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Although it may seem like we are at the cutting edge of evolution on this planet
we're really not even quite started. Maybe this is because we developed & used
only one side of our brain to reach here . When children enter the world today,
their minds formless and void , almost immediately the sterile medical
environment makes its first imprint. The exploding minds becomes trapped within
the limits of this structure. As they grow older peers, society, education & all
kinds of organizations convince the developing mind to identify with the structure.
Eventually the mind believes it and ends up supporting and becoming the
structure. Each successive imprint then builds upon this foundation of the base
'software' and each successive repetition hard-wires these patterns into the
neural circuitry of the brain 'hardware'. As we age this complete circiutry forms
the map we use to navigate our world. It no surprise then, that this map building
stage of the human mind is frequently attacked by all sorts of dark people &
“Give us children till they’re 5 and we'll have them for life” as a priest once said.
What map the thinker uses(or whatever the beliefs and expectations) , the
prover subconsciously fits all incoming signals to the limitations of this map. This
is the stage of evolution we're at today where most people are “badly wired
robots” competing with each other within those limitations creating an 'Everest' of
confusion. What is important to understand though is that in a general debate
both sides of the argument may be correct within the limits of perception of either
sides “reality tunnel” but both could be wrong too, often when looking from the
perspective of the universal evolutionary reality tunnel.
What people may need to break out of one map and control their own future is
to diversify to other maps, to explore and test for authenticity, methodically &
intelligently. So a brief one distilled from a skimmed research of the Chakras,
G.I.Gurdjieff, Timothy Leary, R.A.Wilson, Isreal Regardie, John C Lilly, Christopher
Hyatt, Rupert Sheldrake. Terrance Mckenna, Ralph Abram, V. Ramachandran,
S.Grof & C.Jung follows.
All people understand patterns of one or a few of the 8 circuits of this map. Each
circuit may be understood as an evolutionary milestone and as we approach the
end of one circuits cycle the darker aspect of the circuit intensifies until a
'quantum jump' to the next circuit occurs. These 7 quantum jump points may be
understood as the chakras. The evolution of these cycles also follow a pattern in
time as elaborated by T.McKenna in 'Time-wave Zero'.
However, in today's industrialized world most social situations are a circus of
'friends' using their evolving perception in some circuits to push or pull each
others circuits in a never ending and totally pointless and futile competition.
Psyops, criminals, some hypnotists, academia, advertising, marketing etc. push
this specialization and domination of a few circuits to an artform while making
sure the victim is clueless of the real methods used (NLP). But all these people
are obviously 'showcase' examples of stupidity. If intelligence may be defined as
the ability and capacity to receive, decode and transmit information effectively
then some forget there's a transmit stage. Hence, there's no real feedback and
only an exponential increase in stupidity. Once intelligence is achieved at a basic
level, intelligence intensification may then be defined as intelligence studying
intelligence. Since the dark characters have barely any intelligence to speak of,
instead of intelligence intensification they focus on “spreading the word”, shoving
their map into as many peoples minds as they can. The Sufi poem is great to
discern them instantly.
The fool never forgives, never forgets,
The half enlightened forgives and forgets,
The master forgives, but never forgets.
I.e in my way, The fool takes everything personally, never admits it and plots
subtly in the shadows, the flower-child alienates from the fools and their stupid
world but is quite the hypocrite too and the master observes, learns & develops
solutions from & for the “badly wired madhouse”.
Pt 2
Before beginning let me say that I understand the implications of giving this map
to mostly uninitiated fools who do more believing than thinking. So like any other
tool there is potential for use & abuse in many sinister ways, but intelligent
people will learn to use it the most intelligent way, “to increase and intensify their
intelligence in every direction possible on the spectrum of the 8 circuits”. Humans
beings have evolved more or less to the first 4 circuits but most are still kept
locked within the first two, mainly by the dark people who've learnt the territory
of the 3rd & 4th circuits. But evolution is inevitable & quantum jumps in evolution
are possible. All circuits are usually imprinted when the circuit first activates at
points termed as 'imprint vunerability'. They are imprinted usually by instincts,
imprints, conditioning & learning . While instincts may imprint the most rigid
programs, learning imprints the most loose and changeable programs. Imprints
occur usually due to accidents of the environment at points of imprint
vulnerability. Organized Religions, Democracy, Capitalism blame the individual for
these accidents and submit them to a lifetime of 'penance' under a system under
their control. Yet there have been many occult traditions all over the east that
teach that these imprints are not permanent and definetly changeable. They also
provide methods to reprogram & reprogram each circuit to the hearts desire. But
to begin a basic understanding of the functioning of each circuit is essential.
-Oral Bio-survival System – The most primitive circuit, required by any multi
cellular organism to survive. It is imprinted at the infant stage first at birth with
the childs mouth and mother's tit and then further out exploring what is safe and
what is not. It basically programs an either or decision. Avoid the threatning or
go towards the nourishing. Associated with the oldest part of the brain, it is often
called the reptilain brain and moves in 'lightning' quick reflexes. If there is an
immediate threat to our lives, whatever reaction is predominant ( fly, faint, fight,
flatter) kicks in and we just find ourselves doing it . Money was created as a bio-
survival bond and whoever prints money seeks to control this circuit.
Fear blocks the mastery of this circuit.
-Anal Emotional-Terriotial System – This circuit evolved a little later and is found
in all vertebrates. It is imprinted at the toddler stage and is concerned with power
politics. It programs either a strong, dominating role or a weak, submissive role
based obviously on the surroundings. This part of the brain is called thalamus or
more commonly known as mammalian brain and once established it moves
furthur out to establish 'pecking order' or heirarchy with others. For this circuit,
the standard 'authoritative' role is to swell the muscles and howl and the standard
'submissive' role is to shrink the muscles and crawl away. If the first circuit is
cheifly imprinted by the mother the second is mainly imprinted by the father. As
mentioned earlier people are kept between these two circuits and usually
dominate in one depending on which was imprinted heavily.
Guilt blocks the mastery of this circuit.
--The Time binding-Semantic System – Evolved fairly recently and located in the
left brain, the third circuit handles symbols and makes a map (reality runnel)
than can then be passed on through generations. These maps may be words,
theories, tools, art, music etc. If the first two circuits can form basic animal
societies of human complexity the third circuit continuously subdivides, labels and
packages the experience to no end, adding a time binding quality to the
experience where our mental library is constantly reshuffled , reclassified and re
updated. Most people are so controlled by their first circuits that any rationalist
(third circuit master) that can instill a perceived threat to life or status with their
smooth talk can easily pervert people into false ideologies by offering them a
verbal map that will quickly relieve their anxiety. The circuity is linear thinking,
analytical and computer like and depends heavily on vocabulary, measures,
symbols etc. and its cohesiveness increases exponentially with time as newer
models are introduced faster and faster. Because of the highly unpredictable and
accelerating nature of this circuit the keepers of society establish taboos on
semantic communications to limit its development. Mastery of this circuit would
mean the ability to express spontanoeusly without attachment. Rationalists can
never master this circuit as they value their thoughts more than their instincts .
Shame blocks the mastery of this circuit.

-The moral Socio-sexual system- Evolved even more recently the circuit handles
the characteristic social role that one plays and creates a 'self' capable of playing
that role or what Gurdjieff termed fake personality. Activated at adolescence, it
sends us like any other animal bouncing around in a state of mating frenzy and
willing to put up any show to get there. However, the first signals to turn on the
system remain fixed for life and forever define an individuals sexual reality unless
reimprinted by the higher circuits. Primitive societies knowing these facts,
surround all points of imprint vunerability with ordeals, rituals or rites of passage
so that the desired traits are imprinted. Morals & taboos are conditioned on top of
this by peers and produce the gradual loyalty to the family and its ideals, and
then depending on the imprints, to the tribe , the nation states and then maybe
with ideal imprints, even the human species and our home, the living earth.
Mastery of this circuit would involve practices of tantra & celibacy.
Grief blocks the mastery of this circuit.
An infant is genetically prepared to learn any language, master any skill and play
any sex role but in a very short time imprints only those relevant to survival in
one place and status with one tribe. These four systems make up the hardware
and software for most humans at this stage of evolution.
The 4 later circuits have always appeared frequently in minorities and seem to
play a large role in our future evolution. For the clueless, these circuits can be
temporarily activated with Yogic & Shamanic practices which often involve the use
of herbs, some of which are heavily psychoactive. But their practices prove that
when used responsibly and intelligently as a tool with lots of preperation & self-
discipline, nothing can go wrong. Besides, most folks are addicted & crazy
anyway, the right drugs will help you get consiously addicted & consiously
KERRATZY!! Oh but its not for everyone as some are just not ready for change,
even if it does come spoon-fed or shot up the arm.
-The Neuro-somatic System – contained in the neuro-chemistry and neuro-
peptide/immunological feedback of the body & neurologically located in the right
side of the brain, the circuit is more commonly known by its more mystical terms
of bliss, rapture, ecstasy, faith healing, rejuvenation, regeneration etc. The
system is more recent , not imprinted in everybody and usually only later in life
by people who consciously imprint it. There common ways of activating it are
yoga, trance-induction and for those who can handle it, cannabis consumed
orally. The effects are described as sensory delight, sensual bliss, perception
enrichment etc. Negative effects of the circuit are experienced by amateur yogis,
uninitiated mystics, dope-fiends (pot-heads among others) and many
schizophrenics and include sensory unpleasantness, sensual discomfort,
perceptual distortion etc. Most shamans, mystics, yogis etc. have been through
the negative - positive neuro-somatic feedback loops. When active the nervous
system takes over as driver of the body and every moment and act is orgasmic
even though there is no conscious control. Because the neurological part exists in
the right side of the brain, until recently anyone trying to explain the state in
linear language sounded total cuckoo, but much literature exists on the science of
neurosomatics. Many already know of the modern drugs (Shulgin), vitamins,
minerals, amino acids, brain machines, and computer games that allow access to
neurosomatic states. The neurosomatic healings & highs discovered will then pave
way for precise technologies that will help in staying high and living well. The
information explosion will further unleash better neurosomatic technologies to
open the gates to the next circuit. The mastery of this circuit will give us
longevity and the art of being spontaneous deliberately.
Lies block the mastery of this circuit.
-The meta programming system– Few have managed to venture into the depths
of this circuit as John C Lilly with his isolation tanks. He said “In the province of
the mind what is believed true is true or becomes true within limits to be learnt
be experience and experiment. These limits are furthur beliefs to be transcended.
In the province of the mind there are no limits”. The thinking though, first
emerged in the west in hermetic societies through yoga and the scientific method
and grew gradually. It accelerated in the 1960's when it showed a majority of the
psychologists and neuroscientists that rapid changes in brain functioning can
indeed occur. When the drugs were banned it went into scientific areas with
isolation tanks , bio-feedback, brainwave entrainment etc. Most people thought
Timothy Leary was a nut when he said “You can change your self a easily as you
change the channel on TV.” With all the Disinfo on Leary since then, most people
still understood what he meant and that is that no single self or static ego exists.
We can meta-program a variety of selves (meta-selves), each self far more
advanced then the present self's stage. Mastery of this circuit provides higher
Illusion blocks mastery of this circuit.

-The Morphogenetic system – contain the information banks of all living beings. It
is where all the archetypes (fairies, angels, elves, goblins, monsters etc.) and all
the genetic memories of all beings are stored. The first description appeared in
the 'reincarnation' model as the shamans and yogis who imprinted this system
could only assume the flood of non-ego related information as some
trancendental ego that jumped across time from one body to another. S. Freud
and C.Jung through their research into dreams alerted others to pay attention to
non-ego information systems. Timothy Leary, Stan. Grof. & Rick. Strassman
accelerated evolution on this circuit again when information from past ages
started appearing in LSD & DMT sessions. Based on the model they used all of
them assumed that such information could only come from the genes. Enter Dr.
Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist who knew that genes could not store such
information. He went on to develop the first scientific model for the system based
on simple repetitive experiments. It theorizes, like quantum theory, that the field
is non-local i.e. the genetic information field communicates between genes but is
not found IN the genes.
It may take a very long time before we all evolve to understanding this circuit to
start using it for fun and profit. Those who have had most experience with it
agree that the information system not only contains memories of the past but
paths for a future. R.A Wilson suggests that the circuit may serve as a kind of
evolutionary radar preparing us for future quantum jumps in consciousness by
showing us records of past genetic mutations.
Attachment blocks mastery of this circuit.

-The non-local quantum system- Quantum Physics has recently come to grips
with this circuit but it has always appeared in the reports of a few shamans,
yogis and poets since the dawn of man. Parapsychology have initiated the first
scientific study but lack the operational vocabulary to make their work precise
and scientifically crisp but they generally use terminology like OBE's and astral
projection to describe the experience of the non-local self being independant of
the nervous system . Because we are still so far away in evolutionary terms from
this circuit, the experience has not yet been translated into the left-brain linear
terminology. The non local – self transcends all eithers /ors, space, time , mind ,
matter and as Buddhists say, it cannot not even be called a 'self'. The more
experienced Chinese define the experience in negative terminology like non-self,
non mind, non dual etc. People with the most experience in this circuit agree that
it is a state where everything exists as primal information. It will take quite some
time to get a scientific model of this circuit. Till then the wise words of Aleister
Crowley should be comforting. He defines the circuit as, 'The Result of subtracting
the universe from itself.”
All I have done here is show how these circuits function at a very basic level.
Mastery of each circuit can be achieved in a no of ways. The yogic orthodox path
of patanjali is a slow paced way which offers seven steps to enlightenment
namely asana, pranayama, dharna/mantra, yama, niyama, dhyana and samadhi.
Apart from this many occult & shamanic teachings are devoted to the
programming of as many circuits as can be observed. For the modern mind
though, literature and media(which i'll be happy to share) by the researchers
above should be enough.

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