To A Will: 2.securities. A Written Contract To Purchase Newly Issued Shares of Stock or Bonds

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subscriptio (s<<schwa>>b-skrip-shee-oh), n.[Latin] Roman law. 1. A signature, esp. a name

written under or at the bottom of a document to authenticate it; an imperial rescript. 2. A signature
to a will, required in certain cases in addition to the seals of witnesses. Pl. subscriptiones

subscription,n.1. The act of signing one's name on a document; the signature so affixed.
2.Securities. A written contract to purchase newly issued shares of stock or bonds. — Also termed
(in connection with stock) stock subscription. [Cases: Corporations 75.1.] 3. An oral or a written
agreement to contribute a sum of money or property, gratuitously or with consideration, to a
specific person or for a specific purpose. — Also termed subscription contract. 4.RESCRIPT(3).
[Cases: Subscriptions 1.C.J.S. Subscriptions § 2.] — subscribe,vb. — subscriber,n.

subscription contract.See SUBSCRIPTION(3).

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