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Aluminum Alloys

The American Foundry Society Technical Dept., Schaumburg, Illiniois

C ast aluminum components are used

for many varied functions, from
decorative home-owner compo-
This rear lower control arm for the automotive industry was
cast hollow with A356 aluminum alloy through a low-pressure
nents, such as lighting fixtures, to permanent mold casting process.
highly engineered, safety-critical
components for aerospace and au- ties and a complex arrangement of
tomotive applications. There are many ribs and pockets that make them
different methods and alloys that can be less suitable for casting in perma-
used to produce this wide variety of cast nent molds.
aluminum components. The choice of al- Figure 1 demonstrates the effect of
loy and casting process will play a major these various design complexities on com-
role in the procurement process, affecting ponent cost. It might be advantageous to
both component properties and cost. The redesign a casting for a lower cost process,
procurement process for such as permanent mold or diecasting.
cast aluminum parts al- In some cases, the finished compo-
ways should begin by the nent cost can be reduced by includ-
design engineers defin- ing features in the design
ing the three major fac- that will produce a near
tors that drive the quality net-shape cast part and
and cost on a cast aluminum eliminate or minimize
component—functionality (service re- casting or a semisolid casting additional costs found with
quirements), design (shape and size) and process, will be chosen. The alloy selec- post-casting processes, such as machining.
production quantity. Each of these factors tion also cannot be determined until the However, features like complexity and
will have a large bearing on the choice of component’s application and end-use surface finish or special properties can
casting method, alloy selection and cost as requirements are defined. The range of increase the cost of the casting.
well as final component quality. possible mechanical properties varies Regardless of cost, the process choice
widely because there are many alloy and might be limited because of the compo-
Functionality & thermal treatment combinations. For nent’s size. For example, sand casting may
Service Requirements example, many commercial castings often be the only process option for large or heavy
When determining how a component do not have critical service requirements, castings. Although this process typically
will function, the first question to ask is: therefore a more economical alloy and requires lower tooling cost, the unit price
what purpose will the component serve? production method can be utilized. of the castings and the finished part can be
Choosing the alloy, casting process and high (Fig 2). Permanent mold casting has
thermal treatment requires knowledge Design higher tooling cost, but the unit price is
of the service conditions of the proposed Once the function of the desired lower, particularly for higher quantities.
part, so defining the end-use functions component is determined, engineers and Diecasting has the highest tooling
and requirements is always the starting purchasers must ask questions relating to cost but also the lowest piece price on
place in the procurement of an aluminum design issues, such as size, weight and the large quantities.
casting. If high-strength, safety-critical complexity of the part. The size and design Changes from the initial design can
components are required, the number of features of the casting and available alloys improve design efficiency and/or de-
potential casting processes is narrowed, can drive the choice of casting process and crease production costs. Still, even if a
and a high-integrity casting process, such cost of the component. Sand casting often casting has a sound design for a specific
as permanent molding, premium sand is used to produce parts with hollow cavi- process, it may have a shape that is con-
ducive to distortion
during heat treating.
Such errors can be
minimized through
design changes.

Another critical fac-
tor in determining cast-
ing process selection
and cost is how many
parts will be purchased.
Permanent mold, di-
ecasting or automated
sand casting processes
can be used to produce
Fig. 1. This chart displays the effects certain design features and service requirements have on casting cost. high quantities if the


This strut fan cowl support beam for Boeing was
cast in nobake molds with D357 aluminum alloy.
The conversion from an 11-piece assembly allowed
for a 50% cost savings.

size and design features of the

casting and available alloys
are suitable. However, the
tooling for permanent mold
and diecasting can be costly,
so a large quantity would be
required to justify the tooling
costs. If low-quantity parts
and ultra-large castings are
required, the best option is
sand casting, which offers the
lowest tooling cost with the
capabilities to cast large com-
ponents multiple times.

Aluminum Casting
The specification of an
aluminum alloy for a cast
component is based upon
the mechanical properties it
can achieve. Aluminum casting properties mechanical properties and conductivity, ments, but this sensitivity can be used as
result from three primary factors: casting are affected adversely. an advantage by adding trace amounts
alloy, melting and casting operations, and Molten aluminum alloys are prone to of materials to create beneficial changes
thermal treatment. chemistry changes that can be controlled in the casting microstructure. Both grain
The properties obtained from one par- during melting and holding. The most refining and silicon modification can im-
ticular combination of these factors may not significant of these changes is the poten-prove mechanical properties in the final
be identical to those achieved with the same tial to lose magnesium and pick up iron, component. They also can act as useful
alloy in a different metalcasting facility or which can alter the mechanical properties tools to optimize properties and heat treat-
with a different thermal treating source. significantly. If the service requirementsment response to meet specific component
of the cast component demand high ma- service requirements and aid the develop-
Aluminum Processing terial properties, these reactions must bement of certain casting properties.
Molten aluminum has several charac- controlled through facility melting and During solidification, aluminum
teristics that can be controlled to maximize holding practices. freezes in long columnar grain structures.
casting properties. It is prone to picking Grain Refining & Modification—Mol- These grains will grow until they impinge
up hydrogen gas and oxides in the molten ten aluminum is sensitive to trace ele- on another grain or the mold wall. Grain
state as well as being sensi- refining is a treatment process
tive to minor trace elements. in which nucleating sites (in
Although some decorative or the form of titanium and bo-
commercial castings may have ron master alloys) are added
quality requirements that can to the molten metal to aid the
be met without additional growth of additional grains.
processing, tight melt control This leads to the creation of
and specialized molten metal more grains, which causes the
processing techniques can help grains to remain smaller.
provide enhanced mechanical With modification, a so-
properties when needed. dium or strontium addition is
Alloy Chemistry—During made to the molten aluminum
molten aluminum processing, to change the morphology
the percentages of alloying (shape) of the silicon crystal.
elements and impurities must Molten Metal Handling—
be controlled carefully. If Molten aluminum is prone to
they are not, characteristics, absorb hydrogen from mois-
such as soundness, machin- Fig. 2. The cost of aluminum casting varies with the casting process, as ture in the atmosphere and
ability, corrosion resistance, can be seen in the chart above. other sources, which can lead


to defects. Hydrogen gas can form pores This laser housing for the indus-
trial and scientific industries was
in the solid castings, and aluminum cast in A356 aluminum alloy
oxide and other intermetallic with T51 heat treatment. The
conversion from a sheet
impurities can solidify in the metal fabrication al-
castings as inclusions. Both lowed the customer to
gas porosity and inclusions augment the appear-
ance of its product.
have a negative impact
on casting quality and will
prevent castings from meet- it is best to consult with
ing high service requirements. a metalcasting facility, which can
Melting practices typically include advise on such factors as availability and
degassing with an inert purge gas to requirements. Once the casting relative cost of ingot, production costs and
remove hydrogen and fluxing to clean method is determined, the alloy choice is reproducibility of results.
the molten aluminum of oxides and other limited because not all alloys can be used Service requirements also are a key
inclusions prior to pouring. with all casting methods. Sometimes, the consideration in alloy selection. If high
alloy that shows the best properties on strength is required, heat-treatable alloys
Alloy Selection paper may have production characteristics must be used. The alloy options can be
There are a number of available al- that make it less desirable on an overall narrowed further when considering the
loys to choose from to satisfy individual basis than other eligible alloys. Therefore, remaining requirements, such as pres-

Alloy Casting Process Ultimate Yield Strength Elongation Shear Brinell Hardness (500 kg
& Temper Strength (ksi) (set .02%-ksi) (% in 2in.) Strength (ksi) load on 10 mm ball)
201.0 / A201.0 Sand & PM—T42 60 37 17.0 — —
Sand & PM—T6 65 55 8.0 42 130
Sand & PM—T7 68 60 5.5 40 146
A206.0 Sand—T4 51 36 7.0 40 —
PM—T4 62 38 17.0 42 —
PM—T7 63 50 12.0 37 —
319.0 / A319.0 Sand—F 27 18 2.0 22 70
Sand—T5 30 26 1.5 24 80
Sand—T6 36 24 2.0 29 80
PM—F 34 19 2.5 24 85
PM—T6 40 27 3.0 27 95
355.0 Sand—F 23 12 3.0 — —
Sand—T51 28 23 1.5 22 65
Sand—T6 35 25 3.0 28 80
Sand—T7 38 36 0.5 28 85
PM—F 27 15 4.0 — —
PM—T51 30 24 2.0 24 75
PM—T6 42 27 4.0 34 90
PM—T62 45 40 1.5 36 105
PM—T7 40 30 2.0 30 85
PM—T7 36 31 3.0 27 85
356.0 Sand—F 24 18 6.0 — —
Sand—T51 25 20 2.0 20 60
Sand—T6 33 24 3.5 26 70
Sand—T71 28 21 3.5 20 60
PM—F 26 18 5.0 — —
PM—T51 27 20 2.0 — —
PM—T6 38 27 5.0 30 80
PM—T7 32 24 6.0 25 70
A356.0 Sand—F 23 12 6.0 — —
Sand—T51 26 18 3.0 — —
Sand—T-6 40 30 6.0 — 75
Sand—T71 30 20 3.0 — —
PM—F 27 13 8.0 — —
PM—T51 29 20 5.0 — —
PM—T6 41 30 12.0 — 80
PM—T61 41 30 10.0 — 90
535.0 Sand—F 40 20 13.0 27 70
The table above portrays the typical mechanical properties of common cast aluminum alloys and tempers based on heat treatment cycles
and casting processes.


sure tightness, corrosion resistance • XXX.2 = ingot used to make the casting
and machinability. (having typically tighter chemical lim-
Alloy Designation Sys- its than the XXX.1 ingot designation).
tem—The U.S. Aluminum If AA alloys 356.1 or 356.2, for
Assn. (AA) monitors indus- example, are listed as the alloy speci-
try standard specifications fication on casting blueprints, they
for designating aluminum should define the chemistry of the
alloys through a numbering ingot used to make the cast com-
system known as the AA “Pink ponents, not the final castings.
Sheets.” The system designates The number XXX.0 for castings
individual aluminum metal- includes a chemistry different
casting alloys using a three-digit from the ingot specifications.
number plus a decimal, which is This leaves room for chemistry
included on casting blueprints to specify changes that can occur during
the casting alloy to be used. The standard remelting. The addition of cast-
specifies the chemical composition limits ing returns, such as scrap castings,
of aluminum alloys and the percentage This electric valve housing for Hamilton to the charge material also can alter
of each alloying element or an allowable Sundstrand is cast in C355 aluminum via the casting chemistry. The primary dif-
semi-permanent mold casting.
chemistry range. The first digit of the ference is that the XXX.0 specifications
three-digit number system categorizes allow for some magnesium loss (due to
the casting alloys by groups (or series) ac- chemistry ranges, but differ slightly burn out) and iron or zinc pickup that
cording to their major alloying elements in percentages of alloying elements or may be experienced during processing.
as seen in Table 1. impurities—such as F357.0, which has a The alloy chemistry of the final 356 cast
The balance of the three-digit num- lower minimum level and tighter range component should fall within the limits
ber identifies the various individual for magnesium than 356.0 (Table 2). of the 356.0 specifications but may not
alloys within each alloy series. For ex- These variations can determine special meet the chemical specification for the
ample, the 300 series of alloys includes casting properties. 356.1 ingot.
more than 50 individual alloys (319, 356, The Pink Sheet standard designations Final cast components also should be
357, 380, etc). Some of these individual apply to aluminum alloys in the form of properly designated. If a blueprint desig-
alloys have multiple variations, all using both castings and ingot, and the single nates 356.1 as the casting alloy, it would
the same three-digit number. These al- digit following the decimal indicates be improper to designate the final castings
loy designations include a letter before how the alloy will be used. These desig- as 356.1. Components should be shipped
the three-digit alloy designation. For in- nations include: designated as 356.0 castings.
stance, variations of 356 are A356, B356, • XXX.0 = casting; Metal Matrix Composites—Alu-
C356 and F356. This letter distinguishes • XXX.1 = ingot used to make the minum metal matrix composites (Al-
between alloys that fall within the alloy casting; MMCs) consist of nonmetallic rein-
forcements incorporated into an alu-
Table 1. Aluminum Alloy “Pink Sheet” Classification System minum matrix. Reinforcements can be
Alloy Series Principal Alloy Element continuous or discontinuous, the most
100 series alloys 99% minimum aluminum common being silicon carbide. Other
reinforcements include boron, alumina
200 series alloys Copper
and graphite fibers as well as various
300 series alloys Silicon + Magnesium, Silicon + Copper, or Silicon + Magnesium + Copper
particles, short fibers and whiskers.
400 series alloys Silicon
Al-MMCs have better stiffness, wear re-
500 series alloys Magnesium sistance and thermal conductivity than
700 series alloys Zinc base aluminum alloys. The American
800 series alloys Tin National Standards Institute specifies
(600 series and 900 series are not currently in use.) that Al-MMCs be identified as follows:
Table 2. Aluminum Assn. Standard Chemical Composition Limits for 356 Aluminum Alloy
AA # Product Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Zn Ti Others Aluminum
Each Total
356.0 S&P 6.5-7.5 0.6 0.25 0.35 0.20-0.45 0.35 0.25 0.05 0.15 remainder
356.1 Ingot 6.5-7.5 0.50 0.25 0.35 0.25-0.45 0.35 0.25 0.05 0.15 remainder
356.2 Ingot 6.5-7.5 0.13-0.25 0.10 0.05 0.30-0.45 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.15 remainder
A356.0 S&P 6.5-7.5 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.25-0.45 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.15 remainder
A356.1 Ingot 6.5-7.5 0.15 0.20 0.10 0.30-0.45 0.10 0.20 0.05 0.15 remainder
A356.2 Ingot 6.5-7.5 0.12 0.10 0.05 0.30-0.45 0.05 0.20 0.05 0.15 remainder
B356.0 S&P 6.5-7.5 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.25-0.45 0.05 0.04-0.20 0.05 0.15 remainder
B356.2 Ingot 6.5-7.5 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.30-0.45 0.03 0.04-0.20 0.03 0.10 remainder
C356.0 S&P 6.5-7.5 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.25-0.45 0.05 0.04-0.20 0.05 0.15 remainder
C356.2 Ingot 6.5-7.5 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.30-0.45 0.03 0.04-0.20 0.03 0.10 remainder
F356.0 S&P 6.5-7.5 0.20 0.20 0.10 0.17-0.25 0.10 0.04-0.20 0.05 0.15 remainder
F356.2 Ingot 6.5-7.5 0.12 0.10 0.05 0.17-0.25 0.05 0.04-0.20 0.05 0.15 remainder


Cast with A356 aluminum alloy using the lost foam process, this
verado L6 four-stroke cylinder head for a boat engine coupled
an automotive-style cylinder head with a double-water
jacketed exhaust manifold.

Us i n g t h i s
formula, a 356
aluminum alloy
reinforced with
20% SiC particu-
late would be des-
ignated as 356/SiC/20p.

Heat Treatment
Many aluminum castings meet prop-
erty requirements in the as-cast condition
and do not require further processing.
However, to improve properties and en- use of fluidized beds to reach solution
hance strength and ductility, aluminum temperature rapidly and provide for
castings often are thermally processed quicker heat treatment cycles.
by a series of heating and cooling cycles treatments are called tempers (Table 3). The benefits of heat treatment include:
called heat treatment. This thermal pro- The principal purpose for heat treating • homogenization of alloying ele-
cessing involves three basic operations: aluminum castings is to develop the best ments—this is desirable to distribute
solution, quench and age. Solution treat- combination of mechanical properties elements evenly throughout the
ment involves heating the casting to near that will meet the critical needs of the matrix, so properties in the casting
the eutectic temperature to dissolve the component application. will be uniform;
eutectic constituent and form a solid The three basic thermal operations • stress relief—residual stresses are
homogeneous solution. often are combined into heat treatment created during cooling from elevated
Following this solution treatment, cycles that provide various properties. casting and solution temperatures.
castings can be quenched or rapidly Although aluminum casting-related Heating the casting to an interme-
cooled, often in boiling water, which books offer “typical” or “recommend- diate temperature can relieve these
helps retain the homogeneous solution ed” solutions, quench and age times residual stresses;
at room temperature. A third step used and temperatures for each alloy and • improved dimensional stability
in heat treatment of aluminum cast- temper, these heat treatment cycles and machinability—changes in the
ings is natural or artificial aging, which often are varied and manipulated to microstructure can cause castings to
increases strength and hardness. Age change the mechanical properties of grow over time. To maintain tight
hardening principles also can be used to the casting to meet specific compo- dimensional tolerances during and
tailor heat treatments to each applica- nent requirements for strength and after machining, castings should be
tion. Combinations of these three heat ductility. Recent research includes the heat treated to form stable precipi-
tate phases;
• mechanical property improvement—
Table 3. Common Aluminum Heat Treatment Tempers
the greatest use of heat treatment is
Temper Thermal Processing to enhance mechanical and corrosion
T4 Solution treat and age naturally to a substantially stable condition. Natural aging may con- properties through spheroidizing
tinue slowly, particularly at elevated service temperatures, so structural stability may not be
constituent phase particles and by
precipitation hardening.
T6 Solution treat and age artificially. In castings, T6 commonly describes optimum strength
and ductility. Rarely are all of the desired proper-
ties optimized in a single casting. More
T61 Solution treat, quench and age artificially for maximum hardness and strength. This variant
of T6 yields additional strength and stability but at reduced ductility. often, heat treatment is a compromise,
T7 Solution treat, quench and artificially overage or stabilize. This temper improves ductility, maximizing some properties at the ex-
thermal stability and resistance to stress corrosion cracking. pense of others. For example, tensile and
T71 Solution treat, quench and artificially overage to a substantially stable condition. This yield strengths can be increased, but this
temper further increases thermal stability and resistance to stress corrosion cracking and results in lower elongation. Contrarily,
reduces strength. higher elongations result in lower tensile
T5 Age only. Stress relief or stabilization treatment. Cool from casting temperature and and yield strengths ECS
artificially age or stabilize (without prior solution treatment). Frequently, the as-cast condi-
tion provides acceptable mechanical properties but is accompanied by microstructural For more information, consult: “Designa-
instability or undesirable residual stresses. Perhaps the possibility of in-service growth is tions and Chemical Composition Limits for
the only constraint against using a casting in the as-cast state. In each case, the T5 temper Aluminum Alloys in the Form of Castings
is appropriate. and Ingot,” (Pink Sheets), Aluminum Assn.,
Washington, D.C.,;
Annealing Castings that have low strength requirements but require high dimensional stability are
“Aluminum Casting Technology,” American
annealed. Annealing also substantially reduces residual stress, a need in die castings.
Foundry Society, Schaumburg, Ill.; and
Annealing is a severe stabilization treatment and an elevated temperature variant of the
“Design and Procurement of High-Strength
T5 temper. Softening occurs because annealing depletes the matrix of solutes, and the
Structural Aluminum Castings,” American
precipitates formed are too large to provide hardening.
Foundry Society, Schaumburg, Ill.


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