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493 1 G 16 I' i a A va n u a

·E h 61 no, C a llf 0 rn t a


s ALE S BULL. ET I N· # ' 7 2 ' .

.: '. ~

. I:


It is with considerabl e pride and pleasure t hat we offer for your co ns idera tio n
our new sales catalog . In additio n to the hundreds of film sele ction s we are making
availa bIe , we are al so now offering a new servic e to collectors and fil m buffs , namely
s tills . While some are available from other s ources, many of them are be ing o ffered
for the first time anywhere , since the original release of th e films and some o f th e

portraits have never been co mmercially available.

We hope t ha t you will look ove r the catalog carefully , bec ause we feel that
there is s o mething for practically e verybody.
IMPORTANT NOTICE : The fil ms listed are for home use only. No right s are
given or implied for showing o n Te levis ion , or for other commercial purpos e s. Th is
refers to both the new prints a nd used pr ints a s well.

Terms of Purchase : When plac ing orders ,customers shall enclos e payment ,
preferably in the form of Money Orders or C ashier's
Checks. Personal c hecks may take some time to cle ar ,
w~th c~>ns ~que~ t del ay in sh.ipme nt of orders .
: ,' ~

SALES TAXES: Residents ·of Cafifornia must add 5% sale s taxes to the
total a mount of theii orders .

SHIPPING CHARGES: The number of reels for each s ubject is listed in the
catal og.. piease :add 30¢· per reel to cover sh ipp ing ,
handling , and insurance charges. On still orders,
pleas e add 50¢ per order to cover all c h arges .

PRINT QUALITY: No l aboratory is in fallible I although we try to get the

best lab work we can in term s of service, price, and
qu ality . If a customer receive s a print in whic h the
lab wo rk is un satisfactory I we will , upon return of the
fUm , a nd verification of the com plain t, replac e the fUm
at no c harge . We c annot accept pr int returns bec ause of
disappoin tment in subject matter.

All pric e s shown are subj ect to change without notice . Sale price s are only for
the time limits indicated for the s ale duration .
Answer print s are sold lias is ". De scriptions are as accurate as possible.
FEATURES: The following . features-r~nt- an unu s u ally varied assortment of as \'O S
fUms. , S~es I Westerns I Adventure film s , and fUms ef marked hisnrical 1m­
P9rtanqe are Hsted. Prices listed fir st are fe r 16mm prints; those in brackets ( )
are 'for ' sta'n'dard Bmm,
. -
if avaUable
. ., .
***********.."!'**.*****:i"****************.****** ************,* ******************

!HE SILENT MAN W'illia m S . H'art (5 Reel s) $125.00 ..

Cheate'd. out. ef hi.s geld cla'lm , "SHent" Bud M aIT gets rsvenge by ex­
posing the croek, and getting his glrl frem him to. beot! '
BLUE BLAZES RAVJDEN Will iam S . H ~rt ' ' (5 Reels) 125.00 (32.50)
Adtfferent fUm fer Hart'l as it ' s net so. much .a 'iwestern" as a " no rthern",
in which he's a rough lumbe rj ack , who takes .q ver a leqal saleen and he­
tel by sheoting the ownerJn a gun fight i ~ ablacke.d-out room ! "
OLASH OF THE, WOLVE's· Rin-Tin-Tin (5R,eels), ,' 125.00
With C?arles Farrell and June Marlewe , 1n t he stery of 'a man who. befr ie,ncis, : " , r

a wounded wolf and tames him with love . " Centains anhUarious scene ,
where the wolf lS breught to. tew n, d isg uise d in a beard and beet s !
BIG STAKES ' , J.B. Warner and Elinor Fair (5 reels) 125.00 (32.50)
Texas cowbey falls for levely Mexican senoitta. Cemplicat10nsset In when
sert of Ku-Klux- IQ'a n night riders e nter. th~ s cene. Very ,rare'VIl estern . ·"
BLOOD AND STEEL " \. , Helen Holmes ,. W m. Desm end (5 Feels) , . ' 1'25.00 (32.50)
Stery ef the r,a ilroad tycoon's daught e r a nd the ferem'an. Ex~itlng, trai,n,
ra,ce to. complete the contract climaxes this actl'oo:-packed, fUm. "
BELOVE'D ROGUE , JehnB.arry more " , ' rlbReels) ,185.00 (67.50)
The story ef the great poet, patriet ~ lq ver, and rabble-rouser, who he~ped
the King of France (Co nradVeidt) in'hi$ struggle with the DU,ke OfBuig - .
undy. With Mack Swain ,and Slim g'umrnerville as his drinking buddies '~ ,
BEAU BRUMMELL John Barry mere (lOReels), . . 185 . 0.Q ,{67.50)
With M,ary Astor; the tale of the great dandy , the confidant of the ,king ',
who. ends his days in poverty cU'!,d madness , in .his fall from favqr .
DESTINY Dir. by Fritz Lang , (8 Reel s) 150.00 (57.50)
Cne of ,the best of tne Lang epics CLang's fa vorUe of his 'silent fUms!) .,
1n which the struggle between Love and De ath unfolds in ~fs)Ur inter­
woven storie s in different times and places .. . With Lil Dagover and -.- '
Bernhard Gotzke . Available with great soundtrack for $1?5~ ,0() . .
SIEGFRIED ' Dir. by Fr itz Lang '. ... ... (i O Reeis) " . 200 .• 00 (69.50)
Lang, the master of epic narrative tells the story of the treas~ure of the

Nibe lungen. Complete with English titles. SeeS;iegfried battle with

Fafnir the Dragon, conque r the proud Queen Brunh!.1Qe, ancl, slay the , .. .. .


wUy Alberich for the fabled Treasure and the We b o£Jpvis i bility!
NCS'FERATU Dlr . by F,. W . Murn au '. '(6, Reeis +) '. 150.00 (49.50)
Complete verSion , with English titles . The chilling .J)!'ac:41astory; ,
a masterpiece of mystery , meod I and terror in Gothic s e ttings. Pre-
print material consisted of a beautiful 35mm ni trate negative.
TARZAN CF THE APES . Elmo Lincoln (5 Reels) 125.00 (37.50)
The first screen. versio.n of the immortal E . R. Burroughs super-hero.
SAVAGES OF THE SEA Frank Merrill (5 Reels) 125.00 (35.00)
. 'Me rrill'was an Clympics champion who had a screen career , including a

role as Tarzan inUniversal serials. Here he is a castaway en an island,

with complications ente ring 1n the form of a beautiful girl and pirates ~

MARRIED? .' . " . , Censtance Benne tt (6 Reels) l~'S. 00 (39.50)

With Owen Moore . A delightful story of how a spoiled heiress gets her
"come-uppance" at the hands of a lumbering foreman, who teaches her
leve and telerance . (With last 100 ft in color • • •• $145.00)
'.. .. .

. -.... .~ °t · ·• ..­ ...

SEX Loui se Olaum (G Reels) (1920)'$135.00 (39~5b)
One of tne great "vamps" of the early Twenties in a roi'e a s "T he Spider
Woman" " who destroys a ha ppyrtiarriage, o nly to ha ve her own de~troy-
ed in tum by the girl whom she had prac tically "trained" for the role. - . ...
THE LECP'ARD WOMAN (Dir. Vle sley Ruggles) (6 Re els) (1920) 135 . 00
With House Peters ' and Louise' Glaum; Esp ionage in the steam ing jung­
les, and burning deserts of Africa / with Glaum as the spy who finds
love ~ and turns over a new leaf.
THE GIRL'INTHE PULLMAN 'M arie Prevost (6 Ree ls) ( 1 9 2 7 ) 1 3 5 . 00 (37 . 50)
With Harriso n Ford; After her divorce she h as s econd thoughts, and

goes after her ex-husbaria-again , w hile he is on a "honeymoon" onca' ,

.. . .
, tra i n with his new bric e . (With Fra nklin P a ngboro , Kathryn McG u-lre .j " ~

THE GENERA]} . Bus t er Keato n (8 :R e~l sl (1925) . 1 5 0 . 00

The famo1.lsC ivil War railroad' e pic, with the great s ilent comic •.
HIS MAJE~TY, THE: SCARECROW OF OZ , ' (4'Reels)(191"4) . 100 . 00 (32.50)
Written I produced I and directed by L . Frank Bau m i the cre ator of the
famO'u's OZ s eries ," ;cit a tiine when pr acUcaily nobody was producing .. ." . ~

features. - Contains many delightful feats of scteen " magiC" ,' and '
includes all ttJe favor ites ••• Dorot hy , The Tin Ma n , The Scare crow ,
The Vlizard ; The Cowardly Lioo , and the Witch, in ' a beautiful print .
THE HEARTS OF HUMANITY, ' Dorothy Phiilips , Er ich Von Strohe im (8 Rls) 150 '- 00 (6 2. 5,Q)
A-story of World WarT, i n which a C anaci'ianfamily se nds 5 sons o ff " "
to the war I and what ha'ppens to the m: the re ~ Erich 'Vo n Strohe im ..
plays one of his earlie st roles as the s adisti~ G,eTman offi c er, wh9
participates in what m us t be o ne of the wildest rape s c enes in early'
, Cinema h istory. , Directed by Alan Holubar. (19 19)
DAUGHTERS OF EVE An riy Ondra 6 Reel s 1 iO . 00
The story of a showgirl vamp who l eads men as tray , but finally meets
her fate in the bullring .
THE CRAZY RAY' Directed by Re ne Clair 5 Re els (1923) 127 . 50
The complete feature- l ength vers io n of Clair's first film cl ass ic . When
a scientist's machine l et ' s loose , it stops all action below the leve l
of the top of the Eiffel Tower . Eightpeople explore an eerily 'stilled
Paris which they have to themselves .
I .
THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN WillRoger s 5 Reel s (19 22) 125 . 00
The great Washington Irving clas s ic brough to: life I with Will Rogers
portraying Ichabod Crane I in the Legend of Sle e py Hollow .: ~ ., 'f

QUEEN ELIZABETH Sarah Bernhardt 4 Reel s (1912) 90 . 00 (32. t)O)

This is the film wh ich "made " Paramount Studios l a nd which did much
toward according respec tabil ity to the infan t motio n picture in du>stiy ~ '
POTEMKIN Sergei Ei s enstein 6 Reel s (1925) ' . 135.00
One of the most famous films of all time , this f ilm re mains one oi. ' '
the most powerful films ever made . The e ve n t s wh ich took place on'
the Battle s hip Potemkin and on the O d'essa s teps are unforgettable . ', .
STRIKE- Serge i Eisenstein 8 Reels (192 5) 150 . 00 (62 . 50)
Eisenste in ' s first film ••• the most impre ss i ve film debu t e ver made by
a d irector. A film of great inventivenes s, black humor an d intense
conviction, ending in a great s plurge of violence . (With' sound •• $1 75 . 00)


THE FILMS OF DAVID W . GRIFFITH: . __....._, ....-_.­

-- - if:-a"Ay~~e-indivi~aldid-~of;toward making t he film into an art form than
D. V\T . Griffith .,. 'his' name d oe s not immediately c orrie to mind. ' '- From the ·time he directed
his first fUin , ·: his<inriovation s ln 'lightlhg ic amera 'wo rk, acUng t echniq ue , and
story development be c a rrie th"e "so urce o f des palr as ' well' as ins'piration to his' rivals,
the ~6l:lrce ofpr6fif to h-is .e:mpl oyers', and the sourc e of enjoyment to the motio n
picture publlc ~ "
. ". .- "
VIe proudlyoffei the -foHowing Griffith f e atures and s horts / inclu dihg hi s efforts
.. .• . _. ~ <t • ~ . ' .

rahg i n~ ~ from the u nassuming to t he e pic / the wo rk of The Master•• • ~.

********** ****,****** *.****'******** * * * ************** * *.** *** **** *oJi * ********* * **** ~
" ;

JUDITH OF BETHULIA (4 Reel s) (19 13) $ ;, 95.00 (35.00)

Griffith ' s first feature. \lVith Blanche Swee t , 'H~B : Walthall , and
. ; many oth~rs,o.t the GrIffith s comp a ny" . This was the, .last film ·


he mad_~i,o J;' Biog raph , as the m~ nage me nt coulon ' t see 'any future in

feature tilm$. 4 M~ny :\:critics have_cons idered this film as a prepa~.-

.", '. atiGn for 'INTOLERANCE; which fo ll owed in a few yeais. ',
. INTOLERANCE. (B & vV' version) .' (13 Reels) (1916) 250 . 00

Made by Griffit h_:at the peak of h'i spowers . It w~ s , far in ad~an ce of .

the comprehension of the .critic s and audience when fir-st released / but

o ver thfJ- .ye.ars it has c ome into its own as the greatest e pic ever made .

The story' o (four 'threads of his tory interwo ve~ in a fabric portraying .

man! s' inhumanity to man through the ages . The most complete and·

excelle nt quality printcup.ently a vailabfe in black and white.

INTOLERANCE: .{"Col<?r version i.) (13'Reels)(~9 i6) ..'- '. 500.00

Approx imately 4 'reels .of color footage h ave,. been cut .into the above ..

bl~pk a nd wh it e prin"t·.· Tl}~'Se Golor' segmehJshave been reduced from

originaL.nitrate .35mm re1e~se prints , and are beautiful repr9ductions

of the tinted ancCtoned or1g1na1s . . Included 'are the st'i.\nniog footage

of the Gre~t H~ll'fro~ the B.abylon Story , and t he str1ke .and battl e

from the Modern S·t ory .

~~T'o L~R ANCE (Babylo n Story) ' . (2 Reel s) (COLOR) 1315 .. 00

. (8 & Vi) .45 . 00

Reduced' from -the or1g.1 nal 35mm materia'! des ~ribed above. Beautiful!

INTOLERANd:~ (Modern Story) (1 1/2 Rl s) (COLOR) 125 . 00

.' ' .,... . . , . (B & w) 3SJ.50

Reduced from the or1ginal 35 '\TIm,material-described above.

INTOLERANCE--" Crgy Seq uence " _ (1 Reel) , 21-. 50

InCi~de s the. Great Hall sequence I t he banqueting / and th e "chase "

WAY DOWN. EAST (1 1 Reels) (192 0) 2,25.00

With LilUan 'Gi st and Richard Bart hel mes s. The most beautiful pri nt

avaiL3hle of the film •. M.ade by redu c tion; from a virgin. 35mm nitrate

o riginai, th~.quali ty is unsurpa ss ed o n 16mm , e spe Glally. theJamou s

re scue scene o n th e ice in the last re el. ($ 250 with great sou nd track)

********************************** ** *** ***************************************

RE S CUE D FRGMTHE. EAGLE ' S NEST (1 Reel) (19 07) . 17 . 50

Actually this was not directe.d by Griffith , but by Edwin S •. ,Porter / for

the Edison Company •.. ~ "Howe'\re r I ' .i t mark ed Griffit h's first contact w ith

themotio,n. p,icture I as he a ppeared asao 'actor in htsscreendebut.

THE VIOLIN MAKEROF.CR'EMONA·· . (l1\ee1) (With Mary Pickford) . 21.5 0 (6 . 50)

M aw Pickford, in her first featureC1role as the object of r Lv-airY be -

twe'en two appre ntice violin, makers and who is offered as one o f th e

priz e s to t he maker of the ' hes tviolin • • • arid the wrong man w ins!


THE NEVi YORK ,HAT ,, (1 Re;eJ) (\N ithM~' Pickford) ' " 21 . 50 (6.50)
With L ionel Barrymore , as the kind minister who fulfill s her motl1er' s
; '; ' last , ~ish ,by buy ing hera f ancy hat, scandaHz ~ng the go s s ip s 1n ~he
village . ,This was Mary Pickford' s:l ast film, for Biograp h.
ENOCR ARDEN ' (2 Reels) (With Lind 9i Arvidson (Griffith) 42 ~ 50
Griffith 1 s firs t 2- reeler; the Biograph management were so unhap p.y,
with Griffith's daring I that they releaseEl both parts s eparately ! '
WAY DOWN EAST ' CF,inal reel) ,, 21. 50 (7. 50)
The ,thrilling climax oithe fHm,inwhich Dick Barthelmess makes
the daring re scue of Lilli an ~ is h , as the ice s peeds to the falls!
(Available wit h so und ••••• $ 24 .50) ,
FRIENDS . ' (I Reel) (VVith Mary Pickford) 2L 50 (6. 50)
With an'aH-star c as t, includ ing 'Lionel Barrymore ~ ' th e prospector, '"
who wins the town's danc e:"'hallg irl from hi s friend , the town gam­
. bIer , H':B. vValthall. ' Also se en are Harry Carey , 'Bobby Harron.
CUPID E!'ITANGLED , " (i Re el) (With Alan 'Hale) 21.50 (6~50)
With Claire M acDowe ll; When a g irl tries to stra lghferi out the ro­
mantic problems o f her friend, she finds her own in d isarray!
THE UN\fI.rELCOME GUEST (I Reeir{Mary Pickford) 21. 50
A mistreat ed w ai£in:a selfis h family befrien ds the unwanted grand ...
fathe r . Wh'e n he fi nd~ hi s lo st mOne y, 'h'etakes her aw ay 'with 'him. '
MUSKETEERS OlF'PIG 'ALLEY (l Reel) (L illt~mGish) ' 2 L5b' (6 .5 0)
When her musician brothe ri !:> robbed, she unknow ingly dates ' the
bandit who did it. The l ~t t~r is c aug ht lip in a gang war;, o ne of '
the firs t' gangster p ictures ever sho'wri o n the s cree n.
HEARTS OF THE ' vVORLD ' (l Re:el ' excerpt) (L ill ian Gish) 21. 50
With Bo bby H arron , George S'iegmnan and 'Edch Von Stroheim, i n o rie
of his first portr ay al s of a brutal Prus s ian ·O ffic e r. ' (Ava ilable in '.
color, reproducing the origin al 35mm nitrate print's tints a nd tonGs,
Price : $100.00) "
FAITHFUL (1 Reel) (Mack Sennett)' 21.5 0 (G .5 0)
After be in9 knocked down by a car, the owner buys him a new suit .
Gr ateful , our hero attaches himse lf to hi s benefactor like a lee ch',
almost c ausing a breakup between the man and h lSfianc e . All i s '
fin~lly well , however , when he s aves her from a fire! Sennett ,
play ing a bumpkin type , is really hy ste rically funny as the goof !
THE PRIMITIVE MAN {3 Reel s){M a~ M arsh, Bobby Harron)'" 60.'00
When "Weak Ha nds" comes up against "l3rute Force ", h e improvis es
a club , and int e ll igen ce masters br awn. When a nother tr ibe , c opy­
ing the club ro uts hi S, "Weak Hands "come s up with another winner I
the bow and arrow ! ' ; An unusual " ps y cholo'g ical ~' Griffith costumer.
***-1<********** ,"******** *** *** ** ********************* ****** *******************
MAKING A LIVING (1 Re el) (Keystone) 21.50 (6~ 50)
Chaplin' s film , in which he plays a n English fop" with a Walrus
mustache , who tries to become a new sman by'stealing his ri v al 's
came ra and story, as well a s h lsgirl ! The co mple t e version.
KID AUTO RACES IN VENIC E (1/2 reel) (Keystone) 19 .50 (5.00)
Chapli n" s s econd film , and the first in which he we a rs the ' famou s '
tramp co s tume . He is fou nd interfering with kidd ie car races .
HIS FAVORITE PASTiME (1 Reel) (Key s tone) . 2 L 50
fIis fa vorit8 pfls time ? • ,drinking at t'18 'locel pubJ
1 B] _ El~M'§ _9 X_ QlI_A..F_LJ] ~ Q1U\1'_LJ .N...,~;~~cLnJ': ~t:_ "' -··
THE- STAR BOARDER (1 ·R eel)(Keystone) $22.50 (6'. 50)
His landlady:glves him preferred trei:!t rrient ,tUl hubby catches on'!
CAUGHT IN A CABARET ' . "' (2 Ree l ~((Key st()We) . '" 40~OO (12.50)
f . , Tcy impress Society girl Nl abel Normand , he \m persona t e s a Duke
CAUGHT IN THE RAIN ' '0 Reel) (Keys fone)< 2 LSO (6.50)
The first filmaitEiicted by'Chaplfn.He get~ i!itrbuble: w tth Mack .'
: . SWaih when Swa in ' s sleepw'alklng wife wander s into h is hotel room! c·
A BUSY DAY (1 Reel)(Key stone) li.SO (5 . 00)
, . 'The ra-rest of the Chaplin Keysto nes ~ He pla'y s a blowsy woman who
keeps picking on hetph ilahder irig hubby ,played by Mack SWain ~ .
THE FATAL MALLET (1 Reel) (Keys to ne) 19.50 (5.00)
, : .Another- of the extremely rare o n:e s !· . Charlie , Mack Swain and Mack

Sennett are rlvatsior the h and"of Mabel Nbrmand ~ t:rurlng,the en'.,;

suing roughhou5 'e j,~ everYOne gets hif by ·brick'S and mallets . Plint

1(' ~quaHty. is less than sensati:onal i but it .!.§..tare!

MABEL'S BUSY DAY ' (l Reel}(Keys tone) 21. SO (6 .. 50)
Mabel Normandhas- abu sY hot dog stand at the nice track~ Charlie -' •
. . . .. .
helps her go bankrupt wh~n : he steal s he r hot dogs .

t'AUGH1NG .GAS (1 Reel)(K€ y stone) 21 • 5 a (6. SO)

Charlie's an inept arid troubleso me dentist's assistant ,.
THE PROPERTY MAN (2 Heels} (Key storie) 40 . 00 ' (12.50)
., . As ~ prO~man in a vaudeville show , ' he dis'r u pts all tile acts!
THE FACE ON THE' BAR-ROOM FLOOR' , (1 Reel)(Keysro"ne)
. i· 'rhedrunken artist tells his stoty for dr i nks, in flashbadk fashion
THE MASQUERADt:R{1 Reel) ( Keystone) . . ' 2 1. 50 ' (6~ 50)
KI6ked -out of the studio, he te turns as a pretty , flirty , starlet. He
charms the direct o'r ~ theridlsrtipls an 'the fUrtling ' m progress .
HIS NEW PROFESSION (rReel) (Keystone) : 21.50 (6.50)
-'i1e r~r hired16i:Atsh the 'wheeI'6haif'ofChade y Cha s'e ' sinvaJid uncle
THOSE LOVE PANGS (I Reel)(Keys tone) ":' , 2J . 50 fG..,5.0).,.
Charli~ 'and riv al Chester Conklin fli rt with a series of cuties at the
park anqin the mOV'ies-(' until ttrepoy friends arive on the s ee ne!
DOUQB AND DYNAMITE (2 Reels) (Key s to'ne) :40.00 " (I 2:. 50)
At work in the bak~ry' i ~ he : b,pttl~s with Ghe,s ter C onklin; BUm Su m­
e rville, and everyone else it} ,sJ ght , enging in a gooey mes s of do ug h !
GENJ:LEME·~ 'OF NERVE (I Reel)(Key storre) . '. , 21."50(6 . 50) .
Wipi1 Mab~lNormand,Maek Swain j and Chester Conklin· in volved in
,l?lapstipk antics at the race track .
HIS MUSICAL CAREER' ,(I, Ree!) (Key stone) 21 . 50 (6.,50)
One of the Far~ones~ C,harH~and Mack Swain,are piano m0vers :. It
is likely th a t Laurel &, H-ardy-d~yelo p ed the ' theme :for TaE MtJ.SIC BOX. ·
HIS TW(STI:NG PLACE (2 Reels) (Keyston'e) 40.00 (12 . 50)
In a restaurant ; 1.11s coat gets e~changed for·Mack Swa in ' s , w ho
has made qn<;lppointment with 1?-is wife. Ch arlie' swife (M abel Nor­
. rpapd) ~inds the note in his pocket I and jumps to conclusions!
\ . (2. Reels)' (Key sto ne) 40 • 00 (12. 50)
He's a cave-manr ' who after besting, King Mack Swa:in , takes over

. alh the women 'in the tribe'.

THE TRAMP (2 Reel s) (Essanay) " 40 .0 0 (12.50) .

The , most complete version of this film ,now available • The first
film' wh"er§ Ch arlie inj e cteq , Pa~l:los in,Jhecomedy to great ,effect.
BY THE SEA ; . .. . . . .' (lReen(E~anay) , ' ' " . " i21. 50
He gets involved' with every ' girl in' sight •• ~. then their boy friends!


A WOMAN (2 Reels) (KSSANAY) $40 . 00 (12 . 50)

Dressed in Edna Pur'flance's finery, CharIi e is wooed by 'her fUrty
father~ This was the last of 3 films in which he played women.
A NIGHT IN THE SHOW ", (2 R~els)(E ss anay) , 40 . 00 (12.50)
He plays dual roles •• ~ a society drunk a nd a rowdy 1n the balcony .
"Basel on "Mumming'B ird~ 1/ routine from his ,Kamo days. Delight ful.
TRIPLE TROUBLE " (2 Reel s)(Essan ay) 40. 00 (12 . 50)
As an in ventor' s inept janitor, he fi nally blows everything to bits!
THE'FLOORWALKER ' , (2 Reel s) (Mutual) 40 . 00 (12.50)
He's a double for a crooked floorwalke r, who w ith the manager , is
planning to rob the store . Charlie fo il s the 'robbery attempt .
THE"FIREMAN " , (2R eels)(Mutual) 40 ~ O O (12.50)
The fattIer of Charlie',sgirl ~rle s arson fo r insurance . Whe n Edna
gets trapped in the, hous e , Charlie save s her in the, nick of time.
ONE A.M . ; (2 Reel s) ,(M ~tu an(S ou nd) 42. SO (12 . 50)
.Charli.e' , as a drunk , is pr actically the Sole performer in this very

funny tour-d~..,.force, in ,·his b ~ttles with i nanimate objects . Th is

print comes with a track of music and sound effe cts (16mm only)

THE,PAWN SHOP , (2 Reel s)(Sound)(Mutual) 4 2 • 50 (12 ~ 50)

As the pawnbroker' s helper, he foil s a b and it , and wins the g irl .
With sound effects and mus 1c on 1 6m m pri nt only .
THE RINK • (2 Reels) {Mutuai} ,. ' 40. 00 (12.50)
On roller skates , Charlie performs with the grace of a ballet star
THE "GOLD 'RUSH (Excerp~) (1 Reel) (l9 25) 21.·50 (6 . SO)
Includes ,the famous scenes with the bear and the fight over the gun.
CHAPLINIANA .. . - .. , (1 Reel) , 24 " 50 (7 . 50)
Clips, newsreelshots, out- takes , and othe r rare foot age including ,
,those~it h Pickford , Fairbanks , Griffith, Winston Churchill , etc.
.' * ********* * **** * **** ** ** ** * * * * ** ** **** * * **************
BACK STAGE (1 Reel) , 21.50 (6.50)
The brash stagehand falls in love with the le ad ing lady, Bebe Daniels.
JUST NEIGHBORS (1 Reel) 21. 50 (6 . 50)
Houses and 'gardens ' are demolished, when good ne ighbors have a
falling out! , With Snub Pollard and Bebe Daniels .
THE HAUN'tED MANOR (1 Reel) 21. 80 (6.50)
Relatives of the newlyweds try'to scare them out of their ,inheritance .
DIRECTOR OF THE CINEMA (1 Reel) 21.5 0 ,
(6 . 50)
' ,

One of. the extremely rare "Lonesome Llike "fUms , in which Lloyd

plays a Chapl.ihesque c haracter , who is the ca shier-usher- manager

of a movie house. 'With Bebe Daniels a nd Snub Poll ard .

SPRING FEVER 01 Reel) 21.50 (6 . 50)

Spring fever causes, Harold to disrupt the office , t hen he continues
his crazy a'ctlvLUe's 1n the parkahd candy shop . WlthBebe Da niel s.
THE CITY SLICKER ' (I Reel) ' 21. 50 '(6 . 50)
,He 's bt'Ought into a hick hotel to bring ittlp to dat e . He do e s , with
"modern" inven:tions like di sappearirtg bedrooms arid bathrooms!
*************************************************************** **************
C O P S { 2 Reels)'" 40.0 0 (l2. 50)
Trying to make' good inbusiness, he becomes involved w ith, and dis­
rupts a'police par ade. As a result, he is the object of cinema's
greatest chase scene , 'and one ' its funniest! '


THE GARAGE ' (2 reels' $42 . 50

Buster and F~tty ' Arbuckle ru n acombinatlon garag e , pOlic'a ?epart­
ment , and fire de'ijartment~ W here does the ff re break o ut? '.:.
a t the garag e ,bfcours¢'! Ke aton's las t film w ith Arbuckle.
THE PALEFACE (l Reel) ' 21.50 (7.50)
After nearly ' b e ing burned at the sta'ke , Buster become s the tribe's
, ' le'ader-,a nd helps th em recover their stolen oU 'co nce ss'ion s . '
THE SODA JERK ' "' (1 / 4 reei) (Exce rpt from "CO LLEGE ") 6. 25(2 .75)
Trying to wo rk at the s odafounta in ~ he b'c\Usup the job!
CONEY ISLAND " , (2 Peels) 4 2.5 0
" '
s second fil'm , which wa S ,di're
" "
c ted
," ,, '
an ,
d s t'atred
.. '
, ' Fa t ty Ar­
, ".
' , ,'

- ·buc kle'. Buster' s s c reen c hqra cter had not y~t fully developed , and

he i s seen g rinn ing"f-la ughing, ' a'n'd e veh" do ing' a Stan Lau rer"type "

of crying b it. Then:/ s lots o f action ~ as both Buster and 'Fatty l ii9- '

-, play cons iderable acr~b~HiC ?kill.' In~ide ntally"'Fa tty does a gr~at
fema le impei~dna~ io n ina bathing $4it': With AI,sL "JOhn . ',
,,,THAT , ~T:E;XT? •' ;'( 1 ReeD ' . ," ,' '" " " "2f.5'O .
­ .

, . He can ' t hold a job, as he an t agon ize s e q'c h boss he g.oes to work for:. ,
THE GENERAL " ' (8 Feel sf ' " ' lS()~O O
. ' B~s ter' s most famousfe~tu~E{~, ''the great' :~ivi1 J/Va~ '~pi'q . ,,' " ' .
* ''::,1<''" ,,< 'k"* * '0'< ""O~'f< * '.~ ,;~ .;: -J:,'< "~": ,'" t: *":* ~'r* ,,< * * J: *1: -:: ** :",!: * 'k* * *-or' " ** **,~ *'* "<1: * ** '1<** ',,< * '**** ** ***-1<* * -),* '''',<*
; , I . ~'.

'Wi~lkl0S _0I_M!tCK ~LE:rm-g1~ ',.'"

THE RIVAlS": " (1 PeeD 21 . 5'0'\;(6'. soV,
Mack Senj1ctt a nd-:-F'ord cSterHn/) .hatt1 e ,f6I' tll'e li.a.nd oiM abel Normand
LIZ.ZIES OF ,THE' ..FIELD " 11 Ree D (Blfly Be vari~" ~M,y'Clyde):) : ; 21. 50'; (6'. 50)
Cne o f the wJldest 'fo'c lngfilm't:j <e.ver I tn wl;ich' 21U'tl'le, car~ end up '
a s a mountainous plle 'o fj u nk!
TH£ DANGER GIRL ' :,: : ::;'- ~ > ( iReels) : (Gldria Swanson, Bobby Vernon) 39 . 00 '
Plenty of action with::fas t! c ars and hbrses.Asocie ty g irl (G l ori al
tries to help her gid'friend' s 'r.o.m cance by dcin'g a male impe rsonation.
THE LION 'S, WHISKERS ' - ' (1 ~ Ree lY ' (BUly Bevari) 21. 50'(6 . SO)
Billy is thechcmff~ t of mo vie star M adeline Hurlock; ' a wil d ride
ensues whe'na ~nb n': gets 'irito 'the car!
BARNEY OLDFIELD'S RACE FOR LIFE (1 Reel) (No rmandISennett) ', ' 2 1 . 50 (6 . 50)
- Famou s racer Cldfield helps M ack res cue M abel, when the vill a in­
oue Ford Sterling ties herlo the tracks . Great race s-eene' betWeen '
car and lo co motiV'e···~· 'With Keystcne "Kop's ",­ . ,1

SUPER - HOOPER-DYNE LIZZIES n ReeD (B illy 'Seva n , Andy Clyde) 21. 50

.. Crazy inventor puts rad iO control on c ars , ' whiCh 'then run amock!
ICE COLD COCOS '(2 Feel sHBilly BeV'an,Andy C lyde) 40 . 00 (12 .5 0)
Billy is an iCeman :who i s fo rce d to bec0me skating wa iter at the ic e'
rink . With M adeline Hurlock and K'ewp ie Mo rg a\1 .• ~a great comedy !
HAlFBACK OF NOTRE DAME " (2 F e els) , (Se nne t t All":'S tars) 4 0 . 00 (12.5 0)
A wild almo st surrea1istie melang e oJ footb all; de ntistry, bathing

beautie s, a nd cra zy a irplan'es ! "

A SMALl, TO,A!N PFINCESS i " (2 Re elsr' (Madeli ne Hli'rlock) 40'~OO (12.50'
Madeline pretends to 'be a Rtis s ia nptincess to break iri to movies. i '
Boyfrie nd Billy Bevan fo llows her to Hollywood to w in her b ack, a nd' '.l'

ends u p in movies h ims el L I nteresting real stu d io interior scene s.

THE GOLF NUT 0 Reel) (Billy' Bevan) 21. 50 '(6. 50)

Zaniness on the golf co urse ~ as' Billy prete nds to be a Pro. Many of
the members of the Sennett stock compa ny appea red in the fUm.


FATTY AR BUCKLE: "FATTY & MABEL ADR IFT" (3 reels) $ 59 . 50(18 .5 0'
The complete , full -length vers i on o f the .film w h ich has previpu sly
i ' be e n a vail a ble o nly ,in frag me nt ary ve rs io n s. Wh e n Fatty and M a­
bel ge t married ~ J e alous r ival Al St. Jo h n casts t heir honeymoon

cpttag e a d r i.ft a t se a . After they s e nd their dog fo r h elp, they a re

, finally re s cl:l ed" . des p ite th.e hil arious "a ntics of t he Key s tone Kops !
HARRY LANGDON: "PIC KI NG PEACHES;' ' (1 1/2 r eel s) : 37. 50 (l O. SOl
Lang do n's first , fUm (for Ma c k Se nnett); "'lhen he spen ds s o me time
' with du tie s on t he beach, hi.s w ife fi nds out, and e nte rs a beau ty ,

con tes t , ma s ked . V'Ti nn i ng a prize a t th e store w here he wo rks, he

mi stakes he r fo r his bos s 's girl fr ie nd , end s up 1n hos pital !

HARRY LANGDO N: "LUC KY STAR" (2 Reels) 40 . 00 (1 2 . 50)

Becoming an appre n tice to a m edic i ne ~ show ouack" he caus es a
r iot in a sm al e tow n , w he n he gets th~)w'rong'forml1la made!
HAPRY LANG DOl\T: " "LOST AND FOUND" , (1 1/2 reels) (Sound) , 40. 00
G etting a job with the circu s, h e d is covers th at tile I;'beard~d lady"
is h Ls lo ng -lo s t lo v e from the o rpha nage. ( Added ,music & effects)
AL 8 T . JOH N: ,, "STUPID BUT BRAVE" ',,' (2 Re e l s) 4,0.,00 (12 .5 0)
With Eugene Palette; Al tries to w alk cros$ '!'"coun try to ge t to his
new job, en ds up involve d w ith es caping convicts a nd runne rs !
AL ST. JOHN: "THE LAST SERIAL " (2 Re els) 40 .,00 (12.50)
Hy sterical s poo f on th e s il e nt s e rial s, western variety! Al is a
b a ndit w ith two l eft feet , who is alw ays after the " p aper'sU! ' '
Bo bby de fea t s t,he I;> ad guy s in,the,C hina tow n gang ;, ,.­
BO B~Y VERt:JO N: "SAPPY.SEB VICEH , (1 Reel) 21.5 0 ". ;,
\Mo rking ag a ins t atime) imiti0ur,jnt reptd hero skirts di s a ster in
orde r to se rve th e p aoe rs agains t a d e ad bea t fo r hi s bo s s .
• •
.. > ' ,
(2 Re els - Sou nd ad d e d) 40.00 ...
Incred ible tak e - off o n THE THREE MYSKETEERS of Fai rba nks, with
gre at fe a t s of sword smanshi p and !jerring-do •••• and funny!
'-, (2 Reels) 40.00 ­
To e scape c reditors ~ Bobby pre te nds to be the very young son o f h is ,

p artne r , to fo ol t he l a tter's u ncle who comes on a vi sit with his own

" baby " daughte r (B abe Lo ndon!). '

BABE' LO NDON: "KIDDIN' KATIE " ' (2 'R eels) 4 0 .~ OO "

Ba b e s e nd s off t he picture of he r sister (Dorothy Devore) to he r , : '
ma ll -order s u iter , pretend ing it's hers . "'Then t he s uitor come s a f..,.
ter h is bride , strenuo us round s of d iet and deception e nsue!
BABE LO NDON : "HULA HO NEYMOON " (2 Reels): 40 .0 a
Bab e and he r hu bby ,wi n a trip to Haw aii ; when they get there, they
proceed to w re ak havoc' o n the natives. Believed one o f the first
c o medie s to h ave been .ac t~a lly ma de on loc a tion in Hawai i.
BEN TURPIN : " THE EYES HAVE IT " , (2 Reel s) 40.00
Try ing 'for a rel ax ing c oup le of hours aw ay fro m hi s w ife and h er
mo t he r, he goes fi s h ing , e n ding u p i n a s tra ng e girl ' s house !
BEN TURPIN: ," THE PRIDE OF PIKEVILLE" (1 ReeD 21.50 (6 . 5 0)
A delig htful kidd ing o f Von Stroh eim; Becau se of c ircumstanti al e v ­
, i de nc e on a ·tia in , a n ir ate fath er fo rce s him into shotgu n marr iag e!
SNUB PCLLAF D: "MITT THE PFI NCE " (2 Peels) 40.00
Snub ge ts in vite d to a po sh party to impe rs on ate a pr ince; whe n he
a rrive s· ch aos e nsues a s everyo ne e nds up i n the pool !


It is not generally realized that Laurel a nd Hardy , before they joined forces
und'er the banner of Hal Roach i h ad long careers in film s ,s e!)arately . Laure l ,
particularly , bbth starred and directed in fi,lms in several s e ries , mak i ng a very ,
fur:my seri~s of films. The following film s are some of hi,s best , as a "soioist ll •
THE SOlLERS 0 Re el) $21. SO (6. SO)
Hysteri cally funny spoof on THE SPOILER S , in which Stan' and Jimmy
Finlays on duplicate the grea t battle between Farnum and S:antsch i
ih the. original , complicated w ith the' antics of a "gay " cowboy !
THE SLEUTH (l ReeD 21.50 (6.50)
. IS. marvelous, almost surrealistic f ilm , in Which Stan , a s a dete c t- '
ive, gets dressed up in a ma id' s uniform to trap the ma ster crook .
COLLARS AND CUFFS (l ReeD 2'1 ~Sb ' (6:SO):
Hijinks at the laundry. with e ve ryone fl oode'd with soapy 'water!
KILL OR CURE (l ReeU 21. 50 ' (6. SOl
He ' s s elling a c omb ina tion Furniture 'poli sh, 'health ton ic , and a uto
cleanser ... not a satisfied cus t om er ina carload! "
NEAR DUBLIN (l ReeD ' 21. SO ' (6 ~ 50)
Stan is the po stman in an Irish town , where brick s fly like· confetti.
PICK AND SHOVEL' 0 Reel' 21 . SO
He's a miner , forc ed to c ope with flood s a nd e){.plos ions
****************************** ******* ******************************************
LAUREL AND HARDY VISIT BRITAIN (2 Ree l s) 42.5007 . 50)
·In the·30's , the boysmadea tr iumpha1~ visit to~B rita i n , where they
were greeteclby adorinci throngs everywhere , and Stan visited h i s
father at hi s home. Then they vis itedScotland , at huge movie house . . ,

STAN VISITS OLLIE " 0/4 teel) (In COLOR!) 23 . 50 (12 . SO)
The boys v isit together, shortly before Oll ie 'passed away , in their "
last appearance together on fil in . Ol l ie does his famous twid dle. '
Available 1n 'black ann wh ite:' ' 6.50(3.50)


---Chase ~~p ' proba-biy~ne ofthe spreen 's most under-rated comedians ,., He was
appearing in Chaplin filips in the l a tter's Ke y s tone period , and he wa s stiU making; ' ,:
comedies i'n to the sound era . Th e follow ing
are so me. o f his best. . . .
BE YOUR AGE (2 Feels) (vVith O liver Hardy) 40 . 00'(12.5 0)
~' Charl~y flirts with a rich widow; Hardyts her di sapproving son . '
STAND PAT ' ,. \ (1 ReeD 21. SO
\Alhen the town goes gambling-mad , h~ g am bles with r ival for girl!
Al.L "VET (1 ReeD 21.50 (6 . 50)
His greatest I-ree l er, in which he performs qnuhderwat er repai r job!'
HELLO, BABY! (I Reel) 2 L SO (6. SO)
When a foundling ,baby is left on h is doors t ep , he goes crazy trying
,to, tak~ c are of it •.• ihcluding midn ight ru n to the doctor!
JEFFRIES , IR . (I ReeD ("'lith Jim Jeffries) 2 L SO
To impress his girl, Charley take s boxing l essons from the c hamp!
RAT'S KNUCKLES (I Reen 21.50 (6.50)
He invents a humane rat trap, and becomes rich and famous .
HARD KNCCKS (1 ReeD ' 21. SO (6. SO)
He l s in lo ve with the boss' s daughter. When o ne of his fellow
clerks burglarizes the office , he gets chance to prove him self,!
~=====-==- - - --­
10 .•


-_._-----:------ :-------.~- '"-- --:- -­
HAL ROACH: · "GRIEF IN BAGHDAD" . (1 ReeD $21.50 (6.50)
A marvel()~s satire on the Fatrbanks 61assic, starring almost ~

human chimp~ in the comparable roles . ,.

OUR GANG': r "SEEING THE WORLD " ,. (2 Reels) 40,. 00 (12. 50)
v.Tlth Ji.mmy Finlayson, as a teacher sheoherding his unruly charges
through the world capitals, with dire result s. Stan Laurel ao p ears in
an unbtd.led cam-eo role on a I cndon street.
WILL ROGERS: "DON'T PARK THERE! " (2 Reel s) 40 . 00 (12.50)
. He drhll:?s all over California, but can ,. t find a p:arklng space anywhere!
\'ITILl POGEFS: "WITH WILI.; ',POGER S I N EUPC'PE" (lFeeI) 21.50 (6.50'
Vlill visits major caoitols, and 'd roo s droll comment aries On them .
BILLY 'WEST.: · "HAPD-BOILEDYEGGS '" ·' (2 Peels) 40.00 (12.50)
"Vest was an able comic who mad~ a ca'reer o'f:iriiltati ti:g Charli e
Ohaplin~ .. In this one, he inherits money ant;l'oro pe r ty , but has a
hard time froiif keepingh iscousin's frOrh:'~cas h ing " h i in'{ri'! .
******************************** *****~**************~*******~*~****~**********
WESTERN SUBJECTS: We offer a variety of historic .ii western films ,
spanning the silent era ·. Trom the GREATTRAIN'RC' BBERY to the polished
efforts of Vnlliam S. Hart, the Western fi l m has appeated to movie fans
around the world. Here are ' some of the best. • •
TOM MIX: "THE $5000 ELOPEMENT " (1 PeeD 21.50 (6.50),
'''Then his girl is ki dnapped, Tom give s chase in an old wagon, si ­
.multaneously rescuing the girl and the stole n ca sh .
TO M MIX: "AN ANGELIC ATTITUDE" (1 Peel) 21. 50 (6.50)
Tom and Dad are after the same girl. To m w in s by a cleve r strata ­
gem , whi.c h involves dad hanging on a rooe in an angel costume !
TeM MIX: . "A WESTERN MASQUER ADE " (1 ReeD 21. 50 (6'. 50) ';'
Tom's a female Impersonator (1) in a stranded stock comoa ny . To
get a job, he dresses uo a s a oretty school ma rm , in order to charm
,his recalcitrant prospective employer,
FRANK MERPILL: " THE TRAILER" (2 Feels) 40 ,. 00_H2, . 50)
Merrill was an Olymoics chamoion who made h imself a mevie career.
H,is stunts and physj,IJue were reminiscent of Falrbanks at h is best .
. 11:,thls film " he's on the trail of rustlers; he g ets his man •• and girl!
WILLIAM S. HART: "BAD BUCK C'F SANTA YNEZ " (2 Reel s) 40.00 (12 . 50):
The good-bad guy at his best. \A!hile being soug h t by posse , he
gives up his chance to escaoe , in order to help a snake - bitten girl.
WILLIAM S. HART: ' '''THESILEt-JT MAN" . (5 reels) 125 . 00 ­
"BLUE BLAZES 'FAVJDEN" ($ reels) 12 5 • 0 0 (3 2 • 50)
(For desc:riotions of above two features J see P.1)
AL JENNINGS: ,. "THE TFYC'UT" (2 Feels) 40 . 00 (15.00) -
Jennings J/~s a nctoricusOi.ttlaw , who after reforming , went i nto the
moVies. r ' In this cne, he di.suades a "gl amcur "-struck youth from,
joining his gi:l'ng by 'tafdng him along on some of their forays ,
EDv\TIN S . PORTEF: "THEGFEAT TRAIN POBBERY" (l Reel) . 21. 50 (6 .50) ,_
(' ne of ~he most fam6u's films of all time , the firs t film to tell an
actual complete stOry • Filmed way out west in New Jersey , · this
film was used in the first orogram of almost every theat er which
opened between 1903 and 1920. Comple te verslen .
Billy's girl friend'r eally loves the bandit; he tric ks and ca pture s bothl "
OF THE WOLVES . (Descriptions on P . 1)

ANIM ATION FILMS: We offer one of the most interesting, varied, andrare .:lis t s
of animation, films oithe early,years. ' .Included am,ongtJ'r;em are ,the earl1e s:t.WQrk s
of Winsor McCay, Wal t'nisn~y, Max Fle:isqh~r; TonySgrg, and Charles Bowers.
These , fUms are not only of lnt~rest to animqUoI1 buffs, but: to aHwho ~r:e concerned
with the history of the c~nem8:f! ' bot¥ ;as a~, art ,and :a s an.entertainment form. ,"
***, ****.**************~**
, * ************************************* * ** ** **** ** * * * *
ANIMATION No. 1 : ·.(CompUationl ' (Ireell : :$2 L 50 (7 . 50)

Includes: THE J:;VILSOF ALCDHCL (cutout animation, early Fre nch, '

po ss ibly EmU Coh!) ; SWAT THE FLY (Stop-motion photography , with

clay I. by W illie Hopki ns)'; MORPHEUS MIKE (Animated figurines , by

t he great W~llis O'Br~e~l. " Thre~ different types of early animation.

ANIMATION No. 2: (Comp'ilaUon) {I Reel}; 21. 50 (7.50)

4 different subjects: THE ENCHANTED DRAWING (Edison l , 190,0,
by T•. Stuart Blackton); TI:IE ,CAT AND THE MCNKEY ( Aesop's Fable);
LURIN~ EYES (" Jerry on the Job"-Bray); HEY DI DDLE DIDDr,E (A
' ,', "Magic Pen of Mother-Goosen subject ••• remarkable animation) ,
WALT DISNEY: ' NEWMAN'S LAUGH-O-GRAMS , (I/2' reel} . " 17. 50 (3.~:O)
The first films ever produced by Disney, mac;le for local the'atera
in Kansas City . Made from a(l original nitrate 35mm negative.
WALT DISNEY: ' PUSS IN BOCTS . (l Reel) ' 21.5 0 ; (6.5 0)
Circa 1921; the fairy tale delightfully brought up to date.
Wl~T DISNEY: ALICE THE TOREADOR (I Reel) 21.50(6. 50)
A tremendous lnovatLon for its day, with a Iiv'e -action Alice super­
imposed on bartoon backgrounds. '·, ;In this one / AIice is a toreador.
,WALT DISNEY: ALICE'S EGG PLANT ' ;- (I Reel) 21. 50 (6. 50)
Egg production is halted hyastr'ike led by a Rhodels1and i'Red"!
, , 'Consldered to be the :f1rst: hue animated cartoon, in 19()9 • This is

complete / w ith the l1ve :sequehces wHhMcCay and his ftiends at

the museum 'and at 'dinne r /with George ' McManus the creator

of BRINGr'NG UP FAT~ER I 'making the 'famous bet with McC ay •

WINSbR McCAY: THE 'SINKING dF THE LUSITANIA (l Reel) 2 2 • 50 (7. 50)

An incredible job of ani~at1on; a propaganda fUm made in 19 18,
castigating the Germans for the 'wanton torpedoing of the passenger
liner. , All done in drawings (no cels), one of the last'of its k ind ~
Vfl1LIS (j'13RIE N: Bss t known as the anim-~to-r~f THE lOST VfORtD
and KING KONG, CiBrienwas makingfUms fcrthe EdisonComp~ny
a s early as 19 15. with great technique and c::onsiderable wit. We are
, very happy to mak? th~se great pioneer efforts available.
" " ' MORPHEUS MIKE , (1/4 reel)' ' 6.S0 (3.50)
Mike ha s a drea m ' , w:hicl1 takes him back to preh istoric timeS' "';
, PREHISTORIC POULTRY·' (1/2 reel) 15.00 ' (6.50)
The "Dino m is ,i , makes, a pest of himself 1:'0 the local: cave people _,
, DI NOSAUR AND THE MISSING LINK (1/2 reel) -15.00 (6.50)
W Ud VY illie ls a dead rlngerfor the later King Kong. Delightful {£lin.
, R.F.D. 10,000 B.C. (1 reel) 22.50 (IO~OO)
l eal()us -'postman mixes up tl1e valentines for the cave man hero and

, hlsg til. In revenge / the 'hero takes over the dinosaur-hauled

pos tal wa~on, a nd s tra'ightens out the ~isunderstanding! ; ,

M ¥·, F~~!SC HER: ,MODELING ,, ' (l Reel) , " 2 1.50 (6.50)

One of the very e arnest of the "Outof the 'Inkwell" series iwlth
Koko the' Clown . A remarkable film / 'in which animation is coupled
with live action (both Max ' ~nd Dave FI eischerappear), and in:
, . .-j, .

which sever al differe

. ;
nt ty pes.' of animation are used. A must for buffs !

; " ,
ANIMATION F1LMS , Contd: • "
'. C " ... . , . / .
L T ._: .• . _.'I. ./}.
Wi . •

THE FILM$ OFGEORGfTiffiRRIMAN: . Hedim a n Is comiC' s trip, KRAZY KAT, ap peared - .'.

in ma ny new sp a pe rs fo r s eve r al d ecades u nt il:h is de a th . '. The s e e arly f il ms I ffi'cid e' in'

1916 'and 1917 ~ althO:ugh d rawn. by s~ve ralaifferentanim ator s , preser ved t he sp iilf :''''

of the o r iginal , a's 1hey wete cl bS€ ly s u pe rvi s e d by Herrimari. " . ;; ..

KRA2Y'KAT ;#l ' " '; (Co mp ilation) ., . (1 r e el) .; .,... . ~, ; $2 2 . 50 (7. 50)
3 d Hfe re nt item s : Ktazy Kat and Ignat z Mouse :cit l he" C ircus ; " .
KRAZY' KAT: a nd Igna t z dis c us s t he l etter G; Krazy Kat an-d Ig'ilatz : . '. .
in a due t , '!.He 'M'C'lde Me Love H im ~ II . . : , "

KR AZY KAT'# 2 : . (Compil ation) (l Re el) 22 .. 50 ' (7.5 0)

3 d iffe re nt : Krazy Ka t and Igriat:tr in a Tale Th at ·is Khot ; K. K•
. . a nd Igna tz in their ·l - a c t tragedy, li The Tale :o f ·the ;Nude Ta il ";·
Kr azy Kat , Bugolog i sl:.
KRAZY KAT: # 3 (Compila tion) (Iraen· ·-·'" ~. ~ ' L22.-5'0·'-:(7 .5 0)
Krazy Ka t Goes A- Woo ing; KRAZY'KAT, 'Invalid; Krazy to .the Re scue. ' - ·:
******************************:* **1.*************************** ***************
PoWERS G ARTOONS : Te d E , Powe rs 'waS a no ther newspape r c artooni s:t'~'; whb s e:' '.j

daily cartoons la's ted for many ye ar s '. H is I'JOYS a nd Gloo ms" 'We re a featilre of· "

h i s str ips, and form 'arid fntere s t ing p'art o f hi s anim a ted cartoons ,. 'which were ,':'

mage intl;}e period of 191 6 to 19 17. " r : - '

r - . " . . r r

POV.!~R S #1 (Cq mpil a tion) . , (1 Reel) ,2 ·~ ;.50

4 diffe rent : Parcel Post Pe tel,s Nightm are; Ph able 0 [ ,8 B~s ted ', ,,
R om a n ~ e ; Mr. Nobody ~ol m e BUY;8 a J-it n~y ; o f a Ph:,at Woman .
I .l?O"V~RS # 2 . (Co mpilation) (1: Reel) .' 2·2. S{) (7 . 50)
3 d iffere nt : <Co.ok s: ·vs Che fs. T h~ Ph able o f Ol a f and. Lo .uie;
. ; '- . " .

; Fee; t 1s Fe et; The Joys Elope .

PC\NER S #3. (Compil atio n) (I Ree l) 22 .5 0 (7. 50)
3 d iffere nt : N ~ verAg a i n! (The Story of a Speede r C op); :A. ;
Newl ywed Ph a ~le ;, Cld D~c Gl oom •• he Orders Gentle Exerpise. . ' .
* ***** * ** *** ** * * ** ** * *** ****** * * ** ** * **** * *********** ****~** ** ********** ***

FEL.IX THE C AT: FELIX IN FAIRYLAND(lRe~n 21. 50 (6. 50)

Felix'meet s so me f a iryland c haracters, like t he O ld ,Woman \I\!ho

Live d in a Shoe , t he Ogre , a nd Mi s s Mu ffe t t , a nd ljelp;s get t he

Ol d Wo man ' s c h ildre n reloc ate d in the ogre 's c as ti~. ' . ' .'

FELIX THE C AT.: . . PEDIGR EEDY (1. Re~l) 2} :,56: (6 ~;§. 0)

,'._.- - . ... .-. .. ..... " ' ~" " ,, '

Kic ke d ou t of an exclu sive club , Felix tell s the snobs tha t he is

d escended fro m c a t s who h el pe d No ah , the Pharoahs andC olumbus r

FELIX THE CAT : FELIX GETS THE d AN 11 Reel) ' . , , 21.5.0., '(6.5 0)

Bein.g very hu ngry, Felix goe s to Alaska because that's w he re the '.

b ig' s almon are , a nd endu res various und e rw ate r a d venture s • ..

FELIX THE CAT : . NON-STO P FRIGHT ': : (lR e el-Sound) 23.ob

Felix 'builds a c o mb ination airplane -submarine to fly to Timbuctoo • .
. MUTT & JEFF: ., . GLOBETROTTERS ' . (1 Re el':'So und) . i 2 . 50
The boy s visJtthe North Pol e , Me- s c ow , Sw iti~rla nd , a nd Venice.
MUTT & JE FF:' '.' ":' TifE BIG SWIM ' .,. (l Ree l) , 21. 50 (6.5 0)
, Mu t t cons Je ff i nto: SWimming t he Atl a nt1c ;great adventures along ,way • .
TONY SARG : . . " . ADAM RAISES CAIN (l re e l) .' . . . 22 .50 (7 .50)

Ne ver he ard of To ny Sarg? He;wa s a l e gend ary a nimator; work ing in .

,t he :me dia o f s ilho e tte a nim ation . He u s e d 3-d ime nsio n al fig ure S .in

his wo rk , rat her' tha

. . n the cutout -' s ilhoue t tes of the be tter-known
'. . . ' . . . . . .. .Lot­
.' ', ,'

t ie Reiniger . ; Thi s is theoqly .known example of his w ork a v a il a bl e.

CHARLES BOWER S: . ; ,A:W . O .L'. ·, · . . . (l/2 re el) .:' . '. '. 1.7.:50 (6.5 0)

I i delightful c artoo n , mad e at t he ,e'nd ,of W>.I\r. 1, the o bject:. o f whi<;:,h', . •.

w a s to di sco urage impatie nt G . I ' s aw~itin<J di scharg e fro m go ing A. w .o.i.

13 .

WIMmcN £'UA1s, C~nt;R.:. "

RAOUL BARRE: CARTOONS O N THE BEAC H (l Reel) " , $22.50 ' (6 . 50)
Made in 1915 by. thelegendax;r p ioneer animator for the Edison
Company. 4 c harm ing li ttle c artoo-ns set off by a live act ion ,
"fram ing " story ~ Thi-s waS part o f a series, no ne now surviving.
MAX FLEISCHER: • FINDING HIS VOICE (1 Reel -Sound) 24'.50 '

An extre mely raref.i.lm , made 1n 19 29 . It e xplain e d , in laym en's

language , how s ound w a s pu t o n s ile nt film . A collec tor's ite m !

A film by the mas te r a n'imat or , ill ustr ating the fable .
'Oneof theearHe st of the Aesop ' s Fable s serie s , about 19 20 .
. ' ; One E:> f the ,'ftrst.Alfalfa cartoon s made i n 19 17.
I ": ,0;" t
*******-***,tc *** ************** * ** * ************ * ******** * * *** ** * ***.*~ * ** ~ ** *, *****
THE SILENLSERIAL: We o ffe r two complet e s ilent serfal s, and indiv ldu aleptsodes

from several others. The nostalgia buffs will e nj oy se ei ng aga in the f ll ms!'which

brought the viewers into the ..theatets t() see wh:at" h ad bee n left' to be t/ CONTINUED


THE POWER GOD (l9?5) 15 Ep isodes W it h Be n WU~on, Neva Gerber .

A r acketeer t r ies to take 6ver the ' invention which 'wouIdmake co'nventronal

, e lectricity obsolete , as Itexpl~its a tomic e ne rgy. , ;He l~oppos edby the daughter

,of th ei nv~ritor , and' he~ fiance , aga ins t terrifl.c odd s. " '

The preprint material c onsisted of origin al 35mm nitrate neg atives .

Pric es: First ep i sode (3 Re el s) , 58.50 (20.00)
Ep 's 2 to 15 (2 Reel s each) 39 • 50 (I 3 ~ 95)
Entire Serial (31 Re el s) 545.00 (190 . 00)
OFFICER 444 , (1926) . 10 Ep is odes VV:ith Ben Wilson , Ne va Gerbe r.
The mysterious undergrou nd ga ng le ad er , "The Frog", ste al s an invention,

a ch e mical wh ich has the power to twis t perso nalities . Be n Wilson , as the

int rep id Officer 444 , opposes h i s machinations through t he exciting events !

Prices: Each e pisode (2 r e els e ac h) 39 . 50

Entire 's erial f20 reels') 35 0. 00
THE ADVENTURES OF TARZAN (192 1) 13 Ep is ode s W it h Elmo Lincoln .

, The fa mous jungle king i n a s eries of adv e-nture s in the jungl es ; the deserts ,

and the crypt s o f Opar . ' '

Prices: Each -episode (I reel e ach) 21.50 (6~50)

Entire seri al (13 re els) 225.00 (80 . 00)
THE JUNGLE TRAP (C hapter 5 •• 2 reels ) 40 . 00 (14 . 50)
********* * ********* * * * * * * **~*** * *~~** * * * * * ********~*~ * **** ** * * * ******** * *~***
M iscell aneou s episodes of var ious ser iE?s:
PERILS OF PAULINE: Ep isode 4; THE DEADLY TURNING (1 re el) 21. 50 (6 . 50)

Pearl White , in a ch apter from the mos t famous serial of the m all !

PLUNDER: (Ex c e rpts from two ep i sodes, includi ng' co nclus ion . (2 R~S): 40 . 00'(12.50)

Two of the most ex c iting ' s e q uences, includ ing the"es c apefrOin the

quic ks and , and t he u nderground explos io n at t he e nd!

THE LIBERTY BOYS: THE BLU E RIDERS ' (2 Reel s) 40.00 (12.50)

. 'Made w ith Germanrrioney during the start of W.V..r.l, this wa s a

~eri e s about the American Revol ut ion . The Br itis h were shown in

, the worst psss ible light to d is courage warti me s ympathy for th e m!


The fir st episode in the series about t he famou s pul p 'detec t! ve .

14 •
. SE.RIALS and SERIES, Cont ' d: .'-....... ;..,.......­
FEARLESS, THE 'WONDER DOG : Ep. 7; THE SILENT TRAILER'·' fz-Rl"g)-M ~"$4V: OO ' -~:/;;;'

, . The IIcliapters II of this series were e ach compl ete en:fitJes in them­
selves. In this one" Fearl ess breaks up a r'l 'extrotion ring.

THE COLLEGIANS: "iE'p. 1; BENSON.AT CALFORD (2 Rl s) 40.00 (12 .. 50)

This is the first of the series', in which the hero (George Lewis)

arrives 'at C alford Ui an d immediately become s a gteat a thlete!

THE COLLEGIANS': ~ iT:- r ( ,-', '[pi. 40; FLYI NG HIGH (2 Ri s -Sound) 42.50

One of the last-oiithe s8ries-;' in -whic h our hero becomes an aviator "

in sp,lte;of himself .:; A v ery intere sting fil m, In that it was mode

at the borderline of the sound era. ' Pertot-the -film (exteriors) was

made ,with silent titles; inte rio rs h ad spoke n. dial ogu e!

******************tc********'*****.*'-******************* **************************
SILENT CL.ASSIC SHORT FILMS:'Vve are offering one of the r ichest , most 'Varied , ' -' ,

and interesting, as well as entertalning , lists of s hort classics . The pioneer,efforts

bf"'M~les rtheEdisbn Cbinpa-ny , 'and other early mo tion pic ture trail blazer-sare being

made--ava ilable·,for pollecto rs t, libraries , and ,arc hiv?s , some of them for t he first ,',

tirne 1~ many ie~rs ' from-,~ny ~qurce . -, ', - - - , ~""-- ' -- '~'---' -'- "- ' -" ---:
*,-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*.:. . *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -*-*-*
I ' " , " , , " ', ' " ' , "

GEORGE MELIES FILMS: .,. Meli()s , whose caree r in films started before the turn of ,

the century , ,~ yvas s>ne of t he most prolific fil m-makers of his tim e , turni ng out hundreds

of short, 'inve ntive , witty , a nd fantastic fi~ ms before hi s career ended on t he eve of

'''' orld V/ar i . Hi s fnm s were w idely imit ated , ' and w hen im itation f~il~d I " dup~dll by

his competitio n . T'he fiinis listed below form p ~, excellent sampling of his work.


. Q.Reei)-
.~ . ..
f ., " . " .21.50(6 . 50)
"' . " ., I

Prqbably MeHes ' best-known film • . f.. group o f s cintists take off

.' ' " :ror, a·l~nar expedition; based?n the Jul e s Verne sto ry .

. ' C9NQ1JEST OF THE NORTH petE (1 Reel) 2 1.50 (6.50)

Cne bfthe maestro's most elabor ate productions, near the end of
his '!ca-reer. "A rac e to the Pole , w ith fant astic co nveyanc e s pass ­ I

ing mythic --gods and mo n s te rs , climqxe d w ith a n e nco u nter o f the

giant ICe - Ogreofithe North .
MYSTERIOUS MARVELS OF MELIES (1 Reel) · 2 1 .50(6.50)
Four .charming little films: TheM ad MusiCian; The Terrible Turk ­
ish Executioner; The Magic Well ; The Wiz ard Alcofrl sbas .
THE GY'pSY.' 9 ;v'"ARN}rG (1 Reel) 2~ .50 {6. SOh,
A dramatic tale of love and betrayal ; one of his las t films .
T'HE DOCTOR S SECRET (1 Reel) - . 21.50 (6.50)
,~. hilari.ous
. ' ,"
film in which a gross ly o verwe ight i ndividual comes to
the d?ctor' s office , and gets the full "tre atm e nt " , wh ich includes
. -dismemberment and reassem bly into a I1~ws li m model! '
, PALACE OF THE-,ARABIAN NIGHTS (I- i/2 Re els) 35.00 (l2 . 50)
Probably Melies ' longest , mo st e l aborate film; many t ableaux ,

with tn-e greatest variety of camera mag ic 'effe cts tr icks extant.


PATHE \ FRERES: ALAP-DIN'S LAMP ,, ( 1 Reel) (France)

t. ' . ~
21.50 (6.50)
The fairy tale brought to life in imaginative fa s hion . :'

JrATHE FRERES: ' A MARINE FANTASY " , (I/ 2 Reel) (France) 17. 50

. i}pearl diver finds a magic kingdom below the surface .•

PATHE FRERES: TRANSFORMATION (1/4 Reel) (Fra nce) 6 . 50 ({~ 50)

Girl becomes butterfly , then flower , which g1 ves birth to bab ies!

UNKNO\VN PRODUCER : ' A TOUCHlNG MYSTERY (1 Reel) . . 21.50 (6.50)

An offended Hindu curses a ,woman~ith t he tra umatic experie nce of

seeing' eVEryone or everything she touches dis appear! '

• " I
• ' .' •
~ .
. 15 .

. BEN HURc r (KalemC o.l (1907) (1:Reel) .$ 21.50' (6.50)

The firs t s creen v.ersion; co mplete. This was a very lmportant "
f Um in cine ma history , beca us e it w as made w ithout the per­
mission of the copyright owner s, who sued and won. ··Thls 'es tab­
lished t he, principle th at s tory .piracy would no longer be<tol'e r at ed .
THE GRIT O F THE GIRL 1'ELEGRAPHER (Kalem Co.)(191 3) (1 Re e l) '21 . 50 (6 . 50)
An action -pac ked railroad dra ma, 1n which tpe Der oine captures the
bandit after a gre at l ocomoti ve chase. Vl it h:'A(1na Q~- N ill se n ~· · -- ··· . ... . --.....­
-t.ULU'S DOCrOR ,(Vitag rap h. Co .) (191 4)(1 Reel) 21. 50 (6 . 50)
With MauriCe ,Costello, Clara ,Kimbell Young; A charming drama

of two ,~eparated lo vers who are brought tog ether through the un~

knowing e fforts' of a c hild. . ' - ' "'' '

THE RING, .... ' " (P e arlWp.(te) ,.C~9r13)(i Reel) . .. . . . ~1.5 0· (6.50)
W hile her hu sb and J s at ~ork " Pearl is' almos t un-faithful w ith his bo s s • .
TH~ HALLROOM GiRLS ' '(Pe aii V\Th ite) (1913) (-1 Reel) 17. 5 0 {4.:9 5)
Go ing O I1 a . q ~t.e I J~ e arl borrows all her room ,- mat e',gfine ry; her beau
does t He; samG,\9 ~his buddy. Retribution follow s:whe n the victims

catc h u p w'ith ' t!1 ~m ! . ' - .

A NIGHT IN TOWN/PEARL THE DE TECTIVE (1 9 13)(1 Re el) . , 21. 50 (6 •.5 0)

Two delightful 1/2- reel erystal comedies of pearI WnTte . Iri the 'fir st ,
PearJ (the maid);.a nd the {outler invi.te all t heir frie nds over while the
master is gone; ' 1n t he. 0 the r, she 'fellls tn love' wtth'the man 's he-i s
s uppos ed to be shadow ing fo r a sus-Plclo'Us girl-fr ie nd '. .
THE EDISON COM:PANY:· . Thom as Ed iSO tl , .on'8 of the legitim ate cla ima nt s to>the"

lnvention-o f motion p ictures, fOrme d a ptoduc1hg c ompany whic h -~sen t ca meram en

all ove r the wbrld ~ Thousand s of s ubject s 'of varying le ngths e veritu ally a p['eared

1n the Ed iso n catalog before t he com pany fi nally fa de d away abolif World W ar l~'

EDISON COMPILATION # 1: . -(1 Reel) ' . 21 . 50

CHIVALRY, ASLEEP AT 'I HE 'SwITC H , ,a nd 5 , oth~r: s ubjects. , .
THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBEWi . . (Dir . ~ dw in "S·. Porter) (1 k~el) 21. 50 (6 .50)
:CSeeH~ s&tption o'n Page 10) . ,
DREAM orA RAREBIT FIEND (Dir .i.:Edw in S . Porter)"(l Reel) 21 ,50 (6 . 50)
C bviously influ e nced by t he work of Melies, Porter made ve ry . . .'
innE>vative use of ~ agiC ~md t ric k eIfec't s ill this funny fil m. (\i'! 1th s ound track)
RESCUED FROM THE EAGLE 'S 'NEST (Dir. E. S ~ Porte r) (1 Reel) 17 ~5 0
wi Hi D. W . Gr iffith ; 1n hi s f'trst 'screen a ppearan c e, a s t he
woodsman who re'cue:s hls'1i8hy who has be e'n c apturEd ~nd' ~orne
away to a c liffs ide nest by 'an e agle. . .. "
LIFE .Or AN AMERIC AN FIREMAN (Dir .Edwi n S. Port er) (1 Reel) 21. 50 (6.50)
C ne of the clas sic'sH e nt Hims: first use 6f rnany cinema innova tions • •.
SUFFRAGETTE IN SPITE OF HIMSELF .. - (I Reel) 21.5 0 (6 .50)
O ne of the -worn'e n 's libbers! A viol e nt male c hauv inist pig a c ci ­
dentally gets n-itd a femini st'sp arade , and' e nds up with a pl acard
pleading fo r femal e s uffrage ! '
FILMS OF MAX LINDER : Credited by many' (including Chaplin) , as h a ving been one

of t he prime influence s o n Ch aplin I s fil m te ch nique , Linder was a grea t comic

in his own r ight I an'd i made' hundred s of shorts and sev e ral great features .

MAX LEARNS TO SKATE (1/2 ~eel) , . , 17.50 (4 .5 0)

Max ge ts out on the fee for the firs t time , and w re aks h avoc !
MAX AND HIS DOG (1 Reel) " . 21. 50 (6. !i0)
M ax .sets hi s dog to watching his wife , with instructions to phone
him , if her lover 'shows u p;' when tEe dog does , M ax z ips >home: and
c atches t he m in the ac t!
"\ r
> ,

16 .
A ~USY ·KNIGHT ("Max and the Statue i ,) (I Reel) , $21.50 (6 . 50)
Max gets tra pped in a 's u it of armor stolen from a
mus e'um:.
MAX AND THE QUINQUINA ' (2 Reels) 40 . 00(12. 50)
M istaking fhe instructions I instead of takin g a s'poonitiH'oI an alco­
holic medication he downs the en tire bo ttle; , He spends t he res t of

the day in volved

<~ -,
iri duels with
p eoole whom he has:offe
~ .
C l~EMATQG:RAPHE EN 1895 LU MIERE , P Reel) , 21. 50
The earlies t French fqmsof all by the p ioneer movie maker; Fam ily ,
friends , fa ctory help jtrain s at a stat ion, and crude comic films.
(, ,', >~ f ilrl! :from the prolific Pathe Frere~ ,> including two' cQmedies.
The first. deals with a tram p who , substit).ltes for an absent
.. . . . . -
doctor. ,c
- . .'
. and t ~e o ther in volve s a c ha se when the hero loses h is pan t s . >>
AN EXCITING RIDE > PATHE FRERES(I/4 Reel) (1904) 6 . 50 (3.00)
Vih lle the gentleman and hi s lady friend are riding to an ass ignation I
the bottom of their coach falls out and t hey are o bI iged to ru n all

, the way! Whe n the y finally arrive, they find his wife waiting !
VANITY FAIR VITAGRAPH co.> (191 1) ( 3 Reels} 58 .50
'VIl ith Joh n Bunny I Hele n Gardner. The ThackarY story, i n all its >
drama and power, brou'9ht to life by a fine c ast.
BILLY VI:HISKERS ' Produced by S'panuth, about 191 7 :, (lao ft each)
7 : 'Ili-i' THE >MOVIES
Prlce: $5.75 eac h; any 4 fo r $22.00; a117 for $38.50

The above were the adventures of an obstre perous billy goat, who was ,' ; .

alway s getting into mis c hi cf. Includesanimatee s e quence s.

'I<.'**.*****-I:-If** ************'**1<* *** *** ****.******** ******** *** ****** ********* ******
EXCERPTS FRO M SILENT FEATURES: The following subj ects are memorable extracts
from' varrou's' s ilent feat(ires . Thes e highlights -are for those w ho do not w ish to have
t he full-length ve rs ion s ~
POTEMKIJ..ri' ODESSA STE PS" Seq uence (l Ree l) , 2L 50
The most important :segm e nt from, thaEisenstein epic.
DR . JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE ViI'ith John Barrymore (l Reel) 21.50
Includes t he phflo sophical dIscu s s io n, t he first a ppeara nce o f Mr.
Hyde , and t he final tra nsform a tio n and death scenes.
ABAM AND 'EVA ." ,vVith Marion Davies (l Reel) 21.50 '
Spo iled braCheiress i s cbn verted to a thoughtful, concerne 'J person.
SALAMMBO ' Italy-- 1914 (I Reel) 21.50
The final feel of the film, i n: w hich the hero andhls black " s ide­
kick " win o'ut over>the o ppressors, ' a nd rescue the g irl. (Also '
a vailable in co lor: $ 85 . 00)
INTOLERANCE' > D . Vlr • Gtlffith
See'descriptiOns and p r ics on page 3
Y"AY POVvNEAST - (Last reel) D . \IV . Griffith (I Reel-Sound) ,
I • See de scri ption and prices on page 4
HEARTS OF THE WORLD' D •W . Gri ffi th (l Reel)
, See description and prices on p ag e 4
BARBARA FR IETCHIE ',' ;' , '>Edmund Lowe (1 Reel) 21. 50


PIED PIPER' OF HAMELIN Ellington ... . (I Re el) $21.50 (6~50)

The famo u s t al e brought to life, with subtitles unde rly ing the
act ion , rather than intertitle s . A delightful f ilm.
LIFE AND DEATH OF A HOL:r.,YVVOOD EXTRA Florey ' (1 Reel) 37.50 (10.00)
A satire on Hollywood , and a f ant a sy' about an extra who cannot
rise abo ve his le vel .
FALL OF THE HOUSE OF.,US HER vVats on & Webbe r (I 1/2 RIs , Snd) 45 . 0'0
An unique vers ion o f the Edgar Allen Poe story , told in an int ense
and abstract manner . Excellent sound track •
LULLABY Boris Deutsch (I Reel) 22.50 (1'.50)
A str ange little exp e rimental expres s ionis t film I lost until ve ry
recently . "'lith Rlv a De ut s ch and Michael Vis aroff. (I 9 25)
THE Y.:CCDEN SOLDIER . Universal " ((928) (I Reel) 21. SO (7 . 50)
The old toy maker' invents a gas which bri ngs hi s t oys to life; the . ~.

. ..i '.~\
little s old ier,then re s cue s the ball erina fro m the gorilla . .
BERLIN: SYMPHONY Or' ~A GRE AT CITY Ruttm an ' (1926) (6 Reels) 135 . 00
AffUn i nJhe' fotme{ a mu~ ical compo:s ition I showing the moods
an9.cktiv itie ~· of. thEi ,gre~t c~p itol ' at ' variou s t imes of day .
******************'******'**'** *********** ** *********** **************** ** **** ***
FII&i§...ON' AN D AB01J't ' HOLLYVVOOD : Th e Pl ace a nd the People ':
LIFE IN ,HOLLYWOOD #1 (19,2,7), (1 Reel) 22. SO ', ,(7 . 50)
Earl'Y fil!J1s. of Muybridge; STUDIOS: Warners Mars hall Neilan ,

Buster ,Ke aton , Educational , Pickford- Fairbanks , , Ch a p~i n , F .B .O . i'

M.G.M ., C . B. DeMille, Incev ill.e ; DIRECTORS : Harman VVright "
Edwin Carewe , 'De Mill e I Burton King ... all directing various s t ars .
LIFE IN HC LLYWOOD #2 (1 92 7) . (I Reel ) 22 • 50 (7 . S 0)
A visit to Untted Stud,ios , where we see dire ctor Maur ice To urne ur
doing some clowning; STARS : Collee n Moore Ben Lyo n , Georg e

Siegman , Carmelit a Geraghty , Gas ton Gl as s Kenneth H arlan , Herb­


ert Rawl~n s on , Gra ce Darmond. At Educ ational St udios , we s ee

L loyd Hamil ton , Ruth Hyat t , and Al St. John, clowning o n various
sets and studio street s .
LIFE IN HOLLT'VITOOD#3 , (1927) (I Reel) 22 .50. (7 . 50)
A visit to Univer s 91 Stud io s I with Lon C haney , w ithout makeu p ,
clowning on t he set of HUNCH BACK OF NOTRE DAME , plus ,st ars
Ed Brady, Pat O'Mall ey , Reginal d De nny, Baby Peggy , MarY Phil­
bin, and Patsy Ruth Miller , pcting a nd relax ing o n various sets.
L.IFE IN HOLLYWOOD #4(1927) (lReel) , ," 22 .50 (7.50)
A visit to Holiy\Vood , wher~ ~e see t he main s treets, and landm a rks
of the mid-twenties . .Then ~everal s tud io s : WAR NERS : We see
John Barrymor~ , Ern$t Lublt sch , Harry Meye rs, M ae Mars h , Will i am
Seiter, Monte.. Blue; Baby Pr iscill a Moran , Marie Prevost , Alice
Calhqun . Ai::fux " w,e see Tom M ix a nd To ny, Shirl ey Ma son , Fr a nces
Mac Donald, Bessie Love, Hal Goodw in, L .C . Well man a nd Buck '
Jones. FRANK LLOYD LOT: Shooting s ce nes w ith Corin ne Griffith and
Alan Hale , with a beautiful clo seup of M iss Griffit h.

The abo ve four films were part of a wee kly series of s creen "magaz lnes"of

the Twenties . They provide an intiguing and nostalgic study of s t ars and

directors at work and play , and glimps es of s tudios now lo ng o ut of exis t ance .

*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*

18 .


SCREEN SNAPSHOTS #2 (1925) (1 Reel) $22.• 50 (7.50)
. . Another of the many movie magazine s of the Twenties. Star s and

directors at wor-k'arid "play inclu-de:LeftyFlynn ; Viola D ana,

Clarence Brown, Mickey Nielan,;Bl~mcheSwee t , Llgyd Hugh e s ,

. . Gloria Hope , Dougla's "Fairbanks ~' Mary Pickford , Ail'e eh Pri ngle ,

Dorothy McHail, "Clah'e Windsor ,-'Bert Ly tell , He rbe rt Rawl inso n,

Ralph Lewis , Agnes Ayres, Ruth Rol and , Eleanore Gl y nn, Jack

Mulh.ali , Madge Bellamy, Dale Fuller , BebeDa n i~ls , Co nrad

Nagel , PrisCilla' Dean, and many others .

SCREEN SNAPSHOTS • . 25th ANNIVER SARY ISSUE (I Reel-so und) 27 • 5 a (I2 . 95)
. -An unbelievable trea s ury of mo v i e his tory , w it h clip s fro m the fir s t

issue , pl u s tributes from C. B~ DeM ilie ~ :·w Dis ney , Lo uell a

Parsons , and Rosalind Ru s sell, plus thb~ i~s 'to cle p ~ited s tar s fro m

\Clara Kimbell Young through Carole~o m barc;1 , pl u s " 49 othe r s .

HOLLYWOOD TODAY (C irwma History:of l ~te Twe nt ~es) . (100 ft e ach)(1 6mm only)
#1: Aerial views; interse ctions , Boulev ards., : s tti:Ifb exter iors (RKO ,P athe , etc)
#2: . 'Cinema Pal ~ce~, 're ~ taura nts , premieres , ,and s t ars (Gayno r , Gpo per , Lo ve , etc.)
#3: Christie Studio ands~t!ars(Bobby Verno n , Ve re,Steadman , Jackpu ffy , etc . )
#4: Fox Stud ios: ~ •., Tom Mix>To ny , Bessie Love ,Bu(::-k Jones, Shil:!ey Mason,etc.)
#5: . MGM(Part 1) ; Aerial views , then M . Davles , L.Gish , J . GUbe rt,many others
#6: MGM (Part 2l : :R: .~:.Nova-rr6;Greta Garbo , Mae Murray , L • Ch a ney , e tc • •
#,8: YVARNERS: J . BARRYMORE , M . Mar sh , E . Lublt s ch , M. Prevost, e tc .
#9: UNIVERSAL:D ): Aerialvtews!, the n: Hoot. Gibson ,i . La Plante , R. Denny , etc.
# 10: UNIVE.RSfU. . (2hl.. Hershol't , M . Ph il bin IN . Xerry,: June Marlowe, etc.
PRICES:·,$f;) .. OO:eaoh,Qr:.<:iCiy .4 for $22. 50; all 9. for $4 7 .50.•
***************,**** * *** ************* **'{c*********** ** *** ** **.***** ** ***********
• '. .t · . .. . \ .. ' - .

'!:EM.LERS: . .• vVe offer several trailers , for those collectOrs who like to have them; so me
of them are cf int?res.t to c ollectors who h ave the features t hey go with.
THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA (Lo n Chaney) (1/4 ree'!) 6 . 00 (3. OO)

Complete-theatrlcartrailer for the famou s horror feature .

SILENT PREVIEW TRAILERS " (from six diffe re nt fe atures) (1/2 re el) 15. 00 . (6 . SO)

CLOTHES MAKE 'THE PIRATE (Leon, Errol/ Doro thy G ish , Nita Nal dl) ;

THE LIVE WIRE (Johnny Hines); IR ENE (Colleen Moore ,'G ~ K. Arthur) ;

.NORTH OF '36 {Jack Holt, Erne s t Torrance , Noah Beery ,Lois W il so n) ;

MADAME SANS GE NE (Gl oria Swanson); THE AMERICAN ·VE NUS (E sther

Ralston, Ford Sterling , Miss Americ a)

QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE (Se ri al trailer) (1/2 're el ~sound) 17 ~50

ExcLting sequences from this early sou n,j serial'

TOM MIX IS COMING (1/4 reel , sound) 5 . 00

Announcement that the Tom Mix program wa s 6omlng to town

THE TfIIEF OF' BAGDAD (Douglas Fa irbanks) (C ut-takes) (I Reel) 2 1. ~ 0 (7.50)

This is not actually a trailer , but con's ists ofo ut ':'tak es fro m t he

famous feature , including the flyi ng c arpe t , 8'nchanted tree , etc .

CAIN AND MABEL (M arionDavles , Cl ark Babl el' (t / Zreel , sound) 17 . 50

A very elaborate trailer , induding in tere sti ng produc t ion num bers .
LINDBERGH ' S FLIGHT TO PARIS : (1927) (I Heel) 21.50 (6.50)
Newsreels of Lindy's pion'eer flight , showing the take-off , arrival,
an uproarous receptions in ~any great cities of Europe and U. S .A. ~
PACIFIC AIR RAC;E (1927) (1/4ree1) 6.00 (3.00)
A race from California to Hawaii-, showing aU sorts of plan es taking'
• . . j . . . •

part , with crashes on take- off , and the planes in fligh t.

NEWSREELS O F THE TVvE ~TIE S Kinogr a ms , Pathe . Etc . (l Reel) $2 1. 50 (6 .. 50)
- !.
A ~ intere s ti ng co mpil at ion of s e l e c te d new s)te m$, fro m vario us
new sre e l c ompanie s of the Twe nt ies . Among the ' petsonaliti es "
included are MarcusGarvey , Be n Tur pin, Charley M,urray, Agnes Ayres "
Pre s . Hard ing r C harl es R ay, W illi am Ie bn ing s Brya n, Cl a r a Kim -
b all Yourig , Jack ie Coog art, G ar Wood , a nd ma ny others.
'!,rORLD WAR I: (Extre mely rare footage , re c e ntl y red iscove red ~ and reduc e d

from original 35mm nitrate print s , s ho t by Br itish and Fre nch came ramen .

'. PART ONE: THE WAR ON THE GR OU ND (l Reel) 21. 50


. SPECIAL: All three reel s, ordered toget her: . 57 . 50
AMER ICA MARCHES ON (1/2 Reel) I5 .ob (4.50)
' of
7' : Highl ig hts Am'e'r i6~n h isto ry, trorri :Re ~ohitio ri 'to World War 1.
" , CLAA ENCECH AMBERLIN ;STOI\Y " (1 Re ei) " . 21. 50 (6 . 50)
Never he ard of ,him ? He made t he s e co nd Trans atl a ntic flight , a
cou ple o f weeks 'aft er Lindbe rgh , l a nding inB'e r lin , and c arrY ing a
t@§.sebger ! Hi s rece ptio n , in var ious Europe a n c ap itol s, and ' at
ho me r ivalled th at' a ccGt ded Lindberg h. The f il ms ' s hows v~rio u s
stag es of preparation , his l a nd ing , a nd the var io u s deliriousre­
c ep tions rece ived' by 'h im a nd hi s pa s s e nger . He is now al mo st '
forg-ot te n , except among k n6wl edg abl e avi atio n e nthusiasts.
DAREDEVILS OJ' THE AIR (1 Ree l) ' 21. 50 (6.5 0)
Taken at a n air meet ih ': ihe ,l i:lt e Twentie s. Ma ny fa mous air stunt-
men , suc h a s Col. RO §Co8 Tutn ~r / C apt . Erns t Udet , Al W ll s o n ,
a nd othe r s, perform hair-ra iSing s tunts o n unbelievabl e a ircraft "
ranging fro m pre - W . vl .r pla ne s to tt i-motor Fo rd s. Gre at !
DEMPSEY VS FIR PC (1' Reel) , ' 2 1. 50 (6.50)
The ,fa mous fi ght where Demps:ey ~r'ot k['lo~cked ,thro ug h the rope s.
DEMPSEY VS TUNNEY , (l Reel) ' 21.50 (6 .5 0)
Includ ing the well - know n "lo ng c ount " tn their s'econd b a ttle .
LA TOUR, ' (By Re ne Cl air) (l Ree l) ·· 22. 50
'De t a iling the, histoty and Qo ns t ruc tio no f theE'fffel Tower in Pari s .
GRASS (1 Reel) : 21. 5'0 (6 . 50)
The incred ible story of the h ard s h i ps e ndured by a M id - eas t tr ibe
of nomad s , who cros s ed tce - c apped mou ntains ' a rid roar i ng s tre a ms
to ge t t heir live s to ck to 11fe '-:s u s t a ining gras s on t he other slde !
******* *** *** ** ***** ** ** ** ***** *****,***** ********* ** *** **** **** ******** ***** **
SOU ND FILMS: The following fil ms include s ome made a t t he very s t art of t he s o und
era , and document the : improveme nt in q u ality o f s ound a nd subj e ct matte r s ince then .
FI NDING HIS VOICE " ( Max Fl eisch e r) . (1 929) '( I Heel) 24 . 50 ,'
See description o n _page 13 .
"THE SVvAN (Walte r Fu tter) (l 9 28) (l /2 Reel) 17 • 50
An i.dy llic to ne-poe m fil med to t he mu sic o f the Saint - Saens s c ore.
V'!EBER AND FIELDS (192 8) (1/4 : Re el) 7 . 50

The' bel oved vaude vill e t eam ma de a t e s t o f one of the ir great routi nes ,

invo lv ing a Burl esque skit I sing ing , ' a nd d a ncing !

THE TOW,N (Josef Vo n Sternberg) (1 94 3) (1 Reel) 25 . 50

Produced fo r the Office o f War Informat io n; A s tudy o f a Midw e stern

town and its res ide nt s, beautifully pho tog r ap hed and narra ted .

GLAD RAGS TO RICHES (Sh irley Templ e) (l93 3) (l Ree l) 25 .50

Shirley is a captive "bird in a g ilded cage " riig ht club s ing er , who

i s rescued from her dire predic ament by her s mall town boy fr iend .

SOUND FILMS, Cont ' d:

~ I' ':'. ' , .

PIE-COVEREDWAQQN, (Shirley TemplG> ' (l Ree l ) (19321. " r' $ 2$ .,50

A delightful spoof o n the COVERED WAGON. When thetnd icrGatt ad~ , , '

they are.dri ven off'bya deluge of... Pies! '

BILLBOARD GiR( " (Bing Crosby) (2 Re el s}(193 f) ,' 45 . 0.0

Bing falls fora girl on a b ill board ad . Whe nh eio c a t es her ina col- " '

lege town,., her brother ma squer.ade ,s a's her fo r a gag , whic h soon'

backfir~s,pn aU ¥oncerneQ! ' ' ', ' "," '

\;NE MORF; ,CBANCE ' (Bing Crosby) , , , (i Reels) (f93J) , 45.00

Bing 1 S ~,a n inept washing mach i ne, salesman on a cro ss~country tour

in a 'j aloppy. He..slngs 4"old favo r ite tunes , o ne to an Indian tribe .

ELYING HIGH ' (The Coll e g i,a ns) (1 929) ' 42 . 50

, , Fordescription, see P. 14 . -..'­
*+*+* +*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*::1-*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+* +* +* +*+*+* +*+*+*+*+:*+*+*+*+*+*
,FILMS IN C OLOR: ' We o ffer a num ber of subj ects i n s e ve r al early ,cQlqr \processes;
. The ' hims are intere sting in their own rig ht for s ubject mattE¥r , ,: th ecolo~},s a
con s iderabl e plu s , fac tor, e nha nCing the mood , .aotion, ,or effecti veness,. "
THE ASTRONOMER ' S DRtAM , (George Melie s} O RE(e) (l9 - ?}· :~ o. OO

On falling asleep , the a s tronoJIler, h as. n igtI tmares dUfin9 w hich he ' ,

visits other worlds , w here h e undergo es s trange adve nture s .-The '

color proces s used was the extremely dHfi cult ha nd - tinti ng .

. • ( ,; ... 'I

HAWn ; , (1 B,eel)(a bout 1925) " 75.00

.,Her~' s one for the collectors of unusual film s ; A sort of travelog ue i '

in the beaut iful Pathechrome p roce~s I a very d ifficu lt stencil and

dye procedure . The approximation to. natural

, . " . . .
. ~

c olor has to be s een tc) ,

be believed . ' :, ,
HEARTS OF THE WORLO , ,', (I? W . Griffit h) (1 Reel Ex ceq~t)

' . , For qescription, see page 4. (Available in B & W )

.1 j

INTOLERANCE- f?ABYLON SEQ:UEN9E (D.W. G riffit h) (2 Reels) " ' " 135 . 00­
IN1'O:LERl1NCE - MODERN SEQUENCE " ," 0 1/2 Ree,l s) , 125 . 00

For description, see page 3 . (Availabl e , in B & W)

THE PEAR;£.. FISHERMAN (Pathe Freres) (l9q4) ' (1/2 Reel) , 30 . 00

A delightful Melie s - like '''magic'' film I w ith h a nd-ti nted colors ,
made, in Paris by Zecca. Reduced from qn o rig inal 35mm color
print , the colors 'ar.e beflutiful , andrea!ly e nh a nce th e fantasy act:ion ,
which takes placein: ~ magic unde n; ea fa iry k i ng dom.
STAN VISITS WITH OL1IE(Laurel & Hardy) : , (1/4 reel) '1 ,' 23 ~ 5 002 . S0 )

,For description , see page 9 . (Also a vailabl e in B & W)

SALAMMBO ,. : " Ital y- 1914 (1 Reel) , 8S. 00 -,'
for d?sqription , see page 16 . (Also a vaila ble in blac k & white) ' I. :

_. . +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*
' . +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*
. -: ' : ."T - +*+*+*+
"\ - ; I -' :' . ,

OMISSIONS AND ADDEN DA: ' ' , ', ' ,, .,

. >r
THE HASI~ER ' S DELERIUM (Emil C o hI) (l/2 Reel) 15. {) 0 (4~ 50)
An early animation subject depicting t he evil s th a t c a n evolve in
a n alcoholic night mare. (Ava il a bl e with sound track: $17 . 50)
JACK AND IHE -BEANSTALK " (Possibly Ray H arryh ausen) 'UReel) 2 1. 50 (6 .50)
Animated puppets, in the well - know n fa iry t ale 1n c;hanning sty le .
TRAPPED -BY THE MOFMONS' (Evelyn Brent) (7 R~els) 145.00(52.50)
Produced in England ~ this film was s u ppressed in the USA becau se
of the subject matter i ' w h ic h was extremely anti-Mormpo:. -, i :
THE EAGLE (Ihl:dol ph Valentino) (7 Feel$) 14~ ~,OO (52'~' 50)
When he become's the faVor ite of t he Czarina: (Lou'ise Dresser) i he ,~,: : ! ",
gives it all up fot the love of a gir1. i

USED FILMS: The following f ilms are u s ed prints in goo d to excellent

conditions. All the films are lim ite d to home use , no other rig hts are expressed or

implied .
-- .. _' ..
_-,. -- .. .

SANG D~ UN > POETE :' . J eanC o c t~ al.~. (6 Reels) (Sound) $150.00

The 'f amous surr~alist film by the 'poE? t, artis t and film - maker . ,
SONG OF THE PRAIRIE Jirt Trnka . , ( 2 Reel s - Sou nq) , 45.00
M.a rvelous take -off on the cowboy mu sic al s of the 30's and 40!s by the
brill i an C ze ch a nimator. I n excellent c ondition . .
A DRUNK THERE WAS Sid Ca es ar (2 Reels - SouQd) 45.00
Hyste rical spoo f on the t e ar-jerking silent mo vie s like STELLA.DALLAS ,
with able assistance by Nanette Fabray ,Carl Reine r , How ard Morris .
ST. LOUIS BLUES Be ss ie Smith (2 Reel:s , Sound) 50. 00

An extremely rare early s ound fil m, with the 1TI0st fa mo us s inger of blues.

ECSTASY- Hig hlights Hedy L am arr (2 Re els - Sound) 45.00

The fU m which made Hedy Lamarr ,while s he was still a teen- ager • .
JAMMIN THE BLUE..S . All-St ar Jazzme n (l Re el -:Sound) , 24". 50
Top j amming j az z m ~ n , like Lester Young,B arney, .Kes sel a nd o therrs
SINGAPORE SUE C ary Gr a nt ' . .. .. (l Reel -Bo'und) 24. 50
Grant' s first fil m, tn wh ich he plays a sailor on the prowl for a ptetty g lrl
in, a C hinese caf.e •.
SEX LIFE O F THE POLYP Bo b Be nchley (1 Reel - Sound) 24 . SO
The classic eatly Be nchley filrn, in w hich he bum blingly portray·s how:
polyps get alangwtth each oth,er I . s ex- wise .
DEVIL SEA Ethel,M erman . i (1 Re el -Sound) . 24 . 50
Probably Merm an's screen appe arance, in which she movingly s ings
about how her lover was lost at s e a .
LOVER S AND CLOWNS Bra s'S'at';:i':: c. (1 RE?~;l -Sou nd) 24. SO
A charming'Jilm, made at the z;oo . The a nim als act the ir n atural s elves;
some are' c;omic, so me a re mov ing ... . Clllare del1ghtfut!
THE AMERICAN WAY ~ '. Starkman (1 Re e l - Sound) 24.50
A.great put- down of Mollll'l , Appl e P ie , and .the. Yankees. ~delightfully wacky!
THE ADVENTURES OF X Fisher (2 R e els - Sound) 50.-00
Made in England. A mad f ilm, in which the yo ung hero se nds for all the
thi ngs he see s advert iz ed , and .e ventu ally e nds up a Zo mbie- like creature J
******************** ***** ******** ******* ************************ ***************
ANSWER' PRINTS: . (And more u sed' subj ect s) :
DOUGH 'AND DYNAMITE (Chaplih) (l Reel) (us e d) 12. 50
SHANG HAIIED (C haplin) (2 Reel) (used) 25.0 0
BUMPING INTO BROADWAY (lloyd) · (1 Re el)(tised) 15 .0 0
THE ODD BALL 01'1 . C. Fie lds} (1 Reel)(used (Sound) 15 .0 0
BRONCHO BILLY' S CAPTURE (Anders on) (I ~eel)(A. Pri nt) 17.50
EDISON ,FILMS #1 (Ed i son Co . ) (I Reel) (Answer print) 17 .5 0
THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY (Porter) (lRe el) ( !' ") 17 .5 0
CONQUEST O F- THE POLE (Me He s) (1' ,.. ee l) II II 17 . 50
II .
THE DOCTOR'S SECRET (MeHes) (l Ree l) II 17 . 50
17 . 50
THE: GOLF NUT (Sennett) (1 Reel) II II
17 . 50
THE RING (Pearl White) (I r eel) II 15 . 00
JUDITH OF BETHULIA (Gri ffith) (4 Reel s) 1/ II
w. W. 1 (THE WAR ON THE GROUND) (1 Ree l) II II
17 . 50
W . VV. 1 (THE WAR IN THE AIR (1 Reel) II II
LIFE IN HOLLYWOOD: No ' s 1, 2 , 3,4 (lReel e ach II II
15.00 e ach '
MARRIED? (Constance Bennett, Owen Moore) (6 Reels) II II


PO\JVER GOD Episode 1 (3 'R eels) CA. P .) (Regularly $58 .5 0) $47 : 50

Episode -2 ( 2 Re'e1's) (A. P~) , " , 39 . 50 30 . 00
Episode 3 (2 Reels) (A. P . )-- " " 30 . 00
Episode 6 (2 Reels), ;,}' "
, .. 30 . 00
Episode 7 (2 Re~ls) .. .. It .
30 . 00
II . ,
Episode-a (2 Reels) " .. " 30 . 00
Episode 9 (2 'Reels) ' , .. "~ I
,. -
" , 30 ~ OO
Episode 10 ' (2 Reels), ",, ' ,.' II , II
3(1. 00
E'pisode 1 1 (2 Re els) " " 30" ~ OO
' Episode 14(2 Reels) , " " " , 30 . 00
. . : 11
Episode '-15 (2 Reels) .. ' ' " 3& ~ O O
TARZAN'S REVENGE' (l~ e en ' ., (us€ d) " 12 . 50
PITCHER AS FIELDER , : (y\rtth Don Drysdale) , (I Reel -Sound) (I. . New) 10 . 00, ,"
INSTnUCTIONALFILMS, Like - New QualitY . (Color and sound)
DJ:SCOVERINGDARK' AND L'rGHT (2 Reel s) (Film Associates)' - 25.00
CURVES: 'r, (2' Re els) (David Nu.l senL ' 25 ~ OO
VIBRATIONS (2 Reel s) (Encycl. ,Brit ~ Films) ; 25 . 00
, -, DISCOVERING'A'RT (2 'R eel s) (F Um Associates) ; ' -25 ~ OO
AFRICA'S'VANISHINC WILDLIFE (2 Reels) (Arthur Barrt " ,1 25 . 00
MAMMALS ARE INTERESTING ' ' (2 R ~els) (Encycl ~ Brit . ) ; -2·5 • aa
THE MONKEY WHO V,fOULD BE KING (l Reel) " " 22 . 50,"' -,
ANIMALS IN BPRING (lRee l ) " :" 22 . 50
LOOKING AT BIRDS (.1 Reel) -" " 22.-50
HIS. NEW JOB " , (Charlie Chaplin) ( 2 R e ~ls) ,ELtke New) 3 2 . 50
THE NIGHT BEFORE"C HRISTMAS (1 Reel) (L ik e New) (SUent) 10.00
THE MARCH CF THE MCVIES (Marc h o f, Time) (2 Reel s , Sound) (I.. N .l 45 . 00
RADIO BROADCASTING TODAY (M arch of Time) (2 ,Reel s, So und) (L . N . ) 45 . 00
LISTEN TO BRITAIN ' (Famou s W . W ~ ;2 Dqc llrn e ntary) (2 Rl s , Sound) " 4 5. 00
THE SHEPHERD :" (National Film Board of Ca nada ) (I Rl , Snd) " 22. 50
TRIUMPH OF THE WI LL (Leni Riefenstahlk(5Re el s )t Well 'WO(11) 50.00
THE PPIMITIVE MAORI. H Reel)(Ans werPr int) 15 .. 00
THE PAPER ORCHID '(British feature) N . good conditi on)" 45 . 0 0 ' "
THE MUMMY'S TOMB (Lon Cha ney , Jr .) ,U Re el "sound), (No . M . Titles) 12 , ~ ,O
PAT~ENT FROM PUNKVILLEj'(~R e el) , (An s we r Print) ,' 10 . 60
PEAFL"THE DETECTIVE ,(1/2 Reel) , II , II 10 . 00
MO~PHEUS MIKE (Wlllis O 'Brien) (1/4 ~eel'>( An swer , print), ,4 .7 5
BILLY ,WHISKERS *5 "PLAYING CIRCUS I, " " .. " - 4. 50
BILLyYVHISKERS *7 "IN ,THE MOVIES " " " , ,'~ 4 .. 5 0 '
SIGN THEM P-APERS , (Hairbre adth Harry) (i Re el s) (New Print) 37. SO
INTOLERANCE : BABYLON SE'QPENCE (l 1!2Reels I ~I$c W) (A. P'> 30.00
, • ;' !' MODERN SEQUENCE ,Jl Re el) (B &W>: , (A . P . ) ,20 .Q O
DA~Gf:R GIRL (Gloria Swanson , Bobby Verno nt (2 :Reels) (A.g ,!) " 30 .,00 .
,'I 493 1 Glori a Ave nue ,'"
'c : EnCino , 'C alLf . 91316 ·' ,"
~~~P~M~NT_~;.. 16mm 8mm

NEvy: _F_EATtn3.~~;..
SURRENDE~ Mary,' PhUbin ; t~an Mouslok lne (7 Reel s) $142 . 50 (47 . 50)
Mary is the daughter ofarabbl ttl a s mall Aus tro -R uss ian boMe r town at the o utbreak
of W •W . I. The little 'town is thre ate ned 'by de s t ruction by 'the Ru s s ian Ge neral
,unl ess she g ives he rs e lf 'to him. The cow ardly town s people urge he r to give in !
EASY VIRT UE J: ' Dit . by Alfred Hitc hcock (6 Reel s) $ 137 . 50 (42. 50)
A young 'wo man gains "an un Sa vory re put ation through rio fault o'f he r own . Bu t
after s he make s hers eH i:!· new Hfe , her old re putation re vlve s itself to aaunther
THE' CLAW , ' T r I Norma n Kerry , Cl aire Winds oi(5 Rl s)l .ii2S' ~OO ; : (j5~ ' ()O)
A young soc le ty w a strel pro ves h imselI a man iii t heWUds of Afr fc a " i"

BRAVEHEART , , ' \ Rod LaRoque . , ' ~ ;:(S teel s) 125 ~ ()0(3S::00)

A young Indlim 'trfe~i(to ada pt to t he white m an l~ warIdT'He isuc c e e ds only in
, ' ·al'ien a tlng his own pe o ple . He e ventually re'o ounc es 't1I1e 'wh ite g irl he loves ,' clOd
by s avi ngCthe IndIans ' fi shing rig ht s, he redeem's himsel f-a nd returns to his people.
TRUE H~ART SUSIE L Dir.D ~ W . Gr lffith-' , (6:R;eeH3) " 13 7 . 50 (42 . 50)
W ith LilHah G ish , Robert Harron, and Cl arine Sey mo'ur ,>l n a warm and ' moving , " ,
story of thesebrfffc e agtrl'm'ake a f <Jr t he bOY- she loves'.'
HEARTSOFTRE Wo-nLt) "; ' Dtr. b)'-b~ "V . Griffith' (8~ eel s)' 175 . 00 (62.50)
W ith LUlian a nd Dorothy Gish , Robe rt Harro n , Erich Vo n:.Strobe im , George Seigman,
Noel Coward , and aenAlEikander . During W . W . I , Griffit h was asked'by the
Brltls h to produc e a'filmto cre a te s ym pat hy fortha· Allie d 'Caus e . ThtS ,ffJmwas
the result. Ac tLng , dire Ction,and photography weresupe rb 1,and 'HEAATS: OF THE
WORLD is one of Griffitit ' s under- ra ted clas s ics'. T ·' r ~ \. '
HEARTS OF THE WORLD (Color foota<;)el ' (1 Re el) 10 0.00 tsO.OO)
Th is footage, reduced from an or.IJgi na.l t l mted a nd; to ne d 3'Sm m nitr ate pr int , 'c ontains
.' . s ome footage miSSing fron}'; availabl eB & Vlr pr"ints (Approx im ately a half~reelr. We '

have finally made thematerial ' avaU abl e in 8aim 'fo r those who wis h to cut it into

the ir B & W prints . .SOine of t he mi s S ing fo6ta<iEi co ntains key scenes.)

Above ,Footage: ' (Black & White) , 21. SD ( 7. 50)

PASSION Dir~ Ernst Lubits ch (1 0 Re els) 2eO. OO (69 . 50)
¥lith Pola Ne gri and Emil Jannings 1 in t he~ s tory of M'd ame Dubarry and her:e ffe ct
on history t hro ugh herpoW13r over the King of France .
CRAZY RAy :rJjlr . by Rene Cla ir (5 Ree ls): ' 127 .50 (35 . 00)
The dompl ete feat ufe ~le ng th Vers'1ohofC l'alr' s first f Um cl as s1c. Whe n as'tlEmtis t ' s
machine lets loo se , it s to ps all action be low the level of the ElUe! tbw~t.: . E.fgh t . .
pe,oplee~plo re an e e rily stille d PariS, which t h ey have all to the~sel v~s.; , ; , , ~
CLASH OF THE WOLVE S With Rin .Ifin ....:r in, C 1Har~ e s; Farrell (5 ! ~lsJ ,12S . 0.0C~ 5 . 00)
The s tory of a ma n w ho befriends a wounded,wolf , anp, tame s ,him. wJth love •. Con­
ta ins an hil arious s cene , w he re t he wolf is brough ttQ ~ow n, ' d'is gu i sed in boo t s ,
and we aring a beard . W ith June Marlow and He~ nie; C onkHn .
SILK HUSBANDS AND CALICO WIVES House Peters , (6 R~el s) 13 7 . SO (39 . 50)
An extremely interest ing f Um, which w Ul be h a ~ ed 'by the Wome ns Lib !, T h e - ·
hero's philo s o phy is that a wo man s ho,uld truly loye r ,honor and 'OBEY her hus ­
band in a s,:;!qc;essful marriage . When he be c ome s a successful attorney " she
feels l e ft ou t of his life , and.. . . . . "
SANG D'UN: PC\ETE Dir. by Jean·Coctea.u (6 Reel s ,; s ound) $ 165,.00
Th~ .surre Cll1st cl assic by.theg,reat sculptor.,.artl s t,-writer- ge,oie s. Narratio n is
by Cocteau himself.:

- - - - -- - - - -- - -
( A-2 )


WILLIS O'BRIEN: CREATION (l Reel) $22 . 50 (7 . 50)

This is the legendary film made a s a t~st by W illis O'Brie n a nd Marcel Del­
gado , whic h persuaded Merian C . Coope r of the practicali ty of th e tec hnique , ';; .
whic h wa s t hen made u s e of for pro ducing KING KO NG. It c ombines live
actors , with live animals and animated d inos aurs.
" The fableqelig htfully brought. to li~e by the master ani ma tor i one of the
,wost com plex a nd intric ately m ade production s ofStarevich .
LADISLA$ STAREVIC H: TWO C UPIDS , ,(1 Reel) 17. 50 (5 . 50)
. ,One of ~he most interesting to "f llm, b~ffs ,b~causE? t he c haracters include

s e veral s Ue nt screen favorites: ,CharliB Chaplin,Snub poll ard, Lill i'a n G ish ,

and Tom Mix . C ne of the rares. t"and' best o f the\.. Stareviches .


One o f t he earlle st Stan~v ic h film s, about 1913. Based 'On t hE)faple.
, PAUL TERRY: . FARMER ALFALFA'S 'VIfAWlARD PUP (l Reel) 21. 50 (6 . 50)
, . One o{ the .Jirst Alfalfa c artoons (1 917) I. distributed by the Edison Company
PAUL PEROF F: ' . " WILLI'S NIG HTMARE .(L Ree!) '2 10 50· '(6. 50)
.. N e ver ,h ~ard of PeroH •• .? Be c ause he was a German animator o f t he 20"5 ',
a.nd he made this charm ing science-fiction' cartoon of e~e nts in th~ y ear 2D.O O.
G.•:t ,.STUnOY: BONZO . · · ·, (l:Beel) .c.,, : ' " 2 1;.;50 . ,
Thefi;s t BONZO Cartoo n, in~h ich the misch ievqus pup creat~s h avoc at ho me
I *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*t*+*+ *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*,-r*+*
'~iSCELLANtOUS COME DIE_~ ' .. ,. '
HAROLD LLOYD: GOI NG ' . GOING ; ; GONE. . (l.Reel) 21. 50 (6 . 50)
(With Bebe Dal1iels , Snub Poll ard. ·The boys are enterpris ing con-me n , who
. ge t t he ir comne-uppance at the hand s of a pretty young fortune teller.
HAROLD LLOYD: . THE CHEF . (1:1<eel) 21. 50 . (6 . 60)

(vVith Dan iels and rollard~ Harold ' s a work-s a ving c hef , who has hiS k itche n

rigge d up with many labor-saving devices.

MACK SENNETT: HOBOKEN TO HO LLYVVOOD (2 Ree l s) 40 . 00 (12 .5 0)

With Billy Be van I who w ith hi s wife and mother-in- law, are mak ing a ' Cross - .'
country trip . On the way they run into Vernon De nt, a nd theJun begi ns 1

The cOf!1plete versio n of th is gre at tour-de - force, in which Bus ter plays many '

multiple role s in a marvel o us dream sequence.

HAROLD LLOYD: CHOP SUEY AND CO. (1 Reel) .' 21 .. 50

A delightful adventure of actio n in Chi.natown , involving co ps and crooks.
LIFE IN HOLLYWOO D #5 (19 27-1 Reel) 2 2.50 (i, 50)

Another rele ase in the popul ar s eries of s'crei:m mag azine f Ums, with a v i sit to th e "

Metro I Fox , (lnd C hristie s tudios I a nd w ith the followin.g pers onalitie s:

Direct or Raoul W al s h, director-pro ducer s Max Rei nhard t and MorriS Gest, Dolores

Del Rio a nd Victor McGlaglari , Rupert Hug hes, Co ntrad Nagel, Lup ino Lane, and

a s tudy· of how dinos aurs are created by mak ing up turtle s and liz ard s .

THE STAGECOACH DR IVER AND THE GIR L Tom M ix (l Reel) 21. 50 (6 ~ 50)

Whe n a new girl arrives in town on the s tage I intrepid driver To m Mix take s

over when the stage is attacked by a hand of outl aws for the payroll it carrie s ~

THE PRIMITIVE MAORI (About 19 29 -1 Reel) ( 21. 50 . (6.50)

A study of life as it once was among the natives of New Ze aland, before the

encro ac hment of "civilization II . The ir cu sto mD~ erts, crafts I g ames , da nces,

a nd relig ious obs ervance s are shown , for a way of life fa s t disappearing 0
Exclusive distributorship: 16mm sounj and silent 8mm silent . Avail abiltvL"n-8mm indicatedbv asterisk (*) " . ' .. .
1,0ll'1m' silent::
$21.5 0 ,per n .el ,8mm: $}.' 25 'reel
(Sil~nt: onlY), :, ,' .... . . :
. 16mm , s:)Und: $ 23. SO per reel . (Ple,gse ada 30¢ per reel I aU subjects I for shlpping charges)
********************************** * ****** * *************************~*********************** * *~*******************
2-REEL SUBJECTS (SUe nt only) , ,'
She Said No! * ..' C.WJ1.. Kahles comic strip of ' The Dou,g hboy *, Al ibiA'i"l;y
V{hy Babies Leave Home * .!;,he Twenties and ThirtiesL_ All Wet * ,;Excess Relatives '*
Holding His Own Feerless f. arry * . Danger Ahead .! Thick and Thin * Have a He'art
Seeing Things * Rudolrh's Revenge * Sawdust Baby * The Big Shot * Mus'ical!vlixup ,
Sig n Then: P a per s! Dirty Work Men About Town * Keep Smiling .'
Sock and Run * TooM~ny Wives
the -'fClmou~ ciorri'i c s tr ip CIRC US DAZE * - Jus t Boys' Vvestward~ vJh8a
by Martin Branner) Hel.) Want e d * Ne ar De ar Down on '~h~ Far'~
Vvork ing Winnie :\in ' t It The Trut h? Pie Alley * Ups and bowns ,
eh 'Wi nnie ' Beh a ve ! Fare Enour h * Some Baby Fixin Father t,

VlTinnieSteps Out * D e3f , Du n b , and Blonde * All For A G irl Bar'n yar8 ;~Fqllfe s *
Winnie's Bi rthday * ' ~vhy Detectives Go Wrong * Homing Birds Betw lx t :&', B~tween
~.~rLirin~e V.J.Wd,~esluP* *
'Iv Dmnglnn e
lTZZIE &: LI:; ZIE: (2 reels each)' Why Pay Rent? Ham '& Herring LOJe:,
¥~.l ':u' ~tieighbdr~
. . Fighting Fools Movie Mania
,' ,
Stri c~ly-Ko, sh er *
******** ***~************************** * ** ** *,************* ** ******** *********************** * ********* *~* **** ********~
- .- . - , . I. ".

I -REEL SUBJECtS': (Sound & Silent) ,;
ALICEJN CART() (yvalt, Disney) , .-,J KR-hZY KID KARTUNES: Wrestling Bouts : .'
AlLce's Egg Pla.nt * ' Alice, in the Jungle ~. "'l hales Eveiywhere We1dnerys M9Gurk
Alice The Toreador * Alice's B.ali6o n Race * Barnum Was Rightl Z 'beEton vs Ralnes
Alice's T1'n Pony * ,Alice' Chops the Suey * Hitting the Trail Rayburn vs Hag'e n,
Alice The Jailb ird * AliceRattled by Rat~ * North of NowHere * Matsudo vs Reynolds
Alice~The Whaler · * Alice Solves the Puzzle Yukon Jake vsR-ed Berry
Alice's Orphan'* , . Freeman vs " VEmable
l-i<eel COMEDIES:,.. (SHent Cnl y.} ,:<

CRACKERJACK CONIEIhES:'" (Real pie-in:"the ,- face'slapstick)

Fish Tales * SpookySpo6ks , * . Ga'o..;j-BuH Chief ,Gypfng Gypsies * Rais ing' Caln * Out of Order Soor Milk * ..

All As hore Lyin ' Hunter · ' ' :'Beat Facts !: * . ' iRis Lucky bay * Soap and Water *

EMBARRASSING MOMENTS: * A Close Shave * It's a Gift,

- - ,The Gay Nighties Food For Thoughts : -~ .

- ': ~ ... , . .\

STILLS ••••• STILLS ••• • • STILLS •• • • • STILLE • • • ••• STILL S • •• • • STILLS • • • • • STILLS •• •••
************************************** **************************************
In response to many requests I we have made avail a b le the follwoing stills. All are
8 x 10 glossies, at a price of $1.75 each , plu s s h ipp ing ch a rg es . The stills listed are
by the names of the stars or directors . Nu mbers in p a r enthes e s indica te the number of
different stills available for a given fUm title. Most are fro m films available from us,
but our offer of a particular still does no t neces s arily indicate t h a t we o ffer the film.
**************************************************** ****************************
A NIGHT OUT (With Turpin) (1) THE KID (2) With Marion D avie s (1)
WORK (The Paperhanger) (3) PAY DAY (2) V\Tith Davies ,Swcroon (1)
HIS NEVtT JOB (With Turpin) (3) THE G OLD RUS H (9) PORTRAIT (Bu st) (1)
THE FIREMAN (1) VvOMAN OF PARIS (1) Clo wning in fron t of
THE CURE (3) MO DERN TIM ES (6) Camera (1)


THUNDERING FLEAS (Hardy onl y) (3) ; PORTRAITS (Laurel only) (2); UNKNOV\TN SOURCES (3)
HARRY LANGDON: PORTRAIT (1); 5 Poses on 1 Still (l) ; FEET OF MUD (1); NEW MAMA (n

WEAKEN (1); MOVIE CRAZY (2); I NSULTI N ' TH E SULTAN (1) ; M is cell aneou s (13)







CHARLEY CHASE: BROMO AND JULIET (1) ; U nknow n s till (1)






BLOSSOrv1S (Barthelmess) (1) ; ISN'T LIFE W O NDER FUL ? (1) i ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1) i A GIRL




BEN IURPIN: PORTRAIT (1) ; (Also , s ee Chapli n s , abo ve)


{SPIES ('4J; WESTERN UNION (Robert Young , Randol ph Sc ott)(2); WOMAN IN THE WINDOW'

(E.G . Robinson, Joan Bennett) (1) ; RANC HO NO TORIO US eM. Dietrich) (1) ; DR . MABUSE (5);

THE SPIDERS (I) ; WESTERN UNION (Directing on loc ation) (1) ; CLOAK AND D AGGER (With

Gary Cooper) ; (1); WOMAN IN THE MOON (1) ; POR TRAITS (4)

WILLIS O'BRIEN : THE LOST WORLD (4); KING KONG (2) i PORTRAIT (With Triceratops) (1)

MARCEL DELGADO (With King Kong armatlJre) (1) ; D INO SAUR & THE MISSING LINK (1);


We have more! ! ! If ypu have any wants, please write I and we will try to locate for you e

Glenn Photo Supply

4931 Gloria Avenue
Encino, Calif. 91316



, ..
... THE GREAT GAMBINO $ 20 . 00




DO NNA REED SHOW : A WEEKEND TRIP (Donna Reed) $ 20. 00

THE FORD THEATER: ($ 20.00 each)

A TRIP AROUND THE BLOCK Steve Cochrane, Jan Sterling

THE LEGAL BEAGLES La rralne Day I Richard Denning


THE GOOD LUCK KID Dane Clark $ 20.00
A JOB FOR THE MACARONE Caesar Romero $20.00


493 1 Gloria Avenue

Encino , Calif . 913 1 6

(Tel : (213) - 981-5506) DATE :_ _ _ _ _ __

Please ship the following order to :

Name :

Adres s:
C tty, State ,
and Zip :
i i


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