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Checklist for Data Warehouse Testing

1.Validate schemas of both source and targets of data warehouse

2. Ensure key constraints for targets are in sync with specifications given to you
3. query on source and targets and try to break transformation logic written in informatica. This is key and
important since data sits in target based on transformation logic written and also check for Mapplets if

3. try to break/check update rules attached to transformation

4. check for surrogate keys
5. Write SQL queries for sources and check weather they are meaningful to targets and vice-versa
6. check for scheduling jobs.
7. Create SQL queries with different logics and check for data consistencies for different conditions

“Given a scenario where a single file is parsed into more than say 1000 columns in different tables say
more than 10.If the person testing this would need to be able to code some scripts quickly to run a
comparison of values between source file and relational staging table columns.Can it be done say by
using macros in Excel??"

Here are a couple possible solutions:

1) Depending on your query tool, you could write a looping construct to query both the spreadsheet using
one connection, and the staging database using another connection. Compare each value upon retrieval.

2) You could replicate the model in above using MS-Access and some VBA.

3) You could use VBScript or other language to accomplish above.

Need to validate that data from our data warehouse is properly loaded to our datamart. Would like to
create baseline files using 'db_execute_query' and then 'db_write_records', and then compare the
datamart result set with the baseline using file_compare (or a separate diff utility).

SQL interview questions for Testers

Apart from the below Questions, you can download more 53 SQL Interview questions document
from here – Click here to download.
Password of document - osst

Q. How do you select all records from the table?

Select * from table_name;

Q. What is a join?
Join is a process of retrieve pieces of data from different sets (tables) and returns them to the user or
program as one “joined” collection of data.

Q. How do you add record to a table?

A. INSERT into table_name VALUES (‘ALEX’, 33 , ‘M’);

Q. How do you add a column to a table?


Q. How do you change value of the field?

A. UPDATE EMP_table set number = 200 where item_munber = ‘CD’;
update name_table set status = 'enable' where phone = '4161112222';
update SERVICE_table set REQUEST_DATE = to_date ('2006-03-04 09:29', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:MM')
where phone = '4161112222';

Q. What does COMMIT do?

A. Saving all changes made by DML statements

Q. What is a primary key?

A. The column (columns) that has completely unique data throughout the table is known as the primary
key field.

Q. What are foreign keys?

A. Foreign key field is a field that links one table to another table’s primary or foreign key.

Q. What is the main role of a primary key in a table?

A. The main role of a primary key in a data table is to maintain the internal integrity of a data table.

Q. Can a table have more than one foreign key defined?

A table can have any number of foreign keys defined. It can have only one primary key defined.

Q. List all the possible values that can be stored in a BOOLEAN data field.
There are only two values that can be stored in a BOOLEAN data field: -1(true) and 0(false).

Q. What is the highest value that can be stored in a BYTE data field?
A. The highest value that can be stored in a BYTE field is 255. or from -128 to 127. Byte is a set of Bits
that represent a single character. Usually there are 8 Bits in a Byte, sometimes more, depending on how
the measurement is being made. Each Char requires one byte of memory and can have a value from 0 to
255 (or 0 to 11111111 in binary).

Q. Describe how NULLs work in SQL?

The NULL is how SQL handles missing values. Arithmetic operation with NULL in SQL will return a NULL.

Q. What is Normalization?
A. The process of table design is called normalization.

Q. What is Trigger?
A. Trigger will execute a block of procedural code against the database when a table event occurs. A2. A
trigger defines a set of actions that are performed in response to an insert, update, or delete operation on
a specified table. When such an SQL operation is executed, in this case the trigger has been activated.

Q. Can one select a random collection of rows from a table?

Yes. Using SAMPLE clause. Example:
10% of rows selected randomly will be returned.

Q. You issue the following query:

SELECT FirstName FROM StaffListWHERE FirstName LIKE '_A%‘
Which names would be returned by this query? Choose all that apply.
Q. Write a SQL SELECT query that only returns each city only once from Students table? Do you need to
order this list with an ORDER BY clause?

Q. What is DML and DDL?

DML and DDL are subsets of SQL. DML stands for Data Manipulation Language and DDL – Data
Definition Language.
DDL commands

Q. Write SQL SELECT query that returns the first and last name of each instructor, the Salary, and gives
each of them a number.
A. SELECT FirstName, LastName, Salary, ROWNUM FROM Instructors;

Q. Is the WHERE clause must appear always before the GROUP BY clause in SQL SELECT ?
A. Yes. The proper order for SQL SELECT clauses is: SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING,
ORDER BY. Only the SELECT and FROM clause are mandatory.

Q. Which of the following statements are Data Manipulation Language commands?

Ans. A and B. The INSERT and UPDATE statements are Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands.
GRANT is a Data Control Language (DCL) command. TRUNCATE and CREATE are Data Definition
Language (DDL) commands

Question: Describe SQL comments.

A. SQL comments are introduced by two consecutive hyphens (--) and ended by the end of the line.

Q. Difference between TRUNCATE, DELETE and DROP commands?

A. The DELETE command is used to remove 'some or all rows from a table.
TRUNCATE removes ALL rows from a table. The operation cannot be rolled back
The DROP command removes a table from the database. All the tables' rows, indexes and privileges will
also be removed.

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