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Unit Plan

Activities Measurement & Explanations

Learning Outcome



Evaluation (If any)

Cognitive Development Before the activity, as a parent Teacher gives time to

5. Nesne veya varlıkları involvement, concept map of demonstrate and explain
gözlemler. (Göstergeleri: equipment which people use from what each child did, and
Nesne/varlığın kullanım past to present by using why?
amaçlarını söyler.) for is sent parents to inform them More time is given in order
Social and Emotional and to prepare their children for to share their thoughts
Development the class about what they will do about heaters for children.
Kazanım 3. Kendini in the class during this months. In
yaratıcı yollarla ifade this activity, heaters are
Equipment Which People Use from Past to Present

eder. (Göstergeleri: Duygu, introduced children. It is child-

1. Week

düşünce ve hayallerini centered and whole group activity.


özgün yollarla ifade Firstly, teacher prepares the

eder. Nesneleri alışılmışın presentation by using Prezi, and
dışında kullanır. Özgün she demonstrates it, and describe
özellikler taşıyan ürünler the equipment. After, to support
oluşturur.) children’s creativity, teacher gives
Motor Development residual materials to create their
Kazanım 4. Küçük kas own heathers for
kullanımı gerektiren children. presentation by using
hareketler yapar. Prezi, and she demonstrates it, and
(Göstergeleri: Nesneleri describe the equipment. After, to
yeni şekiller oluşturacak support children’s creativity,
biçimde bir araya getirir.) teacher gives residual materials to
create their own heathers for
Cognitive Development: In this activity, clocks pictures More time is given in order
Kazanım 15: Parça-bütün from past to present shows to share their thoughts
ilişkisini kavrar. children and expected to guess about heaters for children.
Bir bütünün parçalarını what would be the tool by using
söyler. demonstrating method. Teacher
Bir bütünü parçalara böler. use an infographic for showing
Parçaları birleştirerek bütün children clocks past to present.
elde eder. Then, teacher starts a discussion
2. Week

Kazanım 18: Zamanla with asking to children what is in


ilgili kavramları açıklar. the clock by co- constructing.

Zaman bildiren araçların After the discussion, children
işlevlerini açıklar. create their own clocks. It is a
Language Development: child centered whole group
Kazanım 5. Dili iletişim activity.
amacıyla kullanır.
Konuşma sırasında göz
teması kurar.
Cognitive Development: Children observes the pictures of Children express their own
Kazanım 1. tools and objects which people devices to the classroom.
Nesne/durum/olaya use to communicate from past to Children observes the
dikkatini verir. today. other’s designs, and they
Dikkat edilmesi gereken Children play as a group learning discuss about their using.
nesne/durum/olaya activity by telling the picture of a
odaklanır. tool without speaking and spelling
Dikkatini çeken the name of the tool. After
nesne/durum/olaya yönelik playing, children watch the video
3. Week

sorular sorar. which includes history of


Dikkatini çeken communication tools. This video

nesne/durum/olayı is prepared with Animato. Finally,
ayrıntılarıyla açıklar. children design a communication
Language Development: tool which is imagined.
Kazanım 10: Görsel
materyalleri okur.
Görsel materyalleri inceler.
Görsel materyalleri açıklar.
Görsel materyallerle ilgili
sorular sorar.
Görsel materyallerle ilgili
sorulara cevap verir.

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