Home Movie Wonderland Presents Special 16mm Carnival 05-01-75

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Gatalog 0& good used 16mm movies


AS MUCH AS Welcome to Mov1e
100% OF super CARNIVAL c
OUR FRICES t10n used 16mm II
•• IN TRADE f1lm listed is 0
CREDIT •••• sold they may ne
OR AFFROX. • •• so we ask you
F.AU' THIS choices it you c
••. IN CASH I oompletely. THI
FILMS ••••••• Use layaway i t y,
BUT CNL~ Ii' pOsit •••We'll ho.
YOU GIV US days and you may
FULL ••• 'lEPEAT •• Layaway is a CA:
F'l:LL :~:FS~MTICJ We can NOT accep1
• JlHI'::H FILM IS ;.rOUNl'ED,
IF THE ONLY INFORMATION YOU SEN;) :;:5 :'HE TI:LE" and a !·ew s_ :'\~ remarks wh1ch are not very /1 !/o()r order is ./
revealing, then all we can offer you 1s ~l.jO oer reel 1n :~DE-IN CREDIT (no cash). We
really cannot take the time to l ook up lnforill~~lon in referapce books, check out films abd
,evaluate them, from sparse 1nfor~a>1on ••••• c si ~ply does not pay us. IF you g1ve us FULL

ON. is kinB paid

.details and you are honest about tnc true PHY3:CAL CONDITI N etc., then we will offer you
£~ , Ple.se AP,

'OF HALF THAT AMOUNT IN CASHI. f y~ u cannot G'l bothered to ~l.ve us all th e information,

"-nd you will accept $1. 50 per re& l \ bas ed on j 0Jfeet a s being "one reel") then, in that

ca se, all you need do is send t1tles and approximate lengtn. It's up to YOUI If you want

. orne",
the BIG DEAL you have to put 1n a li ttle effortl •• fair enougn ?


THE OPTION TO WITHDRAW OUR OFFER. If you accep t CASH, then we send you a check after we

have checked out the film. It usually takes approximately FOUR WEEKS or so to complete the
transaction. If you prefer CREDIT (which is us ually TWICE as much as we can g1ve you 1n

CASH) then you will receive a CREDIT VOUCHER for future films purchase. You can NOT use
oast. Monty Woole
operator who 1s fJ
ent trade-in offer can not apply to anything issued in current catalog. It does take about
65. He sets out,
f our weeks to complete transactions, so plan on using any credit you have coming, for some
job back, but to t
FUTURE purchase, from any catalog curre nt at the time you receive the credit voucher.
pany into a state
Generally speaking, we can NOT now acc spt such films as COMMERCIALS, TRAILERS, TRAINING
FILMS, INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISEMENTS and the like, as these have very little value, except in

certe.in exceptional cases. We WILL be pleased to make GENEROUS OFFERS on good condition
"'EATURE FILNS (nothing newer than 1958, generally speaking I ) ONE AND TWO REEL SHO:lTS, such
usual "Brooklynese
BENNETT as a "play,
(who passed away 0:
WITHDRAWN. We cannot cope with TRADE Wayne, Jean Peters
IN FILMS after this • • • • • As refreshi:
do~~ s= M= =~Z:-~~
Excellent print
you act now I.
Sic, stl
TON as a suave, SO]
of the peace, who I
gang of cut throat
make a good l1v1ng
.is here.l the rock-bound coa
comes to the legend
and exper1ences ma
FA8VJ.OUS T/W)(-IN (NEDIT rOil YOUR. UKWANTEb FliMS! GO(}c/ )/()lZtinB! TERROR. Robert Ne
several other well
~EN1EM8E,<: FOR GENERotlS C/<.EIJI' (vp -10 100X) Ole C-I1SI1 this terrific adve~
OFr-eRg, tJc ,NE"CIJ Pt/"£'L INFoRM RTIt:>N fJ-!44Jhai!/()V hare__ complete and in eXQ
a few very minor sd
note •• Worth $150 • ••

.~ '.q

, ~
Welcome to Mov~e Wonderland ••• and our ~ I ~ I~ CATALOG has
several GENUINE V
ITEMS whlch we PUl' ­
100% OF
super CARNIVAL catalog ot good oond1­
tlon used 16mm movles •••Almost every ;t IU~ ~
~ ~
ohased from estates of de ceased movle
fans. Once they have been sold , that's
tllm 11sted ls one ot a klnd •••• onoe
•• IN TRADE sold they may never agaln be avallable 5( C) ~ 1t so grab 'em wh1le you have a chancel
CREDIT •••• • •• so we ask you to please g1ve 2nd Ull:'~
OR APFROX . oholces 1f you can ••• DO NOT ORDER FROM ClJI() ~ ~ pay postage on orders ot $20 and


HALF THIS OLD CATALOGS. Eaoh lssue sells out •• over. If your order ls under $20 •••

AMOUNT •••• oompletely. THIS CATALOG CANCELS ALL please add extra 50¢ to pay for paok­

••. I N CA SH t FORMER EDITIONS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ag1ng, hand11ng and postage. All films

UNWANrED Use layaway lf you wlsh ••• send $10 de­

~~~ are in good to excellent cond1tion, &

all have been repa1red where necessary

FILMS •• ••• • . O::t We do NOT sell NEW tllms ••• but we DO

days and you may pay balanoe as you w1sh.

pos1t •••We'11 hold f1lms for up to 100
offer new-oond1tion films at a FRACTION

~G~ of the or1g1nal costl
We can liQI accept trade-1n f1lms as pay­
We have no "open" or "credlt" ac­

F:iLL ::::;FO :'AT :C~­ ment for LAYAWAY ltems, so please bear

[TLES, LENGTH, thls ln m1nd.
counts. Send cash w1th order, please.

[SICAL CONDITION, Be sure to read the spec1al announce­

C.O.D. orders, please send $10 deposlt OC!}\ ment further on •••••Thank you tor your


11ch are not very
/1 qovr order ic lor LESS thete 7200;
r (no cash). We O~ is PeI'n8 pai' for irr CREPIT YOt/C/!·
1eck out f11ms a~d
? you g1 ve us FULL
~e will offer you
£&,§, Pleace A{)()F.,rrRA o()rIoI'Po/t.

the information,
) then, in that

~ffilms,; I

YOUI If you want

u a check after we
so to complete the INTERMEZZO Leslle Howard wlth Ingrld
can give you in Bergman ln a poignant story ••
You can NOT use of a ooncert v1011n1st whose searoh for
NO, so your pres-
It does take about ~~~ happiness oan only result in tragedy ••
e coming, for some ~~l' tor those he loves I Some beautlful mu­
s10 ••• an on looatlon sequenoe ln sunny
edit voucher.
ILERS, TRAINING Ilto~ Spaln•••and a wonderful souven1r to hav~
•••••Edna Best and John Halllday are in
value, except in ~<::)~
~~CI) thiS, tool Not likely to be around ••
,n good condition againl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 98.00
It cope w1th TRADE
,~ '" THE GA~~ PEOPLE Paul Douglas ••••Eva
Bartok•• Walter R11Ia ••
Two Amerloan newspaper reporters enter
[LMS after this
'.r" .... .. ..., ....... - ...

~I~ a mysterlous k1ngdom (not even on the

- - -...;>"") - ~))~ map) and find an evl1 so1entlst 1s en­
Lct nowl • . JAMAICA INN The ORIGINAL screen clas­ "'\ "'i ~ gaged 1n a horr1fy1ng experlmentl A
s1c, starrlng CHARLES LAUGH­ ~ medleval oastle 1s the headquarters for
TON as a suave, sophlstlcated justlce ~ ~ tb the strange operat10ns. A super chll­
~ ~ ~
of the peace, who ls head of a v1clous
gang of cut throats and robbers who ••
make a good l1v1ng by wrecklng shlps on
I~ ~
"'\ ler-thr111er w1th adventure & sclence­
flction exoltement from start to fln­
ishl Photographed on locatlon ln the
the rock-bound coastl MAUREEN O'HARA ~ <':) .... Swlss Alps •••Excellent pr1nt 98.00
oomes to the legendary "haunted" 1nn IlYi :-t ~
and experlences many nlghts of sheer ~ ~ ~ SAPS AT SEA Laurel & Hardy are testers
,c/ )/()rt(inB! TERROR I Robert Newton, Lesl1e Banks & n; ~ t) ln a horn factory •••• Ollle
several other well known stars are 1n ~ goes berserk and h1s doctor recommends
th1s terr1fic adventure-thrlller d1rec­ ~ ~ ~ a sea voyage. Instead of relaxing, the
I O(c C.lfSII ted by ALFRED HITCHCOCK. Th1s is fully ~ '" ~ pa1r f1nd themselves w1th a stowaway •••
complete and 1n excellent conditlon... ~
tfOV hare__ a tew very m1nor scratches, noth1ng ot ~
a notorlous orlminall . Great funl Nloe
clean prlnt, oomplete tor only 75.00
note •• Worth $150 ••• a ~ tor only 110.00 '"

- ' - ""':: ­

OKLAHOMA FRONTIER Johnny Mac Brown•• ~
Bob Baker •• Fuzzy Knight
and the Texas Rangers ••• Dlrected by Ford ~ 11'; RAINBOW VALLEt
Beebe ••• The days of the "land grab" •• ~~ i.~ (6) -GIl
races to homestead government acreagel tJ ti) Bl11 , Jr. 1n a s
Lots of dirty work, murder and skulldug- ~ ~ -:-s fiLL IN GOOD CONDITlOf( - READY outlaws terrorize
58.00 ~ ~ ~ To RUtl .... /N METAl-- CANS ~IIND
gery in this dandy Westernl and it's ing to run ever yo
a beautiful prlnt, tool they can take ove
IU ~ ~ POSTAGE PAID, 7O~ /-)"II)W/ John Wayne comes
Beautiful prlnt • •
Afghanistan••• where trees ..... ~ ~ jewel theif hi-
Awar d Wlnnlng sta
are so rare they are often c~nsidered r~ ~ ding in Girl's School •• a wild plaoe •• t erns I RGabb;yR H
sacredl Here live a remote and strange , -, "\3 " t d t fi ht -- a n 014 Ford I Tar
people ••• Haw they buUd their homes •• • ~ ~ ~ s u en s g ,cheat, lie & that's not a big oastl A un
unique I Mohammedanism is the religlon I.ti I\j \.. alII TERRY THOMAS • • JOYCE GRENFELL PLUS tor's 1tem i n nea
which imposes some weird restrictions on ~ Co wacky funs tel's & sery girls take a trip
life I ~!us 1c I strange to our ears •• The " \!J.:q:: to Rome I Alastaire Sim has a brief part THREE STRANGERS
wrItten l a nguage is similar to Sansarit ~ "< j.n this frantic comedy RIOTI •••• 88.00 P
••• an a noient Ind1an form of writing. . .. .9:::J ~ THE J CKIE GIEA80N SHOW a SPECIAL with F1tzgerald •• • • • S
gether three str
Butter ...from goat's ml1k .. making ohee s e -lO ~ ....l ( 6) "The Honeymooners"
••• plowing ••• women do "heft y work"l l -...: \. , Eve ••• t o s hare 1
Grind1ng corn .. the in,r;eniolls water mill l ,, ~ ~ on tourl Here they "lnvade" Berlin ••• Before the drawi
Weavlng • • pottery maklng •• • Q burlal feast q
~~' ~ ART CARNEY • • SHE ILA MC CRAB •• JUNE TAYLOR tr i guing adventu
Wors h l p •• .(' emarkabl~ ._
_ les
__ .. 75 .0 I.,
E:x. c ond _
_____ '"
~,i:i .
cracks ••• Lots of FUN I ... e....
DANCERS & great cast ••••• Terrlfio wise-
)8.00 winner • • • • • but t
m1nate 1n stark
SO YOU WON 'T TALK JOE - E - BROWN in a \j~ _~ll' ness l Exciting
----tremen tously funny oomO!. :s: A FLOCK OF TROUBLE Barbara Stanwyck • • great stars at t
dy of a mild mannered writ e r •• •and a v i - ~ ~~ COLOR: !11lton Berle ... Richard an exc ell ent prl
i t h k ",:'C I Long .. Peter Breck •• Lee Majors .... Linda
C ous gangs er ... w 0 a re lDEHTICAL 1 0 0 - U ""- Evans ...Terrifio Western in beautiful..
• allke s l Joe plays b~ t h parta i n a f as t
moving fun riot that is eo SCREA1.1t A
~ sr
~ ~::::l
COLORI Really NE\i condltion, tool A
CCI.I.' 1 ector ' s Treat I ~
... ....... .. 7 2 .00 (U
'<:; 1" ' '"' ' poker
A game produoes
ca ttl e rano h b ecomes

hl1arious results I
a sheep ranch I A
Western, packed'
1;> ~ ~ one man typh oon demolishes a bar I Uncle Crawford c o-star
missing la1flllan ,
CHANDU ON THE MAGI C I SLE Bela ,Lugos ! " v Mlltie glvbs a terrific performanoel ...
as a Master IfJagicia n 9 ~ r,.. A treasure I . . .. .......... ••••• 78.00 tured by Mexican
who battles the "CAT PEOPLE" on a t~opl- 'tIJ VJ
cape l Print in
cal island I secrfet pa~sathagetS lt The "d tlS- ~ ~ ~ ISN'T LIFE WONDERFUL? 10 reels of good.
appearlng ring 0 f ire ranspor s ~ - clean fun, with llfe t
people through time and spacel We ird l ~ ~ as It was in the early days of blcyoles big a box offi ce
Fasclnatingl and a rare gem from t he ...... <t and "horseless ca.rriages " . CECIL PAR.T{ER -Midnight Cowbo;y
days of "saturday }latlnee Serials" ... Q:;:' "'" Donald Wolf itt and. a cute little "Tom MASON •• MARGARET
This full-length feature was made from
such a serial ••• and is fully complete
••• nice print, t o o l . . . . . ••••• 9 8 • 00
I 0 ~
0 " CI) ~
Sawyer" type rascal, "live It up" with
some unusual pranks I Fun at an old-time
carnival ••• a daring adventure ••• a trq in
of oonvenience ~
Some real ly excl
.:;;: ~ ~ r i de I Great f or f amily shows ..... and in moments i n this
CITY FOR CONQUEST James Cagney ..Arm I 0", nlce c ondlt ion, 1;001 . .. .. .... 78.00
Sheridan ••Anthony Quinn
Frank McHugh •• Donald Crlsp •• John Craven
II.U ~~
''l-lATER FAMINE"(6) A.:m&zlng revelation s on
and several other big stars , plus a 5 UC - j ~ ~~ a c ri t ical sltuat l on •• the Academy Award wl
cesslon of fabulous tunes f rom Warne r ~ ~ fact that there l s NOT ENOUGH WATER to fast paced s tory
Bros. earlier musicals ...A s t ory of New ::s <t \') support all life on e arth I Baok to ... t rains I Fearles
an outlaw to une
York ...and the rise to fame of a e t rug- (;') ~ ~ Babylon .. 'as l t i s today ) and t he h ls­
gllng composer and a fight e r. The co.n- ..... ~:-;:. tor y of n:.an's 11fe on earth l Here in nals I Print has
fllct ..... gang wars, double-de aling •• • ~"X the U.S. we need at l east 5 gallons per but has been ove
heartbreaks and triumphs ot the hect.io lti ~ pe r son •••We usea minh:um of 200 gallons
days of "dog eat dog". Cagney is a t h ls Q~ t' per person l By 1980 there wlll NOT be EVERYBODY'S OLD
best. Ann Sher1dan and Anthony Quinn ~ Q enough wat l?r for a huge percentage-of
are a dance duo ... Frank McHugh and h l s
infectious laugh •••Arthur Ke nne dy as t he
0 GS ~I.. the human r aceS POLLUTION I Ugh I The
FACTS are HERE I Where does the future
of the theat re i
vies •• • ••wl th Ro
oomposer ••• t hey're all here ln a de l lght 9:: ~ ~ lead? Historlcal footage ••• early days Downs • Rivalry
ful full-length COLLECTOR'S ITEM I Ends ~ ~~ of Californla ...Taking the salt out of companies makes
wlth full-scale musioal presentation In ~}.;: sea water ••• the ONLY hope left for man- 90 min. or so of
the glor10us style of We ~ner ' s in thelr ~~ klndl Starvatlon••••• over populatlon and all for only
"Golden Era". Nlce clean prlnt ••and a ~ lij ~ ....... a fabulous fl1ml Some scratches
real BIG onel for only 110.0 .... but really O.K. ••••••••••••• 28.00


rrAFllnlr r l l AII~ ·'ALL' PRiCED BELOW

,.... r'£",,~ CtJR.R€NTMAR.KET 5
nn.INBOW VALLEl JOHN WAnE. wIth Geor ge -IF
( 6) "Gabby " Hayes &: Buffalo VAt-tE _SUPPLIED 1/'1 CANS - / GJ,~PE
"" Ie
BIll. Jr . In a s uper westernl A gang of
')17ION - R£ADY
outlaws terrorizes a small oommunity try­
Ing to r un everyone out of town so that • SPECIAL BARGAIN GROUP OF FEAT{

they oan take over the entire territory. There aren't many features le1

J -roO /-Y(()W/ John Wayne comes along just in timet • •

Beautlful prlnt •••and one of the Academy
days , under $SO ••• As time roll

$50 w111 seem a low prioel He

RINIANS Notorious
Award Winning star's first feature wes­ l ast of the barga1n-priced spe

jewel theif hi­ t erns I "Gabby" Hayes z:rcres the range in • Th1s 1s your ONE ot

l •• a ~ place •• an old Fordl TerrIfl0 "shoot out" wlth

t. lie & that's not a big castl A unlque •• •and rare colleo-
JOYCE GRENFELL PLUS tor's ltem ln nearly new oond. 68.00 1 ' ~ WORM'S EYE VIEWsex Dbombshell
1ana Dors, sizzllng
• • last of

y girls take a trip

8im has a brief part ~ the "bosomy blondes" w1th a "tun" eas t

THREE STRANGERS Sldney Greenstreet • •• I in the story ot a "gone group " of army
dy RIOTI • ••• 88.00
Peter Lorre •• Gera ldlne
a SPECIAL with
Fitzgerald •••• •Strange foroes brlng to­
get her three stranger s • • • on New Year's
o -...;
oharacters 1n the film version of t he
long- run stage sucoesst 32.00 .....
Eve •• • t o s hare i n a sweepstake tioket l ..J GIRL IN THE PICtURE Donald Huston w1th
"invade" Ber11n ••• ' Before the drawing , eaoh experienoes i n­
~C CHAE •• JUNE TAYLOR triguing a dventures •• •the ticket 1s a ~ Patr1c1a Holt. A cop
1s murdered I (that ' s a crime Nowadays?)
~ ••••• Terr1f1c wise­
w1nner ••• • • but t hen c ircumstances cul­ the only clue 1s 1n a photo t aken by an
~I ......... 38.00 minate 1n stark tragedy ••• murder &: mad­ undent1f1ed stranger. An "eager beaver"
nessl Exc1t1ng thr111er w1th these •• r eporter undertakes the task of s olvi ng

Barbara Stanwyck•• great s tars a t thelr bestl And t his 1s
lton Berle ••• R1chard an e xoellent pr1nt , t ool ... .... 110.00 the cr 1me t Exo1t1ngl ••••••• 32.00
Lee Majors •••• L1nda
stern 1n beaut1ful •• ~' ARSON. INCORPORATED Robert Lowery and
THE RIFLEMAN (6) Chuck Connors 1n a Anne Gwynne • • • • • F1re
condition, tool A dandy hour long (approx.)
hilarious resultsl Western, paoked w1th act10nl Johnny !.u ­ bug creates havoc as bu11dlngs up 1n
mes a sheep ranch I A Crawford co-st ars ••• Searoh1ng for a • •
;t , flames I No one can d1soover h1s lden-
olishes a bar l Uncle m1ss1ng lawman , t he R1tleman 1s oap­
~ t1tyl "Like new" condo only 32.00
lfio performancel ••• tured by Mexlcan outlaws l A dar1ng es-

28.00 ~
•• •••••••• •• • • 78. 00 FULL SPEED AHEAD Good "co-feature ­
capel Prlnt 1n new oond1t1onl from long agol Plenty
I j- of action on board a sh1p w1th a orew
L1 10 reels of good tHE MAN IN GREY A class 1c from the
of v1lla1ns l M01ra LYnd •• R1chard Norris
--clean fun. with life th1rt1es, wh10h was as
rly days of bicycles b1g a box offl ce ' h1t in 1ts day a s ••• Bargain priced l ......•• .•. ..

lages ". CECIL PAH.'CER "M1dn1ght Cowboy" 1s currently I JAMES
a cute little "Tom MASON• •MARGARET LOCKWOOD •••• ••STEWART MURDER WITHOUT CRIME Excellent mystery
• "live it up" w1th
GRANGER ••• PHYLLIS CALVERT ••A marriage ..... thr111er, s tarrlng
I Fun at an old-time
ot oonven1ence results 1n gr1m tragedy I
Dennls Pr1ce w1th Derek Farr. An author

~ .......
adventure • •• a trqin
Some r eally exclt1ng, sp1ne-tingling
th1nks he knows all the answer s
mily shows ••••• and in
moments 1n t h1s 2hr thrl1ler l 78 .00 unt1l • • ••• 1 'j4:00
It • •••••••• 78.00

WYOMING MAIL Stephen McNal ly ••Alex1s ~ ON THE SUNNY SIm Jane Darwell, Roddy

""'~"'" ,
~zlng revelations on Smlth •• • Jame s Arnes s and MoDowell •••• •A mov1ng
,tlcal situation •• the Academy Award w1nn1ng Ed Begley 1n a s tory of a young boy who comes to the
NOT ENOUGH WATER to fas t paced s t ory of the f1rst mail ••• U.S. from war-torn Europe and meets new
trainsl Fearl ess adventurer poses as ' ,' problems I A good "oldie" you ' ll thor­
l earth I Back to •••
today) and the his­ an out l aw to uncover a gang of orim1-
nalsl Pr1nt has s ome "ra1n" s oratohes
8 ,;' oughly en30Y ..... ••. .. •. ....
on earthl Here in
~ les Dt 5 gallons per
llnit:um of 200 gallons
but has been over hauled ••A BUYI 4S~00
~ LITTLE WOMEl:! A" full , length feat\ll'e. , • •
wlth an "operatlo" mus1cal
A "grand old man" ~ t r eatmen , based on the famous story•• •
A bargai•.- prlced novelty 22.00 .....
huge percentage-of
)LLUTIONI Ugh I The of the theatre 1n one of h1s rare mo­ ~ ,

lere does the future v1es •• • ••w1th Rochelle Hudson, Johnny ' .......

... _ --
Erlka Remberg ••• Hel mut
Downs . R1valry between two cann1ng
-..l ~-
, ...... _ ~_~ '-- _ _ ..... 1 _ _ ~ 4'!0 \

'ootage ••• early days

ting the salt out of
~Y hope left for man­
compan1es makes f or s ome exc1t1ng f unl

90 m1n. or so of great enterta1nment •• ~

,••• over population

f l1ml Some scra t ches
28 . 00
and all for only............. 42.00

r~ , A real buy I 22.00

> •• • • • • • • ••• •
RtAr'1 alii' DON'1 EEli' Tile-SIT It{ 7'lIli'llrl(ES
6 /J

o!?'cll5fll ~Nr. iI. RtI!/ MotU'.I - JJtlr THE liST OF CO

7' 'Jl
¥()V CIIN OWN 71I1£M G RON 1/'1 yoGJR­
OWN -I+OMG:'/'_ _~_ _ _ _ _~_

OF AU... / , KINOS. ~ KIDDIN' AFRICA (1) Little Shirley •••
is e
/t'p 01 reels is irz 0 brackets. ~ -... 'some very cute, Temple (aged 4) with (AL TOWNE) Who gets
----:=~ ______________ ~, __~~__________ ~ ~ talented tiny tots in funny s ltuationsl ~
ABBOTT & COSTELLO ON VACATION A & C L ~.~ a comedy riot ••• based on "Tarzan" •• As so of good fun. We
(1) are holiday bound~" l~ well as being terrific fun, this is a these •••most have a
••• but it takes a heck of e 'time t o get'll.: rare item for Collectors •••• Great gags tool Great buy for
ready I Then the trip itself is some- ~ in thiS, t o o l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.50
thing elsel Good comedy I 10.50 ~ ~ _~ GOOD OLD CORN (2) Monte Banks never Here's a c1
~ ~~ goes around with another sat ion of an old-t1me
MONKEY BUSINESS (1) This is a really ~~, man's wife ••• unless he can go 2 rounds Girl dresses as a sal
funny ••• funny comedy in ~ ~ ~ with her husband I Fun at the seasidel boy frlend on boar d I
the "Speaking of Aniwds" series. Mon- ~ ~ B:I.lly Bevan is demolished •• Mack Sennett ••••• orlginally silel
keys, chimpanzees and assorted furry ~ ~ ~ bathing beautiest Dramatic r e s c ue with titles where needed • •
creatures perform with the added "gim- f'- ~ , lifeguard on a b i cycle •• Dari ng l e ap from Muslc on sound track
mick" of"':'ALKING" I By clever faking . ~ R~ pier •• • head fi r st i n t o the sandt OLIVER
they are made to appear to talk ••••and
there are some HIlA..lUOUS situa~iunsl A
~ ~ ~
~ 4.i~
HARDY & Larry Seemon in slapstack comedy
in a bakeryl Billy Bevan w1th pilloWs
classici Excellent print .. I·/el.L worth I ~ ~ on his feet & rocks in his head as ,,\•• of rlval bus l1nes e.1
$28 • • •• •Take it for only 10.50 ~ ~ l'G burglar ••• WILDt crazy fun gag s in t~~ , _ the franohise I origi
---=c==--;-::c-;--::::--.~~;:-:::~o=--.:=::;- ~ ~ ~ Terrlfic comp1latlon of Mack Sennet~. 's-· has excellent sound-
EASY STREET (1-) Charley Chaplin joins ':::..... best comedies I Excel . pr int 28.00
the po11ce force I His ls ~ ~ ~
successful, in catching the looal "tough" ~ I ~ SAILOR MAID (2) POLLY MORAN I Comedi­ NEAPOLITAN NIGHrS A
guy in this old-time silent comedy olas- ~ ~
track added ••• new shape 1. J 'l ~ ,l enne sho starred with Marie
sic •••••with excellent mus1cal soundO ~O' ~ ~ ~ Dressler in many great laugh fests •• To
avoid deportation, Polly gets involved
REL and HARDY dolng t
cause poor Henrr Arme
mind I Chased by a b~
I ~ ~ Fast action •• Colleotor's Iteml
with a sailor to get aboard his ship •• speotacular crash in
FIREMAN (1) Another Charley ChapliT, 22.00
classio ••• oomplete in i ~ ­

self though made from the original • • ~}....1

souvenlr of a wonder~

lOng~r version. ' The ' old-time fire en­ ~~~ THEIR FIRST MISTAKE (2) Can you imagine
& Hardy with a
gines ••• the hero of the hour •• Charleyl Qj ~ , baby? The pair get Laurel themselves into a days of slapstlck 00=
'Good old good one •• music added 10.50
~ ~ unique situation • ••wioh is absolutely and the Kerstone Kops
THE PAWNSHOP (2) CHARLEY CHAPLIN in ~~ FRANTIC I One of the funniest 2 reel ••
comedies to oome our way 1n yearsl Very
and other funsters 1n
you'll treasure I Or1
one of his BEST comediesl ~ ~ 0, nioe clean complete print 25.00 has a speclal sound-t
, -Do you really want a~? Something •• ~ ~ effects ••• New cond1t1
you will be proud of? THIS IS ITI
Charley is an assistant to the pawn­ ~ ~ ~ YOU CAN'T WIN (1) A genuine "Pete ••
~ ~ ~ , Smith Speclalty" starring BOB'S BUSY DAY (1)
broker and he runs the store •••••with ~ ~ ' Dave 0 'Brlen as the long sutfering slob tz
a "flair" for de!1.11ng with various cus­
tomers who are potential troublemakers I
~ ~1 Who is a viotim of outrageeUR;fortunel Amer1can tourlst 1n e
He foils a hold-up and. even has time to _. b-. A{ Great gags, one after another, in one town on "Don't Do It
~ ~ ~ of the BEST in thls terr1fic seriesl •• contest I A "free eXI
fool around with the boss's daughter I
This has a specially suitable sound •• ~ s: S'l' You'll howl at th1s1 Excel.pr1nt i2.00 allows anyone to do ~
track added •••AND it is remarkably olear ~~~ RAILROAD STOWAWAYS Andy ' Clyde & Billy
onlyl Lots of great
ltem for collectors c
Worth ALL of $40 •• take it for.. 28.00 ~ ~
and AMBER tinted. '• • & in "like new" oond.
'- ' 1" Bevan on a speeding
_ ~ trainl . . Lets of fun in this old-time co­
,____________~_____________ .~~ medy •••••wlth special mus1cal sound ~. BATTLING KANGAROO (:

~~a~~~nap~~:~:~~;~~!a~it~r~~~~;;; I' ~~~~ ~~',: ":~a:::50

P the oirous •••and a ~
:::::oad:::••::::::e::d ::::: 1 tra1ned to flghtl A
lots of heotio, slap:
You may TRADE-IN your Q!m films for, •• ~ Wife is a tyrant •• so Oliver great oomedy from the
generous CREDIT or CASH. Write in and his pal concoct an lnvolved routine sound added •••• •• '
FIRST and g i ve ~ information on to pull the wool over her eyes & have a
WIiiit you have to trade-ln . night "on the town". Unfortunately •• THE JUDY CANOVA SHOW
~ ~ she gets wlse to the scheme and pulls a 1
TRADE - n' of customers films ENDS at • r;: "fast one" of her own I The boys go to
!-;J ~ SQ a night club ••• followed by Stan's wife
comedienne 1n a t as t·
MIDNIGHr on AUG. 25th . Aftertlilt date goes 1nto the res taw
we do not aocept f1lms in trade until ~ § ~ . .. Then the firE' ~ks start I Very fun­ hilar10us results I E
FEBRl:.'l.RY 20th 1971 • • " .. Ac" nowlill v,) ~ ...... nyl Scarce now, ..enulne buy I 28.00 a grand souven1r ot t
--- ,------------------~--~-------­ persona11t,I ••• • ••



€'S£" It{ ""/lclli'/(tS ---- - -

.I - 4Jvr THf 81ST OF COMIDIIS f ea t uring . . ~ ~os~ pricacl at.
GleV" IN youR... THE _ GR_E_~TESJ. CQ~~DI~_~
ALL AROUND TOWNE _lJ ) Denni S 0 Keere
' I I
$1J) and OI4er, are.
in cans '
,ittle Shirley ••• is a New York columnist ~~ ~ ..• in the comedy classics of the century
(aged 4) with (AL TOWNE) Who gets into hilariously ~~ ::s. . ­
;ed tiny tots in tunny s i tuat ionsl A grand half hour or ~ <::S
on "Tarzan".. As so of good f un. We have just a few of ~ ~ ~ WHAT'S TO DO? (2)
) fun, this is a these •• •mos t have a BIG "Guest star", ~ ~ Coughlan • • Harr1 M1ers
lrs •••• Great gags too l Great buy tor only ••••• 9.50 ~ ~~ Dorothy Ward in a rollioking oomedyl ••
t •••••••••• 10.50 """ ~ Teenagers of the early thirties &: Shirley
SHIP SHAPE . Clitf Bowes &: Virginia Vanoe ~ ~ Temple in one of her EARLIEST screen ap­
flonte Banks never Here's a oute, COMPLETE oonden- ~ ~ pearanoes • •••• • • She is about four years
~d with another sat ion of an old-time slapstick comedy. t'~~ oldl Excellent souvenir I ••••• 25.00
e can go 2 rounds Girl dresses as a sailor to be near her : ~
n at the seasidel boy fr1end on board ship. Lots of gags ~ ~.
WHISTLING LIONS (1) It's Charley Chase
shed •• Mack Sennett •• • • • or1ginally s1lent ••• has a11 sub- ~~ ~ in a wildly imaginative
amatic rescue with titles wher e needed ••• 200 ft •• New condo "i ~ ~ comedy, with some wacky animals • • • and a
e •• Darlng leap fr om MusIc on sound trac k • • • •• .. ... 7.65 q:.~' ~ tr1p half-way around the worldl origin­
° the sandI OLIVER
In slaps tack comedy
evan with pilloWs
TAKE NEXT CAR (1) Charl1e Chase 1n a
wonderful old oomedy
\L. ally silent, this pr1nt has excellent
~ musical track & all t1tles and a very
~~ ~ nice print, tool............. 10.50

.n his head as 1\ ",•• ot rival bus l1nes and a raoe to w1n ~!!'\ ~
!y fun gags In t~,~ ._ the franch1sel Or1ginally s1lent. this ~~ ~
of Mack Sennet!".' s'- has exce11ent sound-traok of mus1c 10.50 ~ ~ Oii HOG WILD (2) Laurel &: Hardy put up an
1• print • •• _ 28.00 antenna on the roof of •••
A 200ft COMPLETE ••• ~ ~ ,~
Ollie's house ••• Kany and var1ed aoc1­
NEAPOLITAN NIG1f1'S dents oocur almost every other m1nute'
lLY MORAN I Comedl­ sequence featurlng LAU- SS ~ Several falls off the roof ••• lnto a Illy
/tarred wlth Marie REL and HARDI d01ng their "handies" that ~ h pond I A wild car rIde on top of a tee- '
It laugh festS.. To cause poor Henry Armeta to go out of his ' ~ ~ tering ladder I A spectacular crashl
~lly ge~s Involved m1ndl Chased by a bull, the boys make a l\. ~ One of the BEST L&H comed1es' 24.00
aboard his shlp •• speotacular crash- in th1s great little n.. ~ ~
,r's Iteml 22.00 souvenir of a wonderful palrl 7.00 ~~ ~ TWO WAGONS - BOTH COVERED Very rare
~5~ (2) old-t1me comedy•••
(2) Can you imaglne MUDDLED IN MUD (1) A glorious "t1ash- ~ ~ """ spoof on "Covered Wagon" w1th WILL

urel &: Hardy with a back" to the good old ,~I ~ ROGERS play1ng two ' partsl Thls-rB

themselves into a days ot slapst10k comedy I PORD STERLING ~ ~

~unique ••• orignallY silent With
lch is absolutely and the Ke1stone Kops ••• MABEL NORMAND... ~ ~ sound added and all t1tles lett in•••
funniest 2 reel •• and other funsters 1n a tantast1c oomedy ~ COLLECTOR'S ITEM well worth more than
way in yearsl Very
rint ••• 25.00
you'll treasure I Or1ginally Silent, th1s ~ S) ~
has a specIal sound-traok of musio and ~!!i l\
effeots ••• New condltlon ••••••• 12.00~ ~ ~ THE PATAL GLASS OP BEER W. C. Flelds,
A genuine "Pete • •
ipecialty" starring BOB'S BUSY DAY (1) BOB HOPE In a •• ~~ ~ (2) George Chandler
in a "way out .. comedy. w1th the sardonlc
long suffering slob
,utrageaua' fortune I
frant1c oomedy ot an
Amer1can tour1st 1n a sleepy Mex1can
~~ ~ ~ humor ot a great artist I A skit on •••
~ ~ ~ast Lynn" and all those old-tlme "mel ­
:r another, in one town on "Don't Do It Day" a funny face -" ~ ler-drammers" ••• that has become genu­
terrific series I •• contest I A "tree express10n" moratorium ~",- :S- 1ne class1c in its own rightl A comedy
Excel.print 12.00 allows anyone to do afuth1ll8 for one day ~"' de11ghtl Very nioe printl 28.00
only I Lots of great un•••and a rare ~-"'\J'
I Andy Clyde &: Billy 1tem for collectors of the unusual. 12.0C ffi~ PIXER UPPERS Laurel &: Hardy tr1 to ••
Ivan on a speeding
~ffi •••b Jt2~they don't
help an old lady in d1stress
II.=: ~ lj
in this old-time co­ do muoh to ease the
l musical sound ~. BATTLING KANGAROO (500ft) sterl1ng
,nt print I •• • • 10.50 Hollowa1 in a story ot ,~ 1 ~ s1tuation••••• and they lose all of their
I the cirous •• •and a kangaroo who is ••• tb ~ ~ worldly possess10ns ••• 1ncluding an an­
trained to f1ghtl A w1ld car chase and ~ ~ 00, cient carl Pull ot great gags ••• comedy
and Hardy I stan's lots ot heotic, slapst10k gags 1n a •• ~y~ ~ delight I Nice complete pr1nt 24.00
l tyrant •• so Oliver great oomedy trom the s1lent era, with ~ ~
an involved routine sound added •••• • •••• • ••••• • •• 18.50 ~~ ~ THE FIREMAN (2) Genuine complete
!r her eyes &: have a CHARLm CHAPLIN comedy
, Unfortunately •• THE JUDY CANOVA SHOW () "Howdy Els1e" ~,~ • ••with synchron1zed sound track of mu­
~ scheme and pulls a The great "oornbal l" ~ s1c and special effects. See the old­
ml The boys go to comed1enne 1n a fast-paoed comedy I Elsie ~ ~ t1me horse-drawn fire engines I Charlle
)lfed by Stan I s wlte goes into the restaurant bus.1ness • • •wit h "" " is the hero ot the hour when he rescues
[8 start I Very fun- hilarious results I Beautiful pr1nt and < \\' a g irl from a burning bu11d i ngl One of
~uine buyl 28.00 a grand souvenir ot this great mov1e •• . ......... ~ the BEST old-time c ome d ies to come our

personalityJ ••••••••••••• ~... 15.00 wey ••• Pr1nt is "like new", _ •••• 24.•.()Q..­
, .
I!- !lour order is l
we ~sk !Iou. to p,
i~·; . 0
A~E INATeMS. ' 'J~f~~ \ f~MVHYT~· § ~
I •


r j~~!~dC~~;~l~;Eo;T2~E;~'~
L SPECHt OFl'Ent l:!e have a length feature, w
MOUN 7~o~ 1200 oPt REELS IN E/CEUENT COI(D/"tifJlf actlonl Stars in
Nlce prlnt except
some dr1lmas, sOme romantic I I tles (only) •••
~;:<.... .b

t.. soma ,adventure, etc •••If you -take the:n L::fore 'm FLYING DOCTOR · (J) • Rlchard ' Dennlng ••
• ~cHlen them, Ne'P. sav," yeu approximat~ly ~3 tc ~ !!l stars ln thls exoltlng tale
i, 4... "AU ,-STAR" 3 m:<:r:,'RS (no c'1oi ce) J:ach 8.oCt
~ ~ ~ of a race agalnst :tlmel Man lsbltten
~~ , by a snake ••• :.the flylng doctor has his
before he beoame !
THE' STORY OF A FOLK SINGER ' Hoyt Thaxton ~ ~ sci own plane and ls . ~n e~ert pll.otl 12 • .59 Arr 1 v lng home. drl
(3) ria minstrel in llt- . ~ ~ Vlctor runs lnto!
tle need of material thlngs" guitar "i.. .~ HUCKLEBERRY FINN (J) outstanding ex- Rare comedy I
playing "yea' yea" slnger ••• the sounds o'f ' d~'( ~ cerpts wlth Hal Holbrook
the sev. enties analyzed I A t:ruly fab:u- ," Ji. :::4 as Mark Twain and an excellent cast ••• THAT THEY MAY LIV
lous look at today's BIG MONEY musical ~ ~~ ''tf An analysis of the story and an unusual
scene I ...... ~.... •••••• •••••••• 22. 00 o;s~. J ~ view of llfe ' ln these United states 10• .50 experlment to sho
accused of a crlme
~ronsol1 ~;;:).
by correct and 1m
How to apply arti
he dld not comm1t ••• hls only hope •••• a , ~~ ~ Bob Mathfas mouth to mouth re
"court" of dedlcated people from many . ~:t) .t:
••• one of the greatest athletes, demon';' comlng emotlonall
walks of llfel ~le Bettlger heads the ~ ~ ~ ' strates excercises for an "athletio helpful and educa
d1st1ngu1shed group •••who have only 7 . ~< ~ 'rt
l1mbering up". Then terrlfio form ln
days to rlght a great wrong I Terrlfic . .~ ~ var lous "dashes" •••• vaultlng, Jumplng O-KAY FOR SOUND I
thrl11er based on TRUE events I 15.0( ' . ~ ~ shot puttlng & many others ••• . 8.50 mot
OJ -
'Mlnna Cole
a patroness of
. "" I' ~
t~ ~
() wlthBobby Rydell, Herb Shrlner
all tlmel The be~
EDISON creates ree
telephone ••• Radio
th:e arts ••• stands on Mr head ••• (at.. ~ () Marilyn Maxwell, Durwood Klrby•• Slngers
danoers ••• glrls •• Davld Rose & orchestra Ampllfication ls r
age 671) A colorful career lnclude.s a , ~~ S. •••••a "good old good one"1 , BROTHERS glve the
plano playlng stunt ln the Charlle ••• ' ~~-~ The first presents
Chapl1n eral Helplng muslcal hopefuls ~ ~ The art is ts of the
a long the rocky road tb poss lble ' sta r- ~ READING IS FUN
est performances ••
dom••• ••A very clever a np.lysls of the ~ J'l
enthralled audlenc
"soclal set"1 •• • ••••• • ••• • •• • 8.5 0 ~
. ~~
. "Don Juan" ••• a 1
Miles •• Lloyd Bocltno.r •• • How . -\ . ),
"all talking" eplc
would YOU reactlf told y ou were s oon _~
. ' 'f ~~ ~~ NEXT YEAR I S NOW ()
A c ollege educa ­ and Al Jolson sl~
to d1e"Trom a braln t 'u mor? A shatter- ~ tion •• •not f or e veryone Excerpts from memc
ing drama •• based on TRUE LIFE ha~pen- ~~, 1_ but for thos e wlth speclfl c tale nts and and Day" and othel
lngs l ~ beautiful ~ovle star cannot ~ r~ ambltlon ••• almost a necessltyl Here l s umphsl You'll see
cope wlth. the thought of death I 9.9 C r .$, . a comprehensl v e revlew of the "educatlon Errol Flynn in "NE
_ _ _-.,-~_ _........::_=........::_=:::::.=_=-=--==::.:.:....:...~.:r----oolsltuatlon" ••• a dilemma, approachlng
"Nora Prentlss" ,
MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW #12 . ERROL . GARNER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a cr1s ls I lJlnd grant colleges glve a
"Of Human Bondage'
(3) sensatlonal p1anls.tl a ~ ~ Q! t()~ practical, workable educatlon.......at waukee" "The Blg
JOYCE .1'ROTllERS answers questlons ' on... raj <l) l< ~ reasonable cost ... ••••••• ••••• 9.00 look at the great
marrlage •••ALLEN & ROSSI the great ~1l t() C1)~~ I-------------"':"":'''':'''':'''':'''':'''':'''':'-'':'':'''':''::- "The Man I Love"
comedy du..o I Spec.lal novelty l>resenta- as ~ <l) a orl orl HOLLYWOOD HOPEFULS (J) The would-be wonderful John Gal
tlon "Jazz Plano" by Errol Garner ••• ro.<: ~ g ~, ~ . . actors and actresses a mllestone ln mo'
sketches made by his fans are presented S~-.<:~ · . who come to the "Maglc Clty"-thousands revlew of Warner 1
whl1e he. plays • •• Steve Rossl sings • •• p:: l< ><~ "M\ of 'em ' every yearl Here you'll meet 4 A fllm to raise gc
while Marty Allen clowns I Speclal mu- : iii i .; 111 people who answer questlons e v eryone nostalgia ••••• frol
slcallssuel Te rrlfl • • ••••• 10.5(It.o~ "';:; wants to know I SPECIAL INTERVIEW wlth made lt O-KAY FOR
\OIHEN THE WEST WAS YOUNG (3) "L. S. MUS- 2.:1 ::l ~ ~ ANTHONY GEORGE, too. Then, ,1n thls ac­
g you'll treasure I
=:!ti.!....::.~...::.~=-=:;:....~=:!.GROVE .. noterlous ' q () ~ Ql.,.. companying) reel fl1m, you 11 see two
outlaw lS hunted by Matt Clark a de- rtl~~~ ~!~ of these people ln an actual TV showl PROJECT MO' HOLE
. ' <.<: H!1I '<: st,
tectlve wlth the ra1lroad ••••• Murder I :.: t()< i> () "BUNCO·" · (3) TRUE 1 ld t f" " oil ••• 'way under t :
Rustl ingl a "shoot out" really good 0 orl 'd --o:""r nc en s 0 con
Westernl J ohn Hubbard & goof cast 10.5<'~ ~"a al3~ . men at; workl How the gul­ fasclnatlng footagi
<l) () r,..; >. l1ble are separated from thelr money I
quest for raw mate
THE OBJECT IS (3) A fun '~ame M.C 'd ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'lThe Sugar Daddy Sucker" •• "The Charlty.
turlng Barry sulllvan Arleen DaM. and
Carl Ballantlne
by DICK CLARK, fea- , ~ ~ § ~nr~ Cleanup" "The Genlus n dramatlzed ...
~.<: 0 ~I storles •• entertalnlng and enllghtenlngl
Gre~t fun which YOU . ~ ~ 0 l< ~ V'!ry well done I ••••••••••••••
ratlon of a hlthe
rlohes, the ocean
"Screen Magazlne"

can enj oy & try • ;~urself I • • • • • T.O( ~ ~ ~ ~ BOTH Of' th~se ) rl fea turette s
§ 24.00


II- your artier is under '20, or is lIeinB taii for elltirely with credit Y'cU.d,,~en'9
we (lsI! lIOU to J)leClre arid an extra SO¢ towards cost 01posb,Ae etc-­
BASHFUL ROMEO (2) G11 Lamb gets 1nvo'­
PRAIRIE RUSTLERS (2) A complete con- ved 1n a we1rd situat10nl

densation of a full­ He's a salesman , but 1s m1staken for an

length feature, with all the exciting "escortK h1red to make 9 pretty girl's
[NT COND11W,1f actionl stars include Al st. John••• husband jealous I Terr1f1cfunl Leon1d
Nice print except for scratches on ti­ K1nsk1 gets 1nto the act ••• aS a somewhat
tles (only) ••••••••••••••••• 10.50 "sozzled" playboy ••• Qu1te ·w11dl 24.00
rd Denning ••
s exciting. tale .
Man is lritten LOVE IN THE SUBURBS (2) VICTOR J~OORE Eugene Palette Luoile
in an early comedy Gleason in an unusual ••
, doctor has his before he became a big star 1n moviesl
rt pilot I 12 • .50 Arriving home, drunk, from a poker game, comedy with Russell Gleason & James Glea­
V1ctor runs into an involved situationl son. Condensed from a feature film, •••
~tstand1:ng ex­ Rare comedy. • ••••••••••• e 16.50 this ls a good baseball story with plenty
~ th of act10n ••••••••••••••••••••• 12.50

Hal Holbrook

jellent cast ••• THAT THEY MAY LIVE (2) A daring student 1/1 CAMPUS CHAMPS (2) Nat Carr Kane Rich-
and an unusual
11 ted states 10• .50 risks his life in an 111'1 § mond ln an early"talkle"
experiment to show how life maybe · saved 00 ~ from 'way backl Boxlng thrllis and a
by correct and immediate treatment I •• good story wlth lots of fun I A rare one
FIELD 0) How to apply artificial respiration ••• for collectors •• Beautlful print I 22.00
~ Mathfas mouth to mouth resusitation (without be­
Lthletes, demon.;. coming emotionally involvedl) Exclt1ng, FALSE IMPRESSIONS(2}Lloyd Haml1ton Mar­
In "athletic helpful and educational ....... 7.001'
jorle Beebe ••••• Dorothy
rr1f1c form 1n Granger ••• The stars of many early sound
lultlng, Jumping

O-KAY FOR SOUND (2) One of the GREATES _ .... films, ln a nostalgio com~dy of a cou~le
Irs 8 • .50 motlon picture shorts of .. of song girls who try to 'put on airs I
all timel The beginnlng of the "TALKmS ; ~ Lloyd Hamilton made very few sound fllms
EDISON creates recorded sound ... Bell's " I ,, ..... thls ls one of theml Has musl~, 00
,e ll, Herb Shriner
Kirby ••Singers telephone ••• Radl0 and · the vacuum tube • • • f tool Nice print ••• 0.......... 8.

,o se & orchestra Ampllflcation ls now possible •••• WARNER

,e"1 BROTHERS give the movles their volcel : PEOPLE ALONG THE MISSISSIPPI Encyclo-
The flrst presentatlon of sound f11msl . . (2) peala Brltannlca
mentary reading The artlsts of the day glve their great- I fllm of a journey down the famous river
ns for t he ••••
y done ••••with
•Very va l uable
est performances ••• to the delight of an
enthralled audiencel John Barrymore ln . i
"Don Juan" ••• a remarkable excerpt I •••
"THE JAZZ SINGER" and the lmmortal AL ...
JOLSONI hThe Llghts of New York" flrst
•••• • ·vlal ting 'ehe t owns and people of
thA region• •• •• Cleverly done and also •• •
full of interest l
•• ••••• •• • • •
(2) Atomlc attack I What

college educa­ "all talking" epicl "The Slnging Fool " , I· happens When the bomb falls
ot for everyone and Al Jolson slnglng "Sonny Boy· ••••• . •••The heat ••• the blast •••radioactive
f ic talents and Excerpts from memorable movies •• "Night ralnl In the event of such an emergency
~sltyl Here is and Day" and other unforgettable tri- There's vltal work for everybody•• What
r the "education umphsl You'll see sound added to "f ilms. should YOU do if the warning sounds ••• ?
na, approaching
lleges glVe a
ation ••••••• at
Errol Flynn ln "Never Say Goodbye •• ~ •.
"Nora Prentiss" "That Way Wlth Women
"Of Human Bondage" "Two Guys From Ml1-
Here are ALL the necessary thlngs you
need to know to save your llfe ••••• and
help others •••••Be prepared I 2 reels
, •• • •• • • • 9.00 waukee· "The Blg Sleep" and a last ln good shape •••••••••••••• 9.50
The would-be
look at the great Humphrey Bogartl •••
"The Man I Love" "Humoresque· wlth the !. .
wonderful John Garfleld ••• ·Stolen Llfe" ~ THE CHRISTOPHERSwas, 600ft ROBERT E. LEE
and actresses a milestone in movle history ••••• and a · despite the war,
you'll meet 4
revlew of Warner Stars ••• many GREAT one.s : I a man of peace (it says herel)
excellent facts brought to light about
A fl1m to ralse goose-bumps of happy •• .
ons everyone nostalgia ••••• fram WARNER BROTHERS who , ' PEACE I Father Keller and Jean Bates ••
INTERVIEW with made lt O-KAY FOR SOUND•••••A rare film ••••••• offic1ate ••••••••••••• 6.00
en, in this ac­ you'll treasure I •••••••••••• J2.0~
you'll see two FAST FREIGHT (about .500ft) The excite-
tual TV showI PROJECT MO'HOLE (600ft) The amazing ment of a train ride •••••at
story of drilling for •• ' 60 ml1es per hour •••as seen from the
ent s of "con" oil ••• 'way under the oceanl Some really Engineer's cab (or "footplate") as 1t
How t he gul­ fascinating footage of man's eternal . used to be called •••an enjoyable ride
thelr moneyl quest for raw materlals •••and the explo ­ through varylng countryside. You will
•• "The Charity ration of a hitherto untapped source of learn lots about the nation's railroads
dramatized •• • . rlches, the ocean floor I Has tltle of and how they operate •••An R.K.O. Pathe
d e nlighteni ng I "Screen Magazine" title ••••••• 7.0 0 . • _.- "Screenllner" complete I 18.00

rettes 24 .00

lIere I S a couple of "~IERRIE MELODIES" cartoons FILMS PRICED AT 1

00'f R>.GE' that are new and complete. Title is spliced on
1 othc~dse they are both really brand-ne..! £;(tr3 6o~lor pOSi
Cl'edit r'ol/,cher~ Cl
£{EEL 10
HmERY HAlIK (1) A. tiny "beginner" in the "chick

en hawking" bUSiness, Henery gets ad­ "VACATION' 1 70" Each y
vice from FOGHORN LEGHORN a GIANT rooster, who closes dd
...... spends his days teas~ a nutty dog, in this of JI'!AY, and the various m
take off in various direo
PORKY'S HOTEL (1) A mirthquake of fun ':>
frantiC, milc-a-minute chase! One of THE all-time
GREAT cartoonsl •••••••.••••••.•••••••••• 10.50 any detailed report of 01l
mentioning the various as
with a "wacky duck" who 2 ~~ roRKY'S TATDlT AGENCY (1) Porky Pig "quickie" movies and related subje~
talks up a storm ••• a mischievous fly •••
an invalid goat and Porky Pigl Excel­ ~cl~t; gags and a parade of wacky
weide's in rapid-fire fun stuntsl GREATI ••• B.oo
us toured the Zastern Sta
r eason for our tremendous
lent music and terr1fic gags in th1s, :::! '::)-. ~
as Vermont, HassaDussett
tool Nice clean print ••••••• 10.50 'X <:) Z ~ JASPER'S BOOBY TRAP Ve r y clever George
found town after town wi1
•.• ~ 0 <t Pal Puppetoon •• cute do,-'Il com?lete~ or only I
CARNIVAL CAPERS (1) ALVm and the •• ~~ ~~ 11 tt le guy fools the greedy scarecrow ••• '!i has on~ two channels
Ch1'O.munks nt a carnlvall W O~ Many explosions I Fun I •• •• • • • • 5.00 these have some very old
Wild fun ••••• & lots of ectlonl Clever
cartoon & qu1te a rare one I 8.50 o tI\ FlU..J
~ ...J.J
PHONE): EXPRESS Inspector Willoughby
of the time. Little wone
movies are such a succes
tukes his nephews
<r I £:) W () \U
actIon fun.
chases a desperate criml­
u<O nal through a speeding train •••••• Fast
••••• • ••••• • ••••• 9.00
NEW YORK we enjoyed our
MUSIC HALL where we saw I
too, the stage show and
to a carn1val ••• but Winds up at Cape
Canaveral lnsteadl Tremendous fun when
J QUAIL HUNT (1) Excltlng actlon wlth NORTHAMPl'ON, in Mass.
.kids start pushing buttons I •••• 5 Oswald ln the woods ••••
no tlt le • • slight scratches but O.K. &
good as the old "Jesse J
a real buy for only......... ).50 The theatre had a somewh
BUDDY'S THEA'rRE (1) Terrl:1c Warner there seemed to be a "k~
cartoon ••• Buddy 1s a FAIR TODAY (1) Walter Lantz cart oon was, at times, distract~
project1pnlst 1n a movie theat re ••• ln­ of CARNIVAL funl Crazy please notel In BOsrON
cludes a speclal program of "spoefs" "gags" one after another I New cond i­ arriving at the theatre
and lots of great gags ••• sure to please tlon • •• Qulte rare I •••• • • • •• • 9.00 (which we'd missed last
all movle "buffs" of all ages I • •• A ICE CAPERS (1) A very rare Wa~~ -Dlsney that the projectionist ~
sheer dellght! •••••••••••••• 10.50 cartoon from the pre­ relief man had been calJ
sound era ••••• Mlckey & Mlnnle Mouse, at any moment. (Othe~
ALL-AMERICAN MICKEY Mickey Mouse, wlth Pluto and Donald Duck have a wonder ful on the first half hour
all the Disney gang t l me on a fro zen lake. Donald has a
includlng Pluto and Goofy ••• ln a free~ •• separate matinee). 'fuen
--for-all football match ••••• wlth no holds kite ••• which takes off, haullng him fUm was in backwards ..
wlth It ••• Mlckey has a narrow escape title the projectionist
barred I Great I ••••••••••••• • 7.50 a t edge of waterfall ••• Pluto ls no ska­ stopped•••then started
t i ng champ l Orlginally sllent, this round. On each change­
MICKEY & THE GIANT A f abulous version prlnt has music on track a nd ls ln new
of Jack & the Beanstalk stuck for a second or
clean c onditlon ••••••• • • Very r are I the picture for only a
featurlng MICKEY MOUSEl 7.50 I ••••••••• Worth double! 8.50 in all the relief man d
DONALD DUCK'S GARAGE Mickey Mouse a nd MOVING SPIRIT (2) Wonderful CARTOON It's not easy coming in
bonald work on "Peg deallng , ln a c l ever running a show without
Leg Pete's" car ••••• but the "bad guy" !way , wlth the development of the "horse­ switches arel In BO~
isn't pleased and proceeds to wreak ven­ less carrlage" ••• Rallway englnes, cars
geance on the palrl Mickey and Donald, and sldellghts on past hlstory ••• Really theat.res in one buildu
however, prove they are equal to the very clever. ••••••••••••••• • •• 9.50 We saw "ANNE OF THE THe
challenge' •••••••••••••••••••• 7.50 quite good. In BROO!Ll
"MORE PEP" BETTY BOOP presents PUDGY we enjoyed "CACTUS rID
GORILIA MY DREAMS (1) Bugs Bunny is ••

a cute dog ! Poor and we give an nA" to .

shlpwrecked on a tropl­
Pudgy has the "sleeples" so Betty makes who opened and closed
cal lsland ••• inhabited by apesl He ls
some maglc "pep" pl11s •••and they get beginnings and ends of
"adopted" by a huge gorll1a and has a hec allover the city wlth startllng re­ and FADED the house-Ii
tlc time trylng to elude his new "mother them out as lIIany carel
••••••• Very funny. •••••••• 12.0 sultsl Funt ••••••••••••••••• 9.50
who really cared about
TOONEHVILLE PICNIC Rare "Toonervl11e ••a rareity these day!
SATAN'S WAITIN' a TWO REEL "SUPER" (1) Trolley" cartoon I tered a change of po~
2. /tEE&. aI'\,TOOH spectacular, wl th many
Mr. Bangs ls sent to the seaslde for •• They now RENT HKlJlffiUl!
of the great "Merrle Melodles" gang • ••
hls health ••• but the trlp on the trol­ lIIovie••• 9t $2 a timei
jolnlng In! A fabulous story on the
ley makes thls the most HECTIC day of ridicnlous, real.ly, bE
llnes of "Arablan Nlghts". It wlll
hls 11fel Toonervl11e Trolley cartoons "in night" movies is~
leave you breathless! Very nlce
are extremely scarce Collector's Items ••it is sanething l:!kl
plete print •••••••••••••••••
now & sure to lncrease ln valuel 9.50 phonograph record d~

IE MEWDIES" cartoons FILMS PRICED AT #10 AN/) OY'E~ 1'1I~.= St.JP,PJ..IED IN CI'I/'I$ • Ple~$e
«lot 11
• Title is spliced on
really brand-ne.! £;(tra 60~lor post. e~(. if ~ourlorcie~ir 6einelpaici.lor entil'elylAlitit
Cl'edit r'()IJ,cl2er~ or 1$ untier :.z p. f'/ahK./0U..I­
in the "chick­
gets ad­ "VACATION' I 70" Each year HOVIE flONDERI.\ND
we'd had the misfortune of seeing "STERILE
CUCKOO" already, uhich was playing on the tiny
rul a GIANT rooster, who closes down for the entire mont' screen nearest us, and, far away, where it was
a nutty dog, in this of }'iAY, and the various members of the staff t oo far to see comfortably, 'Was an Elvis Preeh

hasel One of THE all-time take off in various directions. ~le do not give
~ ~ 1'I0vi e. Elvis is very popular of course, but 11>'

." ••••.•••••••••10.50 any detailed report of our vacation other than

mentioning the various aspects that concern
'" ~ ,
,,~~ we s kipped the movies in flightl eOtrtcl·r.
aren I t exactly carried away with his films, so

!l.) Porky Pig "quickie"

~s and a parade of wacky
movies and related subjects. This year two of
us toured the E'lst ern States and discovered one ~~ ~~ \\ __~~1--
fun stuntsl GREATI ••• 8.00
reason f or o~ t remendous success in such states
as Vermont, l-lassallllussettes: and l-laine. Here we ~)~ I.,/V
0 · '
~ ~~
I Very clever George f01md tow after town wit h movie t heat res shut
Pal Puppe t o on • • cute
greedy scarecrow •••
J •••••••• 5.00
dol.'Il com?letely or onJ.y open two days a week.
TV has only two channels in many places, and
these have some very old material running most ~~\ ~ III
of the time. Little wonder then, why hooe '-lith each complete $10 you spend, (in cash) we
movies are su ch a succes s ill these ~.reas. In
NEW YORK we enj oyed our visit to RADIO CTIY
MUSI C HALL wher e we s aw "AIRPORl'" and enj oyed
t oo, the s t age show and the wonderful organ.
. ~
Save those cards ••• swap dupUcatcs -,nth friends
and, when you have a CO!IPLETE SET of SIX, send
for the current liEt of FREE FIU1S available, in
pi ting act~on w~~n
ld in the woods • •••
NORTHAMPl'ON, in Mass. was screening "BUTCH
~ J
---~- CASSID!' MID- 'l'HE - -Sm~CE - JCID1'-; . -; ;not n early as - ! exchange-. - Originally, -we imd intended to ·gh-a -­
certain f11."1\5 in exchange for cer tain sets, but
a tches but O.K . & good as the old "Jesse J ames" of many years agol l; ~ CO we realise that, as the film supply is limited,
••••••••• 3.50 The theat re had a somewhat "wobbly" screen ... . ~Q)~
l ter Lantz cartoon
~RNIVAL fun. Crazy
there seemed to be a "kink" at one poi:'lt, which
was, at times, distra cting. Projectionist,
plaase notel In BOSTON we were fortunate in
~ \.
a ~
, and changes from month to month, it will be wise
to make up a listing of what is availab:f each

0lther. New cond1- sn (not before!) send in to us for the J.isting
••• • •••••• 9.00 arriving at the theatre to see "LION IN 1flNl'ER" of fiJ..ms available at that time. We will make

l ery rare Walt DIsney

(which we I d missed last year) in time to find

that the proj ectionist hadn't shOl.'Il up and a ;c'\,~ available a good selection of really worthwhila
subjects, depending on what is on hand each t m oe ,_
on from the pre- relief man had been called and 'WOuld be there \.c.~
I & Minn1e Mous e,
k have a wonderful
at any moment. (Otherwise we I d have missed out
on the first half hour as this theatre ran a ~~" The COHPIETi SETS are made up as follows ••SIX
DIFFERENT CARDS fom a sn ••••••
Ie. Donald has a separate matinee). '-/hen the shOll did start the
off, hauling him film was in backwards ...but after the first
a narrow escape title the projectionist realised his error and t..~.~ ~ LON CHANEY either portraits or scenes from his

• •• Pluto 1s no ska­ films are acceptable. SIX different
stopped••• then started over again right way gets you a FREE FlU! from the l ist t hat will be
l l y Silent, this
rack and is in new
round. On each change-over the fire-shutter ~
\. sent to you.
stuck for a second or two, obliterating half
ble t
Very rarel
8.50 the picture for only a second or two, but all
in all the relief man did an excellent job ••••
tl~ HORROR or SCDllC'E-FICTIOll THRIU.ERS . (not any
~~l-\J por traits)

nderfUl CARTOON I t's not easy coming into a strange booth and
ling, 1n a clever running a show without knowing where all the ~~
<:) Scenes from various screen classiCS, such as

ent of the hhorse­ switches arel In BOSTON, too, there are THREE
i lway engines, cars ATTACKS THE rlORtD, THINGS TO COME, etc •• You
history ••• Really theatres in one building ••• all very ultra ultra. need SIX different SC~'ES from any of thsee
•••••••••• • 9.50 We saw "ANNE OF THE THOUSAND DAYS" which was
quite good. In BROOItLINE, a suburb of Boston,
~~~ types of films •• (NOT portraits). When you have
them, send for the free listing.
~ OP presents PUDGY we enjoyed "CACTUS FLCMER" •• really excellent,
PORrRATIS OF THE STARS (not scenrs from fiL'lIS)
;! Poor and we give an nAn to the projectionist here,
These are CLOSE-UP, full­
.es to so Betty makes who opened and closed the screen curtains on face PORrRATIS of JAMES CAGNEY, CHARLIE Cl-l.APLIN
.8 ••• and they get beginnings and ends of pictures, used colors ...
and FADED the house-lights instead of banging BEN TURPIN, GARY COOl'llt, etc. Collect SIX all
h startling re-
•• ••••••••• 9.50 them out as many careless operators do. Someone ~~{j different •••send for list of films.

who really cared about doing his job properly.. LA.UPoEL AND HARDY Scenes from their famous
re "Toonerv11le •• 3 rareity these daysl Flying hOl!le , we encoun­ comedies •••collect sIX different
rolley" cartoon. tered a change of policy on the part of 'rITA• • ••
't Q and then s end in for listing of f ree films.

the seas1de for •• They now RENT m::ADPHOUES in connection with t he
trip on the trol­ movie ••• !It $2 a t ime l Thi s is just a lit t le
KINIATURJ: fOST!JIS Old-time advertising of the

at HECTIC day of ridiculous , really, because the s ound on thes e silent classics of long ago.
e Trolley cartoons "in night" movies isn't too hot to start with
Collector's Items • • i t is somet hing like list ening to a worn Get SII all different and send for listing•
e in value. 9.50 phonograph record down e. drain-pipe 1 Anyway,
"EXT ~GIi -+
12 {\.~
. ~ c:~~nu®J~"""·r\·~'~~/'AU.
"NEW" l"IU1S WHATSOEVER, though 1II0st
are :in ''NDT'' condition.
F:i1lns are sold on the express understand:ing that they be
-Hei'~er thOW , nor
:frorn tlte S'lI.JiR Co
used only for :l'RIVATE HOME EXHIBITICN to immediate ram~ kers stop p ed process
There are ot her categori es, too, which will be and friends. GopyTight laws precl ude the use of fiJJnB for
announ ced soon. ANY type of public presentat ion, whether adl!lission is stopped tool We we r
our employees, becau
charged, or not. We have no rights to give, and we can not long the s trike may
When you send jn f or the current l isting , be accept responsibility for violations of copyright law. Be
sure to say whi ch Bet you have completed ••This sure to check with a lawyer before contemplating giving inc oming mail we wou
. is imPortant, because , along with the list of ANT type of s how, if you wish to avoid trouble. "Charity" we rely sole ly on th
free fiJJna we will send you a special BONUS perform.ances require a great deal of "clearance" ••• so be our entire being l A
EXTRA fonn, \regarding the particular set you wise ••use f:i1lns for :PRIVATE HO}tE US!: ONLY. Sold on t his ly short dura tion, t
have collected. If you can complete the bonue condition only. MOVIE W~mERWm operat es only through the di s astrous to us. C
form correctly, you qualify for an ADIIITIONAL mail . •no phone or personal callers ... sorry. Thankyou. affeoted rea l ised It
SURPRISE 1 Be sure you actually have a complete I--......::::::.:.=~=:::...::...!:=:.:::=:....:.=:.:.:.:..:.~:..-.....:.:=-:=-:-=:-:--:-­ i n orde r s beoause if
set in your hand befor e you se nd f or the list,
otherwise ym:. m.erely cause confUs i on and may be ~ .;g tI:: E:l gl
4i,{:'" e~f?!) k
1ft I ;:" '1" ,., '"r:"
I!- '!70.VEP" I
'\ I r"\. •
there would be no wa
films or a refund I
annoyed, unnecessarily, becaus e we cannot hold .~ ~ ~ -< fd
grams from anxious c
r esult when the whol
any particular film offerc;d on til.) free list, ::I"? ~~ § resul ted i n a los s t
while you complete your set . iacr. l~onth 's list ::> ~. _ ':0 ="".~ ~ and dollars. We our
is different, as we explained befolu, and ~~ ~ •. , . ~
a nalyae the causes,
can not be held responsible f. ~ !'ilms given g ~'b ~ ~ U; ,.. strangely enough, WE
f ree that art'! no longer o:vailable . I ou take s:: fi or! 0 Q) ~ >~ Q) been a contrlbutory
"pot luck" ',;-h..n you get your list,;nl!', bt:.t ea"h " s ~ :ti ~ 'tl (;-t;

t ime t here will be plenty of really wort hwhi.1..;J @ 'tl .c ~ 0 3l ~ '(;), •

§ "'", Q) ~~~ -.;­ p ostal employees wer,

f :i1lns f r om which to select . ~ .c Iii 'ci a~ 'H p ay, which evldently
m"'O'l1-1 Ul /iD
Q) ..
so perhaps they did .
I'f you p- fer ~o "GO FOlt THE BIG Ol;E" .....you ~ OM
{5 l'l .p .<:: ,,;:".:1 ~:S
r .1. <;;;1 ""

can collect Fll'TY ALL DIFFERENT CARDS and thEm

send them :in f or FIFTY DOL1A1\S' WORTH Ol" FILMs
• :: t:r: ro ~ «f +'
: ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :::l
: S .., <) = '? ~ .-l ~
g rievance. Strangel;
s ame s i tuation existl
•• yet there was no 11
OF YOUR CHOI CEI (does not apply to PaJl1lcl!lt of
current layaway order.) ~
~ .~ ~:S ~ .:! ~ ~
'S 0....
here. In New York al
0 :;: .., cities Involved) thel
::r:;:i' "0 r.'i s:: :.:0 ....
\l\H r cold weather •• in Los
3l.. ~ always, pleasantly wal
1f t3 .(;), ~ :ti ~
Or•• •• if you think "a bird :in the hand is wc.-th (I) 'H ~ ~ \<:" 0 --:
two :In t he bush" .. . you can use t he cards ycm ~~ angry, their grlevanc
already have, as credit payment on a f ilm order.
Each card has a credit value of ~O¢ ...... • and
-< 1;1 .., f8 '"
~ t> oM :( '0
<) PI""
aggravated by oold al
shine of time s make s (
those cards that are BLUE are worth 30¢ :in P 8~ :;; fa (I) ,.... b e tter l lghtl Howev!
,,~ each :in
credit • ••• •n:u.ow cards are worth ;>0.. f<1 ., ~
~ 0 .. 0; ~ 00 ill .e::. . "
R..: ~
~ ::: to t ake s ides i n t hl1
credi t . .. GREEN cards are worth 65¢ each :in ~ ~ oF, ~ C ~~ ~~ th lnk many people 101
credit on merchandise. (does not apply to lay- - - - - TEST IMONIAL ------ ( to u s) obvious fact.
away) . J obs are worth only B
OPPOSI TE is the "JOKER" •• I This card may be
Your l etters re c eived from s ome c us tom­
ers a re well answered by you. My ex­
a nd it Is not the fa\
i f a man has a Wife B
perlenoe has been the ultimate ln ser­
used for completing ANY set l (only ONE such ::iu vice, oourtesy a nd personal attentlon ,
The Job he is doing D
card per set, please) ...so, i f you have FIVE
car ds and need one other to compl ete a set, you rrtl and at no time have y ou misrepr esented.
mUch regardless of tt
been working at it f (
can, i f you have it, use the JOKER. The bad bUSiness man I am--- I' d neglect wishes to get more me
t owards merchandise, if you prefer to use it :in
"" to send t hem any futur e catalogs - - -le t
alone merchandisel
Thanks much ,
o on s i d e r learn ing anc
•• higher paid •• prof e!
worker s would th1nk 1
this I!Ianner. CO paid if they had wagt
(f)~ Courtesy of: Vern Swingle New Me xio o
p e r week •• • • but how
Car ds that are dirty, folded, stapl ed, cut, t om post offioe pay its w
or .1ritten on are NOT ACGEPl'ABLE. Voi d where
taxed or restricted. cash value one tenth of one -ii! exc essiv e wage s f or e
cent. MOVIE WONDERIAND reserves t he right to N en £l/Jll7!(/)IRlllJ11l char ges would be s kyh
post would hav e to be
t erminate t hi s off er at any time, but at l east
4 weeks' notice will be given, published in a
r egular catalog. We hope to continue this
o+ 0 -?hi JPfM7lEU[,
,§llJl(J[JJ(JE mail rates just out 0
work ers do a good job
scheme for some time yet, all being 101611. ~» These c a talogs are compiled s e veral months individually they ma~
-i in adva nce •••with Just a few blank places money as the job the~
~» left for the addition of new ltems • • •• • • • We often think that D
'D r .... 50 •• it was not until now that we had l ose sight of this fa
~ () room to comment on the d i sastrous POS TAL keep on golng up and
~ STRIKE of a short wh1le a go. Ne w York a nd A l awy er or a doctor
() G\ Ch1cago a re, as f a r as 'we are c onoerned , more mone y than a ja
major market areas, so when the mail wor­ example, and the rea~
should be .
-- ..,
' W'

·Jfei'~er nor rain. , ,,or /teat, nor ~'oonz fJ/"lalli- .rlavs th~se courier.s

~~:!s::d~g':~ ~:;i~on.

IITlctl' to :!lmnediate family

:from tlte su;iR completion- 01 Meir rounrir It 0: H()(/J 1J80vr S'1I(1KIiS P 13
kers stopped processlng mal1 • • WONDERLAND : I ~ MOVIE WONDERLAND ls just one of - many compan­
Iluds the use of fiJ.Jns for stopped tool We were forced t o lay off ~~ les who rely solely on the mall servlce •••••
~ whether admission is cur employees. because we dld not know hoW~ The post-offi ce ls our 11vellhood • • •• • and
ghts to give, and lftI can not long the strlke may last ••• and wl t hout f:l a, s trlke s are, When you come rlght down to lt ,
~ions of copyright law. Be l ncomlng mall we would s oon be defunot.as ~ ~ nothlng but THREATS • • • lega llsed (some t l mes!)
~r:v~~t~~~i~g"g=~1 we rely sol ely on t he posta l servlces for ~ ~ BLACKMAIL! "Elther do as we say or we'll put
our ent l re belng l Although of compar&tlv~~ you out of buslne s s" seems to be the lmpll ­
31 of "clearance" ••• so be l y short durat lon, the effects were most ~"I catlon. To us lt ls a poor way t o hold a
~ USE ONLY. Sold on this d lsas trous t o us. Customers l n the areas 'i job. A s ound educatlon (not necessarllly
Doperat es only through the affected r ea l l s ed it was useless to send ~~ t hrough hlgh-school) ls t he bas lc answer to
ers ••• sorry. Thankyou. ln orde r s because lf t he strlke contlnued ~hi be i ng able to cope wlth llfe 's problems ••••
ther e would be no way of gettlng thelr ~ •• wlthout upsettlng your fell ow-man.
f11ms or a refund! We had a flood of tele- \ 0
grams from anxlous collectors and the net ~ l> Wh1le WONDERLAND may well be the
result when the whole affa1r was over,has ~~ blggest operation of 1ts klnd 1n the nat10n,
resulted 1n a loss to us of several thous- ~ ~ we are only tiny compared wlth Gener al Motors
and dollars. We ourselves have t r l ed t o ~ <:> or the other l ndustrlal g lants •• so lf ~, l n
analyae the causes, and we feel that, o..'{. our comparat1vely small way, have suffered
strangely enough, WEATHER may well have "'rA so heav1lly f rom the mall tle-up, we shudder
been a contr lbutory f actor! ~~ t o thlnk what will have happened elsewhere !
To begln w1th, the ~:ii H1gher pr1ces for ALL commod1t1es w11l soon
postal employees were promised a ra1se ln • "b show the extent of the cr i ppling blow dealt
pay, whlch ev1dently was not forthcomlng, ~r- the entlre nation by the mall-str1ke.
so perhaps they dld have a justifiable ~~ Now we have to cons1der how WE can "p1ck ~p
gr levance. Strangely enough, though .the ~ the p1eces" and make up part of the loss,
same s1tuation ex1sted here 1n Los Angelee ~ () w1thout 1ncreaslng pr1ces. This 1s not an
•• yet there was no interruptlon of serv1cE ~l> ea sy task. To date we have declded we will
here. In New York and Ch1cago (the major ~ ~ have to cut out ent1rely many of the EXTRAS
c l t1es 1nvolved ) the re was free z lngly '~CI) we have been g1vlng and fo:' whloh we made no
, cold weat he r • • 1n Los Angeles lt was, as • charge whatsoever. We belleve 1n glv1ng due
always, pleasa ntly warm. When people ge t ~~ not ice. however . and so the followlng "cut­
angry, the ir gr1evance s ar e all the more a 3i backs " w1ll not come lnto effect unt1l t he
aggr a vat ed by ool d and we t weather. Sun- ~ ~ f 1rst of the CHRISTMAS ANNUALS goes out in
sh1ne oft1mes makes one see th1ngs l n a ~ late SEPTEMBER. Then we wlll, f or examnl e,
better l1ght! However , whl le not wls hlng • ), have to make a small e xtra char ge fer CANS
t o take sldes 1n thls contr oversy, we do ~r::
thlnk many people lose Sight of a very
.. wh1ch so far we have supp11ed f ree • • • For
~ ~ almost t welve year s we ha ve ~a ld a ll postage
[MONIAL - - - (to us) obv10us fact. Certa1n types of ~ '? on orders over $lO •• • now we ave to ask for
jobs are worth only a certa1n rat e of pay ~ 50~ towar ds pos tage and pack lng etc , on any
ed from some custom­ and 1t ls not the fault of the employer ~ () order under $20, or paid f or w1th cred it
ied by you. My ex­ if a man has a w1fe and seven ohildren! ~ 0 vouchers. (THIS partlcular charge we have to
ihe ultlmate ln ser­ The job he ls d01ng may be worth only so ~ tI) apply 1mmedlately) •• • We have a l ways rewound.
personal attentlon . much regardless of the fact he may have !:i :'i every f11m after exami natlon so t hat .it l s
I you misrepresented. been worklng at lt for years •••• and 1f he ~ ~ ready for 1mmediate use. By leavlng fllms
n I am---I'd neglect w1shes to get more money then he should ~ , "talls out" 1n future , we save a great deal
lture catalogs---let cons1der learnlng and work1ng at another ~ ~ in t1me and l abor charges ••• surpris ingly
• • higher paid •• profess10n! The postal ~ ~ enough ••although we WILL of course be sure
Thanks much. workers would th1nk themselves reasonably ~ ~ each fllm has been CHECKED out carefully, as
pald lf they had wages of $200 and up, '-=- ~ always . The current MOVm CLASS rcs TRADING
Irn Swlngle New Mexlco per week •••• but how on earth could the '1 CARDS scheme wi ll have to be wound up much
post offlce pay 1ts way lf they were to pay sooner than we had intended, a nd, alas ! we
excess1ve wages for even s1mple jobs ? PostU ~ will have to cut out the many little free
charges would be skyh1gh! Regular letter =l: g1ft 1deas and "fun glmmlcks " we often come
'Ul ---­ post would have to be around 40~ •• wlth alr­
mall rates just out of s1ght! The postal
~ up with •• •and all of t h1s •• pl us more •••••
~ should enable us to cont i nue t o KEEP PRICES
VI; &Jl][(l[JKJE workers do a good job most of the t1me ••but
lnd1v1dually they may be gett1ng as much
DOWN as always, ln spite of the crlppling
~ blow dealt us by the mall s erv1ce.
!omplled several months money as the job they are d01ng just1f1es. ~ More deta1ls later . If YOU have an opposing
lst a few blank places We often think that many Un10n employees ~ viewpoint, t he f loor 1s yours ! We w1ll be
'n of new 1tems •••••• • lose s1ght of thls fact • • •whl ch l s why pr i ces ~ pleased to PUBLISH ANY REPL mS to this edit­
mtl1 now that we had keep on golng up and up and up. ~ or1al , a nd , l f you wish, we w1ll give your
'he dlsastrous POSTAL A l awyer or a doctor w1ll always command ~ name and addre ss • • or wlth-hold i t a t your
lle ago . New York and more money t han a jan1tor or a ma1lman, f or !) request. We cannot of cour s e publish any
as 'we are concerned , exampl e , and the reason 1s obv10us • • or ~ annonymous letters, so be sure to put your
so when the mall wor­ s hould be. name and a ddress on your correspondence •
often took off rriY s hirtl To help matters, t he entrance GIVE
2"d COL~
was tr.rough a narrow passage beside the men's toilet,
As we work with films all through the year I;:::;
and what with carbon fumes, oranges, peanuts and other CHOICE,
we enjoy a "change of pace" at vacation time, so ~ odors
too Wlpleasant to mention, phs the tropical heat
that was our movie-going for May. We thoroughly " and noise •• this was not what one would call an "ideal" pleass
enjoyed visiting the East, with the lush green- I for pl::.cs t o workl •••And this was supposedly a "step up"
ery which is so refreshing aSter California's me l The money was a little better, but seat-repair­ THIS ABOVE ALL (4 )
parched brown terrain. Maine, with its endleslS c.,
ing, toilet cleaning, acting as part-time bouncer and a
of other chores ~egan to take its toll. I was
Army c
many helpful ways •••
"Peyton Place" towns •• all so clean and tid;y 1 I..

Vermont appeared to need ha1p • •• it' s towna and IU

il ;Y;l1Ing fellow then, of course, ... only 17, actuall1=, but takes you to the Ori
little comnru.nities seemed to be somewhat down- ~
I ,,;)on began ,t o take on the yellow-skinned "hagg!U'l!i" c1tles and life of t
at.-beel. •••but maybe a Spring-cleaning and ~ look of llI.Y qontemporaries, with bloodshot, bugging eyes the U.S. and many un
paint up is ne cessa ry after their severe wintere. ~ and droopinij shoulders, s o I decided aSter only a 1nslde a pr1sonl) II.
New York~ of course, is a nice place to visit.. . ~ cOllple
of lIIont hs to,find wor k elsewhere .. ...and so off Travel-type document
but we wouldn 't like to live therel New York
I wllnt to t he WELBEC! THEATRE , Walker••• a suburb of
meaningful I
State, ove rall, has an air of being "on the go" ~ Newcastle
• •• and here I met up with Bome unbeliavable
which i s most progressive. Washington, D.C., Q a dventures ....which we'll pursue next time.
maybe because of the rscent r i ots, rolls up the

~ derful hobby ••• whic
sidewalks and goes to b ~d at 5 .00 pm••••• which
to me, does n't seem qul.tc r ight for the capitol -g,. ':J..A.gf-MIHllfEIf
rv' able I How to selec~
parlng lt and conve
KNOWING IS NOT ENOUGH J reels-b e aut lfu l
~ i
city of the greatest nation in the wor ld! lals into works of a
COLOR I The ha lr­ monstrates ••••••• A ~
Avis rent-a-car company really DOES "try harder" ~'a rals l ng thrl l l s of a mot or racel Some mean a new life for ]
cio~'t-sive "& I~ ~
...l:XCEPT IN NEW YORle•••where they give the ~ really g ood stuff i n thi sl The n a s e ­
"impression that· they ·damnh ·i. ·. ... . ' rles of accidents &i'-how they a r e c a use'd. -­ LINES IN RELmF ov~
Sorry to see, s uch a reliable company has one ~.......: • • • and prevented • •• ln "llk e-new" c on ­ woorxl
"rotten apple in the, barrel" which lets down the ~ "t dltlon at a rldlculou s l y low pr ice l J
reels_COLOR--~~W! tor only . .. 10.50 art form ••• wh1ch a!lJ
whole advertising campai gn I Otherwise Avis is l;) .;.:::
lent can create. H~
A-O. lC. in our book. That's it for 1970...Hops ) ~ HOLLyWOOD'S FABULOUS ERA A 50 ft lit ­ go about it ••• the t ~
you found i t interes'ting. . . , .., ~ you will need, etc.
tle "gem" to spllce on to the

front of y our fllm program••• ~.Gangster and in new shape , t ,
film tlash••• Shlrley Temple, "Llttlest
Colonel" musical spectacular ••••• A THE PENTAGON (3) C~
HOLLYWOOD PREVIEW I Marilyn Monroe •• • wlth his
Y~rlon Brando ••• Burt Lancaster •• Eliza­ army a nd alrforce pax
beth Taylor ••• Gl1mpses of all these •• l1g1ous service in tr
..:::.~ great stars. •••••••••••••••• 1.50 uplifting half hour ••
"CHASllIG SIlAIlOiiS" •• contirr.ling series of adventures of a ••• can people who are
oinema operator, in England••• ~34 to SCREEN MAGAZINE ARGENTINA Just outside pursults of vlolence
1950•••by WILLF A1IDERSIJI.T. All rights r eserved ••• u (1) Buenos Aires is a beautlful (Well worth $751) S}:
rac e-track •••••Then the stockyards(cattle
THE Tn:!:: PICTURE nOUSE, at Wallsend, in 1937, was a mln us the odorl) B.A's fabulous port I The AMERICA'S RAILROADS
grubby building, bot h inside and out, with a distinct largest graln elevator on earth••ralslng
aroma of orange~; and peanuts clinging to the dus ty vel­ t horobred horse s ••• gaucho dances •••• the safety devices •••••
vet drapes that hung over the exit doors. Host of the edge of the Andes ••• Yow Yow •• a dreamland 100 m.p.h . i The em
patrons, unfortunately were poor souls who worked hard of scenlc wondersl Montevldeo •• capltol tralns in thls supe
in factories and heavy industries and so the "doggy" of Uruguay ••• a fantastic c1tyl and beau­ condition ••••• (titl
surroundings went unnoticed, and, once the show began, tiful beach. The City of Roses 11ves up Magaz lne " ) Genuine
everyone took an active part in following the action on to lt 's name ••• Ballet •• under a blue s~y-
the screen. Although sound films had arrived in England BEAUTIFUL COLOR TRAVELOG (some splices)
in 1930, a yellowed sign on dirty curdboard still A bargain buy for only ~ (title b/w) FACE OF THE EARTH
greeted patrc;1s as they entered. "SIIENCE IS ESSENTIAL 400 i t Exc
DUR1NG TllE SHOI{[NG OF TAIKUTG P1CTlt'-iES" •••not that any­ FIRST LADY OF FILMLAND • •• B~rTE DAVIS IIII llke new cond1tionl
one took this adrr~nition seriouslyl The audience hissed (1) In a SUPER TRAILER REEL with ACTION PLANET I Gasses, Vol
the villain, cheered the hero, cried at tr~qy, laughed SCENES from her GREATEST TRIUMPHS I earth cools and roc~
loud and l ong at the comic nntics •••and, i f the f1lrr. "AULD ACQUA~~ANCE" ••• • "JEZEBEL" • • • •••• • form the atmosphere.
fare didn't please them, took apart the seats and threw endless years I Fins
"WINTER MEETING" • • •• "MR SKEFFINGTON" •• • • and mountalns are fc
parts .. t the screenl This was, as you can :imagine, a "HUSH, HUSH, SWEET CHARLOTTE" "NANNY" •• •
"rough, tough" neighborhoodl •• ••Someti!nes, during a "THE ANNIVERSARY" • • • • wl th many, many • •• deserts •••wind •••
particularly severe "riot", t~e projectioni st s had to GREAT STARS and WARNER BROS . dramat i c pr es forces ••• and the sut
lend a hand in the "free for all", throwing out t he entat10ns and f abulous orchestr al arrange­ form the earth as we
unruly characters ••••and oftimes getting t he worst of me nts I A PERMANENT "MOVIE SCRAPBOOK" o f tremendous scenes 01
Mlghty exploslons.on
t he bat t lel • • • • all part of the jobl HOLLYWOOD' S BRIGHTEST STAR • • •• • • • • • • • • The and flrel Nature at
The booth was a very confined little room, without any Indomltable BETTE DAVIS I NEW condltlon fasclnatlng productl
ventilation, and it got so hot , during the Shel", that I trailers on one reel ••• RABEI •• • • ••• 12 .00 $68 •• you save $40 .. (

help matters, the entrance GIVE GOal) CONf)ITION IlSE"J) FILMS ­

beside the men's toilet,

Ira.'1ges, peanuts and other

.on, phs the tropical heat

one would call an "ideal"

IS supposedly a "step up"
'le better, but seat-repair_ THIS ABOVE ALL (4) Color/The
as part-time bouncer and a Army covers the w
.an to take its toll. I was many helpful ways ••• Thls beautl
a, ••• only 17, actually, but takes you to the Or lent to see the "~~: LOADS OF COALOpen
(on 600ft reel) COLOR I
ellow-skinned "hag~" clties and llfe of the people ••• then to pIt minlng ••• from the
til bloodshot, bugging eyes the U.S. and many unusual places (even clear1ng area to the exoavatlon ••••Ex­
decided after only a
elsewhere •• ••• and so off
lnslde a prlsonl) A very worthwhl1e
Travel-type dooumentary •• up11ftlng &
ploslves loesen the land •••Glant shovel

scoops up the earth ••• trucks carry the

, Walker·••• a suburb of mean1ngful' •••••••••••••• • • • 38.00 ~ct~ coal to cleanlng plant. You'll see road
bul1d1ng, railroads and ooal prooesslng.

with some unbeliavable
sue next time. ART IN WOODCUT (2) COLORI Fabulous The mater l al ls oleaned, sorted&loaded ••
explanatlon of a won­ all by "push button" operat10nl 12.50

~PEC/ALS_ :-Jq~
derful hobby •••whlch may prove proflt­
ablel How to se1eot wood •• go about pre­ t.U <:t~ THE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STORY Co1orl
iGH 3 reels-beautiful
parlng lt and oonvertlng s1mple mater- s:- t) " Today , s youngs ters •••
1als lnto works of artl An expert de­ ~ ~ ~ study ln and out of the olassroom. Ab­
---COLOR I The halr­ monstrates •••••••A fl1m that oould ~ ~ ~ sorblng sclentlfl0 experlments ••a v1sIt
a motor racel Some mean a new life for youl 22.00 ~ ~ to an airfleld to learn about planes ••••
,n thls I Then a se­ \. . ct ""'( Student counselors ••• a varlety of trades
'how they-are- caused. - ­
rln "llke-new" con­ LINES IN RELIEF over 400 ft. COLORI
WOODCUTS I An exoltlng
I\ti ~" from prlntlng to house bu1ldlng •• • •• 1s
~ ~ taught ••• rlght ln hlgh school. Educatlon
oUBly low prlcel 3
or only 10.50 Yi- art f orm • • • which anyone wlth some ta- l.u "Rl takes a step forward I •••• ••••• 15.00
lent can oreate. Here's exactly how to n~ ,~
~s ERA A SO rt l1t ­ go about It ••• the tools and supplies ~ h: ~ CANCER DETECTION (2) Beautlful COLOR
~spllce onto the .~ you w111 need , etc. Fas01nating hobby "- ~~ f l1m, exploring the lo ­
Iprogram ••• ~.Gangster and 1n new shape, too ........ 16.50 ~ \:) ~ wer bowel (or as lt ls sometlmes refer­
rY Temple, "Llttlest red to •• the rear end) Spe01al photo­
/pectacular..... A
I Marl1yn Monroe •••
wlth h1s slngers & choirs of
~~~ graphlc teChnlques glve a olose-up of
~t Lancaster •• Ellza­ army and alrforoe partlclpatlng ln a re- t.i: ~~ internal passagesl A "fantastlc voyage"
lnto a hltherto unphotographed reg10nl
Ises of all these •• ~ ,,~
I............ 1.50 11g1ous servloe ln the Pentagon. A most
up11ft1ng half hour •• with the questlon o Priceless for dootorsl

••••••• 34.00
• •• oan people who are devoted only to •• ..J~ ROOTS OF PEACE (4) in beautlful COLOR
Just outslde

pursults of v101ence honestly embrace God? on 1600ft reel •• ,An organ­
Is Alres 1s a beautlfu1 (Well worth $751) Special buy I 28 . 00 lzatlon known as ''World Nelghbors" •••
the stockyards (cattle brlngs help & practlca1 advice, etc. to
's fabulous portl The
remote areas of our planetl Deep in the
pr on earth •• ra1s1ng AMERICA'S RAILROADS (1) COLORI How ,,",0
aucho dances •••• the the ra11ways test : b ~ V; heart of jungle areas ••••• ln oountrles
~ow Yow •• a dreamland safety devloes •••• •at speeds exoeeding 8 CI> J.i c-- overpopulated ••• anywhere & everywhere ••
thls dedlcated group are at work. It's
Montev1deo •• capltol 100 m.p.h. I The emphasls ls on frelght CI> .\-> 0
etic cityl and beau­ t
tralns ln thls super short •• 1n exoellen ~ g.... • a "Peace Corps--PLUS "I Thls fabulous
film takes you allover the world to ••
~y of Roses 11ves up oondltion..... (tltle Is B/W ••• "Soreen ';i. ~ <::l : many areas never before photographed I
t •• under a blue sky" Magaz1ne") Genuine barga1nl ... 12.0 a>d rl
O~ CI> A FABULOUS TRAVELOG •••••wlth a purpose I
ELOG (some sp11ce~) 0<11-00
J.i J.i • Includes Indla •• the Phillppines •• Latln
ly ~ (tltle b/w) FACE OF THE EARTH In Glorlous COLOR I .0 0 • Amerlca ••• Exoellent condltlon •• Worth
400 It Exoltlng subjeot ln •• -J.i~o»» rl. over $100 ••• terrlflc buy ••• for 45.00
ND ••• B~rTE ~VIS IIII 11ke new condltionl The FORMING of our o..-t()J.irl
LER REEL with ACTION PLANET I Gasses, Voloanoes, Firel The rl0.\->...:1 .... 0~ COLOR KEYING IN EVERY~Y LIVING (1i
'EST TRIUMPHSI earth oools and rock ls formed ••• vapors OJ.i::>rl 011:. rl J.i
Beautiful COLOR I
~ •• "JEZEBEL·•••••••• form the atmosphere ••• Storms rage for .s=H<IIO The relatlonshlp of oolor to 11fe ••• an
~MB SKEFFINGTON...... endless yearsl F1nally the sun shlnes ~OO~&"" absorblng study of great value to ar­
!!ARLOTTE" "NANNY" •• • and mountalns are formed ••• Gla01al area g ~(!)l? tlsts ••••• new shape I •••••••• 4.50
•w1th many, many ••• deserts •••wlnd ••• the "tear1ng down" rJ) t:Q:&.o 1--- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - ­
foroes ••• and the subterranean foroes •••
form the earth as we know it today. Some ~ 'E
ffi BROS. dramatlc pres J.i ~ HUNTING (3) Beautiful COLORI Ohlo' s
IS orchestral arrange­ <II 0 0 wl1d llfe and the sport of
IOVIE SCRAPBOOK" of tremendous scenes of Vo1canlc action •• all s:: .... 'E huntlngl Advioe to would-be hunters &
t STAR ••••••••••• • The Mlghty explosions •• molten rock ••• flames ~ ;! t' ~ all aspects of thls outdoor pastlme ex­
IVIS I NEW cond1t10n and f1rel Nature at lts grandest I A <1l .\-> 0 (!) plored ••••• Title r eplaced l~ith bla ck &.
l' . BABEI ••••• ••12.00 fasclnatlng productlon whlch s e lls for &: :a~ ~ white "SCREEN MAGAZI NE " 26. 00
n~ ~~b~UY~I___._$~2_8~.__
O OJ ' ~ ___" ___
GIV€ 2nd C'NtJICES, p(..cAS€_ 1hDre pri~' ~t 110
16 }:ostly NE';/ condition •••at a fraction
3m! over are ,,,,cJ'lr~
of "NDI" nricel Number of reels ill
in b~ackets after ea~h title. O}!E REE~ is about
300feet or ~lore .... T\.Ja REELS is usually from
"Swanee River" "Dear

-1 REEL ~
600feet to 800feet. One reel shorts are on 400ft Old southland" "Walt1ng For The Bobt.
reels; •• two reel shorts are on 800ft or l200ft E. Lee" "Camptown Races" a medley of I'/ELL BEIDI CUP"P,ENT 'VA~
reel.s; .GIVE SECOND CHOICF~,) IF YOU CAN, PLEA.SE. Stephen F~ster favorites •••Scenes of AliD I·IOST 14.Y BE TRADED ill
Nisslsslppl Steamboats ...a full scal,e GE~1I1WUS CREDITl ••Detaill
Minstrel show ••• lots & lots of danc1ng
LET'S SING AN OLD-TIME SONG (1) SUPER glrls •••a blg cast of songsters ••• hand­ STREAMLINED (1 ) 01
Commun1ty s1ng reel •••
with a story beh1nd the melody. Pro- .
ductlon Number with words on screen and GJ clapping, foot stomp1ng melodies •••
Terr1fl New conditlonl 10.50
'-" adap
wIth , sh1ny . new s1d!n
novatlons •••Eventual
many of the tunes used are actual ex­
r HARMONY HIWAY (2 ) AL DONAHUGH & hIs the steam engInes we

cerpts from major Warner Bros. muslcal orohestra play "TEMPTATION" This short 1s a ' ml1e
spectaculars, such as "Strawberry Blonde ••• Lynn Stevens and Dlok In a novelty historyl' New s~pel
plus lots of great old favorites that number "KNOCK ME A KISS" Jlmmy Cash
are so slngable like "Daisy" "Flylng slngs "WHERE ARE YOU?" The Stapletons •• FISHING FOR TARPON
Machine", etc. A Blg, happy experience a dashlng danceduo •••• The Foursome ••• 1ft
Excellent condit10nl ••••••••• 12.00 JJ Sing well together "IN A LITTLE SPANISH to any flsherman ••• ,E
- TOWN" Marilyn Hare says "BLAME IT ON covered in thIs exee
S?FCIA:i:. "PTIE-LISTPlG" OfFER I l'ie have a large
number of ONE-IlE r:L
n:usicals each cor.taining three excellent numbers
THREE IN ONE #44(j} "Are You HavIn' Any
Fun?" "Darn T60tln'"

Sports". Florida's
streams of the Everg
marlne 1Ife •••Excell

by prominent hands amI artists. 11e usually run
these and write up a description. Then .re splice
on a title '''I'!~ilEE IN OITI:" or "HAPPY HARHOHIES" c wlth Candy Candldo on trumpetl An

eleotronlc "muslcalmanla" with the~ •••



etc ~~d list them priced according to their con­
tent. This takes time ... so before u€ actually
screen them, you can save money by buying them
~~thout detailed description •• at approximately
.)1 to 03 less than after they are l-oTitten-upl
en "Goof Ups" Grand mus leal I
"Minstrel Show" with
Bey in a COMPLETE co
thrilling feature fi
keeps the populace 1
Casanova gathers a f
mand & conquers the

HAPPY iiARHONIES ••• "Specials" ••••each•••• 3.65:
NICHOLAS BROTHERS and loads of chorus
g1rlsl Edd1e Cantor's lmmortal renditlon lIng actionl Magnlf
••• danclng, jokes ••• a tremendous full- ~ battles ••• Hlghllghts
One of the BEST toe­ scale mlnstrel showl Th1s a complete . In one reell New 001
tapplng one-reelers •••
ever madel A Whole bevy of oolored oho­
rus .gals •••a p1auo w1za:r-d ••• a fast moving
danoe duo and a sreai tune you just can't
forget I It swlngs a a steady pace trom
o]J mus1cal sequence from a b1g feature f1lm.
Spllced on sound tltle-new condo

The terrlflc trio
spacel Ioe-boat raCE
oanvas. Outboard mot

start to f1n1shl Excellent I 10.50 swing out, full blast, with "WILLIAM TELLf the waterl A fantast
WHEN GRAN' PA WAR A BOY (1) Minstrel •• r "A.NVIL CHORUS" and "SONG OF INDIA II • • • • •
(wlth lotss go11s, yeti) all in snappy
oing boats that flyl
ter another I H1stor1
days wlth the kids
imitatlng the jolly black-faoed mlnstrelsl
Super mus10al ••• Warner Bros. great orch­
estra ••• s1nglng ••danc1ng ••• enterta1nlngl
"Frankie & Johnny" "Hello My Baby~ and
o tempo I sounds like a full blown orch­
estral New condit1on ••• TRIS IS GREAT I
New condition You just can't slt stilll
The SWinginest I ••••• ••• ••• •• 10.50
Wood's speed record ••
Miss EnglandII ••••• Ka
oord. Sir Maloolm Ca
Bluebird. The Gold C
still more champions I
lots more ••••• Excellent complete pr1nt •• ter barrlerl Boat an
Terrif1c FUN I •••••••••••••••••• 10.50 CHOO CHOO SWING (1) Excellent commun­
1ty slng reel. featur1ng
grate I Morel ,Most f
all -ra1lroad" songs •••••with words •••
water speed ever made
THE FRANKIE LAINE SHOW w1th Conn1e print tor only
(600ft) Haynes "All of Me" on the screenl • • •• • • • • • • • •• • • • 9.50
••••• One used
"Where Are You?" "Two To Tango" "Swan
song" based on "Pagliaccl" The Musio Man BUILDING A HIGHWAY ~
w1th Harry Zlmmerman's orchestra glves cl
out ln a glorious muslcal spreel
Excelle.nt condlt10n ........... 9.50 IF YOUR ORDER IS BEING dozlng ••• the roadscr
and laborers are nee
PAID FOR WITH CREDITS~ final treatment ••• Who
E beginning to end •• Exd
wlth a jazz version of "Entry ot the ADD AN EXTRA 5 ¢ .. FO HOLLYWOOD VARIETIES
Gladiators" and LIONEL HAMPTON and hls
terrlf1c orchestra and vibraphone g1ve POSTAGE,PACKING,HANDLINQ sequence ••• "Hand1es"
out with "Air Mail Special" ••••• Two
G-R-E-A-T jazz olasslcs on 1 reel 10.50 . , .. Thankyou sings to George Sande
oaught In the works ~
Edgar Kennedy takes a
a comedy 01ass1c •• ALE


"/'hDff. prl~"ilt 1.10

Jflfi over are ;,(c~'lr~ ~ 17
lREEL~ ~
r( 1 ) "Oh Susannah" what the COnstltu~
i"Swanee 'R iver" "Dear tion stands f9-'. •••-·our ' freedoms and •••

raiting For The Robt. 110ST ARE IN EXCF;LLE;NT TO liND.." CONDIT.IONI PRICm ~ our responslbl1ities ••~xcel~entl 6.00

Races" a medley of I'JELLBY-ID'1 CUPJ'..ENT VALUES 1 - ., . - , ~. ~

.vorites ••• Scenes of AIm HOS'r J{~ Y . 3E Tl1Am;D BACK :r:N, IF YOU : l-r.ESH, FOR 'l\.a; .;S PUPPETRY (400 feet) String marionette!:'

\boats •••a full scale ac:1l1WUS CREDITl •• Det~ils lath .p'.lrchase •••••••'. •• ~ ffi ~ olever "human" dolls who can be

(1) ' Old steam englnes a~e ~~ ~

~ ots & lots of dancing made to aot ln a most realistic manner I
/t of songsters ••• hand­ STREAMLINED Her·e 's how a puppet ls made ••• and a fas­
romping melodies ••• , _, adapted to the "new age " . ~~ "1 !!1 oinating and wonderful hobby this is,
fitionl ••••• 10.50 with . shlny .. new sidings and updated in- : ~~ lndeedl Exoellent! . '.......... 7.00

novatlons •••Eventua11y, of course, all ' ~ .

) AL DONAHUGH & his the steam. engines were discont inued . •• ~ \' ~ --RE-W-A-R-DS--U-N-L-I-M-I-T-E-D--Do--t-h--M-G-i---
estra play "TEMPTATION" Thls short is a ' ml1estone in railroad ~ . ro y cure •••
.. N ha I . . 9 00 ' ~ .~ {1} Spring Byington •••Tom
nd Diok in a novelty hls t ory I. ew s .pe •••• ....... . • ,~~ ~ Tully ••••• Many well-known Hollywood ••

A KISS" J1mmy Cash FISHING FOR TARPON - (1) A fighting fish ~~ ~ players give thelr services in this

YOU?" The Stap1etons •• whlch ·is a challenge ~ tI) ;H drama of our times •••••Astory of war &
luo •••• The Foursome ••• to any fisherman ••• Bass fishing, too 1s ~~ . personal sacrifice •••• •••••• 5.00
~re says "BLAME IT ON covered in this excellent "Spotlight On ~ ~~ ADVENTURES OF RIKKI (1) Come to the
?py FINALEI 12.50 Sports". Florida's quiet, sceniQ. •••• ~~ jungle and see cute
streams of the Everglades are alive wlth !:-)~ . '.
:D "Are You Rav1n' Any
~un?" "Darn Toot1n'·
__ 1ife _•••Exoellentl
________ _ .~~. .. ,
6.00 I '~
monkeys as they live and p1ayl Many ••
h'\ \.':)
dangers confront them daily I Fascina­
Lo on trumpet I An ADVENTURES OF CASANOVA (1 ) Arturo de ~ "'" ~ tlng close-ups! ••••••••••••••• 7.50
)a1mania" with the •••• Cordova ••• Turhan ~~, r-------------------------------------­
l mus1ca11,,-SO Bey in a COMPLETE condensatlon from "the .~ ~ C;j THE MAGIC lAMP (1) Exciting legend ••
thrilling feature f11ml A wlcked ruler -'I ~ dramatiz'e d in a super
"Ml.nS~re.l. Show" with
keeps the populace in slavery ••••• un"'ti1 a.
~ g) spectacular epiC (note the actors and ac-
EDDIE CANTOR, ETHEL Casanova gathers a fearless band to com- .~ ~ ~ tresser, who have costumes .that match the
~RN, GEORGE MURPHY, THE mand & conquers the oppressors I "Thri1- ,,;jJ ((S drapes,) A shoe string production full
and loads of chorus ling actionl Magnlficent sets ••• mighty ~~ 1\ of fascinating fun for the 11tt1e ones I
;or's immortal rendltion batt1es ••• High1ights of whole feature ~ ~ ••••••• and only........... 5.00
••• a tremendous fu1l­
)11'1 Thls a complete in one ree11 New oond. 10.50 ~ ~ ~ . ~ (1) All about radl0 waves ••• how
rrom a blg feature fllm. ~ "C).:h they are beamed out ••• how they
c1tle-new condo
12.00 '"
.~ ing conquest of time & ~
FASTER AND FASTER (1) Man's ever1ast­ 1l
~ are rec eived ••• Faso1nating I •••
:ICS THE THREE SUNSI spacel Ioe-boat racesl Sal1boats under
~ ~ ~ MAGICIANS OF INDIA (1) A very exoit ing
-The terrific trio canvas I Outboard motor boats leap from ~ (U , ' and worthwhile short,
.ast, w1th "WILLIAM TELL' the waterl A fantastic accidentl Ra­ wi th genuine "fakirs" doing amaz lng · ••••
I "SONG OF INDIA" ••••• Cing boats that f1yl Crack-ups, one af­ feats of magic ••• right before your
yeti) all in snappy ter another I Historical footage of Gar eyesl No trick photography here •••• the
Wood's speed record ••• then Seagrave and
:e a full blown orch­
Miss Eng1andII ••••• Kay Don sets new re­ o HEAL t hingl Made by R.K.O. in the 3 0 's
~lon ••• THIS IS GREAT I .p • - 0 A COLLECTOR'S ITEM today I 12 00
I just can't s1t st1111
.. . . . . . . . . . . 10.50
cordi Sir Ma100lm Campbell and the ••••
Bluebird! The Gold Cup Raoesl More and ,..Gl ~ Qj
Gl ,.. IlO .
'1'- ------------­ --- --_-.....0._

still more champions I Crashing t he wa­

..... ~ s:: ' Those of you co11ecttng t he f~bul ous • •


ter barrierl Boat and p110t d1s1nte­ .....

........ ,.. series of "MOVm HISTORY" shorts wi ll
(1) Excellent commun­ gratel Morel Most fabulous short on
r sing reel, featuring 'd
,.. ••••••••• certainly want this ••• • •••••
water speed ever made I Excellent •• •••
~gs •••••wlth words ••• :::~ ~ THE SCREEN DLBECTOR (1) Come INSIDE a
pr1nt for only.............. 12.00
............... 9.50
One used •••••••••••••• 8.00 a; cd __ modern major HOVm
s:: ~ ~ STUDIOI ••• Meet the technicians and learn
BUILDING A HIGHWAY (1) Surveying •• • MO Gl~ the work of the screen director as he
olear.i ng the area,bul1 ~ aI:;
[3 guides a scene from an actual f11m starr­
1DER I S BEING dozing ••• the roadscraper ••• many machines ~ ~s g:
ing RUTH ROHAN. The "atmosphere" and the
and laborers are needed •• Materla1s used GlM ttl underlying "sense of excitement" comes
WITH CREDITS~ final treatment •••Who1e procedure from
beginnlng to end •• Exce11entl ••• 6.00
(I)~ ~~ through in thls remarkable short •• thelil.a
,..,.. ~ parade of great directors.who have given u;
~R $28 .. PLEAuE ~~[il us so many memorable movlesl ••••••••• 10.50 ·
rRA 5 ¢ .. FOR HOLLYWOOD VARIETmS #18 Laurel & HardY~ ~ We have 3 prints ie.ft of: C
in a complete fun 0 =1lO
~CKING, HANDLING ~ ~s:: • ... .
... ..
"Lets Go To The Movies" 10.~0
sequence ••• "Handies " CAROL lANDIS •••
. Thankyou slngs to George Sanders ••• Joan Davis get ~
caught in the wor~s in a soap factory I ~ o • and only two of:
M "Movies Are Adventure n 10.50
Edgar Kennedy takes a fall downsta1rs in ~ [il • more to comel
a comedy olassic ••ALL on 1 reel 7.0(

t·' ,
-1· -8 11fT!;" C611r, ercerrt
whe,.. "Dfetl..
____ ...........a.: BU IBY ' S "BELIEVE rr OR NOT- A serl es
of exoltlng ... TRUE storles~· ... drama­
tlzed wlth - on locatlon- footage and ••
presented ln a thrl1ling, fas t -paced
~ (500 ft) E

manner ••• really fasolnatlng entertaln­
. _L c....
Over 21" when ordering, please. NOT FOR ~lINORS 1
"TIP-TOE TEASE" (1) A naughty nudie does a.
"veil" dance. "STRIP POKER" with
two Hell-cndowed cuties ••• "Bri5NDE BO}lBSHELL" ••A
mentl Eaoh ls in new condltlon on a • •
200 ft. reel •••wlth leader, tltle & end.
GEMS to "perk up- your showl •••••••••
bern ls an interest
own I Dense troplca
gather llquid rubbe
tall and torrid blonde s:1C.kes up a stonn1 In NEI~ clnatlng operatlons
CONDITION!. ••••••••••• Ie 5c
(order by first title r'tip·'Mt·1.'U!lt,··· ••• . • Z RIPLEY'S "BELIEVE IT OR NOT- ~70 1
The Spell of the Hlg Prlest fabulous foo tage of
C The ID1sterlous power ot the pas ti TRUE ••••••• ~xcellent
FRANTIC FOUitSO'{C (1) A 400feet long SUPER "GIRLIL" story of a prominent archeologlst •••who
,......,.A~ c.....
Please state "I AN OVER 21" •••• removed a mummy from lts restlng plaoe FISHING IN THE OZABJ
Lan~id lovelies, one after another, plus lively •••••and dled shortly thereafter ••••• ln
lassl.es and 'top heavy' titillatorsl A "lounging lal, taking you on !
exactly the same manner prophesled ln a )0 mile f1shlng tl
lass" goes bye-bye •• .J·!eet "BUSTY BERTHf." and Egyptian hleroglyphlcs on the mummy casel ful scenery ••• Some E
"P:lJ,.NCING PAULINE" folloHed by a SEXSATIONAL ••• Hls body VAN ISHED I Here ' s a dandy s c enes ••••• Title wal
SIREN.. "Hot stuff"...................... Jl2.50 -minlthrl1ler" to spllce on front of ~pliced on "Somethlr
your favorite spooky featurel and ln certalnly 1s I Barg~
GENGHIS KHAN A BIG reel of exciting
(1) New oondltlon •••••••••••••••• 6.00
Itt ....,.... L ACTIONI showing how the
spectacular Battle scenes were filmedl Rlpley's Believe It or . Not #101 harvest •••
Helioopters, many cameras at strategic "RESCUED BY LIGHTNING" COLORI shots. of San
places ••••• Terrificl Then you'll see, A strange tale of a highwayman who was fornlas frult produo
too, how the aotors were made to look prevented from oomm~lng a crlme •••• by pests are oontrolled
like the strange characters they portray I nature's own foroesl TRUE I ••• 6.00 planting & crop dust
A fantastl0 reel of Hollywood "speclal lent shots from the
effects"1 •••••••••••••••••••• 15.00 Ripley's Believe It or Not #89 at the fabulous mach
A flsherman's •• "INCREDIBLE LONDON" nlngl Amazing "huma.
DEMONS OF TEE DEEP Some truly AMAZING facts I ABuildlng on peel. sort, pack and
Paradlsel Casting expensive slte rents for 14¢ a year I
ln the surf for BIG fish I Swordfish vegetables ••• this is
.in mid..:ooean ••••• man overboard I (Rain
scratohes, but O.K.) • ••••••• 3.65
Orlgln of "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul".··
••• Brltish Admiralty Buildlng created
from plans for a lunatlc asylum (we ••
don't doubt thls at alll) ••• 6.00
A bargaln ....... .
Fascinating "behind

EXPOSING EVOLUTION (1) Professor RlghtC· MICHIGAN (3) Visit

expounds on the fas­ insular" •• •
clnating theory of making a monkey out Ripley's Belleve It or Not #92 surpassed anywhere ir
of a man •••• •and other"nonsensicle" to­ "VOLCANIC DISASTERS "I privately owned light
picsl Full reel of wacky tomfoolery I Fantastlc footage of the MIGHTIEST through 10oks ••• Fayet
New shape •••• •• • •••••••••• •• ••• 9..h5 VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS ever filmedl Th~' •• •Waterfall •• beauty
legends and facts ••• and hlstory's most radise • •• Wol verine •• ]
"REVIEW OF 1955" WARNER BROS. Most •• mysterious unsolved EXPLOSIONI 6.00 Country" Holland and
SENSATIONAL newsreel ever lip vll1agel Then to
A year of discoveries, riots, spectacular Rlpley's Believe It or Not Henry Ford's Greenfle
DISASTERS I Austria's Reblrth of Freedom "NERO'S FATAL NUMBER" into the pastl Henr
••• ATOMIC ATTACK •••A whole town is built Rome in flamesl ••• but Nero didn't creation of 18901 T~
•• peopled with wax dummies in homes ..and "fiddle" ••• why? Mys tio prophet pr~:' and thelr "flying mao
shops ••• then the aotual EXPLOSION of an claimed "beware the 73rd year" whloh too, was a great frie
ATOM BOMB I Cameras,at various points, proved a true and fatal predlotlon••••• sized paddle wheel sh
record the devastation by this fearful for Nero dled before he was 40 •••• but for a tripl A weeken
weaponl Amazingl New rocket plane •••• "73" was hlsundolngl ••••••• 6.00 troit to Mackinac lsI
crashes Heat Barrier ••• Clvil War •• Rlots the island ••• so every
A ten ml11ion dollar FIRE •••ALL in ONE • • • • • •• or horse-draw'
MIGHTY NEWSREEL •• new condo 9.65 SPECIAL THO-REEL COLLECTORS ITEHf ~ts morel Fabulousl·
... ""CTiII\. c:...... A unique, early
THE ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE I KID S PEE D With Dorothy Owan and many other Ro
Fabulous COMPLETE railway ••• luxurlous h
"featurette" wlth AUTHENTIC newsreel old tilners. Ollie runs a garage and all efforts line rlde on horsebac
footage of the 20·s •••••AL CAPONE and are bent toward winning a big AUTO RACE .....The the lake ••••• Winter s
the tremendous reign of CRIME in Chicago GREAT DI.Y ARRIVES 1 A fantastic "no holds barred" ~nowl Fabulous I •
The motlon picture was re-oreated from slapstick "free for all"l Originally silent, NEW HAMPSHIRE ~
such footage and stars Jason Robards as this has an added sound track of appropriate music Blrthpla
Capone I You'll see both the actual film ,nth all n8cessary titles left in. The print is a ster ••• Granlte •••• For
of gang warfare •••and the reoreation for "dupe" as many of these extremely rare items are, Textiles •• shoe indust
the movie I Every foot charged with but it's quite good and in new clean condition State cap1tal •• Portsm
••• ACT ION.I new .shape ...200 feet for only"•• ~ ••••••••••••••• ••••••• ! ••••••• 22.00 of the state ••• nloe p



~~~t!y~~~~o~:_ 'RA 9
r OR NOI' · , A ser les
f stories ~ ••• drama­
i1on · footage and • •
,l1ng, fast - paced
i1nat l ng entertaln­
w condltlon on a •• bern is an interest1ng world of its .~ ~ 5N \l1ANITOBA (1) Central Canada ••••• Ioe
l eader, tltle 4: end. own. Dense troploal forests ••• Natlves <:::;j & ~ . sports ••• summer delights
,ur showl ••• • ••••• gather llquld rubber I Tin mlnes •• fas- ~ ~ ~ Royal Canadlan Mounted Polloe •••• Dog
! OR NOI'· ~701
oinating operations ••••• SINGAPOREI.. <:: ::t.. ~ teams draw sleds over snow at Hudson
or the Hlg Prlest fabulous foctage of thls amazing olty' . ~ ~ ~ Bay ••••• winnlpeg ••• the mighty capltall
Excellent. ••••••••• 10.50 ~ ~ r t I 10 50
OZA~ -~;;;lng '-" '~ ~ ~ ~~~~AG'A ·U·NI·Y~~SI~"
, or the pastl TRUE
archeologlst •••who FISHING IN' THE -(1)- l.O
(3) •
lts restlng place COLOR travel speo- f>-) ' ffi J;:> - ."

7 thereafter ••••• ln lal, taking you on an "Ozark Float" on ~~ ~ BING CROSBY takes us on a tour of the
ner prophes1ed ln a 3 0 ml1e f1s hlng trlp through beautl- ~ University he attended
!c s on the mUIIUIIY case I ful soenery • •• Some exoellent fishing.. . ~ ~ ~ " TAKE GONZAGA" (about 1200 ftl on 1600
I Here's a dandy soenes ••••• Tltle was misslng , s o we ,. . ~ ~ 'i ft. reel ••• in ~EAUTIFUL COLOR and NEW
lce on front of ~pliced on "Something Special" a nd it ~ ~ ~ , condition ••• You 11 see the various de-
feature I and ln oertalnly isl Bargain priced. '9 . 50 ~:; ~ I pa rtments , along with a short history
••••••••••• 6.00 ~ '~ of the Jesuit colleges. Bing says he

CALIFORNIA and lts fruit & vegetable s::: ~ ~ owes what he is today to his early en-

r .Not #101 harvest ••• J re,els I n beautlful tl)" ~ vironment ••• and the help he had from
gSCUED BY LIGHTNING" COLOR. shots. cf San Franolsoo and Cali- .,~ ~ thls ' ma~niflcent seat of learning •• The
highwayman who was fornlas frult producing regions •••• How -?6 ~ "after class" act1vlties ••• sports and
lng a orlme •••• by pests are oontrolled ••• Airplanes do the . ~ n; fun ••••• Ski-ing at Spokane I Fishing

TRUE I ••• 6.00 planting & orop dustlngl (some exoel- " \ . 1n wonderful scenic 1'1 vers I Grand Cou­
lent shots from the plane') Then a look ~ -...I lee Dam and Spokane itself •• ••,1th Cana ­
~r Not #89 at the fabulous maohinery llsed in can- ~ ~ da nearby I Dramatlcs ••• BasketLa11 and
"INCREDIBLE LONDON" ningl Amazlng "human" dev10es that cut fl) ~ Basebal] "t Mulli gan Fie ld I Plus lots
ets I ABuHding on peel, sort, paok and, label fruits and "' lo ts more ..... ",,·1, of caurs e, . BING •••
for 14¢ a year.
Iter to Pay Paul".·-
... vegetables ••• this is really somethlng'
Fasclnating "behlnd the soenes" story' ­
J CROSBYI A $ 20 0 item.-.,for only

Bulld1ng created A _
_ bargain
_ _ _ __._._._-. • • ••• • • • • • • • • • 18 • 50 \ -~ THE
AGE OF DISCOVERY (400 fe.:!t) •• NEW;
Spanls;h and Portugese
ltie asylum (we ••

lUI ) ••• 6.00

.. MICHIGAN (J) Visit the "pleasure pen- ~ EXnloratlons 1 LI,sbon, Portugal ••• r uins of

I lnsular" ••• scen1c wonders un- l> ~ Prl!lce Hel'1ry~ s Research Center •• •hundreds of
~r Not #92 surpassed anywhere 1n the world' A.. ~ I l(" ",-rs old l l.frica •• Cape of Go od. Hope ••• the
DLCANIC DISASTERS" I privately owned lighthouse I Boat cru i se G'l ~ "'. ~!:n of . the flfteent h century' COLUMBUS I
the MIGHTIEST ••• through locks ••• Fayette, a "Ghos t Town" , ~~ ~!-"rea~ ~ on of l1is great voyage I Granada;
'er filmed' The • •• Waterfall. •beauty spots •• vaca tion pa _ 1~ ~ .:> ...ain • • las~o ~e Gamma ••• Sev1lle-the anolsnt
nd history's most radise • •• Wolverine •• Ironwood •• "Hiawatha "\ ~ E',whange S ~1 1.L stands todaY' •• The Conqulst­
~XPLOSIONI 6.00 Country" Holland and a pioturesque tu- 1~ _ a~ores' A tr~lY fabulous sub jeot ••• in real1~
l1p village' Then to Detrolt and on to ~~ ::t.>-':. BEAUTIFUL COLvRI •••• " •• •• ••••••••• • ••• 32.00
~r Not Henry Ford's Greenfleld Village-a v oyage t.:)""\
into the past. Henry Ford's orlginal
. T '
~ . <~ TRA.VELAUGHS (1) A ~'i'aoky newsreel. • •

.- --,,-----:r;;
~ut Nero dldn 't ••• creation of 1890. The Wright Brothers ~~.~ tak1ng you arcund the

rstio prophet pro- and their "flylng madhine"

•• •
Ed1s o'
I ~~ '" ~ world t o flnd that people are f unny • ••

h ' liT
3rd year" whlch too, was a great friend of Ford's •• Full X. everyw ere op 1 es "<," d ar.cers 0 f Samoa

.al predlot 10n••••• s1zed paddle Wheel ship takes vls itors ~ ~ ~ • • ••• J~panese Geish~ g irls ••• The 2tl,­
he was 40 •••• but for a trip' A weekend crulse from De- ~ ~;G Sinal Bla ck Bottom done by experts I

6.00 trolt to Mackinac Island. No cars on ~~ ~ Funny Faoe contest i n Swltzerland•••••

the 1s1and ... so everyone uses b1cycles ~ ~ ~ Marathon Dance of th~~.l..hl:!.ties' Alas ka
....... or horse-drawn carrlages. Lets t't, ~ ... the U.S. Indian o.ances;::'1Ots, lots
~ lots morel Fabulous' •••• ••• 14.00 ~ '''\) more •••wlth some clever wiseoraoks •••
A unique, early BANFF & LAKE LOUISE . I'h ::b ~ snappy muslc ••• Terrific novelty short
lOy 2.nd JlAIUtY SEEJ-1ON I ==!....~~~~~.:!:;!~R kl an~ a~ i '" <)!:fi for your next "movie party" Complete &
-othy Dwan and many other railway ••• luxurlous ~~te~~::~o~~.~~- ',"'i ~ NEW eond~ A BIG one' • •••••••• 10.50
garage and all efforts 11ne rlde on horseback ••• Fishing on ~ BORNEO--ABODE OF PEACE The town of Brunej
toig AUTO RACE •••••The the lake ••••• Winter sports ln the ••• §~. (400ft) is vlslted to note
stic "no holds barred" snowl Fabulous. • ••• • •••••• _ ~O. 0 r.;, the rebul1dlng after Japanese oooupatlon
Originally silent, NEW HAMPSHIRE (1) Covered Bridges •• - '"::s' .. Centuries-old tools are used ln making
'a ck of appropriate 1I!Ilsic Birthplaoe of Daniel Web- ~ ~ works of art. Royal Ceremony ••• a coro­
left in. The print is a ster ••• Granlte •••• Forestry •• Manchester Jl) ~ natlon•••wlth musio strange to our ears'
itI'f'.mely rare items are, Textl1es •• shoe industry ••• Concord •• • IV Wonderful "ohange of pace "I 8.00
new clean condition State capltal •• Portsmouth and a tour

••••••• ! ••••••• 2~.OO' of t he state ••• nloe pr1nt 9.00

COLOR TRAILER REEL #73 "Cool Band Luke"

George Peppard as"PJ "
"Blackbeards's Ghost" "Coogan's Bluff"
"Two For The Road" "D1voroe-Amerlcan
Style" ALL 7 more only •• •• 12.50

TRAILER REELS. 400f t spools wlth many

MONSTERS & THINGS #3 (1) Class 1c screen
excellent trailers from ch111ers - - 7 great
outstanding movies • •• all ready to run. mas terp1eces of the macabre Daoked with
one after another • •all in excellent con­ hor ror and h11arlty (you wonit know••• • STRIP AHOYI Ange
d1t10n • • •• all "meat" the 1ndividual whether to scream or laugh. ) These f abu­
leaders have been removed and trallers She le
are spl1ced one after another. maki ng a lous titles •• •MASTER OF THE WORLD ••• THE "one g1rl" SPECTA,
FAVORITES . Terrlfic val ue. Purchased ON EARTH ••• HAUNTED PALACE • •• 300 feet of
slngly. these trailers are worth from A $35 spec1al for
expl oslve. bloodthirsty souvenlrsl ••
$2 to $5 each' Here you get several Starri ng VINCENT PRlCE •• •BORIS KARLOFF FORB IDDEN I A real
for a fract10n of true worth • •at these PETER LOBRE ••••• BASIL RATHBONE ••••• The reel •••. ~
prices you are 'way aheadl (Tr a1lers & all-t l me k1ngs of soreen oreeperyl A These are gett1ng E
Trailer Reels are NOT returnable) timeless treasury of terror I 10.50 collect 'em. betteI
collect10n wh1le yc
MY FAIR LADY 400ft Souven1r of the •• SORR.Y, WE CAN NOT ACCEPT TR~lu;R~ New shape •••••••
f1lm •• • Warner Bros stud10s OR.. TR.AIl..E:R. REEl..S IN 'TRADE -.-­ BOUDOIR BEAtJI'IES
•• •and hundr eds of people at work pre­
parlng t he multltudlnous costumes and ALL OF THESE ARE' IN NEW CONDITIO~ ! .
"Tantallz1ng T1kki
paraphenalia for thls terrific MUSICAL BETTE DAVIS TRAILERS (1) (on 400ft rl ) langu1d ••• "S1zz11n
triumph I Behlnd the scenes in a ma jor A magnlfioent parade bather •••all of wh
mov1e studl0 ••••• revealing. excit1ng of movie masterpleoes all f eaturlng •• your "bosom" pals
scenes "on the set" A Collector's i t eml the GREAT "FIRST LADY "-of the mov1es muslc on track •• Th
Th1s pr1nt 1s llke brand newl ••• 10.50 BETTE DAVISI "Now Voyager" "All Th1s average altogether
& Heaven Too" "Petrlfled Forest" "Man
TRAILER REEL #16 "K1ng of Roar1ng 20's" Who Came To Dlnner" plus mor e l A HOLLYWOOD HONEYS n
fabulous s ouvenl r l • •• •• ••.••• . 6 ... (1)
(1) "Come s eptember" "Wh1te better from the fl
Slave Ship" "For Love or Money" •••••• Add &K"TRA ~orouj~ under t ar.; please; Cute Kathy plays ~
"Lawrenoe of Arab1a " plus orazy stunts
w1th mov1e daredev1ls . a f un ol1p f r om
fin1sh de luxe I 1:

"Munster s" and, 1n COLOR Luollle Ball i 13 FRIGHTENED GIRLS"

You'll see all these stars ••Sandra Dee •• with dead bodies gal ore I Peter Seller s ~ cal tra ck' new sl:

Rock Hudson•• Mlokey Rooney ••llrk Douglas a sks "WHAT'S NEW, PUSSYCAT" "GENGHIS
KHAN " wl th Omar Shariff "STRANGE BED­ ~ The Runway

Glna Lolabrldg1da •• Davld Jannsen• • • • Fred rhythan1cal
Gwynne ••• •Mltz1 Gaynor • ••• •Peter O'Toole FELLOWS" and 1n COLOR " IN ENEMY COUN-
and many morel ..... .. ... .. ... 12.00
TRY " plus 4 morel ALL only 7.00 does . a sensatlonal
Marthay w1th the
HOLLYWOOD PREMIERI A 50 f t little gem br1ngs up the end!

TRA I LER REEL #7 "Mary Poppins" "Batman"
"Lt . Robln Cr usoe U.S .N . of Hollywood's Glamorous s tars I lesque in a 200 ft
Who's Afrald of Virglnla Wolff?" "Thls LORETTA YOUNG ••• KAY FRANCIS •• KIM NOVAK New condlt1on
Property Is Comdemned " "Modesty Blaise" TYRONE POWER • •SONYA HEINIE •• DON AMECHE
"What's New. Pussy Cat? " plus a speolal JAMES STEWART • • •ROCK HUDSON •••• •MARLON BEACHCOMBING BE~
t rai ler on a problem of today ••••• You'll BRANDO and morel See a ll t hese stars
see all of these s tars I Taylor-- Burton as they attend Grauman ' s Ch1nese ••• •• ratlon•••a 11ttle
Peter Sellers ••• Dlok Van ptke • • • ursula Theatre . All f or on l y . ..... 1.50 very well made. ~
fllm currently sh,
Andress •• Capuolne ••many more l
Clty"1 The slghts along ••• "Girlle" theatres
try. Please statl
he Ambushers " •••
"The Great Race" Tony CurtiS • • •Natal1e
Wood ••• Jack Lemmon•• OVer 200 f eet of all
different COLOR trailers from these t wo
II1II Hol lywood Boulevard•• •the star s names
on s idewalk • ••• Grauman's Chlnese Theatre
etc. with approprlate commentary on ••
track . An ideal introduotion f or · your
movie presentat1on•• on 50ft r eel 1 . 50
tainment ••• New COl
Smash Hitsr----All for only 12.00 out1es 1
"The Plainsman"
:1: MARIE DRESSLER Born In Canada, she • •
(STlusor< FIWII l became an actress a t 14 1
Weber & Fiel ds starred her I n a stage
fem1nine pulchr1tu
State "I am over 2
Don Murray •• • "Ballad of Jos i e " Doris Day musioal •• • "Tillle's Punctured Ro­
"Dead Heat on A Merry- Go Round " James mance" was her first fllm l Then came wha
Coburn••• "Hondo" Dundee-& the Culhane t he great Wa l laoe Beery c omedies "Min
free" females I ~
"Fitzwilly Strlkes Agaln" Dick Van DWke a nd Blll" & "Tugboat Annie ". Scenes (~iU,l
Buy BOTH at one 1:
"Who' s Hindlng The Mlnt" Walter Brennan from her greatest triumphs •••• Complete order & we ' ll give
& Jim Hutton ••• ''Blondie" •• • • 18.00 on 200 ft ,reel •• new condlt1on 7.00


~ "Cool Rand Luke" a~>3

George Peppard as"PJ"
host" "Coogan's Blurf"
d" "Dlvoroe-Amerlcan
usua I prices!
re only 12.50

FI'N~ 21
~ (1) ClaSS10 soreen
chl11ers -- 7 great
,he macabre \,!oked with

ty (you won t know •••• STRIP AHOYI Angela the abandoned I i 1# "'OaJ ,DlfleES!
SIl~E' iD l"e~£"A$~

, or laughl) These fabu­ She lets herself GOI A
TER OF THE WORLD •••THE "one g1rl" SPECTACULAR for adults ••• IN VAUlE! A $OPN,P INVEsrNlIit{1.1
THE RED DEATH ••••TOMB ONLYI A tour de force a Is femmel In


:D PALACE • • • 300 feet of
other words ••• whoo-ieeel new shape I ~ I ASTOUN DING SHE MONSTER Robert Cla r l­

Mar llyn Harv e y

A $35 specl~_~r onl~....:.-_.. 12.50 "\)
hirsty souvenirs l Slerra l1aclre mountalns ••• a remote arer-l,
PRlaE •••BORIS KARLOFF FORB IDDEN I A really speCial Glrlie ~ and the a rpearance of a welrd creaturt
ASIL RATHBONE ••••• The reel ••••• NOT for minors I ~ ~ glving off deadly radlatlonl Thrlll
soreen oreeperyl A These are gettlng scarce now •• lf you ~~ after t hrlll in this sclence-flctlon ••
of terrorl 10.50 collect 'em, better add THIS to your ~~ adventure I • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • 72.0 ,.
collectlon while you have the chance I ' liI,1 -',

NOT ACCEPT TRAILERS New shape •••••••• • ••••••••• 12.00 ~~~NEVER TO LOVE 1hls
' Is a second
- ~-~ si on of the screen olassl '
~EL..S IN 'TRADe: ____ BOUDOIR BEAl1l'IES (1) "Sultry Sh1ela " l~ ~ ~ "Blll of Dlvorc ement" Maureen O'Hara ,
. wlth the seduot1ve eyes ~ 0 (b
\RE' IN ti'EW CONDITION! "Tanta11z1ng T1kkl" long legged and ;l ~
Adolphe Menj cu , Fay Balnter••• A movlne
tragedy of a ltma tlc who escapes & re­
nERS (1 ) (on 400ft rl)
~ magni fioent parade
languld ••• "Slzzl1ng Sandra" the sun-
bather ••• all of whom would llke to be •
(0at· turns t o hls f a mily ••• at a most Innop ~
tune momentl Gre a t performances by a
pieoes all featuring •• your "bosom" palsl Exceptlonally good .... <::! magnif10ent oast l Screen olasslol 72.. ,
r LADy"-;r the movies muslc on track •• This Is well above ••• ~ '<:; '

Now Voyager" "All This

· Petrified Forest" "Man
average altogether I _ New condo 12.00 ~_ S
ner " plus more l A HOLLYWOOD HONEYS #149 "Rear Vlew Rhonda " '_ tjI CONSTANCE CUMMINGS
~r t • ••••• ~.. . 9.65 ~
(1) who looks even.. , t%J ROBERT MORLEY in a l1vely comedy of a
better from the front ••• or any angle I ~ ~ confllct between a pretty efficiency e x

~ i~ under.~ plQase" Cute Kathy plays wlth her Kltty .. ... , ~ pert and a stubborn Scotl To put a f al:

I "HARLOW" Caro l Baker "RHYTHM TEASE" •• Zelda unzlpsl Strip It""II

q ' rio compa ny on a paying ba S iS, head of­

flnlsh de luxe I ha s a very g ood musl- ~ L~ fice s end s a gir s~ er t t o the ir mills
Peter Sellers -r
galore I cal trackl new shape •••••• 12.00 IL"~ '1n Scotla nd. T he ~e she meRts uu wi th
I, PUSSYCAT" .r~ <::! the "old way" of dolng the job. " Peter
"GENGHIS ~ The Runway Queen .....wlth the ...., . . -<:; Sellers in one of hls usual "prlceless"
performances I FUN t •• " ..... 11 0.0,:
~ ALL only ... 7.00 does . a sensatlonal shimmy I Yvonne
Marthay wlth the reverberratlng rear
brings up the endl •• 3 Queens of Bur- ;
t-t ' CHARADE ( 1 0 reels) James & Pame la ••
tjI Mas o~ In a serie s of thre e sto­
tRI A 50 ft 11ttle gem lesque ln a 200 ft. "Glrlle" romp I •• ~ C> rles ••• A murder-thriller , a s uspe nse
~'s Glamorous stars I New condltion • ....... ....... 10.50 ."" d:rama and a sllperb tongne-ln-~I''''elf C.f'~

,KAY FRANCIS •• KI M NOVAK ___________________.....::_ '.~ fle c tlon on big bU8ines si Nlc9 co!'\~L,
INYA HEINIE •• DON AMECHE BEACHCOMBING BELLE (200 fee t ) "Glrlie~ ol ean p rint ••• Barg~in prj~ed! ••• :2,
II See all the s e stars
~auman's Chi nese •• •• •
'or only 1.50
with very oleve r nar-
ration ••• a llttle "rlsque" but oute &
very well made. Thls ls the type of ••
fllm currently s howing ln the "Art" or
THIR.Q ~.d I -_.- ----­
90 :ninutes or 00 of e :'.
oitlng ent ertainment l • ••
Guy Mlddleton, Sonla Dresdel •• Criminal
~ODUCT ION to the "Magio "Girlle- theatres throughout t he coun- on t he rt'.ll 1s Involved. in murder a nd
The Sights along • • • try. Please state -r am over 21" when 8wl tahes Identlties I • .. .. • • • 32. Ot'
lrd• •• the stars names ordering •••••Thank you•••Adult enter- '
rauman's Chinese Theatre tainme nt ••• New condl tion 7.00 ~.. TANGIEDMUiENGF.. Joa n Mari on.... Sa!!'
priate oommentary on •• , l' • L~veBe:r ln a goocl .!!; . .
introduot10n for · your BOSOM PALS (1 ) A tr i o of not-so-basr.ful: ~ der mystery. Everyone tnvol~ed tr1 c 3
. n •• on 50ft reel 1.50 cutles ln a t oples s parac.e;~
fem1nlne pulchri tude! For ADULTS only I ~
() rti ::tI to "llan~" evider.cp. on each oth'-rl •••
~ Beautlfu~ print on 23COft reel ir 2000
"Born 1n Canac1a, she • • state "I am over 21 " on _order ••• 12.()0 ~ ~ :a:, I ft. oontainer •••• •1.11 for 32.0(1
~ame an aotress at 141
~red her ln a stage
L1e's Punotured Ro-
TIT FOR TATl (1) w1th a nothe r triple • • '~ ~ ~ JENNIE Virginia Gllmore •••• • ~l1 ll1am
-------Henry •• • George Montgomery •• Grand
whammy of - fr1.:lltratlon ~ ~ '"
lrst tUm l Then came s tory of a f amily who f ell on bad tlme s
I Beery oomedles "Mln
free" females I . . . •• •••• • •••••• 12.00 . " ~ •••but were saved b y a ole ver glrl who
~boat Annie ". Soenes (stiU,) Buy BOTH at one~e a.n:i s end CL..3H wi t h knew how to "put one over". A maj cr
, tr1umphs •••• Complete order & we 'll give you BOTH for-----22.00 productlon ••• 10 ree l s and 1n "like new '"
lew condit10n 7.00 c ond o Worth $98 . ~ . s uper buyl 58.00

r ".
," .'

~reYe~~fRE£ - .fO~- "'1.,//
RANGE BUSTERS . really great Western,
THING I There's a "phantom killer" •• (3' Super Issue I Schools to-

whose identity baffles everyone 1 Stars

Ray Corrigan and several other western
:1~ r1
day take students to locations to learn
~ ~VI practical applications of Seamanship,
U U WAY? Send $10
10 0 DUS TC
favorites ••••• Excellent print in "like ,m
~ Forestry, Farming, etc. ~ made 12.00 RED CREDIT VOUCHERS
~ ~ ~ t-:.'::=:::--::::--=::::--:'-:-::::--:::::::::;-:;--;;r-=:::---.::-:::-=--­
new" cond 1 t ion 1_ • • • • • • • • •• • • • • 62. 00 C. O .D. ? Send $10 j
STEPS OF THE BALLET P) A beautiful G ~ ~ KISS IN THE DARK David Niven ... Jane Po s t a ge and Feell arj
f11m,w1th sk1lled '\\;S Wyman ••• V1ctor Moore ••
~ l ""ollt-office:
profess10nals, a full-scale product10n ~ ~ ~ Broderiok Crawford ••• A talented concert
1n every sense. Bas1c movements and
the1r execut10ns •••Excellent pr1nt....
~ til ~ p1an1st acqu1res an apartment bu11d1ng
~ ~ Ih. . . . . . and finds he has some very trouble-
Sells for over $1001 A ~ for , ~ ~ some tenants 1 Good comedy situations
------------:--:-----::-~:--____j: 1 ~ ~ ~ and fast-mov1ng act10nl About an hour ~ W MANY ? TIT
PA.INT AS YOU PLEASE (2) one of the ' and a half of funt ........... 68.00
COL-OR. ,I best f11ms on the J----+=:=""'~:=:=""':':'~=:__"; . - :_:_---:==::_==~~ 2
subject of pa1nting with water colors. J..I '0 NOTHING BU'I' NERVES (1) ROBER'r BENCHLEY

Emphas1zing points of 1mportance ••• ~ I .0 A fantastic study of a

Pre11minary sketches ••• the f1nal work. ~ § ~,;.. man about to fall apart I Hilar10us ••••

Examples of the great masters of artl ~ J..I because the s1tuat10ns are so 'rRVEI ••

Some scratches ••• b ut generally O.K. ;~~:. You'll recognize yourself as the wacky

Authent ic color! .......... . . 16.00 ~ III J..I. .g enius goes through the torment of a

Q).-! Gl ceaseless fight ••••• w1th 1nan1mate ob­

( 2) DAPHNE POLLARD ' III OJ..c: j ec tsl a great treasure for all collec-
SLIDE, SPEEDY. SLIDE w1th many old-timers ~.::r~al torsI Excellent condit10n ..... 12.00
in a genuine old MACK SENNET'
r comedy.... ~ ~ !l ~
A collector's 1tem with the s lower humor ~ •

of the early th1rt1es ••• "corny" by to- g~_~ (2) walkS among the un­
day's standards, but quite a nostalg1c .0'" 1Il~ believers, speaks to them of God's ....

item ..... N1ce cond1tion ...... . . 28.00 ~;~!: blessings ... He makes a blind man see,

G! ~? but most people do not believe. The

JOHN FI'fZGERALD KENNEDY Before he be- iJ ~ ~ beggar 1s questioned by the authorities
(2) came Pres1dent, 0 '0 ~ ••• he defends Jesus and 1s accused ot:

Senator Kennedy worked hard for the... 0 aI ~ blasphemy I Jesus continues h1s minls­
Democrat1c Party. This f11m "The Pur- (!) ~~ try ••••• Beautifully done on a magn1f1­
suit of Happ1ness" def1nes the pr1nci- i::i ... o cent scalel New condition ... 29.00 .

pIes of democracy ..... w1th personal in- p:: 'tij ~

troduct10n and excellent narrat10n by ~ ~~ ,
J.F.K. The B11l of R1ghts and early J ~~ GOOD NUDES (1) The title 1s selt e~

Amer1can history ••• The Lou1sana Purchase '0 al l planatoryl Adults onlyl •••• 9.50

••• James Monroe •• Andrew Jackson •• Slavery

:; ":" Abraham L1ncoln ••••• Rosevelt ••••• The 2nd ~I PEPPY STEPS Cute STRIP TEASE "Gir11e"
World War ••• Hitler and company •••• Roose­ g' ~ f11m, made especially for
velt's funeral ••• Harry S. Truman makes ~ ~ ~' c01n-operated amusement park mach1nes.
h1s open1ng speech ••• H1gh11ghts from the c:T () ~ I Runs exactly the same as regular 16mm
Truman Adm1nlstration ••• N.A.T.O. The ~~ Ie' film, of course. N1ce mus1c ••• plenty of
Ber11n A1r11ft ••••• lots morel r'ull of ~ g ~ actionl Charge your fr1ends a d1me to
wonderful scenes and nostalgic memories
th1s 1s a gem ••••• for any collection I
OJ! :5 see what they m1ssed last year at Atlan- <I
'0 0 t1c Cityl Fun I New cond1t10n •••••••
New shape ••••••••••••••••••••• 18.50 ~ ••••• (on 100 ft reel) •••••••••• ~.OO
~~ ~~~~~~~~~~--~--~~~~~~~~~
~, -- DADDY KNOliS BEST (2) Walter Catlett
- ~~ Joyce Compton, Arthur
Houseman, Ben Alexander •• The Roar1ng 20s
• ~ ~
•••••• that sp111ed over into the 30'sl
: ~ OJ g:I
BEN ALEXANDER (star of "Dragnet" "Fel­
• ~ III c:T ony Squad") When he was a young manl A

'F V". . . 0 ·I&D1:"8 IS .'--"'''. : ;~ ~ grand comedy of a girl who liked to live

lIj 'v..."" ~ .. " v .... .,_~ • ct- 0 "fast" and a father who knew better •••
4"~,~" ~ 811,.. _"'" ~ ::; g, ~ I or d1d he? Arthur Houseman 1s f'R.m">1l~ R.~
T~ "' V5"'-' • ~ III ~ the "Hollywood Drunk" •• many other good

W,.", elflFD,.,. flDUCIIIFIf.$

f t I ~.,,.. . ' R .... W"M
r..".n.. .,.,.,..-
~ ',

~c;rr , 0: ~
old-timers 1n th1s tale of prohib1t10n

~ CIl & RAZZNA. TAZZ 1 A wonderful souvenir of

the "good old days" . _ 2.1..00
-(".,11"'- ._W!A~
pt>., nW"5', ~



~- ~I.~"!
___ _______ _______ fORM BB SURE
~TE _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __
Issue I Schools to­
:0 locatlons to learn LAYAWAY 7 Send $10 or over and CHECK HERE :
·lons of Seamanshlp, 100 DAIS TO PAY BALANCBI ST.
Davld Nlven ••• Jane C. O. D. 7 Send $10 or over and CHECK HERE :
Po~tage and Pee& are EXTRA . dded to t ot al
men ••• Vlctor Moore •• 1)7 ..,ost-offlce:
••• A talented concert
n apartment bul1dlng JlISI JlUN ORDER $5 PLEASE . . ~ PAY POSTAGEI OVERLEAF
has some very trouble­
d comedy sltuatlons
..••••••••• 68.00
I fantast1c study of a I'd
lpart I H11arlous •••• ~o
lons are so 'fRUEI ••
~urself as the wacky I II... ~
~ the torment of a O~
I.with 1nanimat e ob­ I ~f!l
fasure for all col1ec ­
pnd1t10n . .... 12.00
I ~H
... ~ -
- , ....

r JERUS AL E1~ l a~
laiks among the un-


fO them of God's ....

IS a b11nd man see. Cll'II

Inot believe. The rt:n

fd by the author1tles 'tI 'G

I and 1s accused ot:

• til
:ont1nues hls m1n1s­ III>
done on a magn1f1­ ~~
ndltlon 29.00 .
I :SCll
1e tltle ls sel! eJr­ ~>
ts onlyl •••• 9.50 0:':

STRIP TEASE "Glrlle" ~

de especlally for ~~
~ent park machines. (I~
~e as re gular 16mm '1\1\
lce muslc ••• plenty of o
r friends a dlme to '1

~ last year at Atlan­ ~o

~ condition •••••••
I\ ~
\1.) ••••••••••
2) Walter Catlett
4.00 0'1
"j '"
,ce Compton, Arthur
.nder •• The Roarlng 20s
'"' I::' I

over lnto the 30'sl

of "Dragnet" "Fel­
!; o
was a young manl A e ...
t1rl who 11ked to 11ve p.aq
I who knew better ••• .CD
Houseman Is t'A.mnll!'l A.B
ik" •• many other good ~
...., -­
,t ale of prohlbltlon
tonderful souvenlr of .•

-- 2.1..00
~al"'" = ==
· .. '" ~
th .

~., l!!:!J
: 0

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