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A presentation by Bianca Ramos-Medina,

Coralia Rodriguez, & Paola Belmontes
What are biofuels?
-Biofuels & their uses
◍ Biofuels are organic replacements
of fossil fuels. They are derived
from living/organic matter.
◍ Most recognized biofuels are
derived from ethanol through
◍ Biofuels are most useful in liquid
or gas form because they are
easier to transport, deliver and
burn cleanly.
-What are biofuels made

◍ Biofuels can be made from a

variety of different materials
such as: sugar crops(like
sugarcane or sugar beet),
starch (such as corn or
maize), natural oils(from
plants like soybean, oil palm
or algae), and wood.
-Types of Biofuels
● Ethanol- often made from corn in the United States and
sugarcane in Brazil
● Biodiesel- vegetable oils and liquid animal fats
● Green diesel- derived from algae and other plant sources
● Biogas- methane derived from animal manure and other
digested organic material
● Solid Biofuels- wood and sawdust
Production of biofuels
-How are biofuels produced?
● Natural oils from plants like oil palm, soybean, or algae can be
burned directly in a diesel engine or a furnace, or blended with
petroleum, to produce fuels such as biodiesel.

● Wood can be burned as solid fuel, like the familiar firewood.

Chipped waste biomass, such as the tops of trees discarded by
logging operations, can be burned in specially designed furnaces.

● Sugar crops (such as sugar cane or sugar beet), or starch (like corn
or maize) can be fermented to produce ethanol.
-Where are biofuels produced?

40 Billion 10 Billion
4 Billion

2 Billion

25 Billion


Biofuel Production
(in liters) per year
Region (by continent)
-Determining what
regions produce biofuels

● Biofuel production is limited to

regions in which particular
biofuel crops grow.
● Production is also impacted by
government subsidy and other
political factors.

◍ United Parcel Service

◍ FedEx Corporation
◍ United Continental Holdings
How ecologically
friendly are biofuels?

-Advantages of biofuels

● Renewable
energy source
● Reduces
pollution 50-60%

● Reduces
dependence on
foreign oils
-Disadvantages of biofuels

● Requires
that pollutes
● Reduces

● Takes up
useful land
-What are the differences
between fossil fuels and
Biofuels Fossil fuels
● Renewable energy ● Not a renewable
source energy source
● Less carbon dioxide ● Emits heavy
emissions● amounts
● of carbon
● Derived from dioxide
organic materials ● Limited source
● Ecologically ● Not ecologically
friendly friendly
What are the effects
of biofuels?
-How do biofuels help
the environment?

● Biofuels prevent and avoid

pollution, gradually decrease our
dependence on harmful fossil fuels.
Biofuels have the power to forge a
healthier earth for future posterity
with the right use of them.
-Are biofuels impacting the
earth significantly in regards
to saving energy?
● Some studies suggest that corn-derived
ethanol in the United States and Europe
consumes more energy than it produces;
others suggest a modest net benefit. Relative
to petroleum, nearly all biofuels diminish
greenhouse-gas emissions, although crops
such as switchgrass easily outperform corn
and soy.
-How are biofuels
impacting society?
● Ever since concerns for global climate change
have begun to rise, many companies and
regions are beginning to “go eco-friendly”
with this alternative fuel and are
progressively helping the earth. Despite some
flaws in biofuels, scientists still have faith in
its positive impact and are finding more ways
to make it improve.
The End

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