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Unit 12

Organisational Behaviour
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
P1: Analysing how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour
and performance .......................................................................................................................................... 3
P2 Evaluating how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable
effective achievement of goals in an organisational context ....................................................................... 7
P3: Explanation of what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team ................................ 9
P4: Applying concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour within an organisational context and
a given business situation ........................................................................................................................... 12
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 16
References .................................................................................................................................................. 17

Organisational behaviour is an important part of Next Plc. for the smooth functioning of the
organisation. In order to run the business effectively, Next Plc. has to consider the culture, power
politics and other different motivation and leadership theories. By utilising those theories, Next
Plc. wants to make sure that the behaviour of the individual and team is in line with the standard.
Next considering to give effective knowledge about the organisational behaviour so that they
can act in line with the standard of the organisation.

P1: Analysing how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence
individual and team behaviour and performance

Role culture refers that the culture of the Next role-based and here everyone is devoted to
the assigned role meaning that the employees and other personnel in the Next Plc. focus on their
respective role in the organisation. Here there is a system chain of bureaucracy in case of selecting
objectives and other decisions. Here the direction comes in a hierarchical manner which makes the
decisional matters centralised (Sinding & Waldstrøm, 2014).

Person culture: In case of person culture, the employees of the Next Plc. think them another way
and they are highly rated by themselves and believe that they have something superior and
extraordinary and the contribution of them is huge to the organisation.

Figure: Handy’s Classes of culture

Source: (Appannaiah & Reddy & Kavitha, 2010).

Task Culture: Sometimes the culture of the Next Plc. becomes task-based where the employees
of the Next Plc.are treated and considered on the basis of the task they perform in the Next
Plc.meaning that the employees are working toward the tasks of the Next Plc.which the Next
Plc.assigns them to do (Forsyth, 2006).

The team performance of the Next highly related to the culture of the Next Plc.meaning that
culture influence the activities of the team. If the culture is task-based the members of the team
will be more concerned about their task and if the culture is role-based the participation of the
employees in decision making will be less. So, it can be said that the culture of the Next
influencing the performance of the organisation.

Hofstede’s dimensions of culture theory and application:

Figure: Hofstede’s dimensions of culture

Source: (Ellerby, 2015).

Next Plc. considers Hofstede’s cultural dimensions in case of dealing with cultural aspects of the
organisation. Hofstede’s considered six dimensions in order to assess the cultural position of a
country and it can tag with the Next Plc. and the measurement of different dimensions helps the
Next take decisions in order take to check and balance of the dimensions so that Next Plc.
can reduce the discrimination between different persons and our Next Plc. considered the
Hofstede’s dimension in case of dealing with employees and other stakeholders.

Influence of Politics:

Politics plays a very vital role in case of performance of the team and the performance of the Next
Plc. meaning that politics influences the behaviour of the members of the team. There are different
types of members in a team and the Next Plc.(Ellerby, 2015). Some members are trying to do their

assigned part of the job in a tea without making any disturbance or appeal meaning that they do
not want to unexpected something or their intention is not to earn something in the wrong or
unethical way. Some people of the Next Plc. will try to exercise politics in case of getting extra
benefits from the organisation. This may be in the form of getting a promotion, increasing salary
or personal car from the office. They try to maintain communication with the authority in order to
get so. Sometimes they become successful to get the expected outcome even if he does not deserve

Influence of power:

Power is also a very critical issue for the organisation. Power does not create a problem but the
unethical exercise of power decreases the performance of the organisation. As we know power can
be utilised in a positive and negative way. In order to get positive outcome by involving the
employees of the organisation, managers or other superior personnel in case of the organisational
hierarchy is concern may exercise their position power. But the power should be in a positive way
meaning the hierarchical position of a supervisor than the employees. As a supervisor, he/she has
more position than the employees. And it is expected that supervisors utilise their power in a way
that employees are doing according to the standard by giving direction, instructions, motivation or
with other means (Colebatch, 2015).

Sometimes power is used in a negative way meaning that some of the people of the Next Plc.try
to use their power to the employees in order to get the job done. But this is not an effective way
because no one can get respected and her artful works if he faces continuous pressure and other
mental pressure. It may reduce the total number of production of the team and other Next Plc.and
employee dissatisfaction goes up.

The rise of globalisation and digital technology in the 21st century has created lots of impact for
the Next Plc. and we can tag the rises of globalisation and technology with the culture of the
organisation. Next Plc. introduces different types of technologies which are used to communicate
with other employees who are in scattered position. As globalisation increases, the operation of
the Next Plc. also increases. In order to keep the pace of maintaining operation n different
multinational countries, improved and modern technologies are must be needed by the

Importance of cultural difference awareness:

It is very much important for the Next to create cultural difference awareness for the
betterment of the Next case of running the business operation. If the employees of the Next
Plc.are culturally diverse in case of race, religion, gender, ethnicity etc. there might arise problems
for the managers to collaborate all of them to direct in the same manner. In order to solve the
problem, raise productivity and increase employees’ relations and smooth operation, cultural
difference is needed so that employees can do their assigned part in a collaborative way and
managers can make team employees from the different cultural background.

P2 Evaluating how content and process theories of motivation and
motivational techniques enable effective achievement of goals in an
organisational context

"Motivation is generally understood to denote the strength of a person's desire to attain a goal".
(Subba Rao, 2010).

Extrinsic Motivation: Sometimes employees of the Next Plc.try to make a parallelism with the
payments, benefits and rewards with their contribution to the organisation. Here, the employees of
the Next Plc.will be satisfied if the Next Plc.provides financial rewards and benefits properly to
the employees according to their contribution to the organisation.

Intrinsic motivation: Money may be everything to someone and money can be a word for an
individual who is working in the organisation. Some employees want to show his character to do
a challenging job where they have the power of discretion and their inner side motivation helps
them to do the work with satisfaction.

Maslow’s Hierarchical Need Theory: Human being is needy and greedy and their needs follow
a hierarchical pattern and those needs are changing to the upward trend meaning that satisfaction
of one need is the root of creating another need and so on. Maslow stated the needs of a human
being into five categorical stages. Next Plc. focuses on the Maslow’s hierarchical theory in case
of motivating employees after evaluation of the stage where an employee belongs.

Hertzberg Two Factor Theory: It is used by the employers in case of motivating employees
considering the two terms of motivation. To give satisfaction considering hygiene factors,
managers ensure friendly communication, warm relationship with employees etc. in order to
ensure employee motivation, employers take some policies so that employees are satisfied and
work in line with the right track (Barber, 2015).

McGregor’s XY Theory: It is now using the Next order to motivate employees in a
different way. Next Plc. has to find out the X category employees and it motivates them in a way
so that they are willing to do their best efforts to make the goal of the Next Plc. viable. On another
way, Next Plc. ensures motivation for Y category employees by taking different ways of policies
so that they are highly motivated to maintain their performance.

Equity Theory: Inequality is a negative term in every aspect of our life and it is practising in the
different organisation in case of treating employees and other matters which ultimately create
dissatisfaction of the employees because when employees see that there is biasness in case of
treating them, they may not do the task efficiently. Equity tells that Next Plc. treats all in the same
manner irrespective of race, religion, gender, colour of the employees (Appannaiah & Reddy &
Kavitha, 2010).

Expectancy Theory: Employees of the Next Plc. expects different things form the organisation.
For example, they want peace rather than pain and they believe the employers of the Next Plc. will
make sure the workplace, compensation and other in a positive way and they will be treated
according to the contribution they made to the organisation.

Goal setting theory: The name refers the functions meaning that the Next Plc has to be strategic
to set the goal of the Next Plc. after evaluating the employees’ intentions, skills and abilities.
Difficult and challenging goals are preferable for the employees because here the employee can
use their discretion in order to achieve the goal meaning that the employees of the Next Plc. want
to get a SMART goal so that they can attain the goal by taking the challenge .(Ellerby, 2015).

This motivational theory is very much important for the organisation. Next Plc. uses those theory
to motivate the employees and the increased level of motivation helps the employees to think
positively about the Next Plc.and his/her job. It is very crucial for the Next find out what is
the inner state of the individual employee. If the Next Plc.finds out the inner dissatisfaction of the
employees, it can give motivation by using different above-stated theories. This increased level of
satisfaction of the employees will facilitate to take decisions easily regarding the employees of the
Next Plc.(Bizfluent, 2017).

P3: Explanation of what makes an effective team as opposed to an

ineffective team

Effective team: Team performance depends on some factors such as the goals of the organization,
members’ contribution to attaining the goals, decision making the power of the employees, and
harmony of the consent of the team members and so on. If a team has the above-mentioned
characteristics, we can it as an effective team (Colebatch, 2015).

Ineffective team: The ineffective team ineffective in a sense that the members of the team do not
know about the goal and their contribution to attain the goal and the bondage of the team members
and not cohesive and that’s why they want to focus on the task rather than a contribution to the

Different types of team:

Problem-solving team: This is a team which is very common for all kinds of Next Plc.meaning
that different organisations create this type of team in case of solving different contingent and
situational, un author ox and routine problem as the members of the team are parallelly competent
to find out a problem for any business problem. Here the members of the typical problem-solving
team are five to twelve.

Self-managed team: Here the team members have the discretionary power to think about the
problem and solution of the Next Plc. and there was no pressure of direction from higher
management. Normally 2-10 members are working independently and rigorously in order to
planning, scheduling and assessing tasks to the employees (Ellerby, 2015).

Cross-Functional Team: Next Plc. takes actions to make team in a way that it takes persons from
a different department but the same hierarchy in order to make team and Next Plc. makes this types
of the team because here there is a chance of getting a mixture of different personnel from a
different discipline and there has a chance of blander of different expertise and skills.

The impact of technology on organisational teams: the role of virtual team development
and networking

Next Plc. takes actions to make the virtual team when it is running a business in different parts of
the world. It’s common nowadays that employees are working under a team through using internet
and computer network that facilitates the Next run in a smooth manner. Technology plays a
vital role in case of making the virtual team and the members of the team are using internet
connection, computer and other means to make connection amongst them. Here they make online
conferences to make decisions regarding the organisation. The benefits virtual team and
technology on it are huge n case of making decisions as Next multinational and people of
the organisations are spread out (Forsyth, 2006).

Team dynamics and teamwork:

Definitions of the terms group and team, and the differences

Group means the collaboration of members who are working for a common purpose but the leader
of the group influences and directs the other members where there has little discretionary power
to the members of the team.

Work team has the decision making the power of the employees, and harmony of the consent of
the team members and so on.

Source:.(Ellerby, 2015).

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Tuckman’s Team Development model and the impact of development stages on individual

Forming: This is the initial stage and here the members of the team are not aware of the goals and
tasks for them in the team meaning that the members of the team are in dilemma case making the

Source: (Ellerby, 2015).

Storming: Here is the state of conflicts among the members of the tea and here the members are
in dilemma about the leader of the team as to know about the abilities and skill of the leader.

Norming: It is the stage where every member wants to the rules and standard of the organisation.
The team selects the standard by considering consents of all the members of the organisation.

Performing: This is the stage, every member of the team is working collaboratively in order to
achieve the target of making a team of the Next Plc.(Mindtools, 2017).

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P4: Applying concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour
within an organisational context and a given business situation

Concepts and philosophy:

Path-goal theory leadership styles that improve team performance and productivity

Definition of Path goal theory of leadership: Path goal theory of leadership refers to a leader’s
style of leadership when working with the employee and leading the employee on situation. The
advantage of path goal theory of leadership is leadership style follows the employee’s motives and
attitude in daily work routines.

According to the path goal theory, Next Plc. considers the employees and the environment in order
to make decisions of the Next case taking the strategy of leadership. That means the leaders
take actions to assess the power, ability of the Next Plc. and they have to find out the state of the
environment where they belong to. Next Plc. takes the following leadership style by considering
employees and environment (Mullins & Christy, 2016).

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Figure: Path goal theory

Source: (Sinding & Waldstrøm, 2014).

Leaders of the Next Plc. takes directive strategy if they find that the subordinate wants to authority
leadership and the ability of the subordinate is low along with that environment is ambiguous and
there has a strong formal authority and workgroup.

Leaders of the Next Plc. takes supportive leadership style to the individuals who do not want to
the authority of leadership and ability to outperform and the environment is simple and structures
and where employees do not have any workgroup.

Leaders of the Next Plc. take participative leadership in the time where subordinates of the Next
Plc. have high ability and they want to involve with the Next Plc. and organisational activities and
the environment is like complex and employees may have workgroup or may not.

Leaders take achievement oriented leadership style if they think that subordinates have high
ability and they want authority leadership and the environment simple or in a structured way and
there may or may not be any workgroup (Sinding & Waldstrøm, 2014).

Contemporary barriers to effective behaviour, situational resistance, social capital theory

and contingency theory

Contemporary barriers to effective behaviour

Perceptual barriers: The perception of the individual in the Next far more different to each
other and this can be a barrier to effective behaviour.

Language barriers: The language of the different arena is different meaning that Next Plc.hire
different employees from different parts of the organisation. The language barrier of the employees
will cause to effective behaviour.

Cultural barriers: The employees of the Next Plc.are culturally diverse in case of race, religion,
gender, ethnicity etc. there might arise problems for the managers to collaborate all of them to
direct in the same manner to make decisions.

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Social Capital Theory:

Social capital theory denotes social resource those are associated with socio cultural development.
Generally, its like reciprocity and reflects on peoples encouragement and social resource allocation
among the citizens. It refers that the friendly and lower level formality and flexibility of the Next
Plc. lead to make strong relationship among the different parties of the Next Plc. who are related
to the Next Plc. meaning that the organic and less formalised Next Plc. facilitates the way of
communication among the different parties of the Next Plc.( Subba Rao,2010).

Figure: Social capital theory

Source: (Sinding & Waldstrøm, 2014).

In our organisation, we use this Social Capital theory in order maintain good relations among
different parties related to the Next Plc. and it also helps to increase the interpersonal
communication with the different parties of the organisation. The first key concept like correlating
with the social capital emphasis on bringing impact on education and self-reliant team working in
the Next Plc. Information technology has great impact on social capital, for networking and citizen
participation is not position without the innovation and good policy development by the Next Plc.
In this way, social capital theory reflecting on the cultural reciprocity among the team working
and collaborative working in the Next Plc. Moreover, Social capital theory assist in developing the
key concept like values and norms in the Next Plc environment.

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15 | P a g e
It is very much important for the Next to create cultural difference awareness for the
betterment of the Next case of running the business operation. If the employees of the Next
Plc. are culturally diverse in case of race, religion, gender, ethnicity etc. there might arise problems
for the managers to collaborate all of them to direct in the same manner.

16 | P a g e
Appannaiah, H., Reddy, P. and Kavitha, B. (2010). Organisational behaviour. Mumbai [India]:
Himalaya Pub. House.

Barber, A. (2015). Behind the Curtain. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Bizfluent. (2017). Characteristics of an Ineffective Team. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Oct.


Ownership and Control, 14(1).

Colebatch, H. (2015). Next Plc.and political analysis. Politics, 21(1), pp.11-18.

Ellerby, M. (2015). Hearing Voices, Maslow's Hierarchy and Compassion Focused

Therapy. Journal of Psychiatry, s1.

Forsyth, P. (2006). Creating success. London: Kogan Page. (2017). Herzberg's Motivators and Hygiene Factors: Learn how to Motivate Your
Team. [online] Available at:
hygiene-factors.htm [Accessed 31 Oct. 2017].

Mullins, L. and Christy, G. (2016). Management and organisational behaviour. Harlow, England:

Organisational behaviour. (2011). London: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Organisational Behaviour. (2010). Himalaya Publishing House.

Sinding, K. and Waldstrøm, C. (2014). Organisational behaviour. London [u.a.]: McGraw-Hill

education. (2017). Characteristics of an Ineffective Team. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31
Oct. 2017].

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Subba Rao, P. (2010). Organisational behaviour. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House.

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