Nostalgic Cinema Catalog #2

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NCSTALGIA ••••• I£M)Rl\BILIA • • ••• .1\MERICl\NA

Dear Collector-Friends, ~ stars o f the Golden Era is the title of a lovely book ~' re offering. Printed on
..quaJ1EY paper, eaCh 11 X 1 4 inch ptxltograph is s uitable for framing. Chaplin , Tall
14e are truly grateful for your overwhelming and Mix , Garbo , Valentino, Pickford , Chaney , Gable, Bogart , W. C. Fields, FaiJ:banks , cagney,
to nare j ust a few. We have a very limited quantity of these , so don ' t miss out. $3.50.
tremendously encouraging response to our first
Walt Disneyy~ In 1970, the European country of San issued a set of postage
catalog. We sincerely hope that each of you is statps to lx:nor Disney organization. Beautiful multi-colDred starrps, eadl depicts a
happy with the film you purchased from us. and various Disney character, such as , D:lnald Duck, Pl uto, etc. Growing scarce and going up
in price, we were lucXy to obtain about a hundred sets of six values eadl. OUr price to
now eagerly anticipate our next offering. you ••••• $1. 25 per set.

1 932Ol~cs: Talk about hnericana!! Remember the 1932 Olyrrpi c Games in Los Angeles?
Many of you have written to ask if we accept wen, qw.te frankly, we cXn't either , but did we ever find sane goodies! !! E)tbossed larel5
issued in cx:njunction with the Games !!! s ixteen to a sheet , they 're nulti-co:iDred and
Ilwant" lists. The answer is an emphatic IIYes. 11 really quite beautiful. Each illustrates a participating nation and eadl i s DllTED 1 932.
In fact, at the top of our want list is wanting Suitable for franing. Genuine and in top mint cx:nditicn. Needless to Si!¥ , they 're very
rare. $15. 00 a set.
to get to know you better. So let us hear from
M:wie S~~ : Here is a beautiful set of lIDVie stars on postage staIIp3 . Twenty in
you, please! the set, each J.S a oolDr portrait of a super s tar (IlCM deceased) , in a scene f=n the
star's greatest 1IDVie. This is truly a great nostalgic i tem. Must be seen to be awre­
ciated. $1.50 a set. Please add 25 cents if flat mailing i s wanted.
We also want to hear about the films and other

items you have for sale or trade. Or, if you

Intemal Revenue Engr~: We have obtained a very limited quantity of <»WINE liquor
ana fObaCOO engraved s issued l:!i the U. S. Goverment fran 1873 throu:Jh 1885 . A
prefer, try your luck at selling through our
beautiful exaIple of the 19th Century engraver's art. CcrIpletely engraved, each i s 7 X 8
inches in s ize and nice (fantastic ) for framing . Tbe Tobacco s tarps srow at top center a
catalog. Our commission is 20%.
female seated between a bald eagle holding an olive brand! and a barrel of toba= leaf.
Tbe Liquor s tarrp slXJWs a winged nercmy seat ed next to an old-fashioned s till , with a
winged caduceus in his right hand. We believe these item; to be quite s carce and a steal
When ordering f i lms, remember to add $1.00 for at $3.50 each. Please ~cify Liquor or '1'Oba=, rut the tI;o make a nice pair.
short subjects; $2.00 for features. We wi 11 Christmas Seals : Super goodies! Nostalgia at its best! Genuine Christmas seals , s ui­
absord the postage on small items. Califor­ table fur fiiiiiing , one for each year, 1918 through 1973. 56 in all. $4. 75 a set.
nians, please donlt forget the sales tax. On Ediscn 78 ~ ~ : Been wishing for sane sound effects to play alalg with
foreign orders , please add the necessary ship­ your old Sl.lent Tliise (1/4 indl) old Edisal ptxlnograph reoordings might just
do the trick. Serre are cne-sided , rut I1Dst are reoorded on both sides. In beautiful <Xn­
ping charges f rom the U. S. to your country . dition and sure to increase in value. A dollar a piece to you oollectors . Minirm:In order
of 3 please. OUr choice. Please add $.75 f or shipping and handling.
Specify air mai l or surface mai 1.
All films listed are lfurn, and in good , used cxmdition except as oth&wise
A word about money orders. The word is speed. noted. (A few &tin i tem; can be found at the back of the catalog).

Whi Ie personal checks are perfectly

acceptable, Am YOU A SELtER, TRIlIER, OR IENlER?
money orders speed your shipments.
We are in CCl1Stant need of I1Dre fi lms.Ib you have l furn or 3Smn films
you 'd like to sell or trade? Maybe we can get together.
Because all films are one-of-a-kind, and are Ib you have old 35= nitrate films? These, we will either buy outright,
sold on a first-come, first-serve basis, or borrow. That' s right . We said, "borrow. " We will pay shiJ;l!'Slt both
W<f¥s, and in retum , we will furnish you with a FREE lfurn <X1f1Y of your
remember to indicate 2nd and 3rd choices, 35nrn. Is that a deal or i s that a deal?
whenever possible, to avoid disappointment. Ib you have old stamp oollections or item; s imilar in nature to those
We will refund on items sold out. found in our "Nostalgia, MatDrabilia, hnericana" section , l ying around
the house oollecting dust? We will also oonsider these as trade-ins.

Layaways are accepted on terms of 25% deposit H~R, bef ore you SlilP anthing, SIT In'N and WRITE .
have, its oondition, and the kind of deal you want.
Tell us what you

with the balance to follow in go days.

Ib we begin to sound like "Fred , the Friendly , Used Film Dealer?" Well,
never mind. Give it a try. You 'll find us fair and easy to deal with.
And that brings us to what we hope youlve all
••••• ~ •••••
been waitinq for •• . •••..•• ••••·•••·••••••••••
NOSTALGIC CINEMA CATALOG #2. Paradise ~s: Hany Davenport. This one is for you r ailroad ruffs, and for evezyone
WhO likes a ast-llOVing, interesting s tol:Y. This cne has it all - huoor, rcrnance, ac:Uon ­
as the managers of a backrupt railroad line set out to prove that they can IT¥JVe the goods
Cinematographically yours, better and faster than those new-fangl ed trucks. Tbe trucl<ers just won't play fair and
sabotage the trains which does result in a oouple of good train wrecks. But the good guys
trimph after an exciting race. Loaded with good train footage and scenes of the ~ it
Nosta l gic Cinema used to be. B/W. 2 000' o:rrplete. Light scratdies rut in good cx:ndition. $85.00.
FEln'Ol£S (<:mtinued)

-2­ FEATUW.s (Cbntinuec)

*It Takes All Kinds : Vera Miles , BaJ:ry Sullivan, lbbert Lancinq. FilJood in AIlStralia by
G01dSWOrthY Cl'iilii5iii-leth united Pl:oductians , the oolor ~ of this film is dazz~, Hell On Frisco Bay: Alan Ladd and Eaorard G. Ibbinson. Joanne Dru and William Derrerest.
particularl y the aerial sOOts o f Sydney hamor. 1m exciting adventure film about the in­ Waterfront cOp out of prison goes after the gangl and b i g srot who was respcnsible for his
geniOllS theft of a tlIlSe1.ZIl art treasure . Vera MilBs is the greedy but seductive master--mind frarre-up . Hard-boiled criJre melodraroo. is reminis cent of the gangster films of the 30's.
who cleverly rresrnerizes Itllert lancing into helping her kIxx:k over the Medieval Museun of Great action climaxed by big fight scene in a runaway boat. B;W. Few splices but this is
Sydney. BaJ:ry Sullivan is a t his best as the wealthiest and nost highly respected indus­ an original in very good condition. $85.00. 3500'.
trialist in AIlStralia whose greed leads rum to ruin. If you're a nail biter, you' ll be
00wn to the quick after the final s cene which takes place at the tq> of a grain elevator Bucket Of Blood : Sculptor kills pecple and uses than for his clay fonns. A real shocker!
high above beautiful Sydney . Beautiful color. Beautiful quality. 3200'. $150.00 . Stars DiCk Miller , Bamara Ibrris. B;W. 66 minutes . Good oonditicn. $100.00 .
Air Raid Wardens: Pearl Hartor Day and Laurel and Hardy are off to fight the Japs. Bur
ca=line O1erie: A true Fl:ench Cinema Classic, cx:rrparabl e only to such a great l!merican
natllei £fie AE\y, the Navy, the Marines, nor the Air Force will have than. So they decide
notiOn Pl.cture as "Q:ne with the wind" which i t resembles in that it portrays the French
to do their bit ·w air raid wardens with hilarious and devastating results . B;W. Okay
Revolutioo as the backg=und for the very human story of ca=line COOri.e , an aristocrat,
print. 2400 '. ~85 .00.
who sarehcM survived but ooly a fter incredible experiences . Stars ~Iartine ca=l in the

title role. B;W. 116 minutes. Cood caldi.tion. $185.00 .

This IS !:!f Love: Dan D.lryea, Lynda De.D1ell. This intense melodrama revolves around a love
triangle you might even say rectangle}. Dan Duryea is in his usual fine form playing the
The Prairie Pirate: Feat~g Harry carey, Robert Edescn and Fred Kahler. A grand
role of the errt>ittered ex-dancer, criWled for life, in his wheelchair. Lynda De.D1ell i s
western thriller, well produced, well acted, and filled with gm-play and fearless rorse­
the darkly beautiful, aninously seductive , two-faced sister-in-law who does her dirty work
manship. Harry carey , for ,years the i dol of the youth of l!merica, is cast as the grim
very well. Superb oonditicn. Beautiful print . TV B/W. $95 .00. 3100' on 3 reels.
avenger of the plains. Fell can equal his skill in the saddle and e ffiency with a six

shooter. Kahler is anothei grand fighter and Edeson is always the polished, suave,
Reform School Girl: Exciting action story of a girl involved with hit-and-run nurrder.
Spanish senor. Harry careY i s not particularly rerembered as a aa-IDoy s tar, probably
stars Ed 8yD1es and Sally Kellerman . B;W. 71 minutes . Good shape. $65.00.
because he was so rnud1 else , but he will always be remembered as ooe of the truly great

actors of the s ilent screen. B;W. Cood cx:nditioo. $175.00.

(1934) J eanette !-!acD::mald and Nelsen Eddy. Mr. Eddy
m the result w, delighted
The ~Of The Lake: Sir Walter Scott 's ilmDrtal story fi lJood in Scotland by Janes
audiences for many years (and does
s expertly per­
Fitzp Ck m associatioo with Gainsborough Films. The characters do not speak. Titles
fonced. 'nris one I ri J ' us i Aaf. B;W. 106 minutes . Good condition with rruno:
are taken directly f ran the peen to explain the acticn . Musical aco::rnpaniment is by

Nathaniel Shi1kret 's Orchestra. Cast included Benita Hume , Percy Mamont and W. Lawson

Rutt . Beautiful treatrrent of a beautiful c lassic makes this a beautiful film classic.
All Hands On Deck: Stars Buddy Hackett, Pat Boone, famis O'Keefe aru1 Barbara Eden.
B;W. Cood cx:nditicn. $175.00. .,. <bOd f arce cnredy aboard an ISI' invol ving a super-....eal.thy Indian crewnan (llackett) ,,nth a
live turkey, a harassed captain, and a girl reporter stowing away. very entertaining film
The Cyclcps: Science fi cticn thriller. Lady seardles wildeDless for lost fiance enly to
in excellent ccnditien. This is sound but also sub-titles for the IEI\F . BIl\'. $125.00 .
discover that his pl ane has crashed and he has !:ea:rne a giant nutant with one eye. Very

exciting (and scary). Len Chaney plays the title role. Good quality print. $145.00.
The /:tt.mny: Boris Karloff, Zita Johann . First of the "Mtmny" films and t.>,e best. Karloff,
as an ancient Egyptian prince brought to life, att:enpts to t ake pretty Zita as his mate.
The ~ 's All Here : (1943). Alice Faye , CaI:Iren Miranda, Eugene Pallette. Buzby Berkeley Good sOOck scenes. Scratchy, beat-up print. C'atplete, though, and priced accordingly.
classl.c. B/'W. 103 minutes. Cood cx:ndition. $175.00. $50.00.

Ride The Tiger: If it's actien and exci1:e!ta1t you crave, this is the one. Robert ~bnt­
* Features under a:msignment, and still in possession of CXl!lSignor. Pl ease allCM extra
garery pl ays a casino owner involved in I1¥stery and intrigue. Beautiful color. Excellent
tiJre for delivery.
print. 3200'. $150. 00.

Fbreign Cbrrespondent : (1949)

Joel HdIea, Lorraine Day, George Sanders. Young l!merican
newsman ChaSes ail over Europe after international spies .Directed by Alfred Hitchcock,

with the suspenseful master's touches in evidence. B,A". Has very light scratch. $175.00.

In many cases, toe have nore than one title per srow, but in
the interest of brevity , we havm't listed them all. I f you
Affair In Havana: John Cassavetes, Rayrmnd Burr, Sara Shane. This very palatable melo­
are a collector of a particular SI=I, and wish to avoid du­
drama tells a l ove story, triangular-fashion. The setting adds greatly to the interest
plication, we suggest that you wri te, giving us a list of the
and exciterrent of the film. B;W. Good oonditien. $95 .00. 2600'.
titles you already own , SO that ,-Ie can send you a different
ene . Or, write, asking us for a list of titles so that you
• My Dear ~ : Kirk lbu;Jlas, lorraine Day, Keenan Wynn. A wolfish author meets a may choose one . Sound c:rnplicated? ~;e hope not. (Incidentally,
secretary woo written a s rorching !:est seller. cute cxrnedy, with Wynn I:eing especially they're all in good condition unless otherwise noted).
amusing. B/W. $95. 00 . 3200'.

• Dear ~ette: Jinmy stewart, Glynis Johns, Ed Wynn. Family cxrnedy features stewart as a
fathei'· tries to cope with his young sen's problers, one of which is his very large General Hospital - $8.00
crush en Brlgette Brldot. The kid keeps sending her fan letters. Finally Stewart and $20.00 Eacn

That Girl - $10.00

his son go to Paris and visit the oelebrated French star. Cbh-la-la! B;W. Qxld ron­ caViilcacJe of l\merica (Head damaged)

ditien. $95.00. 3600'. /lJ ickey Romey SheA"

$12.00 Eacn
Science All stars (~bon Launcn)

Dangerously Yours: SUspense with Cesar lbrero, Jane DaJ:we1l, Phyllis Brooks , Alan Dine­ Zabel Glooal (Ibex l!unt)

NeI"ly Wed Garre

!lart~ l\lres . B;W. Qxld oonditicn. 80 minutes. $50. 00. All's \,ell vIi th Lydia Science Hl Stars (~bon Rocket)

Dili>ie Feynolds SI"", (Spgnish)

famis O'Keefe Show T I~ In Action

Pirates of <;aPri: Iouis Heywood. I taly, 1798 . A ship bearing the bride-to-be of

Count 1Imal.f.1. , and a caIl;P of fireaJ:ms, is captured by a band of revoluticnists posing as

You Asked For It

$15 . 00 Ea ch
ac:robats. And the mo.ashblckling i s en! High adventure and intrigue at oourt. B;W.
George o f the Jungle

Cood print. 3200 '. $75.00.

Hr. District Attorney

Ozzie and Harriett

Lucky Lady (Quiz Sho.-l)

George BUDlS 5"how

Jadt Slade: MalX Stevens , Barton McIane , Dorothy Malone. This actien- pacl<ed western tells
lOren of the Highway
the life of Jadt Slade, "outlaw anong outlaws." The fascinating story is exoezpted iraIl
$25 . 00 Each
Han Behind the Badge
"lOlghing I t" by MaJ:k TWain. Qxld picture. B;W. Qxld oonditicn. $95.00. 3200'.
Beany and Cecil
The Rear Mcfuys
The Riflanan
~ Sea: Lamel. and Ha:tdy. A rrast:eJ:pieoe of mirthful adventures that is good enter­ Jim BcMie
t. Oliver and Stanley are sappy hom testers in a hom factory, but Oliver's doctor The Addams Family
sa.YS he needs a rest. 'nley ~ an o ld boat and unelqlectedly find themselves at sea with Journey to the Center o f the Earth
hilarious results and an extra passenger. BM. Cood ocndition. 57 minutes . $U 5.00. Adventures o f Rin Tin Tin: Ancient Mariner, part 1 and 2. $35 .00 ead! . Both, $65.00 .
••*** ANlMM'ICN .... * - 5­
Lawrence Welk ShcM: Here's a good collector's i tem of 1957 vintage . The film is :in
supers Ciiid1t1oo. Has excellent pictuxe am sound quality. Also cx:ntains all <:.' Be (, Kind and Gentle : Clever animation set to catchy title tlm3. Beautiful oolor and
Pl ynDUth oamerci.als . Very interesting. $45 . 00 . qualitY . 200 ' • $12 . 50 . PoWell Theater: "QJt; of the Night ," starrinJ PoWell , OlBrles ~, and Zita Dem't Axe ~: Early Elrrer Fudd am Daffy J:\.Jck on the fann. B;W. Good ~ty. $15 .00.
!b1iIlii. 1'lU1'&d m Spanish. $35.00.
Dixie Days : l>esq>' s Fables by Pathe. Attention rollectors ! On the old ootton plantation
SC:mrt:hing Special - ~ Starr - $30.00.
carplete with s laves and an overseer (gr:iJn subj ect matter underlines the antiquity of this
GunsmOke - $qO .OO
gan). Feat ures s l ave auctien fol1.owed by big chase scene with =away slave and overseer.
~ Budke Secret Agent - $25.00.

7 minutes. Good quality . BIN. Silent. $15 .00.

Budke 's Law (Spanish) - $40 .00.

It.:ng Hot S\mner - $30 .00.

l-bcnlight ~loclies : Old Mutt and Jeff. B;W s i lent with title s. A little scrat chy am
s};Otty . Collector 's item. $12 .50 •
••••• TEUw.ISICN SH(]ffl - Hl\U'-HOUR - CXlIDR •••••
Taking The Burrps : Krazy Kat . Old silent 1l;W. Col lector ' s item. Fair Cendition. $12 . 50.
$35 . 00 Each $35. 00 Each $35.00 Each
Greeii 1iCiiIS cail of the West Gilligan ' s Island Quack, Quack: Mixture of live action and animation. B;W silent. 400'. Good cx:ndition.
'lMt Girl Mayberry RFD !lUck Finn Features afurable little ixly and his duck. $15. 00 .
'!be IJJcy ShcM Bill 0Jsby Family Affair
Joan Westal - lbller Del:by Queen Fran R::Ine With Love
Fi ela, the~ Director: Hot Dog cartoons. Classic . Live a ctien and animation. B/ fi .
Sl Iei'1t . OOildition. A j~l: $15 .00.
Banana Splits - $30 . 00
Chief Charlie Horse: N:xldy Wooclped<er. Beautiful color and quality. $30.00.
After Too Ball: Woody Woodpecke r. Color. Good ccndition. $30.00.
Big Valley - $50.00 Matt Lincoln - $75.00 Bonanza - $75.00
Hare Rabian Nights: Bugs Bunny. <blor. Qxxl oondition. $30.00.
••••• TEUw.ISICN SHCWS - 15 MINUl'E - BIJ\CK RID 1-lHITE .....
letter A: B;W. 400' . AI:out man who dis covers letter A in his roan and can ' t ge t rid o f
Invitation Playoouse - $10. 00 ~'-
Little Theater - $10.00 I'f:-ll'eautiful animatioo. Sm:prise ending. $24.50.

..... ~ .....
The Funny ~: This is aJ.rrost a travelogue as the film features a tri p to Mazatlan ,

I~oo ccnp e t sail fishing. Part animation, part live action. Beautiful oolor and

quality. 200'. $14.00.

~Starr Clir TWo SOIlg' clips f ran TV aheM. Kay sings , "You' re Nobody 'Til Sorrebody The Bug Carnival: Classic silent cartoon. Far out fun! B;W. 300' . $12.00 .
s You" , p~us another nmt>er. 250'. B;W. Good ccnditioo. $17. 50.
The items listed belCM are all real =llector's filrrs.
Rhapsody In Bladt : IDuis Anmtrong (1932). B;W. 10 minutes. Good ccnditioo. $17.95. Early SIIENI' animation. 100'. $4.95 each. G:xxl. shape.
SynJ:!!aJy In Black: !)Jke Ell.ingtcn. Qxxl cx:ndition. B;W. $17. 95 . 400 '. ~ any, Miny , !1::le Bosoo Oswald Rabbit
~ In Black and Blue: A young IDuis Amlstra1g perfume two nuni:Jers , "I ' U Be Glad Golf Robot Spooks Bo Beep Sheep
Oii' re Dead, You RaSCi!l., You ," and "Just Because" in a fantasy sequence. B;W. 400'. Cl1ristmas Cheer Circus Adventures In Dreamland
Good ccnditian. $17.95 . Patote Centrol Bad Wolf Slumberland Expres s

Hagi c Wand Photo Finish LUck's Birthday

Indian Love Call: Musical seqrents fran Rxle Marie. Jeanette HacDonald, ' lelscn Eddy . Shir;=ecked Auto Pace

900 ' . B/W. GOOd =clition. $45.00. High and Dizzy House of Tricks

Music Fran The M::!vies : Takes you fran q>era to jazz. Fran classical to swing. All the
oId greats. YehUdi Menuin, Hany James, playing, "Sweet and lovely." Mari o Lanza, Danny Three very e arly pq:pet classics by worlc1-ren<J\'med animator ,
Kaye, Lily i\:ns, Betty Hutta'l., Nelsal Eddy and Jeanette MacD:mald. Je:l Skeletal and Starevic:h. Each tells a farrous German folk tale . B;W.
Betty Garrett sing, "Baby, I t' s <bld Outside." leopold StokcMski, Xavier CUgat, Rise Silent. 400 '. Qxxl oonditicn. $18.50.
Stevens , Bing Crosby. 1\nd you're left to savor tOO BelCUality and elegance of Mae West
as she cx:ncludes the aheM with ffir renditioo of "~ Old Flam. " B;W. 400 ' . Has sara 1. The <buntry House Visits The City /obuse
scratd1es . $18. 50 2. 'r te Gennan Tailor
3. The Hare and The Hedge Hog
O!b cal.l.cMay: B;W. 400 '. Good CX'Ilditicn. $17. 95.

Fbur Betty Boops. B;W. Good a:ndition. $13.75 each.

The Fabulous J.llsicals : Your ~r , JOseph Cbttal, takes you on a joyous j oumey . 1. I'll Be Glad When You 're Lead, You Pascal, You
2. Old Man of The /obuntain
StiIitIiiiii tmn the fiiSt talking featuxe, THE JAZZ SINCER, through the gusto era of the
3. Boop-oop-a-ooop
wildly lavish and often absw:dly extravagant musicals o f the past. Battalions o f dancing
beauties, acres of sets! Stars perfom inCJ:edible feats while still managing to dance and
4. Snow White
sing at apparent ease. ~riads of kidting legs and tawing toes will have you craving your
very om pair of tars . catdl Buzby Ilel:Keley in tOO act of master-minding his om versim
of the musical orgy: '!be Gold OI.ggers of 1933, fran the JrOVi.e of the s ame name , perfom ih!6J:o anFlmland:
(1953) HONdy and Buffalo Bob
Doody their en a
take trip vi~rs
anrusenent park - a ItDst unusual one too. Clever animatien and miniature sets.
"We're In 'l'he M::rIey;" watch while Ruby Keeler am Didt R:MeU make their film debuts in B;W. Good a:ndition. 10 minutes . $21.50
nq2nd Street." Fred Astaire kicks up his heels through decades of his various dancing
part:ne%S. 1Ul the super stars of the musical past: Al JOlson, Marilyn Miller , Grace Mx>re,
Nelsen , Eddy Jeanette MacD:xlald, Betty Grable, Alice Faye, Deanna DID:bin , Judy GarlilM, and The Night Before Olristmas : Earl y classic cartoon. Clever animation. B;W. Good oon­
ditien. l7. 9S .
1IIImI, so many UDre! B,iW. 800 ' . Beautiful. ccnditicn. $45.00 .
SIxlrtnin' Bread: Early cartoon slx:Jwing the poverty of b lacks . RARE . B;W. 100 '. Good
OCiiditien. $7. 95.
l\NIWITI<l'/ (Cmtinued) -6- ..... HISTOR!' PND NEI'S •••••

FIOzen Frolics : Pathe l\e9op ' s 90Imd fable fran the early days of talkies. Lots o f music
ana sOiiid effects. B/W. 400 '. $15.00. 25th Anniversary of TIT: zenith 90 minute TV special honoring the super stars of the TV past.
star-ghttering spectacle of nostalgia. Fran talk shO<</S to musicals: Steve Allen; Edward
• B/W.
A very whinBical. and l:eautifully animated lit tle cartcx:.n about bees collecting
400 '. Alas , it has scratches. $19. 95 .
R. 11:>= witl1 John Kennedy, Fiae1 Castro, J ean Harlow ; Ed Sullivan Shew ,<lith The Beaties;
The Hit Parade; The Nat King Cble Show; Dick Clark 's Bandstand, and rrore. Drama to cnredies:
Hailnan< Hall of Fame; Producers Playhouse; The Marx Brothers fran a segrrent of the old Lucy
IDYe and Films : National mythologies lItout love as reflected in film : ~tezns and bullets shw; Arros and Andy; Burns and Allen; .Tack Bamy; The Haneynoooers; Sergeant Bilko, and nore.
ffi iiriEirlca, and outdoor epics in Russia, ~rds and s amurai tales in Japan , rival Westezns to Sleuths: Gene Autry ; !by Rogers; Ibpaloog Cassidy; The Cisco Kid; The Thin Han ;
lovers and Il'Od<: bedrocrn cx:nedy in France. All add q> to whimsical caricatures o f two Bostoo Blacky, and nore. You're sure to find your f avorite. B/W. superb print. $175.00.
favorite intematicnal pilStilres. A Zagreb fi lm. COlor. 400'. Good oondition. '; 29.50.

••••• ~ ..... O. W. Griffith Interview:

!lobert FrOst:
(1930). 5 minutes. B/W. Excellent oonditioo.

"A Lover's Quarrel With The World" is a beautiful OI'1&-oour d::lcunentary 00

the "poet :taUreate" of the USA. Loaded with rare footaqe of FrOst, including scenes with
$9.50 •

Hist:o:ty of James Bond in color trailers! Here's ale f or Janes Bald fanatics. Jlppradrnate1y President Kennedy . B""I. ('-oDd condition. ~125.00.
800' of the color trailers of J CITeS Bond's ITOVies in beautiful conditim. Fran the films,
Yoo OUy Live '!Wice, G:>l dfinger, 'lhundel:bal1, Ctl Her Majesty ' s Se cret Service , Diarronds Are Buster Keatoo Rides !\gain: On&-hour doc\:rrentary made in Canada. B/N. Good cxndition.
FOrever, fIve ana
Let fIve , Fran Russia Love. $75.00. $165.00.

'!he fo1larlng l&mt trailers are quite \<lOrn and s=atd1ed, but have tnoo sound and color. The Pl~r: 19{'8 film alxlut: w:>r1d-fffiDus phJtographer, EdNard I'leston. E/W. 12CO'.
$10.95 eadl (except Brigadoon). smaIl scrat s. $25.00.

The Bartlarian and the Geisha With A scng In ~ Heart

War M:wies: All silent, B/W , 400' each. $7.50 each. Light s cratches .
Perils of Pauline Tender Trap

Tarlght and Eve:ty Night H:ma stretch

Crises in Korea
l+xn OYer Miami Hello, Frisco , Hello
llc::ttbs Ibek: Italy
COver Girl Give My Regards To BroaGiay
Italy Surrenders
A SCIlg to RaternOOr lblly Sisters
Fight For Egypt
Valentino Bird Of Paradise
Russia Stqls Hitler
Rally Pound The Flag, Boys Brigadcon ($12.95)
Battle For Tunisia

••••• ) Pari s In the Twenties: A nostalgia-filled reel featuring many interesting and lIDusUal
Dracula Has Risen Fran The Grave: 100', color , good o::nditioo. $12.50. gnnpses Of the FrE!riCh capital during the Jazz Age . Highlighting this subject are many
celebrities shown in rare candid shots: Beatrice Lillie , Elsa l1aJ<well, Chaplin, Fairbanks
and Pickford, Marilyn l.uller, Bamett Cerf, F . Scott Fitzgerald, Harp:> Marx, C1'evalier,
The following trailers are black and white, 75' to 125' each, in good conditim . $5.50 COle R:>rter, and many nore. 10 minutes. BjW. Good condition. $16.50.
each (except The Misfits).
The Bond: 1 918 .
With Chaplin, Edna PurViance, Sydney Chaplin and Albert Austin. Beau­
The Ma%k Of Zarro tifUl print of Chaplin's f <l1DUS Liberty Bond slxlrt
made as his contribJtion t1Ward the war
Streetcar Named Desire effort. D3cidedly offbeat as the scenes were filmed against sqlised sets. A must f or
The Big Sleep all Cllaplin buffs. 10 minutes. B/W. Good condition. $22.50.
Sane Like It lbt
Geor;ae Bernard ShCM:
The Misfits ($7.50) (1927). Early sound Fox ~'bvietone short featuring Shaw in his first
soun screen appearance. Shaw oovers a wiae range of subj ects includin:J l1ussolini. Five
minutes. BjW. Fine CCl'ldition. $9.00.

The fol1.cMing televisim trailers are in color, in good conditicn, approximately 30', The 1-! 10 minute RdJert Youngson short. Fabulous footage of old ai:rp1anes .
$3.50 each. B/W. GOOd condi on. $19.50.
The Flying Nm The Partridge Fanily
The Jazz if!r: Life in Alrerica during the roaring 20's , f ran prohibition to the Crash.
The QJcet and Mrs. Muir Bewitd1ed
Narrated Fred Allen. B/W. 2000'. Excellent o::nditioo. $120.00.
The Odd Cbq>le Land o f the Giants

The Brady Bunch Here cttne The Brides

Life In The Thirties: Life in 1\nerica during the Depression : IrOvies, culture, the Dust
Bowl, FOR. 1939 w::>r1d's Fair. Excellent. 2000 '. B/W. $120.00.
Not So Long l\gO : Bob Hq>e narrates d:x:lJrenta:ty of lrneri.can lif e fran 1945 to 1950 - the
postlolar years to the ootbreak in Korea. Nostalgic and fascinating. B/W. 2000 '. Ex­
cellent oonditioo. $120.00 •
••••• FOR 8mn a:lIJ:EClURS • ••••
State of Alabama Peace March: NedSree1s of Selma, Alabama as citizens and Civil Rights
w::>i:kerS rnarai. B/W. 2400'. Great condition. $150.00.
A few 8mn and Sq>er 8 i t:ens strayed our way. I f these prO'.>e pq;>ular , we'll search out Disaster Fighters : Robert Youngson short. Exciting, actual disaster footage. 10 minutes .
more for our future catalogs. Here trey are: a/W. QXid cxndition. $18 .50.
~ Day , JIlly 1969 8mn 200 ' $ 4. 95 March of 'nle Movies : (1896 - 1948) . Perhaps the finest docunenta:ty ever made 00 f ilm.
Paris, Queen of cities 8mn 200' 7.50 Sponsored bY tli! />tlseun of />'bdern Art. 20 minutes. B/W. Exoellent o::nditicn. $37. 50.
Ni ght Cry 8nm 2x400' 15. 00
~te Dan 8nm 2x400' 15.00 William S . Hart: 25 minute doc:atenta:ty fran Si1ents Please series. B/N. Good oondition.
Be Reasanable 8nm 2x400' 15.00 $45. 00.
Joan of Arc Ilnm 2x400 ' 20.00
Young ~1 8nm 2x400 ' 15.00 Benson At Calford: (1926) Chapter One in 'nle COllegians serial. 20 minutes. Exoellent
Nasa Film 8mn 200 ' 4.95 CCii1itICii. $37. 50. B/W.
Cl1ild Birth : ~ child bixt:h at 1n1e. The whole f amily helps. Sq>er 8 ally. 200 '. Oliversal News : (1930's) 20 minute editioo of universal News events. B/W. Good ccndi­
Cb&, $15. 00. B/W, $7.50.
t!m. $37 . 50
• •••• SPORTS • • ••• - 9­
- 8­
••••• c::IASSIC crt-EDIES •••••

FOR BOXING F1lNS: ~ world dKmpicnship bouts - 15 rounds each. 1960 vintage.
Hamun andJ!1l~, Inc.: (1928) Hal Ibad:t's Little Rascals decide to stage a three-ring
Cll"CUS lllS a t e ! ana: when the animals get loose arocng the mte1 guests - chaos reigns! 1. Bantarrweight Cl\arrpion ,Jose Becerra
Hilarious canedy featuring a synchrcnized trusical soore and effects. Fully titled too. 20 vs . Alplalse Halimi (fomer Chanp).
minutes . Good ocnditioo. $37.50.
2. Jr. We1terNeight Cl\arrpien, Carlos Ortiz
A S'nall TcMl Iool: (1921) All-star Mad< Sennett canedy with Ben Tul:pin, Phyllis Haver, vs. Battling Torres of Mexioo.
Janes Finlayson, Marie Prevost, Louise Fazenda, Charlie Murray and Raton Novarro, before he
becarre a star. Ben's a oountl:y boy who goes to Hollywood and beocJres a big IlOvie star. Fights took place at Los Mgeles D:>liseum. B;W. Sound. In very nice <"CI1ditian. It:lunted
When he retums hone he disOO\lers not evezyone is a big fan of his, so the Keystooe Cops en five, 1200' reels. OVer b«> lx>urs of boxing enjoyment. $225. 00.
help save the day. A classi c Sennett cxmedy with sound soore. 20 minutes. Good ocndition.
$37.50. Olallen~ lake: D:n Cc[<P:>ell, fCltOus boat racing speedster, racing en Lake Mead.
Li9ht s bilE othezwise excellent cooditian. Beautiful color. 400 '. $15.00 .
Tars and striffi!:
n.ot beCause
(1935) Buster Keatcn i s a sail= at a Naval Acade1!{ wm nearly causes a
sergeant's girlfriend can' t keep her eyes o ff Buster. Several excellent ~4s We have 5e\'eral skiing fillrs that are B;W and loaded with skiing actien. Running
silent <XJtl2dy routines are featured by Keatcn. 20 minutes. Good condition. $37. 50. about 25 minutes. Sound, too. All have sare scratches and are priced aOCDrding1y
at $15.00 eadl .
!Xtrtsman: (1920) canedy riot with I.any Seron.
Print features all the original main
titles. 20 minutes. Silent. Good Cl:lnditicn. $37. 50.
~ vs • . Firpo: The farrous fight where De!lpSey got knocked through the ropes. Early
rare snent fOOtage . Good cooditian. $30.00 .
The ~ Si~ (1920) Mother delight ful cxmedy with the great stone face - the <me and

only ~ too! 20 minutes . Silent. $32. 50. Good oonditicn but dark titles .
Babe Ruth: (How He Hit Ik:ma RIms ). FilJred during a game betl->een New Y= k yankees and the
cIeVerana Indians in 1920. SlcM lIOtian. 400'. B;W. Excellent oondition. $33.00.
Barnyard W~ : Trained animals perfo nn as if they .>ere human. Hilarious: B/W. 100' •

GOOd cooCli 10n. $6.95.

~ Bobcats: Trafping animals by tl-lO boys . One o f them later farrous in the
~teels. B;W. 400'. Good shape. $33.00.
Between SI'lowers : Early Charlie Chaplin Keystcne classic. Laugh after l augh in the Chaplin
fraClitirn. B/W. 400 ' . Sound. $14 .95. Has scrat ch.
****. BI'I~1 BJlSUlENr *.*..
Fatty 's Chance ~tance: Fatty and Mabel with Hack Sennett's Keys1:ale gang. A hilari­
ous case of l1l1st~dentities. 191.'5 B;W. Silent. 400'. Good oondition. $19.95. All items are described as henestly as possible, are sold "as is", and are
priced accordingly. They are ~ returnable. sate goodies here!
H~ H~!: W. C. Fiel ds tries to be helpful by t aking a WClnan to the maternity hos­

p~, ~traffic and circumstances get in the way. Excerpt fran classic Fields feature.

Never Give A Sucker 1m Even Break: 'II. C. Fields, Gloria Jean , ~largaret IUIOlt, l.eCa1

400' . B;W. Good canditioo. $19 .95.

Errol. P~eldo; relates a strange tale of ranantic adwntures in a lTrfthical countl:y to a

skeptical novie producer. Barents of Fields at his best , and a wild chase scene at the

Installnent Collector: Fred Allen (1929). 10 minutes. B;W. Good oondit ion. $19.95 .
end. Just fair quality. Carplete. B;W. $75 .00 .
' Insurance : Eddie cantor (1930). 10 minutes. B;W. Good condition. $19 .95. Short theatrical trailers necle for use on television. r'lostly rolor. Hretly recent to

fru.rly recent releases. Average 25' in length. Ei<]ht different titles (our ciDice) for

Hits of the Past: Charlie Chaplin at his slapstickiest. A nrust for C.Chaplin cheerleaders. only $8. 95! (At these prices , you can afford to buy a bunch and '>Plice 'em together.

W':" B/W. Good cxmditioo. $17.50 . 'COurse you'd need a splicer. See our Supplies and Such Section)".

Red Noses: Hal Ibach Production. Zazu Pitts, Thelma Todd. The girls have ooIds, but the Arthur Hurray Dance Finals 1954: JI.bout 2 m urs of B;W sound filln. Lots of dancing.

h5S s wants then on the job SO he arranges for than to have a Turkish bath, of oourse . They
l6iiiteCI on tl~ , 2000' reelS . Qxxi qualit y . $25.00.

get "cured" all right. Good fun in an Art Deco gym! B;W. 800'. Good filln quality, but
poor sound. $32. 50. Hoose Gao: Laurel and Hardy. B/(v. 400' subject. Good sound. Small scratches. $15.00.
Close o..rt: en Radio Tapes : l\rrOs and Andy or Supemen. 'J.'\..D stx::rws on each cassette.

High Society Cradle Robbers Stage Fright

$3.00 or 4 for $1l.00 .

Ask Grandna The Fourth Alann Fira;orks

Buried Treasure Giants Vs. Yanks togs of War

Crusader Pabbit: TV cartoons. B;W. 200 '. Good oondition. $3.25 each. Nany different.
B::lys Will Be Joys Glorious Fourth Del:by Days

.B ack Stage
Bringing Hone The T1Jrkey
Good Cheer (Christmas)
Official Officers
Sherlock's Rivals

Save The Pieces

••••• ~nsCELLANEOUS *••**
The Buccaneers A Pl easant Journey July Days
Educatiooal Filros : 400' subjects. C<:>Od condition. B;W - $4.95; rolor - $5.95.
Better A Quie t street Tired Business Men

The <llarrpeen Smd:lwn Limited War Feathers

Black and ~1hite ~
The Cobbler Shiwering SIXXlks Seeing Things

Olynpic Ganes Thundering Fl eas

Turrbling Seasonal Changes In Trees

The Calendar

Taking Dictation

TIE (llost Parade: Early coneay aJ:out ghosts in a haunted mme . B;W. 300'. $12.00. JIerObatics
Electricity For Beginners
DeVeloping o:mm.mications Nature photogra};ily

:'heG:>lf ~st: F'aIl¥:m golf routine l¥ W. C. Fields. BOO' . B;W. Beautiful 0011­ Bcokkeeping and You DaralStratian lVith l£gnetism

ditien. •• Seasons
Birds Of The Countl:yside

O?nserving OUr Forests Ho._ We Elect Our J.l:presentatives

rnpIOve Your Typing The Settling Of The West

Spelling For Beginners Basic Hydraulics (Navy Film)

rnp:rove Your Spelling Winter Is An Niventure


What Is A COl:poraticn?

please fill out the belCM form and retunl to Nostalgic Cinema ,
MISCELLANEOOS (Continued) -10­ P. O. Box 2576, Palos Verdes, California 90274 . List fi lms and other
i terns you are l ooking f or. We will place this fonn in our special
'Want List" f ile and notify you if anything listed turns up.
CaIrera ~!agic : Sh:Ms trick: photography and special camera effects. B/W. Silent. 100'.
Very (jJOd oondition. P.50.

Dunes: 400' oolor, sound film o f lif e in tie desert. Al::solutely beautiful nature study
~auti ful oonditioo. $25.00. WANI' LISl'

Alire In Movieland: Ccndensed version of "A Star Is Born" . Writted I:¥ Ed Sullivan. stars

Joan leslie . Snall tCMtl girl wins beauty oontest and cx:rnes to Holl~. True Hollyw:xxl.

nostalgia. The W<I¥ lbllyw:xxl. used to be. Guest aJ?IEClrallres by Alan Hale, Ralald Reagan.

Twenty minutes. B/W. Beautiful condition. $37.50. I

***** SUPPLIES !'NO SUCl! ***** -
Fi lm Titles: Perscnalize your film library: Sh::M .'lema class I"J
your rrovie s with custan-made titles to splice to the be­

your films. They read : FIO-1 THE PERSCNAL FIlM CDLLECl'ICN OF

HEre) . Made I:¥ a profess icnal cameraman, they will greatly

your film library . (See sarrple enclosed) . A super bargain at

for a 100 foot roll.

Blue leader for splicing m the Heads of your fi lms - 100 foot roll - $3.00.

Red leader for splicing on tie Tails o f your filrrs - 100 foot roll - $3 . 00. _.- -
Cheepie Leader: Not as oolorful as the tl'iO above , but very satisfactory for leadering
your fJ.1illS . Accepts rrost felt tip pens. 100 foot roll - $2.00. I
• Note: By using these oolored leaders you can alW<I¥S tell ,
at a glance i f your film is Heads or Tails.
Kodak pressta~ Universal~li=: AccX:mrodates Super 8 as well as 8ntn and l 6ntn fi lrrs.
Separate pms or each h size provide proper alignment. A punch is provided for
securely seating the splicing tape around the sprocket holes. SUWlied with ten Super
8 pJ:esstapes, ten 8ntn pJ:esstapes and splicing instructions. $9.50.

Presstapes for Above Splicer: Pack:a~ of 20 (specify 8ntn, Super 8 or l6rrrn) - $ . 75 .

Kodak Film Cleaner (With Lubricant: Helps to keep f i lm :reaqy for clear projection at all
t~s. 4 ounre bottle - $1.25.

Projector Lens : 4" Kodak for Bell & Howell 385 , and 189 rrodels . $60.00.

~ of !1Jvie Making : Written by veteran Cinematographer, Robert
00; this 1 S a very remarl<able and instructive 000k for the rrovie '--CITY srl>irE ~.u- ­
camera user or beginning rrovie maker. Fbrty illustrated pages sh::M
step-by-step lXM to .shoot a rrovie . Included are the shooting script ,
storyboard , notes, behind the camera stills , etc. Aca:Jtpani.ed by the
l -- -- -
000k is an J\CI'U1\L CDPY of the film it sh<M.3 you hCM to shoot. In or­
dering , please specify regular 8 or Super 8ntn. $17.00. Please add
$ .75 for s hipping and handling.
Nostalgic Cinema
Box 2576
Pa l os Verdes, California 90274
- _. -

It em(s) Pri ce Total


u i

1111t. I

Shipping i
Ca lifornia residents olease add aoorooriate sales tax

Name St reet and No.

Ci ty and State
Zip Code I
All f ilms sold by Nostalgic Cinema are limited to Home and non-theatrical showings only. All
copyrights are retained by copyright holders.

I have read and agree to the above terms. am a film collector and these films are purchased
for my collection. Signed
BOX 2576


first class mail

Bruce Richards
1742 Evergreen Ave .
Akron , Ohio . 44301


: :

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