
equity and workforce interest, generally few Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka have
made it to the best level of corporate administration. As indicated by the 2008 Pew Research
Centre Social and Demographic Trends overview, 69% of Americans trust that Women
Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka and men make similarly great pioneers - but then Women
Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka possess just 2% of the CEO positions at America's Fortune
500 organizations. In this case, author selected Otara Gunawardhana as Sri Lanka women

Otara Del Gunawardene was conceived on 30 August 1964 in Colombo, Sri Lanka the third
youngster to Norman Gunewardene and Delysia. Her dad was a previous Chairman of Aitken
Spence and her mom, Delysia, built up the Chitra Lane School for in an unexpected way
abled kids. Gunawardene went to C. M. S. Women College in Colombo, where she exceeded
expectations in sports and swimming, speaking to the nation. Gunawardene moved on from
Bowling Green State University, Ohio with a degree in science.
While on vacation back home, she did some form demonstrating shooting for prominent
brands and worldwide attire lists directly subsequent to moving on from University. In 1989
Gunawardene started offering plant surplus articles of clothing and attire from her auto boot
to family and companions. In 1990 she opened her first store, ODEL, on Dickmans Road in
Colombo and by 2010 had eighteen stores all through Colombo.

In 2007 Gunewardene propelled the Otara establishment, a non-benefit association which

centres around ecological and untamed life protection of Sri Lanka. In 2007 she likewise
propelled the form mark, Embark, a portion of the wage from which is given to finance
annihilation of rabies, canine inoculations, disinfection medical procedures, puppy
receptions, and looking after harmed road puppies. In February 2010 she changed over
ODEL into an open restricted obligation organization and it turned into the primary form
retail business to be recorded on the Colombo Stock Exchange. On 11 September 2014
Gunewardene sold of every one of her offers in ODEL PLC to the Softlogic Group, to focus
on Embark. In 2015 Embark opened its first independent store in Galle, which was trailed by
an extra three stores in Kandy City Center, Bandaranaike International Airport and at
Dickmans Road in Colombo. In September 2017 Embark opened its tenth store in K-Zone Ja-
Ela. Based on that, Otara’s business involvement id given in below table

Leadership Traits Otara distinguished the best eight characteristics that the greater part
of Sri Lankan women accepts to be the most essential initiative
characteristics: genuineness, insight, diligent work, conclusiveness,
aspiration, sympathy, being active and innovativeness. Of these, Otara
has been judged to be equivalent or better than men in all
classifications aside from definitiveness. With regards to genuineness,
the quality accepted to be the most vital, 50% think Women are fairer
than men while just 20% think men are more legit. With respect to
Otara respondents referred to the reasons why Women don't involve
the same number of best level corporate administration positions as:
separation, protection from change and the "old young men club"
Business Start-Ups According to Otara twice the same number of organizations between
the 1980s and the main decade of the 21st century, however this lone
limited the current inlet between the aggregate number of
organizations claimed by men and those possessed by Women
Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka. Incomes in organizations possessed by
Women are 27% that of male-claimed organizations. Clarifying the
purpose behind this, Otara concurs with the evaluation that separation
is one of the essential factors yet in addition refers to the issue of an
overarching self-restricting perspective she guarantees Women
Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka have toward their expert lives.
Goals Men tend to begin their own particular organizations so as to "work
for themselves," which is perfect with growing a business as
expansive as could reasonably be expected. Women Entrepreneurship
in Sri Lanka for the most part begin organizations with the objective
of incorporating work and family, an objective that is more steady
with keeping the measure of their organizations littler and more
reasonable. Otara’s exploration proposes that Women
Entrepreneurship will probably trust they would not have the capacity
to get a business advance regardless of whether they connected, so
they frequently don't try to attempt.

The difficulties and openings gave to the Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka
computerized time are developing quickly that the activity searchers are transforming into
work makers. They are prospering as planners, inside decorators, exporters, distributers, piece
of clothing producers and as yet investigating new roads of monetary cooperation. In Sri
Lanka despite the fact that Women Entrepreneurship constitutes most of the aggregate
populace, the entrepreneurial world is as yet a male ruled one. Women Entrepreneurship in
cutting edge countries is perceived and is more unmistakable in the business world. 2010 was
the first run through ever there were more Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka in the work
constrain than men. As far as Women Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka-claimed organizations,
in the vicinity of 1997 and 2011 there was a half increment, while male possessed business
just grew 25% (According to American Express Report). Why Women Entrepreneurship in
Sri Lanka make astounding Entrepreneurs in the Digital Age? How Women Entrepreneurship
is ruling the business people scene and it is utilizing their aptitudes to succeed. As
circumstances are difficult for everybody, more families are moving towards double salary
family units. Additionally innovation headways are making a virtual working environment
achievable for Women Entrepreneurship, who is hoping to adjust family and their profession.

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