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Alyssa Dreucci

Mr. McConnell

English 9



“During the Rwandan genocide of 1994, members of the Hutu ethnic majority in the east-

central African nation of Rwanda murdered as many as 800,000 people, mostly of the Tutsi

minority,” ( paragraph 1) Immaculee Ilibagiza is one of the ones left after this

horrible genocide. Immaculee was trapped in the bathroom for three months hiding from the

Interahamwe killers but forgave them after the genocide was finished. Throughout this essay

three main topics will be covered, the importance of forgiveness, the affects of forgiveness, and

how can people’s forgiveness affect each other and across the globe.

It is very important to forgive and not hold grudges. “I’d wished for weapons- for guns

and cannons to kill the Hutus- because I wanted vengeance so badly,” (Illibagiza 158).

Immaculee sees forgiveness as necessary because her violence would not help the Hutus

violence. “I began to pray for the killers and then stopped,” (Illibagiza 92). This shows with even

being a good catholic she still could not forgive. Imaculee later forgives and sees this as

necessary to move on in life. This is also why forgiveness is important.

There is an opposite of forgiveness and a lack of forgiveness can affect all mankind and

Rwanda. The opposite of forgiveness is holding a grudge no matter how big. “Young Hutus were

taught from an early age that Tutsis were inferior and not to be trusted, and they didn’t belong in
Rwanda,” (Illibagiza 86). These Hutus were taught from a young age to hold a grudge against the

Tutsis and this caused the genocide. “This was the first-time I’d heard a forginer accept blame

for what had happened in Rwanda, and it did good to my soul,” (Ilibagiza 158). Just a few words

can heal that space that the grudge formed. Overall forgiveness is very important for society to

function correctly.

Humans can forgive each other very simply, and forgiveness can promote peace in our

lives and the world. “Forgiveness is all I have to offer,” (Illibagiza 204). Imaculee forgave the

man that murdered her entire family. If she can forgive the man that killed her family, then the

world can forgive each other for the problems that have arisen. “Its impossible to predict how

long it will take for a broken heart to heal,” (Illibagiza 205). By having forgiveness, she can

forget the past. This promotion of peace can help the entire world and the lives of everyone.

Once again forgiveness will always be essential for world function. Forgiveness will

forever be necessary for all of mankind, lack of forgiveness can destroy us all, and humans will

always have the option to forgive each other as Immaculee did. Forgiveness can affect people

across the globe and can be a peaceful change for the better.

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